its always the feeling

its never not the feeling and that is all there is
that is all there is that is all there is

that is all there is

i get to feel the feeling and that’s
all there is i love that i get to feel it i love that the
feeling is always right here with me and i
get to feel it no matter what i can always return to the feeling
to what i know is certain i can always return to what i know is
certain i can always

return to what i nkow is

i know that the feeling is all there is
i know that the
feeling is all there i know that the feeling is all there is
and all there is to do is feel it and i nver have to wonder
just dive right back into the fele


i can always swim in the feeling i can lways


swim in the feeling i can always feel the
feeling of the deisre fulfilled and that’s all i need
and thats’

that’s all i can ever do that’s all i can
ever do that’s all i can ever do i ju
is just feel the feeling of the with fulfilled and i love that
i get to i lov that i get to feel it today i love that
i get to feel it today i love that
ig et to feel life here and now i love hat
i get to tfeel the powr of me i love th

the in anad the out i love getting to build it gup

up again i lvoe getting to celebrate thiss day i ilove that
i have clear vision i lvoet hat i get to choose how i feel i love that i get to choose
how i feel and never have to wonder i lov that it already is
the way i want it to be

i get to feel how i want to feel i get to feel the flow
the flow of well being the flow of well

being i get to choose certainty and then i

i t35 5o dhoo

i get to choose certainty i get to choose the floe the flow
the feeling of yes i get to chooe the feeling of yes
and it

doesn’t come from outside of me

i lvoe that i knwo this i love that ig et to come here and remember this i love that this
is all i ever need to know i that

the feeling comes from me the feeling comes

comes from me
get and i dont hcare

care what happens!!

the feeling comes from me and i don’t care what happens i love that
i know ths that i get to rejoice either way i love that i
get to rejoice either way i love that
i get ot feel good

get to feel the certainty get to
choose teh thougth i thoink
get to chosoe the feelings i feela nd i love that
i get ot i love that i get o i love that
i know the feeling of i ti li
i love that i get to hold on to it

get to know for sure and never have to woner i love that i get ot know for sure and never have to wonder

i get to choose teh feeling and that is the only
work dotay

i get to choose teh feeling and taht is
the only work and i love that i know this
i love that i know the feeling is everything i love t
hat ig et to feel it i love that i get to feel it

i ilove that i get to choose that i get to choose
how i watn tit

it to em

be its always up to me and i love that
i knwo this i love that i know that it ‘s
alway up to me and i never have to wonder
so if

i catch myself wondering i can just
choose bh

becuase life always follows the feeling
i love that i know this and its an action i can take lol

i love that i knwo ths is the only work and i
i get to choose i love that i knwo this is the only work
and i get ot choose it i love that
i get ot

to choose

i enver have to wonder i never have to wonder

i love that i get to

i love that i get to choose and i get to choose teh
[ower o f

of me i get to choose teh power of love i get to choose
it and know it i get to choose it and know it a

and allow it to flow through me i am it
i am god i am the feeling ia m

i am cusse


i am success i love that ig et to feel it i love t
aht ig et to feel it i love that i am it i love that

life loves me i ilove that i get to choose it and its so
easy to make the choiice i love that i know the power of ehte hcoice

i ove t

i love that i nkow the poweer of the choice
the energy of the choice the ch

energy of the choice and i know that life



i love that ig et t

to choose certainty on all fronts
get to stand behind it get to stand behind the energy of it

get to choose knwoing tna d

and then it is!!

i lovet hat i get to choose and neve have to
wonder and that is the only work today
just making the choicea nd not

wondering and i know that i can do that l
that life always reflects that so i choose it


today i choose and it feels good to choose!!

to know!!

today i gtr to know and never have to wonder!!

here now feeling the feeling and that’s all there is

i come here to feel the feeling ofl ife
to feel the energy of life that is always here always around me always me
always in and out of me i come here

to feel the energy of life to feel good about this momet
to celebrate this day i come here to celebrate this day
with myself with all of life i come here to celebrate this dasy

so grateful for the here

here and now for the feeling the feeling of the focus the feeling of knowing the
feeling of life flowing through me

the feeling of shit to do!!

