here focused on wholeness

wholeness wholeness which means communion with god
wholeness which means complete which means nothing separate
because i know there is nothing separate there is
nothitng that is not me i know that its all me and there snothing
that is not me theres nothing that is not me

theres nothing that isn’t me
there is no me that’s separate from that.

there’s no me separarte from it

to resist it
because its me and i embrace and love
all of me all of everything because i know that
everything is me

presently in the present it is me
and that is the only work

the presence i’m here now i’m here now
betrayinig my senses
and feeling te

the truth that already is i feel the truth
that already is and i’m so gateful ig et to

i’m here feeling the energy that
creates worlds

so grateful for this day

so grateful for this day to get to

to feel good to get to connect with god
here in the present

that’s all connection with god is
is returning to the present moment to remember that’s
either not real

or doesn’t matter or is made up or isn’t trut

i’m i’m here doing the work feeling the
feeling of yes i know the i know the feleing of

of yes i know the attention creates i know the ppwer

power of me i know the power of wholeness i know the power of wholeness
i know the power of the god energy flowing through me i know the


power of how i feel of how i feel i know the
power of how i feel i know the power of how i feel and how i feel is
easy when i release the rest

when i release caring

the feeling is just there when i release worrying
when i rlease
wondering when i release attachment

the feeling is jut there and i know it

so grateful to get to feel it
so grateful to get to feel it
to get to feel this day to get to feel the
exicitement of this day to get to feel good
today to get o fe

to feel energyzige today

so grateful to get to feel energized today

grateful for this day to
get to celebrate to get to feel good to get to feel good to
get to feel good to get to feel good

so grateful to get to feel this day to get to
feel love today to get to feel love in this moment
to feel free in thismoment

moment to connect with the god feeling
the feelig of love the feeling of

non attachment the feelig of not caring what happens
the feeling of being happe

able to take everything as it comes
not afraid of the future
not afraid of the now

i am happy and present in the here and now i am
happy and present in the here and now

so grateful to be here to be here in this infinite now

i’m here celebrating life in this infinite now!!

i’m here now i’m here now

i’m here live
i’m here

so graetful to be here!!

on this special day on this
amazingly awesome day!!

allowing the fullness of god
allowing the fullness of this here and now
which is god

god and the present moment art on
art one and the same and i’m so grateufl
i know this that ig et to come here and feel good and s

do this work do this work to feel good
to detach
to unite with the here and now
and let go of everything else

to feel good now to feel love now
to not care what happens to know that god is always on my side life
is always

living me so gratefl to let go today and allow life to live me

so grateful to get to celebare life today to put all of my love into life
and see life reciprocate

gratefult his is real this is real this
is really how lie is and i get to celebrate

celebrate the magick of life ig et to celebrate the magick of life

the enregy of life the energy of love the energy of
communion with go d

the energy of knwoing that i am god
that i can look for love in everything that i get to look
for love e

in everything that i get to say yes to everything that
i get to say yes to love i get to
say yes to love

i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the feeling of love
i get to be loive i get go

to celebrate love i get to be love iam

i am love i am love i am love
i am

unfailing abundance

i am

lavish unfailing abundance
and i love that i know this i know love that
i knwo this love that
i know this i love that i know this i love that

that i know this that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose teh flow

the feeling of the flo
the feeling of the flow i love that
ig et to feel it i love that i

get to feel the feeling i get to feel the feein g

i get to feel god right now i get ot feel it i know it i know it

i get to feel god i am god i get to a

am i

i am god and i know the feeling that put int
life is what i get back so grateful i that i know that
ghet t

that i get to love myself that i get to love myself
first and foremost and i love that ig et ot

i love that i am finally learning haha

i liove that i get to choose me

i a

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me

so excited to have the best day

so excited to have the best wekk to
week to feel the energy of me flowing through me

to feel the energy that creates worlds and ive been

been feeling the energy more and more noticing
it more and mre a
more and the more i notice it and its effects


