the inner presence is the only activity in my financial affairs

and today i am prepared to focus
on this truth today i intend to keep my mind
and thoughts off this world and place my
entire focus


on the god within and that is
all that matters i love that i can
let go of the rest and place my entire
focus on the god within i love that
i am good at it and i don’t

have to care about anything
else i love that i can feel the
feeling that its working and that’s
all that matters

i can also feel that there is
an element of

where’s my stuff in my vibration
and today i intend to let go of that

thank you for my stuff
i can feel that i think
something should be different
and i can also feel the feeling of knowing that
nothing should

i know the feeling of its
working i know the power of acting as if
i know the power of acting as if and i know the
power of leaning into the flow and trusting
it i know the feeling i know the
feeling of

believing it

believing in the power of life
to take me to take the wheel i believe
in the power of life to take the wheel
i love that i’ve let

life take the wheel i love that
its working i love that i already have
everything i want i love that i know
its just a feeling
and i can keep my mind
and thoughts off this world

i don’t have to strive
i don’t have
to try i can just let go and let
life live me i keep my mind
and thoughts off this world

and if i truly do that
then i feel better then i feel
at ease
i don’t feel nervous

or wondering about the future
i’m tired

of feeling nervous
for no reason i
am really tired of not being able to
and today it stops

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my


on the god within
and i know that’s all i can ever
do and that brings me relief

i place my entire focus
on the god within i know
i can do it i know the
god energy is always with me and i never
have to worry i love that
i get to keep my mind and thoughts

off this world

and its already working
its already working

first you feel it
then you see it first you feel it

then you see it and i know this

is a science so the better
i feel about my life the better
life feels about me i love that
i get to trust myself i love that

it already is the way i want it
to be because spirit
will always take care of everything
i love that its working

if only just to be able to
breathe and i am letting that
go forever i can

breathe easy because
i know life is on my side
and nothing
else matters i love tht
i get to feel good today
i love

that i never have to think
or wonder about that i love
that i can let that
go i love that i’ve let that
go i love tha ti never

never have to think or wonder about

about that i love the
power of me i love that i don’t have
to care i love that
i can just move on i love
tha ti never

have to wonder or care
i love that i get to do the work
i love that
i keep my mind
and thougths off thois

i love that its working i love
that its flowing because i chose
the feeling first i know the feeling
and i know life loves mei love that
i can allow it to flow i love

that i can allow life to flow
and that its only ever a feeling i love
that i get to feel prosperous

and my prosperity is a choice

i love that its working and i can

just keep my mind and thougths
off this world i know that
this is my only job and that the

rest is just fake

i never have to limit the unlimited
i love that i get to feel
good about myself i love
that life is good i love that i get to

enjoy life rightnow i love
that i feel good about myself i love
that if eel confident

about myself

i love that it always comes love
i love tat i get to feel the feeling
i love

that its working i

keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and place
my entire focus on the god within
as the only

cause of my prosperity
ive decided not to suffer ive decided to
go within

go with god i’ve decided to feel
good about this life i’ve decidced
to celebrate this life ilve

ive decided to feel at ease
inthis life ive decided

to look for evidence of

i’ve decided to let that
go forever

and feel good about it i love
that i ge tto do this work and know\

that its working
that everything reflects the feeling
and as long as i keep feeling good
about that
it will unfold perfectly i love
that i get to

make the hcoice t
the choice to celebrate life today i love
that i get to do this work and feel
relief i love that i
get to practice

relief and then feel it i lovethat i feel good

i don’t feel
restricted i feel

free i’m not restricted
i’m free and i’m done

i am totally done with this
annoying ass problem

i’m done

i’m over it and i’m looking for
signs of improvement i’m doing all it
takes to feel better
and i know

all it takes is letting go
of needing to control i love that the
contrast helps me do that i love
that the
contrast brings me here

for the emotional journey and knowing
that this is my work my only

work is to connect with the psirit
spriit within
and let spirit
do the rest i am tired
of trying


trying to bang things into place
so today i am letting go
completely and i don’t

care what anyone else thinks

is caring about what others think
the source?

