i get to choose

i get to choose and even if i dont fele
good i can accept that but if i dont feel good then that
means that iam thinking
and i love that i know this tha ti have tht
the tools to do the work to choose where i put my focus

where i put my attention i get tochoose
where ip ut my focus and my attention

my focus my focus i geto tchoose i get to choose i
get to choose i get to choose i get to

i get to choose where i put my focus and my attention
aka my power i get to choose i get to choose i get to
go for the ride i get to

go for the ride!

thank you for this dasy

for this feeling for this feelig that i know is
me thank you fro the feeling that i know is me the feeling
the time and space the

palce place to feel it thankyou for the
time and space to feel it thankyou
for the feeling thank you for the feeling
the feeling of
here and now the focus in here and now

and the knowing the knowing of me

so grateful for this day i know this
day so grateful for this day
for this day to wake up feeling good

so gratefl the clouds and sun are our firends
so gratefl i know life is always working out for m e

so grateful god love me god loves me god

loves me god is me i love god is me is love

i love this here and now i love the
focus on the ehre and n

so grateful to feel good so grateful for the sun
for the sun flowing throughme so grateful to

for this day to celebrate

so grateful for this day this is the only day the only o
moment so grateful to get to celebrate this day to get to love this day
to get to feel good now to get to feel good now so grateful

for these words to flow to flow to me and throughme
so grateful i know there is nothing

separate from me and i get to just goo with
whatever happens so grateful i gt to feel

good now i get to feel good now ig et to feel good now

so grateufl to be here doing this work
doing this work

thank you thank you thank you for

here and

now for this moment for this moment for this
herea dn now
here and now for this moemtn for this moemtn to

feel good for this moment

to feel good for this moment go

to feel good for this moemnt to feel good and know the truth to

feel good and know the truth

thank you thank you thank you

so grateful to be here

so grateful to feel good to wake up feeling good
to feel like today is going to be a good day so gratefult o get to
come here and feel good to get to come here and feel good so
gratful to do this work the focus
work so gratefult o wake up feeling good

to wake up feeling optimistic
to know that i did

everything i could to kno that
to know that i did everything i could

so grateful to know so gratefult o know

so grateful to know so gratefl to do the work
to feel the feeling of yes to feel the feeling of knownig

so grateful to wake up feeling good
to choose knowing to get to choose knwoing

rateful i get to feel good get to do this
work the only work i get to do this work the only work i get ot
be me the only me the only

entit i get to be me and that measn everything
and i get to feel gjo

joy and appreciations i get to
feel joy and appreciation i love that i
get to i love that i get to feel the feeling of me
i love that i know the feeling is the secret i love that
i know

i love that i know i love that i know i love that
i nkow

i kno

i love that i know i love that i get to do this work get to feel good

here and now

so grateful to have energy to want to do my work to want to
do my

work so gratefult o want to do my work
so grateful for class so grateful for sun!!

for warmer wether
for my wife and our fimal

family so grateful for my art so grateful for
inspiration so graetful for good books so grateful for life
so grateful for lif so

grateful for life so grateful for life for the flow
for the flow of well being

so grateful to want to be in my office!!

i dont have to care

i dont have to care i can support myself
if i dont care i dont care i dont have to care and i can support myself

i can be supportive of myself so i”l

i’ll just turn my attention within that

that’s all i can do is turn the focus within
turn the focus wthin
turn the focus wtihin

turn the focus within g
turn the focus within turn the focus within

turn the focus within turnt he focus
turn the focus that’s the wor that

that’s the work and taht’s the power i can do me
i can focus on me i can do me

i allow the power of me i allow the energy of me knowing that i cna alwa

always turnt he boat i can always turn the ab

boat and i get to choose how i feel i get
to truat

trust the process of life i get to trust the
process of life
i get to trust the process of life
i get to

turst the

trust the prokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
process of life and just le tit go
and just do me focus on em on how
i want to feel

on the radiation of creative energy which is
continuously easily
and effortlessly
pouring forth
from my divine consicousness i am now ware

