i can do this i can

do this i can face my feelings i can face myself i can go
i actually feel pretty good today
and i’m accepting it i miss her so much
but as

sadly life goes on it just goes on three’s nothing
you can do besides accept it
so gratefult o feel good today
i can feel good and still miss her

i can miss her and still feel good

i can pick the work back up any time and
tis al

its always here its always the same
and i can still direct my love

she helped me learn how to direct my love she
helped me learn how to love she helped me
learn the capacity i have for love
she helped me

learn how to show that love
helped bring that love fother

i’m here and i feel good i allow myself to feel i allow myself
to feel and that’s all i can do

all i can do is allow myself to feel

so grateful for this day

grateful for this day
grateful for this day
and abelt o

able to allow whatever happens so grateful to allow
to allow to allow
so grateful for this day to do the work and just live today
i get to lie


i’mhere i’m here doing the work and that’s all i can do
is be present and enjoy life in

in this here and now in thi

all i can do is radically accept

the here and now the focus in the here and now
all i can do is be here now all ic an do is

be here now all ic an do is
be here now that’s all there is that’s all there is that’s all there
is and i don’t care what happens i love that
i get to choose

i gt to choose how i feel where i focus
and if i am present

that’s all it comes back to
is if i am present and i know ic an always
be present no matter what

i’mhere and doing this work
the focus work and this is all that mtt

matters setting the stage
starting the day off right rememberig who i am
and that’s all i can ever do

that’s all i can ever so

do is remember who i am that’s all
i can ever do

and i knwo i’m doing my best i’m

i know i’m always goind doing my best i’m enjoying this day
i love this day
i love this day
i love this day

i love that i get to feel good
get to feel this day get to enjoy t

this day get to wake up feeling good
and didn’t even have to do the messes
get to love my pony and spend time with her

get to enjoy this day
get to live this day fully
for me get to focus in the present in the here and now

get tofocus within myself and know

i feel good i feel good today i’m loving this day
and nothing can stop me nothing can stop me from having fun
nothing can sto me

stop me nothing is my reason i d

i refuse to suffer todayi refuse to suffer
and it feels good today i

today ihave i have fun i get to have tun today
i get to do the work and enjoy the day
todayi know everything
will unfold perfectly

today i refuse to duffer

suffer today i do me and feel good and enoy
enjoy life and the rst follows

so grateful for this day for this feeling for the flow
flowing so gratefulfor the
the flow flowing the

flow flowing through me the god self
the present self
is the god self the ai

the i am
the prsent self is the ai

the i am i know this i know this
so grateful i get to live it

so grateful i get to live it get to
live the feeling get to live the feeling
get to live the feeling

because i am the feeling
get to live the feeling because iam the feeling
get to choose to love my life
enjoy thid dya

this i get to enjoythi

this day and i trust whatever happens i m
here an dnow an

and whatever happens happens

i love this day and i love that
i get to live it for me

i love this day and i know that whatever happens is perfect
i get to feel good and that’s

al li can

all i can ever do
get in the feeling place and allow the
rest to follow
get in the feeling place and the

i know this i know this i know thi i

i know this
i know this

i know this

i’m here i’m here and i get to feel good
get to celebrate this day
if i don’t want to do something

i don’t have to!!

today i can do whatever i want to do
and it doesn’t matter

i get to feel joyful and trust the flow
i get to feel joyful and trust

everything that is i love that i
get to i

i love that i get to feel good
get to feel good get to feel the flow
get to feel joyful get to love
and feel loved get to

embrace this day
get to get the most
out of this day

i love where iam
i am right now and i love this day
i love that this day
this energy is always on my side

i love that i know this energy is always
on my side and i can always

trust the energy of life no matter what
so gh

the energy helps me the flow lfo
of life helps me and i love doing this work

feeling good feeling the feeling of it and letting it

feeling the relief of it reel

feeling the relief of it knwoig that it
will happen it always doesn and

i dont have to make it a big deal
i cn

can just sink in and feel it all i can sink
in and feel it all

i feel good i feel good i’m tapped in

i know the feeling of tapping in
of focus of choice

of devotion to the present momet
devotion to the knowledge i know the feeling
of it and it feels good

to connect to release the reast and

just choose
the freedom
the release of allowing this moment to
just be n

just this moment
not what i will or waon’

