can always return to god to center to love
can always return to love and that is
the only feeling that matters
love and i can alawys
always choose it
do a 180 and that’s the only work
turn the boat and i always can i always
always always can
can always t
return to love return to focus
and that’s all there is
really is its not about how much i make or do
its about the focus and where it is i know that
i can focus
i’m hre
here now and that’s all i can be i can al
always t
return to the god feeling to feeling of all
there is to the feeling of
center so grateful i know the
feeling ofc
center and i can always retreat to it
so grateful i know so grateful i know
i can always focus within i can
always focus within i can
always focus within
i can always focus toward center toward god
toward feeling good i can
always center toward feeling too
food towa
good toward center i can
always focus toward center i can
always feel love i an always
do a 180
i can do a 180
i can choose where i focus
what i focus on i can choose i gt t
get to choose i get to choose
i get o cho
to choose i get to choose i
i love that i know i can always
return to the
that the contrast helps me do that
helps me remmeber my power
to do a 180 to feel love
it doesn’t matter the reason
i’m not feeling love
if i’m not, i’m blocking god
i’m blocking the flow of well being
i’m resisting what is
good to feel good too
good to feel god good to feel love
so gratful for access to love so grateful to feel
good to feel god
to do a 1280
180 to turn the boat so grateful it’s easy
for me to turn the boat
so grateful i get to feel good
that i get to feel god
i love it i love the focus
the focus on god i love the focus
on god i love the focus on god
on center
the return to center i love the
return to center i love the choice
i get to make the choice to feel love
and i know this is the work i know that
no matter what i’m always
dong the
doing the work of creating becuse i’m always making choices
i’m always observing
i’m always prefering
i’m always doing the work and i can always choose to love that
even if the work is just mental
especially the menatl
mental work!!
i’m always doing it and i’m grateful for that
grateful for a quantum shift
a quantum leap
a chance to really dig into who and what i am
releasing resistance
feeling god returning to god
allowing the contrast to be the om
momentum that turns me downstream
the momentum that turns me downstream
do a 180
i love that i can i love that i can
i love that the flow is always flowing
i love that the
the god self is always there
the god self
is always there i love that
god self is always there the
feeling is always there
i love that the
the god self is always there the god self
is always there
the god self is always there
the feeling is always there
the feeling is always
the god self is always there
i can always t
return to god and i love that i k
know this i canal
always feel love and know this
is all thre is
there is i can always
feel love and know this
is alway
all there is i get
i get to feel good
i get to FOCUS
i love that i kow this
i know this i have so much experience
retreating to center i love
that i get to feel god
i canalways
always return to love no matter
the circumstancees
so grateful to
for the chance to just focus
within to be aware of the feeling
the way i feel so grateful for the time and space to
fcous o
focus on the work to pay
attention to pay attention
to pya
pay attention
to ap
pay attention
to how i feel to the thoughts
feelings emotions
fake fith
fights lol
which i m
so addicted to
i can always draw into my mind and feeling nau
nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
thank you for this moment this feeling
the feeling of focus which is always
here with me the feeling of choice
the feeling of knowledge
which is always here with me
grateful to do this work
feel this feeling of god to always do
do a 180 and feel how i choose to feel
feel how i choose to feel and that is
the only work the feeling work
is the only work the feeling work
is the only work
the feeling work is the only work
the feeling work is the only work
the feeling work is the only work
and i know i can do it i
and i know it’s within my
power and i ilove that
in any moment
i can choose to
take back my power
and choose how i feel
choose for
how i feel choose how i feel
choose how i feel
choose how i feel
and accept the feeling and accept
everything as it is
i love that i can always accept everything as it is
i love that i feel good that i can feel good
that i get to choose how i feel that
i get to use it as a chance to do the work
to focus on the work i love that i know the
feeling of that and i get to say thank you for that