thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thankyou thank you thankyou

thank you thank you thankyou thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thankyou thank you thank you
thank you
thank you hank

thank you thank you thank you ta
thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
thankyou thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

i’m here!

i love waking up to a new day full of possibilities
i love remembering who and what i am i love tapping into the power
of me and i love that i know how to do it i love that
i know how to tune myself to the feeling of god i love that
i know that is my only work

i’m here tuning myself to the tune of god
which means letting go of all resistancce
and tapping into the truth that my feelings and beliefs are what
create my reality and i know this for a fact

i know this so i come here to feelthe feeling to remember the
feeling of me to remember the feeling of me

i’m here now so i gt to feel the feeling i get to feel the
feelingo f the present the feeling of knowledge the
feeling of focus i get to feel the
feeling of focus in this here and now and i love that i get to
i love that i get to let the rest go
and align with the pure feeling of


the unresisted life i love that i get to feel it
flowing through me i love that i get to ccelebrate life
that i get to feel the perfection of life
that i get to know that i am

the selector i know that i am the selector and i come
here to remember my poweers of

powers of selection

i’m here and i’m focused i’ here and i’m
focused on how i want to feel i know that
the feeling of connection with god is always right here with me

i know that i am the one an odnly creator
and i create with how i feel i know i get to c
choose to feel how i want to feel i get to choose
the feelig

first comes the feeling and the expectation
comes the experience
and i know this is true

i know this is fact and i’m grateful to know it
to get to explore it i know that life is alwaysf lowing
to and through me

i know that i’ll never be poor again
i know that life is on my sid ei love that i
get to feel successful
i know that there is only this here and now

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling inside of me
and ‘m so grateful i know i know the
feeling of life i know the feeling of life

the feeling of letting go and letting god


i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative enegy which
is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring fro

forth from my divine conciou


i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am celebrating this day
this magickal day i ceebrat

celebrate the day i celebrate the
energy of life
i celebrate the energy of life

today i’m on the lookout for all that can go right
today i’m on the lookout for amazing awesomeness

i know something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me
and i’m on the lookout

i’m scouring for blessings and i know that miracles aboudn

i know that miracles abound!!

i’m on the lookout for miracles
i’m tuned to them and i knokw they are everywhere
in every moment i love that i know ths i lov ethat
i know t

i love that i know this i love that i know that
miracles are always finding their way to me
i love that ig et to choose this get to focs o

focus on this get to feel good get ot have a focus
get to look for all that is good in the world get to
feel good now get to have something to focus on
get to feel good in my life!!

get to celebrate my life
get to focus on feeling good and looking for the best
today i’m looking for the best and i now that
what i look for i see
today i’m on the lookout for the best

i’m on the lookout i’m on the lookout
and i’m playing the game of life
today i have a resons

reason to celebrate
i’m on the lookout for reasons to celebrate
i am genertation
generating celebrations
with my emotions
i love that its’

it’s that easy i love that life is easy
i love that i get to choose it
i love that i know that

ii get to choose it i love that i know that i get to choose it

i’m on the lookout i’m on the lookout for miracles

for things that are amazingly awesome
and i know they area all

materializing as we speak
i know this is the only work

how i feel is the only work
how i feel is the only work and i

i know tha this is the only owrk and i celebrate that
this is the only work i know that art

is life i know that art is life
and i’m so grateufl i get to make this art i get to make this art
every day more than that i get to feel the
art of life
i get to feel the art of life
and i love that i get to fel

feel it that i get to tap
tap in i get to tap in tot he feeling and feel the miraculous feeling
of life i love that i get to feel the
certainty of it i love that i

get to feel the certainty of life i love that i
get to feel the certainty of life

today i’m looking for all the amazingly awesomeness
of my life and i know it’s all aorund me i love that i
get to celebrate it i get to feel the
feeling of knwoig tis all around me

i’m here

i’m here doing the only work the
i’m here doing the only work remembering teh feeling

the feeling the contrast
helps me focus the contrast that helps me

my awareness
understanding and knowledge of the all providing
source of invinite

infinite prosperity
is individualzies ad me
the reality of me

i know the truth i know the truth i know the
truth i know the truth

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the diivine mind within my is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited therefore my supply is unlimited

