i can do it i can

i can do it i can

i’m here i’m focused i’m centered i’m allowing life to flow and i know
that i don’t have tod o

to do anything just be and that
this work helps me do that i cn just be just flow
just feel the in and out of life
i can feel the in and out of life flowing through me

i’m here now i’m here now i feel the flow
in this here and now i feel god in this here and no
i feelt he god

the god that is in the focus nadd
i feel good i get to feel good

i’m focused on the god self
and i know i never have to DO

anything just accept what comes
just accept what is just choose the feeling that
creates just choose teh feeling that
creates teh feeling that
creates teh v

the vision of the self that creates and all t
hat matt

that matters is how i see myself an dmy life
and i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love

that i’m here doing the work i can feel when i need to do it
when i want to do it when i want to feel it i can feel when i want to feel it

i want to feel it i choose to feel it i choose to feel the
neergy of life flowing through me i choose to feel good about this day
feel energy the energy of this day
just love everything that is i love that
i get to love this day that i get to feel good int his
day that i get ot love everything that si

i love that i get ot

do this work the only work
feelin good in this work feeling good in this life i love that
i get to feel it i love that i do if

feel it i know that
i had a really good day yesterday
and i can accept a full moon hangover lol

i accept al that
all that is i accept thss day
all that it is

i feel the flow i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel
the flow i feel the god self i feel the god self
and its always here and if you want to see it or feel it

just give it attention

i know that i am just energy
and everything else is just energy and ist

its just for fun and enjoyment and nothing
else i love tha ti know thi i love that i knwo this
i love that i know this

that its just for fun and none of it matters

grateful to be here in this here and now

i’m hree

feeling the energy of life

i know the truth i know the truth of life
and i know that i am it

i am it i know the truth of life and i know that
that i am it and i love that i
get to know this truth get to live it get to feel it
get to feel the flow of it
so grateful to get to feel the flow of life
to get to feel and know the truth ofl ife

so grateful to do this work the only work this work
this only

this work the only work so grateful to get to do this work the only wrok

so grateful to be here now doing this work
feeling this flow feeling shit

god being this god i am this god i am this
this life i am this en

eternal now i know there is nothing outside of the
eternal now and i feel it i feel the fullness of life
i feel the certainty of life the

certainty of god and i’m so grateful that i get to fee it
i get to feel the connection to sourcce to life
i know the feeling of the connection to source the connection to life

ei’m h

i’m hree now and that’s all that matters
i’m here now in the eternal now i’m here in the eternal now i’m here in the

eternal now and i lvoe that i get to feel it
get to cle

celebrate it get to turn my focus
toward celebration get to remember focus creates get to feel good no matter what
get to choose to feel good
get to

choose to feel good get to choose to feel good

get to choose to feel good get to
choose to feel good

i’m here i’m allowing i’m allowing myself to
embracce this day to fully enjoy this day
to feel good now no matter what

to releae thinking lol
to feel good now
to release the rest
and just return tot

to the feeling of yes
to the feeling of gratitude
to the feeling of love

i get to feel good now i get to feel good now
i get to feel love now i get to
feel filled up by god right now

allowing life to feel good
right no i get to

feel good right now
i get to feel good

right now i get to
feel the eternal now

right now

i love that i know the truth ofl ife
and its so easy for me to return to the truth to return to the flow
of well being to tru

return to the lfow
right now the feelig right now

so grateful t

my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and
as the principle of supply in action
iit is
impossible for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

i love that i knwo ti lov
i love that i know ths i love that i know life
loves me and i get to feel good
i get to celebrate life rightnow
an this

always works!!

i’m here

and i’m focused in this here and now
i’m celebrating i’m celebrating life today

i’m jumpng in
jumping into the flow
into the feeling

today i’m celebrating my blessed life!!

today i’m celebrateing the feeling of
feeling good of enjoying life of jumping into life
of feeling good now
so grateful to celebrate life right now
to do the work right now
to feel good right now to feel that today is going to be a good day

today i know that the energy i give is always up
to me and i can always choose the energy i give i can always choose yes
i can always y

say yes to any and everything so grateful to say yes to say yes
to the flow the flow of life the flow of well being the flow of yes the flow of love

today i choose to love because it feels good i chooe
to allow the feeling of love and celebrating to flow through me
because it feels good

today i am celebrating life

thank you thank you thank you for this day
for this feeling for the feeling of this focus for the
feeling of remembering that i am the creator
i create my world whith

with how i feel but i dont have to do anything
or change anything just be and accept everything that is

so grateful to be here feeling good
so grateful all of life is working out freat

great for me
so grateful ig et to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel
get to celebrate thiss day
get to feel the divie

divine buzz of this day
so gratefl i get to

feel the deivine
divine buzz of this day
i get to feel the divine

buzz of this day so grateful i get to focus here get
to do this work get to feel good in my body
and in my life
get to feel good about msyelf
get to feel the flow of well being
get to get dressed
get to celebrate this day
celebrate this life

celebrate making it halfway!!

