so grateful to be here

to get to go on an adventure
to get to go have fun
and the clouds are our friends love that i know
that life is my firend and

friend and its always on my side
its always trying to make for me

it always is
making what i expect it to what
i expect to see i love that
i get to choose my expectations

get to have a good day
get to celebrate life get to decide to have fun
gt to go do something!

so excited for the day
to get to have fun to
get to have fun to get to love
to e

get to be free so grateful to be free
so gratefl to not eat potatoes for every meal
so graetful

for who ia m right nwo
for where i am right now

i get to do the work
get to feel good get to feel good get to
feel good get to

feel good get to feel the flow
flowing through me get to feel the flow
flowing throgh me

get to feel the flow flowing through me get to asy

say yes to the flow get to be
good at my job i love that i’m so good at my job
i love where i am right now

i love there i am right now

i get to feel good ig et to eel
feel the flow i get to feel the flow
i get to tap in i get to know the truth

i get to celebrate the truth i
get to feel good get to feel the ina nd ou

and out of life
get to feel calmly blissful

i am calmly blissful
becuase i know all of life
is on my sid ei know i already made it i know that it s
only up to me that i already made it

i know that i already made it
i know that i already made it

i know that i already made it

i love that i know this get to do this work
get to feel this fcous

get to feel this vibration rise
get to chose

deicded to have good day
get to do me

get to live by me
get to be me

get to feel good get to feel the god self
i feel the god self i feel the god self
i am the god self i am the god self and i love that i

i love that i nkow i am i lov that i know i am
i love that i get to feel good get to

feel the energy ths enegy this flow
the flow of life fo

flowing through me get to
say yes to this dasy
get to have fn today!!

get to feel good today get to
celebrate life today!!

g to

get to feel good now get to feel good nwo ig et

get to feel good now i get to

i get to feel good now i get to

feel good now i get to feel the
flow i ge tto

feel the flow i get to

practice i get to feel that feeling of knwoing
that feeling of knowing that its all in the air
that whatever i want
i have i love that i know this i lovee that
i get to choose this i love that
i ge tto feel good i get to choose
how i feel i love that i get to choose the amgick of me

so grateful to start this day

to get to celebrate this day
to get to celebrate life to celebrate that we made it through
so grateful i get to

celebrate this day !!

i love that i get to i love that i get to

so grateful to get to start this day
so gratful to get to feel good get to celebrate life
get to celebrate life

i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to

grateful to get to enjoy this day
to get to love myself and my life

so gratful to get to feel good to get to feel the
flow of life

grateful to get to do this work
to feel the energy of life flowing throgh me

grateful for al lthe fig

gifts in my life so grateful for
this knowledge so gratefl i get

to live as god as the god i know i am
so grateful i get to choose how iw ante

want to feel i get to choose how
i want to feel i get to ask myself is this what i want
and if it isn’t

i can simply

imagine a different story

today is a good day and i know that
i love that i get to have fun that i get to have fun
with the wife with my family

that i get to love and have fun i love that
i get to love and have fun i love that
i know life loves me i love that i get to
choose life i love that i get to choose life i love that
i know life only reflects me i lov that
i get to choose it i ilove that i get to choose it
i love that

i get to i love that i get to i love that i get to
feel this feeling that i know this feeling
i know how to reach it and i know how i to milk e

to milk it i love that i get to choose how if eel
i love that i get to choose how my wli

life unfolds!!

i love that i’m a money magnet!!

i love that we have more thane neouthg

i get to choose hwo

how i feel and that is the only work i love that i know this
i love that i know ths that i
get to say tan

thank you for everything life caused me to ask for
i love that i get to chooe i love that i get to choose how i feel

my life unfolds i love that i get to do this work
the only work

so grateful for all the blessings in mky life!!!

i feel so good int his day
i feel so blessed in this day this day i get to

to celebrate life celebrate being free
celebrate living celebrate loving

celebrate life loving me

i love that i love starting each day
i love that i love getting out of bed i love that
i love my life
i love my checks!!

i love that its flowing to and through me!
always !!

i love the good life i love the energy of me
the energy of the good life i love that
i get to choose i t

i love that i get to choose it i love that i know the
feeling and life always reflects it i lov ethat life
is constantly flowing to and through me !

