i’m here

i’m here i’m here focused i’m here focused on the feeling the
feeling of the hologram i love that i get to feel the hologram and always
bring my feeling and my attention back to it i know that i am
always creating with how i feel that life is always reflecting the feleing
so i choose to feel how iw ant to feel now and i love that i know this

i know the secret to life and it always reflects the
feeling it never dosnt and i know it so i come here to do the work
to feel the feelingi come

i come here to do the work to feel the feeling and tis esay to feel
the feeling whenyou know the truth the treeli

the feeling is knowing that tevyer

everything is always

working out for me

i loe that i’m here and i get to feel it
i get to feel it i get to feel the feeling right now
and i allways have acccss to it always am it

i love this habit of writing first thing and i know that i
it really works i love that i get to ma

love my life i lovee that i made it i love that i know it
always comes back around i lov that life
is helping me i lov that life helps me

address patterns i lvoe that i get to learn get to see the vibration
the pattern of vibration and address it

i love that i know the feeling and i
get to feel ir

it right now i get to feel it today and its

the feeling of no
intereference the feeling of love the feeling of knwoing
so grateful i that i knwo it and i can tap into it

that i’ve practiced it
that i have the feeling of abundance that
i have the feeling of love that i’m learning to b
e secure in who i am!!

that i’m learning not to care what others think!!

to not take stock in the
opinions of others just focus on doing me and what feels good

to me

i love that i get to decide my life i get to

how i feel right now and that is life i love that
i get to align with it i love that ig et to
start every day right i love that i get to chosoe love

i love the feeling of making the choicea dn that
life helps me do that i love that life is helping me learn
heling me

make the choice helping me be aware of patterns that
i can transcend and i love that i get to do that
becuase the contrast ehpos m e

helps me focus i love that ig et to s

to decide what happens i love that i knwo its all me
its always only
ever me i love that i knwo tis all me i love that i
get ot feel good i know that

it always comes back around and ig et to choose the
feeling i want right now becuase life
always reflects the feeling so i choose the feeling iw ant

right now

so grateful for this moment for this moment for this
so grateful for thism oment for this here and now
so grateful for this here and now

for this feeling for the feeling of flow for the feeling
of god for the knoiwng

for the knowing that it always comes
it always reflects teh fee
the felein

life always reflects the feeling
its just a pattern of thought

its just a pattern of vibration

it always comes back around it always comes
it always comes it always

reflects the feeling it always is the feeling
life is the feeling life is how i feel about it
and that’s it and that’s all

life is the version i create life
is me all that i see around me is me

all that i see around me is me
its all me we’re all me
all of it is me and i get to choose ia lways

get to choose and i’m so gratful for lie the
that shows me this that shows me my creations that i get
to choose my creations

so grateful i get to choose to flp the
switch so gratefu lit

it always reflects me so grateful to
for this creative life that its get

it gets to be whatever i put out there
whatever i am
that’s what life is and i knwo it

whatever i am that’s what life is and i know it
whatever i am
that’s what

whatever i am that’s what life is and i know that it
can only ever reflect me i know that
all of lfie reflects me i know that i am life

i know that anytime i felt a feeling that i thought was
due to someone else
that someone or soething else made me feel that way

i know i was always the source i know that i can just
sit back and enjoy life coming to me i know that i
get to celebrate life i know that i

am life i know that i am all of lfie and all of lfie
is me i know that its all the feelign i knwo that all of life

i get to choose life in my escalade

i love that i get to i love that i
get to feel it now i dont need the thing i dont need the thing
all i need
all i need

all i need is the feeling right here and now
and i get to choose it its jut that
easy and i liove that i get to do it get to be it i love that i get to
be it

i love that i know the truth of life and i get to
celebrate it get to feel it now get to know that
life always comes back around so gratefl i get to love
i get to love life i get to love it here

tuned in tapped in turned on

i’m here doing the work feeling the feeling feeling good
feeling the feeling feeling the focus doing the focu work
oh yeah

remembering where i am what am and what the only work si
it stoday is

today i do the only work i do the feeling work the knowing
work the choosing work today i choose today i choose today i

choose to feel good to feel god to do the only work that matters
to do the hologram work and remember that is the only work

today i do the hologram work

so grateful for this day tod o the work for me so grateful to get to
do the work for me to get to do the wrok for

me so grateful for this day
i get to do the work for me the only work there is
today i get to feel good
i get to feel the knowing that its just
a hologram and im

creating it i love that i know that i
get to
create the hologram
i love that i get to be it that i get to remember in every oment
moment and know that is the only work the remembering
that its only ever me and im always creating that version that
im fixated on

no matter what the version is

grateful to be here feeling the feeling
feeling the flow of life the truth of life the love of life

i get to feel the love of life right now and im so
grateful to do this tuning work and remember
so grateful to tune the self to tune myself and remember so
grateful i get to so grateful i get to sit in the ouse and not
shovel my whole driveway