my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
thereofre my supply
is unlimited

my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing
activity of the divine mind
within me is my supply
my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind
within me
is my supplyi
my consciousness of this ruth is
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love tat i knthat i know this
and its easy to remember i love that it s

its easy to remember that

i love that i get to i love that i
get to do this work remember who i am
and that relfects the
energy so easlyu

justl ike that like that the energy can shift
just like that the
energy can shift

just like that just like that just
like that just likfe
that li

like that i love that i am aware of the enrgy i love that
i am the erng

energy i love that i am the energy i love that i say yes to it
i love that i gt to say yes to it i love that i

i get to say yes to it i love that i
get to

god is lavish
unfailing abundance the

i know i know that life reflects me i know that life reflects teh
feeling i know that life reflects the feeling of me
what i believe what i expect

and i get to feel the feeling right now
i get to a

let go of attachment i get to let go of attachemtn i get ot
say yes to everything that comes my way
because its all in my faove i know that life
is always

working out for me
mi know that

i kokw that

i know that life is always working out for me i know that life
is always workig otu

out for me i know that life is always on my sid e
i bluse

i bless the contrast
that helps me focus
helps me remember the feeling of me

i get to feel it now i get to feel it now i get to feel it now
i get to c

say yes to the flow ig et to

i get to feel the feeling of the flow ig et to jump into the flii

i get to jump the flow

i get to feel the certainty of it i get to open it up i
get to open it com

up i get to take responsiblity

i get to feel it i get to utne it i get to allow lif e
to flow through me i get t ot know it i kno

i know its

it comes from within i et to say yes to it i get to
allow it i love that i know the energy i love that i get to choose
the energy of me i get to
choose the eneryg
of me

i feel it i feel the tuning of me
i feel the god of me i feel the worth of lfe

of me i feel the love of me i feel the
love of me i feel the e

energy of life i feel the energy of life
i know that
i know that the energy of me is the only work i n

i know that the
energy of me is the only wrok

it’s all the feeling it’s all the feeling
it’s all the
feeling and

i get to celebrate it this is life
and i celebrate it and i’m

i so bless the contrast that helps me focus
that iwa m awre of theenegy
the energy that hleps mf e

me focs the energyt hat helps me focus

so grateful life and money come eaisly to me
so grateful money is always flowing
easily to me so grateufl i know its a feeling
its a bleief

belief so grateful i never have to wonder
i can just accept it i can just say yese and
be grateful for the beless
blessings so grateful ia m awre of the a

the energy of life
so grateful i am awrae of the energy of life
so grateful ai m

am a match so grateful life is always flowing

so grateful so grateful i am a match
in my proximit to source is the

and all of life reflects that feeling i know that
it can’t not i know that it can’t not

so i come here to do the only wor the

the only work

i’m here

i’m here and i’m aware of how i feel i embrace it i embrace life
and i go with i go with life i go with life

i look at how i feel i welcome hwo i feel i welcome how

how i eel i welcome how i feel i welcomd the flow
i welcome god and

and i welcome the god self i knwo who i am i know who i am i know wh at
i what i am i know tha ti am god i know that i am the creator and i create with mky feelings

i woek up feeling … mad?

frustrated like life was working againsst me but i knw that nos

that’s not true i can feel good and have a good day
i can feel good and have a good day

i can feel good and have a good day

i get to feel good today i get to welcome the day i get to welcomethe

i think i just slept too much lol

i welcome the feelings i welcome the contrast because
it hep
lps me know what i want

i welcome the frustration
the feleing of feeling stuck the feeling
about to explode
the feeling of pressure

i welcoemt he co

the contrast that elps me helps me focus
i welcome the new week that helps me focus
iw elcome the sun
i welcome the basking
i welcome this beautiful day
i welcome this work the wo

the only work i welcome this work the only work
i welcomet his wor

this work the only work
i welcomet his work the only work the wm

emotional work the feling work
the feeling work and i love doing
the feeling gos

work i love feeling god i love summer!!

