so grateful to celebrate this day

to love this moment to choose the feeling and know that it works
that i tried it yesterday told myself just try to

just try to flip the switch to a better feeling thought
to presence

just try to become present and see if it affects your life
and it really did!!

it helped me feel better and then something really good happened!
pony pooped in the hallway lol

so grateful for this day to love this moment i love the feeling of loving this moment
of wanting this moment for life and i know that is the feeling of cus


so grateful to be here feeling the feeling and practicing feeling it knowing that
it always works the feeling of presence the feeling of knowing the proximity to god
is my supply is my source and my supply

therefore my consciousness of the god self within me is my supply

therefore my consciousness of the god self within me is my supply

loving this oment moment so grateful to be here loving
this moment so grateful i get to celebrate this

day i love the feeling of wanting to wake up i love
the feeling ofl iking my life i love the
feeling of wanting to do the things on my to do list
i love that i get to celebrate every one

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

i know this and i’m here to preactice it practicce
it remember it remember how it feels each morning

remember who i am each morning
and remember what’s possible remember that what i seee around me
is varely

barely scratching the surface and thre’s not
limit to the joy i can feel the celebrate io

celebration of life there’s no limit to the amount of god i get

can let it then

therefore my supply is unlimited

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i celebrate this day because this day is god
this moment is god and i get to

i get to feel it no matter what happens
i get to feel the feelig of god i get to
feel the celebration the knowing the focus

the tuning the

i feel the feeling of success all day every day and i notice
that it’s all around me i know
there is evidence of success everywhere i look

i love that i know this i love that
life is good i love that life
is good i love that

life is good i love that i know i love that i
get to choose the feeling the attunement
the celebration of the moment the big leap into the moment
the worship of the prsent moment

that i get to choose that i’m remembering thow i

who i am the power of me

i know the power of me i know the power
fo the g

of the god self i know the feeling of cus
success and i know i am it

i am the feeling and i know that the feeling
creates so all that matters is how i feel

and when i’m present, the feelign is alignment with god
there’s no resistance
in the particles
there’s nothing blocking wha was already trying to coalesce

before i blocked it i know that i create it
and its easy to create the version i prefer

i get to feel the feeling and its always there

i get to feel the feeling
and its always there

the feeling of celebrating life the
feeling of having fun the feeling of gratitude

my inner supply
instantly and constatnly takes on
for and experience according to my needs
and desires
and as the pricnicple of supply in actino

it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled needs or desires

so grateful i get to feel good get to
celebrate life get to LOVE

so grateful to love and be loved so grateful to
get to feel good today to get to celebrate life today

to get to celebrate this day
so grateful for all that i GET to do so grateful that i know life

loves me

i feel good now i feel the feeling now i feel
connected i feel the feeling of love the feeling of knwoing the

the feeling of presence the feeling of practice

of fitness of the mind
i love that
i get to feel this way that i get to feel good

that ti’s so

so easy to feel good

my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply
in action

it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

i feel good i feel optimistic
i feel knowing i feel

the effects of the practice
i know the effects of the practice

i know this work works and its the only work
i kno the only thing i can do i

is devote myself to the work to the practice

of presence
i can devote myself to the practice of prsenc

presence in this infinite now
and that’s all there is
that’s all ic an
and i love that i know this i love that
i know

i foudn the

i found the secret to life and can
relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easiily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

grateful to live like god to act as if
to live life fully !!!

so grateful to live life fully right now!!!

that i get to !!!

i’m here!

i love starting the day off right i love that
pony made a huge specimen i love

waking up to good news i love
waking up happy i love that pony is on the mend i love that
shes’ alive!!

every day is a gift i lov that i know that
every day is a gift i love that i
get to choose how i feel

so gratefulfor orders!

passive orders!
wholesale orders!!

we get to redesign the cover with an extra ink
that everything is working out for us

so grateful to be here doing this work
enjoying the feeling of a good day
so grateful to get to enjoy this day
today so grateful for this day
just this day just this moment is all i need so grateful

for this moment for this success for this feeling of success

so grateful to feel a lst for life
so grateful to wake up feeling good to have things that i WANT

to do so grateful i want to live so grateful i get to live this day
and that pony is better!!

