
the feeling work is the only work and the
feeling body that is me is my art
is my ultimate creation that is
always a single work in progress

with no waste and no expense it is the perfect project


is the masterpiece


as the masterpiece

god like me

god like me god is me
which is infinite

are one and the same
and that is nothing
and everything all at once.

here or there

it’s kind of like a puzzle
because the mind is


to thinking
to thinking
it can figure everything out
so like the puzzle
is to trick the mind
and its the mind that even
thinks its a puzzle

because it’s really not

it’s simple

it’s not a puzzle

it’s a switch

there aren’t pieces or steps

clues to figure out
or codes to crack

it’s a flip of the switch
on or off
in our out

here or there.

the more i dig

not dig but
allow that feeling to rise to the
the more i feel the

dried up
papier mache
crack away revealing
the creamy




when the water isn’t moving

the essence is glass
and the mind breaks it

but without the mind imposing the brokenness

it reverts to glass

there’s no fixing of

mending of the glass
putting the glass together
there’s just the glass and then

belief that it is broken

or not

when you know it’s not broken
when the essence isn’t in pieces

then it’s glass.


my mind and heart
hold the

puppet strings and as
i elevate them

they lift
the veil.

as they rise the
veil is lifted and they rise

simply by not being weighed down

not that i lift
them but i allow them

to rise.

none of that

i’m nothing
i’m everything
and i’m certainly

not what i spend most of my time
thinking i am

i’m more than that
i’m less than that i’m none of that
i’m none of anything
detached from everything
but then what is
the point there isn’t one

Energetic Weight

train my fcous
train my attention i’m training my focus

i’m training my attnetion
i’m training my attention
my attention has value
and what i give my attention to

adds value to that thing
or gives that thing value

am i giving attention to the things
that i want to increase in my life that i want to
show up more that i want to

add weight to?
or am i giving my most attention
to things i dont want to add to
that i actually dont want a all

but by giving them attention
i give them energetic weight
which keeps them around me instead of them

drifting away


i can sink so deep that nothing
can pull me out and at the bottom
of the infinite

i feel safe i feel protected i feel


at the bottom i sink
to the bottom and when i can feel myself
struggling to come
up for air

struggling for breath
rather than trying to float to the top
i can sink to the bottom
of nothingness

the one that took that helicopter

unpacking he
the unconscious
unpacking life
and see

seeing it as a




all he pie
the pieces at once
realizing that all those pieces
could come together
as anything

the way that they
ahppend to come
together in this
reality they way it is

was the exact

to make

a helicopter.


don’t confuse critique

with talking shit
or hating

or black magick

is a discussion
of the

validity of the work
of art within
the world it occupies

and what other purpose would art have
than to solicit critique

to bring forth discussion?
of what it means
and what might possibly make it better

more relevant
more delicious

if art isn’t bringing forth

it’s banal.

only good art is
worth speculating


to be patient
to allow life to unfold
to not rush the worlds
to allow the word s to flow

flow effortlessly from
my hands from my body from my soul
from the beyond from the white

from the black

allow the words to pour forth
from both and just listen

become the inbetween

become both
transcend both

lift up
above black and white

where there isn’t either
and there’s always both

separate from



so grateful to know that the other side
of the wave is always just up at the top of the
hill that there’s always the other side

and you have to climb the hill to sled down it
so does that make the climbing any less an
aspect of a very enjoyable sport
and sledding is fun

and climbing the hill is part of sledding
without the climb there is now going down
and never during sledding am i like


i have to climb this hill to do that
again …

that sounds hard,
i should just kill myself instead
because climbing that hill is too hard
and i shouldn’t have to climb the hill

i should just be back at the top
so rather than just get to climbing

i’m going to sit at the bottom and whine
about it instead
and in the time i am whining about it
i could have been walking up the hill

which is really not that

and it builds up
the release

it’s fun it’s just as fun
as the sledding down in a way because
it is a part of the sport

so inherently

it is fun because the whole thing
is fun so every aspect of it

becomes fun

just accepted as part of it

neither good nor bad really

just part of it

am i really doing the work or just saying i’m doing the work

i know the best way to
‘make progress’