i am now in he flow i ma
her edoig this work deciding wher ei want to focus
my energy

how i want to feel deciding how i want to feel today
today i get to choose today i get to choose

how i feel ig et to choose i get to choose teh
version i create and i get to focus on me
i cant turn

turn the focus within and focus on me
it give sme a

it gives me a chance it gives me a chance

it gives me a chance to do me to
do me to do me to do me to do em

to feel me to focus on me to feel the feeling of me
to choose how i want to feel an dofu

and focus on it
to choose how i want to feel and focus
on ti to choose how iw ant to feel and focus on
it and i know that is all there is

i choose not to let that be my reason to suffer

that i don tfeel supoorted

that any time something stressful happens to me
you dip out on life
and you’re not there for me

you ignore me g

treat me like a disease to be avoiaded

but that’s cool i dont need you
i onoy need me

so i focus on me

i get to choose how i feel and i get to choose
the flow of my own life i

get to choose how i feel and i get to choose
the flow of my own life i get to choose the flow

of my own life and i love that life
helps me do that i love that life

helps me i love that

life helps me choose i love that life
helps me make the choice


i love that life helps me choose
i love that life helps me choose i love that
i knw l

that life loves me and i get to choose to love
it i get to focus on me
on how i want to feel on my own flow of well beeing

so grateful for the energy for the time and ap

space for the energy to push me toward here
to remember to

who ia m to remember what i am
to remember

what i am to remember what i am
to remember what i wam

to remember what i am to re

remember who i am what i am to remembe who and what i a;m
and that i get to choose to celebrate my own life

that it’s all

i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to chosee

i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose how i feel that i get to choose love
that i get to choose to

love the moment i get to choose to love
the dasy i ge tto

choose how to love the day
to love

the day i get to
choose how

to love the day

i get to choose to
get to choos ehow i
to love the day love the


love the day
that is me i know its all me an di get to choose
to love it i know tis

all me
and i get to choose to love it
i know its all me and i get to choose

to love it i know

i love that i get to choose i love that

i get to choose wher ei place my focus
and the version i create i get to choose me
choose thei

this moment this here and now
this her eand now

this here and now this here and now this
here and now this

ehre and now here and now thei

this her and now
this here and now

i’m here and i can always choose the every

energy i can choose it i can choose it

instead of wnat it
choose it instead of want it
choose it

instead of want it choose it

instead of want it
choose it
choose it instead of want it
thank you thank you

i get to choose ist

its’ all

all inside so i dont even
ahve to care i don

i dont even have to care
i dont even have to care

i love doing the work

i love it being sunny i love that life is good i love that
life loves me i love that there is so much to love i love that there is

so much to love i love that there is so

much to love i love that
we get to i love that i geto

get to i love that i get to i love that i get to

i love doing this work this work i love thsi wrok

i love this work i love this work the only work i love this
wrok the only work i love this work the only work i love thsi
work this

the only work her ie am her ei am i a

here ia m her ei am her ei am i love this
i love this work the only wor i love this work the
only work

i get to focus here and now i
get to foucs
focus here and now i get o
focus her eand n

i remember who i am rem
i remember the energy of me i remember
the energy of mie
i remember the enegy of me
energy of me i remember
the enrgy of me i knwo the
energy of me i know the

the ne

energy of me i know the energy of me i kow the
energy of me i know the ener

energy of me i know the eneryg

energy of me i knkow the energy of me i knwo the energy of me
i know the
energy of me

i’m focused i’m focused i’m focused
on this omment on

the truth

ture self on the feeling th

on the awreness today i am focuse don awreness

and its oging well

i’m here and i’m here ia m

i am

i am that ia m i am
that i am
i am

here i am
here ia m

here i am

here ia m

here ia m

here ia m here now i am focuse di am focuse d
ont eht ruth self the god f

self the god self
the god self

i’m here i’m focused i’m focuse don the
god self on the moment on remembering it

is on

is only thismoment i am

am here remembering it is only
this moment it is

it is
only thiss momet

i am here i am focused
i am here ia m
fcoused i am ehre
i am

focused i am here i am focused

i’m here and i’m focused i
trust the energ no matter what
and that’s all i can do i know that it’s a

