i can do it!

i can i am i am i am

i am

i know who i am what i am and the way i want to feel and i know the
the true measure of success

for me

is how i feel if i feel good in my life
if i love my life if i love my life if i love my life

then i am successful and if i love my life
or not

is up to me
i get to choose i get to choose to
how i feel i get to choose teh version i create

i get to choose

to remember the feeling is the secret and i get to choose teh
feeling i get to choose teh feeling of me i
am the creator me

of me and that’s all i can do
if i want love

then i become love and that is only way
to see it is to be it and i know this i know that i am
the source

always have been always will be and its not the
person or the situration
i want but the feeling and the feeling is
always right here with me

tis the feeling of yes

so grateful to remember who i am and that
feeling is

and that feeling is the secret

so grateful to remember who i am naturally
and that i never have to change
that it’s only ever me and that it only

ever reflects me
so grateful the better it getsr so
grateful to choose wh

where i place my fcous

so grateful to remember who i am
and that i know that
god is always playing hide and go
seek and so grateful to find myself
againt o rememb
to remember who i am again
and to remember that nothing is missing
and everything already is

so grateful to remember nowhitn gis
iss missing
and the feeling is the secret so g

so grateful to remember the feeling is

thank you thank you thank you
for the realization for the knowing for the
feeling and the ability to choose it
the ability to
get out of the way thank you
for the

ability to get out of thew ay
to remember who i am so grateful to remember who i am
to remember who i am
to rememb

i’m here now i’m back i’m back
and i remember who i am thank god thank god
i had a moment but wow it helped me remember

so much more who i am it helped me
remember how i want to feel and who i am
and how i want to feel about myself and the
vision i have for myself
and that is that ia m an artist

i am creating and that’s all i can do i love that
i know this and i can relax in this knowledge

i can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow the radiation of creative energy which is
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i remember who ia m and i remember the feeling
of life i know the feeling of life

i know the feeling of life i know the
feeling of life and to feel that feeling
is the only success i love that i know that
and i get to choose it i get to choose it i get to

choose how i feel i get to choose the life
i create and i get to ride that wave i get to

so grateful to get to remember who i am
to get to remember wh i a

who i am to feel the flow to remember who i am

i am the feeling and the felt

i am the feeling and the felt

i am the flowing and the flow
i am the flow and the water
i am the flow and the


i am conductor and the conducted

so grateful to remember who i am
to feel the flow to feel free
to be able to breathe
so grateful to feel good

to feel the flow flowing throgh me
to feel good now to feel the flow now to

to feel good now to feel the feeling now

and know that is all there is

to know i already have want

what i want and to focuso n what i have that is good

to look for what i want to see and so
grateful i know that is my power i know htat

that is my power i know that is my power
and so grateful ig et to feel it
i get to feel it and then it is

i get to feel it and then it is
i get to feel it
and then it is and i’m so grateful to remember that to know the truth
to remember the truth
to get to feel the truth
os grateful to get

to remember the truth to

that i get to like myself that i
get to enjoy life that i get to use my power

i get to use my power and i know that nothing
in the past matters a

all that matters is the work right now
all that m

matters is the work right now the work here and now
the feeling here and now

all that matters

is the feeling here and now the
feeling here and now the feeling here and now

and i know the secret to life i know the

to life and it feels so good to have the

scream from my finder

to want to do this work and
feel its effects
to want to feel good to feel the
feeling of liking myself

to disassosciate

from the past to let that all go dna

and feel hw i want to feel right now
and i’m so grateful i get to do that
the f

the keys feel like butter again
they feel like they are slipping from my fingertips

rather than
my fingertips slipping into them

i’m here

and i remember who i am i remember the power of me


i had been longing
i noticed that i was longing and i also noticed
that i want’ing lo

wanted longing to be my companion
i was lonely
so i chose longing instead of god

i chose what i had practiced i chose
what had filled me up??

i the past not that it filled me up
it actually drrained me of everything i truly was but

for some reaons
it made me feel full
because it empteied out all my other emotions??