i’m here and i’m celebrating i’m celebrateing life

i’m celebrating life flowing through me i’m
celebrating the
here and now i’m

celebrating tlife

life flowing through i’m celebrating this life
this flow this knowing this god self i’m

celebrating the god self the god self the
god feeling the god flowing through me the knowledge

what i know is true what i know is true
what i know is true through life experience
and i celebrating this knowledge
this feeling and i trust it i jump
right into it i jump right into it
and flly

fuly cele

fullly celebrate it
i keep myself in the vibration of winning
i keep myself int he vibration of

of god of love of focus on the

the feeling i want to feel the feeling iw nat to fele


grateful i know so grateful i know the
feeling i want to feel and that i can feel it any time
that i always have access to it that i know the powe of me
and i can just focus on that
i dont have to tihink

think about saving anyone else or revolutionizing the world
just focus on how i feel and how i cat

act and that is all i can do

so grateful for this day
that everything is working out perfectly
and i now t

i know this

i’m here and i’m god and i’m acting
as if

i’m here and i’m god and i’m acting as if
i love that i get to i

i love that i get to feel good about myself
i love that
i get to celebrate life that i get to

celebrate living i love that
i have so much to celebratein
i love

that i’m here in my power in thepower
of god celebrating the truth and this work


always helps me focs o

focus on that feeling i love that i
get to feel it i lov that i
get to feel it i iove that
i get to

celebrate this day
get to feel the god self that

i foucnd the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the

the radiation of creative energy which is
continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now waere

i am now in the flow

i love that i’m here and i get to feel good
that i get to del

celebrat this
this dasy right here an dnow
i get

to celebrate this day

all day
i get to celebrate this day

all do long and i love that i get to
i love that i know life loves me i and i get to allow
that love tof low through me i love that i know t

this is my work

this is the only work and that

all that matters is how i feel is how i
see the situation and how i see my own situation

how i see myslf and

myself and my life
the eerng

energy of me the energy of my life
that is all that matters
is how i see my life and i get to choose how i see it

i get to choose how i see it
i get to choose to love and life reflects that
i get to choose to
celebrate and life reflects that

i love that i know the energy of me
i know the pure enerrgy of me
and i can feel when something is blocking it

an untrue thought
a misbelief

bad energy negative energy
out of the vortex energy and i love that i knwo this
i love that i
get to feel it get to practicce it

get to hone it get to tune this energy i get to
feel and tune this energy i get to allow
this god energy to flow through me
i get to say yes and celebratin

everything that cmes i get to say yes to


i get to celebrate life i get to
celebrate life i gt to enjoy life
i get to love life

today i get to love my life!!

i’m happy

finally waking up feeling good feeling energized feeling
the energy of life so grateful to feel the energy of life
to feel the energy of yes to feel the energy of yes to feel good

to feelg ood not

now to feelthe focus now to feel the focus here and now it fesl

feels good to do this work to love thiss work to
be this work to feel this work flowing through me
to be this work ot

to know this woek to know i am
this work the feeling work i am the feeling
is the secretrt

i know the secret to life and can

rellax in the knowledge that thea ctivy

activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i’m here i’m here feeling good feeling the
flow flow through me i feel
the flow

flowing through me i feel the energy of life
flowing through me i feel the feeling of

yes the feeling of celebrating life i get to
celebrate life i get to
celebrate life in this her eand now

feel the feeling of life feel the feelign of focus
so gratful that life

already worked out for me al
so grateful i alrady

already made it knowing that
the devotion to the mantral

to the thouth to the
feeling to the belief

that is theoly

the only work
the devotion to the feeling
is the only work
the devotion to the feeling
is the only work

so grateful to be here now
so grateful for the figts

gifts for the energy of life
to get to live this life to get to fine the sun
to get to celebrate to f

get to feel good so gratefl to get to
feel good so grateful to


feel good to get to feel good to fet

get to feel good to tune myself
to the feeling of life to the feeling of god to feeling
of this creative experience!!

