i know the feeling

i know the feeling of refusing to acknowledge it
i know the feeling of refusing to let it in i know the
feeling of the devotion i know the feeling of
the devotion to the feeling

i know teh feeling
the feeling of devotion to the feeling just feel toward it jut feel toward it
feel toward the feeling it
and its there that is the greate relase
release just knowing that the god feeling is always there
the truth is always there the
truth is always there

i get to decide to have fun i get to decide to celebrate i know the
feeling and i get to choose i t

i know the

feeling and i get to choose life helps me remember it life
helps me choose it life

life helps me choose it

choose the deovtion to the feeling
choose teh feeling of devotion
to the feeling

of turning the boat of flipping the
switch of giving up of knowing that i dont
do it physically

i always do it within i always
do it within the


energy comes from within
the energy comes from within
the energy come sfrom within

i can do it!!

grateful for this day
to lal

allow myself to feel good and that’s all it is

an allowance
a releasing of resistance
and an embracing of the

the gifst from god saying yes to the gifts from god
knowing that there
area lwaya alway s

it feels good to remember the feeling to know that
my consciousness of the god self within me

my source and my supply

remove my awareness from it remove my consciousness from it
and i know that its only ever me

grateful to feel the feeling of celebrateing
allow myself to feel the feeling of


suspend my disbelieve that life is good and i deserve it!!

i love that i know lfe i

llife is good i love that i know life is good and
i deserve it i love that this work always works

i get to
at any time i can suspend my disbelief

i can choose teh feeling i want to feel i can
embody the feeling i want to feel i love that
i can always do this work and feel this feel the
feeling of knowin gmy


through my consciousness of my god self

i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply thus
my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

the very substance of spirit
this very substance of spirit

and it just takes a little be of focus and attunement to get right back to this spot

the place of knowing

so grateful for this day for

alll the blessings so gratefl i get tofeel
feel the energy right now and i know that it’s ala

alawys the energy an i love that this worksi love that
i feel it now i love that
i get
get o feel t

i get to feel the energy of now i get to
feel the energy of no i

now i get to feel the
energy of now i get to
feel the energy of now i get to feel the


i get to choose the energy i get to allow the
eenrgy i get to get out of the way of the
energy i get to get out of the way

of the energy

i love the feeling of the eerngy and
best of alll i love that it works i know that it works
and if ever the energy

seems like its not th

there sometihng i
something is blocking it
and i can always release whatever is
blocking iit

i can do it i can celebrate life i can
feel good i can feel the eerngy
of life flowing theo

through me i feel i g

i feel energized by life i feel energized by life

the focus and the eerngy
and its always here im celebrating this awesome day!!

im celebrating the gifst i’m
celebrating the gifs i’m using the
im using the 12 disciplings

i’m allowing life to flow i allow
life ro
to flow i relax into the her eand now

i relax i releax i relax i ease and lfow
i know the truth i relax into the truth i relax in the

cloud of forgetting
and float on the cloud of truth
i relax i let all the rest go dna

and remember the feeling of life
that you dont think your way to the feeling you
dont think your way

to the feeling of love the feeling of

god and i get to feel it
right now

the feeling is always here the feeling is always
here and its just a feeling
but the feeling is

the secret to life and its really only this one feeling
that’s all there really is and its the feelign of love
and if you have that you have it all

and the feeling of knoiwng that
you already have it all

it’s provided that life is so much
grander than we think
so much more than we think

so so so so so much more than

corporations and war
just fucking stop

just stop just stop fucking participating in it

take a step back take a fucking step back and ask yourself
if the miracle of life was set up for this?

and if its as arbitraty as some blieve even
more reason to not spend it … being a wage slave

the energy is always here and
i allow myself to feel it
to celebrate to celebrate this day

to celebrate everything going my way
to celebrate the energy flowing

i celebrate the energy flowing i celebrate the

energy flowing i celebrate

the god energy that is with me always
i say thank you i say thank you

i put the cloud of forgetting beneath me
i choose teh side i want to feel i choose the sid ei want to feel

to feel the abundance to be grateful for the abundant giifts of god

so grateful for the magick of the moment
that we can get whole foods delievered!!

to not have to go to sal!
to love my house!

