so grateful for this day

to feel energized by life to feel myself
being aware of how i feela nd taking stae
steps to feel good it feels good to be aware of howi feel
i l

i love that i am aware of howi feel i love
being aware of how i feel and how that affects my
life i know that this is the only work

the feeling is the only work the focus is the only work
here i feel the feeling i milk the feeling and i offer


so grateful for our neighborhood and our neighbors
i love seing ou
seeing our neighbors out in about in the
businesses they own in the neighborhood

i love that w’ere putting
in effort we’re trying at least a little
i love hwen the
dinner comes together so eaisly

i love when the

when the chopping is easy i love when its fun i love
that life is fun i love tha my life is fun

i love being awrea
aware of how i feel kn
knowing its the only work
this is theonly work the
is the only work the focus is the only work

time under tension

i love that i know this i love that i know the only work
i kno wthe

i am the only work i am the only wrok i am the tonly work

i feel the truth of life
i feel good i feel greate knowing

the truth i love

i love that i get to i love that i get to i feel the god
self i feel the god self i feel the
gos d

god self inthis moment
in this day i love that
i get to feel the god self inthis moment
in this day knowing this

is the only work this is the only work

this is the
only work

this is the only ork the wofuc
focus on this feeling is the only work
the feeling how i want to feel is the only work
and i love that i know that

that i get to feel it that i get to feel the
certainty of it i love that i get to love it

i love that

i know the truth i know the truth
i know the truth i know th

the truth i ilove that i know the truth
i know the truth i know the truth i know the

so gratefu i am already totally fulfilled so
grateful ia m already fulfilled to make the time to

tap into and really embrace who i really am

i’m here to feel the waves of relief

i’m here to feel better and better i’m allowed to feel good
and i feel greate i come here to feel great i

come here to feel great about life i come here to tune myself
to see the effects of the practice

so grateful to see the effects of the peract


so grateful to see itive
ive been taking care of howi feel

taking responsibilty for how i feel
becuase i know that how i feel
creates my reality

i know that i’ve allowedmysel
myself to feel stressed
and that creeped into everything esle
but now more!!

i feel like the best version of me
the god versin of

i feel energized by life
i feel certain in life knowing that its all laid out
for me i love that i get tochoose
to chosoe teh feeling of that

its all laid out for me
its all laid out for me

it all comes my way saily
easily and i relax in that knowledge
that life is always reflecting me
that it’s always me
that i get to choose to feel at ease i get to choose to feel
at ease and not care to just do what feels best i get to feel good

i am at peace in this moment if eel greate in this moment
i feel so grateful i feel so grateful

feel so grateful for my life as it is that
i get to nejoy life
that i get

so grateful for my life as it
is that i get to enjoy and easy life

so great

grateful to get to relax into the magick
to feel the waves of relief
to do the creation work in every moment

so grateful to feel the creation work in
every moment o remembe

to always remember the feeling of me that power of me

so grateful to do this work
the focus work the

time under tension
the tention
of releasing tention

tension the focus work the deovtion
devotion to the feeling work that’s

all it ever is the devotion to the
feeling of mroe relief
knowing that how i feel is always creating
that all o fli

life reflects me

allof life
reflects me

all of life i know that i am the only
one and only creator i know that i am the one and only
creator and that life is always showing up perfectly for me

i love hat i know that i love that i know this
i love that i know this

i’m here to remember how good it feels go tf
to feel good to cr

create the life i want withhow i feel
and i love that i get to
i love that i get to i love
that i get to i love that
i get to i

i’m here remembering the truth of lie

life and celebrating it

i love celebrating life i love that
every day has the potentia to be whatever
energy you put into it

i love that i know ia mth e
the creator and i create with ohwi feel
i love the better it getsr i love that
i get to do this work
and see and feelt he
effects of it

i get to feel it i get to grab on
and feel the muscle flex and i do this work
to remember the feelig of that muscle flexing and

it work sthis this works works
it helps me remember who ia m
it helps make it

easyt o remember how i want to feel
the version i want to act out and i love that i get to

conscious of my consciousness

so grateful i am aware of how i feel the i know that
you can’t break the mirror and expect what’s reflected in it to change