i welcome life i welcome life iw elcome

life flowing through me i welcome life flowing throguh me i welcome life flowing through me

i welcomet he contrast i welcome the day i welcome this work
iw elcome

life flowing through me
because i know the t

the truth of lfie

i know god i know that i am god and i celebration knowing this
i wllow the

i allow the energy of life to flow through me i allow myself ot feel
good to celebrate this day
i celebrate all that comes my way
i welcome it i wo

open up

myself up to the magick of god flowing through me ilove that i know i lov t
ath i knwo i lovee that i know th

the truth to life i get to welcomet he feelings i get to welcome
the day i get to do this work
i get to do this work

i get to feel good now get to feel the flow now
get to feel the flow now i get to feel the flow right now i get to

feel good right now i get to feel god right now knowin

know that i am god right now i get to feel the
feeling the feeling of yes i get to
feel the feeling of yes i feel the feeling of yese flowing through me

the celebration of life right now
i get to celebrat life in this moment

i get to say yes to feel the feeling of yes
i get to

welcome it i get to welcome all of life i get to
welcome this day i get to welcome this
energy i get to welcome the

energy f me i get to feel good
get to decde

decide to feel good get to feo

focus on the feeling get to
feel the feeling of me
get to

feel the feeling of me
get to feel the feeling of god knwoing god
is me i know that all of life is me i know that all of life
is me an di never
have to wone

wondder i know that all of lfe

life is me i know that al of life

all of life is me

i feel good i feel god i feel good i feel god

i get to do this work the only work i know that this
is the only work and i welcome the contrast that helps me
focus that helps m


me remember who i am the energy that helps me remember who ia m
remember the truth ig et to remember the truth

i get to have a good day i get to have a good day
i get to allow the feeling withi me to rise
the feeling of life

love the feeling of reverance

the feeling of life of life and self
and situation
i love wher ei am right now i love that life
is good i lov etha tlife
is go

so good i love that i’m happy in my life i love that i’m
heppy in
happt in

happy in my life i love that i’m happy in my life i love that
i get to choose i love that i get to
feel good now i love that i get to feel good now
get to feel the feeling now i get t

get to feel the feeling lof
of life right now i lov etha t;i get to live

that i get to enjoy life

i feel the magick here and now i feel the flow
here and now i feel the flow
here and now i feel the flow
here and now i feel god here and now

i know that ia m god here and now i trst

trust this moment i turst this feeling i trust hte

flow of life i trut

trust the energy of life that helps me ask
that makes me ask to feel good to wake up feeling good
to wake up feeling

certatin i love that i get to feel good today
that i get to love myself today i love that
i get to choose to feel good about myself no matter what
and i know that is the owrk i

work i know ther eis no reason to suffer
to be attached i lov that i can alet

let all of that go and just
enjoy the day i love that
i get to just enjoy the dya i love that
the day loves me i love that ik now the day lofes loves me

and my only

only wrk

work is this work i know t

i know that my onlyt work is this work

so grateful to be here

so grateful to be here remembering the feelng of
the power of me so grateful to feel in tune wiht the power
of me so grateful to sit here in the nowing
knowing of the poweer of me
so grateful to celebrate thiss dasy to feel good to feel
the flow flowing through me
so grateful to be here knowing the
power of me feeling the feeling of the power of me celebratign the feeling
of the knowing of the pwoer of me

so grateufl i have it ih ave it ii have th

the certaitny

the certainty of me the feeling of me the knowing of me
the knowing feeling the knowing feeling the
knowing feeling the
knowing feeling the knowing
feeling i love the

feeling of me the feeling of teh pwer
the power of me the feeling of tapping into the power
of me the feeling of tapping into the power of me all

of allowing the flow to flw the
energy to flow
the energy of to flow the enregy to flow

he energy to flow the god self the
to flow the god energy to flow and i love that
it already is i loe that
it already is that its me
that its my life experience i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose every minute i love that
i get to i love that i get to choose
every minute i love that i get to choose
every minute
i love that i get to choose every minute i love