so grateful to get to have fun
to get to enjoy the day
to get to say yes to the feeling to the flow of life
to be the flow of life
to be int he flow of life to know the feeling
to feel the energy of the day to
feel the energy that creates worlds
and i know that the

focus is the work the focus is the work
wher ei place my attneiotn
is the work

my expectations is my

is the owrk my beliefs is the work my beliefs is the works

i feel the energy of life i feel the focus of life
flowing through mei fe

i feel the energy of life i feel the
energy of life

i am the energy of life ia m the focus of life
i am life
life is me i love that i know this that i know this
is the only work that i know thiss is the
only work this is the only
work flowing to and through me

this is the only work i am the only owrk
how i feel is the wo

the only work the vibratin of

vibration of self is the only owrk
work and i love that i get to fel it

feel it here and now i get to feel the
energy that creates worlds i get to create it i get to say yes to it
i get to say yes to it

i’m here doing the only work the only work that matters
and the miracles just keep flowing the miracles

are right in front of my face and i

all i can ever do is take inspired action
i love that i know this i love that i know t

the truth of life i love that i can
breathe easy

knowing the truth of life i love that
i get to know i get to choose the
truth of life i get to choose th

the truth ofl ife i get to

to choose the truth oflife
in this here and now i am
the truth ofl ife ia m
i am the truth of life i am
the truth of life
i am
the truth of lfie

i am

the truth of life

i am here and now i am

here and now i am the flow i am
the flow i

i am god and i get to decid i
am god and i get to decide ig ett

get to feel the energy of this day
get to bring it into me i

get to feel the amazing awesomeness of it

i get to celebrate it i get o
to celebrate this day i get to celebrate this day
i get to

celebrate this day i get to feel it
here and now i get to
say yes to it
here and now i get

to feel the flow it

get to feel the enrgy that creates worlds
and today i’m focuse don how i feel knwoing that the
feeling creates all of if i

i celebrate becus the
feeling creates it all






















so graetfult o get to live this day
for all the love in my life
so grateful for so much love in my life
to know that life always happens at the perfect time
to know that lfie is good

so grateful for all the blessigs in my lif
so graetful for this work
the only work the ut

tuning work the vibrational work and i kno this is
theo nly wrk that matters

this is the only work that matters

to know i am god to know i am vibration to know i am

to know that to know that to know that to
know that i am god i create with my feelings and life is always
coming together for mei know that

i know that life i

is always coming together for mei love that

the feeling of knowing i love that i know that life
is always coming together for me

i know that the feeling precedes

and i feel it so i know it i feel it
so i know it iVICE feel it so i know it
i love that i get to feel it
i love that

i get to feel it i love that i get to celebrate it

that i get to celebrate me that i get to celebrate the
feeling that i get to celebrate the feeling that i
get to celebrate the feeling

that i get to celebrate me

that i get to celebrate the god self





so grateful people buy our books
so graeful people love them
so grateful

life is good and life loves me so graetful i get to live
this charmed lif
so grateful to get to feel good!!

the feeling

is always here and if

even if there’s another feeling i can just abandon

it by placing my attention on something else on

feels so good to feel good feel so
so good to have fun to feel good to feel good
to feel
good to feel the feeling

feel for it or rather
place your atee

attention elsewhere and its easy t
o dec

decide where to place
your attention i love that it’s easy and i love
remembering this is the only work i love doing hte only work
feeling theonly wrok being theo nly work

being the only work
the only work being the only work i

being the only work

decide where to place your

decide where to place your attention

where to place your attnet

attnetion d

attention decide decide ced


so grateful to be here
doing the only wrk

work making the choice
never having to wonder

never having to wonder
never having to
wonder never having to wonder

never having to wonder

this is it this feeling is it
this feeling is it this feeling

is it this feeling is it

this feeling is it this feeling is

this moment his here and now
this knowing this knowing
choose the knowing
and hold on to it
becuse it is all there is

choose the knowing andhold

hold on to it because this
is all there is
because this is all there is

grateful to be here feeling
the feeling
doing the only work
being teh only work
being being the only work
and i love tha i know thos