so grateful for thsimom

this moemtn for this here and now

so grateful for this momet
to get to feel good to get to feelthe flow
ofl ife t

today i get to celebrate life today i get to celebrate life

and i’m celebrating!!!

so much is going well for me
so much is working
out for me!!!

all of life is in my favor and i’m so grateful
so grateful i get to enjoy i get to
enjoy this day i get to celebrate this day

i’m here i’m here i’m here

so grateful for this
day that life is good for me
so grateful to get to have a normal day

to get to celebrate this day and not have to
worry so grateful to get to embrace this day

so grateful for money burning a hole!

so grateful there’s more than enough
to know that we will never be poor again
so grateful i know i trust the unfolding of life it rust

it rust

i trust the ins and outs i
feel good now if eel the flow now i feel good
now i feel the love of life right now i feel

empowered right now

i love getting payments from every angle
i love the better it gets and that
i get to eleb

celebrate it right now
i love that

the better it gets i lovee that i get to
celebrate this day
this perfect day !!

so grateful to be here to be here now
to be here now to be here now to be

here now to be here now
to be here now to be here now to be here now

i ilove to be here doing this work
and what is this work its the feeling work
its the consciousness work

its presence
its the devotion to presence

that’s all it is
its quite simple actually

i know the truth to i know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating
in my life

i have found the secret to life and cna

can erlax

relax in the knowledget hat t
that the activity of divine abundance
is eteranlly operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the readi

radiation of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine conscciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am now in the flow

i know the secret to life
and its this moment its feeling the feeling
this moment and i’m

brave enough to do it
i have the courage to be happy

i have the courage to live a fulfilled life
to know the truth in every omemtn a
nd let go of ther est and i know that

is the secret to life

i know the truth of life and i have the courage
to use it to use my powers i have the courage to
use what i know use the knowledge

and renounce my humanhood

to focuso n the god realm to focus on the god energy to
remember it to be devoted to it and i know thsi
is the truth of life
i know this is the

the truth i know ths is the truth of life
i knkow it i know it i know it

the courage to feel good
the courage toen

to enjoy life i ahve the courage
to focus to focus on this moment to focus on what i know

all day to have the courage to celebrate life
to celebrate the god self to celebrate the life
experience toc

celebrate having so much to celebrate

today i get to dao

today i get to feel good i get to feelt he devotion
i get to devote myself to feeling good

devote myself to the moment
to the feeling i get to
devote myself to the feeling

feeling the energy of life flow through me acceptin g
all that comes my way and always turning back to the feeling

renounce my humanhood
renounce my humanhood

i know the feeling and i can always
return to it and that’s the real

work the real

ambition the real

thing to seek
there’s really nothing else

i know this i know the feeling and i know that the
feeling is

all there is

the feeling and i can always return
i can always return to the ccenter of the feeling ath’s

that’s the only pursuit the feeling of knwoing
is the only pursuit

and i know this and i celebrate it becuse i know
i know life i know the secret to life and i get to live it
and the more i
conjure the feeling inside me
the more evidence of it i see i know that all of life
is a feeling an expectation and i get to ccele

celebrate that
get to work with that i know that its all


so grateful for this day

that it all worked out and pwnyy is better!

so grateful to be here on this day
so grateful to get to have a normal day
to get to feel good so grateful to get to feel good
to truly appreciate

everything i have so gratefulf or this
day so grateful for this moment for this focus for the god self so

grateful pony gets to live!!

and that we dont have to stress!!