that i get to focus on the feleing et to tune toward the feeling

get to tune towardd the feleing tet to feel
get to

celebrate the feeling et
get to know the feeling is my work

i get toi

i’m od i’m god i’m god ia m

i am the one and only god of myi exi

existence and i knwo ths i know this
and i celebrate it i feel for what i want
i watn i become what i want and its’ that
easy i love that its that
easy i love that i et to i love that
i get to i love that li get

i get to i love that i get to feel it i get to feel it
and then it is i and

an di love had

that i know this truth i love that i know thsi
this truth i love that i know this truth that i am thiss truth
i know that ia m the one and only god ao

of my reality
that creation is done that createion is done
i’m not creating it i’m hust
just selecting it
all of the options are already ther ei

i just choose a door
choose a wino

its all ther ei can just walk into the door i choose

i know that i am the one and only god i know that i am
the one and only god i know that i am god i know that i am
god and
i get to celebrate this knowledge i love that
i know that lfe is easey

i love that i know that
i get to choose i love that i nkow i am
god and i just feel for twhat
what i prefer and then it is
i feel for what i prefer and then it is i know that
with every thought
every believe

i create the version i see
taht’s it jsut the version i see and i know tis it s that
easy i
that i get to diave

dive in i get to dive right in
i get to choose

i am the one and only go di am
i am the one and only god i am the one an donly

only god of my reality of
my existence and i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i ge tto choose i get to choose
i get to choose i get to

choose i ti get to allow it i
i get to allow it to come to me i get to clla

allow it to come to me i get to allow life i get to allow life
ia m

i am life i am life i am allof life i am

all ofl ife ia m the god of my own experience
of my own existenc ei am the god of my own experience
of my own

existence and i love that i know that

i know this i know this

thank you i know thank you i feel the
feeling i feel the connection the god self
the knowing sellf the
celebrating celf the free

the free self i love that i get to fele the
feeling that i get to tune myself to truth the one and only
truth the one an

and only truth an di love that
i get to choose it get to feel it get to celebrate it
get to ccelebrate this day

so grateful i know and i can just check out
so grateful i know and i can just
check out and allow the perfect of life to flow through me
so grateful i know so
grateful i know so grateful i knwo

grateful i know so
grateful i know the flow of life
i kno wthe flow of life i know the flow
of life i know

the god self i know that i am the god self and i get to
feel it anything that i can

want already is because i can feel it here and now

energized by this knowledge
so grateful i can

always come here and remember this knowledge
t ath i get to choose the

reality i live i get to allow the
eenrgy to flow through me i get to feel the
feeling and know that it already is
i get

i get to feel the feeling and knwo that
it already is

i’m here

doing the remembering who i am remembering who i am
remembering who iam i’m here doing the work i’m jere

i’m here remembering the power of me and i come here to tune myself
to that i come here to tune myself to the power of me
becuase i dont

i don’t want to forget it its so easy to forget it
but its also so easy to remember it

i’m here tuning to the power of me i kno wht power ht e

the power of me i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know that it’s all of me i

all me i know that all of ife li

life is just me, reflected

i love that i know this i love tha ti know ti’s only me

so grateful to be here tuning to
so grateful to be here tuning

tuning the self tuning the self to the vibration of
god tot existence of god and i’ so

so grateful that i get to i’m so grateful that i get to
feelthis feeling the feleing of god here and now

here and now the feeling
of god here and now i’m so grateful

that i get to feel it
so grateful for orders and for our shops and for our shopkeepers

so grateful for this beautiful day
so graetful for the god self flowing
so grateful to be here focisng on om e
on me on how i want to feel

so grateful for
so muhc love in my life

it’s me it’s all me its’a ll an outpicturing of me
i love that i know this i love that i feel the energy of me i love that
i get to feel the enegy of me

that i get to feel cetaint certain in my life
that i get to be

feel totally confident i love that i get to
feel totally confidnet

that i get to feel totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i love that i get to feel it that i get to know it i love hat

i love that i get to feel good that i
get to say yes to the flow
to the flow flowing through me to the god feeling in my veins
not even in my veins but the conduits of energy that flow through me
that are always flowing that are

always energized that are always attracting
that are always creating

drawing to me

demonstrating what i believe about myself and my life
i know this is the

is true i know this is true
through my life experience i love that i get to i love that i know this
i love that i know ths i love that i kno wthis