the feeling of getting to allow life t
o to flow through me to fully wake up in this here and now i get o feel it

i get to feel the feeling of life ig et to celebrate life i get to say yes to life
i get to feel the magick of life ig et to be the magick of life i know that i am

the magick of life and i love that i get to
celebrate it get to feel it eg

get to experience it get to be it get to feel the
eerngy of life

to relax into it i love that its here now i love that
life loves me i love t

all that is going well for me i love that life

i get to feel the feeling of life i get to feel the feeling
of life gyou
you get to feel the feeling of life
i get to tap into life i get to love life ig et to feel good now
i get to feel good now
i get to feel good now i get

to feel the flow here and now hi get to feel the flow
here and onw i get to
feel the flow here and now i get to be life

right here and now i get to feel it
i get to allow it i get to celebrate it i get to be the magikc of life

knowing that knowing that life is acting according to my expectation
to the feeling i give it and i get to celebrate it
i get to
celebrate me i get to celebrate life
i get to celebrate the flow ig et to

celebrate knwoing i get to celebrate

here and onw
now the feeling of yes i get to be

the feleing of yes i am the feelng of yes i am
the feeling of celebrate

celebration ia mt he switch flipped ot on
i am knowing i am knowing i am my best sself
self my celebrating self i am


that i get to choose and celebrate that choose
i get to choose and celebrate knowing
i get to w
choose and never havet o wonder
i get to choose and never have to

wonder and i get to choose the feeling of lfie
that life
i get

i get to choose the feeling and never have to wonder
i get to choose teh feeling and never have

to wonder and i know that is that easy that the feeling
always precedes the

event i love that i knw this
i love that i am the crator
and i get to celebrate it i ilove that
i get to feel the feleing

i love that i get to feel the feelign i love t
aht i get to feel the feeling of feeling good
of getting to do something!!

i get to choose i lget t

i get to choose i get ot choose teh feeling
and i never have to wonder i love that
i never have t owonder
to wonder i love that i never have to

i love getting to have fun i love
getting to enjoy the day i love
getting to have fun to allow fun to flow
to allow love to flow it feels good

to allow love to flow it feels good
to allow love to flow
it feels good
to allow love

to flow

so grateful to jump into life so grateful to jump into life
to get to

celebrate life to feel that feeling rising to focus on it then
its there to focus on the feeling of love and that’s all there is

to know that life loves me and is always on my sid ei love that
i know that i love that i get to chosoe i love that
it always works out

especially when i get out of the ay


i get to choose i get to

i get to allow myself to celebrate life
to love life!!

to love because there is so much to love
and be grateful for!!!

and i lov that ig et to i love that i get to

i lovet hat i know it that i get to ele
celebrate life that i get to feel good that i get to love
the moment that ig et to celebrate the day
that i get to celebrate the day
i get to

celebrate the day i get to

love the day love the momen t
love every granule
i get to love every granule i get to feel the
feelign of life flowing rth

through me i get to allow my vibration to rise
i get to love everything i get to look with love i get t
to feel the excitement of life
i get to feel the excitement of choice
i g

get to feel the excitement of choice

i love life i love the flow of life i love this day i love this day

i love this day i love this
say i

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to enjoy it that i get to choose the
feeling of vacation and that i get to embrace and love life i love that i get to choose all of life
i nthis here and now i love that ig et to choose teh magick of life
i get to choose the magick of life

i get ot choos

i get to choose the magick o flife

of life

so grateful to be here

on this beautiful perfect day!!

so grateful to get to listen to the birds to get to feel the
air coming through my window to get to hear the sounds

so grateful for this beautiful day so gratefl
i get to see my family so grateful i get to have fun that i get to feel
free that i get to feel the magick of life that i know i’ll never be poor again that
i get to love my life that i get to feel good that ig et to feel the flow
that i get to feel the magick of life
that ig et to say yes that i get to say yes to the flow that i get to say yes to the flow

thankyou for this moment for this day
for spring for this charmed life
to live life to feel free to feel good so grateful to
feel good to feel the flow to feel the
flow to get to feel the flow

so grateful all my wishes are coming true so grateful life
flows to and through me so easily so grateful life loves me so
grateful life is good and just like that all this is coming our way!!

