today i’m placing my attention

feels so good to start teh work firsr thing
to focus the energy first thing to remember who and what i am
to remember and celebrate the power of me it feels goo

good to do the work to focus on the work the feeling work

iit feels good to focuso n the feeling work the only work
and today i’m placing my attention

i’m taking it off of wha i don’t want
and placing it on what i do want i’m

placing my attention
and that’s the only thing i can ever do i love coming here
and remembering the poweer of me and then living

as god today i get to live as god
and ccele

celebrate it today i get to feel th feeling of the
version i wnat to live

i’m here i love doing thew ork the
feeling work the tuning work and remembering
exactly what i am
i love t

starting the day off right i love
feeling the feeling of god

fill me up i love remembering exactly what iam
and i love that life always hels me do thos

and i’m’ grateufl i’m grateful to life for
helping me remember what i am

i’m grateful to life for helping me
remember what i am
and i love that i kno i love that i know
and i love

making the time and energy to tune myself to it
i love that i know something amazingly awesome is going
to happen today i love that i
can feel it i love that i get to choose

to remember who

how i want to feel knowing that feeling is always creating
it it feels good tor emember to tap into the feeling i wnat to feel

and know for a fact from so much life experience that life
always reflects that feeling
i know that life always reflects that feeling

so grateful to do thiw work this work and feel this
feeling knowing that i always have access to it i know tha ti always

have access to the feeling of god to f
the feeling of knowing i am the one and only creator to the
feeling of knowing ia m the one and only

creator and i get to decide

i get to decide i get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling of magick of tuning of flow flow

flow flowing through me creative energy flowing through me i
get to remember who i am i get to remember who ia m

i get to remember who i am
i get to remembre who and what i am that
i’m the only

one and only creator i get to get out of the wya
and feel the energy of life i get to feel the energy of life
knowing that this work

this work is the only work the tuning is the only work
the tuning is the only work

i can let go i can let go i caan

let go and just float i love doing the work
to feel good to tune myself to the vibration of me
to tune myself to the vibration of god i love making
the time to do the work

first thing i am tuned i lov

i am love i am
loving and lall4

all of life is coming to me
i love that i get to get out of the way i love that i know

it’s all enery and

i get to hank it

thank it

i love remembering who i am i love remembering the

power of me the love of me i love
starting the day focused i love

allowing the energy to flow through me
feeling the energy that creates wordls the energy

that creates worlds the

energy that creates worlds i love hat i get to do it i love that
i get to do it i lov ethat i know this that i know this

is real i

love that i know through life experience i love that i know through life experience


so grateful to make thet ime
to do thiw work this work the work
always want to do the work that i know

makes the difference
so grateful to fee the feelign
creeping in
i feel the

i feel the feeling !!!

i feel the Feeling!!

the feeling of god the feeling of knowing
the feeling of

creative energy pouring through me the
feeling of riding the wave the
feeling of really celebrating life

the feeling of allowing god to live through m e
and celebrating it the feeling of


really loving myself and my life
i feel the feeling of god i feel the feeling of love i feel the
feeling of being tuned to the vibration
of me

i love that i get to create it get to feel it
get to be it get to be

the energy that creats worlds
and i love doing this tuning work


first thing i love tuning myself i love that
i get to choose ti love that i love that
i get to choose to

do the work
feel the feeling feel the feeling

feel the focus fee

i love doing this work the only work
i love
doing this work the only work i love that
i get to make the choice

i love doing this work the only
work feeling the feeling the only feeling i feel the
only feeling

i feel the flow i feel the flow of life
flowing hrough me
i feel the

energy that creates worlds
i know i can always tune myself tune myself

to the vibration of me

i can always tune myself

to the vibration of me i get to choose i
ge tto choose i get to choose
i get to chooe i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose the feeling i get to choose the feeling

