so grateful for this day

to feel good got to get my turtlenexk!
turlenex all around!

so grateful for this dreary day the first snow but
really the second so grateful fro my cozy clothes for this
cozy day nowhere to be nothing to do i love that feeling and
that is the feeling of god

grateful for this day

this lazy day this cozy day
to look forward to waking up day

grateful for this day
to have nothing to dread
to have our work done
to get to start my long book
so grateful to the wife
for all she days

love waking up feeling good love doing this work theo nly work
love journaling!!

i’m here and i’m doing the work and i’m focused i’m
focused in the here in now in the
god self in the infinity of god and my abiliyt t

to focus is fitness of the mind my abiliyt to focus ongo
god and not random other shit
that is focus of the mind and that is what this work is i love that
i get to choose it i love that i

get to choose it i love

fitness of the mind and the larger
weights i cn li
can lift the more i practice the more
i practice feeling good focusing into
this here ando
and now feeling the rest life

feeling the misbeliefs
rise away fom the
self myself

jump fully intothis
day feeling the fee

fullness of this day and not needing to add naything to it

so grateful for my presents!!

so grateful to be loved it feels good to be loved
it feels good to take the loving route
it feels good to love to feel the feeling of love knowing

love is all there is i’m here ‘m im

immersed in this feeling i’m tuned i’m tuned to the
god self to teh truth

i know the truth right now i tune myself to this here and now
to practice what it feels like to let go
of the rest i relentlessly pursue present

and that’s all there is if i find myself outside of the now
i always ba
come back to here a

i love that i know that all of life reflects me
and i get to choose it i get to choose it

this is the focus the
feeling is the only focus the
feeling is all there is and i love
that i always know its me

i come here to focus and i don thave to
to rush through it why rush god why rush feeling
good just

make the time make the time to tune the instrument

i’m here aligning i’m here tuning the instruent

to the tune of god
of the one truth of love
i’m here tuning the instrument to love

remembering who i am what i am what i am
i’m here i’m here i’m here i get to feel the feeling

i get to feel the feeling i want and hli
life helps me do it i love that
life helps me do it i love

that i’m healed i love that i’m healed i love that
the work always work sthis
this work always works the focus works in this moment
the focus in the

this moment always brining it back to the one truth
and the more i do the e
better i feel that’s all that matters how i feel
and i’m

i’ve known this for a long time
and i know it more and more every day

it never not is

it’s never not the feeling it’s never not the feeling
just choose it now because that’s all i can do

otherwise ive c

i’m creating more of a feeling that
i don’t want and i can alway s

choose the feeling i want

so grateful for this day for this amazingly awesome day
for the feeling of the focsu for the
feeling of my best self flowing through
for the feeling of a wind
for the feeling of celebratig life

of taking the leap of takig the
leap of feeling good and enjoying life
i enjoy life right now i enjoy the feeling of love right now
i send love right now

i’m here i’m god i’m here in the infinite here and now
i come here to remember what it feels like and i
take this practice with me

into the rest of my life where i can always come
back to the now and feel the release of knowing that i am
god and i am the one and only creator

i love by this one truth i live my
by this one truth

i’m fixated on the one truth
if i notice that i’m fixated on something else
i turn this fixation
toward the one truth toward the feeling of god

i can breathe easy because its not up to me
to try to create everything but simply allow it
just get out of the way of it and know that it is

i don’t have to do a thing
i dont have to do a thing

just trust just feel that’s all i can do and that’s
the only worthy pursuit that’s the only
worthy pursuit and i already feel it

i come here to not do anything
just be i just am and that’s all there is

it is

it happened
it was and now i am
and always was

it’s just the feeling and that’s all
there is i slip into the feeling float into the feeling
bask in the feeling of release

of renouncing my humanhood

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i know this and i come here to remember it i
know it i know its truth i know
i know it for sure so i celebrate life i celebrate the truth of it
i love that i get to feel it
get to feel every day the way i want to feel my whole life:

excited to get up and enjoy the day
loving my life the way it is

more than enough money to pay the bills and have fun

ability to but the things i need
so much love in my life

truly adoring every day

feeling at ease and trusting and loving life
knowing that

life is always on my side!!

