amazingly awesome day!

thank you for this day
thank you for this chance to live to create
to enjoy the energy that creates worlds

so grateful to see the evidence of this work to
want to do this work because i know it works
so grateful to have a good day
to love my neighborhood and my city
so grateful to know about
secret little spots

grateful i get to live this day
grateful for orders!!

grateful for this moment
so grateful i know they’re clamoring
so grateful i know we’re wildly successful
so grateful i can feel it
i can feel it i can allow myself to feel the
feeling of it i can
allow myself to access it
i can allow myself to access it
i am a match to it
so grateful to feel it so grateful to feel it
so gratefl to know i a

already am it so grateful it already is
the way i want it to be
so grateful we already made it!!

so grateful we’re worldwide
so grateful our wholesale customers rise on the daily
so grateful for the flow fliwng

so grateful that life is always clamoring to flow
through me so gateful for this moment to focus
to know that nothing

distract me nothing has to
so graetful i know so grae

grateful i know so grateful i know so grateufl i get to choose love

so grateful for this momet
for this flow floing
for this flow floiwng

because the work really work s
and that’s why i do this work that’s why i do
this work because i now it works so grateful i know
it works so grateful to come
here to do the tuning to feelt he
tuning of the slf

focusing of the self iam
focusing the self i am

the focused sef i am
the focused self

i am the focused self i am the god self
i know that my proxmity

to god is my source and my supply
i know that my proximity to god is my source and my supply

i’m with god and it feels good i’m with god and it feels good
and that’s all the

alll it takes is the choice that’s all it takes
is the choice is the choice

i do this work because it works
and i’m focused on that knowledge only
i know that the more i focus the more it work s
i know ti so well i know it so well and
i love that it

i get to do it i love that it’s flowing i love that the
flow is flowing i love that the flow
the flow is flowing the flow is flowing the flow is flowing
the flow is flowing

ther h

the here and now the here and now the here an dnow
the here and now the

hte focus

i do this work becausee it works
i do this
work becuase it works
i do this work
because it works i do this
work because it works i do this

work because it works i do this work because it works

i love that i know what i am
i love that i know what i am who i am
that i am the creator of me i love that
i am the creator of me i love that
i am the creator of me i love

that i am the creator of me

i liove that i know this work i love that i know this
work always works and i get to decide i love that
i get to decide and then it s

done i love that i know that wehn the
desire is made its done

i know this i know this
when the desire is hatched

its done i love that i get to choose this
get to trust it get to sh

choose this get to trust it i love that i get to choose it
get to ruth

trust it

i love that we can always trust it i love that e
wae get to i lovet hat

i do this work because i know it sowrks
it works it always reflects me
it always reflects me

it always reflects me

it always reflects me

i’m hre doing this work this work
the feeling work the feeling work the
feewling work

so grateful for where i am right now for where ia m
right now

i love that i get to love msyelf
that i get to choose that i get to know that i
get to know that i get to know that i
get to know that i get to know i love that
i get to know

i love that i do this work because it
i know tiw rosk

i do this wr
work because i n

know it works so i tune the self
and that’s all i focus on i love that
i get to i love that i know

that my proximity to god
is my supply i love that i et
get to remember i love that this is teh only work
i love that i get to love

i love that i get to enjoy i love that i get to bask

wildly successful

fielding tons of engagement
filling orders every night
fielding comments and DMs about the work
wholesale orders

the printer printing covers non stop
printing and binding every day !!

new subs every day
comments on the fun show

onlyfans subs
vertical climb on jessicas channel

wildly successful
we’re wildly successful
and i’m ready

books in every store
they sell out so fast
can barely keep them stocked
flying off the shelves

so many emails we have to do something about them lol

hire zen desk
outsource fulfillment
develop app

wildly successful

fielding engagement
orders every day

its so easy to create the life i want to feel
to live just by feeling it and i know that it
really is that easy

so grateful i know and so grateful to do this wrok

i’m raising my vibration and tuning into the magick

i love that i can always tune into the magick i love
that i can wake up and tune myself to the energy of god
that i get to feel good and celebrate all of life

i’m here tuning myself to the magick of life
andi know its’ all here for me that i get to tune to it that i get to feel the
feeling of it get to feelt he feeling of god i love

i love that i get to feel the feeling of yes that
i get to tune myself tot eht ruth i love that i know the truth
that i get to hcoose to live by the truth

i know the truth i know that

i am creating the physical reality i live in
every moment with my thoughts and emotions

i know that the feeling is what imipresess upon life what i am
and then life shows me evidence of that

ii’m here

i’m here
god’s here

god’s here and i’m god
and i love coming here to remember that to celebrat that and
embody that knowledget o