i love that i know this i lov ethat i know this
i love that i know the truth i love that
i know the truth

thank you for the knowledge
for the flow flowing through me thank you
for the flow for the flow for the feeling

for the feeling of the energy for the ener

feeling of the god energy flowing
for the feeling of knowing for the feeling
of celebration
i’m here i’ here i

i am the feeling and the feeling is life
i love that i know this i lov tha t
i know this i kno wthat

i am the feeling i know that i am th efeeling
and the feeling is life i know that i am the
feeling and the feeling is life i love that
i get ot choose it i love that
i get to choose it i love that
i get to choos it i love that i


choose i ti love that i get to choose life i love that
i get to choose life i love that i get to chose life

choosel iife i get to choose life i o

i love that i know the truth and i get to
embrace it i l

i love that i know the rtu

truth and i get to feel it i know the truth of life
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life

grateful for this feeling for this feeling flowing through me
and i know its automatic i know its automatic
for the energy of life to flow and i get to just
appreciate it i love that i get to appreciate it
that i knw it san

and get to experience it i love that i get to i love that
i know life loves me that life is me and that
i am allof life i love that i know th ati am

i love that i know the energy of life and i am
tuned to it i know that

i love that i get to feel the feeling of yes the
feeling of life i love that i get to fee t

feel the feeling of yes the feleing
of yese

the feleing of yes the feeling
of yes the feleing of yes

so grateful to feel the feeling
of yes to fele the
feeling of yes to choose

so grateful i get to chosoe i knwo tis all me
i know all of life is me and i’m so graetful i know the
secret to life
i ahve found the secret to life i love that
i have found th esecret to life

and can realx in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eteranllly operating in my life

i love that i know ti i
i know

i know this i love that i know this
i lov ethat i know the energy of life
the focus on the feelign the feelign of me
that is creating
or attracting all that i experience
i knwo its all me
what i look for what i expect

i love this day

so grateful to have a good day to have an energized day to get
to choose to feel good about myself to focus on how i want to feel and how i want to see myself
so grateful i get to choose how i see myself how i feel in my life and in my body

grateful to be here doing the work the fcous focus work the focus work g

grateful to be here feeling good to be here choosing how i feel about myself
so grateful to be here to be here feeling good t

feeling the feeling i get to hcosoe
to choose to feel the feeling of all of life
flowing through me iget to chosoe to feel the
feeling of god to allow the energy that ccreat

creates worlds to flow through nme

i get to choose me i get to choose how i seee myse
fna di

myself and i get to choose how i see others i love that i get to
i love that i get to i love that i get to chose i l

i love that ig et to choose the feelig i get to choose the
vision i get to choose what’s created and i love that i
get to that i get to feel good no matter what

that i get to choose how i feel i get to chosoe how i feel i
get to sh
choose how if eel i love that i get to i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to

feel good i love that life loves me i love that l

life loves me i love that life loves me i love that
ig et to have fun!

i love that i get to feel good that i get to ride the ride that
i get to feel how iw ant to feel that i get to

love myself that i get to love life i love that
i get to love life i love that i get to love

i get to feel good i get to feel the push inside me
i get to feel the challenge inside of me i get to

feel the celebrateion
celebration of life i get to love i get to feel loe i
i get to choose love i get to choose love i get to

choose love i get to choose to love myself i get to love
myself i get to feel good now
ig et to choose loving myself i get to choose celebrateion

i get to choose the energy that creates worlds i get to

to allow that energy to flow through me i get to feel good i get to
feel the flow i get to feel the flow i get to feel the

i get to feel god i get to be god i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it i love that life loves me i love that i get to
choose to feel the lust for life
to allow the energy of life to flow through me i love that i get ot

i know this is the only owrk
work this is the only owrkout workout because ho i see

how is ee myself is the only thing that affects and
who and what i am and

who and what i am and i ilove that i know this
i love that i get to feel good about life
get to feel energized by life get to allow life
get to allow life

