i can’t believe

i’m havin to
having to learn the same shit over again

but its ok i’m glad i’m grateful for the knowledge
for the evidence
to remember that life teaches

that the body is a genius
i’m bratef

grateful becaue its giving me a

way to remember the feeling of lciking
clicking in and focusing
of letting go of contorl i

its really helping me remember who i am
so i’m grateful i a
and i nkow i can do it
i know i can enchant it
heal it like i away

always do rememberig the bp
power of me
having a reason

i know i can do it i know i can do it
i know tis easy

actually that’s the funniest part is
its easy
that’s the funniest part is that
its esy it is easy

it is easy and i get to choose it it
is easy ad i g

and i get to choose it i get to choose it
i get to choose

that’s the funniest thing is that
it’s easy ad i know my power and its’a

all telling me something it’s all
tellin g

me something
it’s a’ll
all telling me soeothing

i believe in myself i believe
in myself i belive

believe in myself i believe in myself
i believe in myself i believe in


learning the same lessongs and i know
i can do it i’m pissed i have to
but that’

doesn’t solve anything
i know i can do i know i can oit

it it’s the focus and life i

is causing me tof cous
and that’s all i ever want that;s

all ev

i ever want that’s all i ever want

i know i can i know i’m not

victim of my thouh
thoughts its up to me to be conscious is

its up to me to be onsciou concio

conscious and i get to i get to use the power of me i get to ch

use teh power of meand i love tat
i love that i know it’s that


i’m a

i amconscious

and the contrast ehlps

helps me do that

i am conscious
an the contrast helps me do that
shows me things helps me
gives me messages and i mean i guess i have to be ok with it lol

focus that’s all it is and
i celebrate because i have teh knowledge
and i get to use it
i have the knowledge and i get ot use
to use it

i get to use it i geto

use it i get to use it i get

i can do it i can do it
i can feel the feeling i can
feel the feeling i can

drop out i can drop out
and i can allow myself to feel good

i get to feel good aobut
about what i created!!

i get to feel good abou what
i created!

i can do it i can let it all i cn

remember who i am
check in with who i am

i can do it i can return to who ia m
to what i know i get to return to what i know to
who i am

who i am i ge tto

to return to who i am to what i kno wi get o

to return to who i am
to wha ti want

i know i get to retrun to who i am
to what i know t

to what i know to what i know

i can trust i can trsut i know i can do it i know its
mei know its me i know life helps me
remember the focus i reember
the focus i remember the focus i remember the focus
i remember the focus i remember the focus i remember
the focus i remember the

focus i remember that focus

i know the focus i know the derta


i know i get to choose i know everything is an indicator i know i can

let it go i know i can do i know i
i know i can i kno

life is helping me so that
i know life is hlep
helping me do that

even though i keep ging

going unconscious
that’s ok because i know i can
do it i can

i can be conscious of where my
attention is where my focus is

how i’m feeling and version i create
i love that i know i’m creating it all the
time and i love seeing evidence of it

grateful i know the power of me
grateful to remember to never doubt to
give up but also focus
to remember th poewr of the focus
to take

control of the narrative to
remember the power of me to remember how easy
it is to remember how easy it us

i know the power of me of the feeling
and i love that i know it works

t work
it works it affects everything i t

it is everything and i’m so grateful to life to rememb

remind me the feeling of clicking in
to remember how i feel to be conscious

that’s all i can do be

conscious i am conscious i am aware

i give up

i get to feel good i get to enjoy life i
get to enjoy the power of me

i get to enjoy the magick of me
i get to enjoy the magick of me

i get to enjoy the flow of
i get to enjoy the flow of me
i get to enjoy the flow

of me i get to enjoy the flow of me
the magick of me the power of me i love that i know the
of me the power of lcikcing in and i love that
i get to do that

always click in always be conscious
just be conscious of where my attention is
adn il voe that i get to do that

it’s easy to feel how i want to feel

easy to return to center to return to god its easy to return to god

it’s easy to switch to the reality i prefer
its esas

easy to flip the switch to the feeling place i prefer t live
to live in i love at
that i get to choose that life helps me

i love that life helps me i love that life helps me

it’s easy to switch to the reality i prefer and thats
that’s the only work i love that i know that
i love that i know life

is always on my side
life is always acting in my favor
and i love that i know that now that i can