all my work it’s all my work it’s all my work

it’s a

all my work it’s all

it’s allm yhwork
i remember woh i am
i know who i am

i know who i am

so grateful for this day

for this amazingly awesome day
so grateful to feel good to feel the flow the flow flowing
life flowing through me

to feel good to practice to
be aware to be aware ot

to be aware that this thing feels like
shame and that same i

shame is a patterna nd be ready to look at it
to let myself free from the pattern so grateful to be so awrae of the
pattern of the life experience that teaches

here to do the practice to remember ther eis no m e

no me separate from the experience
so grateful to be aw

to be here to knowt o be here
to know the truth to practice feeling teh
truth to aling with
the truth and feel good so

gratefult o love so grateful to love

so gratefult o love to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling so grateful to

feel the feeling to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling
of yes the feeling of eys

the feeling of focus im here focused
i’m here focused i’m

here focused i’m here focused

the soc alled outside world

and the socalled inside world

come together

they are a happening

everything is a happening

and all you’re doing

is watching it

gratefult o be here to feel the feeling
to get to practice the feeling of

loving myself of loving every aspect of myself
i get to love every aspect of myself

i get to love
every aspect of myself

thank you for this thank you
for this here and now thank you for this

thank you for this thank you for this this moment
this her eand now this feeling of liking myself

of loving msyelf

yes thank you yes thank you i’m
on the lookout for miracles
i’m on the lookout for what i want to see

i’m on the lookout for what i a
want to see i’m on the looking

lookout for how i want to feel and icom
i come her eto feel to

it to remember it

thank you thank you than oy

thank you so grateful for this
here and now

thiss feeling of now this feeling of now
this feeling of now this
feeling of knowing this feeling of knowing

this feeling of singular focus
the courage to have singular focus

courage to create with feeling
to create with love tolove
no matter what
becuase its



and life reflecgs the feeling
so grateful to be here remembering praicitng

remembering that its always love and having the
courage to feel it

so grateful to feel good to remember how good
ti feels

it feels
to create the life i want to have the courage

on all levels to have the courage on all levels

to love and feel loved
to love and feel loved

to love and feel loved

to love and feel loved

thank you thank you thank you
for the feeling of exciteent of lust
for life of lust for life

of not being sticky of feeling

the utmost pride in who i am
and i knowing that i’m always doing my
best to love and be kind
and live the best i can

an di stand by that i an

and i am totally confidnet in that
and i know that’s the best i can

thank you thank you
thank you thank you
for this feeling for this here and now for this celebratiion called life for this
celebration called life

that i got o renew my book

i know that miralces are all around
i nowk that miracles are all around

and i’m on the lookout for them i am
on the look out for them

i know

i am aware of the pattern and its not the
people its the pattern its a pattern of thought
that i know i can break!!!

i know that i can form
a new pathway i know that i can form a n

form a new pathway

i know that i can form new patway

i am forming new pathways
i am aware of the pattern of

looking outside of me for validation
but i know that the nly
validation is if i feel goo
good now or not the only
validation is if i feel good now
and if’

if i’m doing that that is all there is
that’s alll i can ever do

that’s all i can ever doa dn i can trust t
ath all

as long as i feel good
i’m doing the right thing
i know the power of this work i know

the poweer of this work

of noticing how i feel
and if i feel bad

turning it around

that’s it

that’s the work that’s the work
that’s the work

i’m here doing the work the only
work and it feels good to remember

it’s only
ever me that is me they are me

everything is me

everything is a happening

everything is a happening

i love that i know i love that i know
that i am war

aware i love flexing the muscles i love

flexing the muscle

thankyou thank you

thank you for the knowledge for the knowledge
for the ablity to do the work

for the motive to do the work
to know the work is my only work

the courage to do the work is my only

the courage to love everyting
the couraget to love everything

that courage

the courage to love it all
the courate

to love it all that is the only work

the feeling i cultivate inside of me

that is my work that is ton

the only work and i know this
i know ti know this

i know this i know this
the feeling i cultivate inside of me

is the only work

thank you thank you thank you
thank you

thank you for this moment this moment this day that i
get to appreciate thank you for this day