is to just talk myself through it
and through awareness i am able to let go
of thought patterns it feels like

i’m always


to get there to get here
to get to the here and now
i’m always trying to get here and no

matter how HARD i try i can’t get above water
can’t feel like

i’ve made progress
and i know that trying
is what pushes it way

aways but

then what do i do then
but i know i’ts not
not bab
about oding it

it’s not about trying

it’s about the opposite
but it still feels like trying
but i guess this really doesn’t feel like trying

this feels like nice
easy conversation
allowing this feels like allowing and iknow that
is the feeling but how i do i allow
without tryig i know
i know it’s just there
but how do i get there i know i can’t
get there because it’s already here

but how

stop asking how i guess
because every time i ask how
it feels like trying but then
if i don’t ask how i feel like

i’m not doing the work i’m not
connected with god i’m not looking for
god if i’m not looking for god

how can i find it and i guess that
is the point because if i am looking for

i am looking for it making a version
where i am looking for it but
if i stop looking for it

it’s there.


it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me and i get to choose
what to
do with

my energy
with my life with the way
i see my life and

i know that nothing
is ever acting on me

it’s acting through me
and if i don’t like

don’t like it

that means that i have the
to like it
as much as i don’t like it
and as soon as i
like it as much as i
don’t like it
then poof

i don’t have a problem anymore.

The Back Yard

i can’t

for the life of me figure out
how to release that grip

on the hose

that is preventing the
water from flowing through

but then just like that
it does flow through

definitely when i’m not trying
to let go of the hose
the hose lets go of itself
and i get distracted

by the slip and slide

then the hose is free to spray
every which way and usually

all over everything

creating quite the show but
also a mess along the way

so then i see the mess and i

immediately grab the hose and
cut it off again

relegating myself to hose
control instead
of enjoying the water rides

the other


why focus on something
that got wet and will eventually


instead of enjoying all the
fun the water is making?

and why insist on cutting off
the supply of water?

eliminating the mess, yes
but also the fun

and then what is left?
a senseless job
and a summer in the

hot sun.

as long as i am

sending a signal of


that is what life
will show me but when i


i’ll see it was right
there the whole time i was just

to look
at it

the work works

the focus works the focus works the
focus works the focus works the paying atteniton to
the version i am creating and i know its its me
its always me i know that god is on my side and

that is the focus i know that god is on my side and that is the focus
i know its i
eay easy to chose whre i focus i love
that it doens tmatter i love tha ig et ot be happy no matter what i love
that i re
get to rmember the poer of god the focus of foc sna dn do
the only work tha tmattersi
get to do the ownly the only work

its always me its never the m
its always me its neve them its neve the
her its not her nothing is real i knw that nothing is real its all
a reflectongo fme i and i now thit si g
get to choose to enjoy my life
i get
to chooe to enjoy m ylif e
i ge tto choose
to enjoy m life

i get to choose the focus i ge tto choose me
i get to choose the focus the one
and only focu on how i w
would prefer to feel a

tha’ts all i have to do
catch myself w

and say is that what you want and know that its never outside
of mi know for a fact its never outsid eof me a
nd it
that i get ot cnh
choose to nejoy my life

the focus on how i wou d
prefer to feel what i want the focus on what i want and knowing that its only
ever me its never outside of me and that’s all there is

that’s all there that’s the one and only truth and
that’s the only thing

the only knowledget aht will ever change anything
and im so gateful i know that i ge tto relase

everything and just allow life i get to allow life i get to say thank you for my life
i get to be me i ge tto find myself again i get to find myself again

and be the real lme i love that i don thave to car ei love that
i know life reflects me i ol
love that i know that i me the only one feleing
the feeling of me creating my life and i get to feel good about my life
i get to fele good abou t
my life

i love feeling confident i love not
caring i loe that i nkow
it doesn’t matter i love feling confient in myself
i loe feeling flirtacisous
i love that i dont care i love the feling of not caring

this work is all there is

ther feeling is all there is the feeling
is all there is the source
the source of everything is me the source
of everything is me na di

it always feels better to knwo its alays
feels better to align with the magic of life to align with the magic
of life to align with the magic of life

