i love doing the work

i love talking with god i love
doing it first thing in the morning
an di am fresh and not dealing with
the worries of the day i love
that i never have to deal wth the
worries of the day

i love that i never havet o w
to worry i love
that i get to celebrate this awesoem

i love doing the work and
connecting with god with
the energy the work that


the only work that matters:
the concentration on
the vortex

i know all that matters
is the vortex i know all
that matters

today i intend to practice
feeling connected with god
and i know that feeling of connection
is all i ever need

the focus
the concentration on
god is all i need and i know that i love
waking up feeling good and
making the time to tune
myself i know its
just for fun i love that iknow
life is just for fun and
i get to live it i know life is

just for fun i love that

i get to focus on me

how i feel what i want to get out
of life and i know that is
all that matters

i get to focus on how i want to feel and
that’s all that matters i know how i feel is all that matters

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness
and knowledge of the
all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

money is not my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply
my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited threfore
my supply is unlimited

i know my supply is unlimited
i know i am god i know i am god
and everything is going my way i love
that ig et to

get to practice

i love that i get to feel the
feeling i lov that i get to do this
work i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to make
the choice to feel how i want to feel
to allow what i want to allow

i love that i get to choose me i love
the better it gets i love that
i get to choose me i love
that i get to choose
me i love that i get to choose me

money is not my supply no person
place or condition is my supply
my awreness understanding and knowledge of
the all providing power of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love that i get to feel good
about myself right now i love
that i get to feel good
about myself right now

i love that i get to make
the chocie i love

that i get to feel wealthy i love
that i know everythin gis a f

is a feeling i love that i know everything
is a feeling i love that i get to make

the choice to feel the feeling i wa

want to feel right now i

get to make the choice
to feel the feeling iwnat to feel r
ight now i love

that i get to make the choice
to feel good nwo i love
that i get to make

the hcoice the choice to love

i lov that it always worsk i love
that i get to cho

choose the flow the feeling i
get to choosed the feeling
right now i get to choosethe feeling
the feeling right now

i get to feel
the feeling now i ove
i love that i get to celebrate

celebrate love
celebrate this monent

so grateful to raise
my vibration to let go and to not
care becaue i know

that situation isn’t
my suppy i love
that i g etto feel good now i love
that i know its just a fucking
simulation i love

doing the work and the feeling better
i love that i know my vortex is always right

here i love that i get to celebrate because i know
life is good i love

i love that i get to celebrate
because i know life is good i love

it feels good to celebrate life
to know life is going my way it
feels good to celebrate
say yes it feels good to say yes
to feel good it feels good

feel good

the powe rof the focus

to celebrate life
to celebrate me
to allow the feeling of

celebration to flow

it feels good to lean into the flow
and know that

all my wishes are coming true

it feelsg ood to
goot o know to know that
life is going my way
it feels good to

look for reasons to be grateufl
it feels good to celebrate this day to
feel my best it feels godo
to celebrate me to lean into the flow
and expect the flow

take me i know i am god and i know
all my wishes are coming true
i know i am wealthy
i know al ready

already have everything i know
already have it all iknow i

i love that i am already totally fulfilled
and i don’t have to achienve

i don’ thave to achiece

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing
of the divine mind within me
is my supply

iknow the power of the
focus is all that matters
and the connection
i know the connection i know the connectoin to
god is all that matters

i know the connection to
god is all that matters i know

connectoin is all that matters
the feeling is
all that matters the celebration
of life is all that matters

i love feeling the
best i’ve ever felt i love that
it always comes i love
leaning into the flow i love
feeling good about myself i love
that i get to feel good i love tha ti g

get ot do thiw work i love that
i get to do thwi

this work i love that
all my siwhs

wishes are coming true
9i love that

all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to cele

celebrate life i love
that life is perfect

right now

love the feeling

love doing the work love feeling
free love that i get to let that go that
i get to feel free and flowing

relaxed and free and flowing
m not nervouse i’m no

knowing i love
that i get to celebrate
this day

i love feeling good i love
that i never have to worry i love
that it always comes i love
that ig etto

get to celebrate this right now

it feels good to feel connected

to do the work to feel connected
to source it feels good to feel the feeling
and allow the energy to flow
toward god it feels good to direct
my money toward