gratefult o remember who i am

what i am and the feeling ofme i remember the
feeling of me

i am the sourc ei know i am the sourcce and that
is all i need to remember the

the now is

forever and there is nothing that separates a certain time from


when i have
always have access to the feeling of me

i love doing the work and remembering who ia m
i love
this work the feeling of this work the feeling of

feeling good

feeling good feeling good

grateful for the time and space

to feel aligned to remember who i am
and not be looking outside of me

for validation that is a pattern and i know that
through awareness i can transmute it

transmute the feeling that my value comes from outside of me
comes from how i am perceived or whether or not i fit in

knowing that my value
is in that ia

i ilove that i know the solution is
so easy and it is also the best feeling

do the work and go within and realize what

that whatever iw as using as my reason
is fake as hell and i love that
this work ehlps me

do that i’m just looking at whats in front of me
and defaulting to negative

i have a choice what i look at i
and how i see it
i have a choice

what i look at and how i see it and i can choose

to put all of that even

energy into what i wnat to create and the verion of
life that i want to live

so gratefult o be here doing this work
living me

who is living me who i sliving me
so grateful to be back to the

truth ot wondering not ownder

wondering what if

remembering that i am the source
that i am the source
and doing this work the only work

so gratefl to remember who i am
and be here doing this work
be here doing this work

be here doing t
his work

this work

this work this work

i’m here doing this work

this work i’m here doing this work i’m here
doing this work i’m here i’m

i’m wihtin
i’m within

i’m within

i’m wihtin i’m ai

there is no me separate i am

focused i am focused and not

thinking about what others
think of me

kicking the habit once and for all haha

i love that i get to i love that i have

a preject
project a

fulcrum from which to focus
to remember who ia m and how i want to feell

i’m grateful because life
helps me rememberr who ia m
i’m grateful because life
hels me remember who ia m

yes yes yes i remember who i am i remember the power
of me i remember that i am the source i d

i go within and remember ia m the course
i connect ot the
to the source i

love coming back to the owrk
work being aware that its me its only
ever me its my patternan

and i am the creator and the perceiver
back to me to who and what i know i am
back to me to the me i know i am
to the me within o

to the me within rmeembering
i am the source ia m the source
ia mthe source

i am totally confidnet
i am totally confident i am
totally confidnet
i am
totally confidnet i am
totally confident

so gratefulf or what

for what i have for spotify
for the wife who loves me for our house
for where
we live for our thriving busienss that
i hide from myself
but i find myself and

this is my chance to learn from life
to do what i wish i would have done all those times

which is just focus on me
and allow life to unfold
and that’s all i can do!!!

i know who i am i know what i am i know the resonance of
me i am i am brave enough to choose me to choose
to have my own life to focuso ne
on my own life to

get a life haha

to have singular focus to choose to b
eto be aware of how i feel and the thoughts ani

in my head to choose me to choose me
to choose to feel good to be awre to
be awre oto be aware of the energy
and transmute it
i am aware of the energy and i trans mute it

i am aware of the enerty and ia tran

and i transmute it
i am wa

aware of the energy and i transmute it

i get to choose come on come ocom

cowgirl up cowgirl up cowgirl up

for real haha
i can do it i can do it i can
rememberr who iam
the magoci

magick of me the power of me the power of me


that i’m the creator iithat
i create with ohw

how i feel and that nothing is separatei
from eme
its always me its always me
its always me

remembering who i am what i am
and that it’s all me remembering who i am
what i am and focusing on the work

the only work the only work
the only ork

the only work
the only work
the only
work i

this is it and i’m doing the work this
is the only work the flipping of the

is the only work the flipping of the swithc

is the only work


remember who i am to remember who i am so grateful to
remember who i am to remember who ia m to re