grateful for the knowledge
for the radical gratitude

today i’m radically grateful
today i’m looking for something
to be grateful for in everything

today i’m focused on the enegy of me
the energy of me
and aligning with what life is helping me ask for

knowing that the feeling makes it all i know that the
feeling makes my life and that is the only work

i know this and ive seen it in my life
over and over and over again


today i’m radically grateful
today i’m tuned in tapped in turned on

today its int he

in the air
today i’m on the lookout for magick
for miracles

today i ‘m feeling the
energy of me the magick of me

today i feel the certainty of god

knwoing that i am it
i am the one and only creator of my reality

i love that i get to feel this i love that
i get to feel this that i g

get to choose hwo if eel i get to choose how if eel

i feel
is that what you want??

is that what you want??

today i’m radically gratefl for all of it
becuae it s

because it’s either what i want
or its helping me ask

or its ehlping helping me ask
today i am aligned today i am

radically grateful today i feel the
feeling of me of the god self

broken free from resistancce

i renounce my humanhood
today life is living me
today im getting out of the way

i know the feeling of life i know the celebration
and i feel it as a part me
i feel the feeling of knwoing that

knowing that today life is celebrating me
i love that i know this love that
i know that life is always on my sid ei love

i liove the feeling of knwoing that life
is always on my side i love that
i get to choose to feel it

i love that i get to choose radical gratitude
i get to feel the feeling of it
and know it already exists

i know ti salreay d


today i’m radically grateful
today i’m tuning to the best version of myself

today i’m tuned to love
i am love i am made up of love
and life is rushing to love me back

i know thsi i know thsi k

i know life loves me and
for that i’m radically grateful

today i get to feel love
today i am love

feels good to feel good

to remember to tuen
to remember to tune to the truth
and let go of the rest it

feels good to feel good to remember to
feel good to remember to release
to remember none of it matters and i
get to choose how i feel it

it feels good to remember it feels good to release to know

it feels good to celebrate life!!

thank you for all of the gifts!!

that we we can order instacart any time we want!
that we got to have pizza monday
that we have a bunch of extra books we can dontate

that the rent and bills are paid!

grateful to remember this is the only work
this is the only work

so grateful to remember the feeling is all that matters
i can always release i can alawys

relax in the feeling
are you on or are you off

i love that i get to feel it get to know it
get to tune it get to tune myself to the feleing
i love that i get to have a good ay
day that i caught a wainde
wind and it felt good!

so grateful to feel good to
to feel the magick of lfeeling good
to ruat

to turst life to like myself to love msyelf

so grateful to get to love myself

to elt

let go and return to the feeling so
grateful to remember i can always ert

return to the feeling i can
always releax i
relax into the feleing so graetful

we get to have fun !

that we get to take a hangover day
that we get to

fele good that
we get to go on vacations!
that we already have dresses!

so grateful that we do so
grateful for wher ewe

we are right now
so graetful for my llife
for my wife

this is the only work
and i know that

this is the only work and i know that
so gratefl to remembe the feeling
is the secret
and i get to feel it

i get to feel my power i get to be my power
i get to tune to my power!

i get to have a good day

i get to have a good day and its easy to have a good day
when i’m godu

focused focused on the truth and tis easy to focus on the rt

truth when i know thats all there is i know all there is is
me all ther eisi s the feeling of me all there is is
the feeling of me all there ever is

is the feeling of me

i get to choose it i get to choose i
i get to choose it i get to choose it get to choose it

i get to choose it ig et to choose it i get to choose it

i’m here and that’s all there is all ther eis
is me and how i feel and i get to choose hwo i feel

how i start the day how i address the day
i get to make the choice to have a good ay
i g

get to make the choice to have a good day i get to feel good i get to feel good i

i get to feel it no matter what i get to feel it
for me i get to feel the magick of life for me

i get to feel the magick of life

for me i get to feel it i know that isl

talways here
that it is me i know that its always here that it is
me i know that all of life is me i know that is’ on

it’s only ever me and i get to choose it know that
that it’s only ever em

yes i get to feel good yes i get to feel good

i get to choose how the day godes how the week
goes if u resust

resist or embrace
if i resist or have fun
if i

resist or celebrate
if i look for what i want
or what i dont want
and i knw that


that is always moy

my choices its always my choce how i start my day and i love that
i know this i love that i know that the feeling is the secret and
i get to choose i get to choose the
feelign i get to choose teh feeling i