so grateful for this day
for this moment for this oment ot
feel good to feel good now to feel the
flow now to feel good

now to feel energized now to feel energized by life
to feel the feeling

breaking through cracking through i feel the
feeling of god i feel the feeling of knowing


i feel the certatinty of life the cellebration of life

of alll that i have in this here and now
in this moemnt

so grateful for all that have in thism oemnt
and this oemtn

iis all ther eis

i know that this moment is all there is
whatever is

is all there is and i love that i nkow this
i love that i know this i love
that i kow

the feeling of life the meaning of life the flow of life

i get to feel this feeling i get to focus
on the flow of life i get to celebare

celebrate this day
i get to celebrate this day i get to
feel the fullness of this day i get to
celebrate all that is i et t

get to feel the feeling of celebration and know that is
all ther is!!

so gratefl for all these orders!!

so grateful that they are constantly flowing!!

so grateful life loves me

so grateful for good music
so grateful for so mcuh to love!

so grateful i know i know the feeling of life
i now the flow of life i know the
in and out of life i know that i am life

i know the feeling of life and allowing it to flow through me

allowing life to flow through me

so grateful to get to do this work
get to

to get to feel good today to get to feel loved

today to get tallow g

to allow god to live through me
to allow life to live through me to all a

allow life to flove

to live through me i am so grateful
i get to live t
get to live get to enjoy this day
get to

say yes to everything that is
get to feel good get to have a good attitude
get to flow
get to fee lthe feeling of the flow

flowing through me
get to feel good

get to feel good
get to feel god
get to feel god

so gratefl i get to be god that i am god

that i know the truth an di

i never have to change a thing
i can never change a thing

jut be

just exist in this infinite now just exist
in this infinite now just

exist inthis

in this infinite now in this infinite now

feeling the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i get to fe th

be the feeling

so grateful to be here now
feeling goo dfe

feeling the flow the flow flowing the
flow flowing thhrough me th
the feeling of yes the feeling of god

the feeling of celebrating this life that ih ave right now
thismoment i have right now

the only one i have is here an dnow and i know
that it’s alreayd perfect exactly how it is
nd i

i get to just feel that i get
to feel the truth ofl ife that

of th

i get to feel the truth of that i get to fel good
get to feel the flow the flow

flowing throughme the flow flowing through me
i get to feel it i get to feel it i get to feel it
get t

to feel this moment htis is the only moment
just his

this here and now

so grateful to be here now to feel this
flow to feel this momeont
to feel thi

the feeling of yes to

the feeling of yes and that’s all there is
that’s all there is and i love that i know
that i get to play this game of life
that i get to find god in myself
and in the

and then lose it again
but then find it again

i’m here

and i feel good
grateful to feel good to feel the energy of life
to feel the knowing of life tofuc s
to focus
to be to o focused for teh busllhi

grateful to be here feeling the feeling
feeling the feeling of life

i feel good if eel life flowing through me
i feel good i feel

i feel the feeling of

i’m here focused i’m here alloiwng im

i’m here aware i am aware of my thoughts feelings
and emotoins and how the affect my reality
i am awre i am aware i am flowing i am energy i am god i am

everytihng i am nothing i am this
i am this energy i am these words i am it all and none of it matters

i’m so grateful to be here
feeling good so grateful to be here getting
to do this work getting to do my
work getting to live this life
so grateful to
get to live

this life to get to live this life

living this life getting to feelt his joy
this self the joy of self
getting to feel the joy of

gettig to

to love the joy of this moment
so grateful to return
to ti

to return to celebrating life
to feeling how i want to feel
to not caring what hoth

others think and so grateufl for the
contrast that helps me focus

so grateful to be here doing this work
enjoying life knwoing that
my only work

is to feel good my only work is to
feel good to enjoy life to celebrate to feel good to
ccelebrate the feeling of feeling good

knwoing that all of life
follows the feeling follows the feeling

follows the feeling of feeling good
of celebrating life of knowing
so grateful to knwo so

grateful to know to to

to knwo that it alway scomes back around so
grateful i get to feel the feeling and do the work the only work
to live my life by the work and tahts

that’s it

i live my life by the feelign
the feeling is all there is
and the feeliing is all ic an ever do

the feeling is alll ic an do


grateufl tob e back to
the magick to my
ways gratefult o be back to my way s’