who knows

but today it stops
today i do the work and feel good

todayi let it go

today i feel calm
and at ease in my life
because i know for

that it’s already perfect


so grateful all my wishes
are coming true so grateful to
just lean into the flow and allow it
to flow through me

when i am aware
that god is my total

i am totally fulfilled

in that moment of remembering
that i am already

then i am fulfilled

and i don’t
ever have to strive for anything
else all i
can ever do is be aware of the flow
i know this is the fact and i’ve
noticed that the more i feel
for the flow the easier it is
to tune in and the


i want to care
about anything

think about anything

when i am aware of the
god self within me as

my total fulfillment i am
totally fulfilled
i am

now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge


in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my
life and affairs

i simply have to
be aware of the flow

the radiation of
creative energy that
is continuously
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth
from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

just the focus on the
flow is all that matters
and it feels good to do the work

and know that the work is my
only work it feels godo to

remember all i have to


is be aware of the
flow and know its flowing
i know the
flow is flowing
i am

aware of the flow i am

of the flow
of the unfolding
of things and i am
not afraid to let go
and allow the flow

i am now aware
i am now

in the flow i am
now relaxed i am now
here i am now
relaxed into the
flow saying

thank you

thank you for the flow
flowing through me remembering
that i can always just

say yes to the flow and allow
it to flow through me i love
the better it gets i love that i know
all that matters

i am now aware of the

i simply have to
be aware of the flow

the radiation of
creative energy which is


pouring forth from
my divine consciousness i am
now aware of

i am now in the flow
i get to choose and i know this
for a fact

that i get to choose i
get to choose the flow so
i look for it

look for the flow and it will flow

look for the flow and i will see it

look for the flow
and i will find it and be happy where i am

when i am aware of my
god self the christ within
as my supply

as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i never have to worry
about the what ifs and i can
enjoy this
moment in this here and now

i never have to wonder

i know its only me
and the signal isend

so i relax in the here and now
and say thank ou

that is the only thing
that ever matters is saying than kyou

thank you

so grateful we get to help so
grateful to gtd
so grateful to gtd so grateful for
the help so grateful to be able to help
so grateful to be able to

so grateful to be able to help so
grateful to do the work
to feel good to be awre of the
flow and

allow myself to feel ok
in this here and now i feel relaxed in this
here and i am

making a point to relax inthis
here and now

i am rle

relaxed in this here and now
relaxed in this here and now

i am now aware
i am now in the flow its

easy its easy its easy to
get in the vortex

and say yes to this moment
her and n

here and now its easy to
let go to

be aware of the flow
to remember the secret to life
to make the choice

and get out of the way

just let go of everything
i can feel that there is something
there that i am hanging
on to and i can make it a

habit to let it go and
expect the best to feel the
feeling of the best possible
and i can make

feeling this way ahabe


i can make the habit of feeling
good and letting go of the rest i feel

good right

relax and let it go
and that is

all that matters
because the

god self within
is my supply
and life reflects that

i know that life
is just and

it feels good to let
go dna

go and just feel grateful

so grateufl for
a free place to live
a cheap place to life
so grateful to
get to give back

so grateful miek kn

knows people

so grateful for help
so grateful
it seems easy so grateful
life is easy

so grateful for
this wrok s

so gra

thank you for friends
than kyou
for nice weather thatnk

thank you for my computer
for good music for

good meals for good food
for the money to get to do things
thank you for
the wife for budgets

i have found the
secret to life
i have found the secret to life
and i can

remember this every time i start to worry
and think about anything outside of the moment

i feel at peace with
this here and now i feel at peace
with this here and now i am

comfortable with this here andn
now i am aware of the flow and the
healing that is flowing
through me

i am happy

it feels good to
relax in this here and now
knowing i know the
secret to life
and that
is always flowing
perfectly through me

i love that i
get to feel whole inthis
here andnow i love
tha ti feel complete
i feel the flow

i am now aware
i am now aware

i am now in the flow
i am the flow and the more

i dedicate myself
to the flow the more i allow
it to flow through


thanks god

consciousness is power

awareness is power
understanding is power
and i am realizing this more and more

my consciousness of
spirit as my unlimited source

creates a reaction
within me

its the divine power my
awareness is the divine power
it is

awareness that is my power
not in my

forcing it through my in
my awareness that god is taking

care of everything my awareness
of my unlimited source

is my unlimited source
my awareness that am not in
control is what allows life to happen
through me i can

feel calm i feel calm now i feel more calm the
the prosperity plan and i can feel that
i don’t even want to think about anything
outside the vortex i can feel this coming
about as a result of the practice

i can feel this coming about as a
result of doing this work and remembering that
this is the only work i love that i know

