the only work

this is the only wrok the
the feeleing is the only work

the devotion the focus
the tuning the tuning the vibration
the mood the feeling
is the only work the presence is the only work
the word yes
is the only work

being is the only work that i am
is the only work this feeling the

flow the flow is is the only work the feeling
is the only work the tuning is the onlly work
the awareness is the only work the only job

so grateful for our wholesalers
for people who understnad our work
who value our work there are so many people
who value our work who value our work

who value our work who value our work
who value our

this is the only work the feeling right now
is the only work
the focus on the present
the loving the present
the feeling of yes

the feeling of celebrating the moment
that is the only wrlk
work and i love that i know i love that
i know life is
good i love that life
life flows through ms o

me so perfectly i love that life loves me i love that
life loves where iam righ am right now
i love that life is good i love that
life is good i ilove that i live
life is good life is good life

is good life is good life

is good life is good life is good

i love that i know i love that i know the feleing
is all there is i liove that i know i love that i am a master

this is the only work the feeling is the only work
the letting go is the only work
the flowing is the only work the work is the only work
the feeling good is the onlyl work
the feeling good is the only work
i love that i know

i love that i know the feeling i love that i know the
feeling i love that i know the feeling i love that
i get to choose fitness of emotions fitness of the mind i love that
i ge tto choose teh flow
i get

i get to choose teh flow right now
i get to choose teh feeling
right now i get to choose it
i g

i get to become it then see it
i get to becime

become it then see it

i welcome this nagging resistant thought

i welcome it i embrace it i ilove it i love the thought
that i’m not doing enough i welcome the thought that i need to x to get y
that i need to keep this up to keep this one subscriber so i can keep my self

i welcomet hat fee
that feeling i welcomethat

that hang up i welcome that hang up because it heps me focus and remember who i
am it helps me remember the real truth

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich onmin

omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the realtiy of me

i love feeling the feeling of knowing i love
feeling the feeling of trusting what is
of opening up myself and my life and the energy of me

maybe part of it is becuase i really do want to make new work
and i feel that i’m not doing it
that i’m resisting mkyself

but really im just having fun and celebrating

i’m here feeling good i’m here embracing live loving

and remembering the truth of life
i know the truth olf ife
of life i knwo the truth of life
i know the truth of life

i know i know i know that it’s all the feeling it

i know that i love
the feeling of me i love that i know the feeling is
the only owrk and i don’t have to believe those thoughts

its like i’m just am

making something up to try to feel bad?

its like i’m looking for a reason to feel bad!!

to beat up on myself

it s so dumb its so dumb and now im mad
at the persistant resistant thought and it so easy to just
lt it go why does it plaugue me lol

it makes me so mad and i hat eit
its not fair lol

that this stupid thought wont go wa
away and now i’m ka
making it bigger and bigger haha

i love that i dont care i love that it just doesn’t
matter what i do i love that i just

it just doesn’t matter what i do i love t
that i can always trust this hei

this here and now i know that i will create noew

new work when its time and
even then
it just doens’t matter if i sdo

i mean i prefer it haha

i love that i get to feel it get to let it go
i get to let it go find another thought to replace it

find a simaran and move on find a simran
find a way to feel good becuas that is all there is

stand up to my thoughts stand up to my thoughts and i love that
tis just that easy i ilove that

i dont care what anyone thinks and i can only trust the
feeling of me i can only feel the feeling of me i can only
choose to feel and

the feeling of haing to make someone for somentong
to get money doesn’t mfeel good

i know that i know this i know this
and so that is why i dont choose that patht

how i know that is not the path for me and i love
that ig et o chosoe get to cho

to do this work to feel empowered
to choose me an dkno

only ma

only m and never make any work for anyone else
living my life for me

i know taht life
is n’t money it sa feeling it a

a feeling an di get to celebrate that feeling
i love that i know this
i celebrate