to get my work done first thing!

for my family who loves me
that we get to get a freezer!
and the outlet in that room!

i feel it i feel the lifting i feel the
release i feel the knowing i feel the

feeling i want to feel i feel the
feeling that is the secret i know its only ever me only i could so


only i can resist

i feel the feeling the feeling of magaiick

so grateful andrew is doing well
so grateful life is good for him e
so happy for spencer in his endeavors

so happy for ryan in his endeavors

so happy for dad in his endeavors

so happy for mom and all that is going well for her and her endeavors

so grateful we know our neighbors
so graetful to love wher ei live
to knkow wh

we have the perfect little neighborhood

i know that it’s onlly ever what i conceive it to be

its only ever what i conceive it to be

i know that its only ever mea n

and i am the creator through life experience through
desire life already knows what i want
i love that i get to feel the feeling of love
feeling the feeling of love

knowing that is my source

and my supply

i remembered the feeling of god

the feeling of feeling good of celebrating life
just for teh sake of it i remembe the feeling and ir emember

the power of it i

i love that i know the power of the feeling
the feeling of feeling good and i love that
i get to choose teh feeling teh go

god feeling in every moment i choose teh god
feeling in every moment
the focus

the focu
the fe

feeling the consciousnes
that which ia m aware of being

that which i am conscious of being that which i am conscious
of being

thank you thank yo for the thank you for the feeling
of tuning in of tapping in of turning on i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to celebrate it
that i get to feel the feeling of gods

i love remembering it and practicing it
remembeinng the power of it and knowing

its real

its “science”

its universal law i know that it is is law
it is the law i ahve seen demonstrted in my own life

just try it that’s all you can do because words can’t really
convince you of it

its so eays just feel good and ther est follows

so very easy i love that i get to
give up the

that i get to feel it now that i
get to feel it now that i am ware

aware of the plotting and planning maind
and i am
willing to llet god do the wrk i
am willing to let go do the o


nothing missing besides god its always god i

its always the feeling and iam

always the creator i am always he creator
i am th

always the cretor i am

always the creator i love that i get to choose it i can choose that
feeling now i can choose htat

hat feeling now i love that i know that

i am i know the feeling of me
i know the f

feeling of me

i love that i konw and i get to choose it i love that
that’s it and it always has been i get to choose it now i get to choose it now

knowing that it already is

i love doing this work remembering the feeling of me i

love doing this work remembering the feeling
of be

me being consciousn
i am conscious

i am conscious

i am conscious

i feel the feeling the god self the god self is me
the creator is me the feeling

the feeling is me the feeler is me the

experience is me
the experiencer is me

i love that i now i love that i know

i love that i know i love that i get to feel
good get to feel the feeling of god the magick of god
i love that

remembering the feelign creating through m

feeling and i know it so swell
so well so grateful to t

retu;rn to

to the ease and flow of creating through feeling knowing
that feeling is the only way to create
feeling is the only way to create and it feels good to feel it

i gett

it’s all in the feeling and i feel the feeling and life has no

choice god is not


decider or men?
discerner of men?

it doesn’t decide
it follows and i love that i know that i love tha ti feel the
feeling i feelt he inkling and the inkling grows i

feel myself allowing the inkling to grow i feel myself

allowing the inkling to grow
remembering how to flip it

to flip it back to god is lavish and i know that
poer o

power of the


i kow the power of thef lip
the flip

god is lavish

god is lavish
everything in gods world is lavish and the more
i see that the more i live it the more
i feel that the more i know it

in my subconscious

in my subjective mind the

i love that i know the power of me i love choosing it i love
that i get to choose it hat
i get to

suck the life blood out of the thing i dont want
and then its just

can’t exist without my conscious awareness

nothing exists without my conscious awareness of it

god is lavish and that’s all that matters
i allow myself to feel it to
relax in the truth of it

i allow myself to relax into the truth of life
to really feel it and know that

feeling is my

is my is my is my

my source and my supply
its what

and i get to use my imagination to create whatever version i prefer

i get to use my imagination to create it
and it’s only limited by me its’

only limited by


i know the power of me and i know how to put it inot

into practice

god is lavish
is the motto its the switch to remembering that the
feeling creates so
feel the feeling you want to create the
feeling you want to live feel the feeling you want to

to live!!