when i ask it is given i know that
when i ask it is given

and when i allow it comes i know that
its already there and the signal i send
is what determines whether

it manifests directly
i love that i can breathe easy
in knowing that life
is what i create it i am always

the creator
and my consciousness is power
my awareness is my creator

i can feel that when i finally
sit down

go to work on something
i start to doubt myself and
get in my own way and i know that
i can allow myself to move past
that by knowing that
god is the one doing it and

actually believing in myself
looking for what i want to see and then
actually allowing it to manifest

i am allowing it manifest
just by looking for it and feeling the
feeling of it i love that
i get to celebrate life
right now i love that
i get to celebrate life right now

my consciousness of the spirit
within meas my

as my unlimited source
is the divine power to
restore the years the locusts
have eate

today i inend to
get outo f my own way
by allowing source to flow
through me

by trusting
source to do the work
today i inten to allow source
to dot he work

to not get in my won way today
i intend to praise how far i’ve come
and llow

allow source to flow throughme i loe
that i can let go of


i can allow everything
to flow through me ican celebrate
look for reasons to celebrate me and feel
calm in this here and ow i love
that i gert to feel good

about this right now i love that
i feel practiced and i know that

my consciousness is power
peace is power the feeling is power

the feeling of celebrating myself
instead of doubting myself
and beating myself up i can choose
to praise and celebrate myself
and its all

just a matter of perspective

i know through taking the
emotional journey that i should
never focus on what i am able to hammer
out in physical reality

only focus on my connection
to spirit because it is the spirit

that allows the

what i’m able to

hammer out in physical
reality is only a result of
my consciousness of the

spirit within me as my
unlimited supply

when i focus on that
i know that i am doing
everything in
perfect timing i am

doing everything perfectly
and that knowledge

comes through

its the awareness
and knowledge

that appears as every
visible form and experience i could
possibly desire

that’s all that matters
and i am learning more and more
how to turn my attention
i love that i am always getting what i want
and when i let go i love

that spirit is taking care of
everything and i am willing to let it iam
willig to allow life to unfold


because when you fight with

you lose

when you fight
with spirit

and spirit is the now

i am allowing spirit
to flow through me and when
i am doing that i can’t

wonder if it isn’t how i want it to be
i just don’t have room in my vibration
for looking for what don’t want to see

i know attention creates and that’s
all that matters i know that

my attention to spirit
is what expands spirit

happy to pay the
price happy to feel rich

i like the feeling of feeling
wealthy so i mike the choice

i make the choice i make
the choice

the feeling the feleing is

allt hat
that matters and that is
what makes up my life

if i am brave enough i can
let go of


the wondering
the worrying
and just

live inthis here and now

completely that
everything will work out in my favor
because when i do

it does

it must because that is the law and when i wonder
and worry

then it doesn’t

i just get o

choose knowing that
is when consciousness of

the spirit as my unlimited source
this is jut a reflection and



gives me whatever i make
because i am
god so whatever i make
it gives me and i get to choose

what i make i know that’s
all there is to it and i get to

choose that’s what

consciousness of spirit
as my unlimited source means

it means that
spirit is taking care of
every single desire i’ve
ever had

and i know this and knowing
this is my power my access to it
and i can

celebrate knowing
this knowing that it can only
reflect me i do the work

that’s what i do
i get in the vortex and then
it flows and i say

yes thank you i love that
its workig i love that its working
i love that
i am feeling


i feel in the vibration of
hope and that leads to miracles

not like i need one
because i’m perfectly happy
where i am right now

my only responsibility is to be aware of the gold self within me doing the work

and i know this is true i know all i can
ever do is look toward god and allow god
to take care of it all i can do is the work

that is my only job

the divine consciousness is always
expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mines

not my responsibility

and until i can change my vibration on
the thing the thing can’t change because

what i look at is an outpicturing of
how i feel i know this is true and i am a
llowing myself to

relaxin to the knowledge of it

the knowledge of me and that’s

wherever i go and all i can do is
be brave enough to lean into it to say yes to it
and enjoy life for no other
reason than

the enjoyment of it
so grateful to the contrast that helps me
know what i want so grateful

dryer is hot so grateful
we have a floor in our tub
so grateful

the water is hot so grateful we found someone

so grateful for the power
of the focus and remembering that the
feeling i seek is within

