courage to be hapy

today ihave the courage today i have the
courage not to look at the thing i keep looking at
to remembe that its made up and mostly because im bored
today im looking at ne w things todayi have
the courage to be happy

today i have the courage to be happy
to turn my attention away from something bothering me
and put it on mso

something else to tell a new story to choose where i palyce

place my attention

so grateful to be here on this day

so grateful for this day
to get to live to get to be me
to get to feel good to get to feel
good to get to

the courage to feel good the courage to
feel good the courage to feel good

the couragge to be happy today intend
to celebrate all that’s greate me

for me today i intend to celebrate my charmed life
today i intend to take a stna

stand and not be a victim of my thoughts todya
i stnad up to my thougths today i tue
today i enjoy today i love today i love today i love
today i choose love today i choose love and i love
that i gget
get to today

today my day is booked and i love that i get to
i love that i

i love that i have new ideas i love

today i have the courage to be proud of who ia m
today i have the courage to be proud of who i am
to do me and not care what

anyone else thinks to cele

today i have the courage and i’m celebragting the

i’m celebrating how good it feels to feel good
i’m celebrating how good my life feels so


how happy i am in my life
and i’m letting go of thinking about
what othes think

others think about me people who
i dont even care what they think about me
and i am aware of the energy

today i have the courage to be aware of the
energy and how im directing it

what its fixated on and today i have the courage to
love myself to choose my own value and know it doesnt exist outside

of me today i’m grateful for the contrast that

helps me focus todayi’m
i have the courage to be happy and fulfilled in my own
life and send the signal of love
and let that be it

todayi am

i am aware of my thoughts and the affect they have
on my life today i have the courage to look at something else

today i have the courage to choose
today i have the courage to choose me

so grateful i get to choose what i look at and today is the
day i make a switch i knkow a

i allowed myself to get lazy in my thinking
becuse we live in such a smal microcosm
of space and people
by i can

but i can feel my universe expanding
and i can feel the verison of me that cares
slipping away

so grateful to get to do the work
to understand the emotions and just look at them
why do i care becuase iw ant to

feel that feeling of community
and i know that i dont need any person or persons
to participate in that i can choose it for me
and i never have to fixate on

if someone likes me
in fact i prefer they didn’t
not really haha but irea

i reallly dont care
i’m not going to change
or be a different person

this is who ia m and i love it
and i dont h

care what others think and i’m

grateful for this contrast becaus it
really hepls

helps me work through this
and i’m grateful to get to do
it get to address it

so grateful for pops go
so grateful for coffee
for bars

that we can afford any grocery we want!
that life is good for me and i’ll never
be poor again
that i love my house and my wife

i guess i just wnat to get to the why
they why of why i care???

but i know i never have to get to the why
just focus on something else
and it will go way


why does my mind keep going back to what
one person thinks of me
and gevore

before it was that person it was other persons?????

why do i care so much???

wanat to be accepted want to be loved watn t
to be revered

want value applied to my life from an outside source??

validation from outside source??

and then certain persons i dont care at all
becuase i deem lthem not less than me but i guess not
better than me
so i guess that is what it is

deeming someinog else beter thn e
me then thinkin in eed acceptane from them
to be a good person

to hve value
an di’m so grateful for this becausee
it is really ehlping me
a life long resistant thought

upper limiiting belief
that i need validation from toehrs

i lovet

doing this work and having the courage to be happy
as i am i love that the contrast helps me focus

i hate how much time and energy ive had to spend on this
absolutely hate it

hate it and hate this about myself
that im like this i hate that im like this
always looking to other people na dthis has

been a months long saga!!!