to align with the maigc of life to align with
the magic of life to ta
align with life to allow life to say yes t

i know the real magic of life knwo the i know the eral maigc
of life i nwo that all of life comes from the

the source of attention the source of life is the source ofa atentoin i knwo this i know thiere is nothing no separate i kno
there is no separate self i love that iknow this love

its never them

grateful for home for our house for my office
for my equipment
to feel better in class in to be the one who caocahc
for iced coffee that i get to just get a new bag


thank you for this day
for feeling good for feeling god fel
tfor the feeling of god to know that i
get to choose it thank you for the

for the focus for
the focus on the feeling for ger
feeling good about myslfe!!

this feeling is all thre is this
feeling is all there is and i’ll never find
it any other way then looking right at it
and remembering its always there

it’s only ever how i want to fele
how i wnat to see my life how i make
the choice to see my life
the choice i make to create my life how i create my life

all that matters is how i create mit

its’ only ever me and i’m god its only
ever me and im the creator of me
what do i prefer instaed
andthen just keep createing that just keep creating that
instead of constantly

creating what i dont want and that’s all i can
ever od that’s all i can ever do

thaknyou for the coffee for our house that its ours and we get to stay
and that it was meant to be

so grateufl i get to choose it now
i know the feeling of it and that i
ge tto choose it now that i
will always be the source of it
i know that its never them its always me i am
always the source of what i seek
i know
that its

up to me to keep my power here with me

i keep my power iwth me i choose how i fele i choose
how i feel no one else

decides that for me

i decide howi feel i decice how
i look at life and that’s all it is just how i’m
looking at life i look for

what aways ways to fel good
to enjoy the day
i look for ways to enjoy the day

i praise in adnace i say thank you in advance i know everything is in my favor i knw i can give love withoout needing anythign first or in return i can give love with no

fear because i know that life always refelcts me i know that when i choose the feeling
life changes when ichoose love life changes when i choose how iw ant to fele
life changes

its alays me creating it its always me choosing what i look for

what do i knwo i know that life
oringates from the souce of me that i
get ot choose it no one else chooses th
it that id ont have to care that i g
get ota fee how god feles no matter what
that i get to choose not ot care
that i get to cho
jsut withness
nwithness that i get to d othei this work the only
work because it maters
how i feel matters nad i know im good at this
i know my
power i know my power i know i
my power i know my power

the work always works

the devotoin the devotion to seld to
to the truth to the truth to the one and only truth the devotoin
to the one and only truth
always work s

the truth is always true and the more i focus on what i know
on leaving the mind behind the more i focus
on leaving the mind behind the better i feel
the more i give to live the more
life responds when i choose hw i to fele
when i choose what i want to see in my life

when i choose what i want to see

when i dont create problems when i let everything slide when i jsut
enjoy life when i just en joy life

the work always works

the focus always works the focus on
the god self always works and that’s all there is
all there is is one world
gods world god feeling gods


i know what do i know i know that the feeling precedes everything
i know that laife is good i know that

i know that life loves me that god loves me that i can
celebrate gods love here and now
so grateful to get to do this work
to trut the flow to trust the feleing

forget the outside world

and focus within
is all i can do i know that sending the
attention outward is a tension and i know it
doesn’t matter

all i’m seeking is the relief of security
the relief of feeling loved and appreciated and accepted

so grateful i get to live this charmed life so grateful
for the space between

thank you for the time and space
thank you for the time and space thank you
for my life thank you for time with my wife

thank you for the slience

thank you for the easy and flow

i know god loves me

part of is is im bored
i need ot just find something to do

something else to focus on and that ehlps s omcuh

so grateful my life is blessed
so grateufl nothing is missing
that id ont

don’t need a thing fromanyone
that i can accpet life that scan
say yes to tlif etha t

i get to be the one tofocus within
adn a

and allow life to funfold that i get t
get t the on
focused within just focus on myslef
i knwo that tis just a ang up and ;i know the bh
better it gets i know tis me i know i choose life

and life follows i choose life li
choose love and life follows an di knwo i can
i know tis