so grateful for a normal day
for an easy day for a simple day
with nothing going on
so gratefl for my life the life i already have so
grateful for the life
i get to lead

so grateful for this day to feel good
to feel good to feel normal to
celebrate all that already is so graetful to
get to celebrate all that already is

that i get to choose how i feel no matter what
i get to choose how i feel in that moment
i get to choose how i feel i love doing this work
feeling good
feeling the flow flowing thorugh me feeling the feeling of yes

i feel the feeling of life
so grateful to feel enlivened to feel sure
to feel good to feel

the feeling of me to celebrate
so grateful i get to celebrate

this day so grateful i get to

celebrate this day
get to feel good now get to feel good now
get to

feel good now get to feel the
feeling of life in this here and onw get

get to celebrate life rightn ow
today i am celebrating life
today i am

celebrating life todya i am celebrating life
and i love that i get to

so grateful i get to so
grateful that the enegy

that creates worlds flows through me

so graetful for this day
to do this work to

GET to work out
to GET to do my work to get to enjoy life
to get to eno

enjoy life so gratefl for this day
to enjoy life so graeful for this flow
for the

god energy flowing through me
for the god self flowing through me
so grateful to

for the energy that creates worlds
so grateful i dont have to care what happens

so grateful it already
did so grateful to keep up the good work
to get to feel good to get to feel good to get to

feel energized to get to feel good about myself
to know my worth so grateful to know my worth

to feel good now to feel the flow not

so grateful the holidays are over

so grateful to GET TO FEEL GOOD!!

i’m here and that’s all that matters
how i feel is all that matters the feeling is
all there is and i’m here practicing it
returning to it

i’m here and i’m so grateful to
e here so grateful for my simple life
so grateful to feel good
to get to feel good to

get to do me so grateful to choose how i want to feel
to choose the life i life

to choose how i feel about it
i get to choose how i feel and i love it
i love thsi moment i love this day
i love that we made it i love that
we made it
to this day i love that i feel good
that i know the truth of life that i

today i get to practice it
that feeling of returning to the feeling
of being aware of my thoughts and emotions
and then truning them on a dime
when i notice they arent’ in alignment
and i know this is my power and i know the feeling of
it because ive been here so many times and expereinced it

i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it

i get to feel the magick o this
of this moment of this life i get to
feel the magick of lthis life

the energy that creates worlds
i get to feel the energy that creates worlds
and i love the feel it i know the
feeling of it flowing through me and i choose it
and that’s all it is

a choice

a fitness

a practicce
a devotion
and i know this

i know this i know this

i know the feeling i know the choice
i know the feeling i know the choice

yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you

yes yes yes thank you thank you thankyou

i love that i know it and i get to feel it
i love that the feeling is here and im

so graetful to get to feel god here with me
to get to celebrate

to get to celebrate life today i celebrate life
i celebrate life i celebrate celebrating

i celebrate who i am
the truth that i know i know the truth of life
i know the truth of life and i love that
i get to focus on it an i know the power of it

i know the power of the feeling of the alignment
of the switch i know the power of the switch
it takes one day
it only takes one day and i love that
i know that i

i know this i choose teh feeling i choose teh
feeling i allow myself to be a match

i allow myself to thrive

i allow myself
infinite abundance

i feel the feeling the magick of life
i feel it in me i feel the feeling
in me and i know that all it takes
is attention to that feeling
building that feeling up
doing this work the focus work and feeling how i want to feel
feeling that alignment
feeling that proxmity to god feeling
that presence in this moment

i know its real i know tis real
you refuse to acknolwedge the
version you prefer and every time
you stiwt

switch to the one to you
do prefer and its really that easy and i love
that i get to choose it get to feel it i love that
i get to feel good today!!

that i get to srtat my day off right!
start the year off righ!!


its so eays to
its so easy to focus to let it all go
to separte myself from

outcome to fully immerse in this her and now
and accept all that is a

i accept all that is i accept all that is
i accept all
that is i

accept all that is

i get to feel good get to feel about myself about this moetn
i get to

be this moment totally present
in this moment and this is all ther

there is totally present in this moment and this is all theres

i’m focused i’m foxu
focused on the

the tuning the truth of life
the life i know to be true i’m focused on it
becuase it is all there is

i know this becuse ive experienced it
i know i have the powers i know i am the pweor si
i know the power is me i’m

focused i’m here and its as

easy to focus in this present omen
moment and that is the secret to life
that is the secret to life