to live this knowledge

so grateful for this day to get to enjoy this day
to get to live this day to get to love this day
to get to feel this day and i feel it i feel the magick of it

the magick of it and i know that its true
i know that its real and i know that life
is always working out in my favor i knwo that
life is always goign myw ay i love that
i get to choose it i get to see

choose it and i see it more and more every day
i love that i get to choose it

i love that money always cmoesm easily
to us and that we’re always taken care of
i love that life

loves me and is always providing everything i need

i love that i can always choose how i see myself

i’m hre i’m here i’m here i’m
feeling the feeling of life
i feel the feelig of life of magick

renouncing my humanhood
of certainty of knowing that i am
god that life
bends to my expectation
to my creation

i’m hre

today i renounce my humanhoood
ad becoem the god i am
and i celebrate that i am

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of
all my good and i love that i know
it ht

that i get to choose it that
i get to choose it love
i love that i get to choose teh god self that i get to
choose the god self

i’m here i’m here i’m here i’m perese

present with how i feel and how that creates life
i knkow that the divine presence I AM

is the source and substance of all my good

i love that i know it and i get to celebrate it

i love that life reflects the feeling
i love feeling excited about life i love that i know life
reflects the feelig a

na di love seeing the evidence of that
i love that life is good and tha tlife loves me
i love that ther ‘s so much to love
to mate

so much love to experience and i love that its all me

all me and i know i todn thave to be in a hyper st

state of being just allowing i am that ia m
i am that i am i am that ia m
and i love feelig the magick of life

flowing through me
pouring through me the love of life i love that
i am the love of lif ei love that

I AM LIFE i love that it always reflects me
i love that i get to choose to love that n

i am god i am god i am god i am god
i am god and whatever i feel to be true is true

i am a successful artist
i live easily off of passive income
i get to enjoy every day of my life
i get to relly

really enjoy life
i am a brilliant creator
i am love i am love

ia m the one and only creator
i love that i am the creator of me i know that i ma
the creator of me and i love that
i get to remember thepower of this that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose it and then it is

i choose the feeling of me i choose the
feeling of me i choose the feeling o me

i renounce my humanhood
and remember that iam the
creator i pay attention to how i feel and
i tune myself to the vibration of god

i love the life ive made i love that
i am the creator i love i love that
i get to enjoy my life i love that i love waking up i love
that jason was in his best mood ever
i love that we love it here and we’ve carved out our little nichce

i love that i knowt hat life
can only ever reflect me i lov that
i never havve to be afraid i love that i can
just feel it and then it is i love that
i get to feel it and then it is

i love that
it already is the way i want it to be i love that
life is good for me

i get to feel it i get ti feel it i get to do this work
the only work i get to feel it

i love that we’ll never be poor again
i love feeling excited about my life
i love that i know life is flowing to me i love
celebrating it becuasaee its frun

i love that every day
can be the best day of my life i love that
i can be

bring that feeling to everything and
impregnate it with the feeling i love that i know

i am the feeling i am the feeling of god
just choose and then it is

today i’m enthusiastic about life!!

today i’m excited about thet hings i GET to do
the way i GET t live mmy life the life i get to live the life i’ve
created for myself

i love that i get to do what i want i love
that i get to feel a feeling of celebrating
i love that its always here with me
an di dont need anythin g
to add to it that i can always find that enthusiams
right now

i always have access to it and i love that i
get to feel it that i get to be awre

and get to feel the feeling i wnat to feel that
i can add enthusiasm and grattidue to any moment
and it makes life so much better i love that i dont have
to resist
and i get to claim and love this day i love that
i get to love this day that i get to feel good
that ig et to feel god that i knwo i am god

i get to feel good today i
get to celebrate life todayi get to allow
god through me today i get to
feel good today i get to feel the
enthusiams of life
i get to

celebrate the life i create every second

today i’m celebrating me and that’s all i can
i’m celebrating god and the
life i know tot be true in this here and now

all i can ever do
is focus on the work is focus on the feeling focus
ont he god within i know
that i am the one and only creator
i know that i am the one
and only creator

i tap into this power
into this knowledge and i use it

today i get to be enthusiastic about life@@!!

today i get to feel it get to feel the
feeling get
to fee the feeling get to feel the
feeling of life i get to

look how far we’ve come!!

i get to celebrate feeling good i
get to celebrate the feeling of knowing the feeling of knowing

so grateful there is always more than enough!!!

