i can refuse to suffer

i know all that matters
is this work and that i don’t have
to believe in short comings
i don’t have to believe
in resistance
and the more i allow the flow to flow
the more

i know i don’t have to care
i don’t have to struggle and i don’t have to gasp for aid


i don’t have to gasp
i don’t havet o suck it all in
i can let it all go and

allow the air to flow
through me i can

let it all go

breathe it all out and let it
all go i know i can do i iknow

i know i can refuse to suffer

i know i don’ htave

don’t have to suffer any more and
its as asy to

easy as making the choice
to drop the thoughts that
are causing it

for my health i

i know its that easy
i know its that easy i know i don’t

have to be a victim
i know i can let it go i know its that
easy to focus into the flow i now

its that easy to focus inot the
flow i know its that
easy to feelt he feeling i want to feel
right now i k

i know life can only reflect the
feeling and when i can’t breathe

that is a very clear indicator
that i am pinching it off

so its easy

to know when i
am pinching it off and

that i don’t have to


that god is always flowing
perfectly through me doing its best
for me and loving me no matter what
i know that i am loved i know that

i am loved and i don’ th

don’t have to feel
mad or angry or frustrated

i can chooset o

to enjoy life in this moment
and that’s all that matters

i love that all my wishes

already came true
i love that its easy to focus
on magick and god and the flow
of god its easy to focus on
the flow of god and

remember that nothing
else matters its easy to
allow the flow to flow
through me

like i am right now
i am allowing the words to
come from my fingertips
and i know

just like that i can
allow life to flow
through me

through the tip
of my being i love
the feeling of



i love that i don’t have to
worry about a think i love
lining up the energy first
i love sending the signal
of i love you i love saying i love you i love
that its my

its my choice how i feel

its my choice
what thoughts come to
my mind
i am not a victim
of my thoughts

or anything and i know that
i know all i can ever do is

choose knowing
is practice the feeling
of knowing
and i know for a fact
that that is all that matters

i love having fun i love
taking pictures i ove looking
for reasons t love i love
having a lust for life
i love that i get to choose
to feel good right now

i love that the more
i let go the more it flows
i love that i know i love
that i know i get to make
the choice

it is so easy to lean into
the direction of the flow
to know that life is already the
way i want it to be i love that
its so easy to

practice the feelings i want
to feel and fel them

them right now i know all t
hat matters is the feeling of
knowing that god is within me
i know my only job

is to know that is to know
that god is lavish

unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe
this all providing
source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i love doing this
work the magick work and i love
knowing that this is
theo nl

the only work that mattes
i love feeling at home
in my life feeling at home in the
moment and i know that
when i practice the
feelings i want to feel when

i feel for the feelings i want to
feel when i feel for the feelings
i want to feel

i attract them i know
that i am a magnet

i know that this
is a simulation i know that this
is a simulation

i know that i odn’ th

don’t have to care
about what anyone sels

else is thinking
about or doing i love
that i am doing me and living
and loving my life i love
that i

that i can let go completely

i love doing
this work and understanding
the true nature of

everything that i am
i know this reality is me
and i will never not
be i know

i never have to be afraid of
what life is bringing
me and i can sit back and enjoy

i love that i am aware of my
expectations and aware that
i can massage them i love
practicing the way


want to feel and knowing that’s
all that matters i loe
that i know i never

i never have to wonder
andi love that i can
sit back relax and enjoy

i love feeling a sense
of knowing

i feel good i feel good i

feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good

i am celebrating life
i am throwing myselfsel

into the flow and iknow the
flow is my drug the knowing
that i am d

i love tht i

get to make the choice
i love that i get to say thank you i love
that i am

aware f the

of my thoughts and that
i can rop them at any time

i love doing

this work i love
feeling the best i’ve ever felt
and knowing that its my choice

i choose to feel
the best i’ve ever

i love celebrating life
because i want to not
because i need a reson

but becaue i know i am
god and i am meant to celebrate life
i am celebrating because i know

everything i’ve ever
asked for is coimgn

coming my way i do the work
i do the work and i feel good
i love feeling the
best i’ve ever felt i love
refusing to suffer

i get to celebrate this day
i get to say than kyou for
this day i love

practicing how i wnat to feel
i love that i get to raise my vibration i love
that i get to to get inthe vor

the vortex and then i love
that i can work thorugh the bloci
and vibrate

at the level i want to i know its
all about the focus i know i never have
to wonder i know that life
is a blessing

because it is a reflection i love
that i get to feel good in this
here and

i love that i dn’t have to
care about that i love that i don ‘tha

have to care about that i love
that i odn ‘tha

have to figure o

that out i know all that matters
is simran and i can let go of the





i am afraid to allow
the magick for fear
of how someone else
will feel

or feel left behind

or judge me

for celebrating
life i feel like i have
been holding myself back
for fear
of what someone else will
think and i know

but i know my ture

my true self is one who celebrates
i know my true self is one who loves
ad i know

i know i don’t havet o build
up a wall aroud t

around that i know i can
make the choice to love and it always
feels better to love i know life
is good when i make the choice
for it to be that way and doing
this work helps