thiss here and now the presence if i am

present in this moment
nothing else matters

nothing esle

matters i’m here i’m focused i’m present presence

that’s ll

all that matters that’s the medicine
that’s the medicine and i know it

i’m present

i’m focused in the present
i am

focused in the present

god s lav
is lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the


this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me

the realit of me

i am focused and i am present
and that

that’s all it is that’s all it is
and i’m so grateful for the knowledge
for the wisdom

so grateful i get to chooe i
get to choose presence i get to choose this
feeling this feeling of knwoing this
proximity to god this knowing that

i am the one and only creator


even thouth i’m not the one creating
only perceivine
i am the one and only perceiver

i am fosuec

i am focused i am focused i am

focued on

focused in this moment present in this her eand now
preset in

present in this
here and now

i’m here i’m foxuse

i’m here i’m focused ia m

i am

i just am i just am
i just am

i just am i just am

i am focused i just am i just
am i jiust

am i just am
i just am

i just am
i just am
i just

am i am here i am here i am here i am
here i am here ia m

i’m focused i’m focused i’m focused

i’m focused

in the present and that’s
all there is i love that i know i love that

i know i love that
i know

i’m focused i’m foxuse

focused and all that takes is

looking at it looking at life
letting it be

the wild experience that is
so grateful for the pr


so grateful to know to xoo

zoomout to
remember what iam to focus on what iam
the particles the simlation

simulation the feeling the
feeling the

feeling the feeling the


ts a


it’s all about the focus
the focus on how you feel that’

that’s all life is and i love that
i know this i love feeling charged up byt eh t
the truth i lkn
i now

i know that life reflects the feeling i know

that life reflects the


feeling i know that life

i know
that life reflects the feeling
and i get ch
to choos teh
feelig i know that its all me

its all me i know that all of life is me
so i can just be right here and now
that’s all i can do thatls

all i can do is bee

be heere now be here now

here now

i am focused i am focused
and that’s

all there is all there is
is how i feel right now

all there is is how i feel right now
all i can do is be all i can do is
be all i can do

is be all i can do is be

i am focused i am here and that’s
all i can do is be here now

choose how i feel even in this
moment there is so much that is up for interpreatino

which veriosn you
version you choose to look at

which version you choose to look it
which verion

version you choose to explode

there’s always a choice like
am i fosued

focused on the win???

focus on the win!!

celebrat ethe win!!

celebrate the win!!

and i et to
get to i get to choose the perspectiive
focuse on how its improving!!

how i got what i most wanted!
and i know the rest is on thew ay and i
can celerate
celebrate that riht now
right now!!

i can handle whatever happens i accept everything
that is in this ehre and now

i’m focused i’m here now

i’m present t
and thats’ all there ever is

presence in this here and now

in this here and now
complete presence

so grateful i knoq ir i knoq

i know the secre to li

secret to life

i’m here i’m celebrating i’m celebrating


celebrating i’m celebrating

its all good its all good

tis all good its

all good

is all good its all godo

its all good its the feeling i get to choose
its the feeling i get to choose i get to choose it
and i know its my power

i know its my power and it only requires focuse

i know its my power
and it only requires focus

i am focused on the feeling i choose
on the feeling i prefer

an di choose it now and i know for a fact
from past experience

that this is my power

so grateful for this day i

get to choose to celebrate that i know i get to make the choice
today and i get to make the choice today i get to

so grateful for this day to make the choice
to know that instead of uneasily looking for evidence
i can just decide and allow and i know that is what works
that is the secret to life and i get to choose it
i get ot make the choice to know

i get to make the choice to knwo and that’s all ic an do
besides worry so its know
or worry

which do you prefer??