get perspective and see that i can

get perspective and see that

it’s easy to flip the switch its easy to not ccare its

its easy not to care its easy to feel good now to feel the flow
now its easy to feel the flow now to feelt he feeling
i want to feel right now and that is my power

that is the power of me its easy to flip the switch

its easy to remember that feeling is the secret its easy to remember that feeling is the secret

its easy to remember that feeling is teh secret
its easy to feel how i want to feel right now

i know that feeling is the secret
and only feeling

it’s easy to do the only owerk it s

it’s easy to do the only work the feeling work
its easy to feel the feeling work to do the

feeling work its easy to

tune it all out its easy to tune it all out
its easy to choose the feeling i wnt
want tofeel
to feel to choose hw i want to go through life
tis easy t

its esay to choose how i want to go through life
how i want to go through the
day how i want to feel right now
tis esay to choose
how i want to feel
right now

the feeling the feeling the feeling is allt her
there is and i can ignor the rest i love that i can

ignor the rest

i love that i kow t
i know god is the drug
i can always release and come back to the god feeling

just be releasing the resistance that blokcs it

it feels good to focus on the feelings to feel how i want to feel
to feel that feeling is there i can feel that feeling is
there and its easy not to black

block it to not let anything

i love that i know god is the drug
i love feeling the feeling of it i love that
the feeling is there

it’s alwayas here with me

always here with me
so grateful to know so gratful for the perspective
so grateful for the feeling of yes

so grateful for the

feeling i want to feel to know the feeling i wnat to feel
and know its laway
always here with me to know i get to stand up to my thougths
i get to stand up to my resistance

i get to choose to celebrate i get to choose to love myself
to like myself to be into myself to appreciate myself

to stand up to my thoughts to celebrate the feeling
to feel how i want today knowing that how i feel how i feel is

all there is i love that i know that all of life
reflects the feeling

i get to choose i get to choose and its easy
its easy

feel good or … ???

decide to feel good decide to have fun
decide to enjoy the day
decide not to let anything get to me decide not c

to care about bullshit decide to allow god
to be the drug
decide to allow decide to feel good

decide to feel good decide to feel good

decide to let it go dand just
and just be i know i dont have to make anything ahpp

happen i odn thave to make any feeling happen i can

just let go and allow i can just let go
and allow life to flow through me i can just get out of the way
i can just get out of the ay

how i feel is up to me and that’s all there is
i know ti’s there i know teh god self is there

and all ih ave to do is allow it to be
not cloud it over with junk i know its that
easy i know life is this easy i know its this

easy to enjoy life to feel good to allow the
bloackages to slip away

to choose to just love to choose to enjoy the day

i’m here and i get to celebrate i get to celebrate being a life

alive i get to celebrate a good life i get to celebrate a good life
i get to celebrate feelign good i get to celebrate lif

liking myself i get to like myself i get to love myself i

gratefult o be

to be here

feeling grateful to be here feeling
grateful to be here aware of how i feel
aware of the version i create for myself

aware of the version i create

for myself
since i am the one and only creator

i am the one and only creator

i love that i know the signs are everythere

that i know god is in everything i love remembering to look for it
to know ti s

its here i love knowing that god is in everything i love
remembering i am god i am theo ne and
the one and only creator of my life experience
i love choosing to allow god
to be the drug

i love that i like working out
that i like feeling good in my body that like
beign fit
and strong i love that i get to enjoy my life

life experience i get to feel it and enjoy it to the fullest i know that
it’s always me creating and i get to create the version i prefer
i know the power of me and i
get to choose i know the power ofme an

me and i get to choose it

can feel how i want to feel

i can always feel how i want to feel i can
always feel god i can always feel god i can always
feel how i want to feel i can alowasy

always allow god to be the drug i can always allow the
feeling of celebration right now
of loving myself rightn ow

grateful for this day

for this day to feel good to use the 12 disciplines
to know them to remember them to feel the feeling of me the power of me
the love of me to feel the way i want to feel

to feel the way the person i want to be would feel
does feel

is feeling.