i knwo

that’s all there is that’s all there is life is bliss life is bliss
life is bliss life is bliss life is bliss and i get t cohose
ti nwo iget to choose it now i get to choose it now i get to

choose it now i knwo its just a

an an ex
outpicturing of a lack mindset

thank you god for everything
thanks god gof

for everythin i alrady have it all id ont need anythign else
what do i wnat to spedn itme to get validation
to feel good to fele loved to feel loved to get love to let

have love
looked into my eyes
to have love looked into my eyes

bu i know life an
cna only reflect me i know tis all made up i know that
im ka

making that up im making that up andi cna
make up somehting else
i can choose to make up something else

that is my power

she is the the
thing the thin g

i think i need but its just
thing outside o fme what i really want is
the real me

is the real me is to enjoy life is to jump into life is to jump
into life to feel good now in life
to feel good now to feel my powre
to know

i dont need a thing from yo j
and i dnot have to care i dont need a thing
form you and i don thave to care

i love that i nkow i love that i know

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally active in my life

i love that i ge tto celebrate it i ove that
get to feel it i love that i
i ge tot fele good i love tha ti

i get ot feel good i love

that i get to

to feel good that i get to

feel good that i get to trust o

god the
hat i feel confident in god and tha’s all

it ever is and the work always works the
devotion always works its the devotoin


it doesnt matter it never hm
mattersw what is happending and i know this
it feels good to break through to finally break through
to allow myself to love through god to allow god to love through me to allow god to love through me ot get out of the way and allow god to

do the love allow go to do the inet
interactin g
allow god to

allow god to allow god to allow god to

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

im looking i didnt wnat it and i
now im looking for it because i think its missing but nothing is ever missing

nothing is eer missing
i know this i knwo this i knwot his work works and just


the focus onthis for aa little bit

always helps me remembe who ia m

grateufl to feel good to catch a wind to believe in myself to belive in god to

know god ot know god to knwo god god

to know

for sure how life works

the divine presence

i am

is the source and substance of all my good

i love that id ont have to care i love the
energy of me i love the energy of me i love that i dont care
because i fha
have the feeling of me the feeling of god knowing

nothing matters i have the feeling of god
thats all i need

the divine presence i am

the past doesn’t exist

the future doesn’t exist

life is
here and now life is here and now
and im free im free as me as the god self me im free im happy in;

in my ilife in
im happy in my life i now taht life is good i knwo that life is good i knwo taht im blessed im

celebrating how blessd i am thank you god for everything
thank you god for evert

the divine presence i am
is the soru

source ans substance of al lmy good

nothing outside me matters

the divine presence

i am

is the source and substance

of all my good

i started singing
i started clapping
i started dancing

i startaed singing
i started clapping
i started dancing

god loves me god loves me god loves me
life loves me life loves me life loves me life
loves me

i need to find something different

i need to get my ind off that i need to train my mind away from that i know its a
havit of thinking i know its just a new havit

its just an old habit
and ican

can get addicted ot a new thought i can get addicted to a new thought

i can get

i need a change i ned a switch i need something iddffere

i njow life is always bliss i knwo that life is always bliss ist just
up to me not to keep thinking the same thoguths let the same

stale ass thougths god and
god and allow god toflow itn’

i have to i have to find a sawy
a way i have to find aw way to feel the feeling first and i know

i have to releaes i have i i release i let tit go it wil lnever be that it will neve be that
its only eber me and i choose it i choose life i choose
life ic hoose to day i choose life to dya
i choose life itoday

i choose life today i

just let it go and i knw i can
i know i can i kno can get there i know i can ahve a good day

i knwo who i am i kno

i know there’s no tention life is always bliss blife is always bliss life is always bliss life is always bliss life is always bliss life is always bliss life is always bliss

life is always bliss i knwo this


what do i know what do i know what do i know
i know its all me i know that life refelcts me i nkow that iknow tis tiem to stand up to my thougths inkow that its doesn’t matter i know that it never willi love that
i can let it go easily i cnachoose my pown power that i can choose my power and i love that ige tto i love that life helps me choose i love that life helps m e hoc
ch choose i love that life helps me choose i love
that tis easy to chosei love that i dont have to can
i love that
i get to