i get to choose teh tuning of self the magick of self
i get to choose teh magick of knwoing i get t

to choose hte magick of knwoin get to choose to
feel good now i love that i get to i love that i
get to feel that feeling and that

feeling is always right here right

with me it is me the feeling is me
and i can feel

choose to feel the magick of life
right nwo i love that
i can choose to feel energized by the day

i get to choose i get to choose teh
release the not care ing get

i get to choose not to care i get to chosee

to release and let go i get to choose to l’all

allow life to flow through me i can always work
through the energy i can always allow the energy i can alway allow the energy to flow

i can always feel good

i get to choose to have a good day i
get to choose teh eengy

i get to choose to celebrate the day
and allow the day to celebrate me i love that i
get to choose i i love that

get to choose teh feeling
and that’s al

it’s always right here with me an dnothing
can ever destroy it and the only wo

one who can block it is me i love that i know this
that i ge tto align with this knowledge
that i get to celebrate the day
that i

get to celebrate the moment that i get to love my life
i love that i get to love my life i love that
i get to feel good

i love that i get to feel the
feeling and nothing can stop me
only me can stop me
from feeling good from celebrating the day

from knowing the feeling is the secret and it
applies to all things i love that
i gt to feel it i love that i know how i to feel it i

i know how ot of eel the fway

way i want to feel and it all comes from within
it all comes from within i love that i know this
i love t

that i know the secret to life and i get to choose it
i get to choose how i want t

how i live i get to choose how i go through life

i love that i get to choose i love that
this work always works i love that ig et to feel it

get to be it get to see it
get to celebrate what i know i love that i
get to celebrate what i know

thank you for this day
for this week with so much to celebrate

i love that i get to celebrate life!!

i love that ig et to celebrate life
i love that i
get to celebrate this day i love that
i get to eel

feel it rushing through me i love that
i get to!!

i love that i get to fele good

i get to celebrate life
i am


i am the celebrateion

i am how i feel about myself!!

i am nothing more than how i feel about myself
i love that i now this a

i know this an di get to pracitcce it i love that

that i know this and i get to feel it
here and now i love that i know this
and i get to feel it here and now i love that
ig et to love myelf i love that
i get to love this dasy

i lve that
i get to tune myself to the
celebration of life!!

i love that ig et to tune myself!!

so grateful to be here

getting to do this work the only work the tuning
work and i know the feeling of the tuning for i nkow the

The Feeling

and i know the feeling is the only work the
feeling of knwoing the feeling of knwoing who and
wat i truly ma

am the feeling of knwoing that i get to choose
so grateful to get to choose to choose

so gateful gratefl ig et to choose right now i get to choose right now

tuning the self and i know the feeling of tuning the self
i know the feeling of tuning the self i know the

feeling of the feeling risting i know the
feeling of the truth rising i know the feeling
of love i know the
feeling of love i am love i am god i know the
feeling of god i am god

i tune myself to god and i love that i
get to i tune myself to god and i lov ehta ti get to i get to feel the

The Feeling rise

i love doing this work the only work i love that
i get to renounce my humanhood

i love that its real!!

i love that is is really real this is how life works and i know from life experience!!

today i get to renounce my humanhood!!

i love that i know i know the feeling i know the
feeling of me i know the feeling of

god i know the feeling of letting it all throgh i love that i know
i love that i get to feel good

get to feel good get to feel good get to feel good
get to feel the f

god self wihtin me and so grateful i get to feel
it get to do this work get to start this day off right

i love that i get to i l

i love that i know i lov that i

i love that i know the feeling i the feeling of life
i love that i know i love that i get to celebrate

i’m here rising i feel the feeling
rising i feel the feeling being milked and knowing


this is

i get to feel the magick flowing
i know it and i feel it i feel it rising

the more i raise my vibration and tune inot he magic
the more magickal assistance will come!!

i love that i know this i love that
i get to tune into the magick of life
i love that i get to tune into it

get to do this work feel this feeling start
the day off celebrating knowing this
will be a good day i now today
is a good

day i know today is a good day and i get to
feel it i get to feel the certaitnty of it i lov that
i get to feel the certainty of it i love that i get to feell