and i know that for a fact so grateful
to know for a fact it’s always me and that when
i decide to change the energy
then the world changes accordingly and that is

universal law

so grateful i am aware of this
so grateful i know for a fact that

all of life reflects me and its never outsiide ofme
whatever i accuse others of doing that is what i’m doing
and i’m so grateful know ti know this
so grateful i get to celebrate it

so grateful i get to celebrate it

so grateful i get to celebrate it
so grateful i get to celebrate it

know the truth and i come here to tune myself
so grateful to remember that it’s only me
the better it gets so grateful to embody the best version of myself
to decide how i want to feel and then feel it

i’m here i’m here i’m here
looking in the mirror and i know that’s all it is
that’s all it is

i know that’s all it is
i know that’s all it is

thank you thank you thank you for the consciousness of my consciousness
that i am aware that life only efelc
reflects me and the easier it gets to recognize that
to know that for sure and to live accordingly

to relax into the way i would prefer to feel

to relax into the way i would prefer to feel

i can i always relax in that knowledge
knowing that all of life changes every instant
i love that i know this and i get to celebrate

it that i get to go throgh
through life knowing my power i love that i
get to go through life knowing my power

i feel it i feel the release of it i feel the
resonance with it that t

it being the one and only truth that life
only ever reflects me reflects how i feel in my subconscious
life only ever

reflects me reflects me

and ‘m so
i’m so ever


overjoyed to be here remembering that truth
celebrating teh feeling of

the truth that all of life
changes in an instang

alll of life
changes every instant and i know that
grateful to be back a

to alignment

back to love
so grateful to be back to alignment
back to love

so grateful to feel grateful
to remember how lucky i am to realgn with the truth

to realign with love and allow msye

myself somegraceto

to be patient with myself
to be loving with myself it feels good to
be patient with mysel f

to be loving with myself
it feels good to take responsibiilty for how if eel !!

and the version i create!!

it feels good to feel relieed that i dealt with
it and was aware of it

aware of how my relaity was reflecting
knoinwg htat my reality can onlly ever affect !!

reflect me

i’m here becusae i know that i do the work
knowing that i tap into that feeling knowing that the feeling work is the
only work i take responsbility for that and i do it

i take responsibility for how i feel
i take responsibility for how i feel

so gratful tofe
for the feeling of me for the power of

so grateful to remember the feeling ofme
knowing that this is the only work

removing myself rom from “society”

renouncing my humanahood
renouncing my humanhood

thank you fro

thank you for the god self
for the consciousness of the god self
for the contrast the ha

that ahpe
helps me focus helps me remember who i am

so grateful for the focus that ehps me
so gratful for the life experience that guides me
knowing that ti’s all a game andi get to decide so grateful to know
this and live by it so grateful iknow the
i know the secret to life

that it’s only ever me and i’m doing the work
to be better at realzing that and

shifint the energy to here i a

i want it to be i shit the energy to where i want it
to be and i know that is life’s only wor i l

i love that i knwo thi love ti
i love that i knwo thi
that i kno wth
i know this
i love that i know this

i feel completely at ease in this moment
knowing the truth of life i know that ia m taken
care of i know that infinite abundance is alwasy flowing to and throgh me

i get to feel it now and then it
is and allof life reflects that

i get to feel it now and then it is
i get to feel it now and then it is

i get to feel it now and then it is and i love that i
get to fel g

feel it i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel ti

the connection to self
to the truth to god
i love that i know that all of life refelcts

how i feel sograteful
to feel the trth of life
to celebrate that truth

i know it’s only ever me and i celebrate that
truth i celebrate the contrast that helps me
focus that helps me align the energy and remember the truth

remember the truth of how iw ant to lfie
to remember that all it takes is a little faith

i love that i know i love that i get to feel the feeling i love that
i already do and i know the work always works i love
that i get to enjoy my life right now i love that
i get to enjoy my life right now and feel the
feeling of connecion with god

of remembering that its only ever me
and i’m doing that more everyday

remembering that its’ a mirror
andyou can’t break the mirror and expect what’s reflected to change
its only ever me and and it
only refelcts me