today i choose knwoing
today i choose knwoing today i choose knowing thoday

today i choose knowing today i choose knowing today
i choose knowing today i choose the flow the in and out of life today i choose

the feeling of yes today i choose the
feeling of knwoing

and if i notice myself
i can always choose knwoing

today i choose it i choose kwnoing
i choose knwoing i choose the feeling i know that
all of life

is created by the feeling and i get to choosei r
it right now i get to choose it right now

i get to choose the feeling of knowing
rgiht now and i kow the feeling i switch to it

when i start to feel how i dont want
think about what i dont want
i can

i can switch to the reality of iprefer
the reality i fp

prefer i can always switch i cana lways

feel the feeling right now of knwoing
and it feels so good to choose teh feeling of knwoing

right now

so grateful to feel good to get to feel good on this day
to get to feel free on this day to get to celebrate this day
so grateful to celegrate

celebrate this day

i get to celebrate instead of wondering
i get to celebat

celebrate instead of wondering
i love that i get to flip that switch
that i get ot make that choice

the choice to focus on the version i prefer the choice to feel that
version to feel the truth of that version to knowit

to know it to know it andd not have to wonder
and that’s what i come here to do to

rememer and practice the feeling of knwoing

access the feelig i prefer to
access the feeling i prefer and i can feel that

part of me is
afraid to feel it becuse what if it sn’t

it is as long as i feel that it s

i get to choose it i get to choose how if eel
i know

i get to choose knwoing and then it is
‘i get to choose knwoing and then it is
ii know that

i know that she will poopl1!!

i know that she will i know that she’s well
i know that i get to chosoe wellness

i love that ig et to choose it that
i get to feel it


i’m practicing the feelig and
every time i do it
feels more naturela

closer to home
closer to the truth i’m living
and the more i pracitce
it the more it is
i love that i get to choose my

i love that i get to choose
i love that ig et to choose the
feeling just like everything else
i get to choose the

this day i get to choose this
day i get to choose i get to choose this
day i et t
get to choose celebat

celebration i get to choose the celebration
feeling i get to choose teh celebration
feeling the feeling of knwoing

i get to come here and practicce it

know that i am it i know that i am it
i am the feeling i am the feelng i am
the feeling and i am

aware of how i feel i am

of how i feel i get to choose it and i get to
practice the certainty of it i love that i get to

get to be it and it feels good at the very least

it feels good and i get to choose how if eel i get to
choose how if eel i get to choose to

let it go i get

ive let that go and im not

no longer looking for evidence
becuase i know that it will

it will come
it is already here if i allow myself ot

be a match

i love that i get to chosoe to
be a match i love that i get to choose it
that i feel it i love that
i get to choose to feel it
and the feeling c

feels like truth
i get to pracitce the feeling of truth

i love that i get to choose that it
is look for evidence

know that evidence i on its way
know that i dont need evidence
to feel to choosehow i want to feel

i know that i get to choose how i feel awbout it
right now that i hav the power
to choose that i have the

power to choose and not wonder
that i have the power ot hcoose and not wonder
that i

get to choose i get to make the choci

choice for what it is
and i can feel the power of that choice

i can feel the particles arraning
every time i get to make

every time i make the choice
i love that i get to

i love doing this wrk and remembering who ia m
i love doing this work
because it works becuase

its the only work this is theo nly work

i feel the feeling right now i feel the
feeling right now

i acept

i accept and allow and say yes

i feel the feeling know

it already is it already is it already
is know this i know this

i know this an di feelthe
because the feeling creates
and i take responsibility for that

and choose to feel how i want to feel right now!!

so grateful to be here

so grateful for everything ih ave that i get to
celebrate this day that
i get to feel joy that my kitty gets to live!!

so grateful to feel the other said e
side of the wave so grateful to do this work
and feel good so gratefl it was nothing so grateful for
everything i already have so grateful
for everything i already have and knowing that
i dont need anything else
that its already perfect the way it is i know ths i know i know that

life is alredy perfect the way it is i know that life

loves me i now

so grateful for this day
so gratefl for life for the flow l

of life flowing through me so gratefu for
for this day for the flow

so grateful for all the gifts of life that
are constantly bestowed upon me
so grateful i get to live i get to feel good i get to enjoy life

i get to hang out with my kitty !!!

so grateful for this day
so grateful it all worked ot
so grateful all of life worked out

for me so grateful for where i am
for the flow flowingfor

for the in and out
so grateful its my day so grateful its my day

so grateful for this day for this moment
i savor this moment i milk this moment

because im so grateful pony is here and she is alive and well!!