i welcome bpeopl

i welcome people stopping their sub
i welcome new types of work
i e

welcome eveolut

evolution i welcome
change i welsome the feeling of god in my body

i welcome the feeling of god
i welcome change in all its forms i welcome new typew of work
i welcome the feeling of me i know that the
feeling of me is my work
i knkow that
how i feel is my only work

it is my art
i know that how i feel is my art
and i always works on that

i am working every moment and contributing something
to life i work every moment contributing something to life

i love that

so grateful that so many see value in our work
so grateful for all the
support we recieve

receive so grateful our work is always helpsing m
helping people so grateful there already is so mkuch f

so much value and that’s a mindset
i know that is a mindset
i know there already is so much value
i love that i can get there
i love that the feelnig is here

with me
i love that magical librarty is done lol

i love the change in weather
in energy i love embracing the time of

hibernation i love choosing to love myself no matter what
i love doing this work and feeling good and knowing
that how i feel is my art

how i feel is my art how i feel is my
how i feel is mky art and it sall that matterts
i love that i know this i love that
i get to choose the feeling

get to choose the feeliing because that is mky art
i know that i am doing everything right an din perfect timing and
i ceelbrat
that knowledge
i say yes to this here and now
i say ey s
to celebrating all that is good in mky life
i say ye s

i focus on how how i want to feel i do
this workt he only work and i gi e myself a break

because freeing myself from the constraints of a world
that teachines yo

tells you from every angle that your value

in s

is in how much you produce
can be difficult to

break but i know that is not my value
and that is not hte vlaue
the value of the worl di know its so mauch

much deeper than that

so much more fun than that
i welcome not making work i welcome t

liife wco
as it


i welcome life as it comes i welcome life
as it comes i let go i let go of resitrictive thoughts
and welcome god

through my conssciou

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of

this substance is my supply
thus mky consciousness of the presence of god within me
is mky supply

my consciousness of the prsence

presence of god within me is my supply

the feelings i want to feel

i get to feel the feelings i want to feel i am
the feelings i feela nd id o th
do this work to feel good to fell good in
feel good in my life to feel heppy

happy in my life to live fully
today i decide to live fully
today i decide to live fully

i love that i’m here and i love that i get to feel how i want to feel

i’m here to focus on how i want to feel i’ here to practicce
how i want to feel because that is the only work and that is
the origin of all creation
i’m here i’m here

i’m here to feel the feelings i feel the feeling of knwoing
i feel the feeling of release i feel the
feelng of knowing we’ll never be poor again
i love that ig et to chosoe the
feelign i love that i get to choose the feeling of love for

loves lost
i love that i get to choose teh
feeling of love and know that love predeced a

precedes all experience
i love that i get

i feel engaged in life i feel excited about my life
i feel the energy of life flowing through me i feel


i feel excited i feel knowing i feel the rela

i love our orders i love the
flow i love the
feeling i love the feeling of knwoing of saying yes of
jumpig in tto

i get to feel good i get to feel the
feelings i want to feel

i feel engaged in my life i feel that
life is giving me everything i allow i

feel good in my life i love my life i’m grateful for my life
i feel that i am living to the fullest

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

totally confident

i am empowered i am
happy i am part of a thriving community
i love love

i am loved ia m

i am valued i am respected ilove
i love that i get to choose it

i am totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i love that i know i get to choose life
with the feeling and its so easy to choose i love that
tis’ so

it’s so easy to choose and practic
i feel empowered by my life and my workk
i feel totally confidne t
in letting go and letting life i can allow life
to live me and i know i never have to try or force or wondder

i can always trust the moment
and i know thsd for fact
i know this through expreience

i get to bless thism om

this moment i get to bless this day i et t

get to say yes to this moment
to this day i get to love myself i love myself

i am confident in who ia m
i love who i am i love the life i chose i am

so proud o the life i chose i love that
ig et to life how

live how i want to live

i get to feel empowered i get to

i am grateful i am loving i am flowing i am

energized by life i love life i
allow all the best of life to lf

flw through mei tune myself
to the vibration of god i live
in the vibration of god and it rsut