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose how if eel

how i tune myself and the version i create
i get to choose to feel the

energy that creates worlds

the focus work

and it feels good feels good to dot his work
to come here and


it feels good to remember who ia m
to do the one thing that iw alsya

thought would be next level which
is here and now doing the writht

writing when i wak up

focused on the focus on the inner world
on the self on love

focused on the focus on the feeling
the feeling of on the bus im

i’m on the bus i’m on the bus

grateful to start the day this way
to tune myselt o tune myself so

grateful to tune myself to the vibration of me

grateful to know its all in the feeling
is all in the consciousness of self

the way i look tat
at things teh version i create with my
feelings the version i create

with my feelings i know that when i let
go life comes to me and i see the evidence of that

everywhere i see the evidence of life coming to me
knowing that the more ilet go
the more it flows i love that
i a

have the abilityt o tun e

to tune my instruemtn

i love making the choicet o do me

i get to make the choice to do it for me
and no one else

i get to make the choice to do it for me
do the tuning for me make the choice fo me

feel good for me live how IIIIII

wnat to live conceive myself how i want to i love that
i get to and i don’t have to
i dont

have to let anything get in the way
of tha tfocus

and determination

i get to choose i

get to choose how i feel i get to choose teh version
i create and i am empowered by that

by tht e

the truth i am empowered by the truth
i am empowerd by the truth

i am empowered by the truth
i am

empowered by

the truth

i love that i know the truth of life i love that i know
its love i love that i am love i love that i know i am

magick and i love that i et

get to live magickally
i get to make the time

make the time tof ocus

for me i get to mek the
make the time to focus within to focus on me
i get to make the time to create
and live the version i prefer

i get to make the time
to create i get to make the time i get to make the time
i get to do me i get to

i get to i get to i get to choose i get to choose
the energy i use to create i get to crate
i get to create the version i prefer i get to create

version i prefer

i get to choose what iw ant

you act like you dont care but then you act all dissappointed when
i dont immeditately

immediately fall in linne with you

what you want and it gets so fucking old

i ilove that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose i get to choose i get to do this
wrokt he focus

the focus work the the

tuning work the

i get to do the focus work the tuning work the
remembering of who i am

and it feels so good to remember who i am first

first thing
it feels so good to remember who i am
to remember who ia m

to focus on who and what i am
it feels so good to focus on who an d

and what i am it feels so good to

focus on who and wha ti am
it feels so good to relax into this here an dnow to feel
good now to feel love now to focus on love now

to focuso n the truth now to

really tune mysel ti

it feels good to tune myself to tune myself
to the vibration to
tune myself to tune the self tune the body

tune the being to

to god to

tune out anything that isn’t god i tune mmyself

i tune mys

my time for me to remember who and what i am

it’s my time for me
to remember who and what i am

tune that energy to tune that energy to a single point of focus

that single point being the whole of everything

the one and only ONE

and expanding to fill the space of

i come here to focus on the
that knowledge and nothing else i come
here to tune myself
to tune myself
to tune myself

i come here to do me
to cu

focus on how i wnat to feel and
it already feels really good it feels good to tu

to do it ti remember who i am
to remember the ordus

the focus to remember the feeling
that the feeling is the secret

gratefult o remember to
direct the energy to direct the energy

to do the energy work and feel the effects right now

away to remember who and what i am right now
to remember woh and

who and wha ti am right
right now to feel tuned to feel tuned

to feel tuned to feel

so grateful to feel tuned to feel tuned right now
to remember woh i am
who i am to remember who ia m
to remember woh i am

so graetful to

remember who i am to remember who

who i am
to remember who i am and tune myself to
tune the insture

instrument of me
and feel the effects i feel the effects of me

it feels good to tune the instrument
of me

so grateful for the time and space to remember
who ia m to buld up the energy to
direct the energy to live the
version i prefer!!

easy to focus

thank for all the gifts!

for the payments!
easy money!

so grateful for microcosm and for them sellling
our book sos grateful
for orders so
grateufl i found a closer dop

drop off box so grateful it all worked out
so proud of myself for finishing class

so grateful for teh time and space to do the work

so grateful we both got our money!!

that we’re not going to that we’re
not going to that we’re not goint

to take any shit from these motherfucksers

so grateful for this moem
moment for the tu

truth for theo ne truth for this work the feeling work
and i now it works the more i feel in the

toward ceneter the more i do this work the feeling the
work the feeling

the feeling toward god work the really feeling it
the really knwoing it the
really knowing it work

i know this work and ive done it beofs

before do everything to feel good and
trust every sinsti

instinct and that’s all i can do
to lve

to live fully that’s all i can do to live fully
so grateufl to live fully to get to live fully
to get to

the gift of this life here to celebrate
the gift the gifts in every oment the miracles in every omentn

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich

omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me

i am lavish
unfailing abundance

easy to focus and the focus is the woek

its the easiest and the hardest

but its easy to feel good its easy
to relax into tog to trus
to feel the feeling of abundance and allow it to enter