so grateful for this day
i get to create for the opportunity to tap into the god self
for the opportunity to create

to celebrate life to celebrate lust for life

so grateful i get to celebraet life
tha i get to create life that i get to celebrate me and the
life i’ve made i love that i get to celebrate life

that i notice that i hadn’t been celebrating every moment and i get to
do that just wtih how i i feel i get to choose how i
feel i get to sh

choose how i feel sitting here right now
i get to choose to eminate enthusiasm

i know this is the secret to life
just the knowing that god is taking care of everything

that knwoing is the secret to lfie

god is lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the
universe this all providing source of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me

the reality of me
the reality of me

is merely an outpicturing of my inner world

so grateful i get to feel it get to know it
get to knowit
for real get to knw it for reall
get to feel the truth of it
get to choose enthusiasm

i feel good about my liife
i g

i feel great about my life
iam enthusiastic about the life i ve created

my life is a work of art

my life is a work of art
and i love that i am always creating it
that i am the creator of me
i love that i am

the creator of me and i know this is thrue

true i know that ive lived it and i
i get to live it every second of every day

i love that i am an artist and i get to spend my days
making my work i lov ethat i a

i already am i love that standy by my work

i love that i get to celebrate life i love
feeling tune di love feelign optimistic

i love feeling

i love that i am optimistic
ia m knowing i do know that god
is always creating what i want
that my desires are always being satisufied
i can

relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance is
eternally operating in my life

i’m tapped into the divine frequency i’m tuned to it

i am it
i AM it

i AM it

i am the divine frequence i am
god i am the creator the feeling is the
creator the frequency is the creator

the frequency is the creator
and i am it

so grateful to remember to remember the
access to the feeling to remember its all there is

to remember that i’m on the bus
i’m allowing god to flow through me
that i know that god is always reacting

that i nkow the miracles are sont

constantly in the air
yoou just have to look for this
lie li

that life is constatnly working ot for me
i just have to look for it!!!

the moment i let go and allow life
to show up i see so much evidence of it

today i’m on the lookout for miracles
i’m on ght e
on the lookout for god
showing up in everything
on the lookout for

that i am the powerful creator of mylife
experience and i knwo that is itrue

i know that is true and i knkow that life
knows also i love that i kno wand i get to
to feel it get to feel the truth of it

that nothing is ever missing from my life
that i can trust the feelig that
i can trust the intuition that i can truat the

trust the feeling i love that ‘m already
there i love that i already made it!!

today i get to choose to feel great

so grateful for this amazingly awesome day and this chance
to feel good to create the version i wnat ot see and to enjoy my life
as it is

so grateful to be alive and get to create this day
to allow life to flow through me to
remember who i am and thta i get to choose on the bus
that i get to choose the divine buzz that i
get to choose gratitude
for everything that i get to choose how i feel

i love this work i love doing this work
bringing my life into focus
first thing in the morning i love this work
and i love the devotion to the mantra to the feeling
and that is the only manifestation
that is the only thing i could ever hope to

create or cultivate in my life
so that is what id o
every day that is what id o
i cultivate this feeling inside of me this

allowing of the god self to exist
without resitance
and i know this is the only work how i feel is the only work

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to get up every morning and get on the bus

get to feel the god self there with me
and i don’t have to wonder what life is
i get to enjoy it get to create it i get to
create the life iw ant

i’m on the bus i’m on the bus and i know it

i get to choose teh feeling and then life
reflects it i love

feeling secure i know that my connection to god
is my source and my supply and there’s no other suppy

so as long as i know thisi ‘m
taken care of if anything is ever missing its the god self
and i now this

i kno that life reflects how i feel
what i believe and i know its so easy to allow
life to flow through me i love that
life is working out perfectly for me

i am aware of how i feel and my expectations
i know that i am always ccreating
i know that all of life is a creative experience
and i get to choose the vesion i live
i get to choose the

version i live and i celebrat this

i can just relax and allow life
to flow through me knowing that it always will

i can relax intot he moment
knowing that lfe is always flowing

perfectly through me

through my consciousness of the god self
the christ within as my supply

i’m here tuning i’m here rmemebering tht
the truth that it’s always frelf

reflecting me and that i can get to choose
that life is always reflecting the feeling
i know that

life is always reflection the feeling
i know that life

is always refelcting the feeling
that is the secret to lif and i get to live it
i know tis truth

that is the secret to life and i get to live it

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited therefore my supply is unlimited

i know the truth i’m on the bus i’m
with god i

i release the rest

so grateful fort his day
for our orders for our work that has come so far
for the best place we’ve ever lived

for the time and space to make art!!

so grateful for mmy life and that i
get to do whatever i want so grateful
for the life i created
so graetful to love where i love
so grateful

to love where i am and who i am and the life i have!!

i love that life i have!!