grateful to know the truth ofl ife to get
to keep choosing it grateful i get to keep choosing the

truth of life grateful its always flowing
its always flowing

refusal to create in in my subconscious and i now i can
i know the power of me and i love that life helps me
i love that life helps me learn the

tools of enchanting i love that i get to cho

to choose the version i conceptualize
and every time i conceptualize it

i feelthe pwoer
the power of me

the energetic work is all there is
the energetic work is all

there is the energetic work is all there is all there is
is all there

the energy work is all there is
and the phys

anything physical
does nothing haha

i know this i know this
so gratefult o feel t
to feel the

energy of me to feel
the ern

the energetic work to feel the
energetic work
to feelt he feeling

here to

here feeling the feeling realz


relaxed in the feeling

choosing me choosing the mee
choosing the feeling choosing confidence

choosing om shri

the feeling the feeling
the feeling of knowing that the universe
is friendly

so grateful i know that so grateful i
i get to feel it

the 12 disciplines

the refusal to acknowledge
and that’s all there is i love that i can do it all
with the magick i can do it all with the magick
i can do it all with the magick i can
do it all with the magick

the work the feeling the work teh
feeling the fcos
the focus the focsu
teh f

the focus the focus the focus
the focus the
focus of the here and now

thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
refuse to acknowledge it and that’s what i get to ch

that’s the power of me that’s the power of me
that’s the power of
me that’s the power
of me that’s the pweor
poer of me that’s that

the power of me that’s the power of me
that’s the poer f
of me that’s the power
of me that’s the power of me

the refusal the refusal that

the acceptance the yes the yes the yes the

yes of the here and now the yes of the here and now

yes of the here and now the
yes of the here and now

the focus work the feeling work is
all ther eis and i’m so grateful i know that

so grateful i know that


i’m here i am i am that i am i am

that i am i am that i am

i am that i am i how i see myself i am what i see myself as i am
waht i see y
myself i am that iam

i know the truth i know the
feeling the

feeling here and now and so
grateful to celebrate it

to feel it so

grateful to feel it
to feel it

here and now to do the focus woek

rmemeber who ia m ow

work the work

the focus work the focus

i am that ia m that i am

i am that i am and im so

grateful for what i have here and now
someone to celebrate with

kitties to wake me u

up like xmas morning

a life that i love that i look forward to getting up
i love looking forward to

getting up i love that i love my life
someone to make brownies with

so grateful that life is a

is alerady perfect for me
so grateful that life is alred

already perfect for me
so grateful to come here and tune myself
to the vibration of hes d

come here and tune myself to the
vibration of yes

grateful to get to enjoy life
grateful to get to bask grateful to get to love

grateful to get to appreciate to love to love

to remember its all
it all comes back to love
grateful to be here remembering that

to release resistance and say yes
to release resistance
and say yes and say yes
to this moment

grateful to do it

grateful we dont have to fix our washer ourselves!

grateful to not be suckedup in
hollow traditions
grateful to have traditoins of our own!!

grateful to feel the feeling of yes
to knw that life always works out
to come here and remember wh

how good i can feel to
remember that feeling is the secret

feeling is the secret i love that i get to remember
to refuse to feel that it isn’t

how iwant it to be and i know hat

that life must follow i loe

love seeing i love huge success i love that
the feleing of lof e
life i love the

feeling of lfie

so grateful i like my life i like where i live i lobe my
i love my life so
grateful i love my life

that we get to get cozy undr

under that covers so grateful it already
its easy to see myself how i wnat to see myself
i can do it i can do i know i can

grateful for all that ihave

for all the fage in the fir


for all the other things

for caps!!

and good dinner!!

so gratdul

grateful to feel it wot
to feel good
to feel good

to remember who and what i am to
remember who and what i am and to know that
ever any reason to wonder
i love the ri get
i get to let it go completely i love that i know the power of me
i know the pwoer of me i know th

i know the power of the energy i know the power of eh
the eer



so grateful i love my life that
thre is so much to love that ia m the one
and only creator and a

the only thing i can ever do is feel for it so grateful
to feel for it
to know the truth of

that i am the one and only creator

so grateful to remember i am the one and onlly cr

only creator to
remember i amthe one and only creator
the one and only


i know the work

i know the power of me of the conception of me the
conception of me the conception of me
the conception of me the conccop

of i knowthe power pfo
the power of what i decide to see what i decdie to look for i know the power of me

i know i know it and i’m
it i love the feeling i love feeling
of being aware

aware of my expectations aware of the version
i create i get to focus here and feel
the feeling i wnat to feel
i get to focus and

here and have funa nd feel the
feel the truth of me

the truth of me thr turh

the truth of me

i know that attention creates
feeling crates
creates i know that feeling
creates i know that
feeling creates
expectation creates
and then whe

