lack is an illusion
and i refuse to vibrate lack i refuse to ibrate
vibrate lack i know its me i know tits its
its me i know is caring i know its caring i know its
caring that pushes it away i know its only ever me i nkow tis only
ever me i know that
lack is an illusion i know that the infinite abundance
is me i knwo that infinite abundance is my birthright
and i nkow that the feeling is the feelng of not caring of not needking
needing that and that is the feeling i seek that ist he feeling
i seek the feeling of wholeness the feeling of wholeness
and i love that i know that tha
that the contrat thelps me focus helps e do the work that matters to me
do the work that matters to me
i know its me i nkow its how
i know its me i now the only thing missing is god i know that i nwo that
and the
the work helps me remember this work ehope
helps me remember who i really am
that im god this m
work helps me remember i am the god of my reality i ma
am the god of my worn reality i am the god of my own
realtiy i am the god
of my own realtiy
its me its me its me
its never outside of me its n
its never outside of me it can only reflect me and i know this
it can only reflect me
and i just have to feel the feeling of the wihs
wish fulfilled and the feeling of the wihs
wish fulfilled is not needing anything outsie of me
because i nkow that ia m
totally fulfilled i am totally fulfilled
and if anything its my own fear that’s holding me back
so if i see that reflected its beaust hat
that’s whwat
what im bing
im not going to try im not going to try
just allow im just going to allow
i love me and i love the power of me
i nkow the poer of me i nkow the power of me
i know that if im suffering im seekign
i know that if im suffering im seeking
and i can choose total fulfillment rightnow
i can chooset ot let that go right now
i can choose to let that go right now
because i refuse
to vibrate lack and i love that
i get to make that choice
i love that ig et ot make
the cohice
to refuse to vibrate what i don’t want ‘i know that
everything iexis
exists in consicousnness
nothing is real i know that everything is
exists in consciousness
and if i want something to be a certain way
i can just imagaine it that way
i can be it then see it i know nothing is missing
i know all things are
created in consciousenss
i know the flow i know the flow
i knwo the flow i know the flow i know the magick of life
i know the magick happens when i stop s
trying i now the more i let go the more it flows
i know that ig et to let go i get to
to let go i know the power of mei know that i get tallow
allow life to come to me i lov
i know that ig et to
allow life to come to me i get
to allow life to comet o me
i know the power of me
when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is eteranlt
eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy that is continuously
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divne
i am now awre
i am now in the flow
i am happy i am whole i am complete
i am one with god ia m
i am one with all that i desire
i am one with all that i desire
and i know
its only ever me i know tis only ever me and ig et to choose
the feelign if eel i get to choose the feeling if eel
i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the feelig
right now because i have nothing to gain or lose
i know that i have nothing to gain or lose
i know tha ti have nothing to cgain
gain or lose and im so grateful to know this
i’m so grateful i know i’m so grateufl i know
i’m so g
grateful iknow i’m so
grateful i know the feeling of me i know so grateful i know the
feeling of me i know
i’m so grateful i know the feeling of me
i’m so grateful i nkow the feeling of me i now the feeling
of comeplete
complete i nkow the feelng of knwoing i know the
feeling of magick of choosing the magick
what have you been looking for what
have you been looking for
that is what you see i love that i get to hcoose to feel
love i love that i get ot co
all i can do is choose the feeling i prefer
because all of life originates in consciousness
all of life exists in conscoiusness
i know this now i n
i remember this now i remembe the pwoer of me i
remember the power of me
and i’m happy
im a
i’m happy
i’m totally fulfilled i love that i
get to choose the feeling of eeling
totally fulfilled
i love that ig et to i love tha ti get to i love that
i get to choose the feeling now i know that abundance
is real