feel the feeling you want to live and its that
esay itas

is that

its ath

that easy to just act as if in
every momet i love that
i get to act as if

in every moment

i’m leaving it up to the magick

feels so good to release to the magick to just
let it go for one day haha just let it go for one day
just go within that’s the only plan i need that’s all i need

just let it go and i feel free i feel free
i feel free i free free

i feel free i feel free i feel free

thank you thank kyou thank you
for the feeling for the god version
version create with the feeling use the magick

bc i’ve tried eerything else lol
i love tr

returning to the feeling and i love that
i get to i love that i always get to i love that i know t

god i know i amg od and the feeling of god is
returning to the knowledge that i am it i love that i know it and i get to remember it
i kknow that the feeling creates i remember this i r

know this through so much life experience

the feeling creates

the feeling work the feeling work

the feeling world

the feeling world
the feeling world is all there is the
feeling world is all ther i

the feeling world is all there is
the feeling world is all ther is
the feeling world is all

there is the feeling
the feeling

let’s havve fun!

i love feeling the feeling the feeling of wanting to know god
and that’s all it takes

that’s all it takes is leaning in leaning toward god toward
the feeling toward the f

devotion i love that i get to let go and
feel good i love that i get to feel
let go and feel good

i love that i get to give up that i get to choose the attribute the
i get to just feel for god to contemplate
god to know god is always here with me to knowt ht the
feeling of communing with god is god i love that
i know the truth and i get to feel it i love that i know the

truth and i get to feel it

i love that i know the truth and i get to
feel it i love that i know the truth and i get to

feel it

i give up i know the feeling of giving up i give up
i give up i give up i give up i give p i love that i get to

i love that i get to feel for god i love that i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel

feel for god and that’s all there is
i ilove that it’s just that

that esy it
it’s just athat

easy tot feel it and i know the feelig is
all there is i k

i’ve know for a ong
long time i’ve known this for a long time
all i have to do is feel it
all i a

can ever do is feel it i love that i knowt
this i love that i know this
i love that i know thi
i love that i know ths

i know the energy of ia m of
lettig the e

rest go the cloud of unknowing and the cloud of forgetting

the cloud of unknowing and the cloud of forgetting

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you for the
the knowleege
knowledge the
feeling of the knoweldge

the feeling of god i love that i
have it that i knowt he power is in the
feeling and all things happen

with the feeling i love that i know that
it all reflects me it all reflects me

it all reflects me it all reflects me

give up give up give up and
get back with god give up wn

and get back with god give up and
get back with god just give up just give up g

just give up just give up

just give up just

just let it go just let it go just give up and
get back to me get back to me to feel the

come back to god this is god this is the
feeling this is the feeling theo nly

the only feeling just
assign the feeling just

assign the feeling just assign

the feeling just assign the feelin g
just assign the feeling just assign the feeling just assing


assing the feeling just assign the feeling

give up and its there give pu and
feel the ffe
the feeling of relief give up thinking that
its not and then it is
give up needing sometehing

give up refe

give up having preferences
give up

and then feel the feeling ofr

relief give up and feel the feeling of relief

give up and feel the feeling of relief

up and feel the feeling of relief
give up w
and feel the feeling of relief

give up and feel the feeling of releif

give up and i love that i get to because when i give up
i d

when i put my attention on something else
it makes space i am making space i am making space i am

making space i am making space i amke m
i make space

i give up and allow life to

reassign itsself i love that i get to that
i get

i know this is the only work and i celebrate it
i am

i am that i am i am that i am
i know my power is in the giving up in the getting out of the way and it

feels good to make the choice to let it go
it feels good to amek t

make the choice to let it go let it go
let life do it let life do it

let life do it lfe

let life do it lf

become it then see it becom it
hen feel then seen it become the energy of it
become the energy of it

focus on the god energy and dont let
it dissapate i love that i know i lov ethat
i know the natural
vibration of me and that i get to chosoe to

align with it to
to i

live in tune with it

the god self the god feeling right now the god self the god feeling right now
i love that i get to feel it i love that i

get to feel it i love that i

get to feel it i love that i

get to feel it i love that i

get to feel it i love that i
get to feel the god self get to relsea

reelase th

release the rest and feel the god feeling
get to f

feel the god feeling

i renounce my humanhood i renounce my humanhood
and it feels so good ive tried all i goo

could thought about it and tried but that doenes’t feel good
and letting go does so i choose to let go i choose to let go

i choose to let go and its just
that easy i choos

choose to return to me i choose to tre

return to me

i choose to return to me

and i love that it feels so good!!