won’t do later

today i get ot just
enjoy the day

today i get to enjoy the day
today i get to enjoy the omemtn
get to be the oment
get to remember who ia m

that i a mthe moment
today i don’t have to feel bad

or resist

i kno wthat life is perfect and i can

get to choose the feeling i get ot
choose teh feeling of life the feelign of c

connection the feeling of presence

so excited for this lovely day

so grateful to wake up feeling good
ready to do the work to be present
and i know that i’m more andmore conscious
every day about how i feel and the

agency i have over my emotions
i know what it measn to be
be present and that is my

source and my supply

my presence is my source and my supply
and i know that i know its just that simple

when i’m here now is when i’m in my power
an di have the power to decide the power to tell life
and i know ive done it so many times and
seen the evidence right then

i know that i just tell life
i tell the story and then it is i tell the story
and then it si

so grateful to wake up feeling good
feeling energized ready to take on the day
excited to take on the day

to focus on the work to feel good in the work
to love the work to know that everything always happens
int he perfect timing
to trust thep erfect

the perfect unfolding of things
and immeser

immerse myself
anchor myself in the prsent moment

that’s all there is
that’s all there is

this moment all there is
and i know this moment is my power

some call it god beut
but its just the prstn moment
its all there is and its all the power
the pwerso

personal power its all my person powr here and now

so grateful for the energy of this day
to wake up feeling good feeling the flow of life
seeing improvement
seeing what i want to see

choosing what i want to see and
then seeing it i love that
i get to i love that
i get to

so grateful to be here on this day
to feel good to feel excited to
to feel excited about life and all that i get to expereince
to get to feel excited about this dasy

to get to have a good day to get to feel love to choose
the feeling of love right now
to choose to love this day
to choose toembra

embrace this day knowing its a good day
i know its a good day i know its a good day

i know today is a good day and i love
waking up feeling good i lov that its on the mend i love that its alawys paw

passes i love that she’s tre

tearing up her snack food
i love that i woke up knowing it was going to be a good day

i love feeling energetic i love feeling good i love that
i know i can do it that the resistance is the pain

i love feeling tapped into the moment
knoiwn ghte power of me knowing tha ig et to

to keep choosing it ig et to keep choosing the pwoer of me

so grateful for this day
that i get to love that i
get to feel good that i get to choose love
and presence instead of projecting myself out of the now

i will address this moment this
here and onw that

and taht’s it

that’s aho wi
how i get my energy i k

i love that i know the secret to life i know the secret to life

and can relax i the

in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be wawre of the flow
the read

radiation of creative energy which is continuously
and effortelessly pouring forth from y

my divine sonc

consciousness i am now aware i am now in the flow

i know that this work is all there is the feelign is
all there is and as long as i

i am in the feelig that ishow life
is and i love that i know that that i get to live it i lvoe that
i get to live the truth of life

i know that tis all in tehair

i know that its all in the air
and i am the powerful creator slash

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the

activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awre of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awre of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i love the feelign of knowing this
i love the feeling of knwoing this

of knowing the secret to life
of knowing i write the story
of celebrating the truth of life
that i am endlessly provided for and cared for

i love that i know this and get to resonate with this
i love that i get to embed myself in the moent
and allow the rest to unofld

i am in thsi moment
i am in this moment

no ia m writing and enjoying it
now i am enjoying this moment i am in

knowin ghtatht

the future always comes at the perfect time

i know the secret to life and can realx
relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternallly operating in my life

my inner supply
instantly and constatnly takes on form
and experience according to my needs and desires

the feeling is the secret the
feeling of knowing this is what allows it
what creates it what allows me to be a match to it

so grateful to get to celebrate this day
knowing this knowledge

the divine presence I AM
is the source and the substance of all my good~!