to remember who ia m so grateful to remember

to remember who i am to remember who ia m

to remember who i am
to remember who ia m

remember who ia m

write it down

turn it around and i know that is my power
that is the number one thing i have learned from this work
is that if you really look at your resistance
examine it

excavate it

then you can transmute it
you remember thep oweer of you and you make the
version you prefer
becuase you

because you kknow that you are the creator

all i have to do all i can ever do
is mind my own business mind my own mind
or lack there of and i know that is my power
and i know that is the solution

all my patterns in life
caring about what others think of me and i know that
my pinacla

is not caring i love that i dont have to

it’s me and i know the power of me i know that
i am the one and only creator i know that i am the

the one and only creator of my life
experience so i choose how i want to feel i choose
the dance of life and i choose to divert that

the attetnio

attention to think the way i want to se

to think to see myself the way i want to see myself
and trust the ver

ever unfolding flow of life

turst this

i turst this right now i
this right
now i trut

whatever i trust hat

whatever is

i feel good from choosing to
feel good i know that the choice of how i see myself
the version of myself i create

that is my art that is mky ar the
the world i create that is my art
the world i create is my art and i knoat

i know this i love that i can relax in this knowledge
i love that i can choose to feel good no matter what
i love that i know the work
always work sand

and that by doing this work i will actually
feel better instead of pretending to feel better
and i know that by addressing the eral

real issue which is how i see myself
then i will actally

address the issue once and for all and i’m excited
byt hat notion i’m excited to like myself
and ot wor

worry or wonder what other sthink

i have my own focus i have my own focus and i loook

for what i want to see so its easy
for me to recognice

recognize when i’m creathign the version i dont

i don’t want

i know that it’s pu to me to choose how i conceive of myself

and i know that is my only work i know that
is my only work i know that is my

only work i know that is my

only work i know that iss my only wokr
is to worry about how i feel to worry about how i feel

and that’s it and i know that i’ve

been projecting that
outside of me
or like worry

wondering about what others think of me and taht’s

that’s a sickness lol

and i’m ready to shed myself of that burden


ready to bring awareness to it
to brinng consciousness to it

to practicce th

flex the muslce of
remembering the truth of knowing the truth
and remembering it
of acting as if

of choosing the version i pefer

and remembering i never have to wonder
and being brave enugh to choose the
version i prefer

and i love that i get to feel free
just by doing that
and 4
turn that energy toward


not worrying

but focusing my enerty within
on my own energy on my own power
on my own interests on my own life

i’m here living for me i’m here
living for me i’m

here living for me

i’m tired of letting something
that doesn’t matter drag me down

events that are so inconsequential

and i’m brave enough to turn that energy
and focus toward enjoying my life
toward looking fo what

for what i want to see
toward what

how i want to live life
and i am ready to trunt h

turn the focus trun t

turn the boat and i love that
i dond

don’t have to care i love that
i never have to wonder because its always up to me

if that’s how i want to vibrate

if that’s the version i nwat to vibrate
that’s up to me and i love tha i can come here and do this work

and feel better that i can bring awareness

that i knwo what it iis to be conscious
tof cous on me

to focus within to focus on my owne work
i am focused on my own work and that feels good

i am focused on my own feeling
on my own enjoyment of life
of saying yes to everything that is

to accepting everything that is

i dont have to allow anything to be my reason and by coming here to practicce
i remember who and what
i am
i remember who anc what
i am and i g

remember that i get to celebrate life!!

