today i feel at ease i am in this
moment every moment i sink into this moment
experience this momnet
moment and allowing
the rest to unfold
i just relax into knowing
i relax into knowing i relax inot
knowing the flow i relax
into knowing the flow
into letting go and just enjoying life
i relax into enjoying life
i relax into enjoying life i
relax into enjoying life
it’s easy to relax it’s easy to know
just his
this moment to trust just
this moment
trust this moment
trust the feeling i love
that i trust the feeling i love
that i get to feel love
that i can tap
into the feeling of love right
right now i am tapped into the
feeling of love and grateful
for everything that is flowing
to and through me
i’m so grateful in this here and now
this here and now
this here and now
this here and now
i’m so grateful for the
pillar of this moment
that i can always relax int olove
into love and life
and trust in the here and now
i love thatl ife is
life is
good for me irhgt
right now
i love that life is good and
i feel totally at ease
totally trusting
in life in the flow of life knowing thatl ife
unfolds perfectly.