i love wher ei live i love my projects i love
all my chores i love my classes i love my fai=m

family i love the

food i get to eat i love thiss mmassive burn on my hand

i love feeling the feeling build up inside of me
i love remembering the truth i love remembering the feeling

that has mad everything in my life
the life i have experienced


that i have experienced first hand i’m
and i’m so grateful i get to experience it
every i get to experience
miracles every day i love that
i see them all around me that

life is always responding to what i put
int he air i love that
i know this i love that i get to releax

relax in this knowledge and live it
i lovee that today i get to ccreate
miracles that i get to allow miracles
that ig et to

to celebrate life flowing through me
knowing that my suource


and my supply
is my proximity to god
i know that when i look for things i see them
i lov ethat i get to choose teh feeling

i’m raising my vibration
i’m on the bus i
relese resistance

i celebrate life i celebrate the feeling
of unadulterated consciousness flowing through me

i remember

i remember the truth and i live

i love my live by it

over the top gratitdue
for everything
i conjust the

i conjure the feeling becuase it feels good
i tune myself to the god vesion and

ntohing can ever hurt me i know that
nothing matters i know that
everything is always a feelig that i get to
choose to feel right now i know

everything is a feeling that i get to choose right now

i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel the feeing

and constantly
and i know this is truth

i tune myself and tune myself and i know this truth
i live by this truth by tuning

by getting on the bus
by paying attention to how i feel by
celebrating the truth ofl ife

by feeling good i direct life
with how i feela ndhow
much i know god is there
just choose and god is therel

thank you for this day

for this energy for this flow for this focus
for this devotion today i’m devoted to the energy to
the flow to god today i’m devoted to god
i’m in the feeling place iam

the feeling i am the feeling of what i want
and i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel the feeling i’m devoted
to the feeling and that is the feeling
of being aware of how i feel and
then deciding ok
i would prefer to feel this way and knowing that
life has actually helped me ask for what i want

i love that i get to life this life that i get to
feel this energy that i get to feelt his truth so
grateufl i get
to live by the truth and energy of god

i know the flow i know the feeling of the flow
and doing this work in the morning helps me
feel it helps me remember this is it

this is the only this is the only

so grateful for the devotion
so grateful for the feeling for the
devotion so grateful to feel good to feel the
flow to feel the flow to feel

the magick so
grateful to be here feeling the energy of life
rememberin who and what i am

tuning to it

tuning to the deovtion
devotion the power of the feeling it
feels good to choose the power of the
feeling in this here and now

thank you for this flow
for this here and now thank you for this love
for this knowing for the flow
flowing for the flow

flowing for the god self here and now
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

for this day to celebrate
to open the flood gates and allow god to flow
through the

the feeling the devotion and that’s all there is
so grateful for the feeling
for the devotion
for the knowing so grateful for the knowing

so grateful to feel the flow
to feel the knwoing to feel the knowing
so gratufl

to feel the knowing to feel good to feel tuned in tapped in
turned on to feel the devotion to the feeling

devoted to the god energy and
i love that ig et to be
get to feel good today get to ccelebrate life today
get to feel the flow today get to

feel the feeling of doing what iw ant
what pleases me
get to

i get to feel good i get to choose
i get to choose how i want to feel and not
only that but i get to follow whatever
feels blissful to me
in that moment

today i will focus on listening
to what feels best
going where life wnats me to go

becaue i know that’s all i can

today i will listen today im listening to the voice with
the god voice telling me where to be
and what to do and that’s all i ever need to do

i know this
i know this
i can let the rest go and know that life
is always directing me

i just have to pay attention and listen

today i’m focused today i’m devoted to what i know
and celebraing that

knowledge i’m celebrating that i’m god
i’m celebrating the focus of me

celebrating life
i’m celebrating the magick of me
the magick of love the

magick of this work it
feels good to do this work
to get the flow flowing

to remember who and what i am
and to know that the more i devote myself
to the feeling the more i see teh

i know this i knwo this i know this
that life always reflects the feeling
so i devoted myself to the feeling

to the feeling of remembering that i am
god i knwo this i know this

there is nothing outside of me
all of life reflects me
and i get to celebrate that
i love that i get to celebrate life
that i get to celebrate love

today i’m listening
i’m doing only what brings joy

i’m shifting eever

everything to joy

makinig the choice that i prefer this and seeing
it be made because i know that when i make

it is made

when i make the choice
it is made i love that ig et to
i love that i get to i love
that ig et to

get to feel the god self flowing thour

through me
get to feel the power of the devotion
get to feel it i

so grateful i get to feel it
so grateful i know it already
is so grateful i g

get to appreciate the process of becoming

so gratful for this day
this day to feel the god flowing through me
this day to knowt he

the magick of life this day
to feel good

so grateful for this day to know the god self
to celebrate where i am right now

so grateful to celebrate this day
to celebrate this day

to celebrate this day
so grateful to ccele

celebrate this day
celebrate this day

celebrate this day
this day

feel the geelin
feeling i wnat to feel feel the
feeling i wnat to feel

today i’m devoted to
the choice

today i’m devoted to the
choice today i’m devoted

to god to the feeling to
being the creator i know i am

i know this i knwo this i knowt his
and i do the owrk i do

the feeling work and that’s all there is

so gratefl to get to do the feelig work today
to allow god to feel through me

to remember who i really amm
and release the rest
to just choose the

feeling i want to feel

today i choose the feeling i want to
feel today i choose teh feeling
i want to feel today i am god!!