this that i get to practice being
and that is my only work
get to feel and that is my only work here an

o eart

on earth
i love feeling teh relief of that i love t
allowing teh relief of it
i love allowing the relief of

it i love that i am my work i am my only wokr
how i feel is my only work

vibration is my only work
my vibation is my only work and i love that
i know it that i get to feel it
get to feel this feeling
get to feel this love get to

say yes to this feeling et to
feel th

the connection of life to life
with life
am life

the non epr

and i love that i get to feel it
i lovee that i get to choose it i ilove that
i get to choose it lif

like so many times before i love that i am awre

i get to fee this
this feeling and


is the only owrk feeling
with god being wth

wtih god is theo nly work

proximity to truth


presence is the only wand

wrok and that’s the here and now

i love that i get to feel the
feeling the feeling of knowing the feeling of magick
the feeling of magick flowing through me
the feeling of magick flowing through me
the feeling
of magick flowing through me the feeling
of magick flowing through me
the feeling
of magick
flowing through me the feeling of magick flowing through me
the feeling of magick flowing through me

don’t move

haha i ilove it i love it i love that
it’s all in the air i love that its in the
air i love that its in the air

i liove
i love that i love that its all me
that i just get to decide i love that
i get to decide i love tat
that i get to decide i love that
i get to decide

i get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling of certai
i get

get to feel the feeling of
god i get to feel the
feeling of jes

jyes i get to jump into the flow
i get to

into the flow i get to feel it get t
be it i get to be it ia m
it i am
the focus
i am the point ia m the point
of focus
i love that i get
get to be it t
get to celebrate life get to feel good
get to feel elevated


the feeling work is the only work and the
feeling body that is me is my art
is my ultimate creation that is
always a single work in progress

with no waste and no expense it is the perfect project


is the masterpiece


as the masterpiece

i love doing the work

this work the only work i love doing this work more
focusing on wehat i know my true work is b


what my true art is and its this
its me

i love focusing on this work the only work
and that i know this is the only work
how i feel is the onlly work

all of this is me all of this is sohw

showing me how i feel i love that i know this
i love that i know that life is os

so much bigger

i love that i know the energy of me i love that
i know the
i know the energy of me i know the energy of me

i love that i know i love that i know
i love that i know that i get to choose that i

get to choose the energy of life
so grateful for this day this normal day
without nowehe

nowhere to be to get to just
live life to get to just live

so grateful i get to so
grateful ig et o

i get to
so grateful i get to

thank you thank yo

the feeling of slipping in for the feeling of
knwoiing the

knowing the truth the feeling of knwoing the
truth the feeling of slipping in to knowing the truth

the feeling of knowing that this work
is the only work the feelng work is the only work is my art
is my knwoing

the feeling work is the only work and the
feeling body that is me is my art
is my ultimate creation that is
always a single work in progress

with no waste and no expense it is the perfect project


is the masterpiece


as the masterpiece

thank you!

for this day for all the miracles constantly flowing my way
and i say yes! thank you!!

so grateful for all the miracles always com
flowing to and through me so grateful for love so grateful for family
so grateful

so grateful for this day for this feeling of knowing
for this feeling of connection with self for this feeling
of connection with life
so gratful

grateful to feel connected to life and to feel life fllowing
through me

the energy that creates worlds flowing through me and i’m so grateful i get to feel it i get to feel it

grateful for this day

to feel good to feel god to feel the energy of god so gratfl
for this day to feel the enegy o

energy of god to feel the energy of god

rising through me

so grateful to be here and to feel it
for all the maor man

major manifestations
around me i allow them i accept them i say yes to them and
then i get to share them and that sounds fun!

