it just doesn’t matter

and i love that i dont have to care i love that
i don thave to care and i love that i really dont i love that i really dont

i know that the feeling is all there is
and its easy to feel the feeling its easy
to feel the feeling rith n
right now its easy
to feel the
feeling right now i love that i know this i love that i get to do
this work and i dont have to care i love that

i dont havet o care i lov that i dont havet o care

i love that i dont have to care

i am aware of how i would prefer to feel

and i choose to feel it

i choose to feel it and i know feeling is the secret

i know it i know i may have a momentary
lapse but i know the truth

and i focus on it i concentrate on it
i know the power of my focus and concentration
i kno wthe poer of

i know the powero fm

of me i know that

the power of ehc
the contrast i know the power of relaxing inwo the
ease and flow of this moment

become it then see it become it then see it
and allow life to be the

conduit for the desire and trust the desrie

and know that once it is born it is

grateufl to return to the truth
grateufl to tru

return to the truth
to the truth

grateful to become it tehn
then see it to return to the feeling


into the feeling it feels good to let go and

relax to remember the turht
and realx to know the truth o
so well and realx


it feels godo go

to relax


i get to choose to feel it i get to choose
to feel i get to choose to feel and
and so grateful to be here
to d
doing the only work that matters
doing the only work that matters
i m here

i feel good i feel good!

i feel good i feel in my life i feel at ease
in my life
i feel the flow in my life

i feel the feeling of knwoing

i feel the feeling right now
the way i live my life thaer

ther ecan o

can be only one way ‘m living my life
right now
i know this

i know this

there can
be only one way i’m living my life

right now

and i become it then i see it
i lov ethat i kno wthe desire

is born i love that i know the desire
is born
i love that i get to choose it i l

choose it now

i feel it here and now
i feel the certainty f lo

of live

life and hre ea

and now i know that’s


all ther eis i love that i kno wthat
that i get to realx
into this knowledge

that life helps me
relax into it i love that life

ehlps m

helps me

relax into ti

i am it
so grateful to come hre and n
remember i am it

so gratefu lto be here and know i am it
i know i am it i know i am it
so grateful to be i nthis here and now

in the deep trust of the universe
ii the deep knowing that life
always reflecs me

so grateful to relax intot he deep
deep knowing and the focsu on the deep knowing
so grateful to

to relese

release everything else and

sit in the ee
deep knowing so gratful
grateful to situate myself in the
deep knowing

the knowing knowing tha titsl

itsa l
all reflecting the version i’m
conscious of being i can re

alwasy relax

into the deep knowing
i can alwasy relax

into the deep knowing
and that is the only work i love that i know the power of me

and im

ore detmore

moredetermined than

more determined than ever


feel the feeling of the deep knowing i know the
feeling and i know that is my power

i am creative

i am enthusiastic
i am fun

i am creative
i am enthusiastic

i am fun

i am creative

i am enthusiastic

i am fun

i am ccreative

i am enthusiastic
i am fun!!

i get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling i want right now

i know the feeling the
feeling of having fun
of enjoying life no mattter what

i enjoy this i enjoy this moment
i wanted this!!

i wanted this and i love getting to do my work!

i love seeing it come together!!

i love that i know the secret
is to just have fun!

i love that every exercise can be amazing!!

i want to feel good and i get to

i get to feel good its my birthright to feel
good and i don thave to let anything stop me

i can just back on at any time

i can just be along for the ride feeling how i feel
i want to feel its good to remember who i am waht i am
its good to remember what i am

to reutnr


return to god to know that’s all i can sdo

i want to have fun i want to feel good
i wantt o enjoy life i want to enjoy this moment i
choose to enjoy thismoment

i choose to enjoy this moment

i AM happy

i AM happy

i’m allowed to be happy i’m allow to

allowed to have fun i’m allowed to feel good
i get to feel good i get to feel

i’m brave enough to feel good i’m brave enough to
decide to feel good and see what follows

and not care what follows because i feel
good now and that’s all ther eis

gratefult or emem
to remember who i am what i am

gratefult o remember to am

to release the rest and feel at ease in who i am

i AM happy

what the heck is holding me back??

its time to feel good and i get to feel now!