i choose to love myself my god self
and know that i am the one and only creator

so grateful for this day

to wake up feeling good and feel
all the possibility of this day so grateful

so grateful to wake up feeling good to get to do
this work to feel free today i feel free!!

today i feel free today i feel energized today i
feel like i can do anything!!

today i can do anything
so grateful for this day
for this day to feel good to feel the god self so g

grateufl to feel the god self here and now
to feel the god self here and now
to feel the god self here and now

today i am energized today the energy of life flows
through me today i love i allow love to flow
through me i am love i am loving
i love that i get to

so so so so so so so
grateful for this day for the arrow releasing for it launching me
for the

so grateful for the ease and flow of life
for the god self so grateufl i knwo the god self and i get
to live my

by it so grateful to do this work firt this
every day to push this work to take
this work further
to take it as far as it can go

every single day

i love where i am
i love how far we’ve come and today i celebrate how far we’ve come
today i celebrate how far we’ve come
and i love that
i get to that i get to feel the

energy of life flowing throgh me
the god seelf ia

i am the god self i am god i am god
i love that i know i am the one and only creator
ad today
i get to bask today iin

intend to bask today i intend to bask
today i intend to bask
today i

get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling of lfie i f

i get to feel the feeling of life

i love that i get to feel good
that i get to feel god i love that i
get to feel god i love that i
get to feel this good that i get to
feel all of life
ahead of me i love that it’s just that easy i love that i
get to feel good that i get to feel good

that i get to feel good that i do feel good
that i do feel good i love that
i do feel good i love that i do feel good i love that

i amgod i love that today i renounce my humanhood
and i get to js

just bask in who and what

i am just get to listen to the god self telling me

what to do and i just follow that i know the opwer the power of the at
an di know the truth of that and i know how
good it feels i know how

good it

i love feeling good i love
that i know that my source and my supply
is my connection to god and i get to feel that
connection right now

feels so good to focus and remember the truth
to remember the truth it feels so good
to feel the truth to know the truth

to know the truht

feels so good to allow the energy to flow through m e

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply

thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

i love remembering who i am i love
loving who i am i love thaet i know i am
god the one and only creator

i know that i can just listen to what feels best and
do that i can always just listne to the flow

dive into the flow and feel the love of god

through my consciousness of my god self
as my source

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this subtance is my supply

thus my consciousness of the prsence of god
wihin me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god withi nme
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my spply

so grateful for this day
for this feeling of connection for this feeling of knwoing
for this feeling of feeling good and free

so grateful to be free
from the feeling that have todo something

so graetfult o remember who and what i am
to celebrate the god self flowing through me

when i am ware of the god self within me

through my consciousness of my god self as my source
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consicousness of the presence of god within me
is mky supply

so gratful i know this
and that ig et to f

to live it

my consciousness of the god self
within me is mky cu

my supply
the feeling is the supply

i know this and so grateful a lready
have everything i need

so grateful to get to practice the feeling
the creative feeling so grateful i
get to feel it i get to feel the feeling of the god self
the way life
is meant to feel i get to feel it get to tap

into the energy of life i get to feel the

of life flowing through me

im free!!

i feel it i feel it i feel the feeling

of life flowing through me
the releif of knowing that life is
on my side i know it i feel it i a

and i know it i know that life

can only reflect the feeling

it feels like love it feels like fun i tfe

it feels like knowing it feels like


i’m here

i’m here and i get to have fun i get to allow
source to take the wheel i get to enjoy this day i get to enjoy my vacation i get to
have fun i love that i know i lov ethat i kno wi am
the creator
i love that i’m not even dreading it i love hat
that i know tis going to be fun i love that

i get to feel good gh

that ig et to feel good now i love that ig et to feel good now
get to feel the energy flowing through me get to create it
i love how far we’ve come!!