helping me focux

helping me remembering who am helping me s
asking how i would prefer to feel and i know the feeling right away

and the contrast helps me focus on that


remember it s not the physical that creates
helps me resort to the focus

helps me remember who i am

welcome shame
feeling like im too much
have always been told im too much
fuck them haha
i’m me

releasing shame
releasing insecurities
and gratefult og et ot

to do that to get tback to the
foc us to feel the feeling of

healing remember the power of the cohice

i remember the power of the choiice
ive decided its healing

ive decided its healing so no
need to get physically involded i

i love that i know get ot ;i kn
i know te power of love
of life andl ife hleps me choose it

dont force allow
the feeling is the secret t

seeing how i feel welcoming how i feel
and releasing it
get to transmust old patterns foreer

get to feel the other side of the wave focus on
the other side of the wave

not cutting myself off fromt he flow
but reaping all the benegits

picture of health i get to choose that i
get to choose me i get to choose how i see myself
i get to relax and trust i get to
realx and trust knowing the gody is

body is a genius
i get to choose how i feel i
get to chooe how i feel

i get to choose the feeling
of lavish abundance god is

unfailing abundance

god is lavish unfailing abundance
and i ge tto choose it life ehlps me

i can choose to feel chaotic and scared
or i can choose to trust i can choose to ground myself
and feel the lavish abundance of god

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

i ge tto feel the knowing i get to
feel the knowing

instead of the fear and that
helps me remember helps me reconnect

helps me reconnect and i get to feel it here and now
i choose it i love myself like my

life depends on it i
love msyelf like my lifed

depends on it
i love myself and i release control to go

i release control

i’m not getting involved in anything!!!!

i give up and know that life

it’s up to me to choose my perspectice

it’s up to me to choose my perspective and
that feels like relief get to do the work

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich moni

omni present substanc fo teh
of the uniferst



i believe in myself i believe inmyself

and more than believe i know how life
works and i know it alawys make

reflects the energy of me and tha i have the
energy of life flowing through me i love that
i get to choose it and i love that i
get to feel it and know that life

reflects me i know that life

reflects me and that i made something else
and i can just replace that fixation with something else

with feeling close to god with feeling the
certainty with god
connecting god relaxint into the feeling of god

i feel so good i feel so good turning thep

boat knowing its

up to me the version i create the
version i see

do i want myself to disapper?


i get to choose to feel good about msyelf
love myself see myself how i want to see myself

the feeling
the feeling is always reflected so all i can
do is choose how i want to feel

choose to fill the space choose to
fill the space choose to be enough to choose to
be god to trust god to fill the space of god to
allow of

alll of gods energy to flow through me and that’s
all i can do

i feel the energy of me i feel myself as the conduit
i feel the other side of thew ave i

feel the connection with life
i feel life


flowing through me

i love me i love saying yes i love
feeling the energy of life

life force i know that life force
is coursing

through me i loe
that i get to align with me

it that life is always on my side


helping me showing me

to embody who i am
be who ia m love who am

i have the
energy that creates worlds flowing thorugh me

i’m allowing it i feel the
feeling go

of gods lavishness

i am tuned in tapped in truned on to the magick of life
i know the feeling

i’ve decided i’ve decided

i decided its find
i decided its healing

i decided it reflects
my proximity to god

and i’m choosing god i’m choosing god
as teh so

solution i know that the
feeling is teh so

solution the feeling is the secret so
i get to fixated on the feeling

i’m fixated on the god self
i’m fe

fixaged o
on the god self i’m fixated on what’s
going right

i feel the feeling the
feeling of magick i choose the feleing o
of magick of life i thc

i choose the feeling of the magaick life

i choose it now i choose the energy of life
i choose fixation on the god self i
choose fixation on the god self
i know that the feeling creates everth

everything the conception of the self
is the self and i know this is fact

the conception is the truth
i know this is fact i know this
and i choose it i choose the energy of life
flowing through me

i have the energy that creates worlds
coursing through me


is all there is
is all there is and i always get to decide and inever have to
wonder what it is wo
or why it is just choose love
and its the


easiest solution its the easiest solution
just choose ream its the
ram its the easiest

only answer to everything and it makes life
so much easier

the power of the focus and i get to choose
the power of the focus and i get to choose i
get to choose teh feeling i get to choose teh
version i live and create