its time to feel good and i get to feel it now
just choose how i would prefer to feel and its
that easy

in this cse it really is that easy
and i love that i get to choose it get to practicw it and its here

get to practice it and its her e

who am i

what am i

when am i


i know that i am god i know the god feeling
and i get to feel it now i choose it now
i allow it now
by releasig ther st

the reset and i know that’s a

all i can do is
release the rest
and feel good now i get to

releasee ther est
and feel good now i get to
relese the rest


i love that i know its just for fun
i know that this work is the only work and i get to feel it
i love that i know this

is the only work this right here is the only
work and nothing else matters

im here doing the only work the only work

the releasing

the releasing of the pressure and just enjoying life
right now
enjoying life right now

enjoying life right now an di get to

so grateful i get to i get to
believe in myself i get to bleieve
in myself i get to take the big leap into my zone of genius

im there im there im ready
to break through im ready to t


step up im ready
im ready to feel the godo

that i know is alreayd
always running through me

i simply have to be aware of the flow t
he radiation fo

of creative energy which is continuosly
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousn

i can always calibrate i can always tune
i can always focus i can always
focus i can always

remember that my faith is my fortune
i can always turn within
i can always remember what i really am
i can

always ay thank
say thank you for the desires that are
constantly being born
i can always
return to the truth and that
is my power i can always

return to the truth and that is
my power i can relax in the knowledge
that the activitty of divine abundance
is eternallly operating
in my favor i simply have to be awre of the flow

the radiation
of creative envery which is

and effortlessly pouring forth
from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i know that my faith is my forutn i knokw
that my faith in

is my furtune

forget the mirror and change the face
and i know this is true
and i am grateful to life for
always remdingn reminding me of that

i know that

i know this i know the focus i know the god self i can

always tune to the god self and if i get booted out
that’s ok becuase i can walsy
come back in always feel the connection again

the knowledge of alignment with life

it feels good to breathe
to celebrate life to celebrate knowaing
im always creating it!!

to celeebrae knowing

im always cratig

creating it!!

to celebrating knowing that its always me and
life shows me that over and over

i know that i am always creating it
and that feels good it feels good

it feels good to tkae

tak epr

to remember the power of me
to remembe that

everything reflects the
or lack of

it reac

teaches me to be aware when
there isn’t alignment

it reach

teaches me to be aware

and to choose to feel it anyway
and then
the situation will change

makes sense

i feel it i feel the truth always there
i feel the truth always

there i feel the feeling iwa tn to
feel chi

which is love and gratitud e

for what i havei feel
i feel the feeling i want to feel
which is love and gratitude
ii know that feeling
like god

is always here with me
i always have access to it
and the only thing that would black

block it would be


made up things



all of those things
that are not god
get in the way of god but god is always here

with me and i love that i know that
i get to choose to love becuase the
that’s the version i want to live!!

so grateful to remember to do this work the only work
and feel how i want to feel knowing that how i feel

is all that matters

its easy to feel how i want to feel

so grateful to be back to
the feeling to get to allow the feeling to choose the feeling

grateful to be back to it
grateful to know its my favor
grateful to accept it

grateful to accept it

i feel it i feel it i feel the
feeling of god

of letting

cracking open the muck and
remembering what really matters

i can always crack open the muck
and get clarity on what really matters
just love and be grateful for the
love i have in my life

its easy to feel good

so grateful to feel good to feel good
so grateful to feel good

to feel the
to feel good its easy to feel good and i know the ups and downs

its easy to feel good its easy
to feel and so grateful to have

to again have access so grateful to again

grateful to have access again
and know its reight

right here with me all the time
its right here with me

all the time
so grateful to have access to the feeling gain

i can always refuse to suffer

i always get to choose how i feel i always get to choose how i feel
and especially if there’s nothing i can do to change it
then feeling bad doesn’t change anything
and choosing how i feel is my power choosing how i feel is what creates

choosing how i feel is what creates
so i get to choose what i create i get to choose the version i create

i can always opt out of suffering and that’s how i win that’s how i regain the
upper hand that’s how i use my power to create
that’s how i use my power to create and i know my power
i know the power of me i know that i create with how i feel
i know that this is universal law and i know that if i feel helpless

i can always turn to god and celebrate that i have it
that i have a connection with god with the god knowledge

i can always celebrate that i am god
i can always return to the knowledge that i am god

and i know that is my power that knowledge is my power

i know that my power is in what i choose to allow
to affect me i know that is my power and i love that i get to choose it
i get to choose the version i prefer and i celebrate that

i celebrate that i celebrate knowing that i am
god that i always get to choose

forget the mirror and change your face
forget the mirror and change your face and i kno wthat i can
always do that no matter what

i can always do that no matter what
i can always choose the face that’s all i can do
is choose the face and i’m not going to let something so
petty be my reason to suffer im going to celebrate bigger
and better

i know my power

i know my power and i get to choose it
get to weild it get to use it for the other side of the wave get to choose it
get to choose it get to