grateful to be here doing the only work

i’m here i’m here doing the only work the focus work i ma
the focus i am the focus

so grateful for this moment for the feeling
the feeling of feeling good that i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose the version i want to
and conceptualize that version and the only thing that makes the version
i live is me

the only thing that makes the version i live is me
and today i ge tto choose the person i want to be
today i get to choose today i get to choose me i get to choose the
person i want to be i get to choose teh perfe

person i want to be

today i am totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

today i get to choose the version i prefer
i get to feel the feeling of the version i prefer
and then its made because its just
a simulation

its just a siumation

i know this i knwo tand
and i know i am the creator of it i am the creator of it
and i get to feel it i get

to feel the feeling ig et to feel the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel the feeling of god i get to feel the feeling of

so grateful i get to choose and know that tis’ only
ever me its only ever the feeling and i get to choose the feeling
i love that i get to choose the feeling i love that
i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose it get

to feel it i get to feel it i get to be it i get to
be the focus and tis thie
this work that forms that feeling that creates the self

this work creates the self and this is all there is

i love that i get to feel this feeling i love that
i get to feel the feeling of life flowing through me i love that
i get to feel the feeling i get to choose i
get to choose hwo i am i get to choose who i am

i get to choose who i am i get to choose what
i am i get to choose teh feeling of me the feeling of the hologram
the feeling of the simulation i know its just

i love that i get to feel the feeling of tuned to
god of enjoying life of feeling blessed in my life right now

of being present in y

in my life right now i love waking up and doing this work
feeling good in mky life i love

loving my life loving the life i made i love that
i get to feel good aobut who i am

so grateful for this moment for this here and now
for the feeling of love

that i get to choose i get to choose the
feeling of love and that’s all there is and today
i intend to keep choosing it i intend to

keep choosing i intend to choose love
today i choose love and know that all of life
reflects it

i love that i get to choose i love that i get to choose it i love
that i get to choose i g

i get to choose love and everything is a reminder
of the focus turn the focus within on how i wnat to feel

so grateful i get to choose love
right now i get to choose love i get to chosoe teh

because i’m the creator i am the creator of my life
experience i am the one and only createor of my

life expereince of me i am the creator of me i am the
creator of me i a the

creator of me i am th e
creator of me i am the creator of me and i love that
i am i love that i am

the creator of me

i love that i get to choose the version i live
becauase its all just a simulation
i love that i know its all a simulation

celebrating the day

allowing life to flow through me allowing that
energy to gush into me and i know its there i know its a hologram
and i get to choose and today im celebrating the choice
today i know that the hologram always reflects my vibration
that my vibration is the source and i know its oh



so grateful for this day to get to enjoy it
so grateful for the beautiful snow

so grateful to be here tuning to know
the truth of life and experience it
practice it and know tis true

so grateeful to know its true to know that life
is way more than they make it out to be so
grateful i get to experience

creative ride this immersive ride so
grateful to enjoy the ride to enjoy the dir

ride so grateufl i knwo and i get to just focus
on how i feel and watch life show the rest

so grateful for my gifrst!!
so many gifts so grateful to receive
so grateful for all the blessins

surrounding me every minute
so grateful for this charmed life so grateful for the
tuning for the knowinf to

for the feeling for the knowing that its only
ever me and only i was ever the source of the feeling

i know its me i know she

is me i know she is me iand i l

an di know i love myself i appreciate myself
i appreciate who i am

so grateful for this day for this day
for this beautiful day so grateful for
all my presenst!!!

so grateufl for life for the feleing of life
flowing through me for the knowing that i made this

so grateful for the knowing that made this
i’m here and i’m focused on thet ruth because the work always works

becuase i love seeing and feeling and touching and tasting the
effects of the practice i love that
i get to feel the effects of the pra

i’m here i’m here i’m here
i am the flow i am the energy of life i am it all
and i’m so grateful i know

i’m so grateful i know that i am it i am
everything i am everything i knwo

that i am everything i am all of life and all of life
is me i am all of life and all of lfie h

is me i’m here and i’m lfcous
focused i’m laser focused on the feeling i love that
i get to choose who i am what i am
and i get to allow to

to flow to me i love that iam i love that
i am i love that i am one of the thought leaser

leaders of my time i love that i am

one of the thought leaders of my time i love that
i get to celebrate this i love that i am i love that
i get to love msyelf

so grateful for this here and now
for this beautfil day this beautiful moment
so grateful to get to feel good
to get to feel good to get to feel the flow

the flow of life the alignment of life
so gratefl to feel th

aligned to feel the effects of the work
to feel it right now to always say yes to right now
to feel the energy

to feel the magick of life to know the magick
of life to know i am it

focused on that magick of life
of the

on the knowing eneryg focs

focused on the knowing energy

i know it i know the feeling ive been ther e
i know it its total focus
total knowing total trustin