i love that its no accident i know that its all me and i love i love that
life feels good i love that i get to feel good get to celebrate all the blessings in my life
get to celebrate all there is to love get to feel good
get to feel good get to ffeel good

i get to celebrate this day i get to
feel the feeling of presence get to tune in tap in turn on
get to feel good get to feel the flow the
flow of well being get to feel the flow
of well being

get to feel good get to focus here and now
get to know get tchoo
to choose knwoing get to choose knwoing
get to choose knwoing
get to choose knwoing

get to choose knwoing

get to choose the flow get to choose yes get to choose
the feeling of yes get to say yes get to say yes

get to say yes to the flow to the feeling to the
flow of well being get to say yes to the flow of well being

get to say yes to the flow o

of well being the god of well being
the flow of god i get to be it get to um


jump into it get to be it get to be it
get to be it

get to be it get to be it
get to be it get to be it

i love that i get to
be it i love that i get to

i get to feel the feeling today
get to feel the feeling of yes get to celebrate!!!

get to

celebrate get to celebrate
get to feel

i get to celebrate i get to love i get to say yes
i get to feel good i get to feel the feeling of celebration i get to
love i get to

relax into the flow i get to feel good
i get to feel good i get to feel the magick of life
i get to celebrate it get to be it get to
be it get to be it
get to be it get to be it get to be it

get to be it

i am focused i am god i am flowing i have so much
to be grateful for i have so much to be grateful for
i have so much to be grateful for
and i love that i get to feel the feeling get to

feel the feeling of life of celebrating life of liv

loving life of celebrating life
and life celebrates me and i love that i
get to feel it get to be it get to be it

get to be it

i get to be the flow i am the flow i am earth i am the wind i am
the sun i am the breeze i am the lake i am the sand

i am all the dirt that’s left over fromt he dirty snow

i am a seagull

i love that ig et to feel it i love that i get to
feel it i love that i get to
to feel it i love that i get to be it i love that
i am the flow i am life i am the flow i am

life i am the flow i am life i am the flow
i am life ia m the flow

i am life i am the flow the flow of life the

i am the flow i am the flow i am the flow ia m the flow
i am the flow i am the

flow i am the flow

i know the power of me

and i come here to remember it
to practice to feel the version i want to show thanks
for all the miracles in my life!!

i love that life is flowing to and through me i love that
this is the best day i love that life is going well for everyone
i love that we get to take a fun trip i love that

we get to have rufn fun get to feel good get to enjoy life!!

i lovet hat life is good!

focusing on the feeling the feeling of presence and
just seening the evidence all around me

when i thought about the clif bar and it literally feel in to

into my hand

we were a match to talking to our neightbor

my family coordinated something and i din thave to do a thing

got to eat on the porch!
recorded the fun show a day early!

get to go on a scrusion tomorrow!

get to have fun!
it was hot!
grocery xms!@

coverr is solved
and so much u

opened up fromt he feeling
of that g
and get to feel the feeling
get to feel for the feeling and love the
feeling gand be the feeling and knowt hat

so gratefulf or the feeling

i get to do this work the only work nowin
knwoing that the feeling is the only work k nowing that

knowing that the feeling is the only work
how i see myself is theo nly work

how i see myself is the only work is the only work
how i see myself is the only work

how i create my world is my only work and i love that i know this
i love that i get to celebrate it i love that i get to feel it
get to feelthe next lfe

that i get to that i get to feel the power of me

i’m here remembering that i get to that i
get to feel good that i get to feel the flow that
i get to feelthe

feel the flow that i get to feel the god self the presence
that i get to feel the certainty that
i get to feel good that i get to choose it and then it
is i get to ask and then it is given i get to chosoe
i ti get to focus i get to focus
on this work on the power of me and allow it to flow throgh em
allow myself to

know to just know to flip the switch
to get on the bus to be

on the bus and i love that i get to i love that

it’s a feeling and i get to feel it i g
s a feelong and i get to feel it

i am aware of the feeling

i am aware of the self ia m aware of the feeling self
and that i get to choose the feeling self get to choose knwoing

i get to feel good i get to just feel the feelings just
look at them and be aware of them so grateful i know the source
i know the feeling and i can just look at it feel it
settle into it accept it i accept the feeligns of resitancce
and wehn i do they dissapte

and now i feel better i get to feel good
because life loves me i get to feel good
because life loves me i get to feel good
because its a good day becase so much is going well for me!!