to feel good now to feel good now

grateful to feel the focus of life
to feelthe

the truth of life the love of life

to know that its’a ll

all conduit to know that it’s all me
to know that it’s all me
to know that it’s all me

it’s only ever me and i get to choose
i get to choose

so greateful for gifts
so gateful i am loved

so grateful for my work that i love
for the feeling of closure
of things being resolved

emotions being resolved

so grateufl to be

feel the feeling of resolution
of connected to life
so grateful to get to jump
into life
to feel
the truth of life

the love of lfie
so grateful to
get to feel the fl

the love of life

grateful for a new chapter for a new era
for infinite possibilities in this
here adn now
and now

grateufl to feel the feeling to want to do it to want to do it
grateful to want to feel good
to already feel good to

feel optimistice

to feel grateful for all the fun i still
get to have for all the love i still get ogive
to give

i’m here an di feel resolved i thi h

this her eand now
i feel the heat from wthi

within the sun from within
i feel the sun from within

i feel certain i feel at peace in thiss here an dnow

and i’m focouse d
that is the real work the focus on one m

on point the one point being every point

everything and nothing all at once

and i can do it i can allow this energy to rise i am

i can allow this god energy to rise all the way

up to my crown and flow through me i am

i am you conducting

i love that i don’t care i love that
i don’t have to

care i love remembering the feeling of the

of me the feeling of releasing resistance
of jst

just enjoying just jumping in and enjoyig
making th

making the choice to give love
so grateful to feel the feeling
of the gates opening and the love pouring

forth pouring forth and through and in
and of

all around me not even pouring forth
but through and all ouring
how can you pour if you’re everything
the existing of pouring the being of pouring
a perpetual pouring motion

thank you for this feeling this
energy of me this energy of knwoing his love

this energy

i feel this energy this energy of knowing this
energy of love i feel the eenrgy of love

and i’ so

i’m so grateful to feel it

i feel the eer

energy of love and its feels os

good to remember it to remember what it feels like
to love life so grateful for

the feeling of loving life of knowing
of knowing that it’s for fun and celebrating that

of loving of chosing

choosing to love and let
the rest go of

choosing to love

thank you for the in and out
for where ia m right now f

for the feeling of knoing of trusing
and loving

this her eand now
this moment

one day i willm iss
miss it

think about how i didn’t appreciate it

all i can do is love this
here and nwo love

everything that is
i love that everything that is

it’s all i can do

i’m so gratful to feel it
to truly feel ita

and know this is all there is

this feeling is all there is

this feeling is all there is and
i celebrate that i get to feel it

that i get ot

to enjoy and celebrate my life!

so grateful to be aware

to gaint he perspective

to remember to be presented with such obvios
evidence that

attention creates and that’s all i needed to see
to remember

today i intend to
live light i intend to live light
and love and be happy

i intned to live light and love and be happy i intend to enjoy
life intend to love!!

to smile and love and not take for granted i intend to
not cakte

take for gratned i nte

intend to love i intend to av

savor this moment

i intend to be light!
i intend to love!!

i’m here

and i feel good so graetful to feel good
to feel energized to feel focused to feel the lust for life
to love myself to love this day to love this day

so gratefult o be here to feel good to feel energized
to feel the flow flowing through me
to fell life flowing hro

through me so grateful to be here to feel the energy of me the
energy of me to feel the energy of me so grateful to feel it

to do the work to know that it flows through me at the


perfect time i know thate verything always happens in perfect timing

so grateful for all the gifts for
freinds who love me

for a wife who loves me for faimly who loves me
for my per
pet who loves me

so grateful to feel energzied to feel the energy of life flowing hrough through me
so grateful to take steps to know that

everything always unfolds in perfect timing

so grateful class is easy
and fun and i feel myself getting stronger
and fitter so gratefult o get to do the work
to feel good

to get stronger every time
so grateful to celebrate life
and celebrate this flow

celebrate this flow of life here and now

so gratefult o be her to get to live this day
to get to enjoy this day
to get to feel good ont his day

thank you for this day
thank you for this energy thank you
for this life for this flow

for the flow of god flowing through me
so grateful to feel good to feel god

so gratefult o feel god to feel the flow of god

here and now so gratefl to feel the flow
of god here and now
to feel the flow of god here

and now

so graetful to be here tno
now to do this work to fee t

the energy of life to feel good about myself
and my life to know that i can do it to know that life

