brave enought ot
to feel good to do this work tod
to do this work brave enough ttod tho
to do this work to feel good now
to love the feeling nwo
it’s only me and i know that i know i have the powe
i know i know
i have the ower the poewr t
i know i have the power i know i have the power i knowtis
only me only i can get
can choose tto feel comples only i can chooset o feel
filledup only i can choose to be fille up
thank you thank you for the feeling for the knowelgef
for the love i get to choose i get to choose
i’m hre feeling it tuning it remembering it
i get to dco
choose to feel i get to choose to love to feel good
to be awre i get to choose to be
i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose
how i feel i get to choose i get to choose
its me its me its me ites
its me its me i get to choose the feeling i ‘m here i
get tget to choose the feeling i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose the feeling i get
to choose the feeling i get to
choose the feeling
it’s me it’s me it’s me
it’s me it
it’s only ever me i know the power of me
and i get to ask myself how i want to feel
i wanted this i wanted this say es
yes i wanted this i wanted this i geto say e
to say yesi get to
i get to cs
say yes i get to say yes i get to sye
say yes i get to say yes
i’m here i am ware i am aware
and that is all there is the
feeling is all there is nd i love that i get to
remember that i love that i get to remember who ia m
what i am i love that i get to do this work
remember the powre of this work of how i feel the
feeling work i get to
choose the feeling work i get to choose i get to remember who i am
i get to choose me i get to choose the version i prev
the divine consciousness that i am is forever
expressing its ture nature
of abundace
this s
is its responsibility not mine
i know the power of me i know the power of this work
it’s always this wrk its’
it’s always this work it’s always this work
it’s always this work
always this work it’s only this work
it’s only ever this work i love that i’m alays
getting what i wnat
that i can allow myself to feel good to celebrrate to love
i can allow myself to feel good celebrate and love
i am aware of how i feela nd i know that how i feel creates my life
i know that i ca
get to choose how i feel and that
i know its only me can
and i can allow myself to celebrate
i allow myself to be the creator
this is its responsiblity not mine
i come here to remember who i m tto remember i have the power
i come here to remember i have the power
tha i
that i get to i come here to remember i have the pwoer
i hve the power
i have the poweri come here to remember
ih ave
i ahve the power