just dont touch it
just dont but

put the energy there and choose me
choose me choose how i feel choose my own celebration of life
choose to focus on me

grateful to do this work and
have something to fous on
a point of focus a point of focus

which is the courage to be happy
and proud of my own life the courage to be
happy and proud o f my own life

and release ever thinking about what
antoher thinks about me

i know this has been an additcion of mine
for awhile and im excited to see it slip away

im excietd to embody the new version of myself

with the courage to like myself!
to love myself no matter what

to be secure
to stand up to my thoughts
i am secreu

i am tired of writing that
it feels more lame every time i write it haha
i can’t believe this has been going on since the summer
so fuccking embarassing and why

and addictive thought that i can choose
to stop thinking i love that i get to
i love that its easy just let it go
have the courage to let it go

i can do it

i allow the emotions to flow over me
to flow and through me i allow myself to just be
and don’t place any judgement
on the feelings just allow them to exist and i feel better when i do that
i feel goo when
good when i allow my emotions to flow through me

not trying to create any emotion just allowing it to flow
to and through me

i can do it i can do it
just contemplate
just relax just allow just be i can just be
i can be here now i am here now i am


i am this moment i am this moment and
i can relax and enjoy it i can
live life for me i can live life for me

it’s easy just sit here and write about it
its so fun and easy

i feel flah i feel blah i feel
annoyed i feel sick from cramps
i feel at esae i feel the ease and flow of life
i feel life i am life iam
life ia m allo of it i am all of it i am
all of it i am all of lfie
i am life ia m here and now and i don thave to


a thing i don’t havet o d
to do a thing

i release i allow i allow life
to flow through me i allow myself to
flow through me i allow me to flow through me

i am me and i am the flow and i allow it
and that’s all i can ever do i don thave to
strive i don thave to try to make a feeling

just be just be just sit with
it just allow everything to be and trust whateve comes i can always
trust whatever comes i can always
trust the flow the feeling of life i can always trust the feeling of life to

the flow of life the in and out of life the ina nd out of life
i acn

can always trust the breath that is life
that this life is another being’s

i’m here now and that’s all i am
i’m just breath going in and out and
riding on he wave

there’s nothing to do nothing to
create just ease and flow and appreciate life
there’s nothing to reistan

nothing to achieve no feeling
to embody to practice

just allow an appreciate jut get out
of the way just get out of the way
just enjoy just listen

all i cacn do it

all i can do is listen

i feel good i actually do feel good
i fee i

i eeel
feel it hanging out down there
under all the made up stuff

its just there chilling
not needing to be created

or milked or drawn forth or
tuned to its just there when i allow it
to be its just there when i allow myself to live fully
when i allow me
to be my whole self

i allow me
to be my whole self

it’s there and i feel it i feel

center of life i feel the
center of life and i feel that ia m it
i feel that i am it and i feel that
i can release the rest i feel that i can
release the rest

i’m here and i don thave to struggle
just accept just say yes today i’m
saying yes today i’m

saying yes to me to life to everything that is
to choices to feeling good to feeling myself
to loving myself to doiing the work to feel good
to doing the work to feel good

but its not work it just is
just be just be and then it is i know that this
is true an di love the feeling of being inspire to d
to do the work
so grateful
for a questions!!

and i know i wanted that so graetful for
the quesiton and i know i wnat ed this

i feel good i feel good i feel good i do
feel good i feel good right now i feel good
right now i

feel good right now i feel grateful right now
for the life i have

so grateful for my house
and my cool neighbors
and my family
and my yog

and my grocery delivery!!

so grateful we can afford grocery delivery!!

and that we live somewhere with a wholefoods!!


it all always comes to us
so grateful for questions
so grateful people want to ask

grateful for my home and my warm blankets
and my wife and my kitties
so grateful

for mail piickup
and delieveris
so grateful to get to give

i’m here now i’m here now i’m here now

i’m here now i am


i am the here and now
i love that i know this that i am
all of it
that i expand to fill the space of

infinity because that is me
i love that i know it i lov etha ti know
i am no my body i love

knowing the magick of life
and knowing i don thave to try or make anything
happen that its always


happening its always just happening that alll of life
is the infinite happening and i don thave to
make any of it

it just happens

i did it and that’s what matters
and i dont have to care
or get involved i can just live
my full

embodied life right now i get to
expand to fill the infinite now an djust
listen to life

to what life is telling me
i now the magick of life
and i tune into it
i am it i am
it i am it i am it