i trst

trust the rest i trust the rest i choose the
feelings i want to feel i pracicce
the feeling i wnat to feel i feel the feeling

of the desire fulfilled i feel the
feeling of the desire fulfilled

i am the feeling of the desire fulfilled
i am

the desire fulfilled

i am the feeling
i am the desire
and the feeling of it being fulfilled
as soon as the desire is born
it is created and i know this i know this
i know that
feeling is the secret i know that
feeling is the
creator of all things i love that i know
this and i get to choose teh feeling

i feel the feeling of success i feel the feeling of cuss

success and i know its just a feeling i know that all of life
is a feeling and i get to feel it
if i feel that something is missing i can just
feel the feeling of having it and

then it is created i love that i know this
and that i get to live fully

get to live with a lust for life
get to love life
get to choose life get to live that life

so grateful i know that
i kno the

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of diving abu

divine abundance is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy whichi is
continuoulys easily and effortlessly pourding forth
from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow

i love that i know it i love that
i am it i love that i am i am the feeling i am the flow

i feel the feeling of knowing the
feeling of belonging the feeling of making good work
the feeling ofl oving

of loving my life i feel the
feeling of lust for life i feel the
feeling and the li

life reflects that i know there’s nothing missing
i kno

i know there is never anything missing besides god
and the god feeling is the only owrk
i kn

i know that the god feeling
is the only work

not caring what happens and loving
everything that is

thoughts i want to practice

feelings i want to live by so i practice them to make
rivers and lakes of feelings inside my existence
and then i become the rivers and the lakes because they are me

and they must reflect me

thoughts i want to practice
thoughts i want to become
thoughts i am becoming
thoughts that are becoming
thoughts that are

my future is secure in its insecurity

i am loved and appreciated by my family

making new work always comes at the
perfect timme

my future is certain
in that i am provided for by god by
the energy of life by the laws of the universe
that reflect the feeling within

the feelings iw an

want to practice the
feelings i want to beomceth
the feelings that i am
the feelings of m e
feelings of me

i’m here to remember who ia m
and to practice the feelings i want to feel about my life

i know that all of life reflects the feeling
within i know that is all there is to life and it is
very simply i know that life
always reflects the feeling

i know that i never have to wonder i know that i never have to
wonder tna d

and that i can just keep saying yes and thank you
and knowing and i know that that
that life always reflects the feeling within and i love that
i know i love that

we’re there that our katamari

i love that i know that that the vibration is practiced i love that
i know that i love that i know i am a money magnent

i love that i know that life already worked out for me
i’m already there at my pinnacle of cusse

success and all ica n do is just be gratde

grateful for each day
that is my only work i know that life reflects the feeling
and that the most important thing is to feel good and
as long as i can feel good life reflects that
and that is the only wrok

i love that i know i’m right i love that
life is good
and it loves me i love that i know
that life is always working our f

out for me i love that i know that i
get to choose to look at it and see the truth

the feelings i want to practice

knwoing certint

certainty totl co


totla con

total confidence
lust for life

total confidence
lust for life

total confidence
lust for life

i love doing this work the onl work
i loe remembering how i want to feel i love
remembering how i want to feel i ove that i

have proximity to that feeling i love that it

its so easy to remember to
it to become it to move the energy up
to say yes thank you
to feh

the feeling

the feelings i want to feel the feelings i am the
feelings i am

i am successfl in my life i am
wealthy i am infinitely
wealthy i already have all the wealth i need

i am so lucky for all the wealty

the wealth is my birth right and it is always flowing
to and through me i am
god and the creator of my life
i get to choose how to feel

i feel engaged in my life
i feel that i am living fully
i feel that ia m ta

taking advantage
i love my work i love that
the work i amke

i am blessed to get to enjoy my day

enjoy the still
the slow life i am belses

blessed to get to enjoy a slow life
every day i love that

i know that life supposrts me and is always
supporting me i know that life
is always supporting me i know
that ve

