i get to feel good

i get to feel the feeling

get to feel good get to feel the flow flowing
get to feel the energy of life
so grateful i get to feel it i get to feel it i get to
feel the god self get to be the god self

i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to
have agood day i get to enjoy ife
i get to n
enjoy life i get to say yes thank you i get to

enjoy life i get to say yes thank you
i get to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to
do this work i get to enjoy the day i get to

say yes to the day i ge tto feel good now i
get to feel good now get to feel the flow now!

so grateful i et to live this day
get to have fun tg
get to tune mysel to the feeling
get to allow get to allo w

ease and flow of life know

remembering that every moment is an event horizon
i love that i get to chooe i love that
i am the power fu
powerful creator i love that i am the powerful creator i love that
i get to enjoy it get to feel it get to love it
get to be it i love that i get to

to be god get to know that i am god i get ot know that
i am gdo

i am god i am god i am god i am the feelign i am the feeling
i know the powe of

poer m

power me

so grateful i get to enjoy this day
get to feel this day get to enjoy this day
get to feel the energy of the day g

get to feel the ene

i know the feeling

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life

i love that i already know i love that
i know the feleing of the choice i know that life
aligns to me
i know that life lines itself up with me
whatever i expect i love that i know this
that i get to chooose i love that i get to

choose i ti love that i get to choose i lvoe that
life chooses it for me i love that
i get to choseo the focus get to choose teh feelign
get to choose to have fun
get to choose to love the day
the moment of

this day full of opportunity!!

i get to feel the feelig of the
day i get to celebrating being god i love that
i get to celebrate being god i love that

it already is i love that i get to celebrrate this
day and know that the day
is celebrating me i love that i get to feel good

get to jump into life get to jup into feeling good
get to feel the flow get to feel the flow of life

get to be the flow of life get to focus on the god self
get to focus ont he god self
get to be the god self

making the choice today i get ot maket he coihce
in this moment i get ot make the choice i love that
i get to make the choice to feel good today

to celebrat life todya
to feel good to celebrate to be happy
to choose gratitdue
for all that is good in my life

to relaxin to the

relax into the flow that is carrying me i love that
i get to be it i love that i get to be it i l

i love that i know i am it i love that
i know the magick of life i love that i know the magick
of life i love that

that i know i am it i love that i ger

feel it the resonance wth truth
i love that i get to experience the resonance with truth

i love that i know the feeling
know the feeling of knwoing i know the feeling of
knowing an di get to be it i

i get to be it i love the feeling of knowing
and ig et to be it i get to let the rest go

i love that i know i never have to do
or make anything happen

because it just happens according to how i see the world
i love that i know this that all i can do is

ask myself how i see the world i lov that
i ge tto i love that i get to i love that
i get to feel the realse i love that
i know

that creation is done i love that i know how
good life is i love that i get to choose i love that
i know that the feeling is all ther eis and i
get to choose it right here and now i love that
i get to choose it i love that its easy i lov

that i know that cration

creation is finishes
i love that i nkwo

today soehting
amazinly awesome is happening
and i love tat
that i know that i love that i know life
is always on my side i love tha ti know that
feeling inside me
and i ge tto

cultivate it
get to live life in tune with it i love that
i get to be it and then that is all that matters
i love tha ti get to
do this work and get ot love thi

the day i love

ig et to choose i love
love i get to choose love i get to choose teh
feeling of love the feeling of knowing

i get to choose to celebrate life!

the feeling is always here

and that’s the magic of life tuning the feeling and i love
that i getto i love that i get to enjoyl ife
i calo

i love that in any moment i can tune to the feeling
i get to enjoy life!
i get to have fun i get to give i love that
there is so much to give i lovet hat we
can afford it i love tht ig et i to

that i know th e feeling is always here and there’s no limit
to how deep i can feel ti i love that its always here

the feeling is alwys here and a
i’m so grateful for how ar
far i’ve come
for how i see myself now

the feeling is teh druge
the feeling is teh
realxation the
letting go the feeling is
the letting go the
feeling is teh
reise teh feeling is teh


the feeling is teh drug
the feeling is teh drug

so grateful for this day

for the sun!
for my cute cat
for my wife who loves me
for this feeling for
remembering my power
to get to enjoy life
to love my city

for the sun!
that we can afford what we want!
for my birks!
for any grocery we want!
and that was our pinnacle like a year ago

so grateful i never havet o stress
never have to wonder

so grateful to get to do this work the only
work to wake up feeling good

so grateful i know we’ll never be poor again
so grateful i know it doesnt matter
so grateful i already am

where iw ant to be

i get to feel the feeling here and now
ig et to feel the energy of life i get to feel the
energy of life
i get to be it now i get to be it now i get to
celebrate it now and i’m so grateful i

rememberd the power of the feeling that
all i ever yearn for is that feeling
and so grateful i get to choose it now
so grateful i am it now

i am brave enough to allow it
i am brave enough to allow the certainty
i am brave enough to allow the certainty

so grateful i get to feel it
so grateful i alraedy

so grateful i know its a feeling its all a feeling
and i already have it so grateful it always comes
its a feeling and i lareayd
have so

so grateful its a feeling and i already have it i alraeyd
have the feeling i already have the feeling

so grateful to feel good to feel the energy of me

so grateful to get to have a good day
to get to feel love to get to feel the eenrgy of god to get to feel the
way god feels gto

get to
celebrate life uninhibityly
because i am the one creating it i b
get to choose how if eel what i sewe what
i look for wan

and i’m so grateufl i remember the opp
power of me

i know that life happens i know that the tao
does nothing and i’m so grateful i
have found the secret to life

i know the secret to life
and today i get to pracctice
i know the secret to life
and today i get to pracitce it

i kow the secret to life
and todasy i get to practice it
i nkow the
secet to life and today i get to pracitc e

i love getting to celebrate day
i love that i kow the day is celebrating me

i love ha
that i get to feel good that there’s nothing to dread
that i get to feel good

taht ig et to allow the day to celebrate me i love that
i have
am focused on the feeling and that’s all there is i lov that
i get to choose it get to feel it get to be it i love that i know

i kow the secret to lif i know the
i know the power of me the power of ethe

the feeling and i love that i know its happens instantly
the particles are always aligintin g
to me to the expression of me to the consciousness of me
i love that i know thsi i l

i love where i am i love my life i love that
i get to choose to love i love that
i know the day is celebrating me

i love that i get to celebrate the fact that
the day is celebrating me i love that i can just
trust and allow life to ahppen i ilove that
the best is always happening for m
i love that
i get to

love it get to choose to love it i love that
i get to i love that i get to
choose to celebrate me celebrate my power
stand in my power

rejoice in my power today i rejoice in my power and
i love it i loe that life is workign out for me!

i love taht life is coming together for me !!

i lovet hat we are wildly successful!

love that passive income pays my baills!!

and it always will!!

i love that i get to live whereever i want
i love that ig et to travle the world i love that
i get ot love life i love that
i get to celebrate lif celebrating me!!

i love wher ie am right now
i love
waking up

i lovet hat i know life loves me
i love that i know the feeling i love
returning to the fleeling

the feeling of knwoing that
when i want something it comes
i lovet hat i know the feeling i ove the
feeling of remembering the practice

remembering the power of me and i love that i nkow it i love
that i know the power of me i know

through life expereicne

i know that when i ask it is givien
when it is desired it comes and it just happens
i just get out of thew ay and it
it happens i just tr

trsut life and it happens ia love that
its that ieasy

i love that i know the poer of me i love that i know the
power o fme i love that i get to feel the feeling onow

i am empowered by life
i am excited about life
and life is excited about me i love that
there is no limit to how good i can feel

i get to feel excited about life i get to
feel excited about life and that is the secret

i have fon t

found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life

i love that i get to feel good!!

i get to feel good and that’s all that mtters

it already is it already is the way i awnt it to be!

grateful to get to do the work

grateful to remember who and what i am
grateful to remember the feeling o
to remember the power of it to know the power of i

to know the power of knowing
so grateful for the focus on the
feeling of knowing the power of kknowing

so graetful i already knwo so
i already know that it only reflects me
so grateful al
i already know that so gratefl i already know that
and i get ot feel it
get to practice it

i’m here to remember to remebet to
i am here tuning into and celebrating the power
of me en
and rememeber

so grateful to remember who and what i am
celebrate the feeling of who and what i am
to belev

elevate so grateful to ellevate

to eelbate
elevate to remember who
to choos eot remem
to choose the feleing i knwo the powe

the poewr of choosing it

i know the power of it i know the power of it
you choose it every second you chose it
choose it every secong

you choose it every second you choose that
feeling the

that return to knowing to the truth
the truth the feeling really does cratieon

that it’s not outside of me and
that feeling of knowing and all it takes
is being brae enough to trust the feeling

brave enough tot rust the
feeling and knowing that is the only work

i feel the goodness of it
the excitement of it the knowing of it
the builsind of the
certainty of it the knowing of it

i veel
feel the knowing of it

so grateful for a wind so
grateful to feel good about life so grateful
the school can afford anything we need
so grateful i want to do my writing

so grateful we can afford it so grateful
our business is successful
so grateful for
passive incomes so b

so grateful it already is!
the way iwant it
to be so grateful it alredy i
is the way i want it boe
to be

i get to feel it i get to be it and i love that i know it
and get
to practice t i love hta i
get to live an amazing life i love tha t
it’s whatever i want !

i love that i tis whatever i want i love that i know this
i love that i get to live it!!

you just keep going back to it and that is life
life arranges itself
and i know i never have to wonder

becuae life happens life arranges itself and i love tha ti know th
this i love that i know the pwoer of me

it’s fun to enjoy life it’s fun
to feel the flow to feel the flow

so grateful to feel the flow
to fele energixed to
feel the flow of life flowin hrouth
to like myself to love myself to love my work
to want to wokr

to tune the self it feels good to tuen the sel f

it feels good to know that i can
always come back to it i know it and i know it
is life i know it is life i know the power of me i know the pwoer mf
ei know the power of me

it’s not up to me
to make it it s just up to me to have the feeling
its only ou
up to me to have
to feel the feling to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling its only up to me to feel the feeling
to feel the
feeling to feel the

feeling to feeling the felein
to be the feeling that’s all there is
and i’m so grateful to remember its just the feeling
its not the thing
its the feeling its not the thing its the feeling

i liove that i kno w that it’s
only ever me i get to enjoy life
i e
get to enjoy knwoing this
i loee
that i get to enjoy knwoing this

i liove feeling excited about life i love
feeling excited i love that i know i love that
i get to choose to have fun

i know the secret to life

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is
eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow the radiation of createive
energy which is continuolsy
and effortelessly pouring froth from my divine sonc
consciousness i am now aware i am now in the flow

i love that i know the secret to life
i know the secret and i know i never have to wonder or worry
because i can always choose how i feel i love that
i can always choowe ho

choose how i feel and its that easy i love that its been so
so eas to tune myself lately i know its easy

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose teh feelig and i love hat i’m
good at it i know i’m good t it i know i’m
good at chooseing the feleing
and releaseing the rest i lov that

good at it i love that i’m good at choosing the f
i know the feeling and i get to choose it and life always follows it
i love that i know this and i never have to wonder
or worry because i always whav

have the feeling and life always follows it and i love that i kow this
i love that i know and i never have to worry ab

because life always follows the feeling

i lovee that i get to be excited about life i love that
i get to trust where life takes me
i love that i kno the feeling is alwyas right here the
feeling of enthusiams the feeling of celebrating life
the feeling of thes un wfrom
from within

the feleing is always right here with me th e
feeling is laways

right here with me i love that life is good that i get to choose the
feeling and i neve rhave to wonder i know

i know now that life i know now that life that life is the feeling i know that now
and i get to celebrate knowing it get to celebrate knowing it i love tha t
i know i love that life

life knows i lov that i get to chosoe it
i get to choose love i get to choose lust for life i get to c
choose enjoyment of life
i get to choose enjoyment of life
i get to choose ease and flow i love that ig et to choose
i love that
i ge tto choose certaintty

i choose the feeling i choose the feeling right now
and i love it i love the feeling and i get to choose i love the
feeling and i get to choose it its here and now

the feeling is the here and now the feeling is love the
feeling is god the feeling is go di love that i know i love that
i now that love is the feeling of acide i love that
i know that love is the feeling of presence is the feeling of god

is the feeling of the great relase and i love that
i ge tto v

feel it i flove that i get to fele it i love

getting orders every day!!

i love that life is good i love that it
alreayd is the way we said it would be i love that i know it

i lov that life is good i love that i know i love that
i never have to wonder i love that i never have to wonder

i get to celebrate life i get to jup in

i get to jump in and i know the feeling of mu

jumping in i know the feeling of jumping in and i lov tha ti get ot i love that
i get to i love that i get to jump in i love that i now life loves me i love that
i get to feel i t

i love that i get t
to feel the truth i love that i know that the feeling
create life and that’s it i love i t

that i know this through expreicne
i know this for a fact i lov eethat
i kow this i love that
i know this i lov ethat

i know this i know the felein gi know the feleing i know the
feleing i love that
i know the
feeling i love that
i know the feelig i know the felein gis life

is life i know that the feleing is life

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose the feeling i love that
i get to choose i love that
i know the feeling what it feels like

to feel good i love that ig et to choose i ti love that
i get to choose i ti love that
i get to

choose it i love that life i love that life lovs me i love that
life loves me i love that life loves m i love that
i love the feeling i knwo the feeling and i know that

all of life reflects it i lo

i know the feeling an di know that al of l

all of life reflects it i love that i gt to choose it i love that
i get to choose teh feeling th

right now the feeling of

devotion the feeling of deovtion to the feeling
the feeling of celebrateing life
the feeling of feeling the feeling right now

of giving myself over to life to letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficienty in my life
and affairs
i love that it already is !!!

i love that i know that life always takes care of me

i know the feelig it
and it’s always right here i know the feeling
and it’s always right here and ni never

inever have to wonder because i have the
feeling and life always reflects the feeling

so grateful to be here

so grateful to be here to be here feeling
good having fun
enjoying life catching a wind
having a day free loving to create loving to do my work i love when i love
doing my work i love when i love doing my work

grateful to be feeling good grateful to
get to breath grateufl to get to have a normal day
graetful i love my normal life gratefl to get to have fun
to find new music to have stuff to do

gratful to have stuff to do
places to go places to see grateful to get to feel good
to get to feel good to get to feel good to get
to feel good grateful to get to feel good

so grateful it always comes you say it and then it is
you feel it and then it is

so grateful to be able to breath easy to
ease and flow

ease a

so grateful to feel good to get to enjoy life to love life
so grateful to get to love life so
grateful to get to love life to get to have fun to get to feel love

so grateful to get to choose life to get to chosoe to feel good
to get to choose this life
to get to choose teh version i prefer

so grateful to get to live to get to have fun
to get to love this life so grateful
life loves me so grateful i get to have fun
i get to have fun so grateful
i get to have
fun so grateful i get to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel good
celebrate life

i get to enjoy this life i get to live this magickal day
i get to live this

magickal day i get to love i get to have fun i get to
enjoy life ig et to

i get to enjoy life
i get to enjoy life
i love that i get to i love that ig et to enjoy this moment
i love that i

life loves me and it always comes

it is always creating me it is

life is always creating me and i love that i get to

thank you for this day for this moment
for life coming together so grateful for the
feeling of life coming together
so grateful for life
so grateful

for life so grateful for this day
to feel good to get to experience life to get to tune myself
to get obsessed with my own vibes

today i’m addicted to my own vibes i love that
i get to choose it i that i get to tune myself i love that
i get to tune myself i love that
i get to i lov etha ti get to
to choose i lov that
i get to choose
i love that i get to chosoe to tune myself i love that i
get to choose the feeling i get to choose
to tunemy

myself to the vibration of life and i can feel it i

i can feel it i can feel it and i know its alie
i know it is true i love that i know it is true

so grateful life loves me
so grateful to tune myself to
be addicted to my own vibes

to feel the god self flowing
to feel the energy flowing
to feel the
energy of yes so gratefl to get to feel the energy of yes e
to be the neergy of yes to

find something new that i love!!