rather than toward attachment
toward needing something to happen
to feel good

when i always have god and i
can always direct that
energy toward god i can
always feel that feeling
but better

when i direct the energy towards god when i direct the
energy towards god it feels good to allow the flow to flow

and do the work to
direct the energy toward the

flow of well being to allow
well being i am allowing well being
in every moment and when i

imagine god
flowing through me it is i know
i am the creator of me
i am the creator
of the feeling within me

i get to choose
how i feel and that is
all that matters
i make the choice to feel

because it feels goo

better it feels good to allow the flow
to flow through me

it feels good to feel the
best i’ve ever felt to celebrate
the fact that god loves me and

god is granting all my wishes

it feels good to
feelt he best

the best i’ve ever felt it
feels good to celebrate
the fect that god is taking care of


it feels good to feel the best
best i’ve ever felt to

surrender to god and know
taht god

is flowing perfectly through


it feels good
to surrender to
surrender to the flow to know

all flowing it feels good
to allow it all to

come together it feels good to practice the
feeling of my vortex the feelng
of avalanches of


i deserve it i know that
god loves me and i love the
feeling of celebrating knowing that
today is my day i love
that i get to make the choice i love
that i get to make the choice

to feel the best i’ve ever felt i love
that today is a good day i love
leaning into the flow i love
doing this work practicing the feeling
i love

that i’ve been to mountain top
i love that i can refuse to think negative
thoughts i love
that i have the

to look for the version
i prefer i love practicing
the feeling i love
that i get to choose i love
that i never have
to wonder

i love feeling good i love
feeling the power of my vortex i love
that i feel good now i love
celebrating life right now i love
that life is good right

now i love the power of
the focus i lov that

that i never have to
wonder if life is working out
for me i never

have to wonder if life
is going my way i can celebrate the
fact that there is
only one flow and it is of well being i love

that i know this i love that its

easy to remember i love
that i get to choose how i feel ilove
that i know i am the creator i love

making the time to tune
myself i love that it just
doesn’t matter
i love that i know life
can only reflect me and the signal
i send i love

the better it gers i love

truly don’t care what anyone
else thinks all that matters
is how i feel within myself
if i feel good or not
i love that i don’t have
to care about anything esle i love

positive stress i love
that its all working out i love
making my best work i ilove

the better it gets i love
gathering momentum i love that i
know i already made it i love
that i feelwea

wealthy i love
that i

already made it

alraedy made it already
have everything because i know
my connectin to god
is my supply and the only
thing that matters
is knowing that

god is taking care of everything i know
when i practice the feeling

life can only reflect
the feeling so i am brave enough to
feel how i want to feel right now

life can only reflect the
feeling so i become it then i see it

i feel the feeling first i feel
the feeling as if it already is the way i want it to be and then it


it has now choice i know
it has no choice but to manifest i know it
has no choice but to manifest
i know

it has no choice i get to feel good
now i

get t feel to feel good now i
get to feel

through my consciousness of my god self

the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of

this substance is my supply thus my
consciousness of the presence of
god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

consciousness is my supply
and i know this i love that i get to make
the choice to gather momentum
to look for what i want to see

to do the work the work the flow

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance
of spirit this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presenc eof

of god within me is my supply

thus my consciousness of
the presence of god within me is my supply

i love that i get to choose
to feel the god within me and that’s all
that matters i love that i
get to make the choice
to love myself i love that i get
to make the choice to feel good about my life
i love that i get to make the choice
to take the big leap i love that i don’t

have to care about the bullshit
i love that i know life i good i love
that i know i am the creator i love

i love that i know i ma th
am the creator of me i love that i know i am
the creator of me i love that i know everything
is unfolding my way i love
enjoying the

the flow is flowing and i
am celebrating that fact i know
all that matters is the focus on the
flow and i love
that i get to choose
i love

that i get to choose
to let go and feel good love
that i know i can only vibrate
for myself i love
that i get to feel waves of relief i

feel waves of relief because
of avalanches of abundance

avalanches and i know
it is all a reflection of the
feeling i make the choice
to feel i send the signal i love

that its flowing i love that
the flow is flowing and i get to choose love
i love that i get to choose
me i get to choose to love myself no matter
what and that feeling