its only me
its only me and i am the one and only creator

i’m aware of the energy that creates

i’m aware of the energy that creates
and i am proud of myself for being aware for choosing how i want to feel
and knowing that the more i choose that feeling
the more i choose the feeling teh more

life shows me the evidence of that

i am

i am caring i am kind i am loving
i am fun i am lighthearted

i take things lightly

i am calm i am even i am loving i am kind

i am loving i am kind i am fun i am fun loving
i am easy i am light
i am light i am easy i am loving i am kind

i am loving iam

i am that i am i am that iam
ad i know htat embodying the version i want to live
is the only work and i know that
the work helps me every day

being aware of the energy helps me
choosing love helps me

choosing how i prefer to feel helps me

i am aware of how i feela nd i know tha t
all of life reflects i knowht ath
more i feel how i prefer to feel

the mre

i unpack what that is
the easier it is to access

i am at ease in my life
iam one who love ia m one who celebate

celebrates life

i accept all that comes to me
as a solution i know that t

there’s alawys as

solution i know that it’s always easy to a

allow the solutiont o
to come i loe eht
at i know that

life awalys matches the feeling
that i get to choose it get to choose it

i love waking up happy i love
enjoying my life i love that i can
release old patterns and

i can alwyas

always restore the years the locusts have

my consciousness of the spirit within me
as my unlimited source

is the divine power to restore the
years the locusts have eaten

make all things new
and lift me up to the high road of abundant prosperity

i prefer to feel

at ease to feel loveing

to love no matter to
to be the opposite of defensive



i am one who loves i am kind
i am loving i am kind i am loving

i am kind i am loving i am kind i am loving
i am in the flow i am proud of my work
i allow it to be easy i lo


i allow it to flow i allow life to flow
i allow life to flow
i allow life

to flow
to flow i allow the feelings i prefer and
i kno th
i know the poer of
the power of them i know that

i can

transcend my dna
i know that i can act out the version i prefer
i can be it right now i can align wiht
i get to be ir

it right now and know that life

reflects i see the effects of my practice

i see the effects of the practice i see the
effects of the practice

what am i here doing
i’m here tuning to how i wnat to feel

i know that life is always on my side that love is
always on my side

today i allow myself to love completely
today i allow myself to love

just love and be kind and allow tings
things to pass through me
i allow things to pass easily through me

becuase i refuse to suffer

i’m here feelig the
the fun the underscore fun version of life
im here milking the feeling of th day

celebrating being able to turn it around!!

knowing that

the better it gets that
i’m doing it that i’m doing it
that i’m

i fet to fe

get to feel how i want to feel i get to
feel how i want
i love having fun

i love that i get to choose
i’m here to choose

i love and am loved i love that i get to love
and be loved i’m so grateful i get to love and
be loved i get to love and
be loved and i get to choos e

that ever
version right now
becuase it alays reflectes me

i am loved and understood

i am understood i am loved and understood
and appreciated for who i am
i am loved and understood and appreciated for who i am

i am one who loves i am one who looks for solutions
who always has fun is i

is never shaken is alwys feeling toward god i feel for
god right now i feel for god right now

i feel for god right now

i release all control
all need to control anything
even how i feel and just enjoy the ride

its not up to me to control
just allow things to be as they are that’ s

all i can do its not up t ome
to control i let go of all of that
and just

embrace the infinite now
it’s always right now and i say yes to it
i love it i love it deeply i love this
right now

deeply and that’s all i ever need

i’m here now and that’s all in eed

i need it’s out of my control its all out of
my control i ‘m just the conduit so

i trust everything that happens i trust

everything that happens i trust the
god self i trust the zone fo

of genius

i release it all and that’s
the feeling of god i say yes
to everything that is

i feel the feeling i want to feel now
and know that it must be it already is

i’m saying yes to everything
and not getting in the way of anytihng

i trust it fully
and i turn myself over it

that’s all i can do

is nothing
is give up and just

enjoy the ride

what is this work for

what is this moment for its for
m ilking for celebrating

i love feeling energized by my work i love
loving my work i love loving my workout

i love loving my habits i love

my clotes i love my life
i love garbage day i love breakfast on the porch i love my cell

i love life
i love this work the focus work a
the getting in tune work and knowing the
better it gets

so grateful for huge payments!!