what is it causing me to ask for and line up with that
and that’s it you’re done

it’s just that easy and doesn’t
require any wonderingw orr
worrying or manifestation

just let go and feel the feling of
feeling of n


just let go and allow god to flow
thrugh e
through me just let go and allow god to
flow through be god and known

that life only reflects god
i am god in this here and now i am the feeling of go di am

right here and no ia m god right n

here and now i am god right now

right here and
and now i am god right here and now
here and now

all there is is ram and that’s such relief
all there is

is love and that’s such relief i can always

feel love i can always
feel love i can

always feel love i can alway s
feel love i

can always

feel love

ram is all there is and i can always
feel the certainty of ram i can

always choose the certainty of god
of the one truth always come back to the one truth
relax in the one truth

i can

can always relax in the one truth

turned on because i’m making the choice
to focus on the one truth on

and only the one truth because i know that is t

the answer to everything i can feel energyize

in my connection with god knowing that
i am now d

separate from it
relaxing in my isness just
trusting my isness

being my isness

so grateful for my life
to laze around drinking coffee and reading with someone i ilove

i’m so lucky to have someone i love
who loves me wants to spend
lazy sundays with me i’m so lucky
and grateful to be loved

so lucky a nd grate
and grateful for everything i have so
luck an

grateful for everything i have

so grateful i know the truth of life that i get to
celebrate it

i get to celebrate it i get ot feel it
get to allow it i love that i get to allow it i love htat
it’s here now i love that it already is
i love that i know that

it already is

i choose love and that’s answer an di love that
i get to choose this life this

perspective this knowledge i get to be the
creator and then i am i get to choose the
feeling of love and then i see it

reflected its alawys me creating its always me
creating and i don thave to do a think

its always me creating a

i am th ecreator and i
create life with my feelings i love tha i know that i know this
that life is the creation that its only ever me and
whatever i decide that is eh

what is
and its that easy its that easy
its that easy it’s that esay to

to decide

i love that we’re getting more and more exposure!!

i love that people are raving!
i love that people love the work !

i love that i love the work !
i love that i know its good!
i love that i know ti works!!


so grateful so grateful to be loved
so grateful to be loved so
gratefl to be love dso

so grateful to love and be loved
so grateful to love and be loved

so grateful for my charmed life that
i know tis is ho life su

is supposed to feel that i get to choose to feel it
i love that i know i love that i know i love that

all of life is me i love
i love that i know all of life is me i love that
i know all of life is me i

i love that i know all of life is me i

i love that all there is is ram
and it’s easy to hoose
choose ram knowing

for sure that’s all thee is

there is i know that is all there is
and i’m so grateflt

to be here i know its all me and all i can
do is send love send love

all i can do is send love because its all me
its all me

its all me i know that all i can do is
send love

i am aware

of the version i create
that i amde
made something out of nothin
nothing and i can just as
easily turn my attention toward som

something else i can feel that i want to
turn my attention and it feels hard but i know i dont have to
do it all at one i can do it incrementally

although all at once kind of feels easier because
doing it incrementally feels like just getting sucked
back into the same route

but i dont want i
i want to the new routh i want
i want the

exhilirated route i want the loving myself route
and that”s just a matter of perspective
that’s all perspective and i love that
i get to be so ware
i alo

i love that i get to be so aware

draint he life the life blood from it and i can
do tithat
focus only on ram

focus only on ram

it’s all for me and i get to choose how i feel

i get to steer the train in every moment i get to choose the
feelign in every moment i get to choose

the focus i get to choose to be focused on god
focused on ram on the feeling i want to feel on the flow i want to
be a part of on the flow that i am a part of i get to choose to
get to be
in the flow i get to choose teh flow i get to choose the
feeling i prefer i get to choose love i get to choose love and i love

that it’s that easy i love the easier it gets i love the easier it gets i
love the easier it gets i love that easier it gets i love that
i don’t have to care i love that i get ot

do me i love that i get to ask what i want how i want to feel and then
i get to feel it i get to choose teh feeling of it
and then it is

grateful for this day for this day for this feeling of celebrating the day
of choosing wha iw ant
what i want the day to be and living it grateful

to feel the focus feeling t

the focus of life of liof

of love feelin the
feel the focus of life of love of how i want to do
feel of basking in the day
grateful to feel the feeling of
basking int hda y

