the feeling work is the only work and the
feeling body that is me is my art
is my ultimate creation that is
always a single work in progress
with no waste and no expense it is the perfect project
is the masterpiece
as the masterpiece
the feeling work is the only work and the
feeling body that is me is my art
is my ultimate creation that is
always a single work in progress
with no waste and no expense it is the perfect project
is the masterpiece
as the masterpiece
god like me god is me
which is infinite
are one and the same
and that is nothing
and everything all at once.
it’s kind of like a puzzle
because the mind is
to thinking
to thinking
it can figure everything out
so like the puzzle
is to trick the mind
and its the mind that even
thinks its a puzzle
because it’s really not
it’s simple
it’s not a puzzle
it’s a switch
there aren’t pieces or steps
clues to figure out
or codes to crack
it’s a flip of the switch
on or off
in our out
here or there.
not dig but
allow that feeling to rise to the
the more i feel the
dried up
papier mache
crack away revealing
the creamy
death kept knocking
and i kept on saying
no one’s home
and then one day he
didn’t knock
and i wished he had.
i keep feeling like there is something i’m
supposed to be doing and
i think it’s to
feel good.
when the water isn’t moving
the essence is glass
and the mind breaks it
but without the mind imposing the brokenness
it reverts to glass
there’s no fixing of
mending of the glass
putting the glass together
there’s just the glass and then
belief that it is broken
or not
when you know it’s not broken
when the essence isn’t in pieces
then it’s glass.
my mind and heart
hold the
puppet strings and as
i elevate them
they lift
the veil.
as they rise the
veil is lifted and they rise
simply by not being weighed down
not that i lift
them but i allow them
to rise.
i’m nothing
i’m everything
and i’m certainly
not what i spend most of my time
thinking i am
i’m more than that
i’m less than that i’m none of that
i’m none of anything
detached from everything
but then what is
the point there isn’t one
train my fcous
train my attention i’m training my focus
i’m training my attnetion
i’m training my attention
my attention has value
and what i give my attention to
adds value to that thing
or gives that thing value
am i giving attention to the things
that i want to increase in my life that i want to
show up more that i want to
add weight to?
or am i giving my most attention
to things i dont want to add to
that i actually dont want a all
but by giving them attention
i give them energetic weight
which keeps them around me instead of them
drifting away
i can sink so deep that nothing
can pull me out and at the bottom
of the infinite
i feel safe i feel protected i feel
at the bottom i sink
to the bottom and when i can feel myself
struggling to come
up for air
struggling for breath
rather than trying to float to the top
i can sink to the bottom
of nothingness
unpacking he
the unconscious
unpacking life
and see
seeing it as a
all he pie
the pieces at once
realizing that all those pieces
could come together
as anything
the way that they
ahppend to come
together in this
reality they way it is
was the exact
to make
a helicopter.
don’t confuse critique
with talking shit
or hating
or black magick
is a discussion
of the
validity of the work
of art within
the world it occupies
and what other purpose would art have
than to solicit critique
to bring forth discussion?
of what it means
and what might possibly make it better
more relevant
more delicious
if art isn’t bringing forth
it’s banal.
only good art is
worth speculating
to remember
to know.