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe this all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

foucsed focused on the god self and i know that’s
all there is i feel it now i feel the god self nonw

i do this work to tune to the god self
i know i feel the god self and life must reflect it
and know that everything must be

a reflection of the god self so whatever
happens is always in my favor i know this and i say yes to it

i know that wahtever

happens is always in my favor i know that whatever

happens is always in my favor

i say yes

because its easy to focus

to totally immerse myself in this mioen

mownr in rhi
this feeling of knowing that’s what i come

here to remember that
it’s the truth when you become this thing

this feeling owe

however its brought about
that’s what you see reflected

i feel good i feel certain i am
knowing i am knowing i know

i know i know i know that life
reflects me

i feel good i feel happy i feel

enamoured with life i feel excited about life
i like myself i know i can focus i know can

focus toward the feeling of feeling good

i love myelf i love myself i love myself
and i know thate verything
is me everything is me

my creation and i love my creation i love

creation i love my creatsion

all of them

its’ easy to fcus on the god self in teh moment
self and rem

remember that ti’s only ever me

its only ever me

its only ever me

its only ever me and i get to feel the feeling of love i get to have fun!!

i get to have fun i get to have fun

i get to have fun i get to have

fun i get

to feel good i fe

get to feel good i get to feel the feeling of love the feeling of ye s

it’s easy it’s so easy
to focus ad the and the more i focus

the better i feel teh mo
the more i focus and

on an amazingly awesome life
the more i see it the more i let go

the more it flows i lget t

i let it go and it flows

it comes instantly

evidence its’ awalys there it’s alays
right there i can

i just have to trust the feeling i just
have to trust the feeling i just have to
trust the feeling just

be aware just be conscious

just watch myself

its so easy to focus on the truth i know the trusth

it so asy

easy to turn every situation into truth !!!

it’s so easy i know it sm y

it s

it is my power and i do it i

i know it is my pwoer to turn everyt

everything and to truth and feel the truth of it
i know my ponly
only job is to get out of the ay
and life create itself i love that
i knowt his

it’s easy to focus on that truth
on that version on that version knowing

that everything is going my way !!

it’s easy to focus on that
that feeling and know that is all there is
its easy
to feel the feeling of love

its easy to f

feel the feeling of love tof

focus on it and create it in my life
knowing that is all there is

i have to change my perception
i have to decide to feel good instead
of be right and i’m going to decide to feel
good i get to decide to feel good i g
et to fe

deicd eto create the verion i want
i get to decide to ccrat

create the version i want

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

it’s eay to fou

focus to come back to focus
to the truth to the truth

to the way i want to live
no reason to hold on to anything

conscious aware of the energy

aware of the energy aware of the version i create

focused on the healling

and feeling the effects of the focus
feeling the focus building my staminan
for focus building my stamina for focus building

i dould
could do it i could do this in one feel swoop
becuase that ‘s

just how focused on

i am

i am focused on the healing on the choice
on the

fixation on the version i prefer and that’s
all i have to remember and that’s what life
helps me remember that’s what life helps me

remember i know that the body is a genius and i thank it

i know that the body is a genius
and i thank it i love it i welcome it i know tat
that it’s already perfect and i
feel the healing of it right n

here and now i feel the healing of it and know i that

that’s all i can do i know through expreience
experience i know that i can just focuse

on the healing of it

i can dot he focus work right now

i can focus all the way through it
it’s easy and pleasing to fcs
focus into the god self the god sefl

self why would i rush it whywould i ever want

to get distracted away from it i relax into it and this is the
the ow
wthe the work the focus work

many thoughts to one though
many focusi to one focus and that is
the work and by doing that owke the work of focusing my


entire self into this moment i remember the power of that focus the
poweer of that feeling i remember the power of that

feeling i re

focus and i feel the energy i already feel the energy fo
of the focus i feel good i feel the flow i’m tapped into the flow

i’m tapped in i
i’m tapped in i’m tapped in

i’m focused i’m focused i’m focused i’m focused i’m focusedk

i’m focused i’m foxued

on the heling version of course and the body
is just el

helping me remember to make the choice
the body is a genius


here i’m focused on what focused on what focused on
what the one truth the one truth the one truth

the one and only truth
feeling creates feeling creates i know
it through experience the feeling creates

