it feels good to be back to be back to
doing the work to wake up and allow life to flow through me
to allow life to flow through me
to allow life
to allow life to be what it is
to remember what i am to remember who i am
to remember the totality of a life lived
as god
i know there is no in between its all or nothing
its on or off and i can always choose on and just that feeling
is life
that feeling is life and i know i am
life i know god is life and god is all there is
a life lived as god is all there is and
everything else is just
so i allow god to show up totally
i allow all that is god to flow through me
to be me
today i remember who i am today i jump back into the flow
of life into the flow of feeling good into the
feeling of tuning myself to the
vibration of god of remembering i am god
today i remember who i am
i know who i am
i know
who i am i know what i am
i know i am a feeling i know all of life
is a feeling i know
all of life is a feeling
i love where i am i love where i am
i love wher ei am
i love where i am i love
where i am right now i love
where ia m right now i love that
i get to choose who i am i love that
i get to choose how i feel
i love that
i get to enjoy the day that i get to feel good
here and now
i feel the magick flowing through me
i feel the magick life i feel the
god self andk now
know that the god self is alawys present
i know that i can always
release everything else
and allow myself to bask
in the
god self
i allow myself
to bask in the god self
i allow myself to
to love to lovet he
the god self to love everything
that is i allow myself
to love
everything that is ai
i releax
relea in
in the god self and allow life
to work out
so grateful for this here and now
for this moment to feel the god self to
feel good to feel
to feel the flow flowing through me
to feel the flow
flowing through me the flow
flowing through me it feels good it
feels good it feels good
to feel good to dothis work
this work the only work
it feels good to do this
work the only work
it feels good to do the only work
to love the only work to feel the
god self
the elevated self
the love self the knowing self
the vibrational self
it feels good to feel the
vibrational self
to know that it is always there and i can always look at it
it feels good to choose the feeling iw ant to feel to choose
the magick of life
it feels good to
align with that
so grateful to do this work and
remember who i am the magick of who i am
the truth of who i am
so grateful i get to choose
so grateul i am
money magnet
so grateful
for the break to remember who i really
so grateful to remember who i am
i know who and what i am
i know who and what i am i know ehre
where i am i know the flow of who i am
i kno wthe flow
of who i am
i feel good i feel good in who i am
i feel the flow of
who i am
i feel the flow i feel the flow flowing
the magick of life
flowing and i see the
evidence all around
i know i never have to try
just allow just allow the god self
just to be
a total conduit for the god self and
that is my rold i know
i know my role
as the god self i know my role
as the god self
who i am
who i am
it feels good to feel good
to feel the feeling the
to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling to remember who i am
to remember the magick of me
to remember the magick
of me
it feels good to feel good it feels good
to feel good to feel good
to feel the flow to feel the magick life
to know the magick life to know
god to know the god self to celebrate the
god self fully to know that nothing matters
no one is special and we are all god
and it feel so
good to dive totally into that knowledge
it feels good to feel good to feel the
feeling of life
the flow of life the flow of life
i love that i feel good again that i can
allow myself to feel good again
that i can allow myself to feel good again
i feel the flow the god self the magick self
and that’s ok
it’ss ok to feel good again
to have positive expectation again
to love again
to love life again to love where i am right now
to feel the god self
to allow the egoic mind to slip away
to release its made up probelms
and claim my divine inheritance
it feels good to claim it it feels good to love
it feel good in in t
it feels good to love it
feels good to love this moment
to allow myself
to love this moment
it feels good to love this mo ment
let the rest go
and love this moment
it feels good to feel good
to look toward god to feel toward god
to feelt he totality
of god