in the feeling and choosing every time
choosing every time

i know i can do i iknow
i know i’m


i know i’m capable

of the focus of totla focus to
of totla

total focus to

doing the work totall and feeling the fe
effects and im so gratful i know that i
ve been then

there and i know what it is i know tha tmy feeling
my feeling affre

affects my reality

so gratetful i get to choose
i get to choose teh

good lie the god life i get to choose teh
god life i get to make the choice
i get to make the choid

and the th

and then that’s all there is i get to make the choice
and then that’s all there is i love that i
get to i love that i get o make the

choice i love that i get to make the choice

i love that i get to celebrate life
every minute knowing that it already is the way
i want it to be knowing that

i’m the one and only creator of this life experience
of ths

this simmulation of this simulation
i and

i am the one and only creator of it becausee i am
the only one experiencing it i love that i knwo this
that it’s all a hologratm

hologram i love that i know all of life
is a hologram
i lovee that i get to

create whatever version i want i love that
its already created its already

impregnated on the hologram
i love that i knwo ths
that its’ already there i love that i know tis alreay

already ther ei love that i can

relax and enjoy my success

i love that i can releax and enjoy this
i love that
i get to bask in my cuss

success i lovee that we get to bask in our success i love that
i we

we get to i love that i know tis going to be grand i love that
i alredy know
i love that i already know i lov that i

i already know

i ilove that life already is
the way i want it to be and its love i love that
i get to love and joy

enjoy my life no matter what

i’m here

so grateful to be here doing this work
getting to enjoy this day
getting to enjoy love getting to enjoy holiday cheer getting to enjoy

so grateful for this day for this feeling of magick
so grateful the magick always follows me
the magick is me the magick is the feeling the magick is the feeling
and i’m so grateful for it
so grateful

to celebrate this day
celebrate this day
celebrate this day this flow this flow

so grateful to celebrate this day
celebrate this day celebrate this feeling this me
this me this uniferse
univese that is me

grateful to be here doing whit
this work feeling this feeling this

feeling this god feeling run through me
so grateful to fee
to get to feel the excitement of me so grateful
to get to feel the magick of me
to get to

savior it
to get to savior the magick of me
to get to feel good now

so grateful i get to feel it now get to do
this work right now get to feel my proximity to god
knowing that all things fr

reflect my proximity to god
all things reflect my proximity to god
i know that feeling is the secret and feeling
changesl a

all things i know

so grateful i know i know that
it’s always been me it’s always been me i
was the sourceo f the feeling its always me
i am the source
its never outside of me i know i know that this

is life i know that this is the truth o lfie
of life because ive lived it i know the truth of life
becausee i ve lived it and im so

grateful ig et to ccelebrate tit it today
i get ot hv

to have tun today i get to have tu
fun today i get to have today i get to have fun right now
i get to enjoy ifr
life right now i get to utne myself right now

i get to tune myself right now i get to feel the feeling right now

so gratful for this day to feel the feeling to fel
the feeling of me to feel the feeling of energy of

god’s energy flowing through me
of ideas of inspiritation
so good
of good musica of celebrateion

so grateufl to celebrate today to love
today to love this day to feel good today
to get to feel good to get to feel good

to get to feel good

so grateful for this day
for the experience of me for the feeling of me
for the feelig of proximity to god so

grateful that i know i am god and that my source
and my supply is my proximity to god

my consciousness of the presnce of god within me
is my supply

i knowt his is the truth and its what
all the teachers
teach i knokw that life is meant to be easy for me
and im so gratefl it is i love that
this is the best year of my life

i love that we’ll never be poor again
i love that i can feel it i love that i can feel i am successfuly
and tha’ts ok i can allow it i ta

i can accept it i deserve it

i get to feel the feeling now i get to feel the
presence of god here and nkow

now knowing that i am the source
i always was

it was never anything else
i am always the source it was always me
i can have a love affair with me

becausaee i created it i lovee the
feeling i love the feeling of knowing i love that
i get
to ccreate good work every day i love that
i know my

feeling is my good work my p
important work how i feel is important work

im here for tunint the tunint th

the tuning im here for the tuing of
for the im here for the tuning

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my suppy

i know this i know this i know this
the feelng of knowing that god is already on it
is my supply
that the particles are arranging
is my supply

i lve that i know it i love that i know its real
i love that i know because ive experienced it i love that
i get to live a magick life i love that life is

magick ofr

for me i lovee that life is magick for me
i love tha it always has been and i cget to
celebrate it

get to send love i love that i
get to send love get to be love get to allow love to flow

i get to feel the feeling and then life reflects that
i get to choose to feel good about myself

no matter what i get to feel good about myself no matter what
i love that i get to hcoose to feel good to have fun
to feel energzed to allw god

allow gods energy vo

to flow through m;e i love tha tlife
is good

i know the energy of me i know my source
and my supply and i

live by it i love that i get ot live by
it i get to feel the feeling of it i get to

feel the feeling of it get

i get to feel the feeling of i t i

i get to feel good i get ot
feel good where i am right now i love that
i love wher i am right now i love

that i lov wh

wher ei am right now

i get to fee the feeling of it
get to feel the feeling and know that god

has to match it the energy of life
has to matchc it

so grateufl i know its true
and i get to celebrate the day
get to feel love

get to feel grateful for the life
i created for me the life that is me

the me i created so
grateful and proud of the me ive created
and that i never have to care

i have the courage to do me
to be happy!!