but it dien’t take long to remember who and what i am
to remember that all that longing does
is perpetuate longing and if i ever want to feel
i ahve

i have to tunr my turn my focu within g

can’t long for god because as soon
as your attentio is on it

its there its always there
but you forget so you look for anything else
to feel that

fill that hole and then you
tell yourself you’re not good enough if it doesn’t


but nothing will ever fit in that hole
besides you besides yourself
you have to put you in yoursle

fillyour hold with you

i’ here

i’m here remembering to choose i’m here

and i’m choosing the feelign i want to feel
becausee that is my power
and i nkow
that i

it doesn’t feel good to just
hand over my power to someone sle

especiallys omeone who doens’t want it

so grateful to be here remembering who i am
evern though i don’t want to haha

even though it almost feels better for some reaosn
to long and push something away

keep pushing the more i long and to fall back into that
horrible pattern of wanteding something i’ll


have lol

but what feels better

is to remember who i am to remember who i am
what i am what feels batter


is to choose it now choose ir

it right now choose the o=the
power of em

choose the feeling i prefer right now
choose to have it right now

i do have it i do have love but i want

validation lol
i want

whtaever i dont have lmao

what do i want????


what do i want????

that feeling of lust for life
the feeling of lust???

i know i know its all me i know its all me
i now w

even that thingn i long for is me ia
and i know it feels better to
choose it than want tit

how does it feel go

to choose

likke relief
like relief

knowing like choosing my cpower
liike taking back y \

my power like

likeing myself

so grateful to be here remembering who i am
instead of looking for myself outside of me

and i remember the power of me
the worth of me i remember my own worth my

i look at my own life and i say thank you

i am here now i am here

i am engaged in this life now and i know that
soemthing outside of me
isnt’ it
so i can

choose that feeling i so despartely

desparately want from someone else

the feeling of

what is it???

the feeling i want??

i crave???

lust for life something to care about
soemthing to be engaged in a reason to live





it’s always something outside of you that
you think is going to solve yoru life

but if you had that thing

then it would be soemthing else

someone sels

else some other situation
or achievenment

[that feeling

id ont even have to name it
i can just choose it i can just choose it

i can just choose

and i know its me i know its me
i am the source i am the sourceo f the feeling
the feeling of lust
for life

the feeling of loving life of being engaged in life

something to love someone to love

so gratefult ob e here now to be here nwo
to feel the feeling now to be

here choosing the feeling and i eve
even though i dont feel better at least i tried

i still want the theing the thing the thing
i have no reason to wnat the thing
i can’t even say way

why i want it or what feeling it feels like
but i want it

i wenat

i want it because i think i cant’ have it
and os it make sme anw

wnat it and it makes me feel that there is
somehting missing somehting
that i could have had should have had but dont
and never will

right there that is the evidence
of pushing it wa

away this

unnmaed thing this thing that i dtn

really even wwant that i cant even really fathom having

yes yes yes yes i’m saying yes to all of it
and that’s all i can do is just say yes

all ic an do

is say yes all i can do is say yes

accept it accept it i accept it all ica nd o

can do is accept it

i say yes to it and i allow life to
pull the enerty

energy through me i know i am the source
and i know that all of life is flowing to and through me

so how i

would i feel if i knew that

if i choose knwoing how would it feel to chosoe knwoing
instead of logning

to choose my own value
instead of haing

handing it over to someone else

and always

also celebrating what i have knowing that the love is
ther ei know

i know that the love is there and at least there iss that

i can choose how i feel about it

idk why this is coming up
i know its a pattern lol
so i am saying yes to it and allowing it to flow throgh me
i all

i allow myself to feel it i allow myself to feel filled up
without needing anyting to fill me


so grateful to have a good day
to come here and remember who ia m what i am

who ia m what i am

gratefult o dot his work the fox
the focus work gratefl todo the focus
gratefult o do thoe

to do the focus work
to emr
remember who ia m for the
tide to turn for whate

to feel the other side of the wave

i’m here and i remember the power of me



i feel good today i feel the flow flowing throughme
i fele the energy of life i’m


shoring up how i feel that i feel good that i know life
that i trut the


feeling of life i’m here i’m here wasing
easing and flowing i’m foxuse di

i’m foxu

focused in the flow i’m focused on how i feel

i’m focused on allwing life to flow through me
i am allowing life to flow through me
i allow life

i’m doing it for fun i’m here for fun
to feel good to remember life
to remember what is life to celebrate my life
to get out of the way and
celebrate my life

celebrate my life
celebrate my life

i’m hre i’m foxused

why the fuck can’t i hit the fucking c button





i’m here i’m focused
thank you tha
i’m here and i a

and i remember what i am tha i’m

i remember that i am all of it
i relea

i relax into all lof i say yes to all
of it that is my pinacle

that is my pinnacle
saying y

totally accepting everything that is
totally getting out of thew y and i knw that
is my

i love doing this work
becuase it helps me remember i am
the creator i te

it helps me remember th only ow
work is this work is accepting everything that is