why am i here doing this writing
and its to feel the attunemtn to feel the perfection of life

to feel the perfection of life it feels good
to feel the perfection of life

it feels good tofocus on the only work that matters
and feel it to remember its true on allt opics
and ‘m always the one
creatiring i

it i’m always the one creating it

i do this work this work the only work
the feeling work the

yes work the yes work the knowing work
the feeling work i am aware of how i feel

that i push away abundance
by thinking its bad but i know its not
its evidence of god and i love
seeing evidence of god

i embrace evidence of
god i welcome evidence of god and i love tha t
i get to i love that life is good for me
that i get ot feel successful

i am focused i am happy i am whole i am
complete i am focuse d
i am coml

complete i am focused i am complete i love that
i get to feel it and know it and trust it

get to expand to fill the psaspace

enjoy the unfolding

of life

it feels good to dhi
this work slow to savor the moment
that i get to spend focusing only on
feeling good now

focusing only on feeling good now

i feel calm i feel waves of relief knowing that
the lavish abundance that is god is
always on my side

i feel waves of relief remembering the truth of life
how it really works and how i know for a vact

fact i know the laws of the universe

the one law the one truth i know the
one truth and i live by it
i feel it i feel it i know the one truth
and i feel it i live by it i love that i
get to choose it

i’m here focusing on the feeling of
enjoying life
of total conficned

confidence in life and i loe the
i love the feeling of it i love the feeling of it

i know the truth right now
and that’s all that matteres

i relax into the truth in this moment
i relax into the truth

that god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omniprsent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of its

nothing but god i know i dont need
anything but god and i have it all right now
i know that nothing is missing and
i celebrate knowing that

i feel waves of relief knowing that i come
here to feel the waves of relief

i come hre to ride the waves of relief
knowing that all of life relfect
reflects me is an outpicturing of what
i believe myself to be

i am a successful working artist
i make deeply profound work that changes lives
that changees the
current paradigm

i make revolutionary work and it
is recognized as such

i live exactly how i want to live surround and immersed
in love joy and satisfaction

i live totally in integrity and with love and kindness

i get to love and enjoy
my life because i know the turht
because i know how to totally trust god

embodythe feeling i want to feel i love htat
i know more than ever the feeling

effect of the feeling i

this book successful
this book is a massive successf

its a huge hit
its an overwhelig suc

overwhelming success

its and overwhelming success

i love that i get to choose it i love
that i get to feel it now i get to feel it
now the satsifaction of making something

i am always making my best work
i am a waorking
working artists!!

i am a working artist!!

i love that i am i love that i am i love that iam

i am that i am and i love that i get to
live the way i want to live i love that i know this

work is my only work the work
of deciding how i see myself and i know that
i can do it i know tha ti’m good at i
i know tha ti’m good at tapping into
my power and the easeir

easier it gets i love seeing the effects of it
in every moment i love the better it gets i love the
more it flow si love that life just
keeps flowing to me an dit always will

life is always flowing to and through me
the best ofl ife is always flowing to and through me

i can feel how i would feel
i get to feel how i would feel right now
and know that it already is it

already is

i love my life i love that i get to enjoy
and that i get to know the truth

that i know the truth of i love i love that
i know the truth of life and i celebrate it

i sit in calm bliss knowing that
the universe must reflect me

it has no choice so whatever i feel that iam
that is what i am

i know that hwate
whatever i feel that i am that is what i am

i am that i am
i am that i am i am that i am

i welcome it welcome life i welcome life

i welcome the infinte abundance
that is me i welcome the infinite abundance that

is me

i feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel good
and i celebrate life i feel the feeling of love i send the
signal of love i choose love i

choose the truth right now
i choose the truth of life rightnow

and that is the knowoing that the more i get

out of the way themore it flows
the more i let go the more it flows
the mroe i just

return to feeling good
and allow the t
rest to unfold

i’m here relaxing into the truth i’m here allowing all
of the truth to flow
through me i’m here living the truth
being the truth celebrating the truth
celebrating the truth i’m here