to be patient
to allow life to unfold
to not rush the worlds
to allow the word s to flow
flow effortlessly from
my hands from my body from my soul
from the beyond from the white
from the black
allow the words to pour forth
from both and just listen
become the inbetween
become both
transcend both
lift up
above black and white
where there isn’t either
and there’s always both
separate from
so grateful to know that the other side
of the wave is always just up at the top of the
hill that there’s always the other side
and you have to climb the hill to sled down it
so does that make the climbing any less an
aspect of a very enjoyable sport
and sledding is fun
and climbing the hill is part of sledding
without the climb there is now going down
and never during sledding am i like
i have to climb this hill to do that
again …
that sounds hard,
i should just kill myself instead
because climbing that hill is too hard
and i shouldn’t have to climb the hill
i should just be back at the top
so rather than just get to climbing
i’m going to sit at the bottom and whine
about it instead
and in the time i am whining about it
i could have been walking up the hill
which is really not that
and it builds up
the release
it’s fun it’s just as fun
as the sledding down in a way because
it is a part of the sport
so inherently
it is fun because the whole thing
is fun so every aspect of it
becomes fun
just accepted as part of it
neither good nor bad really
just part of it
i know the best way to
‘make progress’
is to just talk myself through it
and through awareness i am able to let go
of thought patterns it feels like
i’m always
to get there to get here
to get to the here and now
i’m always trying to get here and no
matter how HARD i try i can’t get above water
can’t feel like
i’ve made progress
and i know that trying
is what pushes it way
aways but
then what do i do then
but i know i’ts not
not bab
about oding it
it’s not about trying
it’s about the opposite
but it still feels like trying
but i guess this really doesn’t feel like trying
this feels like nice
easy conversation
allowing this feels like allowing and iknow that
is the feeling but how i do i allow
without tryig i know
i know it’s just there
but how do i get there i know i can’t
get there because it’s already here
but how
stop asking how i guess
because every time i ask how
it feels like trying but then
if i don’t ask how i feel like
i’m not doing the work i’m not
connected with god i’m not looking for
god if i’m not looking for god
how can i find it and i guess that
is the point because if i am looking for
i am looking for it making a version
where i am looking for it but
if i stop looking for it
it’s there.
it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me and i get to choose
what to
do with
my energy
with my life with the way
i see my life and
i know that nothing
is ever acting on me
it’s acting through me
and if i don’t like
don’t like it
that means that i have the
to like it
as much as i don’t like it
and as soon as i
like it as much as i
don’t like it
then poof
i don’t have a problem anymore.
i can’t
for the life of me figure out
how to release that grip
on the hose
that is preventing the
water from flowing through
but then just like that
it does flow through
definitely when i’m not trying
to let go of the hose
the hose lets go of itself
and i get distracted
by the slip and slide
then the hose is free to spray
every which way and usually
all over everything
creating quite the show but
also a mess along the way
so then i see the mess and i
immediately grab the hose and
cut it off again
relegating myself to hose
control instead
of enjoying the water rides
the other
why focus on something
that got wet and will eventually
instead of enjoying all the
fun the water is making?
and why insist on cutting off
the supply of water?
eliminating the mess, yes
but also the fun
and then what is left?
a senseless job
and a summer in the
hot sun.
my supply is my ability
to know and understand the
inner workings of
the soul.
sending a signal of
that is what life
will show me but when i
i’ll see it was right
there the whole time i was just
to look
at it
that’s all i can do is stop
its a thought its just a throught i can change
addicted to that thought
but i dont care my power is in the
i refuse to suffer i refuse and the best thing i can do to not suffer is not thinkg
just be here an now enjoy thig moment expand to fill this moemtn and foreget ther st
do it feel how i would rather feel
and choose it now and the nit is
doens’t yo
life doesn’t choose
i do
i tell life i tell life
deciding to care deciding to give my power away deciding
to give my power away and all i have to d is flip the swithc
refuse to think about that refuse to go there
that’as what i have to do that’s the only thing i can do is refuse to go
there to choose
i’m tired of caring fed up with caring and i know
i have the power to not care that is my power is i choose god
no matter what i choose god no matter what and that’s all
i can do is be with god allow god to fill me i allow
god to fill me and nothing else matters
i love the feeling
of feeling fre from the rest because i have god the rest doens’t matter id ont care i dont h=care
i dont care
i do
i dont care i dont care
i dont care
i dont care i love that i dont care
all i can do is follow my sould f
follow my passion all i can do is follow my powerison
passion and i love that
i now this id ont have to care i love
that i can be free from caring i love
that im off the roller coaster
thank you for helping me remember not to care because i went
right back to careing and
no i am free from caring so thank you for seetting
setting me free life is always flowing according to gods plan gods loving plan for me na di know his
i knwo ti ca
get to feel it here and now and i dont need anything else
i dont have to care who am i that cares?????
who am i that cares?
who am i that cares??