thank you for this day thank you for this day thank you for this
day for this day to feel the energy of god to know the

energy of god is flowing through me thank you for this day
for this moment for this focus for this life

this fl

blessed life thank you for this blessed life
thank you for this blessed life on this blessed day
in my blessed home in my blessed city

and all the miracles
just keep flowing and the miracles
just keep flowing
and i get to allow the feeling of them
to flow throgh

flow through me i get to allow the miracles to flow
through me the love to flow through me and i get to
choose love i get to

betray my senses i get to chosoe my

choose my reality
despite my senses and i know this is true
i know this is true

so grateful to be here and nto
to know to knwo so

grateful to be here and to know the truth o lfie
to allow the flow to be the flow to know
thiss is the only work the flow

is the only work the horizontal
eye movement is the only work

staring at the horizon
where the sun meets the sea

is the only work is the only wrok

is the only work
the purse

self is the only work thep ure

the pure self is the only work
is the only work
is the only work the feeling of love
is the only work

the feeling of love
is the only work
the feeling of love is the only work

thank you for the energy of life for the truth o f

of life that i know i know the truth of life
i know the
truth of life i know the truth
of life i know the truth of life

i know that i am life i know that all of life is me
i know that i’m

connected with it i get to choose teh connection
get to be the connection get to know

its all me evern th

even the connection betweeen me and me and me
because there is no separation
even though there is connection

its all me

i’m here i’m here now i’m focused
in the here

in the here and now i’m here and now i’m here and

now i’m here and now i am the here and now i am
the here and no

now i’m here i’m fully me i’m

fully me i’m here and i’m

fully mei’m fully
connected with
all of if i
i’m fully connected with all of ife

all of it i

i’m fully connected with alll of ife
of it
i’m fully connected with
all of it

i’m here i’m here now i’m
here now i’m here now

i am the feeling i am the feeling i am
the feeling i am the
feeling ia m the feeling i am

the feeling i am the feeling i am the here and now
i am the here and now i ma


i am the here and now i am
the here and now i am

the here and now

the miracles just jkeep f

keep flowing because that is
life that is how lie work
works and i love that i know ths i love that i know this
that i get to choose i i love that i know this that
i get to chooe i
choose i

get to

i get to choose teh energy
to allow to

turn my attention woa

toward the energy of life
flowing throughm e

i get to turn my energy towrd


i get to choose i get to
choose i get to choose i get to choose

i love that i get to just choose the
feeling and the rest fills itself in
i love that i get to

just choose teh feeling and the

rest filles it

itself in i love that i

i love that i love

i get to choose the feeling
choose the feeling fisr

first choose the feeling first
i et to c

i get to choose teh feeling first i
love that i get to choose teh feeling
firsrt i love

i get to choose teh
feeling first

i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose the

feeling first

i get to choose it i get to choose it
i am it i am focused on it

the feeling of me the feleing of

the feeling of me an di love that
i get to feel it i love that i get to
feel it thankyou thankyou

thank you thank you i get to release
the old and welsome

welcome new i get to replace it with
a new train of though
i love that i get to

i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose the energy of me i get to choose how i see myself
how i see my life how i conceive of of my life

i get to chooe how i
choose how i see myself and my life ig et to ch

i get to feel for the most pure version of me
i get to feel the
energy of me ig et to

choose the energy of me the focus of me
on the purest version of me
i love that i get to choose it i love that
i’m brave enough to choose it i love that
i get to choose me get to choose to come here and feel


i get to choose to feel good
get to choose the flow get to choose the flow
get to choose the flow of well being
get to choose the purset

purest version of myself i love that i get to choose it
i love that i get to chosoe love i love that i get to choose love
i love that i get to choose how i see myself
ii love that i get to chosoe

choose how i see myself i love th

doing this work feeling this feeling the feeling of knowing the
feeling of knowing that i’m creating it all that it’s all

already created i love that i know this and i love that
i know that its all a

reflection of me i love that i know that all of life
is a reflection of me i love that i

get to choose it i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to feel

the erngy of life flowing through me

i get to feel the energy of me i get to focus
on the energy of me i get todo

focus on how i see myself and i know this is the only work
i know that how i see myself is the only work and i love that
ig et to do ti

do it get to see myselfhow i p

ghow i

how i prefer get to see my life
hhow i want to see it and i love that i get to
i love that i get to i love that
i get to feel the feeling i love that
i get to feel the
feeling of pure energy