is my supply

my knowledge that everything
is taken care of for me is my supply
knowing that everything is always
taken care of that
is my infinite supply of well being

that feeling of knowing is all that matters
the feeling of knowing is all that matters
and life

life fills in the rest i love
that i life is good for me i love that life is good
i love that all my wishes are coming true i love
that life is going my way i love
that i get to send the signal
of yes

and that’s
all that matters i know that
my consciousness is my supply
i know

my consciousness is my supply
i love that i get to celebrate life right now

i get to celebrate life right now
i love the power of the focus i love
that i am the creator and i love
that i get to choose i love
that i get to celebrate right now i love

that we are selling workshop tickets

i love that life is going perfectly for
me i love that i feel good and i get to make
that choice i love
that i get to make the choice to feel good i know

i love that i know the devotion to
the simran is all that matters i love that today i can
choose devotion i love the
feeling of devotion of

complete surrender
to the simran i love that i can
give myself over completely to the simran
i can give myself over completely
to the simran and

make the choice to
enjoy life right now i get to make
the choice

to enjoy life right now i
get to make the choice
i get to make the choice
to do the work right now i

get to make the choice to feel
the feeling of god within me and trust
the rest i get to trust

the rest i get to trust
the rest i get to
trust the rest and i

get to make the choice to feel
good to lean into the flow
and ignore the rest

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply i draw into

my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the
presence of god within me
is my supply

through my consciousness
of my god self the christ within
as my supply i draw into my
mind and feeling nature the
very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of
the presence of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply

i know that is all that matters


knowing i am god and

everything is going my way i love
that i get to make the choice

to be conscious

to feel conscious

to know that i am
god and that’s all that

through my consciousness of
my god self

the christ within as mu supply
i draw into my ind and

mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is
my supply thus my consciousness
of the prsence

presence of god
within me is my supply

my consciousness of the
god self within me as my total

through my consciousness of my
god self i draw into my mind and feelng
the versy

very substnace of spirit

this substnace is my supply
thus my consciouisness

of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the prsence
of god within me is my supply

i love tat

that all my wishes
already came true

it feels good to feel good

to make the choice to
believe in myself to make the
choice to believe in
the version i prefer i know
the power of the focus and i know that
when i focus god flows

through me i love
that life already worked out for me i love
that life already worked out for me
i love that it already is the way
i want it to b i love
feeling gooda bout

about life and knowing the
the feeling is always there
right here with me i know i don’t

have to wonder i love that i don’t have to wonder
i love that i don’t have to wonder
i love that i don’t have to wonder i love
that i get to lean into the flow i love
that it always comes i love
that all my wishes are always coming true
i love the power of the flow i love
believing in myself i love
the power

of tuning myself to the vibration of me
i love the power of
tuning to the vibration of me

i love the power of the focus i love
that i know i am god and i can
allow myself to use my god powers any time i love
that t

i know iam god

i love that i know i am
not in control i know god
is in control and that is
why i can

surrender completely and
allow god to do the work i love
that i can allow god to take
care of everything in my life i love
that i can allow the flow to do
everything i ove
that everything is working out
for me i love
that everything is working out for me i love
that it i can believe it

it can be i believe it
then i see it beleive it
then i see it a nd i know that
is all there is to it

a feeling i

a signal

i love that everything always comes to
me i love that
everything comes to me when it is
supposed to i love that
i can celebrate i love tha i

that i don’t have to care i love
that i

i love that i ove tat
i love that i get to allow the feleing
to flow through me i love
feeling practiced i love
that power of the focus i love
that i am focused on center andthat’s
all i can do i love
that i know

i’m not nervous

i’m knowing i’m not nervous

i’m knowing

i’m knowing

i’m knowing i know live
is going my way i know i am
life i am life and i am
celebrating that fact
i love celebrating life i love
that life is going my way
and i feel good i love
feeling the best i’ve ever felt i love
that iknow

life follows the feleing
i love feeling

brave enough

in this right now
to look for what i want to see i love
the ower o

the power of looking for what i want to see i love
that i know i am the crator i

know i am the creator and what i look
for i see i know that life is easy i know that