i want to feel good!

i want to feel excited about life
excited about my clesses
want to do the classes

feel good about myself and my body
i feel good about myself and my body

i love myself and my body!!

i love feeling good i love throwing weight around i love
having fun i love doing the things that
feel good i love that ig et to choose to love this day
to know that something amazingly awesome is

always happening i love that i know thsi i lov ethat
i lov ethat i know this l ov etha ti

get get

to choose the feeling

i love the feeling of remembering i’m god

remembering i’m god and that my power is to feel thew ay
something already is i know the
i know the power of this and i know i’ve seen it in action so many times

i know it’s easy to live this way and this is teh
way i intend to live
this is the way i want to live

this is the only way to live
if i want to live the way i want to live

i know the power of the feeling if i d

if i see something id otn
i dont want
i ask myself what iwould

would prefer instead and then feel the
feeling of that and know that the asking caused it to come my way
and then just relax and enjoy knowing that its coe

i know t

i know this ia nd i know the power of it and i kno

through life experience i know this is teh pwoer of
creation and i know this through my own

life experience

i love feeling the feeling of liking myself
of feeling good in my life i love
feeling the feeling of feeling good in my life

of loving my life of loving this moment
i love the feeling of comeing back to

the truth of using my power i

i love that i get to use my power
i love that i get to

use my power i love that i know that i know the power
of me and i love that i know i can always

come back to it because its all there is

i know that i dont have to ask

isi t me

is it me

becuse its always me
such a releif to remember that such a releif to remember
that and do the work
and know the work

to make progress to be aw

aware of the version i creatre

the power of me and i
get to feel it know the

the power of me and i
get to feel it now
so grateful to

feel the power of me
to feel the power of me to

feel the power of
sinking into the subconsicous

knowing that is
the seat of creation
and everything esle

else comes from that
so graeful to remember the

to remember the truth to feel the
so grateful to feel the truth

i get to choose teh power of me i
get to choose the power of me
and it feels good

it feels good to come back to it
it feels good to come back to it

to come back to center
to the god self to

return to the god feeling to
choose teh god feeling now
toc hoose to liek
it feels

feels good to choose to like
myself to choose love
to love myself and that feels good ti feels good
to do this worka dn always

remember who i am that
i get to ch4

to do it forme and
for me and know that ia m the one and only creator
i know that i am the one and only creator

the power of me the power of me the
power of me

the feeling and i can
choose teh feeling right now
and by choosing that feeling i am
it i love that i know this

i love that i know the power of creation

i love that i know the power of
creation i love that i get to choose i ti love
i love that i

i get to choose it i love that i

get to choose the power of me i love that i know that
everything happens in the subconscious

so grateful to return to the power of me
so g

grateful to return to the pwoer of me

the power of mea
and i lov that i get to choose it
get to remember it i and i love that life helps me

learn i love that life helps me learn

i love that i know i never have to
be insecure because … i am god of course

i am all of it i am the creator
of all of it i love that i know this
i love that i get to cho

do this work being conscious

i love that i get to be conscious i love that i did
it today i di

i did the owrk i want to do i did the work
i want to do and let it go i decided to feel good instea

instead to enjoy the day instea di

i decided and it worked i remember the power of me
i do the work to

use the power of me the
power of i am

i know that i am i know that i ma

i ma that

i am that i am

every moment that i become aware
that is consciousness

that is my power and i choose my power

over handing it over i know that
know is the tie

i know that life helps me decide i know that i can
gaive u

i give up i give up and just enjoy the ride i

give up wna

and just enjoy the ride i give up

when i am aware of the god self within me as my total fulfillment

i am totallyfulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awrare

aware of the flow the

readiation of creative energy
which is continuoulsy
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow

i know i

i love remembering my power i love that i get to choose to i love that
i get to choose to remember my power i love that

i get to choose to remember my power
i love that i knwo i am god

i love that i can simply ask myself
what i would prefwer and

and then feel the feeling of taht
and then it is

this work works

grateful to do this work
knowing that this work always works

this is the only work and if anything is ever missing its always god i love that i know i love that i know
that it’s always god i love that i know

that it’s always god i love that i know that

it’s always the only work t

iam that iam and that’s all there is

this work is all there is this work is all thre is
and the subconscious is the
a neverending labryinth of

love i know this i know this i

i know ti know this i know the flow i know the feeling
i know the feeling of clicking in

grateful to feel good to day
to get to do something
to get t os

to go somewhere
to get to go somewher

so grateful to get to hang out with people!!

i love that it is i love that
it is i love that life is
the way i want it to be i love tha tlife

is the way i want it to be i loe that
life is the way want
i want it to be

i get to choose it i get to choose it i
get to choose i t

i love that i get to choose i love that i get to
choose get to feel good get to feel good
get to feel good

get to feel good get to feel good
get to feel this feeling the magick feeling the knowing feeling
the knowing of my power

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now i want

aware i am now in the flow i love
that i get to choose that i get to o

do this work and if anything is ever missing
its this work this work theo nly work the only work

theon ly
theo nly work

the only work the only work the only work
the only work

grateful to feel creative grateful to feel fun
to feel

deep deep gratitude
to know that life is ok
to know that lfie is

is good to know that lfie is good
to know that life

is good to know that life is good

life is good an d i knw it

i am that is

that iam i am that i am i am that ia m i am that i am

i am that i am i am that ia m

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel the
work flowing through mei feel

i feel the work flowing through me the
god self

the god self the consciousness and that’s


all i need is to rememer my power to remember th pwoer of me
of my

perception of the

12 diciplines

and that’s all i ever need to remember
i am that i am i am that iam

i am that i am and
that’s all i ever need to remember that’s

all i ever need to remember

i’m here i’m here i’m here doing this wr

wrok theo nly work returning to the go flow
it feels good to return to the god flow to say thank youf

for the magick that life provided

so grateful i know so grateful i know

so grateful i know that i am what i am
so grateful

to return to my power to always return to my
power and to remember ts

its just an indicator

to use my power so grateful to get to use my power

to get to use my poewr to

get to use my power so grateful to
get to use my power

to get to use my power to get to use my poer

to get to say thank you
to get to feel love

so grateful for this moment to celebrate for
this moment to
feel good to feel good to

remember who i am so grateful for this moment to reem

remember who i am
to return to center to feel good to
feel good to feel good

to feel good to feel good

to feel good to

feel good to celebratel ife to

celebrate life to celebrate life

it feels good it feels good it feels good
to feel good to
feel good to feel good to focus
on this work to focuso n myself


on how i want to feel it feels good to
feel good to focus on how

i want to feel to focs

to focus on how

i want to feel it feels good to feel it to feel good to feel good
to feel good to feel good to feel good fo

to feel good to feel good

i iloe
i love where i am right now i love
i love the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love wehre
i am right now i love t

wher ei am right now where i am right now whree
i am right now i love where
i amr ight now i love there

wher ei am right now i love wher ei am right now
i love feeling the feeling of love i love
feeling the feeling of

love i love feeling the feeling of love i love
feeling the feeling of love i love

feeling of love i love feeling the feeling of love

so grateful for this day
for this moment for this

here and now this here and now

this here and now

this here and now this

ehre an

here and now this here and now

this here and now this

here and now this feeling this flow i
this here and now this flow this flow

this flow this
flow this


so grateful for everything i know that i
get to feel god that i get to feel the love of god with me

here and now that i get to feel the love of god

so grateful i get to feel

the love of god

so grateufl we can afford tshirts!!

i feel good i feel good

i’m doing the work and that’s all there is
release the rest
release all doubt

suspend your disbelief

suspend thinking that god sin

isn’t always on your side
that’s all there is
either in or out either in

on or off and that’sa ll there is
i love that i know this i love that i know life
and i know that

i am that i am

that’s all it comes back to

i am that ia m

i am athat i am

i am that iam and that’s all it ever comes back
to i do this work because its the only work

and if i really care about how i feel is
if this is really the life
i;m living then this the

is my only work this is my only work
the tuning work is the only work
and i love that i know this

i love that i’m always getting exactly what i want

i love that its my day!!