and to be disliked so grateful for this day
to get to feel good to get to feel the magick of me
to know it always comes back around

so grateful to be here

to be in a great mood to celebrate the day
to celebrate the day to milk the feeling to be in a great mood

so grateful to wake up feeling good knwoing that today
is a good day so grateful to knw that it’s only ever me
so grateful to get to feel good in the moment to know that
this moment this day is my life and i get to
celebrate it fully i love that i
get to have a great day i love that i get to feel good
get to love love

love life get to watch the particles arrange knowing that it’s
only ever me its the feeling that ig et to choose right now
an di love that i get to choose it right now
get to choose to celebrate life

so grateful for this day
to get to decide to live
today i decide to live today i live fully
today i live for me today i

live fully today i have good day

i get to feel good get to feel the energy of life flowing through me graetful
that today i get to feel the energy of life that i get to have
a good day so

so grateful its the best day ever so
grateful everything is already going my bway
way so grateful i get to celebreat


knowing that i am enough
this momnt moment is enough

so grateful to do this work the focus work the
feeling good work the celebrating work so grateful to get ot
celebrate this day and be grateful for what i ahve

so grateful i a

for everything ih ave so grateful for this amazingly awesome day
and that so much is going well for me
so grateufl he thinks itll be grand so grateful i knwo it s

grateful to celebrate this amazingly awesome

so grateful for how far we’ve come so
grateful for where we are so grateful for
all the belssing
blessings every where so
for all the blessings every where

so gratful for this day i get to celebrate that i
get to tune myself to the feeling knowing that is the feeling
that guides all of life experience and i can always

tap into the feeling allw the

allow the feeling to rise to the top by releasing what holds it
down the misbeliefs and the resistance
and choosing what i dont want
so i get to choose wha ti do want i get to choose hwa ti do
wnat i get to choose to have fun

i love that i get to feel good get to feel that god feeling i love
tapping into that god feelign i love that i know tis alway sher eand

and anyone can feel it i can choose to feel ir gi

right now and know its all i can do its all ic an do
i can coose
choose to feel it right now and know that its all ic an do

all i can do is choose to feel good all ic an do

is choose to feel good feeling is it feeling is the secret

i know that life is this moment and
it depends on how i feel so grateful to come here to tune myself to tune myself
to the vibration of me to tune myself to the vibration

i love that i get to enjoy this day
get to feel the feeling of love get to choose it for me
i get to choose it for me and know that its mine

that i’m worth it that i desrve

deserve to feel good that i’m brave enough to feel good
to feel love to send the feeling of love and know that’s
all i can do

all i can do is send the feeling of love and today
i get to choose to feel it today i get ot feel

to feel the feeling of it and i love toidn th

doing this work tuning myself ot the feeling first
when i wake up and remembering
just how good life is !!

i love tha i get to remember and get o participate in life i love that
i get to participate in life get to love life get to choose
to love life get to choose to feel good get

to choose to feel good get to choose to feel good

i get to choose the feeling and know that i
can’t feel for others i get to choose the
feeling right now and trust it i get to

drop in
drop out

drop out of the bulsshit the lies the
illusion and drop into love and i love that
i get to choose it i love that i

get to choose it i love that i
get to choose it i love that i
get to

to choose life i love that i get to choose life
i love that i get to

grateful i’m here and now and i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care i dont have to care

i don’t have to care i don’t have to care i don’t have to care i love that
i get to choose i love that i get to choose how i feel i love
taht i know i love that i know the feeling is the secret and i get to
choose how i feel i get to choose love i get to choose satisfaction

i get to choose to love the version i created i get to
choose to love what i have the version i created

i know its up

not up to me to feel for other people an di get to enjoy this day
here and now i am not afraid of enjoying my life i am not afraid of
feeling good i am not afraid of success!!!

i love that i don thave to
care and can choose the feeling i love that
i don thave to care and i get to choose the
feeling to celebrate right now

i dont even know and im making up a version
but it doesnt have to be that version i can choose the version i prefer
and then it is!!