get to celebrate life i love that life is good i love that
i know that life is good i love that i know that life
is good i love that i know i love that
i get to feel the feeling now i get to choose teh feling
the feeling i want to feel now i know that i

all that matters is the feeling i know that all that matters is the
feeling i love that i know this i love that i
know this that i get to choose it that i get to choose to
feel ho

the way i want to feel about msyel fi love that i
get to do this work that i get to feel good that
i get to celebrate life that

i get to celebrate life i know that life is good i know that
i’m out here doing mky best i love that i
get to i love that i get to i love that i get to feel good about me
i love that ig et to love me

i love that i get to feel the god self i love that
i get to feel the god self i love that i know that i am
the god self i love that i am the god self i love that
i am the god self i love that i am
the god self and i get to choose i i love that i
get to choose i gi lo

i love that i get to choose i il o

i love that i get to be it that i get toc hoo
choose to allow the energy to flow through me i get to choose to allow the
energy that creates worlds to flow through me

i get to be a god
i get to be the only god i get to choose i get to
choose how i see myself i get to choose
how i see mysel f

so grateful to be here in this life getting
to feel the rsuh
rush of the good life i get to feel the
rush of the good life

con todo confianza

i love that ig et to feel i know the feeling
and it is here it is the good life flowing through me it is the good life
flowing through me

so grateful to be here

to know i made it to know that i made it that i’m always making that
that i asked for it and then it came like it always does
and i love that i get to relax in that knowledge i love that get

that i get to celebrate it i ilove that i want to do this work
because it feels good i lov etha ti get to live life that
a life that feels good i love that i
get to love i love that i get to do thi

to do this work i love that i get to come here and feel good
get to come here and feel the way i want my life to feel and then life
follows that becuase it must
i love

i get to feel good now get to celebrate now
get to enjoy this life get to create it get to live
it i love that i get to live it i love that life
loves me i love that i know life loes me

i get to come here and create the feeling i want inside of me
and then athat is life and i know ths i know this through life experience
i know this and i get to celebtrat

celebrate this knowledge every day by living fully
so grateful i get to live fully get to enjoy this day
get to enjoy this moment get to enjoy this moment

get to feel the flow get to feel the energy of this day
get to jump infully in fully
get to feel it get to know it get to feel it get to know it
get to feel it

get to know it get to cultivate it get to ccelebrate it
get to celebrate knowing the feeling of god

wihting me

my awareness
and knowledge of the
all providing activity of the divine mind ei
within me is my supply

my conscioiusness of this truth
is unlimited therefore my suppply
is unlimited

today is agood day today is a great day
today we get to celebrate the perks of renting!!

today we get to celebrate that everything is going great for us
i love that life is always going my way
i love that money is always flowing to and through me i love
that life is always taking care of me i love that
life loves and appreciates me
i love that i get to choose ho wi feel each day that i
get ot chosoe to celebrate each day
that i get to choose th
huges love in my heart
that i get to allow the huge love in my heart to flow
throgh me
that i get to allow the energy that creates
worlds to flow through me that i get to align wthin
it and i liove doing this wrk

becuase it feels good and reminds me who i am
reminds me of the poer o fm e

i love doing this work i love that its catching on i lov that
people use it and benefit from it i love that we are starting a through

thought revolution i love that i can do it i love that i kno w

i can be the artist i want to b i am the artist i want to be i love that
i get to celebrate it i love that

i get to celebrate love get to ccelebrate loving life i love that
i get ot li l

i feel good i feel so good and i’m just so grateful to feel good
that i don’t have anything to work through that i
don’ thave any contrast that life is good and it loves me so grateful i know
that life loves me so grateful to get to have a normal day

a special day actually

so grateful for this day for this moemtn i get o
to ccelebrate me i get to celebrate me i get to celebrate life i get

to become it then see it i get to use my imagination i get to
celebrate my

my awareness
understanding and
knowledge of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

i know this i know this i know this and i have
it so mmany times

i’m loving life
i’m celebrating life and life always responds
i love that i get to feel good today
get to celebrate today get to love
where i am right now get to love wher ei am right
now get to love wher ei am right now