i refuse i refuse to feel bad i refuse to feel bad i refuse
i refuse to care i know it doenst matter
its only ever the mindits only
ever the mind its only ever the mind its only ever
the mind
i dont care im eith god i trust god i trust god i trust god i trust god i trust god
its god its
i can do it because im god i can do it
becuase im god
i can
i keep my mind and thoughts off this worlds
and place my entire focus on the god within as the only
cause of my prosperity
i want to be me i want to be the real me
i want to feel the real me i wnat to remember woh i am
i want to remember who i am i know the real me doesn’t
i dont have to care i dont have to care
that will never be my reason that
will never be it its no
never going to be it and i love that i dont htat
i know that it feel sgood to remember it it feel soog
good to remember me it feels good to remember me
i am ware
i am is
the treasure
i refuse to suffer i refuse to suffer
im blessed and i refuse to suffer i
i know who i really am i know what i really am
and its not that its not
thinking about someone else all day
that’s not me
all i need is the feeling of gosd all i need is to aks what i prefer and then it is
all i need is to ask what i prefer and then it is and its just a preactice i t its just a choie its a choic ehere and now choo
choose love in this here and now choose love in this here and now is all i can do choose
the feeling of go
god choose ho i w i ouwl prefer to feel becuase that is what drives life and i knwo it i know the power of me
and ntoihgn cna sotp me
from feeling good i wont let any anyone or anything stop me
from feeling the feeling of god the
the feeling of god ais
is lal ther eis and i get to feel it right now
i know what do i know
what do i know
i know that life follows the feeling i know that life follows the feeling i know that i can feel free now
i know that its only ever me its only ever how i feel i
and ig eto celebrage my blessings
i get to tap into the feeling i prefer i get to choose it
tath’sa ll i can do is refuse to suffer that’s all i can do is refuse to sufre
fsuffer refuse to
put my attention
refuse to le
allow anyting to take me from the god place
today i get to remember wh i am today i remember who i am
who am i
that’s in a state of consciousness
that’s creating this
i can do i can allow the rest to slip away
i can
allow myself to feel how i want to feel
that’s all it is is a feeling and life has to respond
life has to respons
and i knwo this
gratful to be here to remember to feel the feeling i feel the feeling and i know the feeling and the feeling is all there si
the feeling is all there is
it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matters
ir its me its only ever been me its only
ever been me
i dont need anything i dont need anyone
i dont care i dont care
i love tit
it doesn’t affect my connection to god it doens’t
affect my connection to go i trust god
i trust teh flow
i know that is the
isn’t the treasure
that is n’t the treasure
i am
is the treasure
i dont have to think
i never have to think
can enjoy the bliss of life without thinking
i enjoy my connection to go
and that’s all i need all i need
is god
i dont need her i dont need anything
from her i dont even
anything from her
thank you god for this life for this day for the
time and space to remember who i am thank you god for the time and space
to remember who i am thakn you god
thank you god for this day thank you god for this day
for the knowledge of you for the knowledge of you
thank you god for this day
for this day thankyou go
thank you for this day for the sun for the air for walking
for myhoop
i get o choose how i feel only
i can choose only i can know i ony i can know god ionly i can choose to know
thank you for this day for this feeling
for knowing
for the time s and space to remember who and what iam
thankyou god for everything
for the feeling of knowing for knowing that
the feeling coms frstr
comes first and then the feeling comes first
and then the rst the feeling comes frist and
then the res tand nothing can stop me
from feeling good from
celebateing life from
celebrateing life and i know i know that everion of me i know
i have to choose i have to choose
what i think i have to choose
to hink
i have to choose
only ic an choose how i feel only
i can choose whta i think or dont htink
that is life and i am always creating it i know that i am
always creating it and all i can do if eel good
feel god for myself all i can do is feel god
for myself ans day i
and i know i and say i know i know god i know the feeling
of god
i know the feeling of god i know god and that’sa ll
i can do is know god al
i can only ever know god for myself
i cano nly ever feel the feleing of god myself
the feeling of nt car
cating becains i have god t
tiehr way i hae god either wya i have god either
way and that’sa ll that matters
i choose the f
