because i’m so happy

because i’m so happy i
got my biscuit because i’m so happy
i’m appreciated because i’m so
happy i see the truth

because i’m so happy i feel
genuinely good i wake up feeling good
like today is a good day and feeling

truly good it
feels good to feel truly good and iknow that
that it comes about as

it feels good to come
directly back to center it
feels good to owne up

to accept and love myself
and my actions

i love that i know
everything that comes my
way is a solution

i know that everything that comes
my way is a solution i love that life
is a solutoin i love

i love expecting the best i love
expecting the best i love

doing thiw wor

this work i love that this
work works i love that this work
works and a

i know that all life is is
is allowing myself to feel good
i know that all life is is allowing myself to

feel good

the tao does nothing
and leaves nothing left

the tao does nothing and
leaves nothing left

i love feeling better and knowing that
tis’ m
it’s me it’s the effects of the
practice of me

changing my poitn

of attraction
of allowing my best self and i love
that i can say thank you
for helping me allow
the best version

of myself i love that this is my only
work this is the oly

only work i love feeling life
click into place i love loving myself i love
that i know this
is the only work

feeling good is the only work
having fun is the only work right

i love that i know thisi love that
i love that i can have fun
no matter what i love that i can

have fun no matter what

i have power of focus
i have momentum on my life
i feel good i feel good in my
life and tht

that is all that matters
i love that the contrast

helps me get there
i love doing the work to
get to

get there

taking hold
of my vibratoin
of my

third eye
i love lk

liking myself

i love standing behind
what i say and do

and never second guessing it
i love that i know
i love relearning
who i am i love

the better it gets i love
the awakening i love that
i can allow myself to
wake up in

in every moment i love feeling

confident that i can do that
i love that i don’t havet o

be afraid
of success i can
embrace success i

embrace success

i love waking up
i love realizing it i love
doing the work to feel
connected with
an dfee

and feel the feelign
and turn it around and know that
i can always turn it around


first i become it

then i see it i love that
first i becoem it

first i become it and then
i see it

i have the willpower i
can d oit i can do it i can
do it i can have fun

i can enjoy life i loive
getting the best out of life i love that
i can

always feel the best i l

i know that i felt for the feeling
and it came becaus

i allowed it and i love that i know the
work always works i love that i know the
work always works i love that
i can heal my life

i can heal my life i love that
i know this i love that i know this
i love feeling confident

confident in my reality i love
doing it for me i love lving

living my life for me i love
enjoying the moment for me i love
doing the work
that feels good
i love feeling good now

i love feeling elevated
i feel

elevated i love myself i love
myself i love myself i love

i love myself i love myself

whateveryou cha

you cahnge

chant you become
whatever you


you become

and the numbers
are god
so you are god

thank you for this day
thank you for the feeling htank yo
thank you

for the feeling and the
sens of

sense of konwing that

that ti’s up

it’s up to me what
feeling i choose to hold on to

it feels good to make
a practice of holding

on to the
the feeling i prefer i love that
the work is working

the work is working the
work is working i love
feeling inspired to be my best
self i love that
i can always

transmute the energy
i love that i know this
is my power
this is mky power

this is my power

this is my power

i love that this work
works practicing feeling how i
want to feel is all there

it is only ever me and i love
that i know this
i love
that i know

i love that i know the secret to life
and it is to focus within
i love that i can a

always send love i lov

i let go and allow life
to flow through me i
feel good i feel emp

empowered i feel connected to life
and i know that i can only
ever feel safe and at home i nthe

in the here and now i love

i love hat it

that it’s all good it’s all good
it’s all good i love knowing
that i get to choose

which i align with

i align with my best self i
with my best self i expand to the
best version

of myself

and the mor i allow
that the more i allow
myself to go there

to catch up
to my

highest self

to let go of the fear
of my best self

my best self
doesn’t question
my best self doesn’t
second guess

i love that i can feel
connected witht he

the flow of life and kow

know for sure i know
for sure i know
for sure i know for sure

that life loves me and i love
feeling the feeling i l

i know that i can
always connect witht he f

the feeling right now
it’s only e
ver th

ever the feeling the i

feel the feleing
i feel the feeling of knowing
i feel the feeling of
of letting go
of trust

i feel the feeling ot

letting go of everything
i am brave enough
to trust everything
in thsi here
and now i feel the feeling
of trust and i take
the big lepa

i take the leap

even the slightest lean
into the flow
makes a massive difference

it’s all about being
brave enough to
create the version
you prefer and not
be afraid it won’t

believe in it
and the flow is so
much more powerful than