is flowing to and through me
so grateful to know that life is flowing to

and through me

i’m here and i feel good so
grateful to

feel good

i’m here and i’m grateful
grateful to get to do this work to get to live this day
to get tc

to ccele

celebrate this day to get to love this day
so gratefult o get to love this day to get to love this day
to get to celebrate this day
to get to focus in the here and now

knowing that my abundance

is my proximity to god
my abundance
is my proximity to god

i’m here and i’m gratefult o be here
experiencing this

creative experience

so grateful for friends
for gifts
for lazy days for so much that i want to do

so grateful for faire and
opportunities flowing to and through us

i know that life loves me an dit

is always working out for me
i love that ig et to

celebrate life here and now
i love that i feel energized i love

feeling the energy of life flowing through me ilove
doing this work because it fels good
i love thatl ife is good
i love that we can order instacare

i love that the bills are paid
that the rent is paid!!!

that we have more than enough!!!

so graeufl to have more than enough
so grateufl life is good
so grateful god loves me that ig et to love

live and love my charmed life

grateful to be here to get to feel good
to get to like myself to
get to love myself to
get to feel good

to get to enjoy life to get to feel the

feeling right here and now
to get to feel the

feeling right here and now

so grateful i feel the feeling of god i feel
the feeling of connection with god

through my consciousness of my god self
i putll

i draw into my mind and feeling natuer
the very substance of spirite

this substace is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

my id

mind and feeling nature

the very substancce of spirit
this substance is my supply

thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

thus my consciosness of thep rese

presence of god within me is my supply

i’m focused i’m ready i’m god

i know that i am god and my only work
is to celebrate this truth to feel the
certaitnty of it and i’m so grateful i get to

so grateufl o

i get to feel the energy of god feel th flow
the flow of god the flow of god

i get to be god i know i am god and i am

celebrate that kknowledge
i celebrate feeling good i vele

celebrate feeling good i celebrate feel in

feeling god i know that i ma dnd

and i feel the feelig here and now

thank you thank you thank you thankyou
i love

that i know that i get to live my life fully so
grateful to live my life fully
to feel the flow right now to embracet hisd ay

lovet his day
so grateful fo

to lovet his day to feel this day
to celebrate this day
to love

to choose l
to love and feel loved by life so grateful i get to choose
it ig et to feel it i get to do the work i get to

do the work i get to

do the work

so grateful for all our accounts
so grateful our business is thriving
so grateful i love my life that i made for myself

and the only thing i can ever do is live

lead by example

so grateful for this flow
for this in an out

and out so grateflf or this in and out

grateful to know

to wake up feeling good
feeling like its going to be a good day
so grateful i get to wake u to my beautiful wifey

so grateful the cover is done
so grateful for our little print shop
so grateful for this day
this good day that i know is going to be a good day
so grateful for all that i WANT to do

so grateful to love and feel loved
to love this day
to love this day
this spring cleaning to know that imbolc is only 1 week away!!

so grateful for this day for this focus
so grateful for our new toys so grateful i love
them so grateful for this good day
filled with so much pastability

so grateful we dont havet o cook
that dinner is madeand
its going to be good
so grateful

for our classes
for our printers for our love
for our OF shoorts

so grateful for family who loves me
for a city that i love i do love it here
so gratefulf or a life that i love

for good books that love for the
kindle app

so grateful for this love for this love
for this good feeling life so grateful for this good feeling life

so grateful for faire
for all our orders and our shops

i love our shops

success feels like talking to our fans and our shops all day

success is fielding being tagged insto

stories alld ay

success is buzz about our work
and how good it is
so grateful our work is good

so grateful i love it

so grateful for this day for this day for this moment
for this feeling

i’m here and i feel good
so grateful to wek up

wake up feeling good to feel inspired to make the work
i can always make

good work i can always attract good ideas i know that
life just keepss flowing
i know that life just keeps flowig i’m

i’m here to do the focus work to fo

to focus that is the work the focus
is the only work and i love that i know thsi
i love that i know this

the focus is the only wrk
i love that ‘m feeling myself
i love the feeling of loving myself

of liking myself
of being into mysle
f o

of wanting to do the things that feel good

grateful to do this work
to get this day

for all that i have
for all that is working for all the blessings in my life
so grateful for all the blessings in my life

so grateful for all the blessings in my life

so grateful for the here and now
for the possibilitie
so grateful for the momentum
gathering so grateful

our books are on the rise so grateful for this work
for the only work
so grateufl
for the only work

for the flowing work sog rateful
for the yes work the yes work the ina and out work
the breath in and out