unadulterated self
i love that i get to feel that energy flowing through me
i love that i know that energy is me i get to allow this
energy i get to be this enrgy i get to say yes to this
energy i

get to say yes to me
to the life i sprefer
to the life i want to life

to the life i already have i get to

do this work i get to feel this feeling
i get to be this feeling

i get to be this feeling i get to fe

be this feeling and i know that is
all of life i know that the ef

affect is instant i lovet hat i now t

i know this and i never have to wry

worry i love that i now

i nkow this an di never have to worry i love the
feeling of the focus on the ver

the facrs

the truth i know i lovee that
i get to focus on the truth i know

i feel empowered by the god self the
god energy the god truth today i get to live by the truth
i get to live with god energy on my sid ei get to

feel the enegy of

energy of life flowing through me i get to choose it
get to say yes to it get to live fully
get to live


i am exalted

i am exalted
i am exalted
i am exalted i am
exalted i am exalted
and i love that

and i love that i get to get

to feel the fullnes of life geet to c

get to celebrrate this day get to allow life
to flow fully to and through me i love tat

that i get to fee the feeling
of exaltation
i love that ia m it i love that i am it
i love that i am it i love

that i know the turht ot

the truth to life and it is the feeling
and i know this through life experience
i love that i know this i love that
i know this an d

‘i love that i know the truth to life

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine


is eternally operating in my life and


i am now wawre

aware i am now i the flow i am

now wa

aware i am now in the flow

i get to choose the feeling of exaltation

i am exalted i am exalted i am exalted and i love the
feeling i love that i get to choose my conception of myself

what’s the concept??


no resistance!

easy going
the flow the flow the flow
happiness no resistance
no shit talking haah

no resistance
pure positive vibration
pure knowing i love that i know the
feeling of

pure knowing and that i can choose it
at anytime i love that i get to chosoe it and i know its real

i love that i knwo i love that i knwo i love that
i kno t

i know that i am god i love that i know that i am
god and i get to livee

i am summer i am parties i am fun i am fun i am fun
i am exictement

i am good ideas i am
fun trips i am a bunch carts in michigan

i am love i am love i am love
i am family i am love i am family

i live the good life i l

i love t

i livethe

the good life i live tht

the good life i live the good life

feeling myself

i know the feeling of feeling myself and i get to feel it
i celebrate the indicators that tell me i appreciate the
divination of self and i remember that i
get to choose how i feel what i whink
think aobut and how i feel when i think about it i know that
just mak

by making subtle shift in the energy of me
i change my whole entire reality i know this
and its easy to feel this feeling to a

switch into this realm to be this realm its easy to be this
realm to celebrate this day to say eys to this day

feeling myself because i want to

because it feels good to feel good
because its how i want to feel i get to choose thida
this day i get to love this day i get to love
this day i get to love

i get to look for what is already created
i know its already made its already made its already made
and i am a match to it

it’s already made and i am

a match to it
i get to feel it i get to feel it

get to feel it ig et to feel it i get to feel g

it i get to feel it i get

i’m feeling myself and i know the feeling
i’m feeling myself and i know the feeling
i get to
choose it i get to choose it ig et to

choose it get to be it get to look
and feel for the version i prefer for what i want to see
i get to choose i get to c

i know that it’s already htere
it’s already right here it’s already right here and i know
ti kno

i know that everything is an indicator i know that
everything is an indicator and i celebrate
and bless my


i bless my gifs and i say thank you
i bless my gifts and i say thank you
for the po

the opportunity to ffocus
the opportunity to focus

so grateful for this day
full of possibility

so grateful to be on the lookout for

i feel the energy of god the energy of knowing the
energy of knowing the energy of knowing i choose the
energy of knowing and i choose it over and over
i choose it over
and over i choose it
over and over

i choose it over and over and over and that
is life that is life
choosing the version i want ot

to live

i love that i get to get to feel the
eenrgy of knowing get to feel the
energy of life get to know we made it