taking the big leap il

i’m here taking the big leap

i am focused

i am focused on the truth on the one and only
trusth i

truth i am focused in the moment
using this time making this time
to remember who i am

to really do the work

making the time to really do the work
making the time to really do the wokr

and focus on the one
and only truth
which is that how i feel is what creates my life
and ‘m here to create with the feeling

i love that i

i feel successful i feel happy in my life
i feel successful in my work i feel appreciated

i feel valued and valuable
i feel that my life has purpose
i feel lust for life

i love the patterns of life i love our patterns i love that
life feels good i love htat
i get to feel it i love that i get to feel the flow of life that
i get to just have fun with it i love that i get to

just have fun with it

i love htat i get to feel it
and i feel the flow flowing the god energy flowing i can


feel that i’m doing the worrk to feel the god energy i feel the work i feel the
flow the god energy i feel the flow of the god

energy i feel the flow of the
energy i feel the god self i feel myself releasing resistance

i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world and place my entire focus on the god within as the only cause
of my prosperity i acknowledge
the inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs

i place my faith in the principle of abundance in
action within me

i am that iam
and that is the only work
i am that iam

i am that i am i am that i am

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

i allow it i allow it to already be i allow it
to already be i la

i allow myself to sink into life and
embrace it i allow myself to sink into life i allow myself to sink into life

i allow myself to sink into life ai

i allow myself to be the god self
to embrace the god self to keep feeling for the
feeling i want to feel and i know the more i feel for it

the better i feel

i do this work to remember who and what i
really am ido this
work to remember who and what
i really am

i do this work i do this work to remember who and what i really am
i do

this work to remember who and

‘m perfect

i am perfect i am
lavish abundance

i am lavish abundance i am
lavish abundance

i am that i am i am that am i am that i am

i am god and i know it i am god and i know it
i celebrate it ie mbrace it fuuly

i love it

i am lavissh abundance i

i am lavishly
provided for i am

infinitely provided for i am
infinitely provided for

all of my needs arae met

all of my needs are met all
of my needs are me all of my need are met

all of my needs are met

i know the truth of life and i know the
only work is remembering that moment to meomtn
moment and today i jump into the work

i fully embrace the work i do the work in
every moment and i celebrate it fully
i know what this feels like i kno it

it requres

requires focus and diligence but that
it’s worht it to feel that connection to god and i know
that i’t

it’s my choice to feel that connection in this
very moment i’m

i’m here right now feeling it
for the a

sake of feeling it i get to feel good
for the sake of feeling it i get to feel
good i return to feeling good andk now that

is my source and my supply
i return to the knowledge
that i ain

am infinitely provided for
and feel full resonance with this truth
i know this is my powe and i know
it’s the only way
i kno

it is

THE way

THE truth
the one only truth and the seed from which all things spring forth

from which all things are created

i love that i know this and i gt to feel
it i love that i know this and i get to feel it
the truth of it

and that my only task is returning to this knowledge
becuase this kknowledge
is the source and the supply

i know the only work
is remembering the truth in every moment
using my feelings to create and
really trusint t

trusting the flow

choosing how i would prefer to feel and then
allow the flow to do its work

i’m allowing the flow to do its work
i allow the flow to do its work

i’m here doing the only work

it felt good to focus today
to really do the work
to pay attention to the flow to the feeling to the

continuous easy and effortless flow of life
and i’m so grateful i know

i know the feeling of life and i love that i get to
celebrate it i love that i get to feel good
i love that i
get to feel good that

there’s always more than enough i love the
better it gers i

i love the better it gets i love the
feeling right now the flow right now i love the feeling
right now the flow right now

i love doing this work feling this
feeling good
feeling good now

zooming out behing
being aware zooming out being awre
zooming out

being aware

zoomging out

zooming out
being aware
zooming out
being aware

grateful for this for this feeling for the connection
for the focus for the choice to feel good

and celebrate life grateful tod o this
work to keep the flow flowing

what do i know to be true

that all of life is a reflection
of me and i never have to take any actoin
i can just rust trust the

feeling sink fully into the truth
i know i never have to wonder and i can
always choose trust