i’m basking i’m basking

i feel love i feel reverence i feel gratitude
i feel knowing i feel celebration i

feel celebration i feel celebration
i feel life i feel life flowing
through me i feelt he celebration of life i feel the
celebration of me i feel the
celebration of life
i feel the celebration of me

i get to have fun and enjoy the day
i’m doin the doing the work focusing on the

one truth i am
too focused on the one truth

to livethat

that way i am too focused on the one

to live that way i love that i get to feel it
and then it its
i t

i am the only wo

one creating it get to feel it and then it is
i get to feel it and then it is

i get to feel it and then it is
i get to feel it and then it is

i know the power of the work and the focus and im

i’m seeing the effects of the work!!

i’m seeing it

i’m doing it and i’m seeing and
it and feelig it

its easier and easier to turn back toward god
towrad the truth knowing that

how i feel is always preceding my experience
how i feel always preceded my experience

and i am always creating what i will see i a

it never isn’t me it’s
always always me and i send lov ei sen d
compassion i send love

and i go within to love and
have comapssion and grace for myself
i choose love i chooseht

the feeling i want to feel i choose

the feeling i prefer i choosee th
the version i prefer because i’m always creating it

the feeling the feelin precedes everything
thek nowin

the knowing precedes everything

i love that ig et to feel good today
get to feel good today
get toenjoy


today i get to se

enjoy this day let go in this day

trust in this day build p the
god self on this dayand that’s the only work and

the only thing worth
pursuing inthis world is

building up the god self
knwoing god more andmore

love is all there is al

love love love love love love

i love that i know i love that

i know the power of me
and i get to choose it
i know the power of me i know the
power of me i know the power of me

i know the power of me and i get to choose it
i get to live it and i’m focused on it

i’m focused on it

i know the power of me i know the power
of me and i get to choose it i know its n


not me i know

i’m too focused
to live like that

moeny is not supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing activity of the divine maind

mind within me is mys upply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

i am here i am me i am it i am it
i am god and i get to choose
everything is me and i get to create it how i choose

so i never have to wonder i never have to wonder

just choose to

choose to feel good now feel the
feeling of it first
feel the feeling of it first

feel it feel good now feel the
feeling of it first create all of life
with the feeling
create all of life with the feeling

create all of life

with the feeling focused on

on the feeling focused on the feeling
because i know it works!!

focused on the feeling becauuse i know that’s all there is
the feeling is all there is

i feel abundant
i am abundant

abundance flows easily through to and through me
life flows easily to and through me life
is always one my side life is god is me

creating all that i see i am

that i am

i am the creator of me i am the craotr

creator of me i am the creator of me
i am the creator of me

i am he creator of me only
i can choose it i can only choose

only i

can choose it

i am the creator of me
i am

the creator of me the

creator of me

the real work is the caring

or the not caring of the accepting
accept it why am i hung up on it the

reall work is the choosing of the turning of the boat the choosing of the turning of the boat
and really ive just been waiitng for those other photos haha

the real work is releasins the reasons i came up with to suffer

money is not my supply
no condition is my supply

my awareness understand and knowledge
of the all providing activity

of the divine mind within me is my supply

self aware self aware
self consciousne

caring about what others think
under my akind
skin holding ont ot osmeht

but the opporsite is always god

the oopposite

is always good
and that’s all i need to feel that for that’s
the only aciton i can take

too focused to live that way

too focused on god on my zone
on my zone too focused on my zone to live that way

i’m focused i’m focused on the god self
and i am too focused to allow anything to sway that

focus this focus i know that this
focus is the only work and i am focused on it

i amfocusedo n the focus and nothing else the feeling
and nothing else and i allow myself to feel it and i always

also allow myself to bask in the right now
how much i can focus on this writing is good evidence of my focus

can i sit here and focus and do this writing
without getting distracted

can i refuse to suffer can i always
turn m
back to god and refuse all the thoughts w
that would have me wandering infinitely and never arriving to
where i am right now i

i amf ocused

focused on the focus

i’m too focused to live like that
too focused to live like that and i love it i love that
i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel i