its in the connection with source and the foucs
on focuso n the flow the foxus

focus on how i want to feel
i want to feel this way

then align with that feeling i want
to feel at ease and not care


idk if i’ve ever even really tried
to feel that feeling that i think i am seeking

at ease and not caring

not attached and knowing nothing
can get to me because the contrast just helps
me ask and then i can celebrate the

contrast because it actually
helped me ask for the version i prefer

just let it unfold when it does

just let it unfold when it does and

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility not

my only responsibility

to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally
confident in letting go
and letting god appear
as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

letting it go letting myi
attachment to the materail

world go and allow god to do it
allow god to do it and chanche

change the way i feel about it

just change the way i look
at things and the things i look at change

the vibration of
celebrate the

the vibration of celebration

it’s all unfolding
at the perfect rate

it’s all unfolding perfectly
and i know that i know that life
is unfolding perfectly
and when i allow myself to

relax into the knowledge

then i feel good then
i feel at ease about life
all ihave to do

is practice knowing that
everything is perfect

as it is and let go of the rest
i know everything
is unfolding at the perfect
rate in the perfect time and i am

brave enough to enjoy life
in this here and now i am
brave neough\


brave enough to
feel the feeling of perfection that
is flowing through me in

this here and now i feel good in
this here and now i feel

good about life inthis here
and now
and i am not

afraid to give in
to give in to god and

just accept whatever is
coming my way

give in to god and
just accept i love that i get to choose

love this here and now

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

it feels

good to tap into the flow
to allow the energy to work through me
and feel the vibratoin
of hope

to feel i tinge of hope that


maybe this shit is real
maybe if i do do the work
it really will work


that if i do the work
change the energy
take the emotional journey


take the emotional journey
first and then the rest
will unfold perfectly

the rest will unfold
perfectly and i can
do that i can allow the flow
to flow i can do that i can

allow the flow

to flow through me i can take the
emotional journey and choose the
version i want

i love that i can
take the emotional
journey and choose

version i want


i’m ready to give in

ready to devote myself
fully to spirit

because i know that
is all that matters
i know all that
matters is my devotion to spirit

my only job my only job

my only responsibility is
to be aware of this truth i love
that i can feel


rising i can feel the
vibration rising i can
feel the temperature

of my soul rising

i can feel it and i know
that my only

is to be aware of the truth

god takes care of the
rest god takes care of the
rest and i can let that unfold


god takes care of the rest

god takes care
of the rest and i get to choose
i love that the contrast helps me choose
then when i do choose

i feel better

instead of wondering
and creating confusion

i can just choose

i can choose to live a conscious life
with the

energy that creates world on its sid
what if

i just let go and let spirit do it?

what if i just let go
and let spirit?

i’m allowing spirit to do it
and that is the real work

i know the energy is the real work
and i love that i am

doing the
energy work i am

i am nothing
but energy

and the only work
is the energy work

the sense of enough

space to take the emotional journey

and i’m so grateful because i get to do that

my inner supply
instantly and constantly takes on form
and experience
according to my needs
and desires and as the
principle of supply in action it
is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled

needs and desires

i know when i make the choice
to enjoy life is when i

enjoy it the most and i am so grateful for
this day because i feel like i finally

made space for myself to take the emotional
journey i love that i
get to play chess with the wife every day

i love that i get to feel good now

i love that i
feel good now i liove that
i get to feel good now i love that
i get to feel good now i love that

get to do the work in this
here and

my inner supply
instantly and constantly

takes on form and
experience according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled needs and desires

i love feeling the darkness that
makes me i am made of darkness and i know this
i know this i know there is nothing
it is all darkness

its all a simulation
and i love that i get to choose
the version i prefer
i love that i get to

choose the version i prefer
i love that

i get to choose i love that i
get to choose the

feeling i prefer in this here and now i love that
i get to feel the feeling i prefer

in this here and now this here and now
i get to feel the feeling in this

here and now i get


my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my
needs and desires
and as the

principle of supply in action
it is impossible
for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled needs or desires

i need to contemplate the truth of this


that nothing gets left undone
and that its all right there and all i have
to do is vibrate at the frequency of it
its a choice to vibrate at a certain

i am allowing life to flow through
me my inner supply to flow through me and
be aware of how i feel
i am allowing
life to flow through me i am allowing life to