the yes work the focus work the god work
feeling the god self remembering the god self
allowing the god self

so grateful to be here to know the truth of life to know the gt
truth of life

so grateful to know the truth of life to know the
feeling of life to knwo the flow of life

to know the truth of life the magick of life
so grateful to knwo the tm

the magick of life so grateful to know the magick
of life and celebrate iit today

so grateful i have so much
to be grat

grateful for so grateful i have so
much to be rat

grateful for so grateful for this amazing life

so grateful to feel energized
to want to do thisng

things to feel linsp

inspired so grateful to do this work theo nly work
so grateful to do this

workt he only work so grateful to feel this flow to feel this
flow to want to do this work to enjoy this life so

grateful to enjoy life to enjoy thismoment
to know this moment to be this moment

my inner supply instantly and sto

consstatnly takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires and as the principle of supply in action
it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires

i love that i get to enjoy life i love that life
is good for me i love that life is good i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose how if eel i get to choose ot jump

into life get to choose to jump into this work get
to choose to jump into this work
so grateful to get to hoose

choose so grateful to get to feel good to get to focus
to get to enjoy this day
so gratefl to et

get to enjoy this dasy

so grateful for this day
to get to feel good to get to

enjoy my charmed life to get to enjoy my

charmed life so grateful to get to enjoy
my charmed life so grateful to

get to enjoy my charmed life
to get to enjoy all that is so good in my life
to just be grateful fo

so grateful to feel grateful
to get to live this life right now
to know that life is the journey and ig et to

celebrate it right now
i know that life is a journely


so grateful for this journey of life
so grateful for this journey
of life

so gratful i get to enjoy life today
i get to enjoy life today
and life gets to enjoy me

i know the feeling of life and that is all i need
and i’m grateful to be here inside
the feelign of life

living it

so grateful to get to do my work
so grateful i have work that i love

so grateful i know that i will always
be taken care of

so grateful to be here

to feel inspired to feel the energy flowing through me so
grateful to feel life flowing through me to feel inspireid to fee li

life so grateful to be here focusing feeling
the energy of life so grateful to feel inspired

so gratefult o feel inspired to feel the energy of life to
feel the enegy
of life

so grateful to feel energized to love myself
today to love this day today to feel good today to feel the
feeling to be aware of how i feel so grateful
to feel energized!!

so grateful to be here now to feel the work flowing through me so
gratefult o feel the flow flowing through me
so grateful to feel the

energy of life right here and now
so grateful i get to
feel good i get to feel good ig et to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to feel good

so grateful i get to feel good i get to feel
the flow flowing through me i
get to feel life flowing through me
i get to feel ife

life flowing through me i get to
feel i get to be i get to feel i get to be i get to feel
i get to be so grateful to get to
be here to get to be here doing this work feelign this feocu

feeling the eerngy
energy of life flowing through me

grateful i get to feel the flow
i get to feel good ig et to feel the flow
i get t

i get to be the god i know i am
i love that i know ths i love that i know this i love
that life knows this i love that

life knows this i love that
i get to i love that i
get to live i love

that i get to feel good get to feel this flow
get to do this work want to do this work
so graetful for

for this day t
o get

to get to do this work

i’m here i’m here i’m here

i’m winning

so grateful to be winning
so gratefu lit

it just doesn’t matter so
grateful i get to like myself
get to love myself
get to make the choices that feel good

get to choose to feel good about my choices
and that’s all there is
how i choose to feel
so grateful to get to choose to feel good today
to celebrate this day
to feel the flow
flowing through me on this day
so graetful to

get to enjoyt he day
to not have to cook today

so grateful i’m here
so grateful for hot coffee so grateful for energy

so grateful for our new toy!

and that we got to get instacart!

so grateful last year was our best yar
and that feeling is the secret so grateful to know that feeling is the
secret f

so grateful for all our abundance
that i get to feel good in this worl d
i get to celebrate life in sthi

this world that i get to direct love int his world

so grateful i get to feel good i g

i get to be me i get to me

be me
i get to be me

grateful to feel energized
grateful for this moment
to get to do the work
to get to wa

wake up feeling good to get to wake up feeling good
to want to get up so graefl
grateful to get to feel good

to get to feel good today
get to

to get to feel life to get to feel
the energy of life
flowing through me today i get to feel it
ig et to feel the god self ig et to

to feel the god self to get to feel the
god self to get to feel the god self to get to feel the god self