i get to i get to choose i get to choose

my power is that i dont have to care
and i’m using that power i’m thanking god for
giving me the chance to use my power to use my power

i’m using my power
my real power i know my realy power so i’m going to use
it im tapping into it and i know

i’m using my power and it feels better to drop
into my power knowing the power of me knowing that
i get to use it i know the power of me and i use it iknow the

power of me and i use it and i know that i can always

trust it i can always rely on it i can always
rely on it i know the power of me

and it rust it i know the power of me
and i trust it i know the poer of me

and i turst i

i trust it i knokw the power
of me and i trust it

i know the powwer

the power of me i know the poer of
i know that i can always reutn to the focus o
on the truth on the truth of what i know i can

always come here to do this wor k my
work i an always come here to do this work
to do this work
i can alway scome

come to god

i can always come to center i can calway
always come to center i can always come back to center

to god to using my real poewr

to using my true power i can always come backt o my power to knowing my power to knowing my
power i can

always do this work i can walys

always do this work i can always do this work
i can always refuse i can always choose to be aware of the energy i can alwya s
to be

aware of the energy i can


i can use my
power i can always return to the power and i can alway s

trust the power i can

say thank you to god for helping me use my power
i can say thank you to god for helping me use my power

for helping me remember the power of me
for helping me remember the power of me

i can choose to refuse to see evidence of awnything
else and only turn toward god knowing that
god is always the answer and i dont have to allow anything
else to be

i get to use my power and its the contrast that hehlps me
helps me focus its the contrast that helps me focus

i dont have to try to figure it out
i dont have to do anything i know my power
is in letting go my power is in not caring

my power is in not allowing it to be reason
and i love that i can do that i have the power to do that
i know that i have the power i know that i have to

the power

remember the power of me and the contrast helps me do that

forget the mirror and change the face
forget the mirror and change the face

and i get to choose that
grateful becuasae i get to choose the power of me
i get to choose the energy of me i get to choose i get to choose

the energy of mei get to do what i want i get to
feel what i want i get to feel what i want ti
get to feel the poer of me i get to choose my power

own power and not put it outside of me i
get to choose my own power an dnot p

and not put it outside of me
i get to choose i get to change the mirror an

i get to chnage the mirror i get t

a chance to use my power!!

i get a change to use my power to see the
effects of the practice i get to

a chance to use my power i get to chose

chance to see the feect
effects of my pracrice

practice i get to chance to see the
effects of the practicce
i get to leverage
energy i get to leverage this energy in my favor

i get to leverage this energy in my favor


the work is working and i know it is il ove that i know the work is working
i love that its workign i love that its working
and it sl

it always cho

shows itself when
i focus on looking
i love all the times ive been

im noticing when im kind
and appreciating it and is ork
its workig the more i notice it


easier it is to access


relentless pursuit of god

always after the turht
remembering the truth in every moment

celebrating because i know i created it
i becamme a

became a match to it
became a match to it

relentless and i know the feeling
and the more i practice it the esaer

easier it gets to access and i love that
i know the secret to life
i have found the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge t that
that the activity ofdi

divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life


always finding the god
self the god version in every thing
and i know that is literally the only work

that is literally the only work

the relentless pursit of god
is the only work
i know that the relentless
pursuit of god its

is the only work i love that i know
it i love that i know it that
i get to feel it

get to celebrate it i lo

relentless i love that i know i am it
i am it i love that i know it am

pursue god and only god

pursue god and only god and know that i am god i know
that i am god i know that i am

relentless and that’s why i’m
here because ‘m doing doing the real work

i rela


realized that my pinnacle of succes is doign the
work is feeling the magick of life is feeling my own power

feeling tuned into life

using my imagination
to see myself how i want to see myself
i love that i get to do that

i’m using my imagination
and i love that i know that’s all it is

just use your imagination
use your imagingation
i get to conceive myself as that i get to see myself as that
and know that i am
know that iam i love that i
get to see myself as that and know that i am

relentless pursuit of the most imaginative

version i can imagine

relentless imagination

relentless imagining

thinking and feeling and knowing
nowing that
once the desire is born its ture

knowing that i am the one
and only creator
knowing that i am the one and only

knowing that i am the one and only
creator and that is the
relentless god wro

work always coming back to the awarenss of the version i create

always coming back to conscoiusness

that’s all i can do always come back to conscious
to the place of knownig

i am the creator of me
i know that i am the creator of me

seeing the effects of the practice
of cultivating he feeling

and seing the immediate effects of it
the immediate effects of it

the knowing of it the god of it the connection of the
the connection of life

finding the god version in everything
which means asking
which do i prefer and knowing that is

