the truth and keep looking atit e
at it
every time brave enough to look at the truth
to look at the truth and i know what it means to
look at the truth
what it measn t
means to be aware it means not seeking it means knowing that
god already made it perfect and i dont have
to cahgne a thing
to feelthe
the tr
brave enough to feel the version
the version i want
i love when we can both laugh
i love when we
i get to refuse to suffer i
get to feelthe feelin gi want to feel
i love laughing i ilove having fun
with the wife i lov that its just teh two
of ust i love
that we get to have fun and nejoy life
i loe th
that we get to have a good day
i’m braven e
enough to look at he lgiht
brave enough to refuse to suffer
to refuse to fuss
suffer to remember the truth to remember that nothing
outside of me is real
to do the work to do thw ork to feel the feeling
and not let
allow anthing
to affect to know that
attention creates so grateful to do thew ork
and feel the feeling and know
how i prefer to feel cto
toc hoose to allo
enjo life and not allowing things to get to me
to choosee to fele how i want to feel
to choose teh ersioni pvver
prefer to choose teh version
i prefer
the work always works and the work
is making the choice the work is making the choice
to see what i want to see
i love the better it gets i love having fun
i love nejoying
enjoying my life i love that i get to i love that
i get to enjoy life i love
that i get
get to enjoy enjoying life i love that i get to do thiw
this work the only work i love that
i get to look for thw
what i want to see get to make the version i prefer i love that
life shows me that life teaches me that
i can always choose the version i prefer and
its hat
that easy i can always choose the version i prefer
i knw t
that i dont eed
need anything to change i trust
the unfoldig of life
i know i dot need anything
i dont need anything from anyone
i am tot
already totally fulfilled
i know the power of me i know
the power fo me
i know the power of me i know the power
of me i know the power of me
what do i know what do i know what id
do i knwo what i d
do i know
i know there’s no separate self to be right or wrogn
i know
whatever i see i creates i know its up to me
to look for the
vrsion i want tosee
its up to me to lookf or the at the
light to be brave enough to look at the light
o t
to choose hwa ti want instead
to choose what i want instead
to be brave enought o t
to cchoose what i want instead
i love that i dont care what happens
i love zooming ot i love that i
dont care what happens that i know the secret to life i know the
secret to li
i get to choose
every time i think about what i dont want
i get to choose what i do want
and its that easy
its eht
that eay to know to know tha
to look at teh light to ele how god wil
would feel to celebrate to love
to love no matter what
to be the sourcce of life
to be the sourcce of love
i am aware
i am aware
that theres nothing separate from
me that i dont have to ccare
that i get to feel easae and flow
that i never have to ccaare that i get to keep
feeling ease andf low that
i get to ccelebrate life
that ig et to celebrate the beter it
better it ges that
its always e th
that its always me i know its always me
and ive
im brave enough to be aware
and to look at the light
to livve a charmed life to celebrate the day
to feel happy to enjoy being happy to allow myself
to be the source to allow myself to be the source
i feeel the power of me
i feel the power of m
i know the power of me i now the power of me and so
grateful for the time and sap
space to cultivate it
to tune it to it
to decide it to decide it
to make the choice
for how my life is right now
to make the choice to celebrate life right now
so graetful for love
for things to do
for whats to
ways to pass the time
to learn so much t
o feel loved
to get to be outside
to get to help
to focus on my marraige
to focus on what i already have
to be happy with what i already have
to know i am totally fulfilled
to not need anything from anytone
so grateful to not need anything from anyone
to feel totlaly and completely me
to know that ima god and celebrate it
to know that i can always feel for what iw ant
and then its rihgt h
there what do i prefer
enjoying life enjoying the ride
in the vortex
i prefer to feel like every day is an e
that im living in integrity
and trusting the feeling of me
that i trut my intuition
and odnt do anything
i dont want to do
and i see miracles flowing to me
all day every day i know that god is
arranging itself
for me