everthing is going the way it is

i get to decide i get to deiced

that everything is working otu i love
that i know i love how far we’ve come i love how
far we’ve come i love that
i get to mae the choice
how i feel about my life

i get

i love that i get to feel good
now i loe that i get to fel the

feeling i want to feel i love
that i get

get to feel waves of reliefe
i love that i get to feel waves of relief

i feel good inthis here and now and that
is all that maters i love
that i getot o d

to do the work myself i love that i

get to do the work
myself i love
feel the feeling inthis right now
this here ansd now i l

i know that it’s eay to
let go of


to surrneder
surrender everything to god
and i know the more
i surrender to god
the mor eit

it can do i know the more
i surrender to the magick
the more magick i see ilove

feel prosperous i love
that life is working out for
em i love tha tlife
is work

working out for me i ove
tha tlife

that life is good i love
that i get to make the choice i love
that i get to lean into the flow
i love that i get to lean inot th
the flow i love
that i

that i’ve let that go i

i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing

i love that i get to choose how
if eel i love that it
already is the way i want it to e i love
that life is good i love

everything is working out


thank you god for everything

i feel good i feel the
best ive ever felt because i am focused on the
flow and i know the only thing i can
ever do is come back to benter

to center and focus on what i know i lov
i love that i know its just for fun
i love that i know it just doesn’t matter
i love that i know it

just doesn’t matter i love that
i know it just dosn’t matter

i love that all of our wishes
are coming true i love
that all of our wishes are coming
true i love

allowing it to

unfold i love
celebrating that it is i love
that i get to make the choicet o love

i love that i get to love!!

i love making the time to do the work
i love that the flow is flowing through me

i love that i’m happy in this here andn ow!!

i do not have to care

and through doing this
work i am able to practice more
and more looking for what i want
to see and i know it can
be scary but i can allow it
for myself
and its fun!!

i love that its fun to
live a fun life i love that its
fun to love and look for
what i want to see to
feel a sense of

fulfillment from within

its fun to look for what i want
to see instead of what i don’t and i know
that is what creates my life experience

i love making the time
to create i love making the time to come
to center and shore up my vibration

i love making the time
to design my thoughts and my reality
i love that i know i am the

creator i love

that i know when i feel good i am in alignment
with source and when i feel bad
the opposite

i know its never been my
job to figure out how to make
anything happen

my only job is to allow it
to flow through me to
perceive it and discern


i love feeling good i love
feeling love and appreciated

i love romance i love
flirtation i love
feeling good in my clothes i love
feeling confident i love

networking i love
bagels and cream cheese i love
perfect timing i love
feeling loved and appreciated i love
feeling like a part of something

i love being the star of
the show i love being the star of the show i love
being the star of the show

i love that i get
to choose i love that i know its
all energy i love that i
can always send the signal of love
and that is what i see

i love doing this work because
it hleps

helps me tune myself hleps
helps me become aware of my thoughts
and hleps

me remember that i can simply
act as if

i can feel
the feeling right now that
as if it already is i

get to make the chcoie
to feel the feelin right now
and that is all that matters

what comes from it

is now thing


i love feeling good and i know
that it is all that matters
i love that i know this is the only
work i love that i

am certain i love
that i am found i love that
i am found i love
that i can relax and allow
i know all i
can ever do

is decide
and send the signal dn thi

and this work helps me

send the signal i love
when i want to do the work
because it works i love
when i want to do the work
because it works
i love

when i want to do the work
because it works i

i know the work always works
the work always works i love
that i know i love tha ti

get to tune myself i love
that i get to choose ceratint

certainty i love
that i get to be involved in my field

i love that life is good

i am here now

allowing the best and
sending the sgina

signal of yes

i love that i can sit
back and enjoy this right now
because nothing is permanent i love
that i can say thank you
i love that the work

helps me do it i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good about aht
and through practice

i do

i love that i know t
he signal the signal i send i love
that i can make the choice
to change it right now i love
tha ti get to

make the choice to feel how i want to feel
and that is my reality i love
that i can be brave enough
to do so