so grateful for this moment for this life that
ig et to enjoy every day

i’m milking ths feeling the
feeling of peace the feeling of gratitude

the feeling of feeling good the feeling of
not having to worry so grateful i dont have to stress
i dont have to worry i dont havet o wonder

i can just choose to feel good to feel love
to feel knwoing i can sh

choose to feel knowing i can
choose to feel knwoing i get to choose

i get to choose hwo i want t
to feel ig ett

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose i love that
i get to celebrate this day i love that there is so mcuh in life

worth celebrating i love that i getto o
get to love i love that i get to love

where iam right now i love that i get to choose love
right now i lovee that i know that life

is working out for me i love that i get ot choose the

feeling of yes

i’m here and i’m focused on the

the magic of life i’m here and i’m focused on the
feeling renouncing my humanhood
and just saying yes

to everything that is i accept all that coms
i accept it

so grateful for this day
that i get to feel good

so grateful to feel the flow
of this right now
to feel good rightn ow to feel
tuned in tapped in turned on

right now i get to feel good i
get to feel good i g

get to feel the flow the flow
the flow

the flow of life the flow of life in there

this here andnow

overjoyed in this moment ath
that everything worked out

so grateful for the feeling of relief
so grateful for relief

so grateful we got the van
that we can make it work without a vehicle
and its easy!!

so grateful for the cool peple at enterprise
that someone real helped us out instead of the fake peo[le lo

so grateful for the vet and they were nice and it was fast
and it all worked out perfectly

so grateful it all workd out even though it was stressful

and we got our van!!!!

so grateful for this dady for the

for the feeling of tuning for the feeling of knwoing
for the feelign of knowing the truth of life
i kno

i know the truth of life and i’m so grateufl to
allow it to pass through me
so grateful for this day
and this moment of life
that i get to celebrate so grateful i
get to celebrate life today that i get to

bask in this feeling of relief
so grateful to bask in the feeling of relief
knwoing that its all ok that it all worked out
that she’s fine

so grateful we did everything we could

so grateful we can afford it!!!

so grateful to have more than enough and not
have to feel tight so gratefult o feel
free with money
so grateufl i could buy anything i want!!

today i’m focused
focused on the blessings of me
focused on all the blessings constantly

raining down on me foxue

focused on gratitude
for what i have focused on gratitude
for what i have what i already have

i already have it all i already have so mch
sooooo much to be grateful for and i’m so grateful
for all that i have for all that is good in life
so gratefl for the good life for the flow of life

flowing through me so gratefl for life for life
for this life i made this pefect
perfect life i amde and where i am right now

i’m here i’m here now and there’s already more than

i love that it already is il ove that
we made it!!!

i love that we made it and i get to feel grateful for that
i love that life is good and life loves me i love that life loes me

so grateful for this moment to

feel at peace in this moment so gratful
for everything i have and knowing that
its already perfect
that nothing has to change so grateful to know

that nothing has to change
because i already have it all

i already have it all right here and now

i am the god self i renounce my humanhood and i am the god self

so grateful for everything i already have!!!

the work always works

and the work is all there is i know that this is all there is
the feeling is all there is and all i can do is feel i can feel optimistic
i can feel good i can allow the best i can expect the best i can choose to feel
good i can choose to feel good i can choose

to allow it to allow life to unfold i can choose
to accept it to accept what is and know that’s all i can do i can
choose to feel good i can
choose to feel good i

can choose to feel good i can choose to feel good

i’m here doing the feeling work and allowing the flow
to flow through me i allow the flow
to flow through me i allow the flow

to flow through me i allow the flow to flow through me
i allow myself to just be to just exist and that’s all i can do

this works always works the feeling always works the
knowing the relaxing into the now and accepting it and that’s all ic an
is feel the energy is feel the energy
is look for

evidence of improvement

just believe just expect the best just allow
allow the passing of time allow this here and now just
to just be what it is
i accept all that is and anything that comes

i accept it all i accept it all and i
release the rest i re

i release all resistance
and accept everything that is i accept
everything that is i accept the flow of life
i accept all that is becuase i knwo i can’t resist it