i know the truth to life and i celebrate it
i celebrate life i celebrate love

i celebrate love i celebrate love
i c

celebrate love

i celebrate my connection to spirit
and i connec

create with the feeling and most importantly
i tap inot i

i tap into the knowing the faith the feeling
of faith the feeling of really trusting the feeling

instead of talking about it here but not
fully trusting it
always going back to trying but

today i renounce my humanhood
today i renounce my humanhood
and feel myself as god i feel myself as a god

i love that i know i’m a god
i love th

i get to feel the god feeling i get to
feel good about myself i

feel good about myself i feel good about my work
i believe in myself and my work

i am successful i am abundant
i am happy i am totally fulfilled

grateful for this day

for opportunities
grateful to feel focused to
feel better to feel relief

to like my classes
to like myself to like working out
to remember how i want to feel
to be focused on this work the only wrk
to be focused on the other work
andk now that

everything else comes from this
i know that everything else comes from this
feeling this entire focus on the god within and
i know that is the only work
so as long as i make that my number one priority
the rest of life flows

and i know the way life really works
i know the way life really works i know the
way life really works i know the

way life really works

thank you for this day for the good life for teh flow
flow flowing thank you for thef lo
the flow flowing through
me for the feeling of feeling whole

for the feeling of feelingn complete

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold
and place my entire focus
on he god

the god within as the only cause of my rpso

prosperity i acknowledge
the inner presence as my the only activity
in my affairs, as the substance
fo all things visible

the inner presence is the substance

grateful to do this work and
remember the truth of life
and that is that i am the

always the one who is reflected in the mirror
and only i can change what is reflected

i know that i can only ever change me i cant change
the reflection

i can never change the reflection
i can only change what is reflected in it and i’m so
grateful i know this
i’m so grateful i know god i’m so grateful i know god

i’m so grateful i know the truth oflife the
ease nad f

and flow of life i’m grateful to feel good to
feel the ease and flow
of life i’m here and i am the one and only
creator i love that i know this

i am focused i am focused

i place my entire focus
on the god within
i place my entire focus on the god within
and i know that’s all i can ever do

i place my entire focus on the
god within

i place

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within

entire focuse on the god within

entire focus on the god within
entire focus on the god within

entire focus
entire focus
entire focus

and i love that i
entire focus

entire focus entire focus entire
focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only actitiby in my financial affaris

as the substance of all things visible

i plce my faith in the principel

of abundance
in action within me

i keppm y mind and thoghts off this world
and place my entire foxus

on the god within as the only activyt in my affairs

the only cause of my prosperity
i know this i know this and i love that i get to chooe to
feel it choose to feel how i want to feel

and then it is choose it and then it is and i know
life is that easy i know life is that easy
and i come here to remember the truth to pra ti

practice the truth ot l

to life the weight of the truth
so it becomes as light as a toothpick
and then i can pick up the truth
whenever i notice that ip ut it down
and it’s the easiest thing possible

just life the weight of the truth
like it is a toothpick

i am focused i am focused
totally on the god wtihn
i am totally focused on the god within

i am totally focused on the god within
and i know the feeling i know the work and i know the

effects i know this for a fact
and so why??

would i not do it always??

its easy to get distracted by the illusion
but today i am the truth i am in alignment with the truth

i look for evidence of the truth and i celebrate it
i allow life i allow all of life

to feel good to relax in to the flow of life
to feel the cera

to know the truth of life and to live b it

by it to place my entire focus on it

letting go fo the
of the rest and i lov that i know that i can do it
that’s the only work a

is to place the entire focus within and allow
life to unfold better than you

it will when i try and i love that i know this
and the knowledge of it is teh pf

the feeling the precedes the perfect unfolding

and i know all of this
through life experience
so many times i know that this is life

how life is and so i live my life shit

this way i love that i know this
and i get to live life by it

my entire foxus

focus is on the truth of life
my entire focus is on the truth of life
and lii

living by the truth
my entire focus is on the turht
of life and living by that truth

entire focus entire focus entire focus
and it feels good i can allow that now

i can allow right now

to be the pinnacle of feeling good
of knowing of life experience

i can allow it right now

i allow right now to be the pinnacle of life
the pinnacle of feeling good and trusting the feeling