already made iit and i love that i get to
celebrate that i love
feeling the feeling fush

rush through me i love that i
get to feel the knowing of it get to celebrate it
get to choose i love that i get to know

to choose that i know the
in and out of life
i know the ina nd out of life
i kno
i am ware of the
feelings i am awre that
all of life
is right here with me here and now

i am a amatch
i am a match and i expect something amazingly awesome

i love that ig
get to feel the freedom of positive expectation
i love that i get to
feel good i love that i know

it’s all an indicator i know tis all
and indicator i love that an

at any time i can center an n
a new energy and stay there and become it
i love that
life is always changing
that i am on the lookout for something
amazingly aweome i love that i get to choose
it love

that i know

something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today!!

feeling myself feeling myself feeling myself
and i get to

i get to and it feels good i get to feel myself and it feels good
i get to celebrate life i get to celebare that

all this amazing awesomeness is me
today i get to feel good i get to feel the feeling
of s

positive expectation i love that
feeling of the shift of allowing of allowing i lvoe the
feeling of allowing i love the feeling of
knwoing of celebrating this
life of this moment of

the other side of the wave of the enegy of ome
i am
awre of the energy of me i am
awere of the energy of

the only work

and i know this is the only work
i relish this work the only work ai
and i know its the only me i know its teh only
only me

only i can let it go and love no matter what
only i can become it from wthin
i can become it from wtihin
and that’s all there ever is and ilove that life
helps me remember that i love

i’m here creating the artful versoin
version of me version of me

is loving is kind is complete is whole

knowing is knowledge the
artful version of me the

me as masterpiece

me as masterpiece

calm collected accepting allowing
not attached laughing always laughing
always having fun


confident knowing

doesn’t need anything allows life to come to

and through me fully
without resisting i accept al that

all that is is

i embrace all that is i say yes to all that

it’s easy to come here to tune and when
i focus on that as my


ungoal when i focus
on being prestne

present its easy to

when it fo us

focus on th

remembering thet ruth i m’

i’m here toind
doing the wor
only work i’m working ia m paingint

i am painting

i am painting the picture of the realty
the artful reality of me

the masterpiece of me
not just me as a so called person or body
but as all of experience
all that iexper

i experience is me the masterpiece called


the masterpiece called me i am
thea creato
the creator of me i am the creato of

creator of me i cam the

i am the creator of me and that is my art that is om

my only art and mostly what i am is feelnigs
i am the creator of my feelings my emotions which creates my world

i come hre to une
tune myself to that i

knowledge that i get to celebrate this
here and now this here and

now i get to celebrate
get to feel the feeling
get to fel the
feel the feeling i get to feel the feelign of
of the moemnt othe
momrnt of
moemtn of the god self
of the god self i get to
feel the feeling of the
god sel f

i am the creator of me and its so
easy to remembe ri am the

creator of me and its
so easy to remember i am the creator of me
its only ever me its only e

ever me its only ever me it sonly

ever me its only ever me
its only ever me

the creator of me the masterpiece of em

is calm and knowing the masterpiece of me is totally connceted

totally connected totally connecte dand and that’s the
fun way to live life that’s what
the fun way to live life and it’s so easy
to do thiss work and feel connected its o seasy

easy to connect to the trth
to connect to the truth of life and ‘m so grateful i get to
do it here nad
and know

now i know that my work my work is my

is me is my entire creative experience that
is the only work taht is my art and a

that’s all i can ever focus on is
what makes of th

up the vibration of me
the bi

vibration of me is my art

thi is the

this is the only work th
this is the only thing to do this is the
only thing to focus on an i know that

i know that ia m always creating it i know that ia m
creating it i know that ia m
always createing creatigin

creating it
i know that i can only choose how i feel
i can
only vibrate for me i can only choose love no
matter what i can choose to look for what i want to see
i can choose to send love i cne

can shoo
choose to dse
send love i can choose to send love i can
choose to love me
i choose to feel good about me

i feel guilty but i can easily just sh
choose the nest thoug
nexxt though
i can

i can easily just choose a different version
i can easliy
choose a different version

so grateful to be here on this beautiful day!

