which means that it’s really easy to
turn the awareness toward what i want
to embody the version i want it only takes
a split second not even a day
i can already feel the effects of making this
work my number one priority
when i woke up i felt refreshed
calem i
calm i feel calm i this
here and now i feel calm in this
here and now becuae
i am practicing feeling calm i make the choice
to practice hte the thoughts i want the feelings
i want becaue i a
i am using those tools to create and iknow that’
that is all there is in creation there
is energy
i love doing this work and feeling the
energy and remembering that
this is
is the only work i love that i know this
is the only work and i
never have to struggle just
all i can ever do is feel and send the
this signal this signal this
signal this signal it
it feels good to feel the feeling the
signal the signal of love this signal of
love and to be brave enough to send it
and love myself it feels good to \
to love
it feels good to love me it feels good to love
me tomake the choice to
love me that
to know that is what is
so called missing
from my life the love
and respect for myself i know
that is the feeling i seek that
is the only thing
anyone ever seeeks s
and i i ca
can always find it in the
here and now i love making the choice
to feel at ease i love knowing i am
loved i love knowing
i am always
doing the right now
doing the right thing i love loving thins
this here and now i
i love loving this
here and now i love
loving this here and now i love
loving this
it feels good to love me to practice loving
me it feels good to practice loving me it feels good to
do the onlyw rok
to feel at peace doing the
only work there is
thank you thank you thank you
for this here and now this here and now
the energy it feels good to
sit down and do the energ wor
energy work to nkow the
the energy work is all there is and do the work
the only work that mattes
it feels good to do it for me
to remember the truth for me
to be
unafraid to live
life the way i know it is meant to be
live and that is
all there is all there is all there
all there is it feels good to
feel good now to
notice the affects of the work
to feel calm in this
here and now and to feel myself
letting the rest go
to be brave enough to never think
about that again to let it
go foreer it
it feels good to let
it go
forever it feels good to heal to alow
allow myself
my best self
inthis here
and hre
here and now it feels good to love
that ever
that version of myself and know
it’s not who i am ot
it feels good to release
it to this
to the light to know
it’s all
already there
it’s all
about awareness
all about awareness
i create with my awareness i create
with my w
and the more
i look at my
the more
i become
it feels good to put my focus on
god on the magick of life and allow
it it feels good to put my focus on
god it feels good to ppt
put my focus on god
to be aware of what
i am
to believe
it feels good toask
ask myself that to
take the big leap and
remember that my
supply is my awareness
of god my supply is my awaarene
awareness of the god
within me and iknow this
i nkow this for a fact i know this
for a fact
it feels good to allow myself
to wake up in the dream it feels good
to connect to self and remember the
only ting
thing that maters and focus on it desp
what society may tell
it feels good to be brave
enough to stand up for the magick
that iknow that i know i truly
and do
and dothe opposite of
everyone else
because i know it’s the truth
it feels good to
be brave enough to
follow my own truth
to wake up
in the dream and know that it
helps others do the same
it feels goofeels
feels good to do the only work that
matters and feel how trained my mind and my life
has beocme
to doing
i’ve been trained to
do do do do do do
doing is your worth
but the truth is that
the less you
and do
the more the
does that owrk
work for you ad y
and you can just get out of the way
and enjoy
it feels good to focus on the
focus on the magick of life it
feels good to focus on
the magick of life
it feels good to love
the here and now it
feels good to love the
here and now
it feels good to focus o
on what i now i
know is the truth and make
my only job
coiming back to center that
is my only job is feeling the power of
the vortex
feeling the
power of now and knowing
nothing else matters
my only job is
to feel good and nejoy
enjoy that is my only job
and that is the
the only place i need to put my focu
i put my focus on
feeling good and let the rest go i love
remembering that
it only reflects
me it only mirrors what i
one day to 20 20 vision and i knwo tha
i know this i kno i know the better it
ges i
i know the better it gets i know this
is my work this is my job and i don’ thave
have to worry about anything
else i love that i never have to wrry
i love that i never ha e
have to wonder and i am
brave enough to accept and love this right now
and i get that courage
through practice i come
here and i practice
feeing goo
feeeling g
feeling good and that is
my only job
because when i feel good
i am aligned and then i am allowing
the flow of life to flow i love
doing this work
and feelig the
the magick of life this work is the drug
the vortex is the only drug and i know this
i know this i know this
i know
the feeling of connected to god i know
i know thtat that this shit is real
so i am brave enough to put all of my energ
toward tapping into this magickal power
i know this i know this i know this
and ik now my only job is to focus on this power
and unlock it i love feeling
the power of the
practice i love
feeling the power me i love that
i get to choose love i love that i
get to choose love i love that i
get to choose the
here and now i love the
better it ges i lov
i love feeling good about life i love
feeling good about life
i love raising my vibration i love
doing the work i love
that iknow i am i know i know i know
i know i know i know
that this is the only work i know that this i the only
work i love trusting it i love getting
out of the way
what else is there in life
besides to feel good?
and doing this work helps me
feel that so that is why i do this
work i
make the choice to feel good
that i care about how i feel i make
the choice to care about how i feel
and i do the owrk
work to feel good
for me
it feels good to
work through
the blockage@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and kno that i
that i can always do this and this
is my work that
rest is jut for fun
it feels good to
know that this
is my work and th reas
the rest is
just for fun