i love being asked i love that we wre
were asked i love that soemone liked our work enough to ask i love that
they like our work i love that they love our work i love that
they love our work

i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel a weight lifted i feel the flow flowing i feel god flowing through me
i feel god loving through me i feel good if eel the
god self i feel myself

giving up giving in and

and giving it over to source i love hat

it will be over soon and its not even that bad its not
even a big deal i lov that
aht we

we get to choose it i love that
we get thave fun
i know that if i come with love then that is what life

life will show me i love that i
get to choose i love that
tis easy to choose i love that its easy

to love i love that its eay to love i love that

its easy to tune myself to the vibration i love that
i get to feel good i love that ig et to
feel energized i love that ig et to bring the energy i love that
i get to be it i love that
i get

to direct love to all i love that
im the oe

one that got asked i love that
pepole do respect and undertand our work!!!

i’m here i’m here and i feel good i feel good i feel
the release i feel the greate re

great release and i love that i
get to that i get to release that i et

get to let source do it that i getto

to know it will be perfect that
i get to love that i get to

to feel good that i get to feel confidnet that i get to
feel knowing tha ti get to connect with people
i love that i’m

always getting what i want i love that
life is always giving it to me i love that i know life lovs me i love that
i know life loves me
i love that i know th

life love me i love that i know life

loves me i love that i get to choose the focus
get to choose the alignment
get to choose certainty get to choose the feeling that i know life
must reflect

i geel the

i feel the feeling first
then life follows i feel the
feeling first and then life follows

whats so bad about it?

might mess up
might say the wrong thing
might not be able to articulate myself fully

but that’s ok!!

becuase it doesn’t matter
and i’m a person and i did my best!!

i put in time and i really tried and that
will show i know that its all going to go
perfect and i


today i’m dedicated to feeling good and it feels so good
to make the choice to feel good
and also feel the great release and actually feel good

to feel the absence of dread so
grateful to feel good now to feel confidnet now
to feel the flow flowing th

right now to feel so grateful fr

right now to feel love right now so g
rateful to feel the feeling of love right now

so grateful to feel good to
feel the release to feel the flow
flowing the knowing
the o

knowing of god the knowing of the
feeling the

feeling is the secret

so grateful to wake up feeling good
to feel the arrow

reelasing and feel grateful to knw it will
come and go and then its over

ii know there’s nothing to dread because life
always reflects the feeling and i feel love so
life has no


but to follow i love that i know i get to feel love
and then life responds i get to

practice what i preach i get to practice what i re

preach i lov

i love that i get to i love that i get to feel the
flow i love that i feel greate i love

that i feel energized i love that
i love life i love that ig et to love life

that ther is so much to lov ei lov ethat

ther eis so much to love

and i feel it and i’m so grateful for the feeling i love
that i get to feel the feeling of it

i love that i get to live the truth
get to live the magick life today is magiick
i love
that i get to

to know that today is magick
and live by it i love that
i know today is magick

and i get to live as if it is because it is becuase i know it

i know it and i get to feel it right now
i get ot fee the

the truth of the moment i get to feel the truth of life

i am the truth of life i am god
and i get to jump jfull

fully into that i glo

i love that i ge tto be me
that i get to make the choice that ig et


get to decide

no head today to think about it

i’m just coasting i’m just allowing and i know that
life is on my side i love that i know that life
is on my side i love that i get to wake up and do this work
theo nly work the tuing
tuing work and get to enjoy the day get to jupm

jump into the day get to get the most out of the day
i’m here tuning myself i’m tunint he insturment
to on the bus to the flipped switch i’m tuning hte insturemne

to how i want to feel and it feels so good
it feels sl gooo
so good ot wka
to wake up and tune myself to
remember who i am

so grateful to site here and ndo the work
so grateful to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good now

tune myself to who and what i am and
it feels like old times but im here now
doiing the

doing the work the only work i’m doing the only
work i know this is the only work and i see the

effects of the practice and it’s that easy
why do anything else why

focus on anything else why do any other work
so grateful to allow the

horses to do it
so grateful to allow the horses to do it
and i get to cut off my head i love that i’m nearly there i

i’m here now i’m here nwo with my head chopped off and it
feels good i love that i get to feel good about aht i
lov that i get to choosehow i

how i feel about that life i love that life si

is good i love that i get to hoose choose it

i love doing this work and remembering who ia m
celebrating the energy of me of life flowing through me

i knoq hi

i know this is the only work and i’m so
grateful to do it i’m so grateful to

for the time and space tof ocus
on the one thing i know i am which is how i feel and i know the

effects of this practice ive see it to

so many times i know that life directly follows the fol

feeling and it

in fact and it can only reflect the feeling so

so i come here to tune myself ot how i want to feel
and know that life can only
ever reflect me that its only ever i

i get to feel good now i get to feel love now
i get to feel that it

is already done

i love the sharing of ideas i love coming together with
others in community i love that i’m good at this
i love that i’m