so grateful to feel good
to get to breath easy so grateful to get to breath

for life to flow in and out of me so easily
so grateful to get to love to get to have fun

i get to have fun i get to enjoy life
i get to enjoy the enegy

energy of life i love feeling the eenrgy of life
i ove that i get to live life for me i love that
i get to choose teh energt

the energy of life i love
i get to choose to allow the eerngy
of life to flow through me !!

easy to turn the boat

i always can turn the boat and i never have to
beat myself up for how i felt before i turned it

it’s up to me to turn on to turn to life
and it’s easy to allow myself to do that it’s easy to make
the choice if i am turned on or not and it’s just a choice
it’s nothing but energy i get to make the choice
to allow the energy to be the energy

i get to choose the energy and that’s what it is
and the contrast ehlps
helps me

the contrast ehlps me remember who ia m
helps me become aware of the ne

enegy of me and i’m so grateful i get to feel goo

feel it feel good now feel good now feel good now
be here now

i get to have a good day and
i don’t have to wonder i never have to wonder or
be like oh but i was like this before

i can just decide who and wha i am now
and be that and what i did or who i was yesterday
doesn’t matter

that contrast helps me focus and i was probably asking for that
so ghta ti could focus
i know it was fulding
building up but i feel better now!!

and for that i am so grateful!!

i get to choose teh eenrgy of me and that’s
all i ever need to know that’s all i ever need to act on

that’s the only info i need that’s all the info i ever need and i love that i know this i love htat

i know that
i get to choose the energy of me in every moment
i love that i get to choose the

energy of me in every moment

so grateful to turn a corn
and the contrast helped me do it

life hleped me do it and
today i get to celebrate and have a good day!!

i love that today i get to have a good day
that i get to enjoy life no matte what
and the contrast helps me focus

helps me draw in the energy helps me build up
the ene
energy helps me feel the
energy i want to feel and its so easy to
access when

i try when i do it for the right reasons lol

i love that i get to i love that i get to
feel good that ig et to

to feel the flow of life that i get to feel the
flw o

flow of life the god of life the god sle fi get to
celebrate the god self i get thave a good

day i get to have a good day i get to have a great day!

i get to have an amazingly awesome day!!

so grateful to turnt he boat
the boat to get to choose to
get to choose how i want to feel
to get to choose how iw atn to

to live to get to choose eht
the truth of life to get thave to a good ay

so grateful for how far i’ve come
that i have the ability to apologize and say i was wront
that i can own up to it and admit i was wrong

and i can forgive myself

i get to choose it and its herea nd i

i never have to look back because life is
here and now and i’m so grateful to the
contrast that helps me focus that helps foc

me remember how i want to live my life
the contrast helps me remember how i want to live my life
helps me remember who i am
and what i am a
nd helps

i can forgive myself and i can love myself for all the
good times so i had a moment but who cares i sp

apologized and moved on
and moved on and i love that i get to move on that
i get to choose the version i prefer

and move on i lvoe that i get to i
that i get to choose love that i get to choose love

because i prefer love

i love that i get to i love

i love that ti’s flowing that the energy is flowin g

and i can even say thank you for thda

days when i wasnt’ feeling it to make room
for the day s i did
and i feel bad for something i did
but i dont have to be hung up on it

i can forgive myself and move on
that’s all i can ever do that’s all i can and
i can love myself for all the good i dea

it feels good to breath to allow to allow life
to wnat to allow life ti

it feels good to breath easy and jump into life
it feels good to want to feel

new energy new breath new life

the energy is flowing and it is always flowing

get to say yes to it i get to say yes to it
celebrate life today today i get to celebrate life

i get to choose where i palce the
energy where i place my attention
i get to choose the love side of the wave i get to choose

it and i’m so proud of myself
for choosing how i want to feel when i go to sleep
so that i can feel good when i wake up and its so easy
to do that its so easy to choose teh other
side to choose teh
version i prefer
and then it is

it’s easy to choosee the life
i prefer to know that life is always halpe

helping me desice


so grateful to remember the
energy of life the joy of life
the poweer of life the ease and flow of life
so grateful to remember the ease and flow
of life

so grateful to remember life is easy and
life loves me and in every


i get to choose teh energy i want to
exude the energy i want to see reflected back to me!