feeling creates and that’s it it’s
so simple its so verysimple and i know this
and i get to choose the feeling of it

the feeling of knowing the feeling of the

great release leeting
letting cer

everything go knowing that

my proximity to god to the truth is my
supply i know this
i know this

for a fact

its all the feeling of a

all of it is all o
a feeling its all created by a feeling it s

its all created by a feeling

i’m focused on the version i ‘

i’m focused on the conception
the consciousness of the
consciousness of the way i conceive of myself and my si

situation the way i see it

it’s all in the it’s all created in the
way i see it and i know that it’s

that’s all there is it’s
all created in the way i see it
in the way i feel it it’s

it’s all created in the way i feel it

i’m here i’m here i’m here i’m

i am

i am that i am i am that
i am

i am that i am i am that
i am

just create with the feeling just
keep feeling feeling and prefering
that’s what i’m here to do te




grateful to get to feel the feeling i prefer
i feel the feeling i prefer i feel the
feeling i prefer and

so grateful life so grateful

life so grateful life so grateful life
loves me and i know this
and this is all i ever need to know its the
feeling its only ever the

feeling its never anything esle
its the feeling and thta

that is my powe and the more i do this work
the more i prec

practice it the more i see it
the more i see it i feel it then i see it

you become it then you see it it you become it
then you see it

you become it then
then you see it you become it then you see it

which version am i creating and that’s
what it always comes back to

that’s what it always comes back

which version am i choosing to create
which version do i choose to

create which version

do i choose

to create.

grateful for this day for all the gifts
for our classes for our home and all of food

our food good food and hours

a long standing, good client

grateful to be able to help
grateful to get paid grateful
money comes easily to me

grateful for he

for the time and space grateful the
email is done g

grateful to feel love that the
feelngo f l

of love is so easy for me to access

so grateful for all that i have so
grateful for all ithat i have that i have so much that
i get to enjoy life

so grateful for my new socks!!

laser fcoused becuase i know the
truth of life so i’m laser focused on my connection with god
knowing that how i feel is what life reflects me i love htat
i get to feel rich and i arlead

already a i g

am i get to feel rich and i already am i love the
better it gets i love the better it gets

i am totally fon

confident in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i am totally confident in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

here because this work works

this work works and i’m brave enough to focus on it
to focus on the version i’m creating
to be aware of how i feel

and choose it so grateful to be able to make the
choice to feel

i’m focused o’m focused on mf
focusing on the real me on what i really i

i’m focused on the feeling a
i feel the feeling teh divine buzz and that’s all i need

i’m focused i’ here

i’m allowing you to write these words the infinite me
writes this words these truths flowing through me
thiss love flowing through e its not n
me and i jussst get out of the way and allo the flow
the love to follow

i’m focused on the feeling i create
i’m focused on the feeling i create

focuse on the feeling on the truth of the
version create knowing i get to choose it get to feel it
now get to feel it now i
get to feel it now

get to feel it now and i lov eit

kow that it’s up to me and that’s it
it can only ever reflect me

it can only aever

ever reflect me it can only reflect me it can only

reflect me it can only reflect me
it can only reflect me
it i get to choose teh version
i get to create it wiht ou

with ohwo i how i feel

and how brave am i how

powerful am it??

how willing am i to feel the
way i want to feel

how willing am i??

to feel the way i want to feel??


focused on the vresion i want to create

i just have to feel the feeling and it si
and i love that its jut aht
that easy that i get to
to learn to make the choice i love htat
the work really works i love
seeing the effects of it

in everything

i’m focused on the feeling of the version i prefer
on the conception of what i prefer of what i want
the version i want to live

because that is my birtright

birthright and that is why i am here that is why i am
here to live to create to use my imagination

use my imagination

grateful it all already is
it aleady

grateful for passive income grateful for all of our subs
and the people that understand our work

grateful to make good work to always have more and more idease
grateful the work wwosk
it always works grateful the work works

flash back to mexico
idk the city … town

climbed a kind of mountain

the athletes had to show off and run up this wet ass mountain
took my time

a huge row of shopping on the road leading up to the bottom of the mountain

on the way to somewhere else

just a sstop on the way

grateful for the feelings teh experieces the
knowledge gratefulf or the
for the knowledge

the truth to create with the
feeling to create with the feeling ra

grateful to create with the feleing

i create with ohw i how i feel i know this is true
and the more i put it into practiice them ore i know it

the more i know it the just like we’ve been saying
all these years alol

it feels good to practice and the
good feelings lead to a good life
that’s all there is
to it you practice feeling good and then you
feel good that’s about it

authentic gratitude
authentic gratitude

trusting this moment relaxed in this moment
knowing everything in due time feeling the feeling of it
feeling the good feeling feel the
feeling flow flow through me flow through me!!

