cant make anything happen

i love that im feeling it i feel it
the real feeling of me the real feeling of life and
ic an always

come back to it i can always ch
choose the feeling of me over a


i am aware i am aware how much of that ima
consuming how mukch im looking to that to fill a
god sized hold

i ilove that i know i love
getting back to me i love being aware i ilove
that i am awree i m
focused on awareness

i get to do the only wor i love that i knwo i love
that i ge to remem ber by
myself i knoew i was forgetting myself
for fun but im back to reemembering myself

more than ever before

i love that i dont have to care
i love that i can

release the corkk i can let it float
let it float let life float say thank you
and i love you and i trust life

thank you and i love you and i trust life

i get to let it go
i dont have to figure it out i dont have to hold on to it

i get to let it go i get to

allow life to flow i get to let it go i

to lern from it and move on i
get to return to me i get to return to the ease and
flow of me i get to

make the hocie
for how i want to be i

get to enjoy the day i get to enjoy my life
thank youi
get to enjoy y

so gratefu i get to enjoy my life today!!