i am the infinite now i am the infinite now
and it feels good to just be
not carte about anty

anything not place a value judgement on
anything just observe and move on
so gratefuli get to love i g

i get to i get to i get to just be and relax in the knowing that
that’s all there is

i am

and that’s all nothing else matters

i guess i can feel good

i guess i can get in a good mood i guess i can have fun
and enoyt
enjoy this day i gut

guess i can let it go i guess ic an get over it i guess i can not care
i guess i dont have to care i guess i can just do me

it’s easy to flip the switch to decide how i want to feel
to remember this is what i wanted to act as if
its fun to remember to act as if it li love that
its easy to feel good and i dont have to explain the past
feelings or worry about future ones jusst feel good right now

thank you fort his this day this day
to feel good to celebrate to turn the boat to feel the feeling
right now to focus and feel good to

focus and feel good to focus and feel good
to choose me to choose my best self to choose my god
self to choose this work

be ause it works this work because it works
i and i love that its all working out for me i love that
i get to choose ad i get o

to know

i love there
wher ei am right now who i am what i am
that i am knowledge that i am the
god self

renouncing my humanhood
i love that i’m soaring i love that i’m
flying high i love that i
get to feel good and celebrate
i love that life loves me i love that
life loves me that i get to

choose teh

excitement level for the
day the

celebration quotient i get to
take the raide i
i get to have fun i get to have fun i

get to have fun i get to
have fun
i get to have fun i get to

have fun i get to have fun

i’m hee and
i’m hre and i’m foused

i’m here and i’m grateful im
flowing through life loving through life
i love where i am right now

i love this moment right now i love
that i am aware
of the thoughts feelings and emotions that
create my life i love that
i get to hcoose to choose love i love
that i get to

choose lov ei love that i get to choose love
i get to become it i get to become it then see it

this work works this works works
and i know that and its all that mattes so

check back into the flow and enjoy
the ride and i love that i get to do that i love that
i ge tot have fun
just feel the feeling of fun adn

allow it to 4
to unfold i love that i can’t try i love that
i can’t try that i dont have to do anything
that i can

this works workst his work

allways works and i know al
i always got the version i was ith

the version i am i always see the verison i am
i always see the version i am
and i know that it’s allways
always and never not me
i love that i know this
hi love that
i know that life




so grateful i get to have fun cd
get to choose it and then it is get to feel it and then it is
get to feel it and then it is

i love thati ‘m here i love that i feel the
feeling i love that i feel the feeling i love that

we get to record for our adoring fans i love that
i get to feel good i love that i love

i love talking about ideas and i love that
i get to i love that i get to spend time creating with my
wif ei love that its s
just for fun and its just a way
to get our ideas out ther ei love that
i ju

it just doesn’t matter i love that it
will be done

i am that i am i am that ia m
i am that i am i am
that i am i am that i am
i am that i am
i love that i get to c

enjoy it i get to feel the feeling
first and then enjoy t

the day i love that i know this works

works this work works and this is the only work
i get to choose me and tune into and protect mky own every

energy i get to have fun now i get to have fun
now i get to choose knowing i get to choose knwoing i get
to choose knowing i get to choose knowing

i feel good i feel good i feel good about my life i
feel good about my life i celebrate my wrok
i celebrate my work i love my work i love this life i love this
life there is so much to talk about
to celebrate to discuss

to have fun with there is so much in life
that is fun there is so much in life aht is
that is fun there is so

much in life that is fun

i’m here i’m focused
and then it will be done i don t

even have to care i can get out of the way
i know im doing it so stop resisting it
and just get out of the weay

i’m mad at how much im resisting
im mad that i dont want to do it
im mad that i have to do it
im made when i have to do anything i dont wnat to do

i want to do it

i want to want to do it
i feel good about myself

i love myself i love myy ideas
i love what i have to say im’m

confident in having fun
i love that ot

to have fun the funshow is
blowing up i dont even care for it to lol

i’m here

i can do it i can focus here i can focus here
and remember that’s all there is
so grateful for this day for this moment for this life
so grateful for the blessed life i lead
to know tht the imnd doesn’t get me here iknow the
mind doeesn’t get me here

so i focus on the feeling on the
art com

of contemplation

i’m here and i’m focused i’m here and i’m focused

i’m here and i’m focused i’m herea dn i’m

so grateful to get back to my ways to
my patterns of life!