everything is going my way i know that life

it’s all working out in perfect timing
i am good at my work i am smar t

my ideas matter my ideas matter

but then again nothing matters


i’m in the mindset in i’m

i’m in the mindset of fuc

focus i

i’m in the mindset of lust for life
and i come
here and tune because it feels good b

because it is my power

so grateful to lobe

to love where i live i love where i live
i love my surroundings i love my neighbors and my neighborhood i love that

that life is good hre that th


there is so much to love that fist come
first comes the feeling the

then the experience ic ome her e

her eto remember that ian
and i’m so glad i did!!

i’m so grateful to be here remembering
this is teh only work the feeling good is the
only work the tuning is the only work
and if i

dont’ keep up thsi work i’m only cheating myselr

i get to choose teh feelings i feel
about my life

i get to choose teh feeling and the creation
and i know this

i know this from experience i know this from
and ths work helps me remember that

the feeling of tuned in tapped in turned on
i know there’s and in and out and and

i can always reconnected

with the nirvana of the present i love that
i feel it right now the
total confidence

in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant prossperity in my life and affariss

i love that i get to feel that
feeling tna

and that feeling si
is all of life i lov ethat
life helps me remember that
that it’s all my creation
that i’m creating all of it
that i can feel certain that life
is always creating in my favor

in reflection of how i feel

in direct correlation to my
amount of acceptance of the here and now

i’m here to tune

i’m here because it feels good
because it feels good to feel good to remember my power ot utne
to tune into my power to utnein

tune into the fitness of the mind it
feels good to come here and focus

mlk e


milk the focus mlk the feeling of the focuus
it feels good to come into alignemtne with

wich reallyc just means release thought it
feels good to tune into int

the power of me to remember the poweer of me to remember
remember its up to me to

how i feel about my life how i live my life its
up to em

me how i live my life.

i’m here to tune because it feels good to remember
the powe of me to feel the
feeling of thep ower to
of me to fouso nt he


on thepower of me to toa

take responsiblity for how i feeel to remember
the pp

the power of me the power of presence
it feels good to feel get to get there to feel teh
focus of the hr

here and now the magick of life that
flows theoru

through me the energy that creates worlds the love that
creates towrld

worlds it feel sgood to feel it
it feels good to feel

‘m here and i’m focused on the feeling
of me the feeling ofme
the feeling of eno

enjoying life of saying thank you for life

the feeling ofs aying but of course the
feeling of saying th

yes the feeling of being awre

aware the feeling of jumping onto the into the flow the feelng of

jumping not

into the flow

i’m here to focus on the feeling the
feeling of god that is me i’m here to remember the
truth to tune myself to the
truth to remember the power of the truth
to rem

remember the power of ocus

focusing on the truth of turning all my energy
toward the truth i know the poweer of it

i know the feeling of it i knwo the prea

practicce of it and i’m here doing it
i’m here doing it because
it feels good
because it feels good to feel good feeling

the energy of life flowing through me
celebrating life
saying yes

jumping in and feeling good it
feelg o

feels good to feel good

to say yes to life to say yes to life
to say yes to life to feel the
feeling of yes to know i create it i k

i know i create it and i say yes to it
i know that i create is
and i say yes to it i say yes to the flow
the flow i knwo that life

that life fref

reflects the feeling tha tlife

always reflects the feeling life


the feeling
life is the feeling and i love that i know that
i come here to rememberr it to remember it to remembe r

that remembering

it is

the only work

i love tha i know i love that i feel the
feeling i love

that i get to chosoe teh feeling
get to allow the feeling
get to a


allow life to live me to returnt
to center and choose teh beliefs i want
to choose how i feel about my life
toc hoose

the feeling i want to feel andk now
that life reflects that

here tuning myself
remembering how it feels to
i know

to know that life is always on my side
always in my favor

reflecting my proximity to the here and now
i love that i know that and i get to celebrate it
that lfi