i get o feel good about myself
i get to ce

enjoy the day i get to enjoy the energy of the day
i get to say yes to life i get to say yes to the energy of life
flowing through me get to say yes thankyou i wanted this

i made this ic reated this i am this i love that
i get to say y iam this i love that i get to do thew ork
the only work i love that
i get to feel good that ig et to feel good now that ig et to love myself now

i love that i get to feel good get to feel the

energy of this day and its from leaning into it
from saying yes to the day to the energy of the day

to being aware of the energy of the day
the feeling to being aware of the resitane an

and saying yes to it because there is always the
equal and opposite side of the wave

grateful to feel good grateful to feel good
to feel the energy flowing to feel the yes flowing to
feel the blessings flowing
to feel the energy flowing to feel good to feel the
flow to feel the flow to feel the flow of well being flowing
through me to feel the energy of life the

to feel the energy of life flowing through me
i get to feel good i get to feel the energy of life i get to say yes i get to say yes to the flow
to fe

the feeling to the feeling of life get to say yes to the feeling of life i get to

feel goo i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to say yes i get o celebate the party of life

i get to feel good and this feeling is always here
i love that i don’t have to care what happens that i can just keep saying yes
to the feeling that i get to feel the

i love that i get to feel good
get to feel the feeling of relief get to feel
the feeling of releif

get to feel the feeling of relief get to
feel the feeling of the relief i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it get to

say yes to it get to allow it to flow through me i

get to allow life to flow get to say yes to life
get to celebrate life get to celebrate life
get to feel the feeling of life get to feel the feeling

get to feel the feeling of life get to feel
the feeling the feeling of
life get to feel the feeling of life

get to feel the feeling of life get to feel the
feeling of life get to feel the feeling of liffe


get to say yes no matter what get to say yes to
say yes no matter what say yes no matter what
say yes ma

no matter what so say
say yes to the flow to the flow to the flow of well being
to the feeling of feeling good

to the feeling of feeling good to fe

the feeling of feeling good to the feeling of ge

feeling good ig et to say yes

i love that i get to feel it i love that

i’m here celebrating i’m here saying yes i’m here

saying yes to the flow to the flow
to the flow of to the flow of well being to the flow of well being
to the flow of

well being to the flow of well being to the
flow of well being to the flow of well being

i get to choose i get o choose love i get to cchoose
to choose to feel good to

i get to choose to feel good i get to choose to
feel good ig et to choose to feel good

i get to choose to feel good
to get to fe

choose to choose the feeling to get to
choose to say yes to the flow i get to choose to say yes to the flow
to the flow of life to the
to the flow of well being i get to choose it i get to shoo

i get to choose alignmet i get to choose yes i get to
choose celebration i get to choose celebrateion

celebration i get to choose celebration
get to choose celebration
i get to cchoose

choose cceleb

celebration celebration

i get to say yes because life is always going my way
i get to feel good ig et to feel love i get to say yes
i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel good i
get to

feel good i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to
feel the flow i get to feel the flow

i get to fee the

feel the flow i get to feel the fow i
the flow of well being the flow of well being

the flow of well being the flow of god
ig et to ccele

celebrate this day and jump right into it
i love that we keep making progress i love that
i know that its going to be so good!!

i lovee hat i just knowi i love that i get to say yes
i love that people are helping us
telling us what to do i love tha ti know
we can do it i lovve that
i know we can do it
and its easy i love that
we get to

i love that we get to feel good i lvoe that
we get to ccelebrate life!

to be here feeling the feelin

this is the work and no i don’t nee dit
but it feels good to do it and hw
who doesn’t whatn
wnat to feel good and there is no limit to how good you can feel

how much you can nknow
know the self the infinite self how
deep you can go into the infintie self and i’m so gald
glad i kno so grateful i know
i’m so grateful i know the infinite self
that i get to experience it that i get to be it
that i get to caallow

the infinite self to be here to
appear to be here now to be here in this momen t

grateful to be here feeling the feeling of life
tapping into life tapping

into the focus tapping into th

self the truth self teh released self

tapping into the self tapping into th i

the infinited self
the feeling of lfe

letting it all go and just caring about the
feeling the feeling before the rationnal mai

ind mind jumps back in

the foucs

focus of the self the fcous
focus of the feeling the focus
of the feeling the focus of the feeling

so grateful i get to feel it get to feel the enegy of


energy of life the truth ofl ife
get to feel the

truth of life the
the truth of life the truth of life

the truth of life the
truth of life the

truth of life a

the truth of lie the focus of the life ethe

energy of life and i get to feel it
get to feel cenetered centered in it get to feel it
get to feel the he

the eeling feeling here to feel the feeling
here to feel the feelingn

here to be the feeling

here to be the feeling i am the feleing ia m

ehre ad

here and now

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to
celebrate life i get to feel good i get to feel the
energy of life flowing through mei gt to