maintain the foxua

focus i know

i know i know i know i know


i know

i know


i’m not nervouse

i’m knowing

i’m not nervous
i’m knowing

i love waking up feeling good

i love that its easy to direct
my energy and its easy to tune myself to the vibration
of source its easy to feel the god
energy flowing
through me and to say yes thank you
to the flow

its easy to feel good in this
here and now

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine power to restore the
years the locusts have eaten

make all things new

and lift me up to the high road
of abundant prosperity

this awareness
and knowledge of spirit
appears as every visible
form and experience

i could possibly imagine

i can do it

i have the ability to refuse to suffer
and i know that when i make the choice
not to suffer
the suffering fades

i know its a choice and its an
easy choice to not suffer
and when i make that choice the
universe conspires to help me
i know

all i have to do is make the
choice to not suffer and turn all
of my attention within

i love that its working i love
that i feel wealthy

i know that all i can ever do is
make the choice and the universe conspires to make
the choice with me

i know nothing is real
and when i make the choice
to allow well being

it flows

i love that i get to make
the choice i love that i know its
a long time coming
and i get to focus on

well being in this here and now
i get to feel the feeling now and that
is the feeling of

god taking care of me

i love that i get to
make the choice i ilove that

its easy to let things
go i love that its easy to allow
them to flow

out of my reality

instantly and constantly

takes on form and experience according
to my needs and desires and
as the principle of supply in action
it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled
needs or desires

i love this day i love
waking up feeling good i love
starting the day right i love
that there is so much to be
grateful for i love
that i know i am god and all my
wishes are constantly
coming true

i love that they already did

i love that they
already did

i love that i have it all
i love that life alredy

already worked out for me
i love that i have the power
to forgive myself

i love that i have
the power to feel the god within me
i love that iknow
i know

my inner supply i love
that i know i love that i get to
feel the feeling
i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing

i love doing the
work i love enjoying this day
becaue i know

all my dreams are coming
true today i love
today becaue i get to feel good no
matter what i love this
day because i

don’t have to care i love
this day because i get to feel the
feeling i am here now

my inner supply instantly and
takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in
action it is impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires

my inner supply
my inner supply
my inner supply

i love that its easy for
me to remember my inner supply
i love that its easy for me
to look for what i want
to see i love
that its easy to for myself

me to devote myself to a life
of god its
easy for me to devote myself
to god

it seasy

easy for me to
express genuine gratitude

i love that life already worked out for
me i love tha ti never
that i never have to wonder i love that i know life

is always going my way i love that i know

life is wal

my inner supply
instantly and constantly
takes on for and experience
according to my needs
and desires and as the
principle of supply
in action

it is impossible for
me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires
i know all that

matters is whre i

where i put my focus
where i put my attention i love
that every da is an

an opportunity to bask

i love feeeling the
feeling of my inner supply
taking care of me and loving
me in this very moment

i love that i never have to
wonder if i’m ok ay

life loves me and is always taking care
of me i love that i get to
simply enjoy the flow of life flowing
through me and say thankyou

i love

love my life

so much to love
i love playing catan
i love my family i love
that it always works out i love
that its flowing i love

feeling wealthy i love
that i know i am infinite

i am made of infinity
and the more i devote myself to that
infinite nature
the better i feel and that is all
that matters

i devote myself to the unknown
and it takes me where i want to go

i make the choice
when i want it bad enough
i will make the choice
to take my foot
off the gas

i love that all my wishes are coming true
i love that i get to feel the feeling
right now here and now i love that
i get to feel the feeling and then

i don’t need the feeling

i love feeling the best i’ve ever felt

i love cultivating
good energy within myself i love
feeling my vibration


i love saying yes thank you
i love that it always comes
i love that i am wealthy
i love that i am

wealthy i love
that there is so much to love
i love that life is working out
for me i love

the better it gets

the better it gets the better it gets

i know it will never
not be rightnow i know

i never have to woner
and i do this work becaue
it helps me feel at ease

it helps me remember my
true wealth

my infnite wealth

and remindes that my supply
is my awareness
and knowledge of the

all providing activity
of the divine mind within me

is my supply

my consciousness
of this truth

is unlimited
therefore my supply
is unlimited

i know my supply is
i love feeling focused on the
flow i love tat i know
the flow is always flowing
through me

andi never have to wonder
what i am going to achieve in life

because i already did i love
that i already made it i love that i
already have everything i love
that i know life is good i know life is meant to be good

i lovethat i get to
feel good i love that i get to feel
the focus right now i love
that i get to feel good right now i love
that li k

i know life
loves me i love that i know life
loves me i love
that i know

life loves me i love

doing the work

i know the flow is
always flowing i know life
loves me and life i s

perfect right no wi love
allowing the flow to
flow through me i love
feeling calm i love

that i know i am infintely
wealthy i love

practicing the feeling i love
taking my magick to the next level i love
that the work always works i love

that i get to celebrate life ight

life right now i love
that i get to celebrate life
right now i love
that i get to celebrate life right now i love

that life is good i l

i am here now

focused i the here and now and that is
allthat matters i love that there
is so much to be grateful for
i love feeling like my best self i love
feeling like my god selfi love