i love that i get to
feel good about that i love
that its help

helping me ask for

self assuredness

standing behind what i say

being a boss
to be friends to be involved
to feel included

to always do my best
to be the best no matter
what i love that its

helping me know
what i want and that

that’s to love myself
no matter what that is
to love myself no matter

and i forgive myself i
forgive myself i forgive

i can relax

it helped me do something
i’ve wanted


so there you go

it all comes together and i am
always getting wha ti want

i love that i know that
i love that i know everything is always
unfolding in my way i can relax in that
knowledge i love

feeling that
familiar old
feeling of knowing
my infinite nature i love
exploring it deeper and knowing
it better

i love placeing m

my focus within i love
making the choice to practice letting
go of things and allowing
them to work themselves out ilove

i love that din’t have

don’t have to care i love
that i can take

let the magick take care of it
i love feeling care free i love
tuning myself to the vibratino of

of success i

i love that i am aware of
the signal i am sending and i get to
make the choice to

send the signal of
waves of relief

waves of relief
an that

and that’s how i live
my life

through waves of relief

it feels good to gather momentum

it feels good for all my wishes to
come to true to say thank you to feel
genuinely grateful

i love that i knkow
everything is going my way because that is
the way it is meant to be
i know life


is a printout
of my beliefs

i loe that
everything is going my way i love
that every where i look i see magic
i love that i expect the
best i love

that i am tuned to the vibration
of magick and everywhere i look
i see magick i love that i get to

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to do me i love
that i get to feel grateful i love that i
get to make the choice to

feel pure and true

i love that all my wishes are cming
true i love
the feeling i love

i am focused in this here and
now and i know that everywhere i look
i see the magick

i know everywhere i look i
see the magick and i know its up
to me to feel the feeling
of magick within me i love that i know
i love that i get

to look with love i love
that i get to celebrate this day i love
that i get to feelt he
feeling i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to

allow i love that i get to el

celebate t
celebrate the feeling iknow i know life
reflects the feeling o

so i never havet o wonder

i am focused
in the here and now
and that’s all that matters
i love that i can let
the rest go

with confidence

i love that i can feel focused
in this right now i love that i am
brave neou

enough to celebrate and
say thank you i am
brave neoug

enough to create the version i
want to see i am
brave enough to create

the version i want to see i am
brave enough to focus on the version
i prefer am

enough to let it go i

let it go and make the choice
to love fully and wholy

i love that i

i fel th

feel the feelin right now
and i am cultivating that feeling
within myself i love

that i know the power of the
focus and looking for hte
the flow the magick i am

looking for the magicki loo

i look for the magick i look

for the magick and i see
it iknow that i know this
i know that

whatever signal
i send

is what i receive i know this
for a fact i love that
life is flowing through me

life is flowing through me

life is flowing

flowing through me through me thorugh

through me through me through me

i love that i get to celebrate life
right now l

i love that lfe i s

life is good i love
feeling the feeling of god
within me i love that
i get to choose the feeling
now i ove that

i love that i can allow it
i love

i feel good rightnow
because i am looking for what
i want to se i a

i am making the choice to
lift up my mind and heart

to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence
i am

is the source and subtance
of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence

is the source and substance of
all my good i love that i get to make
the choice i love that i get to make

the choice to love i love that i know i
don’t need anything i ove that i get to choose
where i

i don’t care

i don’t care
i don’t care

i love doing the work and
not caring i love
that its up to me to to me to me

i ove that its
up to me to decide i ove
that i know its

my choice and it will never
not be my creation

its u to me

to me to look for the
version i prefer i love
looking for what i want to see
i love how far i’ve come
i love how

far i’ve come
i love that the rent is paid
i love that eh

the taxes are paid i love
that we live int he ni

the nicest house possible
i love eveything

everything ive created i love
that i made all this i love celebrating life

i love that life s good
is good i love that i am loved i love
that i am brave enough to send the

signal i love that
the contrast helps me focus i
love that i can do it i love
that i love i love

i love that i get to create the
versoin i prefer
i love that i

i get to decide i love
that i get to decice i love
that life is working out for me

i love that
i get to feel the feeling i love
that i know everything is going my
way i love that i
get to choose the feeling i love

that i am brave enough to
choose how i want to feel i love
that i am brave enough

to look for what i want to see
i love that i am brave neough

enough to be aware the everything
is an indicator

i love that i get oth
to choose and i never have
to wonder


i never have to wonder
what’s going to happen because everything
is working out i love
that i get to get out of the way
i love that i know my own power