turning away from physical reality as we all understand it
and knowing that its

is a mirror all of life is a mirror for how i see life
and how i see myself all oflife is a mirror for how i see life
and how i see myself

all of life is a mirror for how i see life
and how i see myself

i love that i know this and i get to
relentlessly pursue this truth i getto know this truth i know this

i know the

i relax in in i know the effects i see the

effects i feel the effects of a life lived
magickaly i see and feel the effects

i see and feel the effects and it doesn’t
take much to see and feel the effects and the mor
i relentlessly focus on god the easier my life unfolds and i know
this is true i know this is treu
the feeling of knowing this is all there is

is the only creator is the only creator


waves of relief because i know the
truth of life and i live by it
i know the truth ofl ife
and i live by it i feel the
truth of it

i celebrate the truth of it i know it work s

is the beset p

best part
it works it is my power i know my power and i know
im so good at it l

i love using my poewr remembering my power
pracriing my ppo
power i love that i get to know

my faith
is my fortune i know my faith is
my fortune i know my faith
is my fortune iknow
i know my faith is my fortune

my conception of myself my
imagination of myself and i love that i can
change that anyt ime

i can be aware of what i ve been
imaging myself to be
and change it i love tha ti get to
and i love that its that is

easy to feel it and see it i love that
i get to feel it and then see it


which means always which means my only
focus and i know for a fact
tha is the

secret to life
nothing else i love that i know this
and i get to use it
get to pracctice it
get to live

the way life is us

supposed to be lived

vibrating with the truth of life

vibrating with the truth of life
vibrating with the truth of life


and i know that my faith is my fortune
my faith is my fortune and i know this is true
this is law this is law this is law
and so i live by it

relentless and i love that i know
because ive seen it becuase ive lived i know through
life experience

i know i know so i seek the feeling
i feel the feeling i feel it know the feeling of knowing that iam
god and i come

come here to shore it up i come here to shore it up

seeking this feeling going to bed with this
feeling knowing all of life follows this feeling
feelig the
the certainty of that
that i am the one and only creator of me i can
relax in knowing that i am the one and only creator of me

i relese i release frustrations
and allow

i approach problems with ease because i know there’s
always a solution
i listen i listen and dont react and just listen
and process digest

my faith is my fortuen and i know this
for a fact so
i always come back to it becuase it is all there is
and i relax into this here and now

is the only thing i can ever i know how i feel
and i am aware of how to direct it
and i know that is my power

i know how to direct how i feel and i now that
is my power that is my power i know that is my


i know the anser is

is always within i know its always me
how i see myself how i see myself i know its always me

i know its always me

forst the

forget the mirror and change your vad

face and i come here to practice the feeling
it makes s di

ai dfference

to remember what i’m feeling for tor emember the importance of this work
to braek the veil i must always

break the veil aa much as possible

i love being able to afford the things i want!
i love getting to dcied
on a whim1!!

i love that we can afford it i love
that we get to i love tha we’ll never be poor again
i love the better it gets i love that

i’m indifferent
i love that i dont have to allow anyting
to be my reason to suffer

i love myself tof doing
for doig this work te re

relentless god work
because i know it works and i know tis
the only feeling i ever want

its the only feeling its thei
only thing worth seeking

is wholeness is completeless

the knowing that i am the one and only
creator of me i know that i am the one an donly crea

only creator of me
i know this for a fact and nothing can change it
nothing can ever change it

i love that i know this i love that i can never
unknow it i love that i get to milk it

i love that i’m already there i love that il

i’m already there i love that tot

that i’m totally fulfilled i love that i know the feeling so well
and the more i feel it it eh
the easeir
it is to access

the more i seek it and there’s not li

no omimit

limit and i loe that i get to celebrate this
i love that i feel it i love that i feel it

the certainty of me
the certainty of the magick of life i love that
i get to experience it get to ride the ride

just for fun not becuase i need something but
just for fun because i know i

i’m already there!!

i already made it!!