thank you for this day

grateful to wake up feeling good
grateful to wake up excited to do the work
exactly as i prepaved

excited to
see the work unfold to see everything in the
air unofld and i know that is my power
i know its in the air
and as long as you dont think to
much about it
its always there
if you look for it

its gone
if you turn toward it
you push it away

so grateful for this day and pony on my lap

so grateful for evidence of improvement

so grateful for the flow

for evidence of improvement
so grateful

i’m exicted to do the work
grateful to

wake up excited to do the work
to remember the feeling of thew ork and that
i always have access to it

that its always in the air that it is

the air

so grateful to know that
so grateful to know that i
can always do the work and the work feels so good

that i am the sourcce of that feeling
i was always the source

it was never anything outside of me
its always been me

i love that i feel good get to feel good
get to feel the flow get to choose me get to choose m

i get to choose me
get to chooe the flow
of me the

i’m here and i’m focused in the air

i’m here

i am i am i am laughing i am having fun

i get to feel good no matter what
and that is my power i love that i
get to feel good i love that i get to feel the flow hat
i w

woke up ready to do the work
and i love the work because its fun
and it feels good and ti

its all there is

so grateful to get to feel good
and hold on to that feeling to get to feel good
to get to feel good

so grateful that life is good
that i get to feel good get to feel
the flow of life
flwoing th

through me get to love get to love life get to love where i am

get to choose to be excited about the day
choose teh focus i’m here foxued
focused on the god self

present i the moemnt self
and that’s the same thing
the proximity to god
is the proximity to the moment

to the unidvidied mind

to the i am

i am the i am
and that’s all i can do t

that’s all i can do is be the ai am
i am

i am that i am

i am that i am i am that i am

i am undiivided

and that’s all there is i am


that’s all ther eis and that

is the feeling of returning to god
returning to center

its the feeling of presence of leavig the past and the
future and rejoining the power of now

the power of now is all it is
the power of now is all it is

i know the power of now
the power of me the power of god

all in thsi a

in the same and its just teh story
you tell its just teh story
you tell and i get to choose the story
i tell i love that
i get to i love that i get to
that its th

all of life is water
and i get to choose teh

how the crystals form
i am here now i am here now in the moemnt
and i know this is sall ther eis

the feeling of

release in the moment is all ther eis a

all my liife all my work led to this moment

i am here i am presen i am here i am present

and i celebrate this feeling this feeling of being here now
i am here i am persen

present i am her ei

and present i this here and ow
i feelt he feeling of it
the certainty of it

and i have the courage to jump into it
i have the courage to feel good

i am brave enough to join the power of the moment

i am bravve enough to be
the power of the moment

i am the moment i am god i am the momne
tna di love that ig et to feel the energy of it

i know it si so

so well i know this energy so well and i know that
connecting with this energy is my only wor

no matter what else happens i can always

connect to this energy of the here and now

i am this energy of the here and now
i can always feel charged up
;with the knoweldge
just by returning to the prsent

i know this is true and so i do this work
becuase it works i lik

i woke up ready to do thw
the work and i can feel myself to anything i love that
i get to feel myself to it i love that i
get to ccelebrate

right now no matter what i love that ig et to his day to feel good i get to feel good today

i get to feel good toeay

i get to feel good today!!

i get to feel good today and that’s all there is
i get to ask myself
what do i prefer??

what is the version i prefer

and i get to live it i get to live it
i get to be that energy and live it

what do i prefer??

what do i prefer??

and i get to choose it i get to choose
to love and feel loved in this here and now

knowing that nothing else exists that
i can always bring the feeling to this here and now

i can always choose teh present moment
i can always choose god

and i love that this day
i get to do the work of cummning

communing with god and the present

god is teh present

i lovet his day

i love that i know the work works the works

the work works you take the time to think about what you DO want


so grateful for this day for me
for the power of me

life can be easy life is easy when you allow it to be
and i’m so gratefl for my journaling that reallyehlps me

so grateful i get to choose to love and
be loved to love and be loved

i love waking up feeling good i love
when its easy i love that i l
life can be so easy when you let it
i love that life is good today i love that

today life is good i love tat

that i get to decide ti
i love that i get

don’t even have to decide that its’ here and now
and its easy i love that i know its easy
life is esay for

for me in this here and now life
is easy for me i n

this here and now i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to look for

evidence of improvement
i love that i feel good now that i get to do the work
to crate

create the version i prefer
that i can jus

choose joy right now i love that
i get to choose joy right now

get to choose on the bus
get to float downstream

get to place my attention and all of thos
techniques really do work

i’m so excited for this day
so gratefkul for this day so ready for this day

so able

to place my attention
the courage to be happy the courage to change
the self worth to change the self worth to be happy

i have the courage and self worth to be happy
so grateful i knwo i get to choose i get to choose

to feel how i want to feel to see life how i want to see it
to give love the way i want to give it
to give love the way i want to receive it

so grateful for this day
to wake up feeling good to get to focus
so grateful to get to focus
to get to feel to