pay attention i get to be on the

bus ige to be on the u
bus i get to let go fo

of the rest eh
the feeling i get to let go of the rst and just ride i get to let
go of the rest and just rice

ride i get to break through and that is the only work
i get to break through and that is the only work
i get to break through man

and that st
is the only work breakthing through

flipping the switch and that is all there is
all there is is
is the focus is the feeling s love is love is the momeont
is presence in the god self presence
and knwoing that i never have to won

wonder that it all reflects me and i
get to rejoice in get to

relax in the rapture

the raptitude

i am the energy of life ia m the love of life
and it is me i ge tto jump into the moment i love that
no matte w


what i am always right her eia

i can always fleip
flp the switch on or off and its that easy
its al

that easy to trun back to turn back to on and that’s
all life is that’s alll life is onn or of fa

off and i get to feel the feleing of on

i get to be here feeling the feeling of and i’m so grateful
i get to feel it get to celebrate it

so grateful i know the power of me that i can d

tune myself to the feeling of feeling good
that i can aways look for what i want and then it appears

just say wh you

what you prefer and it appears
i love that i know this i love that i knwot his

i get to choose and then it and that is
the only work

i know the work i know the feleing that
the feeling that is me that is always here with me
and there is no limit to my connection to it
i get to feel ti i
get to feel good i get to feel

in love with love i get to choose lust for life i gt to
choose lut forl ife
and it flows
through me

i get to choose it i get to choose the focus of it
i get to choose love i get to choose ot
let it go i get to choose to let everything go and
enjoy the magick of life

i get to choose it i get to release i get to eel

feel the release i get o relese myself it
to it to the feeling of to the flow of life
to the ease and l

flow of life i rel

release myself to the ase and
flow of life

i release myself to the ase and flow of life
i release myself

i release myself to the ease and flow of life
and i nkwo it sso easy
to get

to let go of everything and thn

then you can breathe i know that is the only work
and this is the only energy allowing breath to flwo through me

i am the on switch i am the on
switch and the on switch just asks

and it is given i love remembering that and
remembering that in an ymomre is

moment is the work is my only work
and i love that i knwo this tat i
i get to ccelebrate it that
i get to celebrate it i get o

celebrate being on
getting to choose i get to celebrate choosing
i get to celebrate choosing
i get to celebrate the choice

i am on i am in the on position i am
in the on


i love that i get to chosoe it an di’m
i’m here i’m on

i’m here

i’m here and i feel good i feel the certainty of life
i feel the energy of life here an dnow i feel the
energy of life i feelt he yes of olife

of life i feel the god self the god of life
flowing throughme i feel the yes of life i feel the
yes of life i feel the flow of life if eel the
flow of life if eel thg

feel the energy of life here and now i’m focused i’m

here and i’m focused

focused on the truth on rel

relinquishing my humanhood
of getting to know the truth getting to feel the

letting everything else go besides the truth

tuning myself to the truth to the connection
to the presence in the here and now knowing that ia m god
and the knowing that iam god is my supply

i love that i have
never havet o worry or sonwe
wonder i love that life is la

always working out for me i love that i don’t have to truth

try i love that i never have to try i love that
life is good i love that life is good i lvoe that
i get toc hosoei get to choose the feleing i feel i g

get to choose the feleing i feel i get to choose the feeling i feel

so grateful i get to live this day
get to live the truth and release the rest

so grateful i get to live the truth today
get to celebrate the truth
get to be the truth get to feel good
get to celebrate life
get to

celebrate me get to ele

to celebrate feeling good!!

get to celebrate feeling good and
i’m so grateful i get to that i get to feel good
that i get to love this moment thati get

to know the truth that i get ot feel the releasee in every moment
so grateful i get to feel the release in every moment
i get ot feel good i g