i love the feeling of ee

feeling set free i love that
i get to celebrate my life
i love that
i get to celebrate my life

i get to celebrate this moment i get to
celebrate being set free

just bedcause somehting is in my
proxiity doesn’t mean it needs my attention

i love that i get to to choose that i
get to choose i get to let everything go
and remember
that it’s

only me i love that i get to be set free of all of i

i ilove that i know tis’ only me
it’s only ever been me it’s only

been me and i’m here i know what it it
is it

it is that singular focus tat

that structure

i am the one and only creator i know that i am

i am all of it i know that i am
all of it and i never

have to wondr

wonder just say yes to
everything that is i love that i know that
i never have to act i love

having my own life

my own fcosu
focus my own life my own work

my own

sense of self

i love that i get to work on it
i love that i am ware
and that i get to choose the other sid eof the
wave i love that
freedom of the other side of the wave


i dont have to care

i really dont and i dont have to let it ruin my day
but i hate everyone

just mind your own fucking business
no one asked to have you come plow fukc you

fuckkkkkkkk you i heate haer
hate everyone

all they do

is dump snow on my clean sidewalks and i hate them

whatever i dont even care i just
want to have a good day i just want to have a good day
so i’m not even going to get mad
just even lol

i dont even want to be here now doing this
becuase i’m so mad but i guess if i do this
it wil lhelp me
calm down but im

ready to kill
the fucking asshole
we didnt need our shit plowed

anyway wow

so fucking heated
i hate it here lol


just get through this
whatever whatever at least its sunny

today im going to have a good da
im going to dance the dance of life and not be sticky

i’m not going to be stick i’m not going to be sticky

i’m not going to be sticky

i’m just going to live that life
and accept it

its all i can do its all ic an do its all i can di

its all i can do
its all i can d

is just be ok with it
just accept it just accept it
just accept it

i don teven have to care

and i can just say yes because that is my power
that is my power that is my power

to choose to choose to do the dance to choose to
do the dance to

choose to do the cand

dance to choose to do the dance

so gratefult o do the dance to

it just doesn’t matter it just doesn’t matter

it just doen’t
doesn’t matter

i really just dont care ill just do it
and itll be done whatever there’s nothing i can do about it

i can still have a good day i can still
use my power i can still accept what is

i say yes to it and it doesn’t have to bother me
its doesn’t have to get to me i can just dasy yes

and move on and i’m so grateful to be in a place
where i feel that way

wher ei really dont care
i really dont care i really dont

and i love that id

don’t have to i love that i dont have to do i love that i
dont have to care i love that i dont have to

i can still have a good day i can still
feel good ic an

i still do feel good

i don’t have to care and i get to have fun
so i’ll just leave it at that
i love that i get to
i love that i get to have fun
that i get to

life i get to enjoy the here and now i get to enjoy the flow
of life i get to enjoy the flow of life
i get to say yes to eveything that is
and that is my

that is my work that is the only work
that is ithe
the only work that is the only work
and i never have to care i never have to care
i can just say yes

i can just say yes
i can just

say yes i can just say yes

i don thave to care i dont have to

i really dont and i still get to have
a good day i get to enjoy this day i get to enjoy life
i get to ejoy i
get to feel good i get to feel the flow of life

i get to say yse to god which
is so much bigger than anything

that is everything i can say yes to it
know that ti

there is no me that is separate from it
there is

it is so easy not to care when you
dont have to prove that you care you

just accept andm ove on

you just accept and move on you just
accept and move on

that is all there is that is all you can do that is all you can
i can do that is all i can do

is accept it

is accept it

that is all i can do that is all i can do

i don thave to care just accept
it becaue

that’s all ic an

that’s all i can do is go within
so at the very least it will force me within

at the very least
i dont have to care at the very least
god loves me life loves me

i get to i get to choose to feel good i
get to choose i get to choose how i feel about it
i get to choose the day i get to choose
the day i

i get to choose the day
i get to

choose the day i get to choose the feeling
and i dont have to care about any of it
i don thave to care about any of it
i dont have to care i dont have to care

i dont have to care i dont have to

care id ont have to care
i dont have to care i dont have to

care i dont have to care

caring makes uyou

you unhappy

not caring is the dance of life and i can just
accept it i can just
accept it

i can just
accept it i can just acccept it i

i can just say yes to life
i can say yes to life
i say eys

to life
whatever it is and i know that is the work
that is the magick
of the mystic

to say yes to everything that is

i get to i get to i get ti get to
accept everything that is
i get to accept everything that is