i’m here

so grateful for this day for this amazing day

so grateful for perfect timing and to have it going
on to have a good thing going here so
grateful i love cleveland

so grateful i know all i can ever
do is look with love i know that all i can
ever do is look with love and that’sa ll that

there is i love that today was such
a good ay

day thank you for the packages exactly how i said
it would happen and i knew it would

so grateful for the packages
so grateful we get to stay i get to do this wrk
and i don thave to feel bad about my blessings
i can sayt

thank you because i know i am blessed i knwo life flows

through me and i celebrate that i know its always a match
to me i love that i’m ar]\\

aware i’m
i love that i’m aware the better it gets i love that
i get ot choos
to choose how i look at the world i love that
i get to choose how i see i

how i see the world i get to chosoe love and then
it’s easy

grateful to get to give
i wanted to give and then we got
to give so much and it came to m e
and i didn’t have to do anyting!!

so grateful to give so grateful to get to
give to get to have tenou
enough to give so grateful to have more than
enough so grateful to give more than enough

so grateful to get to give more than enough
to get to give

more than enough more than enough

so grateful for this day for this moment for this perfect
day for life flowing to me
grateful for life flowing to and through me
to and through me to and through me
so grateful for the flow flowing
to and through me

so grateful to get to do this work
to know it works say wah’t

what’s going to happen and it dos.

i know this i know this i knwo

this is true and if i know htis

s true
is true why do anything else why
do any other type of work when i know this
is the onlly work when i g

get to choose it when i get to become it

when i get to choose gratitude
and life follows i choose gratitude
and life follows and i love that
i know this is true i know that this
is treu

this is life i knwo that

this l

is lfie i knwo that this is life
i know that this is life

so grateful to be here
for this perfect day
for getting greate news
for everything going outt

our way for class being fun

life s good!

life is so good life is

so good lif is

life is so go

so good life is do good
life is so good life

is so good i love that it is

thank you thank you thank you
for this perfect day
that i get to tap into i get to tap
into the feeling i get to


into the feeling i a the feeling
i am my proximity to god i am
my proximity tog

to god i am
my proximity tog

to god i am he feeling the
feeling and the feeling always

creates it iam the feeling i am
the feeling i am the feeling of live i

am the feeling of love

so grateful for the truth o grateful
for the truth that i get to choose it i get to choose the truth
so grateful i get to choose the truth
i get to

choose teh version i vet
get to chosoe teh version
i get to c

choose teh version i get
to choose the version i get to
choose teh verion

i’m here i’m here i’m tuned im tuned
to the


truth i’m celebrating the trth of life
the love of life the perfection of lfie right now
the feeling i get to choose to
feel the

feeling i get to choose to feel
the feeling i get to choose to feel
i get to choose to feel i get to transmute i get to be
i get to emobyd

embody the truth i get to claim
the abundance that is my i

birth right and that is ok
that is ok
that is ok!!!

i celebrate it!!

get to give get to give get to give
get to celebrate the god self
the feeling self get to celebrate the
feeling self knowing that
every single things ia

is a feeling
every single thing is a feeling
is a feeling is a feeling that i
get o

to feel get to self impregnatne

grateful to be here grateful for the focus
for the focus for the focus so grateful for the
focus for the

focus for the focus t

the feeling the feeling of life
the feeling of god the

that’s the feeling of god
i feel it buzzing it throgh ne

me i feel the god self i feel my connection
with the god sefi feel
the i

i feel the energy r
writing this i feel the connection the knowledge
i feel the connection the
connection is all there is
i love that i say it is
and it si i love that is ay it is and it is

i know this is this
the feeling is all there is the feeling is
all there is and i am here now

in the feeling the
feeling is all there is
and the feeling is

here and now the feeling is

here and now
the feelig is here and now
the feeling

is here and now

the feeling is here and now
the feeling is
love it feels so good to love

its feels so good to love

thank you

thank you for this day this beautiful day that i get to live
so grateful to get to live this day to get to experience it
to get to align with my gaseous self
to get to be my gaseous self so grateful to tune in tap in turn on
and enjoy the day

feel truly tapped in
feel truly turned on today i am turned on to the divine buzz
and its so easy to turn on its just the dlip
flip of a switch and i love that i can flip it
i love that

it always reflects me i love that life
always reflects me who and what i am at the core
the energy of me all of life is energy and energy is me

i am allo flife i
i am all of life and i know this i celebrate it
i act it out i act out the version
i prefer

so grateful for this day for this day for this divine buzz
for the divine energy flowing through me i love that i
get to feel it i love that i get to wake up feeling it
i love that i know today

is a great dasy i love i love that i love that
i get to choose i lovee that i get to choose knwoing i love
that i know it already is

so grateful i get to feel inedivine buzz
so grateful to turn it on every moenti
that i know the truth of it that i get to feel good

that i get to feel good now that i get to feel good now
that i get to feel the divine buzz right now i get to feel the
divine buzz i am the divine buzz i am
the divine buzz and i feel it flowing i feel the
energy flowing through me i feel the

cellebrate of the day i feel the energy of the day
i am tapped intot he energy of the day