what do i know

ease is my natarual state god is my natureald state love
is my natural state

do i knwo what do i know i knoe that

thinking can make me feel bad i know that
when you know you dont have ttho

to htink and that’s all there is i knwo tis me
i now i know its me when you dont

when you know you don thave to think when you know
you don thave to think
when you
know you dont

have to think i know that life i loves me
i kno that life m im looking outside of me i now that im just bored andi need
to do something occupy my time

the work alawys works
life is always bliss

life is always bliss life is always

life is always bliss without the mind and i know thie
adn the more i the more i practice it the beter life is i knwo this i knwo that life is always
bliss i know that life is always bliss
without hte midn
let the mind go dna its eay tolet it go to not creat that verison to let it go

to just not care i dont have to care id on
dont have to caer

i don tneed anythignfrom anyone

life is always bliss without the mind life
is always bliss without hte ind
and i don tnedd
need anyting
from anyone


life is always bliss and i nkow this
i know nothing matters i know its in my mind
i know its all mad up made up no matter whats happening its made up

life is always bliss
life is always bliss
and that’s all thre is to know that’s all ther is to knw
i know this i know that life is always bliss i nkwo that life

is always blss i get to co
choose the bliss no one else i get to choose it
its mine b

god made it for me god made it for me
and i nkow it i now the feeling of bliss
i loe that feeling of doing hte owrk for m e
i love the feling of
doing the work for me

life is always bliss and i never
need anything outside of me i dont need anything
outside of me to feel good
to enjoy my life do

i dont need anything outside of me to feel good i
dont need anything outside of me
to feel good

thank you

so grateufl we never have to wrry
that we ahve everything that we naever have to wrry
toat we get to trave a
in good east that
sesats that woe dont have to wor that we get to enjoy life that i can always finda saw

a way

that god loves me that
we have more than enough
that we’ll always have more than enough
and i nkow this

it dons’t matter

i’m here i have a good life im blessed beyond blie

belief im blessed beyond belief i don thave to care
about anything else and im
so grateufl t
onot have to care

i’m blaess

im blessed beyond belief i kwo that feeling i seek
isnt’ outsie of me i know that feeling i seek is not
outside of me

life is always bliss life is always
bliss bli
life is always bliss

until the mind comes life is always bliss

so grateufl i get to do waht i want
that we get to tay that we get to stay in our house
that we dont have to share the drivewya
that no one is down there that is
our s
that we get to do what we want
that gew

we get to say th

so grateufl ro wht i alreayd have so graetufl for what i ahve so grateufl i knwo the feeling of me tho
of the power of me so grateufesl

grateful for the time and space to do the work

what do i know

i know therej’s not problems in gods plan i now its only
ever me creating it i know that
i know its all me i knwo tsi al my creatoin i know its what i look for i knwo that the
real feeling i seek is in god its never outside of me its never outside of me its right here and that’s

i never have to look any further than this moment and i know that to be fact
i know tis not out there the feeling i seek isn’t out there its right here and no
i get to choose it here and now mo
no matter what

whatever it is you wnat
look for it whatever it is you want
look for it
whtaever it is you wnat look for it i and i know this i knwo
creteas i know expectation creates and i nkwo the geame

what do i know i know my power but i dont
use it i know mky

power but i dont use it i know my powre by
but i dont use it

i know everything is perfect

i know life loves me i nkow life loves me
i know life loves me i kno
i know this work works i know this work works

what do i know i now i never have to wonder i know i never have to wonder
i know im getting what im
i want and ididn’ thave to try thank you god for everything

for getting my life back for having good days every day
for feeling good now for the turmeric

for a court near my house
we alredy have a court
we already have one i know this i now its
already is im so grateful fro the space the space i wanted

what do i know what do i know?
i know that god is lavish

UNFAILING abundance
i know that everything is always in
our favori know that everything is
in our favor i know that life is in
our favor i know that life is perfect right now i know that
evering is in my favor i knw that life is good i knwo that life is

i dont i know i don thave think
i know i nkow i don thave to care iknow that my mind
and attention are just defaluting there but they can cd
default ot anywher
i knwo tthat i get to celebrate life i i know thatl ife is good i l
i know that life life is good no matter what
i know that life is good no
matter what i now i get to choose lust for life i
i get to choose lust forl ife i love that i get to i love that i get to i love
that i get to i love that
i get tofeel the feeling of fo of god that god is the druge

i get to feel the feeling of god that i get to choose to feel
the way i prefer that
i get to choose how i feel tha i get to refuste to suffer that
i get to
that i get to that i

get to choose how i feel how wyould i prefer to feel what would i prefer to feel what would i prefer tofele
andi know that the
feeling i missi is
is god is trugin life is saying yes thank you is saying ye sthank you
is knowing
life iw
is working out for me yes thank you

hwy am i here to feel the god self to feel the
god self to release the doubt to releaes the lookoiut
outside ofme i know its not out there it
never out there is
its right here is
its in the peace with the heere and now its in the peace
with the here nad now

why am i here to do the only work the focus
work do t
to do the work the focus work to focus
on how i want to feel to asmite
admit that this work towkr
works to do this work for me to do this
work for me

i’m here to do the only work to choose the feeling now to be aware of the choose i choose every
moment tevery time i choose that thought i make it ture
eery time i choose that thought i make it truat
i know ths i know this is this is fact i know this this is fact i knwo that
alife is always going my way i trust thei
this here and now
is the only feeling

expanding into thei mosmon is the only feeling expand expand to fill this moment

i’m here to focus
‘m here

to let it go i’m here to remember where to focus
here to remember where to focus
to remember where to focus im here to f
remember what is is the treasure
i am

is the treasure

i’m here to foucs to rmeember the focus to remembe
its not outside of me and whats happening doesnt affet m
me ic hoose how i feel i choose ow i feel and then it is
i choose

how i feel and then it is and im
so grteufl to get to remember that to have the time
and space to to have the

i’m here to remember everyting
that i know and ti know ths this work ehlps
this work is the only work this iwi
work is the only work and i
its on
only thing therere ever is i love that i now ths i
ilove that i now iam god that i cretated that
everything is alreyd perfect i love that
life is perfecti love that
i get to celerate
it i love that life is perfect i love
we get to celebrate it i love that i ge tto todro
that compltely i love

that nothing matters that only right now mattre
matters i nkow that
only right now matters and i am here and now
i know the truth i love hat i
ive let the go i love the feeling of letting it go i love
making the choice to not care ot know that god takes care
of me to say thank yoj my life
is perfect

the focus is all there is the focus
its’ mu up to em to crates
create it iit whatever i want

its whteve ri wnat i kno its whatever i want
tis whtaever iw ant its whatever i see whatever
i believe in and i know that and its a mattter
of the focus here and now and
chooseing the feeling and knowing my power choosing
the feeling and knowingmy powre
choosing the feeling and knowing my power nad its

its so m;uch ofr mor fun
to choose the version iprefer
the version ip refe i tis tis so much
more fuc to have the time and space
to focu on
focus on my power and use it
to focus on my power
and use it its so much more fun to use my power

only i can choose

to embody my power ot say thank you for my power
to feel my power to cle
celebrate god to celebrate god only ican say
thank you
thank you only i can

feel the power of me celebrate the power of me only i can celebrate the
power ofme only i can feel the power of me

the power of me and i know it i know it
and i nkow the work works the works helps me feel close the
work hleps me fele

how do i want to fele that
and tha’ts the secret ot life
how do i want to feel and that’s the secre to life

i celebrate the feeling of me i celebrate the
feeling of me the feeling okn
knowing the feeling of knwoing the feeling of


thta its always my choce
the that when i choose it it is that
wehn i choose life life chooses me when i throw myself into life

life chooses me

the best part is not caring

is knowing i dont have to care is knowing
i dont have to think the best part is getting out of the habit of
the best part is
getting out of the habit of thinking
of stopping the thinking
because that’s what im creating i get to decide i get to

the best part is doing me is
feeling good no matter what the
best part is not careing is refusing to suffer
is being the practive

practice is not