i do the work and i allow rith
right now to be the pinnacle of feeling good

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence as the only cause of my

as the only activity in my financial
affairs as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance in
action within me

i get to choose i get to choose how i feel
and that’s based on me i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose how i feel i get to choose how if eel
and if something doesn’t

feel god

i can turn my attention away from it

i get to choose to live life how i want to live it
i get to choose to enjoy life how i want to enjoy it

i get to choose to live life how i want to live it
i get to choose to enjoy this life

enjoy this day just for me i get to choose it
for me i get to choose to love the day i
get to choose to love the day i get to

choose to do it for me

it’s the choice it’s the choice and it’s only ever the
choce a

the choice and thi
is the only work this is the only work this

is the only work
i know that this

this is the only work the feeling is
the only work and only i et to choose how i feel

get to choose to feel good for me
get to choose to feel good for me
and i love that i get to choose it i love that i

get to choose it i love that i get to choose it
i love that i know the feeling
and the only work is to come back to the vortex

into the vortex here i know that
life only reflects how i feel and i choose to feel
good for me i choose to celebrate life
for me i choose to celebrate life for me

its all about how i feel

i get to feel it now i get to feel it now i g
et t

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only caue of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my
financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

i place my faithi in the principle of abundance
in action within me

i’m here doing it living by the one and only truth
and feeling the way i want o feel

looking for evidence of what i want to see and
i know that’s all ic an di know that i have the power to

lookf or wat
what i want to see i love i ‘m here doing the work
i’m here doing this work the onely work

i am focused i am at ease

i am easing and flowing through life ia m happy in
my life i am very satisfied in my life

i am celebrating the
trusth of life i am celebrating the god self

i am the god self i am the one and only creator
and i love that i get to look for evidence of what i want

i love that i get to create the life i want and this work
hleps me fo that i love tha i
that i get to feel good about who

i am here i am focused i am successful
i am infinitely wealthy i am
god i am the one and only creator i am love i am focused
and at ease i am focused
and at ease i am
at ease my llife i enjoy my life i allow the best of life
to flow through me i ease and flow i ease and flow
i allow i get out of the as

way i feel god i feel god i know god is me
i know god is me i love that ig et to relax in the knowled

i get to relax in the knowing i love

i’m focused and i’m at ease i
feel the feeling of ease i feel the feeling of lie

i feel the feeling of saying yes to life
of trusting life

of feeling totally fulfilled of
feeling totally fulfilled

i feel the feeling

i feel good i feel good i feel good because i know the
answers to life and i know the

answer to riding that wave is

devotion knowing
remembering thet ruth and trusting it

trusting god and not keeping on thinking
about what i can do to get in the way haha

i trust god right now i relax ino the god self
and that is the only work

i relax into the god self
ia llow this moment to be this moemnt

know that i don’t have to do anything
that the less id o the

the less i do the bestter
better and i know i can just allow

i am focused

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and
place my entire focus on the god within as the only
cause of my rpso
prosperity i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

grateful for this moment
for a good meal for our farm store
and the peple who run it
for a short walk
grateful to get the things i need

grateful i get to choose and i never have to
wonder grateful to feel tuned to une

tune in and know the tritu
truth to remember the truth of love
the truth of love so grateful to remember the truth of love
the truth of love the truth of love
so grateful to remember the truth of love

so grateufl to remmber
the truth of love to remember the love of god ro
to remember what i know and tap into it to choose
love know

now and know the truth of it
know the truth of it

know the truth of it
know he
the truth of it th

know the truth of it

the work is returning to the feeling
and i know that is the only

task in lifei know this
is the only work so
that is why i focus on how
i feel i am aware of how i feel and

i release resistance when i notice it
i love htat
that i know this is my power i love tha i
get to love

life exactly how it is i love htat
it i get to create with how i feel

i am a successful working artists
i am a published author

our website is successful our sub program is successful
i trust the process of life

i love the process of life i know that i can
always trust how i feel i know that i can always trust ho i feel
that i can always listen

i know the truth of who i am and what i am
and i do this work to remember it

i am aware of how i feel and i know that
creates all of life
i am aware of how i feel and i know that creates all of life