The Feeling i love that i get to feel it i love that i
get to feel ti get to feel good get to feel the flow

get to feel the flow of life get to

tune into the magical assistance that i know is always ther e
i get to tune into the magickal assitance

and the mor ei tune into it he more it
comes i know
that is in the air i know that eh

when i look for miralces i see them
i know its in the air i lov ethat i know i

this i love that i know the magick of life i love t
hat ig et to look for it get to celebrate its existence

i liove that i get to realx

relax into it

get to know it for sure get to knwo get to know the magickal assistance
is always flowing to and through me !

i love that i get to wake up feeling good i love
that i get to celebrate my life i love that
i know the truth of life and i get to celebrate it

i get to feel the feeling of life celebrating me i know
that life loves me i nkow that ima the favorite and life
is always doing things for me
to help me out i lov ethat i know this i lov eetha t
i know that life is already perfect i love that
i know i am already perfect i am god

so gratefl for this day this easy day this happy day
this lazy day so grateful for my perfect charmed life
so grateful for how i get to live

that my life is good!!

i love that life is good and i nkow it

i love the feeling of the feeling
the feeling of certainty
the feeling of the work of the tuning

of the knowledge of the knowledge

that life is always celebrating me

that the feeling is the secret!

i love that i know the feeling is the secret
and it applies to everything i love that
i nkow the

feeling is the secret the feeling is the secret
and i love that i know that i get to celebrate knowing

that i get to celebrate knowing that

i get to feel the feeling here and now
celebrate being here and now i love that
i get to i love that
i get to

i love that i get to celebrate here and now i love that
i get to love i love that i get to choose loving i love that
i get to choose to love i love that
i know that life i sgood

today i get to feel the certainty

today i knw that magick is in the air!

toda i craete it
today i am it today i am it
today i renounce my humanhood!

today i tune myself to the vibration of me
today i tune myself to the vibation of god

today i tune myself tot he vibration of magick!

i’m here

i’m here and i get to choose to have the best day
ever i’m here and i get to choose instead of wonder or worry

i’m here and i get to choose instead of wonder or worry

i’m here and i get to choose

i’m here and i get to choose i get t
choose the power of me i get to c

to tune to the enegy of

energy of me i get to tune to the power of me
i get to tune to the power of me and i love that
i get to i love htat i know the poweer of me and i get to choose it

i’m here i’m here to do the work to feel good today
to let go of things right now so i can have a

glorious, celebratory day and i know that is my power
my power is to come into alignment on that topic

my power is to let it go i know my power and my power
is to not care

when there’s nothing to care about in know my power
is to stnad b

stand by it and it was what felt right
it was what felf t right and it was when i cam

became a match to hearing it so i say yes

and i neer

i never have to feel bad because i trusted my but
feeling and id idn’t do anything wrong so i never have to wonder

and this work helps me remember that helps
me find the other side of the wave

helps me find the celebration side and let go of the rest and i know
it sjust becuase im the one doing teh corrrespondence

and if i wasn’t i wouldn’t care and that’s good intel
because i know that its something a
bout me its something i’m worried about me about how i am

worried about how i =;m percieved and if im liked

i get to choose the power of me i
get to choose teh power of me the energy of me

the focus of me i get to choose i get to choose
and lif ie

life is always hepling me do that
i know that the feeling creattes life
i know that the feeling creates life
and i

get to choose to feel good i get to choose
to celebrate !!

i get to choose to celebrate my success and i love that
i get to i love that i know the truth of me
the power of me
i love that

i know the ower

the power of me i love that i know the power of me i love htat
i know the power of me i love that i know the power of me
and i

i know i know that i never have to wonder or worry
i know that i’ve picked this up and i can put it down i know
i’m hung up
i know i need to find a new thought i love that i can just let one go

it’s easy to do the work its
way to

easy to work through the falseness
that the mind comes up with

it’s easy to work through what is true
and let it go

slough it off

i can feel that this one little ting is weighing on me
and i dont want it to

i can feel that this thing is weighing on me for no reason
like and upper limit i can feel that i care for no reason

and i know that i can choose not to care i know that
i can choose teh feeling and i know that the

feeling is what dirves

drives everything and i enver have

never have to wonder because its the feeling that will
create anything after this
and anything that already happened doesn’t exist

i come here to remember my power
i come here to rememberr the op

the poweer of me the poweer of choice
the poweer of e

self i come here to remember the poweer of self
and to stick to it
to stand by it to

embody it i come here to emboody my own power and i love tha ti know how to do that

i can’t get it wrong and i’ll never
get ti

it done and all ic an do is thiss work t
he only work the feeling good work and i get to feel it!!