good to get to feel the flow of life
to get to have good dreams to get to love to t
get to have a good day to

renounce my humanhood

today i renounce my humanhood

i feel good i feel focused i feel clear headed i feel knwoing

i feel the power of the switch
of the flip

the transmutation i love hat
i get to feel the poweer of it i love that
i get to feel the power of it

the power of life flowing through me i love that
i am

conduction i love that its the new moon
i love that i get to feel good i love that
life loves me i love that
i afeel good no matter what i love that

i love my life i love that there is so mcuh

much to love i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love that tis e

its effortless i love that i kow that i can
absorb whatever happens i love that i know life is good
i love that i get to cchoose it i love our morning s

i love that life is good i love that i am lovedi love
that there is so mu;ch to

to love i love that
i got lucky i got lucky so grateful i got so lucky

i’m here and i’m conducting and i love the feeling
of turning it wrou

around of making the choice
of choosing the focus
choosing to focus on the verrsion i prefer
and knowing tis that


so grateful to feel empowered today
to make the choice for the version i prefer that
i get to celebrate life and be grateful for what i hve

so gratefulfor what i ahve

so grateful to get to choose to
get to chose teh
version i prefer

so grateful ig et to ch

to enjoythis day
get to feel good get ot fele god

get to be god

get to be god

i love that i get to i love that i get to be here now
get to conduct right now and i love that its

that easy i love that its eas

that easy i love that i knw life

loves me

i get to feel good i get to feel focused i get to feel
the flow

i am god i get o fele

get to know god get to know god get
to know the secret to life to understand it to k

understand how life works so
grateful i get to

get to allow life to flow through me
get to celebrate life

get to celebrate every molecule of god
so grateful i knwo the truth

that all ic an eer

ever do is realx

relax into tlife
all i can ever do is relax into life
and that is my


i feel good i feel good and i’m riding

it feels good to feel good to wake up
feeling good to be awre

of how much

i can affect my own life
my own life experience

so grateful to get to choose it
to get to feel energized to get to feel life
flowing through me
so grateful i get to

i get to feel the flow of life i get to celebrate the flow of life
i get to celebrate this day

i am
i am conduction

an d

it feels so good
to allow theeneryg
of life to flow through me
knowing that life

is always perfectly flowing through me
and i am not separate from any of it

i am it

i am htis
moment i am this experience

it is me

all of this moment is me
that is all i am or will ever be

i love doing to work and i know that

it always passes and i always get to choose how i feel
today i feel good and i’m grateful for that

i feel good and i’m grateful for that
grateful to e h
to be here doing this work

i feel good and i come here to practice
to remember presence and that’s all it is in
simple terms i love that i know this i lov ethat
i know life ican be so ismple

when you let it when i let it i love that i love
doing this work t
hat it works i love that i know that life

is magick i love that i know i love that

accepted it i ilove that i know that

i don’t care what happens i love the
better it gets and i don thave to care what happens

i’m here and the presesnt moment and i feel good about it
i feel good about this day i feel the
energy flowing to and through me in the prsent moment

i just accept it and dont fight against it

i just accept it i sink into it i sink into it

i sink into it i sink into

i knwo we’ere doiing our best and that’s
all we can do and i lov that i fel

feel good today so

thank you for this day for
feeling good in this moment and remembering that is
literally all there is i love that

it sjus

its just that simple i love that its just
that simple and i get to choose how i feel i love that i get to choose
how i feel and i dont even have to choose

just be and then any emotion
just is

theres not judgement attached to it
so it doesn’t hurt

its just that easy and i’m so graerful
for this day to enjoy this day
to feel good int his day

so grateful to feel good now
to feel the energy now to feel energetic

so grateful to be here in this infinite now
to expand to fill this infi

this infinite now so grateful that is my only job
my only work my only work my only work

so grateful i can realx in this knowledge
i can relax in this knowledge

so grateful i gte to to know to know that
the feeling is the secret the feeling is the secret
and i know that i get to choose how i feel
by expanding to feel

fill this moment
not shirking away from it
but expanding to fill it and i love that i
get to i love that i get o

i love that ig et to feel good today i
that i get to enjoy the day
say thank you for the day

be grateful for every moment

so grateful i get to be grateful for every moment
that iw ant to be her ethat i enjoy being
here that i enjoy my life
an di’m grateful
to get to live it

