it’s only ever me and i know
i am the source i know i am the source
i know that i can make the choice
to feel good today to celebrate life today
to get in the vortex and then today to take
life as it comes today
today i will celebrate life
today i wi
i feel happy and excited about life
today i feel the flow flowing
through me today i am
feeling the flow i feel the
of love
flowing through me i feel
the feeling of love flowing through me
i feel love flowing through me
i feel good i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel the
flowing through me
i feel good and i feel the flow i feel the flow
i feel the flow flowing through me
i feel elevated by life
i feel relieved
i feel loved
i feel loved
i know i am loved and appreciated i know
i am loved and appreciated i know it’s
and how i choose to feel
about myself and i get to choose
how i feel about myself
and my life
i get to choose to love
to send the signal of love
and not
allow things to affect me
i know i am loved i know life
loves me i know my wife loves me i know
my family loves me i know that
i can loved i send the signal of love
and get out of the way
and stop caring
and just love
i practice sending love
to everything in my world
i know that this i smagick
is my magick power
and i can
just keep practicing
i know that’s all i can do
is practice
i feel good in the flow i
feel the flow flowing through me i feel
the flow of life flowing through me
and i now that
i know that everything always
gets done int he flow
i love that the flow is always
flowing i love that thers is
so much to love and this work
helps this work is always helping me
be better
love me
get mad less
allowing the anger
to come to the top and no longer
be pushed down down down
so much pushing anger down
because i wasn’t allowed to be mad
about my life about what was happening
not even allowed to talk about it
or even acknowledge it
just have to move on
keep living life
and now i’m allowing the anger to come to the top
to be expressed so it’s not trapped anymore
i’m allowing myself to love more
im a
i’m allowing myself to love more
and hate less be angry less
and it feels good to make
that progress toward loving more
and not getting so md
aboug everything
because the
anger is deep inside of me and i nkow
i am the source
i am the source because it
is deep inside of me and that’s
why it always comes to the surface
but the more i express the
allow it to express allow myself
to feel the pain and be okay with it
the more it dissapates
it feels good to allow the
pain and anger to evaporate
and feel the peace that lies beneath
to make the choice to make the choice
to love no matter what
to kekepu
keep up wit the
with this work beucase
i know
when i do this work i feel
good i feel at ease and
things don’t bother
don’t get to me as much
i co
i don’t care as much
not as triggered
i know this work helps me feel at peace
today i choose to feel peace in my life
i choose to love my life
choose to love myself
i choose to change the thought pattern
about myself
and choose to look for things
to love about myself
it feels good
it feels better
it always feels better to choose love
it always feels better to allow love
it’s always easier to love
it’s always easier to love
i know that everything is vibration
everything is a match to my emotions
and i get to do whatever it takes to feel good
to feel love and loved
to love and feel loved
i know that i am love
dan di kno it’s ok to send the signal of love too
to feel excied a
excited about life
to act as if
to know
it feels good to knwo that
i am god and god is in me
and god loves me now matter what
loves all the parts of me and it’s
ok for me to do that too
to love all the parts of me
to love myself as i am
it feels good to love myself
as i am
to choose the mindset i prefer
it feels good to choose
to choose to feel better
and it’s easy to feel good when i make
the choice
to do the work and feel at peace
in my life and in the here and now
i love that i nkow that everything
unfolds at the perfect time and place
and i get to feel how i choose
i get to feel good about my life
i get to love
this works brings me peace
i can find peace i can make
the choice to love myself
i make the choice
to love myself i make the choice to love
all the parts of me
i make the choice to love
all the parts of mei love
i love all the parts of me
i lovem yself
no matter what i do or dn’t
do or don’t do a
and i know that is the thing
that will have the most impact
on how i feel about myself
and my life
is making the choice to be
nicet o m
to myself
today i amek
make the choice to be nice
to be kind
to myself and others