i want to feel better but i feel so mad
and even trying to feel better makes me feel mad
i’m just mad at everyone at everything
i hate everyone and everything
and i practically don’t even want to try to feel
better because it makes me so mad
but i also awnt to
to enjoy my life andi don’t
wnat to be
mad i don’t want
to hate my clients
i don’t want to hate my work
i prefer to like my work
i prefer to have good time management
i prefer to trust the unfolding of things
i prefer to trust
and my mind says
fuck it
everyone is dumb and this is dumb
and nothing helps
i just want to be mad
slam things
bash things
throw a tantrum
because i’m so nmad and i don’t know why
mad for reason
so mad i don’t want to be
or can’t get happy and i don’t know
mad about things that happened wkee
weeks ago
ways i think i’ve been wronged
that i invented in my head
things i can just let go of and cei
decide tnot
not to care i know i don ‘thave to
care and it
and it’s this
work that
gets me there i know i can
always tryst the
trust the unfolding of things
and i know the client knows that as werll
but really i can trust i can trsut the unfoding
unfolding of things and this work thel
help sme do that i know this
work is the only ting miss
thing missing from my life
i know it’s this work that makes
the difference that
helps me feel good iknow it’s this
work that helps me feel good i know its
this work that helps me feel good it’s this work that
helps me remember the trusth
and i only feel really bad when im
too far away from this
wrok i
am i cooperative component?
i know it’s only ever a feelin i
i know it’s only ever a feeling
and this work helps me feel that eeling
feeling and i
if i spend too long not doing this work
i feel
really bad
i can always take my own advice
decide i want to live
decide i want to live
i can always take my own advice ic an
listent o
to what i’m telling others
i can listen i can
be aware
and i can take responsibility
i can do it for me
and i can let it all on e
in one instant
just like that i’ve let it
go i decided tno
not to care and i decided to
trust the flow
of life
just like that just like that
i do the work i do the
work i do the wokr
i am
i know its only me i know itls only
only ever me i know it’s only ever me
i take responsibility for
my own vortex i take responsibility
for how i feel i amke the
make the choie
choice for how i feel
i make the choice
for how i feel
how i feel how i feel i know i know that
ti’s a
it’s always my choice how i feel and
it doesn’t depend on anyone else’s
actions i can choose to enjoy
this moment i can choose to
enjoy this moment i can choose
choose i can choose i get to choose
to be over it
recognize it and do the work
to get back to center and i know tha’ts
all i can do i lovethat i
i love noticing the difference i love
noticing the difference
because that helps me get back
to center it helps me rememer hwo
how i do want to feel which is
calm and trusting of the
universe it helps me
remember how i do want to feel it helps
me remember hwo i do
i do want ti
to feel it helps me do this work
this work this work is the
only work and it helps me
make the choicd not
to care what is going
on around me
and know that
first you feel it
then you see it
and how i feel is all that matters
and i can alaways
come back to center to
remember the truth
and the tur
the feeling
of freedom
that i seek is in the
votex a
and i know i can trust the flow
i can trust the flow and
allow it to unfold i cna
the flow the flow and allow it
to unfold i can trust
i trust the unfolding of things
and just choose not to think about that
choose serenity now and
don’t worry about the rest
just be aware
just be aware just be awre of
of how i feel and that’s all i
that matters and it’s easy to let the
let ther est go it’s easy to just
let go of thre st
the rest it’s easy
to just
let go of the rest
i know the magick of me i know the magick
of me and
that is all that matters
i love that ia m sen
sensitive to how i feel and i always
know when it’s time to do the work
i love remembering how muc di
difference the work makes
i know it’s not my problem
i know it’s my
me i cantake m
take my own advice i am
enough to take my own advice
it’s not my
it’s not my job
to hold on to things
and i can just
let it go and move on
to feeling good know that i can
always trust my instinct
and trust what i feels good
actually all i can
ever do is tratu
trust what feels good
i can just trust how i feel and
i know that i never
have to
consider the rest.