allow life to breathe itself allow life to
breathe itself i

allowing life to breathe itself
allowing life to breathe itself
i’m relaxed into the god self teh abundant
self i’m relaxed into the god self the abundant self
i feel the feeling of it i feel the
feeling of it i feel the feeling of the

god self i feel the feeling of the

the god self i feel the feeling of the god
self i feel the feeling of

i am the god self i feel the truth i feel the
feeling of the focus of knowing of practicing the
feeling and i know it works and i feel the

good because i know it works
and that is success!!!!

that is the only success the only success is the
communion with god and i realized ive been selling god
short by settling for less f

but no more!!

now i see my desires being born!!

i know they have been conceived and in
doing so they are the word of god

when i ask it is given i know thiss
and it is given i allow it
i allow it i allow it i feel it i celebrate

what already is c

i celebrate bwh
what already si



i feel the feeling of knowing
everything is already prefe

perfect working out perfectly
the great release

the greate release and taht’s
all there is all there is

is the great release

i created it with my feeling i created it
with my feeling i created it with my feeling

i feel it the great release

the great release


feeling creates and i am the one and only
powerful create it so i create the version i want
and then i sit
back and relax in it

i sit back and relax in it i sit back and
relax in it i

sit back and relax in it!

just enjoy it just allow it to unfold
just allow it to unfold i feel good i feel good
i felel
feel good

i feel the feeling of the vres
version created i feel the
feeling of the version


i feel the certainty of it allow myself
to feel the certainty of it becuse it is the word of god
and it must be

and i must not sell short
the word of god!


focused on what on one point on knowing the truth d
celebrating thet ruth and when i think about succcess
what succes means to me
its that feeling of release that feeling of imm


immersion in live in
in life trusting life in being life

i’m focuse di’m here i’m focuse d
i’m enthe energy

tuned i am the energy

before tuning before needing tuned i am the
untunable tuned

i am focus and focus is god
god iso ne
is one point no distractions no

god is god is focus is one point
i am

one point is god is focus is one point
i am one
i am one point i am the infinite now the one point
right now the signle o

point firht
right now of life
love and that is the feeling of success love is

the feeling of love is the only success i seek and i know tha
i know this and i releax into it i relax into the conceptoin of myself
i preer i

i trsut i trust the version i prefer it rust teh ver
the version choose the version i create
thorugh me throught he feeling of me

the creating and the

inseparable from all that is
created or ccreat

creating and i love remembering that

remember to turn it over ot he ener

the energy theenergy
is os much better at life than me

life is so much better at life than me
i just feel the feeling

i just feel the feeling the feeling of focus
i’m focused an di odn
don’t need to rush through it just keep the focus
focus wheno n

where on one point
on the energetic center keep the focus on the
energeticc center

i’m here now at the energetic center of me
of life of earth of all of existence i’m at the

one point the energetic center

i amfocused on focus i am focused on the
feeling and the feeling is all there is

i take responsibility i take responsibility for how i feel

i take responsiblity and i focus
on the feeling i want to feel

i fcous on the feeling i prefer
i conceive it
i conceive it and the it is born i am focused right here wn

and now

i am focusef i am focused because i know the power
fo the

of the energy that creates worlds i use it
and i konw it i know it

i konw my power for sure
i ask myself is that what i want or if not what do i want

then i feel for that and feel like it really is

and then it is and that’s it it’s
all a feeling of

all of life is a feeling and i ma
am the driver i know thsi i know this i know this

i know this i know this
i know this i know this

i know this

i know this

i am focuse di am here and now i am focused i am


i am focused

i am

i am that i am i am that i am

i am grateful and that’s all i need i am
grateful and that’s all i need

i am love and that’s all i need i know that when i feel successful
i am and that is the only success i love that i
get to feel it now

the ultimate success which is just truly enjoying your life
int he moment without any conception of the past or the tr

future just ahppy and celebrating in this here and now
i am loveing i am loveing
i am love i just feel the feeling of it and the nit

