i love feeling the effects of my practice i love
feeling the feeling and remembering to feel from
the perspective
training the attention
because i remember that it’s only ever me
and i get to choose how i feel
and the signal i send i get to
to choose and life can only ever
reflect me so i feel confident in
my knowing that knowing that all ai
i can ever do is send the signal
feel the feeling of knowing that it’s
only ever me
it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me it’s only ever and it feels good to
do the work to feel good to love myself
to enjoy life to lean into the flow of life
it feels good to lean into the flow
of life it feels good to lean into the flow
of life andl ove myself
love this rigt
right now and know that
life can only ever reflect me
it feels good to make the choice
to be brave enough to cn
enjoy life it feels good to take the leap
to enjoy life it feels good to ak
take the leap to lvoe
love myself
i love myself!! i love that it’s
only ever me i know it’s only
ever me i love remembering it i love the
effects of the practice i lov
remembering thet ruth
the truth i love
feeling set free by the
the truth ‘
it’s only
all of them
are me
and they can only reflet mereflect
me ean
and i can feel safe i knowoing this
knowing this i amke the
make the hcoice to love and enjoy life
today i make the choice to love
and enjoy life today and
and i ove doing it for me i love
that the contrast helps me focu i
love that the contrast
helps em remem
me remember who i am and
that it can only
be me i love that i know it
can only ever be me i love
sending the signal i love
the signal of me i love the signal of
me of knowing it can only
reflect me i love allowing myself
to love i love
allowing myself to love i love
myself to love i love
allowing myself to love
it feels good to feel good to feel good
to celebrate life to know that life is really good
right now to lean i nto t
into the flow and trust the flow
to lean into the flow to tust
the flow to know the magick of life
to lean into the flow of life
to finally say yes
to say yes and feel good tolove
to love myself and my life it feels good
to love myiself and
and my life
it feels good to love
my life to know that
every thing
is going my way and nothing
can sotp
stop it i love that it’s working i love t
aht t
that it’s working i love that
anything can happen i love that anything
can ahppen
happen i ove
i love where ia m right right now ilove
i love that there is
so much to love i love that
there is so muv to
to be gratful for
fo i love that there is so muc th o
to love about me
i love that
is so much to love about me i love that
i know that life love ms
loves me i love that i know that
life loves me i love that i know that
i love feeling the effects of my practice
i love remembering for
a fact that it con only ca
can only reflect me that the energy
only ever reflects me so i choose
the energy and then the energy
chooses me back and
i know this i
this is how life is and it feels good
to put my focus on tuning my energy
what i give is waht i get
i take full
i take responsibility for how i feel
and it feels good i know it’s
because of the ego
and it feels good to let go
of that to allow myself to just exist to
just love an
and it feels good to pracitce
practice it every day and to know hat
that my currency is my connectoint o
to spirit it feels good to
feel connected to spirit
in this
here and now
i love that i am here now i love
that i am connected to spirit
in this here and now
i love that spirit is flowing through
me i love that i know spirit is on the case i know
it’s whateve i loo
i look for i see i know that
is on my side
i know that for a fact i know
that i get to look for what iwant
to see i love enjoyig
lif ewhe
where i am i love enjoying
life whre i
where i am
always brining the attention
back to center and remembering
that it’s only
ever me
that is my intention toady
bring it back to center
and remember that it’s only
ever me it’s only me it’s only
ever it
can only reflect me and i know this
i know this
i know this i know this
is science this is real
this is how
matter reacts to
this is all there is is
the feeling of
feeling connected
to spiriti i know
i know spirit loves me and
loves everyone and it’s
easy t
to jjust
just choose love in
every instance and then life
gets a lot easier
i love the easeir
easier it gts i
i lovethat life life
is good i love allowing myself to
lean into the flow i love
saying yes thank you i love
expanding to fill this moment
knowing that ia m
am loved in this hre and now
and letting go
of everything else.