getting excited when there’s reiss

becuase its a cnan

changwe to use the magick
why the fuck can’t i type

the feeling of lettingever

everything go the feeling of letting
everyting go
of radically accepting evedr

everything that is and not trying to make
soething that isn’t

not trying to force anything never trying to focu

forcee just relax into the moment
and alow

allow an say say yes and allow life
to easily
and naturally come to me

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from

my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow
i am now a

awre i am now in the flow

the reaid

radiation of creative energy which is continuolusy l

easily and effortlessly pouring forth fromm

my diving consciousness

the feeling of totaly letting go
the feeling of totally letting of o
of aal o

all of it of every

ever trying to control to

of ever trying to do and

that is my only work that is my only work
and i love that i know that i love oding
this work the rememberingw ork the

letting go work the

vibration work the tuning work i am
here tuning

i am here tuning the instrument
and it feels so good to runwe


i am tuned

i am painting

i am tuned i am
the creator it

the witness the one and nly
i am all of it
i am the witness and the witnessed

i am the witnessed
and the wtiness
and i’m grateul that i know
that i now thit

this that all lives are needed
bec ause that is how we nkow the difference

i trust the flow completely i trust the flow

completely i trust life
i trsut the l
the flow of lie and that
feeling of totally trusting life
is the pinacle
of cuss

success its all you need

it’s all you need

that feeling of totally letting go
and i’m so grateful i’m here t

remembering it remembering who i really
and what my real goal
in life is what my

only goal in life ais

is and that is my true art
art of allow life

allowing me to live myself
of allowing myself to be of

totally trustig the
kthe energy of hte here and now
the feeling of life
of creating for the sk

sake of creativing of eeling
feeling good for the sake of feeling godo

so grateful tod o this work
to relax


relax into life
remember what life is who i am

relax into the knowing rea

relax ino the knwoing

i’m ere

here to tune to life the fto life

life the fog to allow to l
let it go and trust this moment

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness

is filled with the light of truth

thank youi ‘m here thank you

i’m here

thank you i’m hre i’m

it i’m
everything i relax into everything

that is the only way
that is all there is that is the only way

call i can do is rela in

into all there is
i can dn
never force i anc
can never try i can allow al

i can only ec

its made up anyway!!

what am i doing here i’m


what am i doing here

remembering who the fuck i m
remembering thet ruth
remembering ia m god i

what am i doing here

yes i’m doing whatever i want
and celebrateing it

yes ive been follwoing what i want to d
and i always follow what i want to do and i know that
is the secret t life to life
and ti

is to always trust your intuition and say
eys to wheaver is happenign
yes i am doing
what i am doing now and i cdelebrate it

i celebrate our tie

i celebrate my time affluence
i celebrate my life by example

my calm by example my

i can do it

i can feel the feeling of life and it’s not dependent on anything
i love that i get to feel it now i love that i kee

get to keep up the good work get to feel good no matter what

i never havet oc om

to compare
just accept everything that is

yes i am doing my writing now
yes i wnet on socials yes i got heated lol

yes i wasted precious reading time
yes im pressing myself about finishiing this book for no reasno

yes i’m looking ourside of me
yes i’m comparing yes im formaing
strong opinions

yes im letting it go yes im doing this work
yes i am ware

aware of how i feela nd the role i play in that
ye si am proud of myself

or am i???

for once again not instigating lol

yes i feel good now yes i feel good now yes i love this day
yes i love this day

yes i accept this day i accept everything that is
m here now i’m here now i feel good i feel good

i feel the flow i

yes i am here now i

yes i accept

everything that is i accept me i say yes
to me i say yes to me i say yes to me

i can do it i can

i can look at how i feel i can look at how i feel

i feel pent up because we haven’t left the house bc its so oooooooooo

god damn fucking cold

i feel crabby bcc of moon slavery

i feel good bc this is a good day
and i have so much to appreiciate

i feel good because life is good i feel good
because i finished my sweater and got to were it again


i feel good because im here now taking
care os myself of myself and how i feel
i feel good because i have so much!!!