i know i’m good at talking about my work
ii know that my work is groundbreaking and unique
and i celebrate that knowledge

i celebrate life working out for me i celebrate life working
out for me i

i get to feel the feeling the feelign of the flow the
feeling of god in me the feeling of the truth i

feel the truth i love comgn

coming here and tuning to the trut
it fee

it feels like fun it feels like knoing it feels like
magick it feels like my power if

it feels like celebrating
celebrating life i gee

feels like celebration

it feels like love it feels like love

i’m here and i’m focused on how i feel
i know that how i feel affects my life

is my life experience and that nothing
can ever reflect different than who and what i am
i love that i know this and i get to live it i love
taht i know this
na di get to live it

god is lavish unfailing abundance

god is lavish unfailing abundance

i love that i get to live the magkci

life that ig et to see the magick all around me
the power of god the power of the invisible

source energy i get to feel it i get to feel it i love that
its so easy to feel good i love that i

its so easy to feel good

i love that i get to feel it and its so eay i love that i
get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that
its alway

always right here
the god feeling the god knowledge the god magick
and today im living by it

im jumping into it i m

i’m allowing it tjump into me i’m tuning to the feeling and knowing that’s

all there is i feel the divine buzz
i feel that diving bu

divine buzz i feel the divine buzz i feel the divine buzz

i feel the divine buzz and i am so
grateful for everything that i have i love that life
already is the way i want it to be i love that
my life already is perfect i love that

i ahve everything i need i love that there’s always ore more than enough

i feel the feeling i feel it now i feel the god
self within me and i celebrate it i feel the god self
within me and i celebrate it

i know that i always do my best i a
always send love and that’s all i can do i love
becuase it s

me becuaase it can only refelct me i love
because it feels good!!

becuas it fele sgoodo

it feels good to feel good!!

it feels good to feel good to know the magick
of life to allow it to flow through me to know that life
is magickal and that whatever i want

life is always giving it to me
bringing it to me
reflecting it back to me

i love that i

i love that i’m here and i’m magick
that i get to choose and that’s all there

choose the version and then it is
and that is worth celebrating all day!!

today i’m celebrating all day
today i feel the divine buzz and allow life to follow

so grateful for this day

to wake up feeling good to not have to go anywhere
to see the effects of the work everywhere

so grateful money and abundance somes easily
to me that god is lavish unfailing abundnace the
rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

grateful to do this work and know that
it works to decide how to feel
and know that life reflects that so grateful to see the
reflections everywhere

so grateful to feel the effects of the work
see the effects of the work and know the owrk

the work always works and this is the only work the
feeling is the only work and it is the feeling that


i love feeling good about myself
about my body about who i am i love that i get to wake up feeling good i love
that i know that god and life love me i love
that i cn feel the love coursing through me

so grateful we got to get a new printer and we can afford it!!

so grateful business is booming so grateful we’re in the black
so grateful the pandy helped up

so grateful the workshop is done and its good

so grateful we have friends to help us!!

thank you thank you thank you for this day
for this moment for all that my life has come to be i love that
i’m here i’ love that

i’m living it living the dream i love
that i am literally living it i lov that
i have it all i love that
life is

always going my way i love that i know th

i love the power of the focus on the feeling and know that i can always returnt ot he
to the feeling and life reflects that

i love remembering that first thing i love
doign the owrk first thing i love feeling good first

thing i love that i get ot feel good now i lovee that
i get to feel the feeling right now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

so grateful i know this truth
that i get to live by it that i get to
feel the truth of it that i know tha

feeling screate\

feelings create i love that i know my pwerson

personal power and i get to tap into it

that i get to

so grateful i get to feel the feeling of knowing the feeling of knwoing ht

and that is all there iss in life is that feeling that
is theonly work becausee when you’re here

with god

you dont need anything else

i love that i know the truth of life

so grateful i know the truth of life
and that ig et to live it

its so exciting to knwo the truth to
know who and what i am and to put it into practice

to know its real to know its real to know that
feelig is the secret that i get to choose how i feel

how i feel in my life how i feel about myself i get to choose
how i feel about myself i get to choose how i feel about myself

