can always turn toward the flow

i can always choose to feel good
and that’s my choice no matter how
many choices i make that make
me hate myself and feel like
shit i can always make the choice to
feel good now i can always feel good
now and that is my power

that is my super power and the power
the more i practice choosing to feel good now
the easier it is the easier it is to feel good

with practice it’s easy to feel good with practice
and remember that this is the only work
that matters it feels good to practice

the only work that matters it feels good to
lean into the vortex to lean into the flow
and look for what i want to see to feel
for what i want to see it feels good
to do the work of making the choice to
feel good it feels good to make the choice to feel good

it feels good to to me to
do me to make the choice to feel good
for me it feels good to do me
and lean into the flow it feels good to

make the
choice to do what i need to
do to feel good it feels good to make
the choice to feel good for me and
to lean into the flow because i want to
feel the feeling of god the feeling
of feeling connected to go

and i’m doing the work for me
and that is my choice it feels good to make the choice
to feel good it
feels good to make the choice to feel good
to feel my god self to love myself
no matter what it feels good to make the choice
to send the signal of love

and know that is all i can ever do it
feels good to send the signal of love and
know that is all there is it feels good
to practice loving myself

in this here and now it
feels good to say thank you
it feels good to say thank you to
send the signal of love to practice

the signal of love it feels good
to make the choice to love and know
that life can only

reflect me the signal i send
it feels good to do the work for me
to stand up to my thoughts it feels good
to stand up to my thoughts

it feels good

i can make the choicet o stan
to stand up to my thoughts i don’t have to believe
my thougths i

dn’t have

have to believe the bullshit
i can choose to feel good instead
i can choose to feel

good instead i get to choose to
feel good instead
it feels good to eel
to feel good to choose the feeling
it feels good to feel the
feelig to
to choose the feeling to send the signal
of love it feels good to

send the signal of love to choose
the signal of love it feels

it feels good to do me to make
the chocie to

to stand up for me it feels good

it feels good to stand up
to my thoughts to make the choice
in this here and now it feels good to
make the choice in this
here and now to choose

love it feels good to make the choice
to do the work and

take the big leap

it feels good to take the leap
into the vortex and relaly

really feel it it fels goo
feels good to line up the energy of life
to feel the flow it
feels good to line up the energy of life to do the work
for me it feels good to do the to do the work

for me to choose the feelig of l
it feels good to love me to feel good about myself
it feels good to love myself
and i know that

that’s all i can ever do it
feels good to love myself to make the choice to
love it feels good to make the choice
the choice to love it
feels good to make the choice
to love int his

this here
and now

and know that the more i make the choice
to stand up to my thoughts the
better i feel and feeling

how i feel is all that matters
that is the secret to everything
and today i am making the choicet o
love to

to love msyelf
myself and know t
i know that every day
i have the choice

to feel good every day i have the
choice to feel good it feels good to
feel good it feels good to
feel good to raise my vibration to send the signal

so grateful to choose love
to choose to feel good inthis
here and now it feels good to

to do the work to make the choice to feel good
to send the signal of olove

love it feels good to to feel to feel
good to release it feels good to
release and let go it feels

it feels good to release and let go
to love

to choose the feeling
of love to choose the feeling
of loving life and i know i am
the only one who can ever hoose

choose it for myself and i love
that i get to choose it i love that i
don’t havet o be
to be afraid i love that i
get to celebrate
life right now i love
that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to feel good

about life in this here and now i love

that i

get to do me i love that i get to
love i love that i get to make the choice
to feel good i love that i get to
make the choice to feel good
i love that i

i love that i get to feel good
and trust the flow i love that i know

is a feeling i love that i know
everything is a feeling and i
always have the choice

to jump into the
the vortex it
feels good to jump into the
vortex it feels good

to love me it feels good

to love me

i love myself!!!