i love this day i love
this here and now i love this
here and now i love this
here and now i love
that iknow
all outcomes are perfect
i love that i trust the unfolding of things
so grateful to feel the effects
of my practice to feel the peace
building within me
to feel my natural state
so grateful to feel and
focus passed the distractions of
life so that i may feel
what is always resonating
at the center of my being
so grateful i know that
answers will always come and the flow is always flowing
the flow is always flowing the flow is
always flowing the flow is always flowing
the flow is always flowing
grateful to feel the effects of my practice
to feel focused in this here and now to feel the
bliss of letting go to feel the bliss of doing the work
and not entertaining resistant thoughts
it feels good to get there it feels good to get there
it feels good it feels good it feels good
i never have to wonder
it feels good to drop out it feels good
to drop out to tune in
turn on and drop out
to come here and milk the feeling
the feeling of always getting what i want
of seeing what i want manifest
and knowing that it’s just that easy
i love that i know it’s just that easy
and i can look for what i want to see i look
for what i want to dee and
see and i see it and it feels good to
shore up the energy
focus the energy so it’s not scattered
and feel it gather momentum
it feels good to gather momentum
to do the things that feel good
to do this work the only work
that ever does anything
to do the work ro
to feel good first to focus in the
vortex to say thankyou f
you for this her eand now
it feels good to focus on
feeling good to know
there’s never a reush
it feels good to be patient
to allow life to unfold
to not rush the worlds
to allow the word s to flow
flow effortlessly from
my hands from my body from my soul
from the beyond from the white
from the black
allow the words to pour forth
from both and just listen
become the inbetween
become both
transcend both
it feels good to lift up
above black and white
where there isn’t either
and there’s always both
it feels good to separate from
and become one with self
with everything with
the eternal now
it feels good to focus but
let the words
effortlessly flow through me
it feels good to let go
to feel the feeling of letting go
just to feel how good it
feels not to think
it feels really good to jus tnot
not think to just check out and reem
remember none of it matters
i love knowing that i never have
to think i never have to think
i never ever have to mull something
over i never have to wonder
i can just trust the unfolding of things
i can trust the unfolding of things
i trust the unfolding i trust
the flow
i rust the flow
i trust the flow
i trust the flow of life flowing thorugh
me i feel good i feel perfect i feel the
flow i feel good i feel perfect
i believe in myself i believe in the
moment i believe in celebrating
every oment i belive
i can
every moment
i am tappe din to
energy and if eel the power
the creates worlds
flwoing through me
flowing through me
i feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel good i feel good
i feel the flow i feel the flow
i feel he flow
i feel the flow of life
flowing through me
i feel the flow of life fo
i know i know i am magick
i know th magick of life
flowing thorugh e i know
i know that life
is always magickally
flowing through n
me i feel good in my life right now i feel
good about myself i feel the flow
i feelthe
magick i feel tuned in
i feel tuned up it feels good tune up
the energy knowing that life only reflects the
energy knowing that whatever happens
it’s perfect
every outcome
is perect
i love knowing
i love that i know i love
that i knkow i never
have to ownd
wonder i love taking the big
leap and celebrating every moment
i love coaching i love doing the work
feels good i love making the choice
to feel good about myslef
to love myself
to change the pattern of thought
to let the old one go
i’m done
thinking negative thougths about myself
from now on
i only think loving things about myself
and look for reasons to love me
and i know
life can only reflect that
i love that it s
already is!!
i love that i aksed
asked for help and it’s here!!
i love that it’s easy i love
that it’s eay i love
i love that i just ask and it comes
and i just get out of the way
i love getting out of the way
i love being awre
of my thoughts and getting out of the way
of them
love this day
love the awesome
life i made for m
myself and that i get to choose
what i think about myself
and that i can always
choose love
i can always fnd
find a reason
to love myself
i never have to worry or wonder
i can just
zoom out from my thoughts
zoom out from my thoughts
and love
i choose
i choose love
i choose to love myself!!
i choose to be grateful!!
for everything that’s working!!