life is the feeling and i can always
access the feeling i love that i know that
that all of life is a feeling and i can just trust
it because i knwo i nkow

i know that alife always reflects the feeling
and it can’t


i love that i know that
i love that i know ti love that i know tis all oabou

about how i feel tis how i feel its me

its all me ite s

never not me

i love that i know ths i and i come here to remember it
to attune mysel to it

to wake up feeling it
to wake up feeling the magick of me
of celebrating the magick of life

to get to wake up

celebrating the magick of life
i get to feel it i get to feel it here and now i get to
feel it n

here and now i get to feel lust for life
i get to feel it her ean dnow
i get to celebarte me

get to celebrate me i get to celebrate me

thank you for this life to be celebrated thatnk y

thank you for this koweldge
knowledge that i am the creator
thank you for all the love in my life
thank hyou f
for this life i love living that

thankyou for all the blessings in my life
thank you for the feeling

of god thank you for the feeling of
allowing for the feeling of getting out of the way
of the feeling of god t

of the feeling of no attachment of the feeling of nmrk
the feeling of life flowing throgh me

through me the feeling of jumping int

the feeling of making an opening for god to flow in
the feeling of liiving
life to its fullest to celebrating
every day that we get to live

so grateful to get to come here and feel good
feel the flow of me
feel the magidk o

of me
the power ofme t
the power of letting go
of letting go fo all attached though
the feel ing

tuning in and al

practicing the poweer of me

i’m practicing thep we of me
and it feesl

feels good i can always
remember the power of me
i can always remember the power of me

so grateful to be here

allowing the energy that creates worlds to flow through me
to me and throughme i want to feel that energy i want to feel that
energy i know i am

that energy i knwo i am the energy i know i am

the energy that creates wrolds
world im here i’m h


grateful to feel good to eel
feel the feeling to choose the feeling to choose the feeling of the energy that
creates worlds flowing through me i get to
come here and choose the energy i get to do the work
and choose the energy that feels good i knw i want to feel the energy that creatre worlds so

i come here to tune myself so
to it and i knwo that sitting around is really nice and fun and
but someties it gers o

gets old and its up to me to allow energy to flow e
into me its up to me to say yes to life
to feel good to take the steps towrds

toward the thing that
feel good so gratefult o get to feel good to
get to feel good now so grateful to get to feel good now
get to feel the flow now
get to focus now get to open myself up

get to make and
an opening for god to come it
in and i love that feeling of feeling
energized by life

of loving life of taking advantage of the day
i love thee feeling
of the energy that creates worlds flowing through me
i love feeling

energized by life

grateful to feel the energy filling me up
grateful to feel good
grateful there’s always more than enough

grateful i know the feeling is the secret
grateful i know the feeling is the secret

grateful i know i am the one and only createor
and i get to feel the

the feeling is the secret so grateful to be
here to be here feeling good to make

to make the time to feel good to feel the time
to make good

so gate

gratefult o feel good to do the work to open the gates
of feeling good sog rateful to feel good to do the work
to feel good to feel the flow

to feel the lfow
feeling good to feel the flow
feeling good to feel good
so grateful to see the miracles to make a space of rht

for them to be them then see them to

to be the energy i want to see it

jump into life and life jumps into me
so grateful to get to celebrate the day
to get to do something fun
to get to enjoy the sun
so gratful its sunny

so graetful for my life
for my charmed life

i feel the energy i feel the energy i feel the
truth of life i fee the

truth of life i feel the god self within i feel the
feeling i want to feel i feel the feeling i want to feel i feel the
feeling iw ant to feel ig et to feel good

i get to feel god i get to feel god i know that i am god
i know that i am god

so grateful that iw ant to so
to do this work that i want to do thi
it that iw ant to feel good that iw ant to

want to feel good get to feel good
get to feel the enrgy of life
get to allow it
get to choose how i want
to feel