i get to feel the feeling good work!!

i love that i get to ch

i love that i get to make the choice
am i going to make the choice??

or am i going to let an out of control though control me???

am i the creator??

am i god?!?!?!

o lmpw

i know that i am god!
and the best of life is always happeneing to and through me
i love that i know that i am god and

the besst of lif e

is already in me is alreayd me is
i know that ia m doing exactly what i can

i know that i always trust the feeling and that’s all ic an d
i know that i can always

trust the feeling and that’s all i can do i know that life

is always flowing to and through m e

i get to chooe the

choose the oetherr

other side of the wave and that’s
helpng me

i’m celebrating because it shelping choose

helping me choose wha ti do what to

create and i gt o
get to choose i et t
get to choose every time i feel my
feel that way

i can turn it around to the version i do want!!

and i know tha’ts up to me
i know that’s up to me and i love that
i get

get to choose teh feeling i get to practice i get to
practice doing this and know that this is the only work
the feelign work is the only work

nothing else matters and i’m celebrating
becuasee i today
i get to do the feeling work

i ge to

get to practice what i preach

get to walk the walk i love that
i get to i love that ig et ot

grateful to start the day feeling good

to be here to be here now
remembering who i am
remembering the feeling and that it’s always the feeling
remembering that all of life is always the feeling
and i’m so grateful i know this i knwo the
power of me i know the true op

power of me and i know that it is not outside of me
i love that i get to fel

feel the feeling of yes i get to feel the feeling ofy es
of yes i get to feel that it alreayd is and then it is i love that
i get to feel it

i get to celebrate life i get to feel the feeling of life
the focus of life the

radical gratitude
i love that i get to feel it that
i get to feel the feeling that
i get to connect with it that i get to
feel it here and now and i know that life

always reflects that feelign i love the
feeling of the focus i lovet he

the feeling of the focus

i get to choose it and its always flowing through me
i know that

the truth is always flowing through me i know that i am the
truth i am the energy of life and im so grateful i get to
celebrate knowing that !!!

i get to celebrate the day i get to c
enjoy the day i jg

i get to embrace the day
i get to say yes to the day !!

i get to feel good now i get to feel the
flow here and now i get to feel the flow

i am th flow i get to feel the
radical gratitude
i get to feel the feeling and know that
it always works i get to feel the
feeling and know ght at

that it always works and if i feel
bad or resitant it just means that i
strayed from center but i can always return
to the feeling i can always return to the feeling
and that’s all there is

i get to enjoy this day
get to celebrate this day
get to say yes to today!!!

i get to say yes to today!
i get to feel the feeling of today i
get to celebrate this day
get to allow the flow to flow throgh me
get to be the flow get to be god

get to remember the god self ad

and it doesn’t matter if you e
forgot the god self
becausee in the moment you remember it , you are it
and that’s all that matters

so grateful for the in and out
to get to celebrate today

to get to feel good today to get to
feel the feeling right now
to be a mathc to be
able to handle it!!

i can handle the flow fliwing!!

i can handle everything coming to me!!

i rleaes the brakes!!

i releaes my breath and allow it to flow!!

i love the feelig i love that i know
and i don’t have to think oh well i felt the feeling
and then all this came but i couldn’t handle it
so i put on the brakes and
it’s never going to come again!!

because as soon as i release the bbrakes
there it is where its been waiting all this time
and i love that i know this

its a switch and its so easy to swithc

i know the secret to life

just like that
because i’m so happy and i’m aware of how i feel

iis that how i want to feel is
that how i WANT to see the situation
and i get to choose i get to chooe the
good feeling i get to choose the
feeling of love and

appreciation especially for self i get to choose
how i see myself i get to choose how i see myself
i ge tto

choose how i see myself i get to choose i get to choose
love and appreciation i get to choose love and

appreciation i get to choose the focus of life i get to choose the
celebrate of life

i get to choose the celebrateion of life

i get to choose how i feel ig et to choose to
be on top of it on top of the feeling
instead of letting something

else soe

made up drag me down
make me believe something that isn’t truth

that isn’t in alignment with my truth
but instead i get to just celebrate

that is my power
that is my power

my radical gratidue!!