eeling fo god all i can do is fhf
choose the feeling of god that is all that
there is that
is the only thing tothin kabout tha is the only thing to consider thae t
feeling of god and i knwo this thankyou tank youf or the
feeong fo god feo for the feeling of knowing
the focus is all there is awareness of the god self
is all there is that is the only pursiu and
there’sonly one pursuit and that’s the god self
thank you for this day for the time for
and space for everything going perfectly for
everyting working out perfectly for me
for saying yes to god thank you
for allowing me to say yes to god
for everything for all the blessings in my life
thank you for
god for wall that bles
the belssingsin my life
thank you for god god thank you
god thank you thank you fo l;y
thankyou for the love in my heart for the joy in my heart for allowing joy in my hear t for allowing joy in my heart thnak you god for allowing moy in my ha
i know tis always here with me its always here aiwht me and i can calways chose to feel it i can always choose to fele the joy god
of god i can always ctr
choose to feel the joy of god
only i get to choose is that what i want is that what i want and
i know its real i nkow its real i kno that this is the only real think
thing i know the only real thing is the magic i love that i know t
his i love that we’re just getting started i love that get
to trust the magic i
that i get t to choose the feeling of what i wnat to feel
i know i know htat its me i
i know that tis al lin my head i know that its all in my
head i l
i love that i know i know that its all in
my head and i don thave to choose to think about what i dont
want i get ot choose
celebrate life i ge tto choose to dsay say thank you cho
to choose how i want to t o
to feel i love that i get ti i love that i ge tot
go back to
what manifested it go gack to what manifested it
thank you
for this feeling of for ths day
thank you god i have it all thank you
god htank you god for al l
the bel
blessings around me
thakn you god for all the blessings atound m
me thank you god for the
all the blessings around me
that i dont have tot hink a out the
rest i love that its not my problem i love that
i get ot choose to feel good and neoy the
day thank you god for everything
thank you god
for eveyrthing i loe hat
i get to say thank you that i get to
feel how i wnat to feel and life follows
i never have to think when i know when i know god is on my side
i dont have to think i nee hav
i never have to think i dont
i dont have to think when i know
i dont have to think i get to feel good
i get to chooose how i feel and know i get to choose how i feel
and know that life follows the feeling
that is thep art that is easiest to forget and
easiest to remember
that its me
and it always reflects me
i know the feeling of i remember the feeling of me i remember
that life doesn’t have a choice i do
life is always in myfavor
god is always worksing in my favor and i know this
continuously easily
and effortlessly
i love that i dont have to care i love
that i dont have to think
just trust life
just tr
trust life and it unfolds
just trust life and it
just feel just allow life
i dont have to think i dont have tothink
i ond
i kow that thinking never solves athing
that i can just say yes that i can just say
yes to what is all i can say yes
is yes to what is i know that the thorught
thoughts ruin everying
everyting life
is bliss until the mind enters
i have found the secre tto life and
can relax in the knowledger that the activity of divine abundance
eternally operating in my life
i don thave to think i dont have to think
just be and life fl
just be and life follows
just choose to know just choose to know
let the rest go and choose to know
that’s all there is choosing to know
choosing to know not
letting thoughts take me down im not going to let thoughts take me
down im
going to celebrate with god im going to be here with god saying thank you thank you saying yes please more please im saying yes please more please
i m opening my heart im opening my hearst
my heasrt is singing
my heart is open allowing loving
what i think about what i expect i know thats what creates me i know its howi
see myself i know its how i see myself i nkow
i know that its always my choice the version im
creating ine very in eery moment
i know its always my
its what i look for
its what i look ffor what what i expect how i seee myself
onl;y ever how i see myself
the version i creates
i know its
i know its only ever me i i know th
its only ever me i know its
only eber me i know i
i know its only ever me i know its what i look for i know its whta i look for i
know its what i look for
i know the truth and all i need is the r
the truth and the rest follows i know
that all i need is the truth and the rest follows
the rest follows the
rest of life follows the feeling
and life doesn’t
can’t show me