get to sink inot life get to sink
into this feeling so grateful i know this feeling and
can access it so easily
so grateful i want to do this work because i have access to
this feeling
so grateful to grow the feeling to milk the feeling
to get everything esle

else out of the way
to act as if to live as if
to be as if
to become it then see it to
just be it and not need to see it
to know that i can be anything i want right now
in this here an dnow i love that i know
this love that i get to focus i love that
i get to feel the focus i love that i
get to


the thought
the revolution in consciousness

i get to enjoy life i get to enjoy life
i get to have a lust for life i get to ceelbrate
celebrate life right now in this here an dnow i get to
say yes thank you

i get to feel good i get to relax into life i get to

i get to relax into life i get to allow life
to love

to love me i get to allow life to reflect me
to reflect the feeling i feel to reflect the feeling i feel

i love that i get to do this work get to feel good
get to enjoy life get to feel the flow of life flowing through me

feels like a good day

feels like a good week feels like a good moent
moment feels like god
i am god i am christ i am god i am christ and i love that
i know i lov ethat i know
i love that

so grateful for this day so grateful for this moment
to feel good to feel good to feel good to feel good

so grateful for this moment to feel good
to feel good to feel good to feel good

to feel good today i get to feel the day the magick of life
flowing through me so grateful tot une myself

to tune myself to the feeling i want to feel knowing that life

all of lfie reflects that and i’m so grateful i have
found the secret to life and can realx in
relax in the knowledget hat the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awre of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
and effortlessly

pouring froth forth from my divine conscoiusness
i am now aware i am now in the flow

so grateful i know the truth of life
the truth of life
so grateful i know the truth
so grateful to tune in
to have a good day to get to feel good

so grateful to get to feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel good

so grateful to feel good today so grateful to
feel good today to feel the flow today to feel the particles aligning
to feel the truth of life to feel the truth of life
to feel the truth of life
to know that

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing activity of
the divine mind within me is mky supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i get to feel good i get to feel the god self the
god energy the truth of lfie i get to
align with the truth of life and nothing else mattes

so grateufl i know this i know the feeling
and i know how to align with it and i know that the
feeling is all of life the feeling
creates life ith
the feeling alignws with life

creation is done i love that i knwo the feeling i love that
i get to feel excteid

excited about the day i love welcoming the day
i love feeling excited about life i love feeling good about life
i love choosing life i love choosing
the total perfectino of the prsent moment
i love that i knwo it
i love that i get to feel t i love that i know that this is all ther is i love that
i get to live fully i love that ig et to fe

live with the full alignment of god the feeling od

of knowing the

the feeling of knowing life

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel the amazing energy of life
flowing through me
i get to feel energized i get to feel excited i get to feel the flow

i get to feel the energy of life i get
to feel the magick of life i get to be the magick of life
i love it i ilove life i love that i get to
feel it get to feel it today get to feel it right now
get to day ye

say yes to the energy of life so graetful i get to feel it
get to tune myself to it which ijust means

means allowing myself to feel good about life
to have positive expectation
to enjoy life!!

to have fun so grateful to get to have fun today
to have a normal, bun
fun monday so grateful for our normal life
for our patterns for love and family
and the slow life ive created for myself
so grateful for the wild success of our business and that
everything is working out perfectly
so grateful for this place we found to live that
we really like and that is only getting better

i love the energy of life flowing throughme i love
the energy of me i love that i get to choose it
get to allow it get to align with it get to know it
i know i nkow the

i know i ti know the energy of life i know the energy of life
and i know that i am life i kno wthat how i feel

is life!!

i know that how i feel is life!!!

i know this for a fact i know this through life wecp
experience and i love the better it gets the more i learn it
the more i experience it the easier it gets to align with
i love that i know life

is easy and its meant ot be this way i ilove that
i get to choose i love that ig et to choose

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose the energy of life
and the life fills in the blacnks
blanks i love that i get to choose it get to feel the

energy of life flowing through me get to feel good g

get to feel knowing get to feel knowing
get to feel the alignment get to feel the energy
of life get to feel the truth of life
get to feel the truth o flife

get to feel the alignment and i love the feeling i love that
i get to practice the feeling and that is the only
work that is the only work
i love that i get to practice the feeling and that is the only work

the feeling is al there

all ther eis the feeling is all there is and i love that i know this
i lov that life

that i know th

the feeling of celebrating life and then life
celebrates me and i’m so grateful i get to feel it!!