when i take my consciousness
away form

from something it must disappear

grateful to do this work
to remember who i am to

to remember the devotion
the 12 dicsiplines the

12 disciplines

i always get to choose how i feel
and i can tune out ther e

the rest the rst

the rest i tune out the rest so
grateful so grateful

so grateful to get to choose it
to get to choose th

the vibration i want
so grateful to
get to choose the

vibration i want to get to choose to feel good
to get to choose to have fun

the focus and the devotion
and those things feel good those
things are the

those things are the

grateful to remember who and what i am
grateful to trust the indicators

grateful to remember that
they are always telling me something
so grateful that i know i am
the one and only creator
and if that is what i truly wanted that is

what i could create


thank you for this day f
for this moment for this

devotion for this
celebration weekend
thank you
for this celebat

celebration weekend thank you f
for the knoweldge
to always come back to center
grateful for the knowledge

so grateful for the knowledge

so grateful i get to see it
so grateful i get to see it


i am the am i am how i see myself
and that’s all i love that i get to

choose it i love that
i get to choose it


focus and that’s all there is
grateful to know c

grateful to remember

grateful to celebrate
grateful to ceelb


grateful to celebrate

grateful to celebrate

grateful to celebrate revelations

grateful to do this work
the feeling work the feeling work
the feeling work
the feeling work

the feeling work

the only thing i can ever do and
i know the truth of that i know the

i know the truth of that
the only thing i can
ever do is
feel it is feel it ise

is feel it is feel it the only thing
i can ever do

is feel it is feel it

is feel it the only thig we

we can ever do is feel it

i get t

i know the focus i know the
power of me i relax in the power of me

i relax in the power of me i feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good i

i feel the focus and know tthat he power of me
i nkow the pwoer o fm
of me i know the ower

power of me

i am the
that i am i am that ia m

i am that i am
i am

that i am i am that i am
i am that ia ma
ai am

that i am

i’m here focus on the work i came here to do
ther feeling work
the knowing work

the work of knowing the ease of knowign

the ease of knowing the
ease of knowing

the only thing that

affects anything
the ease of knwoing the
ease of knowing

the ease of knowing


grateful for the contrast that helps me

focus the indicator
for letting me now i

me know grateful to get to choose

grateful its doen

done grateful to feel relieved
grateful for a celebration
grateful to g
eto choose

i’m here and i can do i can i t i can do it

im’ hre

i’m here and i know the power of me
i trust it i trust the power of me


i trust the power of me completely

i trust the power of me completely

i trust the power of me
completely i trust

it completely

i trust life completely
i trut li

i trust life completely

i trust life i trut i

trust iknow the feeling
i know the pwoer of me
i know the power of me

i know the pwer

power of me grateful toc
choose the pwoer of me

thank you for the poewr of me
for the focus of me for the focus

of me for the focus
of me for the feelig of me for the feeling of me
for the feelng

the feeling of me the feeling of me
the feeling of me
the feeling of me

thank you for the feeling of release the that
feeling of certainty to practice the

the contrast that helps me focus

thank you for the contrast that helps me focus!!

thank you for the contrast that
helps me focus

thankn you for all that i have for my perfect life
i’m just so gratful
grateful that it’s alredy perfect ahnk

thank you !

life is good tahnk you!

life is so very good thank you
life is so bery
very good thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you h

thank you life is so very good thank you

life is perfect an i’m
i’m so grateful !!

that i know i am the creator
that i get to choose the feeling of it
and it is


grateful to get back to the work

to get back to how i want to feel to remember the thoughts i want to think to
remember how easy it is to turn the boat to fil

flip the switch
its easy to flip the switch

it’s easy to flip the switch

it feels good
to let it go to let it go

to knot

to not keep bme

messig with it it feels good to be

to be aware to get to celebrate in our spoils it feels good
to get to celebrate in our spoils it feels good

it feels good to remember who i am and remember
which version i can change to at any moment
it feels good to remember t

i get to choose teh thoughts i think
the version of myself i see and create i get to choose all of that

i am not a victim of my reality
i am the creator of my reality
and im so grateful to remember that i’m so grateful to remember
who i am

to remember the power of me to use the use

to use the tools i know i have
the work that always works it

and it feels oh so good to be back
it feels oh so good to make my
best work it feels so

oh so good to know the truth of life to remember i get to choose
i get to choose what

the version i
that i wam i love i love that
i get to choose teh version that i am
i love that i get to

celebrate the day!!