i get to look for signs of
i get to choose i get to choose how i feel right now

i get to choose i

and i’m so grateful to wake up feeling
good to be able to face it
today i can face it

today i can face it
today i

can face it
today i can face it

today i can face it today
i can face it

i can face it i can face it
i can face it

i feel good today i feel the flow today i feel the
flow flowing i feel the feeling of yes i

feel the feeling of yes i feel the
feeling of yes

i am yes i am the moment i am love
i am re

the release i am


and that’s it i just am and i’m so graetful to
know that

this that i get to live an embodied life

that i get to live a full life

so grateful i get to
i get to so grateufl ig et to

so grateful i get to i get to

to know the feeling is the secret and i feel
it i feel it right now and i

all i can do is celebrate all i can do is
celebrate alll that i have

all the love ive gotten to feel
be grateful for all that is

and so grateful for all that is
all that

i’ve gotten to feel all that i’ve gotten to texp

to experence in this trip and i’m so grateufl
i get to feel it get to know it get to know it

so grateful i get to know i

get to know it
so grateful i get to know it
ii ge tto

i gt to

to know it
so grateful i get to know it

so grateufl i knot eh

i know the truth i know the truth
and i get to live it i know the truth
and i get to live it
i know the truth and i get to live it

i ilove that i dont’ have to care

because i dont care what happens i love that
i dont have to ccare what happens

so grateful to wake up feeling good
and like i can facce the day like i can

face the world so g
rateful ig et to feel it to

so grateful to feel it to feel like i can fsace

face life to feel like i dont care what

i love that i get to feel good no matter what
today because that is my natral

natural state and

whatever happens
i can absorb it
and i love that i know this i know the
feeling of life and i have felt
it so many times

feel it so regulrarly

and i consider myself blessed because i know the
power of me that i am

powerless the power
is to realize that you are powerless

that is life’s true power and i knw that i have found
it i love that i get to choose to observe life however i choose

so grateful for this day

for the change to
chancce to make the cohice
so grateful to make the choice and then it
is to choose to be ok with everything that is

so grateful forth
this day to feel better to

feel the pain to sink into the pain
to sink into the pain
to feel the pain to

face the pain in this here and now and thatis
that is life so gratefl i know the secret to life

so grateful to be here and feel good
to wake up feeling good to get to
go to bed feeling good because i want
was right

the method i tired wor

i tried worked and i know its working
i knowt is wo

it’s working i already know
i already know the

the pain is the resistance
the pain is the resistance
and it make slife

life so easy
so grateful i get to feel it get to focus
here and now
and feel this feeling celebrate this feeling
of eel

feeling good today today i get to feel good
today i get to feel the flow
geet to feel the flow of life
today i get to feel good and i’m so grateful fo

to feel good i get to feel it
i get to

decide it i get to decide to feel good i loee that
i knwot his i love that i

it is easy i love that it already is

i love that it already is

i get to deicee
decide and i get to celebrate
so grateful to celebrate this here and now this flow
this feeling so grateful to get to feel good now
to get to celebrate right now

celebrate how i feel right so
grateful to enjoy the day
to celebratet he day

the day that i get to live i get to be alive
i get to experience this day i get to feel good i get to feel good aboutt he day
ig et to feel good i get

to feel good i get to feel good ig et to feel good i get to

feel good now ia m focused and i get to feel good
get tallowt his

to allow this day to flow
through me t

get to celebrate this day
get to readically

gratful for thi day
so gmuhc

so so so much to be gratful for

so so so
much to be grateful for and i love that i get to

i’m allowing i’m allowing i’m allowing the
flow of well beign and that’s all there is
i love that

get to choose i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose get to choose the
flow the flow of well being
get to choose the flow

get to choose god get to choose

feeling good because i want to
so grateful for this day and that i feel good
taht’s all there is is
how i feel and i feel good!!!

it’s working
its’ on the mend its getting better
its no big thing i m so grateful for
everything that is!!

