authentic gratitude

is the ultimate sign of faith
and all you need is a little faith

to make your dreams come true

i know i know i know i know
the way of life i know how life owrks

i know the flow of life i know

i know that money is not my supply
nor is it my number one


enjoying life and feeling the
feeling of god is my only priority
and my only job

i do the wrok
work every day
every moment
of feeling for the god self
of experiencing the god self

and that is the reason
we are here

i am here

is to experience the god self

i love that i get to experience the
god self and remember every day

is my job the god
slef th

pursuit of the god self
is the only work
of the human and this pursuit

neverending in its

this supply
is infinite

what i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found

the secret to life and can realx in the
relax in the knoweldge

knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

authentic gratitude is
the ultimate sign of faith

and all you need is a little faith
to make your dreams come true


not faked gratitude haha

authentic gratitude
is the feeling of god

getting of the way
is the feeling of god

trusting life
is the feeling of god

loving thy neighbor

is the feeling of god

loving whatever i’m doing right now

loving whomever
no matter what they’re doing

always dee

seeing everything
every situration
from the perspective of god

always seeing everything

from the perspective of god
that is the only goal that is life
and that is my only focus

that is where i kkeep

my foucs

i place my entire focus
on the god within

as the only cause of my prosperity

i place my entire focus
on the god within and when i do that
i feel the feeling of god the
connection to god

i know
i know that
my job is

my role in the

the point of my whole life is
to slave an make money????

i think not

so grateful to know the truth
andl ive

live my life through the truth
live my life through

god to allow god
to do all the owrk and

and i can just sit back and watch i can
choose gratitude
and i can always choose love

today i choose love
today i choose to show up for love
and choose to show up for god i know

my only job is to look for god
and when i notice that i’m looking for
something else i can always find that in god
i know

that first comes god then comes
the money first
comes the connection
then comes everything else
and i love that i can totally let go
of caring about money and i love

that this is my work the only work
the vibrational work

and if i can be aware of my thoughts
then i know what my thought patterns are and how
they are affecting my outslef li

outside self

i lov that
it we found a way for it to be very lucrative!!

i know that it is more and more!!!

and i’m so grateful to
every person that orders!!

or subs!!!

so grateful for
every single person who has
ever purchased our work

so grateful!!

so very very grateful!!!

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and
experience according to my needs and

as the principle of supply
action it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

i love that i know the truth to life
that i can
feel authentic gratitude
that i can

with god that i can feel how god would

would feel

god wouldn’t care
god doesn’t care
and i love that i can release all of the

error thoughts all of the program and j

all of the programming and just
show up for life show up for the truth

show up for god know
that the universe
owes me a living

and it’s always on the way!!!

i’m so grateful!!!

for all of our orders!!

for all of our clients
for all of the jobs we’ve ever had for the one swe

we will have again
i’m so grateful

our shit is blwoing
blowing up!!
and i love that i stand by it!!!

i stand by it

i feel genuine gratitude for my life
i feel that the work is working

i feel that more and more
i’m remembering that money isn’t my supply

that i now this

i know this and have authentic gratitude
for the this knowledge
because i know that life reflects me
life reflects how i feel
about it and i have a lust for it

when i have a lust for it it

it has a lust for me
and it sa

as simple as that
it really is as simple as this and i know it

so that is why i do this work the
only work

i know that life is me
i know that
all around me

is me
i know that i am the one

and only creator

i know that i am the one and only creator
i know that i

get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good

i love that i get to feel good

i feel the feeling

authentic gratitude is the
ultimate sign of faith

all you need is faith to make
your dreams come true


is the ultimate sign of faith

authentic gratitude
is the ultimate sign of faith
and all you need is
faith to make your dreams comes


i am authentically grateful
for all the good in my life and
to realize that

our work is blowing up !!!

it really is

and implying that it wasan’t really helped me
realize that it is

it reall is!!

it’s blowing up!
were doing it!!

and i am so authentically grateful!