i feel good i feel the flow flowing through me

i feel the flow flowing through me i feel the
energy of this day and i love that i can always unapck the
energy i can always say yes to

what is i can always examine and it be like oh
i guess i am trying to control a lot of things right now

and then i can just let go !!

so grateful for the love letter the wife
wrote me in her dream
so grateful’

my writing isn’t stale
so grateful it’s fun and enlivening

so grateful i know i odnt have to do
anything or make anything and that’s

that it isn’t even up to me and i get o

just bask and enjoy

i love that the flow is flowing i love that
there is so much love i love that

we made it through!!

we made it through!
we didn’t die!!

so grateful for this day
we get to bask to

get to celebrate get to enjoy life
get to say yes to whatever comes

get to trust what whatever is
is perfect i love that i get to feel it
get to feel the release of not caring

of knowing i never have to care
i never have to dorce

force i never have to wonder and i love that
i get to choose i love that i dont have
to resist

i love that i dont have to force and
can just trust the feeling i love that i can
just trust the feeling i love that i
get to i love that i

get to just let it go and dont have to feel
pressure because of it becuase life will
do it the horses will do it
and it’s done

i also realiized there’s a lot of

i’m tyring to control an di never have to tryi to control
i can just eas e and flow i can asjuat allow it to be in the air

i love that i know that there’s no rush
and everything always unfolds perfectly i love that
i know life is a feeling not an action i love that
i know
i can’t force i love that i know this work works i love
tath i know

that i chose how i wanted to feel when i woke up
and then i did!

i know that it’s all about how i feel and
i get to choose how i feel aboutthat

graetful to be here doing the only work that matters
feeling the feelings of life
knowing that all of life is the feeling

the feeling of trust the feeling of knwoing
and i love that i get ot

i get to feel good today i
get to feel god today i get to be god today

today i get to feel the feeling of god
knwoing that god is everything

today i get to relax into the knowledge
today i get to allow get to say yes to it
today i get to say yes to it

i love that i get to enjoy the day
get to jump into the day i love that i get to

i get to allow i get to open
my window i get to open my aind


and know that it’s not up to me
to create anything just
allow just observve and allow

i ilove the

remembering the feeling of the release knowing its
not up to me and just getting to trust i love tha i get to
to trust i love that i
get to trust i love that
i get to trust i love that i get to trust
i love that i
get to

feel the feeling of the god self doing it
of it getting donw i love that i get to feel the
energy of life flowing throgh
ei love that ig et to say yes to it

i get to feel it
the enerrgy of life
i get to releax into it i

get to relax into it and allow whatever comes
i get to say yes to

whtever comes i know it doens tmatter

if it ever gets done i know that life knwons
and life will figre it out
i love that its not even me doing it i love that


dont’ have to do anything i love that i get to
celebrate that i love feel ing the
release i love that i know the truth and i get to practice it
i love that i know

it already is perfect and eo

doesn’t need input from me i love that
life loves me i love that i know life already love me i love that
i dont have to do

to do or make anything happen

its never about me making something happen
its never about me making something happen

i can ns

just releasae and allow i get to just
release and allow

i don’t care what happens!!

so graetful to get to do this work
and feel the release so
grateflt o get to ccelebrate th day !!

