awareness is the only focus
the god self is the only focuse entire focus
entire focus on
indifference entire focus on indifference
and thats’ all ther is i lovee the power of indifference i love that
i dont have to care i love that i nkow there s
no i c
to care there no i here to care
theres no head t hold the thoughts i know there sno
the focus is the foucs
the f
only effort is awareness the only effort is awarenes
i know this i nkow tis the poracticc
praccticce i kwo ti tis the feelign i now its the
devotion to the feelign i know tht
the deoviton to the feeling to the god self not
eltting the g
i get
in the way
letting the i get out of the way
releaseing the g
i and just living by the
the god self todayi just live as the god self
today i focus today i focus today i focus
on awarenss
on being nothing on havein g
having no desrie
knowing there’s no fugreu i and i now that i can
do it i cn live as th god sef li can live
as the god self i can
live as the god self i can
live as the god self i can focus in the god self
i can release all of the me thought all of the ai
thoguths an djust focus on the magic
through i can just
jsut hcoose the magic thought sthe magic
feeling knowisn
knowing that they are real knowing that the mor ei look for
magic the more i see it kknowig that tis up to me
to look for mmagic
it up to me to look for magic
its up to me foc
to focus on awareness the only effort is awareness
of who i am anc
and accepting that ia m
gods lavish abundance
i am allowing it a
i am allowing it i am allowing
awareness is the only effort
magic is the only effort and
i get to choose it i get to choose
get to choose i get to choose i get to choose god i
no future and no desire i get to choose the
god self i can
get to choooset he focus
the focused awareess
i get to choose
awareness as the only effort im
not going to go there
im not going to join you im
not going to join you im
joining god
no desire no future
no furure no
desire and i now its up to me
i now its up to me to be aware of what is
going on my head i know that i get to choose and life
reflects taht i love tha iam already r
free i love that ia m real
already free and that’s all i could ever hope for i ilove t
aht it alreayd is i love that i get ot cce
celebrate ti i love that i get to feel good no matter what t
that i cna choose to feel
no desire no future
no desire no future
and i now this feeling i now this feeling
well and i nko
i get to feel it i get to relae the rese t
i love that
tis dons’t atter
i canrelase the i
i can release the misery of the mind and i love
taht i get ti love
i knwo that the work always wors i now that its me
i no tis me
i now the work works i okw he
the god self is the only self
i nkow the god
experience is the only experience i love that
i now this
i knwot hi i
i know this i nkwo this
no future
no desire
just isness
entire focus on the god within
as the only caue of my prosperity
when i just am
when i get out of the way and let life
be it flows perfect
i get to out of the way and let life be
i celebrate lfie thatsl
all i can do is celerate life ccelebrate feeling good
this gift thats alll i can do
and life flows to me that’s all ic an do s
and life flows perfeclty
i knwo this
no future no desire
no future no desire
no future
no desire no future
no desire
no future no desire
i know this is theo ne and
and only truth i know i now that i can
just release aever
everything else and ten
then the self sod
doesnt have anything added to it
and then i allow life to live me a
dn i nkow thatas
all ica nd ois l
love life living me love life living me
i love life living me i look for
good in everything i see
god in everything i see i make the choice
i make the choice
i make the choic e
in evvery moment i make the choice i create
ti i create
it by
getting out of thew ayi nkow that all ic an
do is e
celebrate getting out of thew ay
i love that iam an artists i love that
i already am an
a working artists i lovee hat i
get to to wrk on my work every day i ilove that i love my work
i love that i love
my work i love that i love life i love that i am
area i
aware i lovee that ia m aware
i am empty
this is its responsibility not mine
my only resposnsiblity
is to be awre of this truth
therefore i am totally cofident
in letting go and letting god
appears as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
it alrady is it alrady is
already is i already have the life iw ant
i love that ig et to to what i want every day
i love that life
always takes care of me i love that
i now im
i am a miracle magnet i lovee that i now life
alawys works out of rm
for me i lovet aht i nwo ic an do it i love
taht i get to do it i get
to be empty
no desire no future
just expanding to fill this perfect moment
and getting out of the way