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to relax into the moment i get to choose knwoing i get to choose knwoing i get to
choose knwoing i get to choose knowing
i get to choose knwoing

i get to

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing activity of the divine mind wihtin me
is mky suppply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing activity of the divine mind
within me is my supply

i love that i know this i lov that
i know the magick of life i love that i am tapped into it
i love that i am tapped into it the magick of life
i know the magick of life
i know the magick of life

i know the magick
of life and i am tapped into it i am tapped int othe feeling
allowing the feeling to flow through me
today looking for miracles
on the lookout for magick becuas the

magick is always here i love that i know this
that i get to choose it

so gratefult o be
to be focused in the flow to be part of the flow
to let myself go to the flow to be the flow
to enjoy the flow to be the flow toa llowt he flow

to celebrate life and allow life to celebrate me
i love that i get to celebrate life
and life celebrates me i love that ig et to
put into the world what i want to

i know the energy of life i know the feeling of life
and i feel it running through me

so grateful to get to experience the day
get to feel the moment
get to love the moment
get to feel good now get to feel good now
get to feel

get to let go and know the more i get out
of the way the more life flows in my favor i love that i
get to celebraet his

celebrate this i love that i get to choose knwoing i love that
i get to choose knwoing

i get to choose the flow i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose the flow i get to choose the

feeling i love that ig et to choose teh certainty of life
i love that i get to love

let go and choose the magick i love that
i get ot enjoy this magickal day i love that
i get to enjoy this magickal day

i get to feel this feeling the feeling of life
the feeling of knwoing that life is conspiring in my favor i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to feel it get to choose to all

allow it to always be looking for it becuaase i knwo its always
here with me so gateful i know that my supply

my supply is my awareness
my supply is my presence
my presence is my power

my control is letting go i love that i know my control is letting go
i love that i get to choose i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose
to feel the feeling no matter what i get to choose
to feel the

no matter what i get to cchosoe the f
the god feeling the god power

the power of god and i knwo tis with me

so grateful i get to feel this day
get to celebrate this day
get to

feel the feeling of life flowing through me!!

of life celebrating me!!!

i get to feel good!
i get to love!!

i get to celebrate life!!

and it is all so fun and easy when you know this truth!

gratefult o be here

to feel this feeling the only feeling the
feeling of presence grateflt o to be here
doing the work feeling the focus wnt


wanting to feel the focus the ree
the release the remembering the letting go

to be here to be here feeling the feeling th
to be
here feeling the feeling
to be here feeling the feeling the

to be

hwere feeling the

thank you for the feeling the
feeling of


remembering ia m not separate i love that i
i know ta

i know that i am not ss

separate ilove tha i know that
i am not separate

i love remembering that its all me
i love remembering the joy of life

love coming here to rememer

remember it
i slove i love that i ghet

get to celebrate it i love that i get to celebrate the
joy fo

of lfe that i gi get to feel the joy ofl ife

grateful to be here feeling good

the feeling of feeling good
feeling the
feeling of feeling good

feeling good feeling godo i’m

here i’m here i’m here i’m hwere i’m

and it feels good to ofocus
to focus on the god self to remember the god self
to slip into the god self
to get to feel the feeling to get to feel gint

the feleing

thank you for the feeling that is
always here

thank you for the feeling that is always here with me
the feeling that is always here

with me thank you for the feleing
that is always here

this feelin g

the only feeling the on ly work
the only work
the only truth and i know it
the only truth and i know it

so grateful i knwo ti
so grateful i know so

so grateful i know so grateful i dont’ have to care
go r

graeufl i get ot tto feel good goo
get to chose the
choose the feeling iw atn to feel
get o ch
to choose the feleing i wan t
to fg

get to feel the feleing
i want to feel
get to feel the
feeling iw ant to feel

the feeling what am i feeling

i feel i am i feel
i am

release not holding on
letting go trust
all knwoing all trusst

remembering that all of life is me
and it only ever reflects me
and its that easy

remembering that and letting og
of the rest just enjoying life ti

right now

tapping in focusing focusing on the feleing
knowing the

effects of the feleing and
feeling the feeling for fun
letting go of the resistance
and tapping int th

into the createive feeling here and now

grateufl i know it i get to enjoy life
i get to have rufn


so grateful for where i am
so grateful to love my sicty
city so grateful for so much to love
to get to love this day

to have the skills wot ow
to work throug chall
through cah


challenges to say yes to them to know that they come
with solutions that i can jsut keep sayin gyes
and i get ob

get ett
better at it every day

to know the feleing the
feeling of letting it all go the feleing of
getting out of the way
the feeling of

yes the feeling of life celebrate ing the m

me the feleint hat precded

precedes all of existence and im
so grateufl i have it here and now i havet
the power of it
i’m tapped intot he power of ti

it i’m tapped intot he power of the

i’m here now and i’m perfect i love that
i know tl

lie is perfect how it is i love that
i know that life
is perfect how it is i love that i k