we did it we made it and i get to do this
work to celebrate i get to feel the
feeling of celebration

because i’m so happy becausee i’m so happy
everyone loves it!!

so grateful life is good to me
and i’m good life

because im good to life

i love that i get to feel the
feeling get to celebrate the da
get to love the day
get to love myself!!!
get t

get to love myself!!

so grateful i get to i get to fee good
feel good ig et to feel the
flow the flow of well being i get to choose
to feel love and know that that
is all ther eis
i get to feel the
feeling of love i l

i get to feel the feeling of love
i ge tot feel it i get to be it i g

get to celebrate life i love that life
is good i love that life is good!

i get to choose!!

i get to CHOOSE
how i feel i get to C/HOOSE

how if eel!!

how i react how i encounter the world
i get to choose

radical gratitude
i get to choose teh feeling of yes i get to
choose teh
feeling of yes
i get to say yes to life

i get to say yes to the day!!

i get to say yes i get to say yes i get to
feel good feelt he flow
feel the flow flowing throughme i
get to feel good!!

i get to feel good i get to love i get t
o love i get to
feel good i get to love i get to hoose teh
side of the wave i align with!!

so grateful fort his day

and the feeling i know that all of life is just the feeling
i know that

i knew that when i felt that feeling that it would come
and i know that all of life reflects tat f

that feeling and it has to do with not caring

i know the feeling and its the feeling
of not careing the feeling of not

it isn’t missing and i love that i
get to feel it get to feel the feeling of yes
get to feel the feeling of yes
get to feel the
feeling of yes
get to feel the feeling of not caring of letting of

letting go of braething
breathing of celebrating the day no matter what
i love that we get to celebrate the day i love that
it alreayd i si love that its alreayd in

in the bag

i love

thank you for the feeling of knwoing for the
feeling not caring

for the feeling of relaxing totally into the here and now
so grateful to

relax into the here and now to feel the
feeling here and now so
gratefult o feel
to feel it so grateful to feel it to feel the
to know

to choose knwoing so grateful to get to choose knwoing
so grateful to get to choose knwoing
to get to choose knwoing so grateful to get to choseo knwoing

to get to choose knwoing
to get to choose teh
feeling the precedes everything

so grateful i know

so grateful for the feeling

i knew i knew as soon as i felt that
feeling it would come and that is the feeling
or wa the
was the feeling

the relief

the knowing is what brought it

either way i know it was the feeling and i know the
feeling i know that its always there
the feeling is awlays there
you either look at it or you don’t

but it’s always there and i always get to celebrate it
i love that i get to rise above
i love that i get to renounce my humanhood and love this day

i get to feel it i get to celebrate the day i
get to celebrate the day i get to live

in a celebratory way i get to celebrate the
day get to love thd ay get to
jump into the day
get to

to say yes to the day
get to choose what iw ant no matter what i love that i get to feel it

i get to feel it i get to feel it i get to feel it
today i get to have a good day i know the feeling i know the

feeling of feeling for soething something else to be my reason but
i know that the reason is always right here and now and that
i get to feeel the feeling the

get to feel the feelign no matter what i love that i
it just doesn’t matter i alove th

the better it gets i get t
i love that i get to choose it i love that i get to hcoose i
i love that i get to choose teh feeling
i love that

i know the feeling here and now i love that i have it i lov
how far ive come i love hwer ei am right now

i get to feel it i get to celebrate life
i know the feeling i know the feeling i know that i felt the feeling
and that it was on the way

i love that i get to feel ti i love that i love that
i get to feel it i love that
i get to

choose it i love that i get to chose

choose love i ilove that i get to choose love i love that
i et t

i love that i get to feel it now i love that
it’s already here i love that ther is so

much to celebrate i lovee that i know the
i love that i kno i love that i know

it’s only ever me and i get to feel it
it’s only ever me it’s only

ever me and i get to love it

i know as soon as i felt that feeling
that it was on the way

i knew as soon as i felt that feelin g

that what i wanted was on the way
i love that i know the feeling i love that i know
i am the feeling i love that

i love that i getto i love that
i get to i love that i
get to choose it i love that i
get to choose i love that i get to choose i

i love that the feeling is always right here with me
and i know this

i love that the feeling is always

thank you for the feeling of knwoing that’s always in me
thank you for the celebration of life that’s always within me
i get to choose i get to chosoe it

get to chooes it a

no matter what i get to chooe the
celebration of life
i get to choose the
celebration of life
and i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose it i love that
it’s always here with me i lov ethat
i feel i t

i love that i feel the feeling of love
i love that i feel the
feeling of lov ei love that i feel ti flowing through me

i love that i feel the feeling of yes!!!