i love that i get to chosoe to
believe int he best i get to believe in the


i love doing the work
because through the practice
of focusing within
it becomes easier to place
all of my focus within
on the feeling of god within me
on the

knowledge of god within me
and then i feel it and i know
the feeling of god within
me is all that matters

it is my currency and it
is the only thing i truly
seek or

don’t seek

i don’t seek
the presence of god within
me i know it is here it
is here
with me always the presence of
god is always here with me the
presence of god is always
here with me
i am god

and i always have been

i don’t seek the presence of god
i know it
i experience it i don’t seek the
presence of god
i know it i know it is
here i know i am


i know i am it and i know it’s
my choice to choose it i know it is
my choice to choose it in this right now
and the more i can
the more i practice and the more
i feel the

presence of everything
already existing in this moment
the better it feels and the
easier it is to


the mind that it doesn’t
need to be racing all day
every day

it can relax and enjoy
relax and enjoy the ride
and i know that is all i can do
is relax and enjoy the ride

today i intend to relax and enjoy the ride

i am floating
downstream and that is my
only job
my only

job is to know the
infinite well being that already
exists in my life
as who i am

nothing ever began
and nothing will ever end
it will only ever be this
right now and that


that experience
of complete withdrawal
from future or past
is enlightenment

it is when time stops
and smells become stronger
and sounds become


because those sounds
are me
my life experience is me
and i am the creator of it
i am the creator of me
because i am the creator
of my life experience and
my life experience is

a reflection of me

i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel good about my life
and this very moment because
i know it is never not this
moment i know god exists
already within me i know it is

so i don’t need to seek it
i am celebrating
the existence

the presence of god within me

i love that i get to choose
i love the feeling of being practiced
and looking for what i want
to see i love
feeling practiced

i love the feeling of feeling
good i love the
feeling of feeling good i love
the feeling of feeling

here now focused in the
here and now and that is all that
matters is devotion to the mantra

devotion to the here and now
devotion to the here and now
is all that matters
the knowing that i never have to
wonder the

knowing that i can simply float
downstream i know this is my power
i know the power of transmutation
is my power

i know that is the strongest power
there is and i am brave enough to use it

i am

brave enough to look
for what i want to see to
trust it to manifest without
my interference i love

doing this work because it helps
me practice i love that the
work always works i love that i
get to choose what i look for i love

feeling my heart sing i love
that i already have it all i love
that i already

have it all i love that
life already is the way i want it to be

i love that life already is
the way i want it to be i love that life
already is the way i want it to be

i feel god within me
in this here and now and that
is all that matters i know my only
job is to enjoy this here and now
i know my only job is to

feel good to know god
in this here and now to know
to know that i am god and that
i am allowing the best of

everything to know
without doubt that there is only
one flow and it is of
well being it feels

i want to enjoy life
and that enjoyment of life comes
from just that

the choice to enjoy life

i get to make the choice
how i feel and i can relax into the here
and now knowing that
everything is working out how it should

i know the more i let go
the more it flows

so today i intend to get out
of the way and allow life
to flow through me as it should

as it is going to
and i am going to trust whatever
happens because i know
god is always on my side
and nothing can tear me
away from the one



i love that i know the
one single truth and that
everything in life reflects that i love
that i get to choose i love
that the contrast helps me
evolve i love
that it

helps me learn

i love that the
contrast helps me i love
that i know life is good and i
can relax intot he

this here and now

i aksed

i created this
perfect here and now
it deserves to
be celebrated

i don’t have to
protect myself from
love i can embrace it
i can allow myself to love
no matter what i can
allow myself to love
i can allow myself to love

no matter what

i love this day i love
ths here and now and i love
that all my wishes are coming ture

all my wishes are coming trill


is all that matters is devotoin
to the god within and that means
checking in all the time
checking in wiht myself and feeling
in alignment i know all that matters
is howi feel
and i get to feel blessed i get to feel
wealthy and then
my life relfects that
i know i don ‘thavet o be afraid of that
i feelhow i fee

want to feel i feel ho w

how iw atn
want to feel and that’s
blessed becaus i alwary

already have everything i need