all there is is the feeling

all there is is how i feel about myself how i see myself
and my reaity and
reality and that is all there is that is what creates life
and today my only job is to be aware of my thoughts and how i feel
and how i see myself i know that tis’a ll

about the feeling its all hwo i see myself my conception of myself

the art of denyting
denying the senses and i know i can do that
i i know i can i know i know i have the power
i know that is my art i know that is my art i know that the
only art is how i feel is how i see myself is what i believe

the only art is what i believe and i am here to turn the boat
i am here to turn the boat on my thoughts feelings and emotions
i come

i come here to pracitce how i want to feel to remember how i want to feel
to be w

aware of the god self to be aware of how i wnat to feel
of how i sm
am supposed to feel what my nature state is

i’m here to remember who i am to rememer who i am
to look at those feelings and say that’s not me that’s not how i want to fele

i get to choose how i feel ig et to choose how i g
look at my life how i see my life how i see myself i get to choose how
i see myself i get to choose
how i see myself i get to choose

how i see myself i get to choose i get choose teh
focus i get to choose teh create i am aware of how

of how iw f

how i feel

i’m here i’m here and i know i know i bless the feelig i bluse

bless the feeling because it helps me
be aware of my life of where its going
i bless the feeling i welcome the feeling
because it helps me be aware of who am
and how i want to live

i love that i’m her ei’m here doing this work the focus
work the feeling work the choosing how iw ant to feel work the
choosing how i see myself work and being aware of the p

patterns i am aware of the patterns i am aware of the patterns
in my lifeand

and i am aware of the emtoins i am
awre that i have sensitive skin that
my skin tells the story that i get to chosoe ht

the story it tells i love that i knwo that i ge tto choose the
story i t

and it’s easy to choose the version i prefer
i know that feeling is the secret and the feleing preceds all existence

all life experience
i know this i know that
the feeling is the secret i know that het
the feeling

is life the feeling is life how i feel is
my life i knwo this
and i am awre of the emotions
i am awre i am aware of how i feel i am w

aware of how i feel and that i get to choose it
that i get to choose knwoing that i get to choose

i’m here doing this work for me because this is how
i want to live
because this is how i want to feel because i am
awre of

aware of how i feel and how that
creates my life and so i take charge of how i feel
i do the work to remember who i am

to renounce my humanhood i come here and renounce my
humanhood becuase i know who and what i really and am

and i’m so grateful i get to choose
grateful to the feeling because i can shoo
choose the other side of the wave the feeling helps me
so grateful i a

i know the truth and i don’t have to resist
i can just align with the truth

i can just align with the truth and i love that
feeling that i can come here an dfeel that feeling that
that feeling of being aligned with the truth and i know th

the truth the truth is that all of life
relfects the feeling i feel about it and i knwo this is true

i know this is true i know that i can always choose a new thought
i now that i can alway schoose a

i know that my future is certain i know tha tgod

god has my future in its hands an di never have to worry wo

or wonder i love that i know i love that i know i love that i
get to embrace the ma

messages of life and ay

say yes to them i love that i get to choose how if eel that
i get to co

do the work of hcooseing how i feel that
i get to choose a new though ti love that i ahve

can always choose a new thought i

a new trajectory i ilove that
today ig et to feel good about myslef

myself that i get to love who am and what i am
and where i am
and how far i’ve come

i ge tto love me and i never have wo

to wonder if anyone else does and that’s
a good feeling that’s a good feeling that’s a good
feeling so gratful i get to choose it

so grateful i get to choose it

so grateful i get to choose it get t

i get to choose life i get to choos the f
eeling i get to choose the magick of life
i get to choose teh feeling
first and then life refelcts


reflects that and i know that

all there is ath

that is the only way to
create life that is the only way to create life

is with the image of how i see myself
the only way to create life
is with the imag eof
of how i see mysel fi know that

i know that the feelng is the secret and that life
must always follow it