to be grateful for

i feel good because it’s all me i feel good
because i believe in myself in my pow

own worth and my powe

own power to experience life to bet he

the experiencer i feel good i feel good

i feel much better having been here to work it all out
to feel it all out

excrete it i tfeels good to excrete it

i’m here i’m focused in

i’m present i’m in the now i’m aware
and i’m proud of myself i’m proud of myself


i’m proud of the iterations i’m proud
of who i am i’

i’m proud of the steps of made the awarenesses
i’ve arrived at

ui’of the life i’ve made i’m so
grateful for this live

this life for this day

for this feeling that i’ll be ok
that i know that i am ok


i am ok by default i am ok
and when i’m here
i bately

barely remember feeling bad
because its just so easy to turn the boat
to turn the boat not ever that


look at the boat just look at the boat
be the boat

and look at the boat at the same time
it turns itself

it navigates itself

this i knwo this i nkow i am life
i am the life boat

navigating itself

i love feeling inspired i love feeling ok
i love

finding the wave relaxing into the wave
relaxing into love

relaxing into love remembering love at every
remembering its the anser to

answer to every question
remembering love iss the anser to every question

remembering that presence

is the anser that the only thing missig is

missig is god the only thing missing is presence
and when i return to the present i’m not hin

thinking about that thing and then i am free
the thing i dont even need to think about the thing

i’m making up false narratives about that
is my

greatest foe i suppose

the false narrative

the self imposed false narrative

i am aware of the false narrative

i am aware of the in and the out
the out that causes the in


inseperable in and out

i am here i am here looking right at it

looking right at the event horizon and w
when you look right into the light

you forget what you came for what you
were so upset about or wahtever

i guess ive been beating myself so
for what ive not been doing and i know that is a

perilous path

i know its not a healthy path an di know that
i have a choice how i feel about what i have
or have not been


i know all that i can do is be and
maybe the real reason ive been beating myself up

is being’

because i haen’t been letting myself be

let yourself be

letting myeslf be

its good. i like

i feel better i really do and its all from


excreting my feelings looking at my feelings

admiting my feelins saying eys to

yes how it is and fully



accept it

ive veen feeling that i have to make
new work to keep the subs happy

and that always hangs me up

its this arbitrary thing
that isn’t even real


i get so hung up on it so i guess the work
is finding the other side of thew ave on

excited to find it becuse i know its there

beuca si know i eee

i need to let
go of that whole notion of trying to


create for someone else
becuase i know that is not how i want to live

i have to create according to my own schedule and people
cna choose to

suppor the work or not

this work helps me do that

i am

creating new work i am creating new work

so grateufl to get o
be here

creating new work
thank you
thank you for this day
for this moment
for this moment

here to do the work

i’m ready to do the work
to do the work of me to do the work that is pulled through me to just
create that’s all i can do and that is all i am
ehre to

here to do that is all i am here to do
is just create that’s all i’m here to do is create
the life i
already have i love the life i already have

so grateful to know who and what i am to know ath i

who and what i am
so grateful to do the work to feel inspired to know

the feeling of me so grateful to knwo the
feeling of me to know the feeling of me to remember the

is the secret so grateful for this day
with so much possibility so grateful to feel energized to feel the
flow to feel the god self flowing

so grateful to be here
feeling the feeling feeling the flow
the flow of well being so
grateful to be here feeling the feeling feeling the flow
of well being saying yes
to what is and feeling inspired so

grateful to be inspired

so grateful to feel the feeling
to remember everything is art to feel the
art flowing through my

veins to feel the neccessity
to create
so grateful to feel energized to feel motivated
to feel motivated
to feel good to like myself ot love myself to remember who i am
to remember who ai m

to remember who i am

to remembe who i am

so graetfl t
to remember who i am to remember who i am
to feel good now to feel god now to feel the
god self flowing hough

through me to feel

so much possibility in this day
in this day in this day in this dasy

to feel the creative energy flowing through me
to allow this day to flow

to not go against god by trying to make something happen
and always just allow

allow the creative energy to flow throughme to

to flow throughme to feel

flow throughme allow the energy to flow through me
and i feel good now i feel the flow o lfi
of life

so grateful to feel the flow of life
here and now i feel the flow of life
i feel the

energy of life
here and now os

so grateful to feel good

grateful to be here doing this work
loving this day full of


i ilove that i want to get up i n the morning
i love that i love my life i love that
is working out perfectly for me i love

doing this work remembering who ia m
i do this work to remember who and what i am

to remember the power of me i come here to practice the
feeling of the power of me

it feels good to remember to create
to remember that is my only work
is to create

create what i want to see and i know that is my work
i love tha ti knwo this i love that i know that my

is my life

my life is my art my life is my art
and that is the only thing wro

i need to create

i’m here nw and i feel good i feel the
energy of life to
the certainty of life

i am life i n

i know that i am life i know tat

that i am life i know that i am life
and i get to choose i get to choose i love that
i know ths that i know i love that i get to

choose get to align wit

get to feel the feeling and it si i love that
i know the s

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eteranally

eternally operating in my life

i love me i love the feeling of life i love that
no matter what i can always relax and allow the

natural unfolding of life my life
is my art my life is my art my life is my art

i love that i nkow this and get to celebrate it every oment
i am art just by existing