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose how i
feel i get to choose my point of focus
i get to choose my vibration my frequency i get to choose
my frequency

i get to choose it i get to choose it get to feel it i get to
feel it i get to feel it i

am it i am it i am
unfailing abundance
and i love that all of life is just
feeling that truth
i love that i know my pwerson

personal power and that i get to choose it

right now i love comign right no

here and tuning myself
to the power of me i lov that i know it i love hat i
it feels like the owrk feels like the work
working feels like life going perfectly for me

and i love that its always working out

i love that life is always owrking out

i the best in the best possible way for me

i love that i know its fact i love that i know tis fact
that every single thing reflects me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i know it all reflecs me
refelcts my feeling reflects

how i see the world and myself
and i love that i know that i get to choose

total confidence

i am totally confident in letting go and
letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i know that it always reflects me
that when i want something
it is made i know that when i want something

it is already made
i love that i know this that i
get to live it that i know it for sure
that i get to feel the feeling of it

the certainty of it
i get to feel the certainty of it

i get to let go completely let go
and allow god i get to feel that rush

i love the rush of remembering who i am
that its only ever me that the
feeling creates everything and life i so

easy and fun and limitless

i love this day i love
creating with the feeling i love that
i get to i love that i get to

imagine more and ge tto feel the

energy that creates worlds flowing through me

knowing that i am the energy that creates worlds

it feels so good to tap in
to remember my power and live by it
today i will live my power!!

today i will contantly return to the feeling i want to feel
to impregnate my subconscious with it and know its true

i love that ig et to feel it

grateful to wake up to this day

grateful for this day to get to enjoy this day
to get to feel good and enjoy the day
to get to tune in tap in turn on
to get to feel the flow flowing through me
to get to feel the energy that creates worlds
to return to the

tuned self so grateful to wake up and tun eth

tune the self so g

grateful to wake up and
tune the self so grateful to wka

wake up and tune the self so grateful to tune to
tune to the on the bus feeling t

tune to the divine buzz to get the motor
running right to decide where i get to place my attention

grateful to tune myself
to feel good to feel myself i’m feeling myself i’m feeling this
day i’m feeling the

energy of this day and i know that the
day reflects the enegy i give iat

it and i love that i get to feel good i get to feel
excited aboutl ife i get to love i get to
send the signal of love i lovee that
i get to g

i get to sned the signal o of lov ei love that there is
only ever love i love that ther eis only
ever love and i am it

i love doing this work first thing sn

and starting the day off right

i love that ig et to feel good get to feel the
god self get to know the god self get to srate

start the day off right!

i love orders!!

i love doing the work i love that its esay
i love that life is eay i lov that
life flows easily through me
i love that i knwo the

answer to a

every quesstion is love i love that i get to
to do this work the focus work the feelign work and know this is
the only work this
is my only focus the laser facous

instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply in action
it is impoosible

impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

i love starting the day
off right i love getting to feel good getting
to feel the
flow of life flow through me
getting to feel god

i love the power of this practice
this focus this tuning of the instrument

i love the power of directing energy
and that energy is directed by emotion

i love that ig et to choose how i feel
about anything
i love that i get to feel

thepower of em
i love that i get to feel the power of me
i love that
i get
to feel the power of me get to know the power of me
get to focus in the power of me

get to feel centered in the pwoer of me
which is how i feel and i never have to give that way


i love the feeling of the focus when i
make the choice for somehting i want and know that it
is already done and no

not overthinking it
i love that i never have to overthinkin it

i can just choose and then it is
and that
is the best feeling i love that i get to choose
i love that i know i am the one and only creator
i love that i get ot

direct all of my energy toward this knowledge
on the bus am i on the bus am i one the bus
and i love that i get to feel th at

that feeling that its a feeling i can
always tap inot

into and so grateufl i know
so grateufl i know god that i know the secret to

life so grateful to see teh

to watch the day


in front of me

in direct reflection to how i feel and i love that
i get to choose that i love that i

get to choose ho wi feel

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god

i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
i love that it s

it alwl


always coes to me i love that its aw

always coming to me and all i have to do
all i can ever do

is say yes

i love that i get to choose il ove that i
get to choose to feel good
get to choose to feel good

feel god

i feel the god self
always createing i feel the creative power
of my emotions
of the version i choose to focus

i feel the creative power of the emotions
that i allow

to reside within me
i feel the creative power of the emotions

that i are

that area me
i know that i am

the emotions teh way i feel my expectations
are always creating
and today
i choose to create the

version i prefer

i love that i get to choose alignment
i get to choose love i get to

feel the

energy of god bursting forth i
get to feel it gushing through me
i get
to feel the energy of love

gushing forth i love that
i get to feel it i love that i
get to feel good get to

feel the energy of life and knowing
that whatever gets done
is all ther is

its already done i lovee that
i get to feel the

of life gushing forth
i get to know the truth
and once i decide that its already done

then life is easy i love that i
get to choose it i love

i love that i get to do a good job i love

remembering who and what i am
i love remembering that i am the best i love

liking myself i love loving myself i love
thinkking highly of myself

i love my work and i’m proud of it
i love that i am good at talking about my work
i love that
we’re going to do agood job
because we always do i lov etha t

loves me!!