therefore i am totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i’m here i’m ahere

i am
i am
i am

and that is all

i am

and that is all
so grateful i know the truth of life
so grateful to remember it each day

and get to live it so grateful i know the
effects so

grateful ive seen them so
grateful i know anything can ahppen
happen th

and that it’s all me and how i see the world
and i can too

choose total confidence in all tings in all

excited to feel good to feel the perfection of god
within me to tune the sel f

excited to feel the feeling of tuning to
allways return to the feling of tuning
so gex

excited to feel good to celebrate the day
to feel the divine buzz flowing through me
to feel the truth flowing through me

which is that i always get to choose that i’m
the only one creating it that its ony

only ever up to me an di celebrate knowing that

aligning with that knowledge
the god self that is creating it and i love that
its only ever me and i get to choose

i love doing this work tuning the self
lifting the self nowing the
self having the courage to choose

having the courage to choose
so grateful to havet he
the courage to choose how i feel

the courage to be happy
today i have the courage to celebrate life
to tune myself to the truth
to remember the truth to live my

by the turht o

to feel enthusiastic about the truth
and about life
today i have the

courage to feel good to feel the
divine buzz to allow the divine buzz to flow through me
to allow the god feeling to rise and risse

and rise

today i have the ccourage to feel good
to celebrate life to choose teh
version irpefer and

stick to it
feel to it stick to the feeling of it

today i am the divine buzz today
i am practicing radical gratitdue

today im taking the feeling to the next level
today im all about celebrat ing live

life today im
a m

i am the feeling i am the feeling ia m the feeling
of radical gratitude
i ove

i love that life is already pefect
perfect for me and i get to celebrate that
i love that life already workred out for me

i love that i already did all the work
i love that i get to feel that i love that
i ge tot accept that i alo

i love that i get to allow it i love that
its always flowing

to and through me i love that i get to choose
how i want to feel i love that i
get to choose the truth

so grateful i know the truth of life
and i get to live by it
so grateful i know the god energy i know the
god energy i know the god self
and i know that all of life

reflects me the feeling i give to life
what i give to life that’s what life gives back and i love that
i know this that i’m unlocking a new level i love that
i get to unlock new levels i love that
i get to hcoose myself that i get to choose the god

that i get to choose the divine self i love that
i get to choose the

and then i dont have to feel bad and create that energy
within me i can just choose the love energy all

and allow it to permeate everything
i know that this is true because ive seeen i so mnay
so many times i love that i know

feeling is the secret that impregnates eeveryt

so grateufl i get to choose ho wi feel that i g
et to choose how i feel
that i get to

tune ho i feel how i feel so grateful
that i get to tune
how i feel

so grateful to be here

to get to choose to know that it’s only ever me and i’m
the energy i am the energy and the driver

i get to enjoy this day i get to tune myself to it
i get to let go of the rest and just feel the feeling
today i let go of the rest today i just
feel today i just am

i’m doing this work i’m tuning the self i’m
getting the moreo

motor running

i love waking up feeling good
getting to sleep in never really having to set an alarm

i love liking my chores

so graetful my wife and my kitties love me
so grateful for where i live and all the allies we
have here so grteful to stand behind it
so grateful i can be happy wherever i cam

so grateful that today i can shoose
choose love today i get to choose love i get to
send the signal of love i get to choose love
i get to choose love i

today i get to choose love today i get to allow life
to bring it to me today i get ot

allow life to choose i love coming here and doing the
wrok and tuning myself to love i love coming here and doing
the work nd

and tuning myself to love and i lov that
i get to

so grateful i alerady know
so grateful it already is
i know it always comes back around and i can
allow it i can allow it i can

today i get to allow it and i dont even
have to think aobut that
i cna just turn the boat on it i can

i can just turn the boat on it i can
totally not

i can totallly let it go and not even thinking
it today i get to feel good get to
enjoy the day todayi get to enjoy they day
and i never have to do anything out of obligation
i can do it for fun

i get to have fun i get to feel that feeling
today i get to feel that feeling l
of letting it all go of enjoying life of haing
having a good attitude
of feeling tuned to life i

of eel the

feeling ther est slp away
i kknow the feeling is there i know the feeling is always there
its me i know that feeling is me i know that feeling is
me and it’s always here

i dont have to add anyting
to myself i dont have
to become anything else becausee i always

already am it i get to feel the feeling of it
so grateful to celebrate this day to tune myself
to the magick of this day to choose teh love of
this day to choose the
verison i wa nt to

feel the version i prefer

i get to choose to embrace to fully love this
day and dont have to choose resistance

dong ha

don’t have to look for reasons not to
i can just release all that annd bask in the day
today i choose to bask in the day
and allow the natural feeling to flourish
today i allow god to floursigh
through me

today i allow god to flourish through me
to express itself through me
to know that i do my best and i dont have to do it all