and that’s all that matters!!

i knew when i felt the feeling that it
was on the way i knew when i felt hat feeling that it was on ethe

intend to feel that feeling of release
i intend to feel the feeling of release

i intned to feel the feeling of yes
i feelt he feeling of yes i love that

i get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to say yes to it i lov ethat

i am it i am the feeling and all of life
is the feeling i lov ethat i get
to celebrate the day!!

i love that the feeling is always here with me!

i get to feel this day i get to feel this day

i get to feel radical gratitdue
i get to put my energy toward anyting
it doesn’t have to be tha thing i thouth it was og

going to be but not matter what i can astill allow the
energy to flow throughme there is always so much that
i want to do!!

and nothing can stop me i love that i know tnothing can stop me
i love that ic an always allow the energy of the day

the energy of god to flow through me i get to feel it
i ge tto feel the flow the flow of wellb eing i get to feel the flow
of well being i get to feel the flow of well being

thankyou for this day
for this feeling for the flow flowing through me
for the enregy of life

today i get to choose to feel readically grateful i get to ch

trust the gestation period i get to trust life
say ythk

thankyou for life i get to trust the process ofl ife flowing throughme i
get to trust the process of life flwing through

grateful i get to feel the enegy of me the
art of e i get to feel good i get to feel good as myself
in my body i get to celebrate i get to feel

radical gratitdue i love that it wors and its the only work
and when i feel ti nothing elese maters i love that ig et to chosoe to feel it
i love that ig et to say yes i love that i get to

say yes to the flow to the feelign

i get to choose to love my life no matter what becuase its alreayd
created i love that it alreayd is and life is just flowing naturally to and throughme i love that
i know this i love that i kow this i l

i love that life knows this
i love that life knwos this
i love that i know that life is good i love that

that i get to choose to feel radical gratitdue in this
here adn

and now i get to chooseet eh energy of the day
i get to

decide it i get to decide it and

i get to feel the magick of today and i know that life
can only reflect me i get to choose to allow the magick
no matter what if i want that flowing feelng i get to choose it!!

i get to choose i get to choose it i

i get to choose the feeling i
get to choose the
feeling i get to choose teh feeling ig et to choose
the focus i et

get to choose teh focus i get to choose the
focus of life i get to choose the focus
of life ig et to choose the energy of lfie
i get to choose the radical gratidue
i get to choose love i get to chose love
i get to choose love i

i get to choose tehe enrgy
the energy of life flowing through mei get to
choose the energy

and i know its not outside of me
i lov that i’ve let that go and i dont even car ei love that
i kno lo

no longer have to care

i get to choose the knowing ig et to choose teh feelign i
get to choose the flow the flow of wellb eing i ch

get to chosoe teh flow of well being i get to choose life i get to choose life
i get to choosee readica

radical gratitud
which feels like the feelign which we

feels lie the

feels like the feeling of knowing life

i get to choose calm bliss
i get to choose clam bliss

the calm knowing that all of life
is on my side the calm knowing that life is always unfolding in my favor

i get to choose i get to choose the knowing
i get to choose

the knowing i get to choose the radical gratitude
i get to choose lovei

i get to choose love i get to choose


i get to choose

i get to feel it i get to feel it
becuase the energy is always flowing through me
on to the next i get to feel it

i get to allow all of it
i get to say yes to all

yes to it all yes to the entire day
i get to choose i get to choose i get to chooe i

i get to choose i get to choose it i get to

choose the flow i get to choose teh flo

the feeling i get to choose teh feeling of he
the flow i get to choose

radical gratitude!!