be aware of how i feel i am

allowing life to flow through me i am
allowing life to flow through me

my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and desiers

and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled

needs and desires

i know it is impossible and when
i align with that

not only do i feel better


i allow that energy to flow
i know its all just energy i know its
all just energy i know its all

just energy

its all just energy and i am
allowing myself to know that i know that
its all just energy i know that life

is just

energy i know that life

is just

energy i know that life
is flowing through me and its just

energy i know that life
is just energy i know that life

my inner supply instantly and
constantly takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply
in action

it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled
needs or desires

as the principle of supply in
action it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled
needs and desires

it is impossible for me to have any

unfulfilled needs and desires

let it go let it go and
let it flow i am allowing that to flow
and it is

it is flowing life
is flowing perfectly through me

Life is flowing perfectly thorugh me i know

nothing is ever left undone
i allow it i allow life to flow
through i allow god to do the work i allow god

to do the work i all the flow

to do the work i allow the flow

to do the work i allow
the flow

to do the work

i can let that be it
i can let this life be wnoug

enough i can allow this
life to be enough i can allow this
here and now to be enough

just connect with spirit
i can allow this moment to be
enough and just connect

with spirit i can allow this

moment to be enough i can allow life
to flow through me i can

focus on the simran and let that
be enough because it is all there ever is
is the simran is the

feeling of the simran

the feeling of the simarn
of allowing myself to be enough i love
that i am enough

allowing myself to

be enough

the simran to be enough

my inner supply
instantly and constantly

that means all the
and right away

right when i ask
and never ending

takes on form
and experience

according to my
needs and desires

that means life is always
and will always be coalescing
to my needs
and to my liking

and that’s all i ever need to know

the principle of supply

as such,

it is totally impossible for
any of my needs to go


impossible for me
to be unfulfilled

i know i always have everything
i need i know i always have
everything i need i know

i am always 100 percent

perfect and fulfilled

i know this and the more i practice
knowing this the better i feel and
life is about feeling good life is about
feeling good trusting
life and feeling good

in this here and now the

more i practice knowing that
the better i feel
and the easier it gets to feel good

just practice feeling good
and you will feel good

get in the vortex and then

that means feel good
first don’t look for the thing
to make me feel good

get in the vortex and then
that means feel good first that means
make the feeling

your number one priority

the vortex is my number one
priority and as long
as i keep up


nothing else matters

so i take the time
to get in the vortex and
then feel good and then
feel good and then
get in the vortex
and then

feel good and then

feel good and then
do the work and then

do the work and then

feel good and then
lean into the flow and allow the flow to do it
allow the flow to do the work

lean into the flow and allow the flow
to do the work and allow life to flow

easily through me
and know that life is

all vibrational

and trust and feel good
trust and feel good

and feel good trust
and feel
good trust and feel good

let go of all that and simply

don’t hold on to that
don’t hold
on to anything

don’t hold on to anything
and just enjoy this
here and now

knowing that
life is always

unfolding perfectly through
me life is always

unfolding perfectly

through me allow it to unfold

allow it to unfold

know that life is

always unfolding
perfectly through me just do the work
until i don’t care do the work

until i am enjoying this moment for this
moment and knowing that h

there is nothing else besides
this moment i do the work

to reconnect to who iam
and i know that trying

is not connecting and i know the connection
is there

when i lean into it i know i can

get there i can

get inthe vortex
and then i can get in

the vortex and then
i can get in the vortex and then

the feeling i know life and
only refelct

reflect the feeling and i get to make
the choice to

feel good now i get to make the choice
to feel good now i
get to make the choice

to feel good now to feel the flow

in this here and now i

get to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good i

get to feel good inthis here
and now and know that
everything is a design project athat

everything boils down to
getting int he vortex
and then

just having fun and
enjoying the unfolding of life

it feels good to just have fun
and enjoy the unfolding of life
it feels good to feel good
to allow life to flow through me


remember that i wanted this
to celebrate life becaue it is

always flowing through me
get in the vortex and then

enjoy the unfolding
of things and know that

everything is unfolding as it

and enjoy it

i love that i am enjoying life
i love that i get to enjoy life
i love that i get to

enjoy my life

i love that i get to

feel good now i love that i get to feel good now i love that
i get to feel good

now i get to feel the feeling now

allow the feeling inthis

here and now that’s all i can
ever do i liove

making the time to do the spiritual

work i love making tiem
to do the spiritual


i love getting int he fvor
the vortex
and then
i love that

i get

to feel good now
the work is in this here and
now just say yes tot his
here and now