grateful i get to feel the focus
grateful i get to feel the focus

grateful i get to remember hw
how eas it

how easy it is for me to flip the
switch how easy it is for me to feel good
so grateful to get to feel good to get to enjoy life
so grateful to

get to enjoy life
so grateful to get to enjoy life
to get to feel good to get to remember my power
to the contrast that helps me focus

the contrast that helps me focus

the contrast that helps me focus
so grateful that
to the contrast that helps me remembe the pwoer

remember who i am remember how to focus my energy
remember how to focus on the version i am!!

i love that i an just
can just allow it to slip away

to know that’s all i can ever do
is withdraw my consciousness foem it

from it i know that all i can ever so

do is withdraw my consciousness from it

to remember who i am to remember the god self
to remember its up to me

to remember i get to choose to remember
that attention creates
that love creates that knowing creates

thta t

trust creats

so grateful to feel at ease!!

so grea

grateful to feel the feeling of sweet relief!!

so grateful to know the truth
to know the truth to get to choose it
get to come to

here to remember the feeling of it

to remember the feeling of my power
and to choose to use my power and

instead of acting powerless to know that
the only action i can take is actually the most effectual one

so grateful i know that
i can choose it right now
i can choose my poer right now

thank you thank you for

remembering my power
i remember it now more than ever i feel it now
more than ever i get out of ethe ay

now more than ever i feel good now
more t

more than ever i feel good now more than ever
i feel the love now more than ever

i feel my power i feel my poer now
more than ever

i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of eth efeeling i know the power
of the feeling i know i am the one and on

only creator!

i love having the moeny to get the things i want!!!!!!

i love that there’s always more than enough!!!

i love that we always have more than enough

gratefu lto remember

grateful to feel releived
to rememberr the only thing

that ever …

makes something happen
is how i feel about it

so grateful for this knowledge
and for the time and space to

use it

so grateful i know
so grateful to remember to come back to
center to

feel the releif


of feeling good about myself
and my life
of feelig at ease in my life
so grateful to

feel at ease in my life

feel at ease in my life so grateful to
get to choose ease and flow in my life

ease and flow in my life

so grateful to remembe the po

remember the power of me and put it
into practice to

remember who and what i really am
so graetful to

remember who and what i really am
to truat

trust thef low
so grateful to trust the flow
and remember who

and what i really sm

am to

to feel the energy of me
to feel calm and at peace in this moment

i remember who and what i am
and im brave enough to live by it

to love myself to
think highly of myself
to see myself in a good light
to see myself how i want to see
myself it feels good to

do the work to think highly of myself
it feels good to do the work
to feel that i deserve the best
life is always bringing me the best and to
accept and embrace and love and enjoy it

i know that life is alwyas bringing me the
best t

i know that life is always bringing methat

best i know tis a

feeling i know that is my power i knwo th

the only action i can
ever take is no action

is choosing how i see myself i know that is

is the only action i can ever thatk

is no action the only action i can
ever take

is no action the only action i can
ever take is no action
just choose teh feeling

just choose the feeling

grateful for this day

to feel good to feel at ease in my life to like my life
to get to play to get to have fun to get to enjoy life so
grateful to get to do this ork the feeling work

so grateful to get to do this work the
feeling work the feeling work i
the feeling work the feeling work the
feeling work

grateful to feel good
to get to enjoy this day to get to relax into this day

so grateful to get to relax into this say
to love this day
so gratefult o

to get to focus here and now on the feeling ip refer
to feel i love that i get to feel it now
knowing that my connection
to god

my connection to god is my source
and my supply
my knowing of this truth
is my source and my supply

grateful for this feeling and i feel it i feel the
feeling of knowing i feel the feeling of knowing

feel the feeling of knowing feel the
feeling of knowing

feel the feeling of knowing

grateful to get to feel the feeling of god
the knowing of god to get to celebbrate the
feeling of god

it just doesn’t matter

and i love that i dont have to care i love that
i don thave to care and i love that i really dont i love that i really dont

i know that the feeling is all there is
and its easy to feel the feeling its easy
to feel the feeling rith n
right now its easy
to feel the
feeling right now i love that i know this i love that i get to do
this work and i dont have to care i love that

i dont havet o care i lov that i dont havet o care

i love that i dont have to care