so grateful to break them to

return to them knowing that the contrast
is all there is

that the contrast can only
bring those parts into focus i know this
and i ride the wave
so graeful
grateful to ride the


i’m here to foucs that
and that’s a feeling a focus of feeling not of thought
and i love that i get to i love that
i can get to choose it htat
i gt to live it so gratful i get to live it

so grateful i get to live it
that i get to live the life i created for myself
so grateful i get to feel successful

i am successful

so grateful i am successful
so grateful i get to choose it get to choose teh flow
get to choose life get to choose god

get to choose elevation
get to choose celebrating life
get to practice constant gratitude
get to
tape into life
get to
allow life to flow thr

over me get to celebrate right now
who i am
get to et

get back to our ways
get to feel good
get to feel the flow

i love doing this work i love wakign up
to this day i love getting to do things in my own time i love
get along with our mail carrieer
i love that we can walk tot hte station

i love our wagon i love our laundry basket!!

i love that we can afford the things we need!!

i love that life is always on my side i love that
we’ll never be poor again i love that the work always works i love that
i can always jump into tlife i love that
i know this is real and that life always reflects the feeling
that it has to that it can’t not
i loe tha

i love that i know whatever i believe is
what i will see i love that i get to practice it
that i have the skills to pracitce

to access the feeligns i want to feel

so grateful to feel good to feel the feeling of flying
high so grateful to be flying high
so grateful for my perfect tshirt

so grateful life is always flowing to me
so gratefu

for the abundant life i am
the abundant presence i am
so grateful to feel it and know it to feel connected to the truth
to feel the divine truth flowing through me

to want to work out to wnat to get back to my

patterns and my habits to enjoy
feeling good in my body
to enjoyo good food os

so grateful for my abundant life
so grateful for my abundant life

i’m here and i’m celebrating life
i love how good life can be and i’m
celebrating every day i love that
i feel the love of god filling me

i feel the love of god filling me up
i feel the lust for life
filling me up
i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled

i AM totally fulfilled
and i love that i feel that that iknow that
i love that i know the magick of life i love that
i get to experience it i love that
i get to start the day off right o

i love that i know life loves me that i am love

life and i love myself i love the version i created i love life
i love that i get to just feel the feeling of love
i love that i get to just feel the feeling of love that
i get to send the signal of love i love that i get to just

feel the feeling of love that i can
relese t

release the rest i lovee that i know i am the one and only
creator i love that i get to have fun!!

i love that i get ot nejoy the day
i ilove that i get to enjoy life

my life that i get to enjoy grateful that i
get to enjoy that i am neough

enough right now that ia m filled up

right now
i am totally fulfilled

right now i love that i get to feel it
i love that i am it i lov ethat i know i am

god i love that i know i am god i love that
i et to celebrate how lucky i am i love that i have a good life
that i made and i get to celebrate it

so grateful to celebrate this day
to jump back into the flow
to want to jump in

to enjoy the jumping in to enjoy my life
to be aware of how i feel of the patterns i create

i am awaree of the patterns i create

i love that i get to enjoy my life
i love that i already i love that life is good i love that
i feel god

filling up i love that i feel god in every crevice and it
feels so good i love that i get to feel good get to feel life

really feel it really live it really celebrate it!