it is

i am focused i am god i am focused i am god
and i know that the feeling creates all of life and
so i choose the feeling i choose the feeling
and it is

it is and i know the power of me i know the pwoer o
the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of me i know the power of em

i know that i am the one and only creator s

and i love ding this
doing this work the focus work the feeling work us
tjust feeling it right now

and knowing that it already i
it alraedy is

it already is it already is i
it already is

i trust everything that is i am
everything that is i trust everything that is

i am
everything that is

the focus is the release of all wonder
trying forcing tr

wondering shoulding the
focus is one one


point and that one point is me
and me is the center of all existence

the focus is the one point
that exists at the center

i can release everything else
and that is my power

and that is my power that is my power i know it

its already on its way and i kno i never have to try because it already is

it already is it already is

it already is”

i am focused i am focused i am focused

on the one point and that’s all ther e

i am focuse don one on one point

and that’s all ther eis

i am focused i am focused on the feeling on
feeling the feeling i want to feel

embodying the feeling i want to feel
embodying the
feeling i want to feel and i know tis only
ever me

my consciousness of myself
i am

and i am so grateful for my life how it is
i don’t need anything to change!!

i am focused i am focused i am focused

i am the one do ti am the i am the one dot and i release i

i relax into the one do and just
and jut trust
just trust get out of the way
and just trust i release the one


i relax into the one dot
i relax into the one do tthe focus i realx in

into the focus ia m the focus
i am nothing else i am

not outside of this moment
and i

release control!!!

i release trying!!

it just doessn’t matter

i don’t have to elt it be y my reasona dn
i can always trunthe boat

i can always be aware and i know this is the only owrk
i’m not going to let myself care id ont have to care

i can just align with what is desired
and know that it is

it already is i know that what is desired
already exists and so i align with that and that’s all ic an
ever do that’s all i can ever do thi

is this work the feeling work the flow work this work the
feeling work the flow work today i get to decide how i feel i get to decide to feel good i d

get to decied

how i feel i get to decide how i feel i get to decide the flow the feeling of the flow the feeling
of the flow the flow of the feeling the
flow of the feeling the flow

i get to decide and i’m sut going to let it go
just going to let it go
it just doesn’t matter and i can still enjoy the day

it just doesn’t matter it just doesnt’ matter and i love that i know i love
that i know thi know this work i know this

the work the focus work the oonly work the ase and flow
work the knowing work i know god i trust tgo i

i trust god i trust god i trust god i trust the flow
i get tout of thew ay and trust it

celebrate it in fact and its just ath teasy

to align with what iss desi

is desired
to aliwn t


align with what is desired
with what is desired

with what is desired

i’m not even mad i dont

i dont even care i just trust the flow i just trust the flow of life
the unofleding
unfolding of things and it always feels better to

trust the unfolding of things i can focuse

i trust i feel and trust i feel and trust i trust the flow trust the feeling
trust the feeling trust the flow

of life trust the flow of

i don thave to care and i love that i dont i love that i get to feel good now
get to love good gnow
now and release the rest i love that i don teven

that i’m doing the feeling wor right n
now i love
seeing the effects of the work because
i dont h

dont care i love that ig et to enjoy the day
no matter what i get to celebrate it i lov e
i get to celebrate it i get to celebrate it

i get tofocus i gt
to focus on what is desired o
knowig that its already made and
that is the only work
and i ve

ive kow

knowing that

known that for a long tie
i know that everything is in my favor so i just
trust what is knowing
knowing that life
is causing me to aks

i guess my wish is to be able to … shop in a store??

for people to not be so incompetent lol

yes and i know that when i ask it is given

i know that when i ask it is given and i love that i
get to celebrate that knowledge
i love that i get to

enjoy this day i love that i get to

enjoy this day enjoy this lfow i love

that its already solved i love that i know

its already solved its already solved its already solved

i’m here and the desire is born and when the desire is born
the desire is born

and then its created and i know this is fact i know thiss is fact i know

the fact i know that this is all of lo

llife the consciousness is all of life
i am the

adulterated unconsciousn


i love that i knwo it and i lov etha ti feel it
i am aligned with it the one truth and i kno that the
rest of life

takes care of its self i know that
the rest of life

takes care of itself

i feel free i feel flying i feel free
i feel flying i feel gre

free i feel flying i feel the flow fow
the flow flying the flow flying the
flow flying the

flow flying through me i feel god flowing through me
flying through me i feel god i feel god i fee love