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is
eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the raditaion of creative energy which is aon
continuously easily
and effortlessloy

pouring forth from my divine c onsciousness

i am now awwre

i am now in the flow

i am relaxed in the flow i am relaxed in the
mode of god i am


thank you thank you thank you

for this day
for this moment

for every moment as event horizon i love that i know the
potential of nwo i love that i know the feeling of now

i love that i know the feeling of now

and that i get to feel the certainty of it

that i already know that i already know

so grateful i know the truth of life so grateful i know
the truth of life i know the truth of life
so grateful i know the truth of life

so grateful i get to say

i am

i am creating i am creating

i always am
i am always creating and my life is my art my life
is the composition

and that is my responsibility to create
to demonstrate humanity
to be humanity
to be the hope people need int he world
and the only thing i can do to
inspire hope is to live accordingly

i get to choose how i feel i
get to celebrate life right here and now

i get to celebrate life
i get to celebrate the
truth i get to feel the
truth flowing through me and say yes to it

i get to say yes to god get to
say yes to the day to th

the god in every moment the god in every molecule

the knowing that i am not separate
i am not separate from anything
its all me there’s nothing missing


besides that knowledge
i love that i know this
that i get to live my life this day

that i get to love
that i get to enjoy that i get t
to love and embrace life and say
thank you!

for all that i have!!

i’m here

i’m here doing the work the focus i’m here

i’m not wasting time

yes i wasted time lol
and that’s ok!

who cares!!

i can still have a good day i can still focus the energy
and i can salwayr

already feel it focused in al

i can already feel the feeling

i’m here i’m here and i’m foxu

focused on the way i want to feel
on the love i wnat to give o the

gratitude i have for everything in my life

so grateufl i’m here an di get to choose
i get to choose to feel good get o choose eto focus
tof cous onw hat i know

i get tofocus on what i know i get to focus on the energy of

on the feeling on the feeling of life on the feeling
of entering the present moment

so grateful i get to knwo

so grateful i know so grateful i know
i know the feeling of the flow
i know the feeling of the flow
i know

the feeling of the flow the in and out of life
the feeling of god i know that i am god

i’m here doing the work and iw anted this
so grateful that everything iw ant is always flowin to and throguh me

so grateful to do this work to focus here and no w

to do the work to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling to feel the feeling

to feel good now to feel good now to feel good now
i’m here doingthis just fox

focusing on how i feel being aware of how if eel and
that’s all there is and al ir

i already feel better and i didn’t feel bad
but now i feel better and it’s just that
easy just a moments

of fucs that helps me remember who i am
helps me remember he power of me

i get to remember the ower of me
i get tobe the

the poewr of me even this little bit of
focus helped and this is all there is

this is all there is this moment this
forever ow this

and i get to celebrate it
i get to celebrate the beautiful life i amde

embrace it here andnow
i get to embrace and life

love this perfect life i made for myself here and now

i’m here and i’m focused i’


i’m here doing the work and i wanted this
i wanted to akw

wake up feeling good i wanted to do the work first thing
i wanted this iw anted

i wanted this ah yes now i know why i was wasing

wasting time lolHA!

oh well
i love that it just doesn’t matter
i love that i get to love the day
i love

that we get to get our shelf i love the
feleing of good feelings rising up inside of me

reasons to celebrate i love that
there are so many reasons to celebrate
every single day i love that
life loves me i lov that life loves me i love that

there is so much to love i love that i

i feel the feleing of knowing i feel the feeling
of presence in this here and onw i feel the
feleig of the flow

the flow flowing throuhg me
i feel the feleing of yes

i feel the feeling of liking myself
of loving myreality
of loving what is

feeling excited for the blessings that
are always on m

theyir way

i love that its my day i love
allowing the eenrgy to flow i love that
life is on my side i love tat i’m
on the lookout for it
i love that this

feeling is my supply i know that this feeling is my supply
i love that i know that life is so much bigger than we think
i love that i know the power of me i love that
i get to create i love that i
get to create i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to feel how iw atne