and i’m always getting exactly what i want

i love that i know this i love
that god is always on my sie i love that
i know that god is always on my sid e
i love that i get to

to feel good and do this work
the only work

i can do it

i take responsibility for how i feel and i know that
i know that i can
i an can feel my way through it i know

i am aware i am conscious
i am awaare i am conscious

i felt for how i wanted to feel and i’m proud of myself
i xpress

expressed myself and im proud of that

i want to
not get worked up about things
just let them go and not care
that is my goal my wish

my wish is for random things to not affect me so much so
how i can i do that???

this work helps and i’m doing this
im taking responsibility for this
i’m doing this

you know like i can just decide to feel good now instead of feeling good about the
next theing
thing i have to do or dont want to do
or what i didnt do
and its like im just looking for reasons to not

fully embrace and love this moment

it’s ok i’ts ok it’s ok
i’m ok

i’m ok

i can be ok

i can be

i know i can be

wtf is up with me nayway

whta is really the deal
the aliens?

does it matter?

not really but being conscious matters
being conscious
brings light to every situation
and i can allow myself some grace

i can i can allow god to still ove m
love me
at least god still oves me
loves me at least at least at least

i want to be better
i want to be


i wnat to

walk the walk
live the truth

so back to it
letting little things bother me
how ccan i not


seize the narrative
i know i can i know i can i know its the power of me
and i know i’m not a victim
to my


walk the walk walk the walk and do the work
and it gets easiier

and i know i’m getting better at it
and i know there’s so much stress in the world right now

and ic an give myself sympathy for that
for how the world is

what is right what is right what is right

what is right

i want to be right i want to
be able to handle things
to allow things to rollof
or not even care about things

not get worked up about dumb shit i want to not care i want
not to care i want not to care
an di know that i

a focus on the truth
hleps m e

me do that helps me release in know every day i release more and more
i have access to the way i want to feel that’s
what i need to do

read neville

i can i can i am i am

i am

i am easy i am loving i am
compassionate i am understanding

i am loving i am loving i am

easy i am easy going i am
god i am god i am god

i am god i am god i am

i am that i am i am that i am
and life reflects me i love that
it gets easier
and easier
to just feel good i know that i

i can do it i know i know that i can
do it and this work ehlps

helps htis owrk work ehlps i
i love that i can do it i can feel the version i prefer

so grateful for thid ay
this day
to get to enjoy it to get to embrace it

so grateful to myself for all the times i did let it go
i know i am getting better at it i know i am gettering
getting better at it i know i don thave to care and i know that

all that tode

does matter is how i feel and the focus on
the magick life and i know

that i am that i am that i ma

i know that i am what
i am

i forgive myself
i allow myself to grow i allow myself consciousness

i know that i know my god self more every day

i know the god self i have access to the god self
i have access to the god sle fi
i can cl

always allow the god self in
i can

let go of having to be right
and choose to feel good instead!!

i accept who i am i accept who i am

whats going to help me feel better idk

something sets me off and then i can’t see past it

but ultimately
what is that getting me
and if i can look at it logically

i see that doesn’t get me anythere

anywhere doesn’t do naything
anything for me
doesn’t affect me in a posiivt

positive way and i want to live my life
fully i want to live the version i prefer
i want to live the version i prefer
and the only one that can choose that is me

i just have eto rmembe the truth and that’s

all there is just flip the switch
i’m not

emo i’m

connected i’m not


i’m feeling somehitng
and that’s allowed its allowed
and i’m grateful

so graetful for this day
for thes un!
to get to sit outside all day!!

for the time and space to do that
for love for beautiful pictures of the wife
for my tramily
for my house that i love
for our washer

for a great dinner!!

to get to run

ic an do it i can return to love ic an

take care of how i feel i take care of how if eel
and i can always

return to the truth
i love myself i cut myself some slack and i

release pride
choose courage

choose teh cour

choose the courage to live the
version i want to live!!

i choose the courage to live the version i want to live!!