i feel the eenrgy of feeling good i feel the energy of life i feel good

i feel good i feel good if eel good
i feel good i feel the
energy that creates worlds flowing through me
and that energy is love

love for self love for the experience
love for the now

i love that
the feeling of loving mysel fi love that
the feeling of loving myself i love that
there is so much to lov ei love that
i get to see

choose how i see myself i get to chooe how i seee myself
i get to choose how i see myself i get to

to choose how i e

i see myself and my life i love that i get to chosoe
get to choose the feeling
and then allow life to come to me i love that i knwo life

is easy i love that i know life loes me

i love that i know life
is me i love that i life

i know life is me i love that i get to c hosoe how i
i crea

i create it i love that i get to hosoe how i create it i love that
i get to create with love

i get to choose the energy that creates worlds
i get to allow energy of life to flow through me and this
work helps me do it

so grateful to like myself enough to want to feel
good to want to feel the feelig of feeling good

to want to feel the energy of life flowing through me
to wnat to life

live fully to embrace the day to love the dec

day to celebrate this day i get to live
to celebrate this day i ge tto

so grateful to get to celebrate this day
i get to liv
ei get to

to live so grateful i get to choose this day
to celebrate life to celebrate life
to celebrate life

so grateful ig et to choose love i ca

always get to chosoe love i get to choose
the feeling i want to feel no matter what the

the day i knwo every day is up to me
to embarce to love

every day is up t me to love

i love that i get to choose every day
to love to get to love i get to choose to love
every day

i love it

i love doing this work the only wor i love
feeling good i love

feeling good i love feeling good i love
feeling good

the work always works the work always works the work
always works the feeling always works the science of

feeling the science of feeling and i love it
i love the science of feeling i love that i know it
i love that i know the trth of the science of feeling

so grateful the rent is paid so gratefl fhte
the bills are paid
so grateful for sun so grateful for my life and my wife and my family
so grateful for my charmed life
so grateful for a sunny day for this day to feel good

so grateful i want to work i want to create i want to make
something new

i love that i know this work is my only work
i love that i know this work works
that it caraves pthat

pathways i love that i have the abiliyt
to carve the pathways i prefer i love that
i get to feel good that i get to
celebrate life that its

as easy as flipping a switcch flipping a switch

thankyou for this day for this day
fo thi
for th

this day for this day for this day
i love that it’s easy to feel good it’s easy to feel good i love that
life is easy i love that lfie is easy i love that
ti’s easy to feel good it’s easy to feel good

that life is good i love that life
is good i love that i get to do this workget to
feel this focus the focus on the feeling of feeling good

of liking myself of myse

self worth i love that i get to choose it i love that i get to choose it

so grateful to do this work and feel good
to feel good about my life to feel good about my life
to feel good about myself to choose love

so grateful to get to choose love in
every opportunity

so grateful to relax into the knowing of life
to let it all go and relax into it so grateful to
let go and relax
so grateful to let go and relax to

so grateful to get tofeel good
to get to feel good now to fe

get to eel goo
feel good now to fel

get to feel good now to fet to feel good good now

thank you for this day for this moment for this moment
for this

moment thank you for this day
for this moment for this her eand now

here and now for this focus for this
feeling of loveing the self i
so g

grateful ig et to lvet

love the self get to l

that everything is the self

i loe this work

i love this work and the focus on it
i love focusing on what i want

what i prefer how i prefer to feel and the
feeling is always right there

so grateful i know the truth ofl if

the truth of life
i get to celebrate the truth ofl ife

so grateful to feel good to love
my life and where it stands to know that i am
the one and only creator to know that i am

to know that my life has been full of
the evidence and i celebrate knowing that i love
that i am the one and only


and i am conducting the
energy that creates worlds
i am
conducting i l

and i love the feeling of
being tuned in tapped in turned
on to the energy i love that
i get to feel it
i love that i
et to feel goi

feel it i love that
i get to feel it i love that i get t
of e

feel god that i get to feel god that
i g

get to feel good that ia m god that i get to do this work and feel better and that
is a

its all about focused attentoin and remembering this is my only work

grateful to get to do this work to get to do this work

to get to feel this feeling to feel the feeling of
yes life

saying yes to life
feeling good allowing the energy of god to flow through me
and saying yes to it

saying yes to life!!