so grateful i get to enjoy it
that i get to enjoy life i

that i get to feel good now
that i get to choose

knowing that


are only ever me they

are only ever me and i get to choose
who i am

i am not separate

i am not i i am all that is
and it just is

i am all that is and it just is
and there’s no action to take there’s now

no words to say
just be just exist just
be that’s all i can do is
be i can’t
access it with the mind
i can’t do it with the ego with the
belief that i am separate

i do this work to remember to remember what i am
and remember that ia m not serpart
from all of it that all of this is me
the airplane in the distance is me and i know that
becuase i am observing it

i do this wrk to remember that i’m not separate
i am not separate ia m it i am the one and only
god and i’m nost

not separate from it
i’m not separate from it

i am it i am it i am it
i know that ia m it

i am it i am it
i am all of this ia m all of this
and none of it matters
just the experience of experiencing it
i know htat

its not about the mind doing tricks
or the mind

discovering something
other than itself its true self what it turly

i’m here to remember what iam
to zoom out and feel the unison of self with
experience to know that it’s all me
i know that its all me i know that it’s all me

i take the leap today i take the leap today i
take the leap today i take the leap

so grateful for the energy the energy that creates worlds
so grateful to do this work to feel good to
celebrate sloth i am celebrating sloth
and it feels good it feels good to accept what is knowing that
the other side is always there
that the strong desires is al

is always right there and of course it always come from
the realse from allowing mysel t

myself to not do the thing i didn’t want tod o
and now of course
i want to and i have a new

lust for it a new desire
a new foxus
focus and i look forward to it
it feels good to want to do it
to want to feel good in my body

prefer to feel good in my gody to make
to make the choice t

it feels good to make the choice
to know that

noone of
none of it matters besides how i see myself and i love

that i get to choose i love that i
get to make the choices that feel good and that
certain choices lead to

shoring up others

i love that i know i love that i know
i’m separate i love that i
get to celebrate this day
i love that it always refelcts
reflects me i love that i et to choose
i love that life helps me choose helps

me know what i reallywant and i love that

i love that i get to choose that i get to
feel joy coursing through me and that i also

really want to do it now and i know that its a life long
journey i know its a life long journey and i love that
i know ths l ove that i love that i know this
that i can always

keep up the good wrk of
of feeling how i want to feel and always trusting what is i
can celebrate this day and all that it is
that it gives me the feeling that the
feeling is always there when

there’s no resistance i love that
it always come i love that
i love t

i love that life always flows through me i love that
life loves me i love that i am life
and i love myself
i am myself
and i am everything i am life
and i am me life

is me

i love feeling the eenrgy of life flow through me i love that i
get to give i love that its all

always flowing to and through me i love that its a

all flowing to and through me i love that life
is alwyas flowing to and through me

i’m here and all of life is here and its me

all of life is here and its me and i love that
i get to choose i love that i am aware of the
version i prefer and i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it i love that i
get to choose joyful life
i love that i get to choose a joyful life and through living

the desire is born the desire is born and the
way i want to feel is revealed

so grateful to feel the feeling of wanting to do it
to rmeember why i do do it in the first place

so grateful to remember

so grateful to feel good to like myself to
love myself and to have a new lease

so graetful

for a new lease
to remember who i am what i am
and to remember how good it feels go

to feel good how good it feels to feel good
to remember why i do it
to remember how good it feels to eel g

to feel good that i do it
becuase its fun and it feels so good

and so
grateful to remember that
so grateful to remember that
so grateful to remember that

i love that i get to do the work that
i get to do the work that i
get to do the work i love that i
get to do the work that i
get to have fun and feel good that
i get to have fun and feel good i love that
i get to feel the flow

get to feel the flow i love that i
get to feel the flow that i get to feel the flow
that i get to feel good that i get to focus
that i get to love

so grateful for this day to et
get to celebrate

so grateful i get to celebrate life
so grateful everything is going great for me

thank you thank you thank you

i love doing this work the focus work and i love the
work i made for myself i love that the work i do is exactly what i want
to be doing and i love that i am good at it
i ilove that i knkow i make the work
with integrity and that’s all i can ever do
i love the feeling of opening op

up around it i love the ;fee
feelign of standing behind it i love that

the feeling of it resonating

so grateful for this moment and the ability
to choose teh ability to jump into whichever
stream i want and i know that is the ultimate

lesson the ultimate knowledge
and im so grateflu i know it
that i know they are me that i know they are only
ever me and so grateful to

remember that

i can relax i can relax in the knowledge
i can relax i the in the knowledge
that the activiy of divine abundace
is eternally operating in my life

so grateful for grants

grateful to feel the feeling of yees to
feel excited about life to know thate very
day has the potentila to be so much


every moment

i’m here!