so grateful i get to celebrate i get to love i get to feel the
feeling get to feel the flow get to feel the flow of life flowing to and through me
get to feel get to know that something amaingly aweomse is going to happen today

so grateful i get to come here i get to celebrate life i get t
to celebrate life

so grateful to be here now to feel the feeling now
to feel good now to feel the energy of life right now
so grateful to get to feel it to get to feel the feeling of the focus
here and now to remember who ia m to

to remember woh ia m who ia m who i am right now

to get to do thsiw ro

work to get to fee this

feel this feeling and be on the lookout for what i want to see
i kno wthat miracles are happenidn all around me

i get to look for what i want to see and then its there
i get to look for what i want to see

and then its there
so grateful i get to

so grateful i get to feel good get to have fun get to feel good
get to have fun get to look for what i want to see get to celebate

celebrate life so graetful to
get to celebate this day

so grateful life is good so grateful life is good

so grateful i knwo that life is good that is made for me
i know that life loves me so grateful i know that life loves mand and is always on mys die

so grateful to get to celebrate this day
to feel the god self in the air so
grateful to feel the god self in the air
to day yes

say yes to this day to

so grateful to get to smell this air
to get to feel this breeze to get to hear these noises

to get to live my best life today
to celebrate life to day to feel good today
to feel the flow today to feel the energy of life
to feel life flowing through me

so grateful to get to so gratefult o get to feel good today to
get to feel good today to get to feel all of life flowing throgh me
today so graetful to get to smell the smell of the air

so grateufl i know that magick is in the air
i know hat magick

i know that magaick is iin the air
so grateful to feel it
so grateful to feel it

so grateful to feel it to feel the flow of life flowing through me
to feel the flow of life flowing through me
to feel the energy of life to say yes to the energy of life
to celebatre life today!!

i’m here now celebrating life i’m here now
tuned to the vibration of god i’m tuned to the vibration of god

i’m on the lookout for love
for fun
for energy for celebration
and i knwo i can allow it to flow through me
i know that i can

allow it to flow throughm e i can

i can choose i can coose t
choose to feel good

i’m here to choosei’m h

i’m here to choosei’m h

i’m here to choose to look for what
i want to see i’m here to celebrate life i

i’m here to celebrate the god self
i’m here to ceel

celebrate the god self
i’m here to celebrate the god self i’m here to feel good i’m
here to feel good i’m

here to feel goodi’m here to feel good i’m
here to feel the flow i’m here

with god i am god i am god and i get to decide
i know tis

it’s only ever me i know it’s only ever me
i know it’s only ever me
it can only reflect me

i get to choose how i feel how i celebbrate this day
what i look for ig et to choose what i look for

i get to choose what i look for i get to choose what i look for
i get to

i get to choose the version i create i get to
choose teh version i create

here and now i get to choose it ige tto c

i get to choose teh flow the feeling of the flow

the feeling of the flow i get to choose teh feeling of the
flow i get to choose teh feeling of the
flow i get to

to choose something amazingly aewsome
i love that i kow anything can happen i love that
i get to see it everywhree!!!

i love that i gt ot f

get to feel good get to feel the fow
get to feel the flow

so grateful i get to feel the energy of me
so grateeu

i get to feel the god self get to
be the god self get to celebrate

the god self get to feel the god self
get to love the
god self get to be the god self
get to celebrate the god self
i am the god self i am the
god self so grateful to get to celebrate this moment
get to celebrate this moment
get to love and feel loved get to allow the energy o flife
get to be a match

i am the enegy of life
i am the energy of god and i look for what i want to see i

i am the energy of god i am the energy
of god i am the energy of god and i get to choose it

i get to celebrate this day !

i get to celebrate enjoying life!!

i get to celebrate life celebrating me i love that
life is always celebrating me and i get to have an adventure!

i know that life is always celebrating me and i
get to celebrate it back