i can leave space for me i can leave space for me
i can do me i can be me

i can live my life fully without the influence of others
na di love

doing this work i love doing thiw work
waking up to the feelings
choosing how i want to feel

chooseing my proximity to god knowing that’s a

all there really is and that all o flife
reflects that so ic an always
choose my proximity to god and the rest will follow

i get to have fun and enjoy the day

and the rest will follows

i love waking up doing this work
tha this work can steer my day
i love that i can always


steer my day i love that i know i can
always choose the feeling i love that i
know i can always

choose the feeling i prefer i love that
i know i love that i know i can choose love i love that
i know i can choose lov ei love

i love that i know its only eve a feeling and
i can trust it

so grateful to lovet his amazingly awesome day
so grateful to not care
to get to enjoy the day to get to embrace the dasy

to get to love the day to get to choose love
and feeling loved to get to choose fun
so grateful to get to cchoose fun and love

to know i always do my best
to know that i always do my best and that’s all i can do

i always direct the feelign of love
and that’s all i can do.

so grateful i get to choose the feeling
and know that’s all ther is
that i get to choose the basking that i
get to choose to

fully love my life and know that
no one can stop me
i get to feel successful
and trut that

turst that

trust that life is always
on the case trust that life is always

on the case trust that life is
always on the case

i love that i get to enjoy the day
get to enjoy me gett o

to enjoy my life get to enjoy the
power of the focus the power of
focusing on one point and allow the rest to unfold
i trust the flow i trust the feeling

i love that i’m here i love that
i get to experience life as the god self i love that
i can never try and i can all

only allow life
i can only allow life to live itself
i can aonly

only allow life to live itself.

grateful for this day

so grateful for everything i have that
we can afford any groceries we want and need so
grateful for distance so grateful for the courage
to be happy today i have the courage to be happy

to have fun to enjoy the day

so grateful for this day to have fun to celebrate to be conscious
so grateful i get to be conscious on this day i get to
feel the feeling of god i get to be god

so grateful for consciousness to be conscioussly aware
of the version i create i am consic

today i am cnoscious
today i am consciousness

so grateful for the cnosciosness
so grateful for this day to focus and feel good
and celebrate all that i have so grateful to
get to celebrate life today!!

so greatdful
grateful for this day to celebrate to
be me so grateul to get to
be me today to live fully

so grateful for all that i have
and i’m celebrating !!

so grateful for my family
and my home and my charmed life

i’m so grateful for this day
to get to relax and bask and enhhoy
enjoy the day to

so grateful for the feeling of knowing
for the feeling of love so grateful for the
feeling of love
to get to celebrate life so grateful to get to
celebrate life get to celebrate the feeling

get to celebrate lifei ‘m here
i’m here now celebrating how good my life is
just being in my good life and i know
its alreayd perfect

so grateful if e

life is already perfect for me
so grateful i get to feel the truth of that that
i have the courage to be happy

the courage to feel good the courage to feel good

so grateful for this day for the flow for
the flow flowing through me for the god self flowing through me
for the energy of life flowing through me

the energy that creates worlds flowing through me
today i get to live the truth today i get to live the truth

when i think about when i don want
when i think about how someone else hasn’t done enough
i can turn the boat on that and feel the way i would prefer

just ask
and choose that’s all i can do just as myself what iw ould
i would prefer maybe i would prefer to
just let it go
and just be without thinking about it all the time
and if that’s my truth the n

so be it

so grateful i get to choose love

so grateful for this day for this flow for
this focus for this knkowing so

so grateful for this nowing this knowing
so grateful for this knowing so grateful to
get to choose o
get to get to choose so grateful to

have the courage to choose happiness so
grateful to get to tune the energy to get to feel good today
to get to feel how i want to feel to start the day
off right to get the motor running so

ggrateufl i know how to do this
how to feel the way i want to feel about life
so grateful to
celebrate life

so grateful i get to choose i get to choosei
get to choose how i feel i get t

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose the life
i live i get to choose the life i live i get to choose

i get to choos i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose i get

i get to live life today i get to celebrate life
today ig et to

i get to do me today and that
exists outside of what other people are thinking are doing t

today i get to be me today i get to live
my best self my best life without htinking
about what others think about me

i get to live it i get to live it i
get to break free i get to

break free i get to live free
today i get to live free from thinking about
what others are doing or not doing or what they think about me

i get to break myself free from trying i get to
break myself free fromm trying

i love that i dont have to care
i love standing up for myself i love doing me

living the version i want to live and
i dont have to care i love that i

get to choose me i love that i dont
have to sabotage myself any more i love that
today i can life

i get to live life for me and i’m so grateful
to be waking up to this to be feeling for it i get

i get to feel how i want to feel in my life
i get to ask myself if that’s how i want to feel
and then choose teh version i prefer

i love that i get to choose to let it go
and live free i love that i get to live fro

for me i love that i get to to live free
i love that i
get to live for me i love that

i get to live for me i love that i
get to live free i love that i get to let
it go and live for me

today i’m feeling the feelingo f what i want
and not focusing on what i dont want
on what’s not there

im feeling the feelin i prefer to
feel which is freedom
today i’m living for me and nothing
thinking about what someone else would think!!