i’m here and i am i’m here and i am i’m here i’m here i made it to this
day and i know that i am alive i know that i am alive and
i get to celebrate life i am here!!

i’m so grateful to be here to feel the
feeling i feel right here and now to

love the life i ahve right now so gratefl to love the life i have right now
so grateful for the focus to choose how i want to fee so grateful
to get to choose how iw ant to feel so grateful i
get to choose to feel good about myself
so grateful i get to choose to feel good i get to choose to cle

celebrate this day so grateful i get
to choose to celebrate this day that i get to love myself and
this day that i know that I AM

i come here to tune myself i come here and its so easy
to tune to the vibration of god and let all else slip away

so grateful for this day for our
beautiful mornings so grateful i love my life
so grateful i get to refuse to suffer

today i get to refuse to suffer
today i get to feel how god feels

excited to have a good day
excited to have fun with my wife who i love
exccited to feel attuend to god
to renounce my humanhood

to believe in myself and my life
to refuse to suffer and send love instead

so excited for the day to feel good and have fun
so grateful to have fun to feel the flow
and have fun
to feel good and have fun so grateful to have fun

to tune myself to tune out anything
that isn’t god and tune myself to the feeling of god
so grateful to get to do it to
get to feel the god self the god feeling to do

only what i want to do

so grateful i get to feel the feeling of god
i get to feel the feeling god feels i get to choose love
and i get to refuse to suffer t

so grateful i get to choose life right now
i get to choose god right now i get to choose focus
right now and allow the truth of life to flow through me

i know who and waht i am i know who and what i am
i know that i am the one and only creator of my life experience
i know this for a fact and i put it in to

into pracitce i love

celebrating life i love tha i get to

refse to refuse to fu

suffer i love that i get to refuse to suffer and it feels so good
to refuse

today i ruse

refuse to suffer today i feel how god would feel today i
feel the love of life flowing through me today i feel

appreciation for the energy of life flowing through me

god is lavish
unfailing abundnace the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me
i love that i get to enjoy the day i love that i now

the feeling is the secret i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel the truth of it i love that i
get to feel the truth of life i love that
i can always tune myself i love that i know

i know i am
the instruemnt
i love that i get to take the big leap
i love that
i get to take the big leap into my zone of genius
i love that i now this day is perfect and i dont have to
do a thing i loe that i know that life

is always flowing

perfectly to and through me i know that i am
just a conduit for life to flow through i know this i love that
i ge tto live an embodied life
i get to fee

life fully in the god self i get to act as the god self
feel the power of the god self ai lovee that i get to tune
to it and i get to feel it i love that
i reeel

feel ir giht
it right now that i

get to refuse to suffer

i love that i get to feel it that i get to live life
fully as the god that i am

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsent substance of the universe

this all proficind
providing source of infinite prosperity is
individualized as me the reality of me

the erality of me is god

the reality of me
is god i know this i know this

the reality of me is god
and i am the feeling of knowing that
and this feeling of knwoing the
truth i s

is life it is the meaning of life
it is the meaning of life
all that matters is this feeling of knowing that

god is me god is my life experience and
its whatever i want whatever i expect and i love that i get to
i love that i get to choose it i love that
i already am it that
it already is me

so grateful i kow
so grateful i know the power of me
so grateful ive experienced it so many times

that i just keep up the feeling the practice

and i see the effects every single day
and i love that i know this is true

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent subsance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualzied as me

the reality of me

to feel the joy of this day to feel the joy of the flow
to feel good right now to feel good

right now so grateful to feel good right now
to feel god right now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing source

of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

thank you for this moment in time

for knowing that i can refuse to think about that
thing that i think matters that i made up i can refuse to think about