want to feel and this is my pwoer i love that i’m here now
doing thie

this work tuning the instrument tha is me i i love
that i get to do this i love that i know who i am
i love that i get to c delebrate

who i am i lov that i
get to celebrate who i am
i love that i get to feel good i a

i love that that

there is is os muhc to love ther eis always so mcuh to love

i love that i’m here now i love that
i feel the enegy

energy of life i love that if eel the

the energy of life flowing through me i love that
i know that is the feeling of god i love that i know i am

the one and only creator

i know that ia m the one and only createor
of me

i ma

i am the one and only creator of me
and i love that i knwo this i love that
this knowledge is my source and my auppl

supply and that this feeling of alignment is
my source and my supply
i love that there is no limit
to this supply

therefore my supply is unlimited
i love that ig et to life

live a good life i love that ig et to ce

celebrate life i love that i get to celebrate life
i love that i dont have to let

JB be myi reason to suffer

i love that i dont ‘have to care
i love that i get

to celebrate

knowing i love that ig et to do
the work that life
ahs called me to do
i love that i get to do the work
that life

has called me to do
i lov that i

i love that i know that life loves me
i love that i know that life loves me

i love that i know htat life loves me

and i am life.

i feel better!

so grateful to be back to real life
to be back to feeling good that our real life that our everyday
life is what we always want to get bback to

i feel better so grateful to feel good now
to feel good now to get to enjoy this day
now to get to feel good now to get to

feel god now
so gratefult o feel good to

trust the feeling and feeling goo
good i’m here i’ feel good and i’m so relieved

so relieved to feel good
to get to enjoy theday


thank you thank you thank you
for thanky

you for thank you for thank you for the
tiem the space the energy the flow thank you

for the here andnow thank you for the
here and noa
and now the feeling of feeling d

good the feeling of feeling good

i’m here

i’m grateful to be here on this
joyous day of celebration
i’m grateful to be where i am right now in this life i amde

mae that is so perfect

so grateful i get to get up each day and
basiclly do whatever i want

that i get ot enjoy most days of my life
leisurely and without stress

so grateful hat i have everything i need

so grateful for our growing business and our growing pains
and trying to figure out how to reconfigure our studio
to accomodadte our growth

so grateful to be sober ffrom drinking from the m

for the most part and not even care

to not feel called by it or sucked into the lies
the brainwashing of it
the state trying to control you

effectively controlling you making you
waste your cognitive surplus

and money
thinking you’re being subversive but you’re not
you’re actualllydoing exactly what they want


grateful to be here to feel good to get to enjoy this day
grateful to get to enjoy this day
this here and now

gratefulf or the focus
for allowing the al

allowing the enegy to flow through me

flow through eme
to flow through me
to flow through me

to flow through me
so grateful to get to focus
to get to choose wher ei place

my attention my powerful attention
so grateful to remember that i get to choose
where i place my powerful attention
so grateful i get to choose

i’m here in this omment now
and then i’ll bein ths next one
but tis alway s

the same now

i love that i get to choose
get to let it all go
and come back to present to

to the moment to energy of now to getting to

celebrate the eenrgy of now
the energy of now and i get to feel it
i get to feel it now

get to feel the er

serenity now i love that i get to feel the
focus of it of coming back to the now
of being aware of teh arrat

narrative playing in my head
being aware of the narrative
plallying in my head

i’m focused i’m too focused
to think abou what i don’t want

project energy of what i don’t want

i know i cam

am the creator and i get to always
come back tot hat i love that i get to

i love that i get to i love t
aht life

loves me i know that

life loves me i

i love that i’m here i’m foxued

focused in this here and now
and that’s all that matters

today i challenge myself to
feel it
to rise to the occasion
the here and now

celebrate the everylasting now

i feel it i feel the feeling
of that i feel the feelling of connection
of rising tot he occastsi

occassion and i know that is
the pinnacle of success is feeling that feeling

i’m focused i’m focused int he vortex
int he everlasting now

in the very

ever lasting now i’m focuseed
i the ever lasting now

i’m here in the everlasting now

i’m focused in the here and now
and i feel the feeling the feeling the
feeling the

the feeling

of this here and nothis
everlasting now

this everlasting now this
everlasting now

this now is all there is this
here andn ow is all there is
this here and now is all there is

there is

today i challenge myself
i challenge myself to return to the truth
in every moment
in every opportunity

do the work to turn it around
notice it and get more of it

notice it and get more of it

i love that i know that i know i that

i get to choose i get to choose the

power of now i get to choose the power of now i choose it
now i choose it now i choose teh focus now i ch