i get to feel good about that
i get to feel good about that

and know that its the holding on that

made me feel tight about it
and i’m so gratful i
unlocked it and i get to feel good
and celebra

celebrate life
celebrate me the god self me
that life is always providing for me

and none of the rest matters

so grateful ia m awre

i am aware of the energy of self i am
aware of the energy of self
and i get to choose the release and the rest fills in

i love that i know this tha i get to
let go so grateful to feel the feeling of letting go

of breathing easy
of releasing control i know it

my only power is letting go

my control is letting go my control is letting go
and its so good to remember that!!

to remember who i am to remember who

the power of me and know that its not
in making somethig happen
its in getting out of thew ay!!

so grateful for this day

our eve!

that i get to feel good that i get to feel the acid feeling without acid
because love is a stronger drug than all of that
and i love that i get to i love that i get to love i love that
i get to choose

love i love that i get to choose to love thsi day
to love this moment to love the
energy of now i love that i get to choose it that it is me
and that i get to allow it that i can even build it up i love that
i can build up the love eneryg in my like a drug

i love this day i that i
that i get to love i love this day that i
get to love i love that i
get to choose to build up the love i love that i know that love
is the energy of god love is the god energy and i love

that i get to feel it

i get to live this day get to celebrate this day
because we made it through get to celebrate this day
we made it rhoguht


and i love that we get to celebrate i lovet hat
i get to choose calm bliss
i love that i get to chosoe to feel godo i love that
i get to choose to feel good now
to feel good now to feel love now

so grateful it’s always working out
so grateful for perfect timeing
that god lovese us so grateful god loves us
so grateful for this day
for this moment

for all of life workingout for me
i nokw that all of life is wrking
out for me i love
that ig et to know that i love that

i get to know that i love that i get to choose that
i love that i get to choose authentic gratitdue

i love that i know the power of me
and i get to feel it i love tha i g

that i get to choose teh power of me

i feel that feeling and that’s all there is
the feeling of believing in myself the feeling of believing in life

the feeling of catching a waind th
wind the feeling of feeling good inmy life
of celebrating life tdaoy

today i get to have fun and celebrate life i love that
i get to i love that i get to have fun

i love that i get to do this work the only work
i love that i know this is the only work i ilove that
i know this is the only work i love that

that i know the feeling is the only work i love that
i know the feelign is the only work
this is the only workt he tuning
is the only work

milking the feeling i

i love the feeling and that i alrady have it
the feeling of lust for life the acid feeling the acide wind

today i’ll catch and acid wind and i love that
i get to that i even know the feeling that i even know the
feeling and its the feelign of

believing in myself in life
of believing in life!!

of believing in myself!!

in believing in god!

in giving god a place to make miracles and opportunity to make
miracles and i love that they are all around
i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to choose to feel good to feel the

god self now to feel the god self to feel the
fully aligned self i get to fee the
of the fully aligned self i get to be the fully aligned self
and i lvoe that i kno the
feeling that i can just h

jump into it i love that i get to choose it i love that i know i am it
i love tha ti know i am it i love that i k

that i am the substance of life

this substance is my supply
this substance is my supply
and i

i’m so gratefl i get to feel it
that ig et to believe in myself that
i get to belive in life

that i can feel authentic gratitdue
for the life i know is already mad ei loveet hat
i get to feel it

i love that i get to
that i get to say yes to life i get to say yes to life
ad allow

all of its splendor

i am relaxed into the flow

i relax into the flow
i relax into god

i let it all go i release it
i know it snot

it’s not up to me to make everything
its just up to me to allow it
to accept it to relax into the knowing of it
i get

to relax into the knowing of it and this
work eh

helps me do

that i can relax i relax into the flow
into the knowing and i release the rest i know that
i can always relax into the flow

allow the flow to flow allow
the flow to flow release trying to control
trying to make


release trying and allow allow life to flow through me
i allow life to flow through me
i release and alllow

not trying to control
just expecting the best in every moment

i lvoet hat i get to
i can release i know the release i know the release and i get to feel it now

i get to feel the god self i trust the god
self flowing

coursing through me i trust the god self ia m
the god self and i release the rest i am
the god self and i release the rest

i let go and allow i release and allow
i release and allow
the ene

i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which i
easily and

pouring forth from my divine consciousness
i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am now aware i am now in the flow