today i live for me!!

and i don’t have to care
its not malicious but i do me and choose lov e
i d

i do me and choose love i do me and choose
love choose love for myself and my life
choose to live how i want to live and i am

i have the courage to do it!

courage to be hapy

today ihave the courage today i have the
courage not to look at the thing i keep looking at
to remembe that its made up and mostly because im bored
today im looking at ne w things todayi have
the courage to be happy

today i have the courage to be happy
to turn my attention away from something bothering me
and put it on mso

something else to tell a new story to choose where i palyce

place my attention

so grateful to be here on this day

so grateful for this day
to get to live to get to be me
to get to feel good to get to feel
good to get to

the courage to feel good the courage to
feel good the courage to feel good

the couragge to be happy today intend
to celebrate all that’s greate me

for me today i intend to celebrate my charmed life
today i intend to take a stna

stand and not be a victim of my thoughts todya
i stnad up to my thougths today i tue
today i enjoy today i love today i love today i love
today i choose love today i choose love and i love
that i gget
get to today

today my day is booked and i love that i get to
i love that i

i love that i have new ideas i love

today i have the courage to be proud of who ia m
today i have the courage to be proud of who i am
to do me and not care what

anyone else thinks to cele

today i have the courage and i’m celebragting the

i’m celebrating how good it feels to feel good
i’m celebrating how good my life feels so


how happy i am in my life
and i’m letting go of thinking about
what othes think

others think about me people who
i dont even care what they think about me
and i am aware of the energy

today i have the courage to be aware of the
energy and how im directing it

what its fixated on and today i have the courage to
love myself to choose my own value and know it doesnt exist outside

of me today i’m grateful for the contrast that

helps me focus todayi’m
i have the courage to be happy and fulfilled in my own
life and send the signal of love
and let that be it

todayi am

i am aware of my thoughts and the affect they have
on my life today i have the courage to look at something else

today i have the courage to choose
today i have the courage to choose me

so grateful i get to choose what i look at and today is the
day i make a switch i knkow a

i allowed myself to get lazy in my thinking
becuse we live in such a smal microcosm
of space and people
by i can

but i can feel my universe expanding
and i can feel the verison of me that cares
slipping away

so grateful to get to do the work
to understand the emotions and just look at them
why do i care becuase iw ant to

feel that feeling of community
and i know that i dont need any person or persons
to participate in that i can choose it for me
and i never have to fixate on

if someone likes me
in fact i prefer they didn’t
not really haha but irea

i reallly dont care
i’m not going to change
or be a different person

this is who ia m and i love it
and i dont h

care what others think and i’m

grateful for this contrast becaus it
really hepls

helps me work through this
and i’m grateful to get to do
it get to address it

so grateful for pops go
so grateful for coffee
for bars

that we can afford any grocery we want!
that life is good for me and i’ll never
be poor again
that i love my house and my wife

i guess i just wnat to get to the why
they why of why i care???

but i know i never have to get to the why
just focus on something else
and it will go way


why does my mind keep going back to what
one person thinks of me
and gevore

before it was that person it was other persons?????

why do i care so much???

wanat to be accepted want to be loved watn t
to be revered

want value applied to my life from an outside source??

validation from outside source??

and then certain persons i dont care at all
becuase i deem lthem not less than me but i guess not
better than me
so i guess that is what it is

deeming someinog else beter thn e
me then thinkin in eed acceptane from them
to be a good person

to hve value
an di’m so grateful for this becausee
it is really ehlping me
a life long resistant thought

upper limiiting belief
that i need validation from toehrs

i lovet

doing this work and having the courage to be happy
as i am i love that the contrast helps me focus

i hate how much time and energy ive had to spend on this
absolutely hate it

hate it and hate this about myself
that im like this i hate that im like this
always looking to other people na dthis has

been a months long saga!!!

just dont touch it
just dont but

put the energy there and choose me
choose me choose how i feel choose my own celebration of life
choose to focus on me

grateful to do this work and
have something to fous on
a point of focus a point of focus

which is the courage to be happy
and proud of my own life the courage to be
happy and proud o f my own life

and release ever thinking about what
antoher thinks about me

i know this has been an additcion of mine
for awhile and im excited to see it slip away

im excietd to embody the new version of myself

with the courage to like myself!
to love myself no matter what

to be secure
to stand up to my thoughts
i am secreu

i am tired of writing that
it feels more lame every time i write it haha
i can’t believe this has been going on since the summer
so fuccking embarassing and why

and addictive thought that i can choose
to stop thinking i love that i get to
i love that its easy just let it go
have the courage to let it go