today i challenge myself
to tap into the truth to feel the
truth in every moment

to conduct today i challnge

myself to the feeling of
the feeling of nowing

knwoing the feeling of knwoing that

itls already in the bad th


committing to this oment
moment i am

committed to this moment

i love that i get to choose that i
get to know that i get to know that i get to
know that i get to know i love

that i get to know right now i g

i get to choose the version i prefer and just
allow it to unfold

just allow it to unfold and not get attached
i can always just ceelbr

celebrate this here and now

i love that i don’t even have to

i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel about it

right now right this second i get to choose i
get to choose how i feel about it
and ti’s only ever me

it’s only evver me i love that i
get to choose ot feel good now ot feel
good now

to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good to feel

the eenrgy of the day
to let the rest go
to let it go
and allo

the energy of the ehre and now to flow through me
i love that i do not have to care!

thank you thank you for the energy of god
i love that ig

god always does it the feeilng
always does it and nothing reawlly matters

nothing really matters

nothing really mmatters

i love that i don’t have to care
and i can just try the flow to either do it or not

lmao and it jusst doesn’t matters

o ;pve tj

i love that it’s my only work to return to the prestn moment
and celebrate it i love that i know the feeling of it

i oe tha

i love that i get to feel the feeling of it

i ilove when i want to get up!

the feeling of not being able to wait until i can get up and have
fun and enjoy the dday

i love my life i love the mornings with my wife i love
all day with my wife i love this day

i love this day
with so much opportunity i love being here
doing the work doing the wrting
setting my vibration straight

remembering who i am want

to be remembeing who am and

who i really and celebrating that remembering the power of celebrating the self

so grateful to be here doing the work the
focus work the only work there is
so grateful to feel good to wake up feeling good
and loving the day
so gratefult o get to make the choice
that the contast helps me focus

it helps me illuminate things about myself
because its only ever me
and if i dont like them its becuase ilooked for a reason lol

i love that i love it il ove that
i love it here i love that i love this day
i love that

i get to feel good today that i get to feel the
flow today that i get to love myself today to remember how i want to feel
to choose teh feeling of

ease and flow

to choose teh feeling of love
because that is the answer to everything
today i choose love today i choose love and

its easier than anything else i love that
i get to hat
that i get to feel good and do this work i love doing this
wrok first i love getting in the zone

i love remembering the power of me i love
remembering the power of me i love that
i get to i love rememering what i want

what i prefer

so grateful to feel good to
get to live this day to get to celebrate this day
to get to do the work today

to tune the vibration here and now
to know the here and now to choose how i feel in
this here and now to remember that its alwya sme

its never
not me

its me!!

doyou want to sit around hating on yourself?!

i’m here i’m here and i’m focused
ont he to

the other side of the wave the transmutation
of the energy

today i’m focused on the energy of how i want to feel
and if i’m conductiong


i’m conductiong

so graterful for the power of me
and i feel it flowing i feel the choice

i feel the choice if eel the
i feelthe choic ei feel the choice

between resistance
between creating soething

i don’t want
and creating something i do
an di love that i get ot

create what i want that i get to choose the
version and that is my work that is the only work

is to conceive of life
the way i want to see it
and that’s the choice
i get to make
i get to make the choice to choose to love life
i get to love this day!!

so gratuf l

to get to love this day
to get to enjoy this day
to get to love this work
to get to love my life to know that i’m
always taken care of
that life loves me i love that
i get to feel it
i love that ther eis no limiett

to the prsen ove the god self in my life

in my world and i love the feeling
of this work of this day
of knowign that life loves me i love that
i get to choose to love myself that the
contrast helps m e

choose to love myself i love that
i get to notice that i get to be aware of the energy of life
that i get to choose the energy of loving myself

and wher ei am right now

m aa

aware of the feelig the
energy of life the way i see mysel fi m a

aware of how the way i see myself
and that i get to choose how i see my life
and others
i love that i get to choose to love
to enjoy

to celebrate

i love that i get to choose and feeling
that energy of making the choice
i love that i

get to feel that feeling of making the choice
and allowing life to unfold

so grateful to be here remembering my true poweer
that i get to direct my lfe so grateful

to remember the feeling of me the feeling
of being with god in this omm

moment the feeling of feeling good
of loving mysel fo f

of liking myself
of feeling good now i love

of feeling good now of wanting to feel good
of wanting to feel good

so grateful i get to choose to enjoy life
i get to tap into life i get to be life i ch

get to choose the version i live


i get to choose life i get to choose life i get to choose life

i get to choose this moment i get to choose god in thsi moment
i get to choose god in this moment
i get to choose teh self i

i get to choose the power of me get to

so grateful i get to choose
and i feel the flwoiing flowing through me

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substancce of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

i love that i am
the substancce of spirit
i am

conducting the substance of spirit
and i get to enjoy the day
being god!!