i’m already there i’m already there i’m

already there

it’s already thre all i can
ever do is feel its existence and i love that i know tis ture

it has to appear it has to becus that’s
how it works and i love doing this work the
only wr

work that mattes i get to do this work the onlly work
that matters and the reaste

works itself out i get to do this

the only work that matters

relentless relief

relentless relief and i love that i get to
feel it that its’ here
that’ i

i’m remembering what this vortex feels like
remembering what it feels like to uen

i’m tuning i’m tuning i’m doing the work
the relentless feeling for the knowing

that’s all there is
i either know or i dont

i amd the

am the one and only creator
so what do i want

i am the one and only creator i love that i am
the one and only creator i love

that i am the one and only creator
i love that i get to choose it now
for me

for me

i get to choose it now for me
i am the one and only creator of my life
experience and i know that


i’m here i’m here feeling for it becuase it
i know tis here

real i’m here imagining

what i can really be i’m here c
dreaming big i’m here dreaming big and allowing the
rest to unfold knowing i’m just
getting started

and trusting life i trust life
i love life i have lust for life

relentless relief

i feel relentelss waves of
relief when i remember how life really work sand

remember that it is law

i remember that it is law

i am law

i come here to remember this and remember the
feeling i seek remember the feeling i am without anything else there
and i know that i’m

i’m getting

its getting easeir i know the work is working
i know the work is working i do the owrk
and the work is working

feeling is the secret


and i’m after it and of course it feels good
i’m after it and of course it feels good

im after the god feeling only i seek the
god feeling which is the feeling of letting go
the feeling of knowing that i m

am the creator
i remember that i am the creator in every moment
and that is god and that iss the feeling i seek
i seek
i know that all i want in life is to feel that
feeling of tuned in tapped in turned on

and i know that i get that feeling by choosing it
by choosing to practice i t

the relentless pursuit of god
and that means finding god in everything
when faced with a challenge
of emotion i can always ask myself

how i want to feel instead and then create that
that is the relentless pursuit

the relentless god training
never letting up always remembering the real truth of life
and not getting
distracted by

the illusion
the physical world
knowing that all things physical
are a mirror for the subconscious
i love that i know this
and i get to live by it i love that i know
this and i get to live by it the

relentless pursuit of this feeling
the only feeling in life the only reason
to live
is this feeling of knwoing that ia m
and then relaxing into it

imagining the veresion of myself
i want to be and i ilove that i get to be it


finding the god in everyting
the god in everything knowing that the self is god

i kknow that i am god the
one and only creator of me i know that i am
god the

one and only creator of me i love that i get to
choose i get to choose to pursue god i get to
choose the
feeling going after the feelig in every moment

tuning the self in every oment

i know the feeling of tuning the self
of the feeling i know i get to choose teh
feeling right now
get tin the in the vortex and then

feel good and then and that’s alll that matters
i know that alll of life is workingout for me
i love how far i’ve come i love that i’m

already at my pinnacle of cus


relentless relentless and i know that’s all there is
that high flying feeling of knowing

i’m just observing
i’m just watching

i’m just here to watch the magick of god
and remembering that is my only work

relentless god training
relentless god


always always always feeling
for the

that feeling of god that feeling of the version i prefer

that feeling of total knowing that it’s
already made that is god

that feeling is god
relentless pursuit of that feeling
because its all there is
that feeling is what creates anda s long
as that feelins

is there that is the life i see and i know this for a fact
so i let go of the rest and choose the rt



this work this feeling is all there is and i know i
feel my best when i’m after god when in every moment i feel the
way god would feel i know ths

that feeling is my true pinnacle of success

the bravery to take the ea

leap and live in my zone of god
not about doing things or accomplishming

but feeling i feel the fullness of god
i feel the truth of god that i am god
that i am god that i am god that i am the creator

i know that for a fact
in ever moment

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

relentless and i know the feeling
i know the power of it and i know i can do it
and that’s all there is i know that life

is no discriminator
it gives me what i am
i love that i know this i love
that i knowthis

i love that i know this


relentless i feel it and i know its a feeling
not a destination
a feeling fo total
of totl tr

total trust
total letting go
totally trusint the

trusting the signs
totally taking the leap into the
god eeling

being unafraid of the god feeling
and i know this is my only work


relentless seek god

relentlessly seek god
and i know that’s all i can


all there


that’s all there is

that’s all there is

relentlessly seek god


find it in everything and that’s all thre is

there is so fraefu
grateful to feel this feeling of knowing
to feel it now and just trust the signs to let go
and trust the signs

trust the feeling trust the knowig and
that’s when life opens up

and i know that it is what i want
that is how i want to live

i want to live elevated

i want to live magickly

i do live magickly
i love that i do i love that i’m aware
i love that i see god in everything

relentlessly seeking it

flipping everying to god turning everything
into god

and that’s all i can ever do i love that
i know this

i have found the secret to life and an
can releac

relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally opertaing in my life

i simply have to be aware of thef low
the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness


relentlessly feeling the feeling of knowing
and trusting life trusting the feeling
trusting the signs

trust the feeling of life

just trust the feelings and life tru

shows you and i know this i lov ehtat i
that i can st
just trust and life willshow
show me the way