i’m here now doing this work andi’m focused

i was able to change my vibration and then
it changed

because the worka wlays works the work
always works

just accept just accept everything that is
and be presnt and
look for what you want to see

i love that i knew and then it was i love that
there is so much to celebrate i love that
i knowanything

is possible with god
with source energy with presence

i love that i feel source energy flowing through me
i love that i look forward to the pain of class

of going outside my comfort zone
of working of feeling good in my body
of making the choice to feel good in my body
and enjoy life

today i make the chocie to enjoy life

to keep enjoying life
and that’s all i can o

do is celebrate this day
i love that all i can do is
celebrate this day

i feel good today and i’m celebrating it

celebrating the feeling of god within me
i’m grateful for the feeling of god within me
i know that it always comes back around

i’m celebrating today becaus i feel good
i feel optimistic

i feel good todayi feel good today
and i’m so grateful

i’m so grateful to feel good so grateful to go
to life so grateful to knwo that its always possible to feel good

i feel good so im sinking into it!!

and feeling good helps me feel focused
i knwo that anything is possible with god i know i get to feel the
feeling rightn ow

i get to milk the feeling right now
get to celebrate the feeling right now

i celebrate it and im so grateful
i knew

i kenw and then it was

i knew and then it was and i’m so grateful
i’m so grateful i know that i get to c
hoose so
grateful life is good and life
is always on my side

i get to feel good today!!

i get to celebrate today!!

i get to lovet his monday!!


i’m here
milking the feeling of feelig good
of having energy of feeling good aboutl ife

feeling a lust for life
just so gratefult of eel good

thank you thank you thank you thank you

i love that ig et to feel it get to know it
get to know that life is on my side
and that whatever comes my way

i can never escept

escape the moment
so i dont even have to try!!!

and that’s relief

so grateful i know the secret to life

i have found the secret to life
and can relax i the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awre of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

what’s working

and its up to me where i focus its up to me
if i choose to be afraid or radically accept what is
its’ up to me if i want to radically accept what is
i get to choose how i feel and where i foxus

and even though its been hard to
get up and face it

i nkow that i can i know that i have the skills
i know that ha

i have the tools in my toolbox and that this is just
life is this the unfolding of life

it’s easy to focus on what’s working
you either choose to believe it or you dont and

does not believing it get you

its up to me to choose itsu p to me
to me to feel optimistic
its up to me to allow its up to me to allow

its up to me to say yes to say yes to what’s working its up
to me to feel it it a

to allow it to conduct the ne

energy its up to me to conduct the energy

it’s up to me where i place my focus
and today i’m focused on radicallly accepting everything that comes my way

i’m here and i feel good i feel good becdau

because i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel i get to choose how i feel and if
i sink into how feel then i feel better
because im not chasing it away
i’ accepting it i’m accepting it

i’m radically accepting every change that comes my
way i welcome it because i knw that
is the process of life i knwo the procsss of life
and i trust it i trust the process of life

it feels good to focus to feel the energy
to choose teh energy to allow the

energy to conduct the energy it feels so good
to conduct the energy
of me

so gratefulto be to be here doing this work
that i can always come here to feel good ic an always come here to feel good

so grateful for the sun!!!!
to wake p to the su

so grateful i know that life
experience teaches that this is life
and we wouldn’t want it any other way

i know that i get to choose and i dont have to expect the worst

i kept expecting the worst and it never was!!

i can just allow i can just allow life
to exist i can just allow i can ust allow

i can just allow life to flow through me saying yes
to all

everything that comes my way i love that i ge
t to enjoy this day i love that i get to feel this day
that i get to feel this day
that i get to feel this dasy

i’m here and i’m focused and that is
the energy of life

i accept and allow and that is the enegy of life

flowing through me so grateufl i get to choose it today
that i know it

always turns back around

i’m here and i’m accetping

i radical accept what is i accept life
i accept all that comes my way and im so grateful to be here getting to
do the work i get to do the work
i get to see the sun i get to

thrive no matter what i

as long as i can accept anything that comes
nothing can hurt me

so graetful to feel good to feel focused to feel the flow
flowing to feel the energy of life to feel the energy of life
to feel the energy of life

so grateful to do this work the
only work so grateful to do this work
the only work

i’m here and i’m focused and i’m tuing

tuning i come here to tune to remember how it feels to
release and allow to remember

how it feels to accept everything that some

comes to say yes to li

i’m here accepting and allowing i’m here allowing
life to flow through me i a

i am allowing all of life to flow through me
and i dont have to let it land on me

dont have to keep it insie me
just accept everything that is in this
here and now

in this here and now is all there is and as long as i’m
not focused on the past of rthe