i get to be god today and i love it
i love that i get to be
i love that i get to be god i love that i am
god and i get to use that energy !!

return to the feeling

i’ve noticed that when i don thave any problems
outside of me
i turn toward myself and look for some problems

and that’s ok

because i’m aware of it now and aware that i can cle

celebrate that i don thave any problems
instead of looking for some
so today im celebrating

that i dont have any problems

i wanted to feel what i was missing
and now i do because i’m back

it’ll always go away and come back and
that is the feeling of life
the feeling of it coming back so you can let it go

just for the satisfacrrion of
bring ing it back

allowing it to return

grateful tocome
to back and
feel the feelig of me to remember the feeling of me
the focus of me
the feeling iw ant to feel

i’m here because i knwo it sowrk
because i know its all he

there is and i need

needed some space to remember that but now
i do now i do now i d

now i do now i do now i do now
i remember the power fo

of this work and the power of me
and the pwerr

power of feeling good sbout myself
i rememeber the

power of feeling good about msyefl

i remember the power of me
and that it’s all in how i see it

it’s all in how i see it
and i love that i’m here remembering this
and focusing on the

story i want to tell and i know its that easy
and this work helps me do that

helps me tell the story i want to g

teel and

its only ever me its neer them

its never them so i get to choose
what me

i want to see and its so tr

true its true and i know this
and i’m grateful to be gack to the work the focus twork
the new

energy grateful to be back
to new energy

i know it’s the energy of me
it’s and it’sl

all up to how i see it how i decide to look at it
how i decide to feel the
version i try to create
and it’s

all up to me to choose howi see it how
i see it how i see it

it’sup to me to choose what i give my
attention the version of the story i decide to tell

the version i
decide to tell

what i decide to look at it’s up to me
to decide

the story i tell
the story i tell i’ts me


it’s up to me to create it to deice how i see myself
it’s up to me to


decide how i see myself


grateful for this moment

for this chance to
tune in tap in turn on this

chance to drop out
in every momen t

gives you the chance to
drop out
every moment

gives me the chance to drop out
to drop out
to be here now in the infinite now

to remember it to focus on it to
remember the feeling of the focus
the feeling of the focus

choose the focus choosse the focus choose the focus

i love comeing a

coming back to me i love comng
back to me remembering who i am

remembering who i am
who i am the power of me and that
it’s always my choice it’s

always my choice
to choose the narrative the version i
i create the version i create

i feel the focus the knowing the lettign

god the pwer
the power of the vibrations we can’t see
i feel there energy of me the god self

the very substance of sprit

my presence is my supply
m y

my presence is my supply
i know this i know this
i can always be present and tune up

and when i’m present i’m conductiopn

the energy that creates worls
i love that i know it that i get to tune
that i get to domc

come here and ntune

grateful to be here doing this work
this focus this god energy

flowing through me i am present in this
everlasting now
with the energy of god

the energy that creates worlds flowing
through me and it feels so good to remember

to remember who i am to remember to tune
to allow life to reflect me to remember how life fucking words


it ffeels so good to come back
to be back to be to cent

the center of me i trust what i want
and i always know what i really want
what i really want
i always know and i can celebrate just
being present
in this amazing
creative experience
i choose it i choose i choose love i choose
to look for the version i want to see

i choose to look for the version i want to see
knowing it only reflects me

i’m focused i’m in this energy
i rode the wave out so i could come
back in and remember how powerful the work

reall is how good it really feels how
powerful the work really is
how power

powerful the work really is

this work the only work the presence work
the love work the loving the self

the obliterating the self
knwoing ‘m not sepaate self

its allme it
the entire experience
is me i

is life expreiencing itself

the feeling is all of life the
feeling is all of life i am

creating it all i now i

i know ii am creating it all i knwo i am creating it all
i know i am creating it all
i know

i know it’s all me the feeling of me
i know it’s all me the feeling

of me the presence of me
i know this i know this i devote myself to this work
that i know to be true i know this work to
be true i know this
work to be true so i am

it i am this work i do thwe w
the work because it works i do the work
becuase it works i do the
becusee it works