something that i dont feel likfe
life cnat show me coms
something i dont beliee
life can’t show me something i dont blieve
its what i look for its what i look for
its what
i expect i know its me its the feeling of me
that lif follows the feeling
of me life follows the feeling of me
life floo
follows the feeling of me
life follows the feeling of me
the feeling of me and i can alwys find
i know how life works i forget to
remember i forget to remember
and im only just beginning
i love that i
am only just beginning
i know how life works and theres only
one truth i know how life works nad
there’s only one i know how life works and there’s only
one truth
its a feeling of knowings
its the feeling of the truth of ce
deciding ow ot feel about myself of deciing
how to feel about life
the feeling of knwing
is all there is
the feeling of knowing the truth of life
i know the truth of life
i have found
i look for the feeling of god for the knowing of god
i look for
the love of god and allow the rest to follow
i look for the love of god
and allow the rest to follow i know its me
i know ti
its how i feel i know this i remember this
i know this one and only truth that its only ever
how i feel its only ever how i feel and then life reflects that
and i am the only one that gets to choose how i feel
only i can choose how i feel only i
can choose how i feel only i can be me only i
can choose the feeling of me only i can choose how i start my day
only i can choose how i go through life
only i can choose
how i see myself only icn choose how my day unfolds
how i feel is the only work me how i feel is
all that matters and i never have to worry
about the rest just choose how i want tofeel and life
just choose how i want to feel and life follows
this is the only work and i get to choose how i feel
this is the only work and i get to choose
hwo i feel only i can choose how i
feel only i can choose the flow of life only i can choose
god only i can choose
not to care only i can choose not to care
only i have the choice to choose how i feel only
i get to choose
how i feel only i can choose how i feel
only i can
choose how i feel
today i get to choose how i feel today
i get to choose how i feel today i get to choose how i feel
today im doing the work i know works today im doing the work i know woeks
today imdoing teh worki know works today
i feel good today i make the choicet
to feel good todayi make the choice to feel good today i
feel good today i feel good today i make the choie
for how i feell
and allow life to follow and allow life to follow
all i can ever do is feel all i can ever od
is remember that its alays me choosing how i feel its always me
choosing how i feel
only ever me its only ever me and if i wan tot esp
experience the magic of life that is
all i ever have to do that is all i can ever do is remember the magic of me
remember that life is always reflecting me
and its up to me to decide howi feleto find
a way to feel good its only ever up to me
its only ever its how i feel its howi feel
its how i feel that is life its never h
outside of me its how im creating it its howi
im looking at it its how i make the choice to see it
its me its me c
making the choice its only ever up to me its never them
its never them i know it
thi i want to enjoy life
i know its up to me how i feel how the day goes its up to me
its up to me to feel good and have a good day
its up to me ho i feel how i decide to see life
itsup to me
to me how i deicde
its up up to mehow i decide to approach life
howi see life
is feel how i want to feel and not think
it ill never think it into existence
the magi c
is ther eand and ten then thinking pushies i
pushes it away
its me its only ever me and i get
to choose the focus the wareenss
of good
god i ge tto choose the awanress of god i love that
i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it i it i love that
i get
i kow the flow the feeling of the flow
feeling of the flow the feeling of the flow
i know god i know the magic life
i know the magic life
i know
the magic life i know the magic
i know the awareness i know the
feeling of awareness i know the magic life i know the magic life
the feeling of god is all there is
the feeling of god is all there
is and all that matters
is how i feel if i find a way to feel good
if i find a way to feel good about it
find a way ot feel the way i want to fele
and that’s all i can eer
ever do
for this moment for this day for this life for
this feeling thank you for this feeling
feeling that i always have access to this feeling that i always have access to
thank you for me for the real me thank you for the
real me thank you for
thank you for this day
for this day thank you for this moment for this feeling that i
get tl feel always for this feeling that
i get ot feel always
thank you for the sun
thank you for this feeling for knowing
thank you for knowing thank you for knowing