i can just accept and allow
accept and allow

i allow all that is i allow all that is
i allow the flow of life i say yes to the flow of life
knowing that i’ve done all i can do that id on thave to
let it be my reason i never have to allow anything to be my reason

so i do the work to remember to

what i am to rememberr the ins and outs oflife
to remember the ins and outs of life

i’m here doing the work

who i am and that i get to choose how o f

how i feel that ig et to choose that it can only
reflect me and that i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose the feeling the flow
i get to choose the flow
of life

i get to choose the in and out of life

all i can do is be all i can do is be

all i do is allow
is get through this writing haha

all i can do is feel all i can do
is exist right now accept all that is right now
and that’s’

all i can do is just exist in this here and now

all ic an do is exist here and now
and feel the feelig of it i do

i don thave to expect

i dont have to expect anything i can just be and
allow i can just allow i can just allow i can

just all ow the flow the flow of lie
the unfolding of life

i can accept and allow it i can

accept and allow it i can accept and allow it i cn


i accept life i accept the flow i say yes to life
i say yes to lif en

and that’s all i can do i s
is just tap out and just be

i can still feel good no matter what i can
always allow life

i can look at the good part
the evidence of improvement i can look at the evidence of improvement

i can allow it i can release it i can let it
go i can let go and release i can release the clog
i can releae what’s back up i can allow the
flow to flow
freely i am allowing the flow to flow freeliy

i am allowing all of life to flow freely i a

i allow life ia llow life to unfold i allow
life to unfold and i accept it i allow life to unfold
and ia

accept it i can cemt

cement myself in the here and now and
accept all that is i a

i accept all that is i
accept the feeling of love and appreciation

i can do it i can do it i can just be
all i can do is be and just accept what is
all i can do is accept what is and

i know all i can do is accept and allow that
my eeling d

my feeling does

affect it and i can choose how i feel
i get to choose how i feel what i expect i get tcchoo
to choose what i expect and
i know that

i’m here and that’s all i can do
is appreciate what i have right now

feel right now that i have

everything i need feel the feeling of having it right now
of appreciation for it right now i

so grateful i get to choose it i get to choose
it ig et to

detach from events from circumstances and just be

so gratefl to get to just be

i can just be

all i can do

is be

just be here now and pay attention
to the indicators
of improvement

pay atention to the signs!!

to the evidence of improvement

so grateful to know to know that life
to know that life
flows through me to know that

so grateful to know that ig et to choose how i feel
i always get to choose how i feel

that i can always

just be

so grateful for the here and now
for the feeling of yes for the feeling of improvement
for the feeling of knowing

grateful i get to choose knwoing

the work always works and i know

that all i can do is accept i dont have to
expect the worst i can just accept and allow

accept and allow and that’s all i can do all
i can do is accept alli can
do is just accept it

accept it and just be accept it and just be
that’s all i can do is just allow life to be not
resist it and just allowlife to be that’s all i can do

that’s all ic an do is just allow life
to be all i can is just allow life to be and i don thae
hae to
have to care what happens i can just be it just is

it just is

all i can do is feel all i can do is be

i am
that’s all i can do is be and it just is
life just is life just is

that’s all i can do is be that’s all
i can do is be that’s all i can do is be
and this work this work

always works

the work works and i can always choose how i feel even if i cant
change what is i can change

how i feel about it i can choose how i eel ti
feel about it and i can just accept it all i can do is
accept it andthis whtis work helps me do that

i can still choose to expect the best i can still choose to
exprect th

expect the best to self impregnate

i dont have to expect the worst

i allow for miracles i allow for good news i allow for a simple

so grateful for this day

so grateful life always gets resolved
always comes back around that there’s always a breath in and breath out

so grateful to come here and foxus my
focus my energy remember who i am and say yes o s

so grateful to know that life is always on my side
so grateful to feel the truth of that
to celebate this
day so gratefl to celebrate this day

im here now and im tuning to the greatness of life so graetful
for all there is so grateful its all here for me

so grateufl ik now that

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualzied

as me the realty of me the reality of me
god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing sourcce ofinfintie prosperity
iis individualized as me