i know the secret to life i know the secret to life i knwo the
secret to life

i th
the secret to life i know the secret to life i know the

secret to life the
secret to life i know the secret to life i know the
secret to life i know the secret to life

its the feeling and i feel the
feeling and that’s all there is i know that

i get to choose to feel good n o

matter what and that is my power
that is my power i get to choose to feel good now

no matter what and

that is my power i get to hoose
i get to choose i get to choose to feel the
the flow right now the flow righ tnow
i get to choose i t

i get to cchoose it choose god right now
choose celebrating life an dnot
caring about dumb shit
i get to align with it

i am it i am the desire and it is
made when it is had and i know that there is nothing i

dont alraedy have there’s nothing i dont ha

already have i love that i know this i lov ehta t
i get o feel good that i get to say yes

get to fee the feeling get to allow it to squeak in

say yes to it and ceebra
celebrate it becaus ei created it!!

celebrate it all because i created it!!

checking in with self

grateful for the work that works for our jourel
that actually works!!

who knew!!

grateful for the energy for the perspective for the
focus gratefult or emember who i am to tune the self

grateful tot une
to tune the self to the vibration i wnat to be in
grateful to feel good about msyelf and this day
to celebrate this work

this day to be aware of how i feel in every omment
and aware of whete

wheether or not that is how i want to feel

grateful for the effects of the work t
hat i know its real that i know i do

create with the feeling i know that the
feeling is the secret i know that the
feeling is the secret and that i crate with
the feeling so grateful to
get to keep up the feeling to know the feeling to
do the work to
intensive work so gratefult o do the work the
only work

i am the energy i am the energy i am
the one and only energy i am the energy of life i know that
the divine presence


is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence I AM

is the source and subsstance of all my good
and i
thought it

though it seems challenging at times
to embody that feeling
its really the easiest thing i can do

its the hardest but its also the easiest
and i know it i trust it and the only thing
that makes it seem hard
is not believing it

then it seems pointless then
the apathy creeps in because its like why
but when i know my magick then why would
i have to wonder why i would want to practice it

and when i remember the power of me the power of the feeling
its so much easier to tune in tot hat feeling
to believe in life to celebrate every oment to
its fullest to say thankyou and
enoy t

enoy this day just enjoy the moment right now

enjoy the feelig right now

i already am successful becusee i know the work works!!

today i am aware of how i feel today i am aware that
feeling is the secret feeling is te

the center of all creation
how i see myself is the center of all creation
i love that i know i am


already successful because the owrk works
and that’s all there is

i’m moving more toward the feeling
im inching toward the feeling
i m

feeling for the feeling i am

the feeling

the feeling is here the feeling is here and
i’m empowered by the feeling what is the
feeling the feeling of knowing that ia m

the feeling of knwoing that
i am the one and only creator

i embody the feeling i am the feeling
i am the feeling of

total release

knowing i never have to do a thing
that’s all ther is i know i never have to
do a thing
just feel
jut feel what life wants me to do

here i’m with god i’m here i’m with god i knwo

i’m here i’m with god i am
aware of how i feel i am aware of how i feel

i am aware of how i feel and the power i have to direct that
i am aware of the

of my conception of myself i am aware of my conception

of myself my consciousness of myself
i am aware of it and aware that i get to choose i t

get to choose how i see myself and i know that is
the fun and easy work i know that is the fun and easy work
becuase how i see myself

is what i see in my life
i know this for a fact i kow that
everything already is the way i want it to be
i love that i know life
comes easily to me that

things are always comeing easily to me
becuase that’s how life works and i never
have to make

anything happen i love tha tlive

life is good for me right now an di have
everything i could possible want!!

i love that life i sgood for me right now

i renounce my humanhood and
feel the way i want to feel

how would i feel if i knew that
i am the creator of everything and that
what i decide i see?