thank you for knowing
you for the feeling of knowing thank you
for the thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you for the feeling for the focus
for always remembering the focus
for always having the foucs
here with meand im so grateful i get to feel
it i m
so grateufl i get to feel it im
i get to feel it here and now i get to feel it
here and now thank you
you for the feeling of awareness i get to feel the
feeling of awareness
the feeling of knwoing is
all there is the feeling of knowing is
all there is
the feeling is all there is the
the feeling is all there is the
feeling is all there is the feeling of thank
wehn i picture it
it is
when i picture it is and i love that
i getot choose it i love that i get ot be it i love
that live
life is always showing me what i am i love
that i know this
its only ever me its the feeling of me its only ever the feeling of me
its only ever the feeling of me
and i know that i know that i nkow that its only
e er the feeling ofm e i know that its only ever
the feeling of me
i know that its only ever the feeling of me
its’ only ever the feeling
ofme ts only
ever the feeling of me
its me its the feeling of me
its the feeling of me
it the feeling
of me
its the feeling of me its onlly ever me its whatever i see whater
its me its how i feel its how i feel its
how i feel
its how i feel its the feeling
of me its the feleing of me its the feeling of me its the feeling of me
its the feleing of me its only ever
the the feeling the focus the focus on
the feeling the god seld the
god i
self s the is the one an donly sourc
the god self is the one
and only soure of
anything life is always happening
life is the peripherty
the real thing is in the
inside in the middle
in the infinite middle
in the infinite now
im so grateufl i know im
so grateful we both know
to know to know the secret to life i have
found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance i
is eternally operating in my life
i now aware i am now in the flow
awareness is all there is awreness is all
that matters celebrating yes is all ther e
is celebrating god is all there is
is all there is is
all ther eis
is the foucs
is the focus is the focus
the feeling is thefocus
the feeling is all there is and the mind
the mind isn’t it i know that the mind isn’t it i know that the mind
isn’t it i know that the mind isn’t it i
the mind isn’t it the mind isn’t it the mind
itsn’t it it tht emind
the mind isn’t it
the mind idn’t it thae mind isn’t the center the mind donesmnt ;make life
feelings do the feeling make life and its esay for me to come back to the ffocus its esay for me to come back to that focus its easy for me to come back to that
focus a
to rememb eht god self the gd self is all ther eis the
god self is al lthere is love is all ther is
whic hsi the feeling of knwoign god of awareness awareness is all there is
how i feel is all there is how i feel is all ther eis
is the only differnece that is in the only differnece its
how you see yourself its how you
you see yourself its how you i see myself
its how i see myself that’s ai
is all that matters how i see is myself
myself is hwo i am how i see myself
if how
how i see myself is
who i am
i don thave to care oub
anything just feel the feeling of me
just feel the feeling of me just
fel the feeling of me is all there is just feel
the feeling ofme is
is all there is
awarness is all there i is knowing that
knowing that i know htat i make it i make what i see
i make what i see i think it then it is
i know this i knwo this
i feel it then i see it andth
this work ehlips me remember theres no
reason not ot do it
it alwys helps it always helps me foucs
it always helps me focus
remember the focus
remember who i wm
remember who i am remembe who i am and i know that
ive come a long way i feel the practiceof it i
i feel how good the pra
i feel the practice of it i feel
the focus i feel the focusand
i feel the focus and
i f
am so gratufl life led me here i love htati get ot
feel it that iget to say thnak yo
thank you
that i fg
get to feel the feleing of thank you that
i get to feel how i wnat to feel
that i get to focus on
feeling beter
enjoying life
feeling safe to love and be vulnerable
to look at myself and see myself
and be better for my partner and my people
thank you fog
god for blessing me for shining on me
for showing me the way flor
for showing me my the
im so grateful i now i kn
im so gratufl i know i nkow that life
is good its meant to be that way i know that is however
i see it i know that life i sho
is however i
see it
its me its me its the god self
its wharever i see and i know the power of me
its whatever i see and i know the power
of me
there is o limit
to how good ican
i can feel there’s no limit to how i good i can feel theres
no limit ot how good i can
feel there
ther’s no limit to how goodi can feel ther’s
limit to how good i can feel i know thsi