or the future i can feel ok
i don tha

i dont have to thnk about the future i can
only ever think about right now

i can only ever think about right now

i can only ever think about

right now i can only focus in ths now i can only ever focus
in the fnow i can only focus in the now

grateful for the love i feel tr

grateful for all that love has brought me
so gratful for the love of my life
so gratful

to be grateful for what i have right now

to be grateful for what i have right now and that’s
all i can do

all i can do is be gratful for the
love i have right now
that’s all i can do i know that

feeling creates
i know that feeling creates
and i know i don tloo

lose anything from
feeling optimistic
from not dwelling
from allowing whatever is

to be

i know that i can choose to feel good i know that i can choose
to feel good i knwo that the solution is alwys ther ei know that

ic an walys
choose how i feel i know that i can choose how i

so grateful to feel ok today to feel ok today
and taht’s all i need

all ican do is be here now

i can choose how i feel i can choose gratitude
and that’s all there is

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose ho awi feel
i get to choose how if eel

i get to choose to radically accept
everything in this moment

it’s ok

i know i can always be present i know that i can always
just be

i can just be and i don thave to et
anything be my reason i don thave to t

i can just be and i know the power of the the
power of choosing to be present rather than

the power of choosing to be present
rather than dwell on waht may happen in the future

i get to focus here and now and just be

all ic an do is be all i can do
is be all i can do is bee

the most painful part i guess is that
i keep blaming myself thinking i could have done something more
or if only this that is the real pain
thinking its my fault and that i could have done better

appreciated more
given more cared more when i didn’t
paid more attention

guilty for past choices
things i didnt know then ways i diddn’t wee
feel then that iwis

i wish i had

but i know we did our best we did our best
that’s all we could do and i can’t change the past
and even if it was different
it wouldn’t change the now

its the way it goes its just tehw ay

the way it goes and i accept it i sink into it

i sink into it that’s all i can do is sink into
it sink into any feeling and allow it
allow life to take its course and that’s the real work

no matter what it is i’m allowing life to take its course

and i guess i’m afraid of being sad about it the
rest of my life

the memories huanting me
the regrets the guilt
the things i can never change

that i ddint even care about at the time
but in hindsight i can’t believe i didn’t and now
im mad at myself ofr something i can’t change

that wouldnt change the prse

but wishin i would have taken advantage when i could

when i had the chance

we still did our best
we were out there very day
with the door open
all day until class and then when we got home

it wasn’t that bad and we really tried

we did our best and its not something to dwell on
dont gind

find something to dwell on and choose how you ee
feel right now choose how i you feel right now

i don’t have to expect the worst
i don’t have to expect the worst

i can choose
how i feel

i get to choose i get to choose teh fous
and i knowt he

i knotice

i notice the difference in how i feel i knoticce
the difference in how i feel

i never have to expect the worst
and even if i’m prepared for it

i dont have to

i dont havet o i dont have to i dont
havet o i dont havet o epxect th

the worst and i can i dont have to expect the worst
and ic an i can

just be just be here and now just be in this
here and now this
here and now

i can just be

i can just accept what is
sink into it



the mysical law of cause and effect

it’s my choice its my choice
and this directing of the energy is so intergral

i’m so grateful to be here directing my energy
choosing how i want to feel right now
so grateflu li

get to choose how i feel i get to choose

how i feel how i cope i get to choose
to sink in i get to choose to say yes

i get to chosoe i get to allow i get to choose
i get to allow and i know

i kno wthat i can get through it
whatever it is
i will get through it and i know that so
i don thave to fear

i can just accept
and do whatever i can right now
whatever i can today

this work always works because it helps
me remember the secret of present
and reminds me that i always have that power

and that’s all it is is presence
in this moment
not leaving the moment to
think about ow

how some future might unfold
but just expanding to fill this moment
and i know that’s all i can ever do
and nothing else matters and i welcome
the feeling of knowing that nothing

else matters and all i can do is
be in this moment

all i can do is be in this moment all i can
do is be right here and now

all i can do

i sbe all i can do is be

all i can do is be here and now
and just allow just allow all that is
allow the ins and outs of life

allow the ins and outs of life
allow the ins and outs of life

and that’s all i can do is just be in there
in this here and now and know that it
always passes and then it’s


something else or
it isn’t

either way


i know that all i can do is
be i know

i know i know i know i know i know
i know i know i know

all i can do is be here now
all i can do

is be here now

all i can do is
is be here now that’s all i can do
and do i need to think this thought??

