all that matters is if i love and believe in myself

i know this is the feeling i seek and i know this is the
feeling that leads to everything else in life

believing in myself

believing in life’s ability to support me
believing that life is good and loves me
and wants to take care of me believing that my story

‘ends well’

believing that i am good enough to
take care of that my body that my life is worth loving
and every time i make a choice

that feels good instead of one that i know
feels bad

i feel good i love the feeling of this
right now because it feels like old times

turning into new times

i love doing this work
and raising my vibration i love making the choices
that feel good i love that i am
doing it !!!

becuase i wanbe

because i want to feel good and iknow tha
i know that how i feel is all that matters

i know that how i feel is all that matters
i know i have


residual shame

from my childhood
feeling like i couldn’t be who i am
and i know that i came
back to my home town so i could

transcend that shame
that fear of who i a m
the fee

the feeling like i ‘m not enough or
i don’t fit in or i won’t be


and i can say FUCK IT

i don’t give a fuck and i love
that feelign of not
of not caring and believing in myself

loving myself loving who i am
and i know that
when my dad and laura try to hold me donw

like the;y did my whole liek



i refuse to suffer and i refuse to let someone else’s small
mind hold me down today i intend to

to be fully me
unapologetically me

i ond’t
don’t have to be afraid of people’s

matter of fact

i refuse to

i’m not afraid of what people think of me

never have been

and i love doing this work
that helps me remember to be unapologetticaly me

i love that ig et
get to be me i love that ig et to
get to be me i lov that

i love that their judgements
make me stronger

i love that their judgements

make me stronger
make me know who i am ever more
and i never have to be afraid i love

breaking free from that
i love tha ti never
i love that i hever

never have to care i love
that i never have to care because i know the
truth of life and i love that i can
let their hating be my first that

fire that helps me live more openly
more bodly to say

boldly to say


first it was becuase i was gat that

gay that i felt i had to hide myself
that couldn’t be my whole self for

fear of being judged and now it’s
the woo woo closet
it never ends thos

thos ope

those people will always look for
a reasont o hold
to hold you down wit th

their ignorance
and i love that i am here to leanr that

learn that i am me and i love
who i am i love who i am and if you

that’s your problem not mine

i love feelig open

open about who i am li

i love loving myself and i love
that i don’t have t

to care

what other people think i love
that i never have to hide myself

i love that i can always work
through it i can always work through
the energy and that this

work helps i love standing up
for who i am i love standing up for who i am
and that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’ tha

have to care i love that i don’t have to
care what judgemental people think

i love that i don’t have to care i love that
i get to do me i love that
i love that i get to do me that i get to

celebrate my life in this here and now
i love


it feels good to cleebra
celebrate i love that i t

it feels good to celebrate i love
that ig et to
get to celebrate who i am

even if no one else does

even if no one else does i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that i

i don’t have to care

i can just let it go and let it glow

flow allow life to flow through me i love
that i get to allow life to flow

through me i love

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good no matter what

i ove that
i love that i am aware of the thought
patterns i lov that i
i love that i am aware of the thought patterns

i love that i know i love that i know and i love
that i can always turn the boat i can
choose to jump into life right now i

get to choose to jump into life right now
i love that i get to

jump into life right now i love that
i get to jump into life right now i love
that i

get to feel good now i love
that i get to feel goo dnow
i love that i get to feel good now i love that
i get to feel good now i lo

that i ge tto
get to believe in myself and i
REFUSE to suffer

because of someone else’s

ignorance and the more i choose
to be my full self and not hide
or be ashamed of who i am

the better i feel the
better i feel and i love that i
can just let it go i love that
i don’ thave t

have to car ei love
i ove
i love that i don’t have to care
i love that

i don’t have to care
i love


i don’t have to care

think about me and i love that
more and more every day i

i let go of it

i let go of hating them
and i can love myself more

i love that i can let that go i love that
i can let that go i love that
i don’t
have to care i love that
i don’t have to care i love

that i dont’ have to

to care i love that

i don’t have to subject myself
to your ignorance and oppressive behavior

and that i get to choose to
enjoy a rich, full life that i have
created for myself

good luck in the last dimension