i know this
i knowt
the feeling of me
i know the feeling of me i kno wthe energy
of god i celebrate the energy i god i say
thank y
thank you for the energy of god
of not thinking of knowig
of feeling and knowing of feeling and knowing
celebrating and knowing
feeling love and knowing
i know the feeling of knowing and i nkow that
is all thete is that is all there is
the feeling precedes everything and it is everything
how i feel about life what i expect how i
expect to feel how i choose to feel
how i continue to feel the feeling i project
i know its only ever me i nkow its me
sending the signal to life and then life creates is
it i know the power of me i celebrate the power of me
i know its the power of me i know tis onl y ever the
feeling of me i know the powre of the feeling i now that the
feeling creates evertyhign that all i ever have to sto
to do is stop and ask
how do i prefer to feel and
that i get to choose how i feel i always get to
choose how i feel here and now i always
get to choose how the
next phase of my life is going to feel i get to choose the
version i pre
i want i get to
decide what i want to focus on
i get to decide what to focus on the
feeling i wnat to
bring forth the
energy i send to life i get to choose every morning the
energy im giving life the energy im giving life today and
i now this i nwo that
life loes me that life whatn
wants to flow perfeclty through me i knwo that
god is always flowing perfectly through me
i know the power of the focus
of the attention to the attention to attention i know its only
me and i now is so easy to remember to come back to this
feeling to remember to just
deicde wh
to just deicde what i would prefet
to fele instead
to just decie what i pre
would prefet ot feel in
instae d
instead and that is the magoc o life
magic of life it feel sogod to fla
to get t
bakc to the magic of life it
feels good to remember the feeling of me
to get t
back to the feeling of me it feels good to get back to the feeling of me
to get back to the
feeling of m
its so easy to remember its so esay to
fele the way i wnat to feel and then trust it
trust life and trust the unfolding of life is so
its so esay to trust the fu
unfolding of life its so esay to
trust the unfolding of life ot tust the energy of life to trust the feeling
to trust the focus to trust the magoc
of me to
to know
to knwo to nkow the magic of life to know the truth ofl ie
to know that life only ever relfects me and i nkow this
i know i know the poewr omfe o know
i nkow that life is always unfolding i know that i can always choose
the feeling of knowing that life is on my side
and i know that life is so much for
more fun in the flow
so grateful i know god i know the flow
i know that i can always come back to god i know that i can always
always come back to god i know that i can always come
back to god i know that i can always
come back to god i know that i can
always come back to the feeling of god of trusting god of knowing
god of living as god i can always come back to the feeling
of knowing of
im god of enjoying life as god i can always
come back to enjoying life as god and i love
taht i get to i love that i get to enjoy life i love that i
get to tfele the feeling the feeling of enjoying life
the feleing o fknog
of knowing the feeling of not getting oto
too involve
i get to do this
i get to feel the feeling here and now its always
a chance to use the magic
its always an opportunity
to use the magic is always
its always an opportunity to
use the magic its always an opportunity
to use the magic to feel the feeling o
i prefer life
every piece of life is a chance to feel the feeling i prefer
how do i awn
want to feel and that’s all there is
how do i want ot feel and that’sa ll there
is its tufn
fun to enjoy life to en
see how good i can feel to c
see how much good i can allow
its fun to see how much good i can allow is
kind of hard
to rmember but its esay
once you remember just remember
every time to ask yourself
how you wnat to feel
its so esay
trust it its so esay
trust it make the the l
make life god y
god your way
life flo
follows the feeling life follows the enregy
and i love that i now this i lwo
i l
i know this
i know h
i know ho life works i nkow i know
ive see it all the time i seee it
all the time little
instances and that can be more when i focus i know
what i focus i see it more when
when i lookf oro
for the miracles theyre there and i nkwo this
this is
htis is thei only work tis all starts with the feeling
and then life floll
follows focus on the feeling and
life follows i
it has to it has to it has no choice
that is ahow life li
works feel good knowing thatl ife
will reflect that
and im so grateufl to remember
to get back to it
thank you to life for that
the contrat
contrast that brought me here to remember the one and only simple
firsat you become it then you see it