no i dont’

it’s as simple as that do i need to think aboutt his

this no
and thre’s nothing i can do right this second
and when there is

i can make the choice but right now
there’s nothing
i can DO

so all i can DO
is BE

all i can do is be here now

all i can do is
be here now all i can

is just be just expand to fill this moment
just be in this moment releae

everything else and if i expand to fill this moment
then i am it and i don thave to try to
escape it

i’m here

doing the focus work adn
and nipping the feeling in the bud right away i know i resist
everything they say but i dont have to
i can just say yes and it sthat easy
just say yes and its fun and easy
so grte

grateful to just say yes to not make it into a thing
and just do this ork the only work and its just that easy

this is the only work and i get to decide how i feel about it
how i feel is the

is what creates and i know that is fact
so i get to choose the version i create its all up to me!!!

its all up to how i feel and i m so grateful that today
i get to feel good and this works helps me
it helps instantly!!!

i get to feel good now and i get to ceelebrate
the day its so easy to start the day off right its so easy to feel good
to feel the flow flowing

i love that i get to do this work
that i get to


today i am conducting

i am allowing life to flow through me
and i am directing the

orchestra of life
the ddan

dance of life
the music of life
i am allowing the music of life

to sing through me!!!

i allow the music of life to sing
through me iam the music of life singing
myself and i lov that
i get to celebrat this knowledge!!!

i get to start the day off right i get to have a good attitude

i get to conduct!!!

today i get to conduct!!!

so grateful for this day
for the energy of this day
i am the creator of me i am
the ccreator of me i

i am the conductor of me

so graetful to get to celebrate this day
to get to ge

to get to enjoy this day
to get to diirect my energy first thing
to get to decide how i feel right now
and how i ‘m going
to feel this day

how i’m going to creae

create this day!!

so grateful for orders!!

i love wholesale orders!!

i love stripe!!

i love the path of least resistance

i love that its easy to choose the path of least resistance

and allow the horses to do it
allow the flow to do it i love that i
get to choose it i get to

enjoy the ride so grateful to get to

enjoy the ride!!

so grateful for this day
to get to enjoy to get to have tun

have fun to get to celebrate the day
to get to choose how i feel about it
and know that is

all there is to know that itsl a

all me i know that all of it iis me
and i get to choose how i feel about it and then that
is how it unfolds

i love this i lovet he power of the focus
i love that ig et to chosoe i love that i get to

choose the focus on celebration
the ce

focus on conducting

i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radation of creative energy
which is continusouly
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine conscciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am now aware i am now in the flow

continuously easily

i know and i know that life flo
follows that feeling so i can

i know that life follows that feeling

so grateful to get to create something
to get to have fun so grateful for all my projects i
get to do!!

so grateful life loves me so
grateful i get to choose so
grateful for the energy of life
flowing through me

so grateful for my ditt

kitties who love me!!

to gwan
wnat to get up each day
to tryly
tuly love

truly love how i get to live my life
the life we made i love the life we made
i love

waking up to orders i love that
we have a publishing date!!

i love that it will be fun and

so grateful we get to have fun!!

so gratful i know life loves me
so grateful for orders every day

so grateful er
we get to work out that i am

i get to be here i get to choose its only ever


its only ever me!!

and i get to celebrate nwoing
knowing this!!

i know its turns out great! because that’s what
i expect i love that i

i lovet hat i know this i love that i know this
i love that

i know this i love that
i get to
i lovet hat i get to

to choose i love that i get to feel the
flowt he flow

the god self

the radiation of creative energy
that is continuoysl
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware

i am now in the flow
i am now aware

i am now i nt he flow

the divine consciousess

that i am
is forever expressing
its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine

i’m here celebratiing life
celebrating this moment this here and now

this fabulous life!!

i’m celebrating my success i celebrate my succcess!!

i love the feeling and that i get to feel it
i love the feeling of not caring

of not being attached i lovet hat
i dont have to care what happens i love that
i don thave to

to care what happens i love that i
get to choose what happens based on what i expect to happen

based on how i feel and i knowt hat as long
as i chooseh ow i feel then that is what i will seee
and i

get to focus ont hat feeling and anything that
makes me feel not like that is just a reminder

to feel that way to return to center
to return to love to return
to flowing to return to