i trust the ebb i trust the ebb
and if eel it
i feel it

i trust the ebb

i am focused on the focus on the feleing
on choosing how i want to feel right now
knowing thta’s
that’s the ol

only action i can ever take
and i know that this is the
cleansing of the mind of the vibration of the feeling
the fitness of the mind and i

and it always works i can do it i can focus and i know the power
of it i do it right now id o it right now

i am toof ocus

focused on

focused on god focused on the good life the feeling
the goof feeling
the feeling the vibration of god i a

in tune with it

i’m here i’m here and i’m focused i ‘m here with god choosing
i’m here with god w
feeling and knowing tht when its desired its mead

made i kno

i know that wehn its desired its made i love that
i know this i love that i knowt his i love that
i knowt his

i love that i knowt this

i am here am here i am here focused on the focus i know the
feeling of the focus i know the feeling of teh focus i know the
feeling of the focus and

life helps me focus life helps me ask
life helps me

life helps me ask life helps me
align life helps me tune im

i’m here tuning i’m here tuning
tuning how i feel i’m

here tuning how i feel because how i feel
creates how i feel creates my life and i know this
and the ultimate feeling
the god feeling is the feeling of

knowing this truth knowing that i am the
god self the one and only creator of all of this
i love that i get to see it
that i get to feel it
that ig et to feel it

so graetful i got paid!!

and i kwo that it was the energy that did it
and nothing else i mean
yeah the physical stuff helped

me believe it i geuss

i know thep ower of me i know the power of life
and i celebrate it i celebrate life
i am focused on the god self and

i feel it now i feel it now i feel it
now i feel it now i feel it now i feel the
feeling right no i

i feel the feeling right now

i am focused i am focused i am focuse f

i m

i am focus i am god i am god i am god

god god god god god god god god

god god god

trusting thismoment this flwo

this fflow

relaxing into me

i’m here .

it’s me god, me.

it’s me, god.

i can focus i can focus i can focus i can focus
i can focus i canf cous i can

focus i cna focus i can
focus i can focus i can

i am focus i am focus
i am focused i am focused i am too focu

focused i am here tuning i am here tuning

i am tuned i am tuned i am
excited i am exicted ia m
in alignment

i am here becuae i want to feel the feeling of god
know the feeling of god remember the feeling of gof

tune myself to the feeling of god tune msyelf to the
feeling of god

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind with in me

is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love the feeling i love the feeling of l
the feeling of knowing and i know that

hs nothing to do with how mcuh action i take or

how many emails i send how

,uch action i take orho m

many emails i send and i know this i

its t

is true all there is is thef low
all there is is god is the feeling
what is it causing you to ask for

what is it causding me to ask for

for it to be done
for me to not have to tod
to do it

to want to do it
for it to be easy
to get sales to believe in our sales!!

yes the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i get to feelthe fe

the feeling i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the
the feeling i get to
feel the feeling i

get to


i get to choose thep ower of me it get to tap into
and celebrate the tp

power of me i ge tto choose the version i create
and i know that

it’s atht easy i thank life
for m

reminding me
for helping me rememberin

i know the body is a genius

i trust the porc

i trust the process of life i trust the process of life
and i feel the way i want to feel from the doing of the thing
and that is theo nly w

the only work ic an do that is the only work i can
do i focus on the feeling of

on the god self on the feeling i’m
here i’m here to focus and i know that i can do it
i can focus in this moment i’m

here i’m here with god in this
here and now and i know there’s nothing else

i celebrate because i know there’s nothing else
i release all of it and feel the feeling of freedom

the focuso n the feeling and i feel it knkow
now i know that however i feel is hwat i see in life and i get to chosoe it
now get to choose the focus now
get to feel the feeling
get to align with
with the feeling get to align with the feeling
of what i prefer

life causes me to ask
am i going to anser??


so grateful for this day
for friends and acquaintences

so grateful for our neightbor

neighborhood for the power of creation
for the power of focus for the power of choosing how i want to feel
that i get to ra

practice it

so grateful for leads!!