i know the feleing is all there is this feeling is
all h

there is this feeling
is all there is
this feeling is
all there is
this feeling
this feleing is all there is and i love that i know that
that i can always return to it
and that is what

what i have
always done that is what precedes all of my peak experiences

and i know this iam grateful to be here doing the only work
that matteres i love that
ht ati get to choose the only work that matters

grateful to be doing theo nly work that mattes
the feeling work

focused on the feeling work and i love that

feeling of focous
on the feeling becuase it feels so good

so greeing to let go and let life

knowing that i nca

can never control
never have to and get

can jusst get out of the way and allow life
to l

flow to and through me i can allow life
to flow to and through me
i can

fele good i can choose to feel good i can
choose to fele good i choose the

ffele the
feleing of god within i

i choose to feel ti i b

i choose to fele it i choose to
feel ti

it i choose to feel it i choose to feel it

i’m here feeling the real feeling the real feeling
of meme

me remembering that life always reflects me remembering that life always
reflects me

i am infinite ia m
i am

pure awareness
i am zoomed out i am god i am connected with the
ruth of

truth ofl life
the lust for life and i get to celer

celebrate it i am connected with the lust for life
and i get to feel it get to feel ti
get to fele it

i get to fel the

connection the feeling of yes

so grateful to be here!

on this beautiful snowy april1

so grateful for this day so grateful we made it through so grateful get
we get to live!!

so grateful for life so grateful life is good so grateful life
is good and that i get to fel go

feel good get to feel good get to feel good
get to feel the
feeling ofyes get to say yes get to feel good get to do this work t
heo nly the only work get to do the only wrk

i love that i get to feel good get to feel the flow
get to be me get to be me to feel me to feel the
enegy of me the enrgy of god

get to charge myself get to tune msyelf

get tp fee;
feel myself the god self get to feel good
here and now
get to feel good in this here adn now

so grateful for this day
so exicted to get to feell good to get to woek
so grateful to get to work to
get to feel good to get to

celebrate the day
get to celebrate the day
get to celebrate love
get to feel the feeling of love get to feel the
feeling of loving ever flowing to and through me
and i love that i get to feel it
that i get to feel this day that i get to
be this day that i get to live
this day
that i get to love this day
that i get to enjoy that i get to sink in that
i get to sink in that
i get to love that i
get to love that i get to love that i get

to love that i get to loe

i get to feel good get to tap in get to tap in
get to do the wrok get to do the work
feel the feeling feel the feeling feel the feeling

feel the feeling feel the feeling flowing through me
the feeling flowng throughme

the feeling flowing throughme that
the feelfing flowing the flowing

the feeling

so grateful i get to focus get to love
get to feel the feeling of lovee get to
to say yes get to say yes t

get to say yes get to say yes get to
say yes

i get to celebrate this day
get to have fun get to feel the energy of god
flowing throughme get to feel the power of the
focus the power of the feeling of

communing with god of
entering theinfinite now i am here in the infinite now
and ig et ot feel the relief of it

so gratefl i get to feel the relief of it get to
feel the focus of it

get to feel the focs of it i love that
i get to feel ti

i get to feel it i get to feel the flow
get to feel the feeling
feeling get to say yes to god get to
say yes to the celebration of life
and i’ so grateful and lucky that i
get to

that i get to do this work that i
get to feel centerend in this infintie now
that i hget
get to say yes that we get to shop!!

so grateufl i get to feel good that i get to
feel the flow in this her eandnow that
life and money alway

are always flowing to and throughme
i love that i know this i love that i get to
feel the truth of lit
i lov that i know that life loves me
i love that i know

that life loves me and is always celebrating my existence

so graetful for this energy that i know
i kow the energy and i can allow it to reis

i can let it out of the bag at any time
i love that ig et to let it gou

out of the bag i love that i get to

accept and embrace and love it all
i love that i can always change my perception o

in any mment love that i knwot his i love that i know this
i love that i kow this i lov that

that i know this i ilove tha ti

i love that i get to i love that
i get to
i love that i get to

feel good get to feel the flow
get to feel the flow
get to say yes get to say ye s

get to feel the feeling

get to enter the infinite now
with total certainty i love that
i can chose

choose total certainty i love that
i get to i love that i get to i lov ethat i
get to feel good i love that i get to
feel the flow i love that i get to say yes i love that i get ot sya y

say yes

i get to feel the feleing of yes i know the
feeling of yes and i align with it
and lth