all that matters is enjoying
this here and now i know this
is the answer to everything

just enjoy now
enjoy this moment just say

thank you for this moment
thank you for this moment
and know that

everything else

is working out perfectly

i know this i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel the feeling
of what i prefer i love that
i am doing the work now i love that

i am making the choice to

practice feeling good about my life
tha tis

is all tha tmattret

matters i can come back to center
right now i can get in

vortex and then i can allow it
to happen i am in the vortex
i am in the vortex

how does it feel it feels good

it feels good to feel
good it feels good to feel good

to not care either way
it feels good

to not care either way

it feels doo

good to have the feeling of god to
practice the feeling of god practice
feeling safe inthis
here and
now practice
enjoying this

very moment

the connection with god

vroop vroopin
it it feels good to allow myslef
to feel the feeling to lean into that

feeling it fesl

feels good to lean into that
feeling to lean into the flow
to feel the feeling it feels good to

tolean into

the flow to feel the feeling
it feels good to lean
into the flow

and say thank you
it feels good to say thank you
and feel good

to know that the contrast
creates to know to

that everything is helpind
me allow the flow i love that i get to
feel good about this

i am allowing myself to feel good
about life to let go of everything
and just feel good now
enjoy this very moment
and know that is all i can

i know my awareness
and knowledge of
the all providing activity of the
divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i am allowing myself to
ask for what i want and then allowing
it to come to me

i know its that easy
and then i get to feel the
feeling of it now

because i know its on its way

thankyou thank you thank you

that’s ok i’ll just keep
unpacking it keep becoming aware
and themore i practice
feeling good the better i will feel

i love that its a good day and its
coming together bit by bit
i love that i know i am always doing my best
and that life is helping me know that

here to do the spiritual work and that is all

i notice something
in my vibration that is saying
i am not doing enough or

i have
to i must


and i know deep down
that that mindset never
leads to anything
and it just keeps going and
going i know the

true only

way to


is to align
myself with the power of
spirit and allow that
alignment to do the work


i promise not to
get annoyed at the dumbest
shit and

that was just an
to practice

i promise to let myself
be enough and i know that
without a doubt

because of
universal laws that
if i allow myself
to be enough in this


source will help me


what i think i
need to get “done”

i can breathe

i can breathe
i can
i am able and actually

is always flowing through
me i can attract whatever i want
i do


whatever i want

grateful to do the
work in this here and now
and know that i must connect
with source
in order for things to

“get done”

and i can make peace with that
i love that i am aware and i can
choose to live the life i want to
live i can feel my

ego self is afraid of that
but i want to let go
and enjoy life right now
not let anything get to me

i am practicing not
letting anything get to me that
is a good thing to practice and
that will help me a lot

i’m glad i remember who i am

i’m glad i am
remembering who i am and that i’m
getting the chance to

take the emotional
journey that i am brave enough to
align with the version i’ve
created so grateful to
align with source to trust the
here and now

to trust the here and now
to feel the feeling and say
yes thank you to take the leap

and remember i really don’t have
a choice if i want to feel
good i can’t think about what i want

and i know that my source
and my supply is my knowledge of this
truth my devotion to this truth
and i love the better it gets i love that
i can breathe i love
that i can allow myself to

focus on the spiritual

god is all that matters
god is all that matters
god is all that matters

i can breathe i can breathe
just fine when i’m not
disconnecting myself and i can
make the choice

any time
to refuse to suffer and when
i start to think something is
annoying i can just

change my vibration

my own vibration i just
want to feel good just let go
completely just totally let go just
let go completely just
let go

completely and feel good now
trust that to unfold and do my best in
every moment

it doesnt’ have to
happen now

i can


and trust the flow
and feel the feeling of it

unfolding perfectly

and let it happen

let life happen through me
allow life to happen
through me i am
allowing life
to happen through me

i am allowing life to happen through me

just feel the excited the
wanting the flow the enjoyment of life
the enjoyment of life
i am doing all that i can

i am doing all that i can

i love doing this
work i know this is the only work t

that matters

get in the vortex and then
in the vortex and then
and then i know that it
doesn’t matter
how much i’m doing

i can let that go

just choose a different perspective

i feel good i feel good i feel
good about that i feel good about that
it’s all a matter of vibration
i make the choice to feel
good about that

