and i can let go of everything else
and just focus in the flow today
my only job is to focus on the flow
and allow the rest
to unfold
i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care
and i don’t have to
send a negative
or resistant signal
i can just let go and
allow the flow to flow
through me i can just let go
and get out of the way
because it’s not my problem
and the flow will always fix it
i know this for a fact
i know this
for a fact and i know it’s not
my problem
nor is my vibration
i can only address my own
vibration so today i make the choice to
do the to get out of the way and
just say my simran and feel
because the work is all that matters
and i never have to wonder or
worry about the
i can just do me and deal
with my own energy and that’s
all that matters
is me
is how i feel and i never
have to let anything else affect
how i feel i can just stick to my vortex
and know that
vortex is all that matters
today i make it a goal to stick
to my vortex and allow the rest
to work itself out
i allow the rest to work itself
out i allow the flow to work itself
today my only job is to count
and to allow the rest to coalesce
just allow the flow to flow through me
do my simran and allow the rest to follow
i can allow the rest to follow and just do the simran
and allow
my vibration all my vibration to follow
i love that i don’t have
to care i love that i get to just do me i love
that i get to address my vibration
and that’s all thatmatters
i love that i can let it go i love
that i can let it go i love
that i can let it go i love that i can
let it go i love that i don’t have to care
and the more i direct my vibration
toward inside
the less i do care
actually i don’t care
and if you want to look for reasons to worry
that’s your problem not mine
i can just do me and allow
the flow to flow through me i can
just do me and allow the flow
to flow throughm e i know
that life i salways
always responding to my feelings
and that it’s not worth it to
feel resistant thoughts
so i can just choose what i wan t
and allow it to unfold
i love that it’s not my problem
i love
that i can just do the work a
dn a
and allow i love that i
can just do the work and
allow i can always allow the flow
and i never have to care about the rest
my job is simran
today my job is to not worry
about the rest and just come home
to there here and now
that is my only job
is to not resist and it’s easy to not
it’s easy to do the work it’s
easy to feel the feeling and it
easy to do the simran
and let the rest go
it’s easy to align myself with the side of the
wave that i want to see it’s
easy to say yes thank you
to allow to say yes that that which is flowing through me
and know that everything
is a solution to know that everything is a solution
and know that it’s not my problem
only my vibration
that is all i can be in control of and i love
that i am betting
getting better and better
at letting go and lining up my
vibration with the version i prefer
i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i don’ thave
feel threatened
i can just say yes thank you and
move on i love tha ti can
always do the work i love
that i can alwys relax
and feel good and know
that the simran is all that matters
i can relax and say yes
to the simran to know that the simran
is my job
and the rest just fills itself in the blanks
i love that i know this i love
that i know myself an di know
and i know hwo i am i love that
i can alwys just follow myu gu
my guts and
and feel good now just follow
what my gut is telling me and
feel good now i never
have to wonder or even care
i can just do the simran
and feel good just do the simran
and feel good and i ove
that i can let go of th rest
i love that i know
my vibration is mine alone
and nothing
i never have to allow anything
to affect it i love letting go i love
making the choice to do me and what i want to
to do
if you want to look for
reasons to worry
that’s your problem
not mind
not mind
not mind
oh well i can still choose
to have a good day to let it go
and say yes thank you to the flow
to say yes
thank you to have the power to look for
what i want i have the power to
look for what i want to see and tha’ts
i love that i know t
his i love that i never havet o care
i lovet ath
that i know my only job is the
and i can allow life to take care
of the best
the rest
and i am celebrating because
i know life is always on my side
and i am celebrating because i know life
is always working out for me
and i can align myself
with the other side of the wave
i love that it’s working i love that
life loves me and
i never have to care
about anything else i love
feeling the flow love
i love feeling the power of me
and i love
making the cohice n
choice not to care
and to align with the side
of the wave i prefer
and then know that