that iknow it just dosn’t matter
i love that i don’ thave to care i love

that i don’t have to care

i loe

i love clicking in i love
feeling good now i love

far i’ve come i loe that
i know life is flowing
perfectly through me i love
that i am wealthy i love
that i notice it andi
get more of it i love
that i notice it and i

get more of it i love
that i knowi am

i am the creator i love
wanting to do the work i love

feeling good i love that its
ok to
feel good now celebrate this right now
right here and now

i love the power
fo this of this right now i love
that i can always feel connected
in this right now i love
that i can always feel close
to god in this right now ilove
that i can always say

yes thank you in this
rigt now i love
that i don’t have to wonder

about the future

i love that i know i am loved
i love that my wife loves me i love
that we get along and love
each other i love that
we get to hve fun and adventures

i love choosing not to care ilove
thati tr

i truly don’t i love
waking up feeling good i love waking up
remembering that i am wealthy i love that ther is always more
than enough

i love doing the work

i love talking with god i love
doing it first thing in the morning
an di am fresh and not dealing with
the worries of the day i love
that i never have to deal wth the
worries of the day

i love that i never havet o w
to worry i love
that i get to celebrate this awesoem

i love doing the work and
connecting with god with
the energy the work that


the only work that matters:
the concentration on
the vortex

i know all that matters
is the vortex i know all
that matters

today i intend to practice
feeling connected with god
and i know that feeling of connection
is all i ever need

the focus
the concentration on
god is all i need and i know that i love
waking up feeling good and
making the time to tune
myself i know its
just for fun i love that iknow
life is just for fun and
i get to live it i know life is

just for fun i love that

i get to focus on me

how i feel what i want to get out
of life and i know that is
all that matters

i get to focus on how i want to feel and
that’s all that matters i know how i feel is all that matters

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness
and knowledge of the
all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

money is not my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply
my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited threfore
my supply is unlimited

i know my supply is unlimited
i know i am god i know i am god
and everything is going my way i love
that ig et to

get to practice

i love that i get to feel the
feeling i lov that i get to do this
work i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to make
the choice to feel how i want to feel
to allow what i want to allow

i love that i get to choose me i love
the better it gets i love that
i get to choose me i love
that i get to choose
me i love that i get to choose me

money is not my supply no person
place or condition is my supply
my awreness understanding and knowledge of
the all providing power of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love that i get to feel good
about myself right now i love
that i get to feel good
about myself right now

i love that i get to make
the chocie i love

that i get to feel wealthy i love
that i know everythin gis a f

is a feeling i love that i know everything
is a feeling i love that i get to make

the choice to feel the feeling i wa

want to feel right now i

get to make the choice
to feel the feeling iwnat to feel r
ight now i love

that i get to make the choice
to feel good nwo i love
that i get to make

the hcoice the choice to love

i lov that it always worsk i love
that i get to cho

choose the flow the feeling i
get to choosed the feeling
right now i get to choosethe feeling
the feeling right now

i get to feel
the feeling now i ove
i love that i get to celebrate

celebrate love
celebrate this monent

so grateful to raise
my vibration to let go and to not
care becaue i know

that situation isn’t
my suppy i love
that i g etto feel good now i love
that i know its just a fucking
simulation i love

doing the work and the feeling better
i love that i know my vortex is always right

here i love that i get to celebrate because i know
life is good i love

i love that i get to celebrate
because i know life is good i love

it feels good to celebrate life
to know life is going my way it
feels good to celebrate
say yes it feels good to say yes
to feel good it feels good

feel good

the powe rof the focus

to celebrate life
to celebrate me
to allow the feeling of

celebration to flow

it feels good to lean into the flow
and know that

all my wishes are coming true

it feelsg ood to
goot o know to know that
life is going my way
it feels good to

look for reasons to be grateufl
it feels good to celebrate this day to
feel my best it feels godo
to celebrate me to lean into the flow
and expect the flow

take me i know i am god and i know
all my wishes are coming true
i know i am wealthy
i know al ready

already have everything i know
already have it all iknow i

i love that i am already totally fulfilled
and i don’t have to achienve

i don’ thave to achiece

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing
of the divine mind within me
is my supply

iknow the power of the
focus is all that matters
and the connection
i know the connection i know the connectoin to
god is all that matters

i know the connection to
god is all that matters i know

connectoin is all that matters
the feeling is
all that matters the celebration
of life is all that matters

i love feeling the
best i’ve ever felt i love that
it always comes i love
leaning into the flow i love
feeling good about myself i love
that i get to feel good i love tha ti g

get ot do thiw work i love that
i get to do thwi

this work i love that
all my siwhs

wishes are coming true
9i love that

all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to cele

celebrate life i love
that life is perfect

right now

love the feeling

love doing the work love feeling
free love that i get to let that go that
i get to feel free and flowing

relaxed and free and flowing
m not nervouse i’m no

knowing i love
that i get to celebrate
this day

i love feeling good i love
that i never have to worry i love
that it always comes i love
that ig etto

get to celebrate this right now