thank you for this day

so grateful to bd here to get to
work throught the vibrations knowing this is theo nly wokr

ive been
thinking aboutt he t

the future whei

whichi i know i neednt’ do and that’s because i’m not
been practcign focsuing inthis here and now whichi i know th

is the only part that really exists
i know that the future
doesn’t exists and i know that the future can only
ever reflect the feeling within
and that is law so i can relax in my knowledge of this law

i love that ig et toi love that
i get to feel it i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to feel good that life loves
me i love that

life loves me and i love that i’m dh

here doing this wrk in the present here and now
i know i never have to worry or swonder

wonder about the future that i can always
return focus to this moment
say tha

thank you for this moemtn and feel the feeling i would hpo

hope to fele int eh

the future

right now

i can walys choose certaitnty and that certaitnty always comes

i know that my consciousness of the presence of
god withint me is my supply

i know that

my consciousness of the presence of god wtihin me is mky supply

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very
substance of spirity

this substance is
my supply thus my consciousness of the presence of god wtihin me is my supply

the here and now is all there is
and the feeling is all there is i

and i i know i never have to dread or wonder and
even more
i f

if i do dread, then that is what i see
and if i do feel good and wealthy
and abundanct


then that is what i’ll see and this
feeling is me the feeling is my work
the only work and it’s only
ever up to me
to choose i getto choose
how i feel and that creates my life

it is i just so easy
its just so easy to do this work
to feel good

so grateful i have ntohing to drread

so grateful i love my life that i
get to feel good that i get to feel good that
i get to love that i get to fill myself up

that i can always come here and fillm yself
up and

if i’m ever feeling
dread or wonder or fear aboutt he
the future i can alwys

come back tot he here and now
because the here and now is all there is

so grateful the rent is paid!!

so grateful the bills are paid!!

so grateful we have more than enough
so grateful for unemployment
so grateful

for distros
so grateful for the birds singing

i’m doing the work and i’m here
at how i feel thinking about

talking about how i feel really addressing how i feela nd why
and getting to the heart of it and allowint

allowing it to pass

doing the work to feel good becuase it feels good

doing the work to feel good about myself
becuse i want to feel good now becuase i

want to feel good now and i have no reason not to

so grateful for all the blessins already
always coming my way

so grateful for lofe
love so grateful for life for this beautiful life
for all that i already have
so grateful my life is

already perfect so grateful my life is

already perfect

so grateful to like myself
to get to do the work
liking myself ot feel the feeling of lo

liking myself of having self worth so g
grateful to know that if ever im not
feeling good i can alwys comes here and now

i never need anty

anything outside of me i never need that
because i have it
it is all me its i

is allm e its all my perception and i can choose to feel it now

i love that i never have to wonder that i
get to feel totally confident
that i get to feel my self worth that i get to
enjoy life that i get to jumpm

jump into and fully embracce life that i get to embrace life
that i get to know love

know life that i get to love this

life that i get to come here to talk truth
to tell myself the truth to remind myself of the truth
and then i ge tto feel good

get to enjoy the day
get to enjoy life
get to feel good get to feel love
get to love this life
get to love this life
get to feel good

get to feel good get to love
to allow the flove to flow
the god feeling to flow

get to just get out of the way
get to just get out of the way

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to allow the best version of myself

and my life myself and my life
are the same thing and i get to choose
i get to choose i get to

to choose how i feel and how i act
and the version i create
i get to choose i get to

take my place as the creator i get to
realx and
feel good get to love my life get to love my life

i get to choose how i feel
i get to

focus on what i know and when i focus
on what i know then i remember ia m
god self i am the god self
an di never have to wonder

i erax

i relax in the knowledgeet hat
i never have to wonder that i get to
choose to enjoyl ife right now
that i get to love life right now!!