to get to
be god right now

here and now to get to feel the feeling and know
the feeling is all there is the feeling

is all there is the feeling is all there is

i’m here feeling the feeling
i am the feeling

i’m here feeling the feeling i’m here feeling the feeling
i feel the feeling feel the flow feel the

the flow of god feel it i feel it i feel the
energy of life i feel the good feelings of life

flowing through me
the certainty the knowing
the celebration the knowledge
the energy the divine
buzz i feel the
divine buzz
i feel
the authentic gratitude

thank you thank you thank you thank you
for this moment in time forever

for everything i have for everything that is
for the motivation
so grateful for the motivation

so grateful that life works for me
that life works for me

so grateful for life for the flow of life
for the flow
of life

flowing through me the flow of life

flowing through me the
flow of life

flowing through me i am it i am life i know i’m always
doing my best and i never havet o wond

to wonder i know that god

is on the case so grateful i know
i get to feel it i know ig et to feel it so grateful

to get to feel it
to get to feel the flow
to get to feel the god self to get
to feel the god self

here with me so grateful i
get to feel it i get to feel the

certainty of it

so gratefl for this day to just be

so grateful to feel good
to feel energetic
to get to live so grateful to get to live
to get to experience

to get to create

to get to love and feel loved
to get to celebrate this day

to get to celebrate this day

i’m here

so grateful to be here to want to ddo this to feel focused
so grateful for this day and to actually get up before my alarm!!

i’m here and i’m so grateful i want to be
so grateful to wake up feeling good to want to wake up
to want to get up and start the day
so grateful for easy messes

for our ipad that is coming!!
for a sliver of blue sky
for the will to continue
for the will to go on to feel good tod ay
to feel resolved today

to like myself today to feel like i can like life again today
so grateful to be here

with fresh
hot coffee

so grateful to be here to be keeping up with my patterns
with the things that make me feel good that help me feel good
that help bring the good feeling to the top

so gratefl for keke water

so grateful for this day this moment
so grateful for everything that i have and knowing that

it’s all me it’s all me its what i make it
is the feeling i bring to it its what i give to life
and i knwo this i knwo ths through life experience
and i’m so grateful i know that all ic an do is
just enjoy just enjoy life right now

just enjoy life right now
that’s all i can do is feel good now
all i can

do is feel good now feel good now

i’m here and i’m grateful so
grateful life already worked out for me

i already made it so grateful i know i already made it
and i get to act as if so grateful i love i love my life

so grateful i gru

truly love my life
that i get to feel good get to feel the
flow flowing the

get to feel god here now get to read

so grateful to live me

to do me to live life how i want to live
to choose how i want to live
to do me to do the things i want to do

to live my life accordinglingy

to llive how iw ant to life

to live to live fully how i want and if you dont like it
oh well

so grateful to do me to be me

here and now

so grateful for this here and now

to feel good here and now
to feel good here and now

so grateful to feel good here and now
to feel good here and not to feel god here and now

so grateful to be back on it to feel good
that the feeling always returns and all you can do is be patient

grateful to be here doing this work
remembering who i am and how i want to live

that i get to live fully so grateful that today
i gt t

get to live fully get to get them ost of out

out of my life and celebrate this moment
to send love

to love and feel loved and i know that is
all i can do

so grateful to be back to it
that i can do it that it feels good to
be here

so grateful to do me to take the time
to make the time

so grateful its not my problem

your time crunch isn’t my problem
you pressing me 24/7 is not my problme


practically want to take longer because you are pressing me
and its so fucking annoying i can’t stand being pressed

but at least i get to do me today
get to live how i want to live and i get to feel good

no matter what i get to feel good i get to feel good
and i get to do me
i get to stand up for me and what i want

i get to choose hwa ti want
i get to live how i want

i get to live how i want
today i am brave enough to
enjoy life
i am brave enough to enjoy life

so grateful to feel empowered to feel and

remember the power of me to feel empowered by
by the me i know i am to feel empowered
by life becausee i get to live

so grateful i get to live
and i get to choose how i feel

i am brave enough to love
to direct the feelign i am

i am brave enough to direct the feeling
i am

brave enough to use my time how i want to i am
brave enough to choos me

to choose me to feel

to choose my

the fullness of me to choose the feeling
of me i am brave enough to choose the feeling of me

to choose the feeling of me

i get to choose the feeling of me
i am brave enough to jump into it
to jump into feeling good to

