and that is what i’m doing
by allowing myself to feel good
all i can do is love myself little
by little bit by bit i can love myself
and enjoy life all i can do is
love myself all i can do is choose to
love myself to allow myself to be
my best self all i can is
allow me to be my best self in thish
this is here and all i can do is
allow myself to be my best self in this
here and now to make the choice to look
for what i want to see and
that’s all i can ever do
is remember it’s not brute force
i’ve dropd
i am already perfec thow i
i am already perfect how i
am life is already perfect how it
is i kow this
i know this
now and i am allowing my bust
best self in this here and now
i love myself in ths herea and
now and i am focused on what i want
on who i am
who i want to be not
what i don’t want not
what is missing
i am flowing
i am flowing perfectly through life
so grateful for music so grateful to
dance to love to have fun to
let down my guard to let down the facade
so grateful to let it down to let it go and make th
the choice to let life flow
so grateful i know it’s only ever me
i know it’s only ever me so
grateful to allow my best self in
this hre a
here and now so grateful
to allow my best self in this
here and now
so grateful to allow my
best self in this
this here and now
the easier it gets and
i am allowing myself to see the
version of myself
i prefer to see i am
allowing myself to zoom
and love myself i this
this here and now
love how far i’ve come
love who i am right now
love wo i am
who i am
right now love who ia m
right now
without adding
or taking
anyting aware
away and knowing that life is easy i
i know that life is easy
and it’s meant to be this way
so grateful for egg sandwiches
o g
so grateful for chili
so grateful for the wife so gate
grateful to know that my reality
shows me me
so grateful to show up
to just
show up it feels good to show
up for my own realtiy
and be
be th e
person i fully want to be
it fels
feels good to allow the best
version of myself to flow through
and the more i allow it
the more i feel the
real me
my inner child coming through
i am remembering how to love
and let my guard down
to fully enjoy the now and not
care about anything
outside of it
it feels good to be awr
of the versin i ca
am creating and see past it
i know i can look past it to see a
a healed version of myself i can see
my best self i
can feel my best self i just
want to feel better i want to feel better i want to
to feel brt
better i make the choice to feei l
i love myself all i can
do is lovemyse
myself se
myself an
just do the work and
get in the wor
the vorets i know the
votex i
vortex and
is here and i
and i can always get in this
this here and now
it’s either here or it’s not
is it?
then stop saying it’s not
so grateful
for the
the power of my vortex so grateful to know
life is good to remember life is good
to be grateful so grateful
to remember to feel good
to feel good now i can always feel the
feeling right now get in the vortex and
and let go of the
the thougth thw
the feeling that i’m ot ther
let go of the feeling that i’m not in theere
and feel the feeling that ima
so grateful to
be in the vortex
so gratufl for my life
wher e
in which i get to create so
grateful to relax everty day and
do what i want
so grateful to know this is mth
the only work and that
i’m doing the
in every mometn
so grateuflt o celebrat
celebrate me to love me
to love i
me i love myself!!!
i love myself!!!
i love my life in this
ehre and
here and now
i love that it’s
everything i ever needed i love that it’s
easy to be in the
vortex to enjoy life in ths
here and now
to feel good i
in this here and now to
love mysel i love
so grateful for music
for hooping for pretty good weather
turn the focus toward something
else and i know i can
can do it
i can trasin
train my attention to
celebrate what i have
do sg
so grateful for what i have
a free place to live and infinite time
to do my wor and love
love my wife and relax and enjoy life
so grateful
to enoy
enjoy life and i knowthsi
this life is worth living so grtefu
grateufl to choo
just choose the feeling
of love i know i can do i can choose the
feeling of lov ei can
i can do the wor i can
i can do the work
can tune my vibration i tune my vibration toward
what i want
i tune myself to feel the way
the way i wnat to feel i tune myself
to look for what i want to see i
i tune myself
i tune myself
to lok for
look for what i want to see
and feel the feeling of it
i can see past what is
i know i can look past what
is and allow myself
to see the