so grateful for all that i have

for the knowledge and for all that already is
so grateful it already is the way i want it to be so grateful life already loves me
so grateful life alreayd loves me so grateful i know

that the feeling creates and i get to feel the feeling
i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel the feeling i get to

feel the feeling i get to

feel the


so grateful i knowt he truth and i get to feel it
so grateful i get to feel good i get to feel the
feeling of teh s

wish fulfilled so grateful i get to know that i already know

so grateful for sundays to feel good to relax

i’m not even dreading monday lol

so grateful for this day and for all that i la

already have so grateful for this day
and all that i

that i already have so much wealth that i am so
lucky here on earth so gratfl to be so lucky

so grateful for the feeling so grateful for the feeling for the
feeling of me

for the

feeling of me for the feeling of me so gratefulf or the
feeling of me

so grateful to get to feel good to l
get to live life to get to life that lfie

so grateful to remember
to be ehre remembering thsi power of
of me the feeling ofme
creativing teh

the version of me i know that ia m always

creating i know that i am
always creating i know that i am

always crating the
creating the version of me the version ip refer i love that
i get to i love that i get to

i love where i am i love th
where ia m i love where i am right now i love that
i get to choose it hat i

that i get to choose knwoing i love that
i get to choose knowing i love that
i get to choose life i love that i
get to choose tehi

this feeling i love tha i get to tune myself i love that
i get to feel tuned i love that
i get to feel tuned i love that
i get to feel the tuing of

tuing of me i love
i love wht
that i get to celebrate me th

celebrate the
feeling ofme t


celebrate teh feeling
of me celebrate the feelng of me

thank you for the nokwledge

thank you for the knowledge of me
thank you for the knowledge of me
thank you for the knowledge
of me thank you for the

knowledge of me

thankkkyou for the knowledge
of me

thank you for the knowledge
of me

thank you for the knowledge
of me thank you for
the knowledge
of who and what i am that i am a feeling that i

i am a vibration that i dont care what happens

that i already have it all

so grateful i already have it all

so grateful i already have it all i can let it all
go i can
i can really relax i nca
ci can i can let it all go i can
release intot his here athis here and now
i can

be grateful fro what i have i can choose love
in all situations
i can shooc
choose love in all situationss i can choose love

i get to hcoose the power of me
the focus of me the feeling of me get to create the
feeling of this life get to be the
feeling ride the feeling of this life
get to ride the feeling of this life
get to lfe t

let it ride me get to let it
be me and me it the feeling
is the life is the feeling
is the relinquishing

i get to choose i always get to choose how if eel
and the version i create the story i tell
i get to choose teh sto

the sotry

story i tell i get to choose the

story i tell

i get to choose the feeling of me i get to choose the
feeling ofme and tha’ts all there is
i get to choose i g

i get to choose i get to choose teh
feeling ofme i get to choose teh
feeling ofme and i know the feeling ofme i know the feeling of me
and i know teh power
of choosing it i know the

power of chossing it

i know thep ower of choosing it i
know the power of this work i love that i
get to choose it get to choose me
get to choose teh power ofm e

of me get to realx in this here and naccept
and accept it
so grateufl i get to celebrate this here and now

i know the power of me and i know the power
fo this of this work and i know this all
there is and i kno wthis

is my work i know this

is the only work i know this is the only work

i know this is my work and this is theo nly work
how i feel is my only work


i know this i know this and i do this work and
this work only

i devot my full self to it because i know it is
my work it is the only work
and i celebrte

celebrate this i knwo that the life i create is my art

lifffe is the medium i love that i know this
and i get to turst it

get to jump right into it

i love that ig et to celebarte life

i love that i know this is my work
this i theo nly work this is the only work and i’m
so grateful i
i g

i get to do it!!!