then life takes care of itself i love that
i love that

i lov that i get to i love that

i feel the feeling of knowing
i feel the feeling of relese i feel the
feeling of releaase i

feel the knowing that it doesnt matter
i feel the power to lt it go and
feel good i feel the power ot l

to let it go and feel good i feel the
power t ce

to celebrate the energy to celebrate i love that
ig et ot feel it i love that
i get to feel it
i get to celebrate it
i get to know ti

it i get to know the
this feelign this feeling of knowing i get to know
the feeling of knowing and then i can relax and allow life
to unfold i know that hte feleing
the feeling is the secret to everything and that how i feel
is the creator of my life
i love that i get to feel that i

that i get to ask myself what i prefer to
feel and then feel that and that is my reality
i lov that i know the truth
and that i get to practicce this feeling
i love that i know its going to be a great day!!

life just keeps happening in my favor!

the things i want just keep happeing for me and that’s why i
never have to move never have to take
action never have to try never have to force because life
is always taking care of those things for me life is always taking
care of me
life is always

taking care of me doing things for me and that’s why i never havet o wonder
to wonder or force anything i love that

life just keeps happening in my favor and i love that i knwo this i love that
i know the truth of life i love that i know the truth of life and that

is that it is always flowing to and through me
it is always flowing to and through me

to and through me and i love that
i get to feel it get to knowi ti

it get to ce

elevate it i love that i get to elevate it
the vibration the feeling the feeling of connection the
feeling of knwoing the feeling of connection
the feeling of knowing

the feeling of connection the
feeling of knowing and i love that i get to love i love that
that i get to
love i love that i get to feel good

i love that i get to focus get to elevate get to feel good
get to celebrate
the day

life just keeps happening for me and that’s
why i never have to ownder that

wonder never havet o try
just to love and accept that’s all i can do is
embrace it say yes to it love it love all parts of myself
knowing itsl

all myself knowing that health
is wholeness

health is communion with god
wholeness with god and i know this i knowk ths i

i know this i love that i know the feeling
and ig et to feel it and that life
will always happen through me at the perfect time
i love that i know ths that i get to know it
that i get to feel good that i know life is good

so grate

grateful for life for this life i get to live so grateful for this fun
and charmed and creative life

so grateful to get to celebrate life
today to turn my attention toward celebrating life
toward loving the wholeness of me
toward loving all that is me which is all that i feel and see

all of it is me and there ‘s no m

me separate from it to resist it i love that i know this
i love that i get to know this i love that i get to feel this
i love that i am this i love that ia m

the vibration of god i love the
feeling of the focus of thew orl

the worlds flowing thruog min

flowing from my fingers the
god self typing them
not even the god self gut

but god itself and i love that i know that i am

god itself we all are alll

all of it is and il ove that i know this get to celebrate it
get to live it get to experience it get to create it

i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it get to be it get to feel the

vibration rising get to feel the feeling of the
vibration rising

get to choose how i feel about myself
how i see myself and i know that is

all there iss

that iss all i

ther is is how i see myself and i love that i know this
truth i love that i know this

that is all ther eis t
and that i can always choose how i feel wn

and where i place my attention i love that
i get to love it fully
i get to love it fully

i get to embrace all of life fully
and welcome and and i

and i love the feeling of release that comes with
celebrating life
fully i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to fefee

feel it i love hat i get to feel it

i kow that the work always works the work
is alway s

always working i love that i know this i love
that life
always reflects me i know that when i

what i th

i think about i bring about i love that
i know thss i love that i know th

i know thss i

i know this i know this i know this
i know it sall th

its all the feeling its all the choice
just ask what you would prefer

what would you prefer

what wyould you prefer

and i always get to xhoose
choose and all the times i

chose something i didn’t want helped
me remember that it’s up to me to choose the
version i prefer
and then it is

it is never not me
i love that i know this that life
is always changing in ever y moment i love that
i know that

life is always changing in every moment
and i get to feel

love in any moment i ilove that i know this
that i know the power of me that it is a power

that it is a power

i get to chooe how i

choose how i see myself i get to choose how i see my
world i get to choose

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel good

i get to celebrate i get to love i get to
feel good i get to feel good i get t

to feel good because its all me
i get to feel good becase

because is all

its’ all me ig et to feel good

because its all me i love that
i get to feel good
because its all me its all me i love that
i know the

magick of life the power of life i love that i know ti
that i get to feel ti that it get to feel it
that i know

feeling is teh secret