the reality of me

so grateful to be here to get to love
to get to love life to get the feeling

to fee the feeling of loving life so grateful i get to feel
it get to tune to it get to tune to it
get to tune to it
so grateful for the tuning of life

to get to choose the funint
tuning of life tuning of life so grateful i get to choose
to fune

to tune to remember who i am to focus on who i am so grateful i get to
focus on who i am what i am
so grateful i get to choose

who an dwhat i am so gratefl i get to feel good get to feel
the feelign now get to feel the feeling right now
get to feel the flow

right now get to feel love get to feel the god
feeling all over me
my consciousness so gratful to be wcons

conscious of who an dwhat i am

so grteful for this day for this moment for the feeling
teh god feeling the god self the tuning the

tuing and knowing

it always comes back around
so grateful i get to chooseh ow i feel howi

how i react so grateful i get to choose to
get to choose to feel good to

choose to la
align to feel present nd
and i knwo that s

taht’s all i can ever do is be
be present that’s all ic an ever do is be present and i love that
i know this im
i’m here right now present in this here and now and

and i feel the feeling of god the feeling of love the feeling
of enjoying life so grateful to get to enjoy life
to get to do something fun to have a good day so g

grateful to get to have a good day having fu

so grateful to get to feel good to get to fee the flow of life the
flow og

of god the certainty of god so grateful ig et to choose it
get to realx into into

get to tune to it
so grateufl the better it gets
the better it gets the better it gets the
better it gets the
better it gets

so grateful i am god an di know it
that ig et to choose the feeling of knwoing right now

that life always relfects me

so graeful to feel the feeling to be waware of how if eel
to be

conscious of how i feel and that this work is easy

and its the only work the focus work is the only work
this feeling is the only work

being god is the only cre

work creating the life iw ant is
the only work and i love that ig et t

get to do it
because i know that life always reflects me and i alway s
get to choose how i feel i get to choose
i get to create it
i get to create it
i get to choose it and then it is i get to choosehow if eel

i love that ig et to choose how i feel

its easy to focus on the feeling o f

on beig pr

so gratful for this here and now f
for love for knowing for the ice cream money so gratefl
we made it

so grateful we made it
we made this life and we get to live it we
get to lie blus

blissfully we get to live the good life
and we deserve it

we deserve it i love that hte
bad parts created this i lov that
he was right life was right i lovee that

life knwois i love

the feling

feeling of feeling exhilirate by life
that anything could happen
i love knowing that anyting could happen
and ts a

its always in my favor i love knwoign that

life loves me i love that i knw l

that life loves mea nd i get to enjoy it get to enjoy
being present feeling love
lving and feeling love i love that i get to feel it

i love doing this work the focus work i love knwoing that its
always working out i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel resolved i love that i

can focus just on the god kernel and
allow the rest to unofld i love that

i love that ig et to feel good that life
is good for me an di get to

i get to allow it i love that i get to choose myself
get to love myself i love that i get to choose to

feel good now feel god now
be god now

be god now be god now i love that
i get to choose to be god now
an that

that makes life all worth it
the feeling of moving into alignment
wit the

with the god self s all we need

i am the sourcce i am the sourcce of the
feeling and i have it right here with me all the time

the god self within but not reallyw ithin
because its everywhere
and i get to cchosoe it

i always get to choose

and that’s what this work is that’s
what this work is flipping the switch and i love that
i get to i love that i get to flip the switch that
i can always flip the switch that i am the switch and the flip

that it’s so easy to remember that i don’ thaet
have to care that i can focus on hhow i feel and that is what life helps me do
focus on how i want to feel focus
on how i want to feel

i get to choose how i feel get to choose to say yes
to be present and say yese to allow it to integrate it to remember that i am
only energy i get to choose teh energy i prefer

i never have to let it be my reason and i get to
choose the energy of me i get to choose the energy of me
i can always choose the energy of me i can
i get to choose

here’s what’s goig to happen
it’ll all get resolved bc it was just a misunderstanding
it will all get resolved it will all get resolved

i always get to choose the energy of me
i always get to choose the energy of me