i feel good i feel good

i make the choice to feel good about
that i make the choice to allow spirit
to decided it

it’s just another chance to let go
another chance to let go

and say who cares its
just an opportunity to change the
vibration to changet the

to practice being enough and
remember that it can
only reflect me it can only
reflect me it can only

reflect me and when i get in the vortex,
the vortex will do the work for me
the vortex will do the work for me


i can allow the flow to do the work
i am allowing the flow to do the work
just leaning into the flow and allowing the flow to do the work i am

allowing the flow

to do the work
do all the work i am

allowing the flow i am
allowing the flow i am

allowing the flow
i am here now and i can breathe
because i am trusting
i am in the here and now
and i am

taking my foot off the gas

do you want to learn
or do you want to be afraid

it’s just a feeling life is
just a feeling of bleie

believing in myself
i can feel that
what is getting in my way
is that i don’t

believe or i don’t feel good about
myself or my life

but i can make the choice
to celebrate my unlimited source and allow
source to do it i can say

thank you i can say thnk you
and just send the siganl i love

that i can always take the meot


emotional journey

i love that this is my work
and i get to feel good about it

the more i feel good

the better i feel and that
is the point of life i know that

whatever feeling
i send toward



that is what i will get
back i know whatever feeling
i send toward that thing
is what i

will get back i get to do the work i
get to do the work and feel good about it
i get to feel good about life
i get to feel good

about life in this here and now

i get to say yes thank you

my awareness, understanding, and knowledge

of the all providing activity of the
divine mind within me is my supply and today i know this
today i remember that i am not
my supply
i don’t make the supply
nor do i “make” it flow through me

the only thing i can make happen
is the pinching off and when i try harder
i pinch it off harder

i love keeping my vibration up the whole day

i love listening to
abe and having her make so much
sense of everything i love
remembering that i make the
choice to feel good

because it feels good
because it feels good and because all that
ever matters is feeling good
i know as long as i do the work
and i am

willing to take the emotional
i will enjoy my life and i will
get there i know i am getting there

little by little
day by day

i know what it feels like
to let go to not care and to just
enjoy life i am making
the choice to just enjoy life

right now
and that’s all i can do i

i never have to wonder and i

i’m tired of feeling like
my head is barley

barley above water that

like i’m drowning like i’m
fightint to stay alive

and i know i dn’t have
to feel this way
i know it measn that

it means that i am
not connected with myself
it means that i am separated
from self
and that is why i can’t
because i am cutting off the
flow of well being and i’m tire

i’m tired of feeling like this

i dn’t need to suck it all
in i don’t need to make it all happen

and i can let go of that
need i can let go fo m

of my desire to control and
just say yes thank you i can let go
of my need to control and know that

i can’t control the unfolding
all i can control is how i feel right now
i make a vow in this here and now
to just

enjoy this here and now

just enjoy this here and now
for me just enjoy this

here and now for me

for me and the more i practice the

how i want to feel the
better i feel the easier
it is to feel good in this

here and now to align

with the energy i want to live

because i know its all energy
i know its all
just life iknow it

its all just life i know life is
pouring through m e

i can let it all go and not
try to make it

any of it happen i can just allow
the flow i acn just

can just allow it in the flow

i can just allow it
in the flow i canj

i am allowing life to flow
through me and i don’t have to be afraid
i can

allow just let go just
allow life to flow through me i can

stop trying i can

i just want to feel at ease
i just want to enjoy my life
i just wnat to be


i just want to be able to breath

and what does that mean
feeling at ease feeling ok with my life
in this right now i know its just

a thought its just a pattern and i love that
i can start a new pattern i am

i can allow myself a new pattern i can
let go of the rest i give

up i give up i give up everything
and i am just trying to
feel good in this here and now i

give up on the rest i give up
i am not trying for anyting

because i already have

i am not trying for anything
i don’ thave to wonder i never have to

worry and in this
her eand now i am making the choice

tpo just enjoy
life i make the choice in this
right here and nwo

done trying and done

disconnecting myself
my connectoin is my source
and when i can’t breath
that is an indicatore
so right now i choose to allow

life to unfold through me and
celebrate that fact

the vibration of hope
leads to the vibration of belief
and i know its all just a

vibration that i acn choose
i can choose right now

i can choose love right now
and when i choose love for life
life chooses love me

for me i love cmoing

back to center the only work
that matters is the energy i love that
i know the

energy loves me