so grateful for teh power of focus
the power of creation the power of feeling i know that
it’s up to me to choose how i feel about life
i knkow
that i
don’t owe anyone a certain pace i love that
i get to bask in every oment of my life

i love that i know control is letting go i know that
contorl is

control is letting go and life helps me
so that
do that i know that i know that

i know that this work works and tha’t


that’s why i do it because it tunes my instrument

where is my attention where is my focus
where is my consciousness and that’s all that metts

matters i come here to remember to remember
to renoucne
my humanhood

i renounce my humanhood and celebrate this moment

i give life the feeling i celebrate the moment
and the moment celebrates me

its a win win

i feel the greate re

great release i feel the great communion i feel the knowing
the complete knowing that ho i

how i feel directs my life and i always
get to choose if its something i dont want

i can literally change it that instant by asking myself what i would prefer
and then feel how that would feel and then know that
what i didn’t want just helped me ask for what was just created by the desire

and that’s how the game of life works
very simple rules

very very simple rules

i love that i know this and i get to play
the game that i get to

that it’s the feeling i know all of life is a
a fee

feeling i get to create with my feelings
i get to create i get to drive i get to choose i get to choose
i get

to choose i get to choose i get to choose
the elecrticity of life
i get to choose i get to create it how i want i get to ask myself

is this what i want?

is this what i want??

i love that i get to choose and i know that life

all of life is created with feeling so i
needn’t think about anything esle


all of life is created with feeling
i know that i’m creating all of it

i know that i’m crating all of it

the laser focus the laser focus
but its a feeling and not the mind

its a feeling and not the mind and i know this feeling
and it feels so good to remember that

this feeling is my currency and nothing esle

that nothing in the entire


deny this feeling
can escape this feeling that all things reflect this
feel thing
that all things reflect every feeling but

the feeling of connection to god is the
inherent feeling and the only feeling

alll other feelings are a variation of it
or false

i know that my connection is myi cur

is my currency and i get to choose how i feel about the unfolding
of all things i get to celebrate i get to celebrate

yes it feels good it feels good to feel good!

to take the leap to believe in y work to
wnat to do my work to feel good about my work

to jump into my work knowign that

that the ebb is neccessary
trusting the ebb feeling the e

ebb feeling the

thank you for this thank you for this life
for this kowle

knowledge for this feeling
for this feeling for this feeling thank you for this feeling
i feel the energy flowing throgh

through me i feel i feel it i feel
the energy flowing through me i feel

the energy flowing through me

i feel the god self
i am the god self i feel the god self

i am the god sel fi am the
god slef

i am god i am god

i love that i know and i get to just feel it
just feel the truth of it
just hang out with the truth

just be the truth just live the truth
just feel it to do the work to feel the other
the other side of it and know that life
helps me ask

it feels good to be in the flow it feels good
to be in the flow it feels good to
bein the flow it feels good to be in the flow

to trust the flow of lie
to turst the

trust the flow ofl ife to
release to know control is letting go
and just feel the feeling

release consciousness of it

release consciousness of it and that’as what life helps me so
do so grateful life is always on my side
helping me helping me release

helping me release

its whatever i want its whatever i want its

whatever i want its whatever i want its

whatever i want its

whatever i want

its the feeling its the feeling its the feeling of the flow
its the feeling of life all that matters
is the feeling oflife all

that maaters is
the feeling of life the feeling of life
flowing through me

i can do it i can do it i can
feel the feeling i do feel the feeling

magick flowing through me
i do the

feel the feeling of

magick flowing through me
i feel it i vee

i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel the feeling of magick
flowing through me i feel the feeling of magick
flowing through me

god is lavish
unfailing abundanc e
the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source of
infinte prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

i konw all there is is ram
and that

all that matters is ram

i feel good and i know that
everything is going my way
i feel good and know that
everything is going my way
i feel good and know i feel good and i know

i turn my consciousness toward what i want

i turn my consciousness toward what i want

i trun my

consciousness toward what
i want and i love that i get to i love that i get to c hoose

i love that i

so grateful for what i have
that i get to choose the version i

create i get to choose teh version
i create

am i really that easily suggestable lol

i relax in the feeling i relax in the knowing
in the only o

work i relax into the only work the
here and now
i relax into the here and now

i relax into the here and now

i relax into the
here and now the god self i feel the feeling of the god self i feel the
feeling of the god self

i love doing this work the only work
this is the only work
always tre

returning to that feleing of
celebratin gthe moment

celebrating the moment
grateful for the gifs

giving everything over to the moment
giving everything over to the moment