already there

letting myself exist inthis
moment and be my god self my best self
and let go of the

to reaise
raise my vibration allow myself
to celebrate this

here and now a

i love that i never have to worry i love
i never have to wcare
care i love that i odn’t have
to wonder and i can

do the work i want to do the
to do the to to to do the work

dedicate my thoguths
thoughts feelings and emotoins
to god

and let go of the rest it
feels good to let go to remember

to do the work wot

to focus ot

to raise



it feels good to love to truly
love my lfie so

so grateful for good work to
do good work to

feel proud of myslef

so grateful

to love mysle
my life to feel proud of mysef

it feels good to do the work
this work and elevate my mood
elevate my mind

lift up my heart and mind to
be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am

is the source and substance
of all my good it feels good to

to do the work

to know i am healing it feels good to know i am
healing i know

healing it feels good to know i am
healing to know that it’s

always only pu to

up to me it feels good to trust
the flow of life and allow it
to fully flow through me it feels good