celebrating every moment
to really livng

i’m here
i’m here

i’m here in my power and i feel it
i feel that there was a dip and now i’m on the rise again

i feel that i am
again on the rise and it ;fee

it feels good it feels good to love life
to love this here and now
to feel empowered

to feel grateful

so grateful i get to feel grateful today
that i get to feel good today
that i feel good and i get to milk that feeling

that ig et to feel good today
that i get to love this day
that i get to allow this day to love me

that i get to savor the omment
of wanting to go on my pcompuer again

just for fun
and i’m savoring it because its what i wanted to
do so

grateful to be doing me
focusing on what i want and how i want to feel
and knowing that this

that is all there is

focused on me and tha’ts all ther eis

even though i don’t want to do this

i know that it always helps it alwas works and
it brings structure to mylife
at the vvery least it brings structure to my life
and helps me remembe that i have so much to be grateful for
that i am able

feel my power despit circumstantces
that i amnot in control of what happens but how i feel about it
i’m always

able to feel i’m always able to feel
and i knotice
that i’m feeling better and tat’s aok

i come here to feel the focus and i feel
the focus returning i come here to feel really

that’s all it really is i come here to feel
to feel through it to talk through it to proccess it
and to feel it and really i dont want to talk
much about my problems

more about how much i have to be grateful for
how i intend to open my eyese

to all that is right in front of me to be grateful
for i have so much to live for sso much to appreciation
so much to love so much
love to flow through me i have so much love

to give

i have so much love to give and that weil

will always be there so grateful i know
so grateful to be here to feel u t
up to this to feel the feeling of knowing that everything passes

it always passes
so grateful i know this so grateful i know this
that i get t

i can still feel good ic an still live
life goes on u
you pick up the pieces

i’m here and i feel the flow
i am i am i am i am

i am living it feels good to get back to the work the only
work and this is the work that matters to me this is
the only work and only when i’m doing this work

do i feel right to

do i feel in tuen wi

tune with life to

do i feel at ease i feel more at ease when i’m keeping
up with the work with the feeling work with the
focus fowrk t

with the remembering who ia m waork with the allowing work
with the feeling work i am allwed to feel it
i feel it

fullyi feel it fully

i’mhere doing thiw

this work and it feels good to be back

it feel sogod
good to be here and now it feels good to
be here and now it feels good it

feels good to be back to the work to who i am
to wo

who i am to living fully ic an stil live fully
and i know that i can up

put that love into everything in my life
i know that it happens to everyone and it

its just the way it is i know that life
is still going life still loves me
and my control in

is in my letting go in my allowing
in my allowing in my allowing

i’m here now doing the work
and for that i am proud

i’m here i’m alive and i am celebrating what i have
grateful for what i have

appreciating what ih ave every om

momnet appreciating what i have every oment
moment grateful for this day i get to live
grateful for this moment to appreciate

grateful for all i have to love
grateful for all i have to love that
there is so much to love

grateful there is so much to love

for so much to love so
grateful for

so much to love to love
so grateful for

so much to love
grateful to be back here doing this work
back here doing this work
back here doing this work

so grateful to be here to feel my resiliance
to have ways of coping of knowing that time always helas

heals knowing that i can always align with the other side of the
wave that i get to choose love and reverence no matter what

grateful to be here feeling good feeling the flow of well being v

feeling the flow of well being

feeling the flow
of well being feelign the flow feeling energized by life
so grateful to be here energized by life

grateful to be here doing the work
the only work the flow work the good work the
good feeling work and
so grateful that i get to feel good

so grateful i that i get to feel good
that i get to feelthis flow the god self

that i get to just be that i know hi

i hever have to do anything

beside just be

i’m here and i did it
i’m here i did the owrk
i did my writing and it feels good

just to feel all i can do is feel
and accept whatever is there
whatever comes as onl

long as i allow myself to feel and dont try to push it waas

aways i can do

ic an do anything i can feel it and its ok
i can feel it and its ok

i’m grateful for thet ime time we had all the
good times we had and i can
tell that i’m also nostalgic
for times gone
for how fast life goes for the years that flew by
where did they
go where did they god

i’m here and i did it and that’s all that matters
an di will always have her with me
the love she enabled me to feel

all the fun we had all the love we had
how she was my best friend

she always will be and i know it was me
that decided that
it was me that deiceed
decidded to give that and that was what
was tr

returned in now that
that i can give that love and devotion to anything in y

my life
to everything in my life and that is what i intend to do