and think about what i know t
which is that i am the one and only creator

which is gratitude for this moment and all that i have in mo

this moment focused in the
this moment how it all led up to this so grateful for this

for the time and space to bask and enjoy
so grateful to get to bask and enjoy
to get to enjoy to get to enjoy
to get to enjjoy

i love that i get to focus here and now
grateful for this here and now

saying yes for this here and now
saying yes for this

here and now

i’m happy i’m happy ‘m happy
i’m happy i’m

happy in my life i’m happy in my
i’m happy in my life

i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i embrace this day i love this day i love this moment
i love this day i love this moment i love
feeling good i love ccle

celebrating the day i love that its easy to let things go
i love that its easy to focuso n the version i prefer
i ove

i feel good i feel good i feel good

even though i had a bad dream that’s ok
i woke up feeling … idk but that’s ok!!

i can always turn the boat i can always enjoy the day i can
always jump right intot he day into tlove

into love i can always jumpt right into love

i can do it i can do it i can do it i can always tune i can
always tune myself to the vibration of god

that my proximitiiy to god is my supply
and i can always

access god i can always access god theere is
no limit to the amount of god that i can access and i celebrate that
its easy to make the swtich!!

it’s so easy to swtich the energy to flip the switch
and see it played out its so easy to choose how i want to feel
to choose the version i want to act out the

i want to inhabit its so easy to focus into this
here andn ow to feel how i want to feel in this here
and now to feel how i want to fele
int his hhere
and how


its so easy to focus its so easy

i’m in a great mood i’m in a great mood

i love that its a good day i love that its eay
to change the
to turn the boat i love that its easy to turn the boat

i love that its easy to choose howi want to feel and then life reflects that
which makes it then even easier to feel good i love that life is good to
me that it always works out for me that its alaywa

working out in my favor i love
feelign good i love that i get to feel good that i
get to choose teh version that ig et to love that
i get to choose teh focus the at
that i get to choose teh feeling that i get to choose teh
feeling iw ant to feel that i get to choose teh version i want to act out

i am the god self i am the god self
i am the god self creating myself i create myself i caret

create myself and i love that i know this i love that
i know this i love that i get to experience it i love that its so eays i love
that its so easy to feel good to feel the flow of life
to feel the flow of life

to feel the truth of life to know the truth of life its so

so easy to feel good to feel the flow to feel the flow to feel
the flow to feel the god self to re

feel the resistance

drop away to feel the energy return
to let go of the energy from my bad dream
and transmute it
to do the work in every second because it works
i love that i g

choose i love that i get ot choose the flow

i love that i get to choose that i know ti si ilove that
i love that i know it i love that it already is i love that
i get to choose to feel good right now i love that

love is all around i love that i get to choose

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel the flow
i feel the flow flowing i feel the magick flowing i feel the

magick life i aim tapped into the energy of god i am the
energy of god i am
god i know that my source and my supply
is my proximity

to god

thereofre my consciousness of the presence of god
wtihin me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god with in m

is my supply
i love that its to

so easy i love that life
is so eay i love that
life is good i love that

life is good i love that life

is easy i love that its

i love that i know i love that life is good i love
taht i know life loves me i love
that ig et to celebrate it that i get to chose

choose it knowing that life always reflects the energy

that life always refelcts the energy i know that life
always loves me i love that i know life loves me i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to
feel good i love that i get to choos

feel good i love that i get to

feel god that i know i am god that ia m devoted to the
lotus sutra

i am devoted to the flow of life
i get tout of

ou of the way and lov ei get tout
out of the way and lov ei get t

out of the way and love i feel good now feel the
feeling right now i feel life right

i feel love

right now

i love

that i get to feel good that i get to
see the god in everything that im attuned to life and the
way it works knowing that everything is always in ther

the air and miracles happen all day every day
but they aren’t miracles they are just how life works and i love
that i know how life works that i get to

have fun and enjoy it!!

i love that i know i love that
life is good i love that life is good and i know life

loves me i love that i know life loves me

i love that i get to feel the feeling of

feeling good of feeling god


my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply