so grateful to be here

celebrating this day
feeling good here and now
knowing this will be the best week ever
so grateful to be here focusing
focused on the work the only work that matters

so grateful to relax into the ehre and now
to relax into the flow to feel the feeling of a good day so
grateful to get to have a good day
to get to celebrate life
here and now to get to tune in tap in turn on

so grateful to turn on today to get to get to
turn on today

so grateful for this beautiful day
to get to enjoy life to get to feel good to get to feel the
energy of life flowing through me to know that i never have to
make anything happen and that life does that for me i love that
i know that life does that for me
i liove that i gt to
to choose i love that i
get to choose i love that i
get to choose i love that
i get to choose the

the flow of well being the flow of well being
i love that i get to choose

i get to focus hee and now i get to have a good day
i get to celebrate the day i get to
feel good now i get to feel good now
i get to feel the flow now

i get to live this creative life
i get to love my life i get to love this day
i get ot have the best week ever i get to celebrate all that has come
my way

so grateful they loved the cover
so grateful we got our pat on the back
so grateful we’re professional and easy to
work with

so gratefl i know tis tall that feelin g
the feeling and that everything is a solution
so grateful

i know that everything is a soutji
so grateful i know

i ilove that our business is thriving
our love that our lives are thriving i love passive income i love ta t
i know that
my nowledge
knowledge is my source and my supply

when i am aware of the god self
as my total fulfillement
i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
so grateful i totally fulfilled
so grateful i kow the secret to life
that i get to have a good day

that we made it to our freedom week i love that
we get to be free!!

i love th

so grateful to feel good to feel
the energy of life flowing through to feel the god self
withing me s

so grateful to know the secret to life
to focus ont he energy flowing through me
to say yes thank you to

get to say yes thank you

i get to feel good i get to do this
the only work the feeling is theonly wor

the only work and how i feel right now
is my life ilove that i get to feel it get to
celebrate it and i know

life is that easy i lov that i kno wlife
is easy and it’s meant to be i love that
i get to do this work the
tuning work and this is all ther eis
ths is all there is


this is all there is and i love that there is i lov that

that life loves me i love that i know the source and
the supply of life i love that i know the rest is ian

illusion i love that ig et to decide how i feel
how i feel about everything i love that i get ot
decied to

how i feel about everything and it makes life so much eas

easier i love that i get to say
yes thank you i love that i get
to be yes thank you

so grateful for all the blessings in my life
for royalties and payouts
and for the fact that we did what we said we wre

were going to do i love that i know l
that life loves me and its

always unfolding perffectly

so graetful we get to get grocery delivery as much as we wnat!!

so grateful i get to know it
i get to know the truth i get to live the truth
i get to be the truth i love that ig et to live it
i love that i get to be it

i love that life loves me i love that life is fun!!

i love that ig et to create!!

i love that ig et to make new work i love that
i get to create i love that i get to

feel the feeling of certainty i love that
i get to feelthe feeling of god here and now i

get to feel the feeling of god her eand now
and that’s all there is

i get to feel the feeling of god i ca a

can always relax i the c

in the celebration of
the god feeling i can always
relax in the celebration
of the god feeling i love that i get to i lvoe that
i get to feel love for no reason

just becuase that is who i am
i love that i’m allowing more and better for myself in every oment
i love that i get to celebrate that

i get to do this work i get to realxz

relax intot he only work i get to

relax into the god self i

i am totally fulfilled
i am totallyfu


i love that here and now i am totally fulfilled

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally opertain in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is

easily a
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

feels like a good day

so grateful to wake up feeling good
to get to open my window to get to feel the air to
get to smell the air to get to be the air

so grateful to wake up feeling good to get to feel good
to get to feel life flowing hrough me
through me to get to be life to get to love life to
get to love this moment i get to love
this moment
i get to relax into this moment
i get to breathe i get to just be i get to bask i get
to bask in the moment i get to feel good in themoment
i get to feel that feeling and milk it
knowing its my creative power

i love that i’ve been noticing
when i’m creating something i don’t want and it’s that easy to choose
the version i do want
it’s that easy to say i’d prefer love instead
i’d prefer joy instead and i love that i
get to choose that that i have accesss to the feeling
and i get to choose it

grateful to be here chosoing
how i want to feel tuning myself to god

i am tuning myself to god and that’s all i cand do
that’s all i can do is tune myself to the vibration of god
i love that i get to i love that i get to
i love that
i get to choose how i feel how i enter the day
the energy

i love that i ge tto feel the massive energy of the day

massive potential of the day and i can feel my enthusiasm for it
i can

feel my enthusiasm for it i can feel my enthusiasm for it
i love that i get to i love that i get to

choose i love that i get to i love that i get to i love that
i get to choose i love that

i get to feel the energy of god flowing through me
i love that i know that i am god i love that i know that ia m god
i love that i know that i am god i love that i

get to choose how i feel i love that i get to choose the
energy oi love
i love that i get to choose the breath in and the breath out
i get to choose the

i’m here and i feel the god self i feel tuned in tapped in turned on

i love that i know the feeling i love that
i get to choose it i love that i nkow it’s only me that i
get to choose that i
get to choose

that i get to choose to feel it i get to choose to feel it
i get to choose to feel it i get to choose to feel it i get

to choose to feel the feelign the focus
i get to live life for me i

get to live life for mand a

i love that i get to feel the energy of the day
i love that
i get to feel the energy of the day i get to feel the god self

here and now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is indiviidualized a sme

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omnipresent substance
of the univ

i love that i know i love that i kno wthat i am
god that it’s all up to me that i g

get to have fun i love that i get to have fun
i love that i get to feel the lust for life
enthusiasm for life

feeling creates that attention creartes
and i love that i get to feel it get to know it
i love that i get to focus
on the turht

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillemnt
i am totally fulfilled

iam now aware of this truth i have found the
secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of diviine abundance is eternally operating
in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which ci s

i get to feel good i get to celebrate the day
i get to keep allowing it i love the

feeling the feeling of the switch i love the

feeling of the switch i love that the switch is on
i love that i’m on i love that i ge tto feel
the feeling of enjoying life i love tha i
get to fele

feeling of loviing life i love th

i love that i get to have big fun

we’re having big fun!!

i love that i get to love the day i et

get to jump into the day i get to
jump into the flow i get to love the lfow i
get to love the flow i get to
be the flow i get to be the

flow i am the flow i am the flow
i am the flow i am the flow of god i love the

flow of the og

i love that i am the flow of god
i get to choose teh feeling now i get to choose teh
feeling now
that something amazingly awesoem is oging
to happen

i love that something amazingly awesome is going to happen

i loe that i know something amazingly awesome is going to happen i love that
i get to feel it i love that i get
to be it i love that i get to love it i

get to love life because it is an amazingly asesome
i get to love it
i get to love i get to live it and love it i get to love this

i get to jump intothe day i get to celebrate the day !

so grateful for this day

to love this day to get to experience this day
to get to have fun today so grateful to get to have fun today
to feel the feeling of the focus today
tor emember

to remember i get to choose today and that life
reflects my assumptions
it feels good to feel good to release to feelthe acid feeling
without acid and i know its within me its

the release of resistance
and i love that i know that i can experience it
i get to choose it i get to choose an elevated vibration
i get to choose lust for life
i get to chosoe celebration of life

grateful for the energy of life flowing through me
and ig et to choose it i get to choose radical gratitdue
i get

to choose to radically celebrate the day
i get to allow the energy of god to flow through me to
be me to know that its now me

not me it’s all me and it’s not me
it’s agod living through mea nd i know that
its not up to me i know that its
god living thorugh me
i know that the

the tao does nothing i know that the toad tao
does nothing

and i love hat i get to do thos

do this work while the tao doesnothing
so gretaful to get to have a good day
a fun day so grateful to get to have a fun
day enjoy this day to enjoy this day

so grateful to allow the energy of god to flow into this day

the feelint
the feelint is the
the feeling is the only work
the mood is the only work

the e

expectation is the only work
the assumption is the only work

aware ness of the assumption
awareness of the version i’m creating
the focus to choose the other side
to align with th

what the contrast caused me to ask for
to align with the side that i want instead of what
i don’t want

awareness of teha ssum

assumptions awareness of the assumptions
is all there is i am

i am aware of the version i create and asking myself
is that what you want?

and i know that is all of life that is
the power of me that i get to choose what i want
i get to choose teh version i want and it takes a certain

knowing a certain
bravery to choose and then expect
life to play out according to your
but when you do it you see it happening
and then you dont
doubt it anymore you just know
the version you choose is the
version you get to choose

the version you choose teh version you
get to experience

the choice is the power the choice
is the power the focus is the power
and i know my power and i know i’m good at it
i know everyone isn’t good at it
but i am because i nkow it and i

not only believe it but have experienced it so many times
instead of running over and over what i dont want
and jut keep playing that version in my head
i get to be aware of that and choose what

i want instead and i know that is the secret to life
life causes me to ask and in that moment
i get to choose in every moment when i am playing something in my head
i get to choose i

get to ask is this the version you want to live??

and if not what would you want it to be like
and then just answer the question with no buts
or no expectations
to the contrary
or getting

letting what you believe is possible
to get in the way just fee th

feel the feeling you prefer
and then it’s there
you created it

it’s already done its
all already created and i love that
i know this that
i get to relax in this that i get to choose
teh version i prefer

the version i prefer and it’s that easy
it’s that easy it’s just that easy

it’s just that easy

it’s just that easy to choose the version i prefer
and i love that i get to i love that
i get to choose teh

the veresion i get to pick i get to pick
i get to pick i get to imagine

i get to imagine what i prefer
i get to

sink into life
get to feel the fullness of it
get to embrace it get to love it i get to love life
i get to love life ia m life
life is me
and its already done

i love that i know that it’s already done
i love that i get to do this work and it feels so good

feels so good when the letters just fly from
my fingertips with no input from me

when it feels like life is flowing
i know that life is flowing
effortlessly through me and that all ic an do is
sink in and get out of thew ay i n

i know that all i can do is just be
just bear witness
just be the conduit
just alloow

just get out of the way and accept all that
comes to me saying yes to all that is i love that
i get to feel it
that the feeling is always here with me

that ig et to that i get to t


feel this feeling that most people never
get to feel and it is my life and it is life
i know that this feeling of knowing thi

life is lving

living me
is the feeling of life
is the feeling of god

is teh source and the supply
i nkow that the feeling is the source and
the supply

the letting go the getting out of thew ay
saying yese to everything that is

is teh source and the supply

i get to choose where i place my attention

i love the power of me the power of my focus
the power of my attention i love that i get to choose wher ei put
it and i love that i can feel when i put my attention
on something i feel the energy building
i feel the power fuiling

as soon as i take it off
of whatever throught pattern is draining me
i love that i get to choose where
i place my focus get to choose teh
version i create knowing that ita ll comes from me

it all comes from within i love that i get to choose it
get to choos where i place my focus in teh morning
et to
choose how i use my attention get to choose how to
use my pwerson

pesonal power

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to embrace the day i love that i get to

relax into the day
get to just live freely
get to just
enjoy life for the sake of enjoying

so grateful to get up early and get to sit
in the sun so grateful i want to get up
so grateul i love my life

so grateful everything is going great
so gratefulf or orders!

every day!!

i get to choose where i focus
how i focus

i get to choose what i create and i love that
its that easy i love that is that
easy to feel good i love that i get to feel good
that i get to feel the
flow get to feel the flow of well being
get to do this work the foucs work

get to focus on my poer
today i am focused in my power
i am solidified in my power

i know who i am i know aht i am
i know the power of me the power of the focus

the poer of the choice i get to make
the choice in every moment and that is life
i love that i know thsi i know this

i kno wtha tlife

life reflects the inner world and that’s all there
is so grateful i’ve lived this
that i get to live this that life
is a fun creative exercise

i love that i get to et eh

the creator

i get to create the moment
i get to create the day
and then that adds up to life

i get to ccrate
this moment
i get to choose how i feel in this moment
i get to choose my expectations
i ett

get to choose what i look for
i get to choose how i feel i get to choose
what i assume i ge tto choose what i assume
i know that all of life
reflects me

i know that all of life reflects me i love that
i know this i love that i know thsi i love that
i know this i love that i get to choose
i love taht i get to chosoe how i feel about it

i get to choose what i focus on how i starte my day
the energy i bring to the day
i get to choose teh energy i bring to the day i love that
i get to choose teh energy of live

the energy of celebration i lve
that its eay to feel good when i know the truth
i love that i get to choos radical gratitdue
because i know all of life
is working out for me
i love that ig et to relax into life
i love that ig et to trust
it get to get out of the way i love

that i get to do this work the only work the focus

work the feeling work teh t
attention work i know the power of my attention i know the power
of my focus i know the power of my expectation

i know that i’m creating all of it
and today i am aware
i am awre of the version i create and i know is me
i et to chosoe i get to choose
i get
to choose i love that i get to choose

i get to choose the energy of me
i get to choose what i expect i get to choose what i wl

look for how i feel and what i’m a match to
i love that i get to choose hwat

what i’m a match to i love that i get to choose
what i’m a match to i love that
i know that i’m creating all of it

i get to feel it the feeling of god
the feeling of knwoing the feeling of certainty

the feeling of celebrating each day
because it has so much potential

celebrating each day
because its me celebrating each day
because each day is born to
celebrate me and the more

i raise my vibration and
tune intot he magick the more
the magicka lassistnace shows up for me

i kow this is the trut and i know t
ath life always reflects the feeling

i know the The Feeling and have knowing it
have seen it have seen and fel the

the evidence so many ties
i love that life is working out for me
i love that it alreayd

did i love that it already did

i get to feel the celebration of life
the knowing of life i get to feel the feeling
of the diesre

desire fulfilled i get to feel the feeling
of yes the feelin gof knowing

of knowing that it alreayd is i
get to celebrate this day!!

ii get to celebrate this day!
and feel good

celebrate life itday

today i get to cceleb

celebrate life today i get to celebrate life
i get to allow the magickal assistance

today i am allowing the magick of life
i am a match tot he matick of llife
ia m

the magick of life
i am life
today i know that today

i focus today i pay attention to where i place my attention
and i know tit

its that easy i know life is that is

i love getting to feel good

i love that i get to wake up feeling good i love
that i get to enjoy my life i love that my life is so good i love
that life loves me i love that i get to enjoy my life
i love that i get to feel that cool breeze i love that
i get to wake up feeling good

i love sleeping with the windows open
and not drowning in sweat
i love that everything happens in the flow

that the tao does nothing and
leaves nothing left undone i love that
there is always more good to feel i love that
there is no end to how i good i can feel

i love that i’ve let that go and it was easy
i love that i realized she did her best i love that
i know i love that there is so much to love i love that
i get to choose to love i love that i
get to love this day i love that i know

this day loves me !

i get to enjoy this day i love that
i’m always getting what i want i love that i can always
control my control my assumptions i love that i get to choose
the life i prefer i lo

so grateful for orders so grateful for jobs so grateful for
a job that’s going to pay for our trip
so grateful to know that i’ll one day catch a wind and work on it
i love that i get to choose teh
feeling now

i love the power of me the power of my imagination
the power of me and i come here to remember the power of me
the powerful creations of me
the powerful

of me i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to choose i love htat

i get to align with the feeling of alignment
with the feeling of love i love that i get to
choose the feeling of love and the rest follows

i get to enjoy the day and i get to choose teh
energy of the day i get

today i get to be teh tao

today is my vacation
today is my reitrement


is a celebration of me

so grateful for this warm air
for this summer air
for a wife who loves me for a kitty who loves me
for friends who love me
so grateful we did our work and we’re doing our best i know that

we’re always doing our best
grateful we made progresson the cover gratfeful
we know its going to be a hit!

grateful for the focus
grateful for the focus

to bring it in to bring the focus to center
grateful to feel this feeling the feeling of life
celebrating me i know that life

celebrates me i know that
life celebrates me
i know that life celebrates me
i know that i am god and life celebrates me

i get to just enjoy this day enjoy this moment
because everyting i want is flowing to me i love that
i know ths i love that i love that
i know that
everything is always flowing to me
there’s nothing missing besides god

besides presnece and i love that i know this
feeling this feeling of expansion that i can always expand and expand
to feel the space because i am the space

i know that i can release pretty

petty worries me

ego identified stuff
and just flow with god just flow
with the energy of god
and never have to let my mind touch any of it
and i love that that is the fun part of life
that you get to feel the feeling
and don’t have to let it go

it may leave but its always there
it my hide
it may haide

but its always there
god is always here god is always me
and i know this i am

the one only creator i know that i am
the one and only crator

creator and i love that ig et to love i love that i get to love
that i am one who loves

i love waking up feeling good
i love getting to have a normal day
i love our neighborhood and how we know everyone
i love it here in CLE

if we had 2 baathrooms, a huge kitchen and bigger workspacce
it would be perfect!!

how can we make that happen
oh well its not up to me!!

i love feelig the energy of the day
i love
feeling the energy of me i love the

feeling the satisfaction
of the present i love that i know the
satisfaction is the drug
and i can feel it here and now i love that
i get to use my power as the drug

i love that i get to use my knkowledge
as the drug
get to feel charged up my

by life and i love that i get to
andl ife loves that its

it gets to
live through me
life love that it gets to
live through me
flow through me
be me

experience life through me
and i love that it loves that it
gets to i love that
i glo

i love that ig et to enjoy the day
embrace the day celebrate the day i love that
i get to jump i n

i’m here i’m tuning and it works
to remember who and what i am to celebrate

who and what i am
to know that i get to choose my assumptoins that
i get to choose how i feel

how i celebrate life an di love
i love that i get to i love that
i get to

choose enthusiasm
lust for life
loving life and that is the only work
that’s all i can do

today i am celebrating today im
feeling that feeling of yes and it
doesent mev

even matter what follos

today is a good day

i love when i choose i love when i recognize something
a point of contrast or a desire and i know is the having of the
desire that it’ already made and then i can
aliign with the side of the wave that says

its already made.

i love when i do the work when its easy
for me to feel the feeling of the desire fulfilled
today i get to start the day right today i
get to feel the energy of the sun

to remember i enjoy making good work!
i nejoy desiging
i enjoy creating i enjoy making somehting good

and i love that i get to i love that
i get to create this life i love that i never havet o get involved

i get to feel the feeling and
get out of the way i get to get out of the way and i remember that is
one of my greatest powers

today i accept all that is all that comes my way

today i say yes to teh gifts

today i raise my vibration
today i choose radical gratitude

today i choose to have fun

i get to choose the power of me the power of love the
power of methe

the power of letting go today i get to
choose the power of letting go i love that i get to i love that
i get to choose the energy of the day

so grateful for a nice day!!

so grateful for my checks!
for my passive income!
and that it always comes so grateful that is the life
we made so grateful we get to choose teh life
we prefer so grateful

we get to choose it
and that is already done

i get to do this work i get to do this work

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsiblity to is to be awre of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go an letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i know i can let go and let go i know i can rest if needed
i can enjoyl ife whenever i can raise my vibration whenever i can feel the
release the greate lease

letting go and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i love that i get to choose that i
love that ig et to choose that
i get to chosoe teh flowt he feeling of the flow the feeling of the flow
the feeling of knowing the ffeeling
of connected the feeling of celebrating life the feeling of doing the work

here and now the feeling of feeling good and loving my life
i love that i dont have to care

i get to enjoy the day i get to
feel the radical gratitude

i get to live subjectively
i get to choose in every moment i get to choose
i get to cchoose teh flow
the feeling of the flow the g

god self i get to ch
allow the god self i get to allow this god self
to connect to the god self to
feel the release to kno wi

never have to do anything just bask
just feel the feeling of the desire fulfilled
and i love that i get to i love that i ge
t to feel the feeling oth

of the desire fulfilled i love that i get to i love that
i can always tune myself to the joy of life
i can always tune myself to
i love that i get to i love that i get to feel the joy of life

i love that ig et to loet

let go and just feel the feeling i love that
i get to let go and just feel the feeling
just feel the feeling here and now and that’s all there is

i feel it i feel the knowledge of life i feel
the energy of life i feel the substance and the spirit

allowing the substance and the spirite
to be the drug to be the intoxicant i love that i get to
get to feel good now get to feel the feeling now
get to loe now
get to love now i get to feel the feeling now i get to

feel the feeling now tap in right now
be it right now be love now be love now and i know
that is all there is that is all ther is

today i am radical gratitude
even grateful for the things i haven’t seen yet
because i know they already are i love that
i get to feel them get to know them get to be them
and never have to see them i love that
i know the power of me

and that i get to charge up the power of me every morning
i love that
i get to i lovet hat ig et to
feel good no i

love that i know the secret to life

i feel the power of me i feel the knowledge of me
i feel the love of me i feel the power of me i know the power of me

i know the energy of me and i feel it
cracking through

i know the god self and that’s me i know that i
get to choose it i know that i get to choose it
instead of want it

i already wanted it and that’s what made it
and now it already is and i can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eteranlly operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy that is
continuously easily
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am the flow i know that i am the
flow and i celebrate that i love that
i get to do this work that i never have
to wonder and get to feel the joy
of being in communion

with my personal power
with the way i know through experience that life works
i get to just feel the feeling and
trust the rest i get just

feel the feeling and trust the rest

today is my day

to have a good day
today is my day to let it all go and enjoy the energy of
god today is my day
to enjoy the energy of god today is my day

to say yes to god today is my day

today is the day to feel good to feel the energy of me
today is the day to feel the energy of me to feel the energy of god

my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and
desires and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires

today is my day today i get to feel good today i
get to celebrate life get to celebrate who ia m today i get to
celebrate life i get tofeel the

life energy wake up inside me i get ot feel the life energy flowing through me
the energy of ye s

it’s a good day its a good day because i get to
use my magick which means i get to do whatever i want i get to do whatever iw ant i love that
tis a good day i love that its a good day i love that life loves me i love that

life loves me i love that life loves me i ilove that
i get to choose i love

my inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and
experience according to my needs and deisres
and as the principle f supply
in action it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled needs or desires

i’m here and this is the only work this is the only thing to do today
this is the most important thing to do today

today i will fill completel today
the vibration is the drug
the connection is the drug
the knowing is the drug

the energy is the druge

and i love that i know this
that i get to choose it that i get to tune the energy
i get to tune to the energy of me today i
get to tune to the energy of e

this is the only wrk this
this is the only thing to do today
the only thing todo

to do today
is feel good the only thing to do today is feel good
feel the energy of life

my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in action it is

impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose

the energy of the day the energy of me
how i enter the day how i celebrate the day i get to
choose how i celebrrate

celebrate the day i get to choose the energy of me
the god self the energy of me
i get to choose it i get to align with it

i get to be it i get to be it
i get to be


i get to be it and i feel it washing over me
under me through me i get to be it i get to

be the energy of god i get to be

the energy of god i get to feel it
i get to be it i get to celebrate it i get to
build it up inside myself i get

to choose to have the best day
i get to choose to have a blessed day i get to
choose love i get to choose loving and adoring my life
celebrating all that is i love that
i get to celebrate all that is i love that
i get to celebrate

all that is i love that i get to i love that
i get to do this work that i know this work that i know the god self
that i know the gratitdue desl

self that i know the self celebrating life i love that
i get to choose it i love that i get

i know the energy and i get to choose it i

i know the energy of truth i know the energy of truth and i’m so grateful i get to choose it here and now

i get to choose it now the energy of god
i get to allow god to fill me up i get to allow god
to fill me up i

get to allow god to fill me up i get to choose love
in every moment i get to bless this day its the only one i get to
celebrate this day its the only one

i get to lt go everything else and just celebrate the day
i get to celebrate the day i get to

celebrate the day i get to feel the day i get to
choose the day i get to

i get to choose the energy of it
the energy of yes the energy of celebration i know its right here with me
inside of me and i get to choose it i love that i
get to choose teh energy of me i love that i

get to choose the energy of the day
i get to choose the radical gratitude
i get to choose the feeling
before it happens i get to choose teh
feeling before it happens i get to

become it then see it i get to become it then
see it i get to become it then see it i get to become it then see it
i love that i get to

choose the feeling of the day i get to choose teh feeling
of the day and i feel it risiing i get to
celebrate the day i get to milk the feeling the
feeling of radial gratitude

knowing this is the only work this is the only feeling
today i get to do the work i get ot feel
good get to make the choice to feel complete

to just embrace this moment
the only one

get to love this moment
the only one

i’m here

and i’m only energy i am the enegy of the day i am the
energy of me i am the energy of life

so grateful to be alive!
in my charmed life!!

so grateful for this day
so grateful for this energy that i get to feel
energized that i get to feel the
energy of life flowing through me so
gratefl to
get to have a good day to get to do this work
the focus work and have a good day

so grateful i know what it feels like to focus the energy to choose teh
version i prefer

i get to choose to have fun today
to celebrate life today to allow the energy to
flow through e today i get to

allow the energy to flow through me
i get to celebrate i get tochoose

i get to have a good day i get to feel the
energy of yes of knwoing that i am god ia m the
one and only creator i love that i get to just enjoy

just choose love i wanted this i love that i
get to choose it i love that i get to choose it
that i feel the energy charging me up i love ht
that i get to feel ti get to feel the power of ethe focus

just the focus charges me up allows the
energy to flow through me and i love that i get to
i love that i get to choose how i feel about myself
about others about my life
i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose
i love that life let sme

choose i love that i get to choose to have good day today
to ccelebrate life today toda celebrate all that i ahve today!

i love that i get ot feel this feeling this god feeling
ths knowin this knowing feeling i love that i get to i love that i
get to feel it i love that i know its reight

right here with me i love that i get to feel ti
i love that i know i am it i love that i know ia m it

i love that i know i am it i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get ot feel it get to be it get to celebrate it i ilvoe
i love that i get to celebrate it i lovet hat i get to

i get to celebrate it i love that i am it i love that
i nkow i get

i love that i get to chosoe to enjoy life!

tha ti get to feel normal that i love my normal life i love that
i get to !

so grateful for my charmed life
for my house for my one kitty who is still alive and loves me

for shelter for good food for good coffee

for the ability to choose
to get to have fun so grateful to get to have fun
to get to have tun

to get to have fun to
get to have fun
to get to have fun

i get to i get to i get to feel good i get to
i get to i get to feel good i get to
feel the flow i get to feel love i can always choose love i

can always choose love and i love that i get to choose

i love that i know i love that i get to be lucky enough to know
to choose the energy of the day
even thought h

the day is gray

i love that i get to choose teh energy of it
i love that i get to be it i love that i
et to be it i love that i get to
be it get to be the energy of life

get to do this work the focuss work the focus work focusing into it

focusing into the day
and feeling the feelings of life feeling the
feelings of life of who i really am

the joy of life today i get to feel the joy of life
today i get to choose
the joy of life

today i get to choose today i get ot chosoe
to day say i
get to cchoose to say yes

i’m chooseing yes i’m choosing celebration i’m choosing love and i love
that ig et ti love that i get ot to

choose how i feel about myself
about my ife about others

i get to choose the eenrgy
energy of the day i get to choose the unfolding of things i get to choose the flow

i feel it i feel the god self
i feel the god self under there and i know that the
god self is always here with me

celebrating life i love that the
god self is always here with me
celebrating life and i get to feel it
get to know the truth of it i love that i alway sget

get to choose teh feeling i want to feel and that’s love and fun
and appreciation and knowing i love that i

always get to know that life is on my side
that life loves me that life is here for me

i love that i get to choose to have fun i love that
i get to choose to have fun

i love that i get to have fun that
i get to feel the flow get to feel the flow
the flow flowing through me i love that i
get to feel the flow flowing through e i love that
i get to

i get to choose it get to know i love that i get to
choose it and get to know it i love that
i get to choose it and get to know it i love that

the flow is always flowing the flow is
always flowing the flow is always

flowing that life is always flowing and
ig et to just celebrate it
i love that i never have to overthink it
just allow life to unfold

celebrate the day

so grateful to ge tto celebrate the day and everything that I alraedy have
so grateful to get to celebate

all that already is
a normal day
to just laze around and enjoy life

i ilove this day i love our orders i love
g3etting bck to normal i love mrnings on the proch
i love that i nkow well find the solution
i love that life is good
i love the at

that we are successful!!