how would i feel if i knew its alraedy done
how ow

would i feel if i was at peace in this here and ow

not needing anything
and knowing that all is provided

how would i feel if i completely god out of the way
of all the thoughts how would i eel

feel if it already was the way i want it to be i love that
it already is i love that it already is
i love that life is good and that life loves me i love htat
i know everything is already perfect and i get to feel the
feeling of that the release of that the

feeling the feeling its only ever the feeling its only
ever the feeling and i’m grateful to do the feeling work

god is my supply and support

the god self the connection to the god self the
feeling of god the feeling of love

is my supply and support
knowing that god is my supply

is my supply and i can always return to and realx

relax in this knowledge
i love that i always can i love that i can always

return to and

feel this feeling feel exhilirated by life
i can find my lust for life i can live fully
how i want to live i get to live fully
i get to create for creations sake

not for a reason i ge tto allow god to do the
creating to do the living through m e


is all there is feeling is all there is the feeling of enjoying t
life the feeling of the fcous in this here and now

here and now releasing it all releaseing it
releasing it all releasing it all releasing it all

i know i ‘m here i’m i know the focus is godi know that
tfoucs focus is god attention is god i know this and i’m
here doing the work w

learning the worl
feeling the work the fwork
feelig the work

i’m here and i’m focused i’m here
and i’m foxus e

i’m here and i’m focused i’m focused i’m in
in in the god self in this moment in the truth i’m

taking the work further i’m allowing i’m
allowing life to do its thing
i’m allowi4

life to do its thin gi’m allowing all of the
throught to think themselves
i’m allowing life to live itsse

itself i allow life to live itself i
come here and i focus i take the foxu
to the next level by being more andmore
aware of how i feel how

of if i’m focuse d
i take note of if

i’m focused

i’m focused i’m here doing thiw work because it feels good
i do the owrk to feel good id

i do the work to

there’s nothing to contorl
just not even be wa


just allow life to unofld that
that really is scary but its the only work

the only thing to do is
allow life to live itself i allow

life to life
live itself i allow life to live itself
i allow life to live itself i allow life

to live itself
i allow life

live itself that is the ultiamte
only thing i can do is
get out of the way

and allow life to live itself and

that’s what i’m here doing
what i’m here doing

the only work the only work the feeling work the
feeling of love the feeling of love
the knowing that life is
living itself that is the feeling of love
i comme here to practice it
to remember it to apply it on all levels

i’m here

to remember to remember what attention is what consciousnes is
how i consc

conceive of myself i am aware of how
i conceive of myself i am aware
i am aware i am aware
and i get to choose what that conception is i get to choose and i come
here to practice it

so grateful for this day !!

for y socks for my socks for my
circus sweater!!

for all the groceries!!!

to able to stock up to be abl

to know the truth to release it all to
truly release all of it
to toally

get out of the way and commune it

with it i commune with it
i fully get out of the way

exhalt i nthe feeling of the
great release of getting to

release it all

the focus is it the foucs is it and
its easy to focus in thism oment
nd just al

llet the worlds
come i’m here allowing the words to flow
allowing life to do the writing allow the
words to write themself aloowing
allowing life to write itself
like it already does
the writing and the



the great release the great letting go
of it all the real answer the real high

the only high the only real hight

releasing it all releasing it w

all not even watching just being

ust just being and that’s all i can
ever do

is just be

so grateful our book sare
coming tomorrow!

the energetic work the conception
work the feelig work the
being fo
of geelint

feeling the business of being
the buenss
business of being the business of being

not doing anything not controling a
thing can’t make n

anyting happen not in contorl
not een

even in control of the feeling just
getting out of the way of it

just getting out of the way of it

getting ot
out of the way of it all of it g

releasing all of it none of it
is me none of it conrol

controls me i know that i am it
and inseparable from it i am
the flow of life i am nature of

all of it is nature and it goese on
with our without me i’m
not in contorl nd there

no me just is

the focus is all there is existing is all there is and
i know the feeling of it i know the feeling of it
and its here and now i know the
feeling of it and this work
helps me practice it
this work

helps me practice it i the
this wro

work helps me practice it

release all of it release all of it
and its so easy

its so easy to release it just release
just let it all go

totally get out of the way
its now up o me it s

not up to me and hta tis the greate release
the great knowledge of life
i can just feel and trust

trust and feel trust
and feel and i can tune i come here to tune
and it feels good to feel the way i want to fele
to do the work to f

do the work to feel good to feel good
to feel good to feel good to feel good

to feel
to focus to focus to take the work further
and the way to wakt eh work


further is so easy
there are so many opportunities in each day to take
the work further to use and excuse to focus
on the one thruth and

and that’s how to take the work further

seize those opportunities to use the magick
like i kknow i can

seize them!!

use them!!

they are gifts that’s

how to take the work further

notice and adjust notice and adjust
and dont allow what you dont want

the 12 disciplines