i get to choose i get i

i get to choose it get to choose teh flow the flow
get to

choose the clam bliss of knwoing in the here and now
that i am god and all of life reflects me

i never have to wonder or think about soething
i dont want

i can just become aware and then send the signal of what i want instead
i know ive done it before and i knwo i can do it again

i know the power of me and im ready to choose it

ready to choose it in every moment
ready to choose teh

the clam

calm bliss of being god
i am the calm bliss of god

of knwoing that all of life is in my favor i know
that all of life is in my faovr

so i say yes!!

i get to feel radical gratitude
i get to feel the flow flowing
i get to say yes to it
get to

celebrate it get to celebrate life
get to say yes to life
and i love that feeling

yes i am on i am switched on and that’s all there is

all there is is proximity to god

the feeling creates

and that’s all there is that’s all there ever is
the feeling precedes and i know this
so i let go of the rest i let go of caring and remembering who
i am
remember that id ont have to care and that
everything that happens
is in my favor

so grateful for orders for manjor manis
for going worldwide for shipping worldwide for wholesale orders

for money all the ways for

what i wanted and it was in the air!

so grateful we can afford it so grateful for
the checkes
so grateful life is good and i knwo that wahtever happens
is in my favor i love that i get to cho

to choose get to be awre
is what what
is that what yu want!?

i get ot be waewr


i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose the focus

i get to choose wher ie focus my being
is it in

on this thing outside of me
or is in on the infintei abundance

i know that life is always

happening in my faovr and i get to celebarte that knowlee

i get to do this work to feel gooda nd
and to wake up feeling good
i get to do this work to feel good and
wake up feeling good i get to wake up celebrating life
i get to wake up
feeling good i get to allow the best o lfie
of life to flow throgh m

me i get to llow
allow all of life i get to say yes i get to fel

feel the feeling i get tto choose the enegy
i get to chose

to not ccare what happens
i get to
to chosoe self impregnatne
i get to choose and knkow it i get to choose
ti and nkow it i get to have

the knwlefge

i get to choose knowing i dont have to wonde r
i get ot choose knwoing

i get to choose the feelign

get to releax get to feel relief get to sink
into the relief

get to sink into the god feeling the god knwoing
of gr

trusting everything of trusting life
i get to chosoe h

choose how i feel first i get to choose

ho i f
how i feel first i get to choose how i feel first
and then life follows that and i

im here doing the only work that matteres
and i do it becuase it feels good ti feel

feels good to remember the truth of life
it feels good to remember the rtuth
truth of life to let go dna d

and remember the truth
of life an di’m so
grateul i get to that i know the truth
and that i get to coe here and remember it

it’s so easy to flip the switch to know
or evern just to feel the feeling of wondering
and the know that i get to choose knwoing
instead and i get to just keep choosing
knowing and the

only knowing i have to choose is god is
the completion within is the not caring
is knowing that the feeling is always coming so
it doesn’t matter haow

how it comes it feslg

feels good to chosoe knwoing it feels good to chosoe knwoing
it feels good to ch

to get to choose and to come here and la

align with the truth with
the gratitude for life for the

self impregnation

i love that i know i love that i
get to choose it and celebate

celebrate that choice i love the ower
hte p

the power of me i love that i get to chosoe it i love tha t

it already is i love that it already is i love that
i et

get to choose it his mo

this moment i geto

i love that i getot hcoose t

it this mometn i love that
i get ot choose!!

i love that it alreay dis i love that its teh best week we

ever i love that we are out here celebrating!!

i love that i geel
i feel it now i chose it and its done i chose it and its done

and that’s all there i i

i chose it and its doen i love that i

i let it go i love that i chose it and its cone i love
tha ti get to feel good about that i g

that i get to celebrat life n

here and now

so grateful to return to center to return to knowing
to know that everything relf

reflects me a

so grateful to remember to co me
back to center and know that this

feeling is all there ever is to care about
and i never have to care about anything outside of me

i love that i get to remember that i remember that
this feeling is all ther is
i love

feeling th rele

the releif of that i dont have to care about that
i just come back to center bck to

back to love and allow life to rel

fill in the rest i choose teh feeling
of releeasing resistance
and allow life fill

to fill in the rest i lov that
i get to say

say yes get to celebrate it and know that life
is always

flowing and throughme i love that i knw its
its me i ll

i love that i know tisa ll me and i get to cele



i get to stop caring!!