i know that every day i get to create anything i want

every day i get to create

my only job my only job

is to be aware of how i feel
that’s it and i celebrate this truth
i do the work to feel good and enjoy

really celebrate the day
and each moment i celebrate
each moment
at ease in the flow

i feel the flow of life
the certainty of life the waves of relife


i trust the waves of relief

i trust the waves of relief
i ride the waves of relief

i know what i am and all i ever have to do is make
the choice i love doing the work and
seeing the effects of the practice


iam iam that i am

i am that i am and i love that i kno
i love htat i know what i am and i get to be it i love
that i get to go within
and know that
all of life is a reflection of the inner world

all of life is a reflection of the inner world
the inner world the

inner world i am that i am and i love that i know that
that i get to do this work the only work and vo

focus i am focused that’s a good one becuase it means
i’m ffocused on one point o
i’m focused on the god within and all of the r

rest of my life sings when i am
i am that ia m and i love that
i know it i love that i get to feel


secure in my life in my belief system
in who ia m in what i am that i get to

constantly celebrate

what i am i love that i get to
i love that i get to i love

that i get to feel good get to feel the flow
flowing through me i love that i get to feel the enegy of l

energy of life i love that i get to feel the

energy of life the enrgy
energy of life the

energy of life the energy of life
the energy of life

i love that i get to choose
i love that
i get to choose
get to choose the flow
the flow of life the flow

of well being the flow

of life

i am that i am i am that i am

i love doing this work and
reconnecting with the feeling
feeling the feleing

feeling the feeling of

life flowing through me
the feeling of life and i’m so

i am that i am
i am that i am i am that i am

i am that i am i get to feel i get to flow i e
get to nejoy
i get to back in life
bask in life i love that i get to
badk in my life i get to trust the flow
ofl ife

trust where life is gu

guiding me i love hta ti
get to celebrate it in this here and now that i
gt to feel it in this here and now that
i get to feel the
feeling of yes that i get to feel the
feeling of ye s

i am that i am and what i am
is focused
entire focus on the god within
and i love that i know hat

that i
that the feeling that the only work ai
sis h

is how i feel my only work
is how i feel my only work

is how i feel my only work

is how i feel and i love that i know this
that i get to trust
how i feel right now that i get to ccreate

all of life with the feeling and i get to trust that
feeling i get to trust that feeling i love that

i love that i get to i love that i get to
i love that i get to feel good that i get
to feel good

i love that i get to love who and what i am
i love that ilife is good
i love that the contrast helps me focus

i love htat i get to love who and
what i am i love that i get
to fu

cultivate confidence through kindness

i get to fucl

cultivate kindness through i get to cultivate

confidence through kindness i love htat
i get to feel good now
get to celebrate the day right now

i know who and what i am

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold and
place my entire focus on the god within
as the only caue of my prs

prosperity i acknowledge
the inner re
presence as my lavish abundance

as the only activity in my affairs
as the substance of all things visible

ip lace

i place my faith in the principle
fo abundance in action within me

i love that i know and i get to choose
get to feel good get to fee love get to
the connection to self get to always tre

return to self get to feel the fw
feeling of allowing life to figure it out

i get tofeel the
to feel the feeling of life

allowing m

of life doing the work i get to feel the
feeling of knowing that if i want it
it always comes and the more i get
out of he way the more i allow life to do the work

and i love that i get to use this power
i love that i know my power i love that i know my pwoer

i love that i know my power that
i get ot know the poer that i
get to use the power of me that i get to use the
[ower of me
i love that i get to
do this work
the only work th e
feeling work that get to feel the
way i want to feel

i keep my mind and thoughts off this or
world and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activiyt
in my affairs

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity
in my affairs

i acknowledge the inner presence as teh only
activity in my affairs

i acknowledge the inner presece as the only
activity in my affairs

i acknowledge
the inner presence as the only activity in my affairs

place my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i love that i get to choose it that i et to
get to choose to feel good feel the
feelign of co

love and release the rest i loe that
i get to feel the feeling of love and release the rest i love that
i get to cele


lift up my mind and heart to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence


is the source and substance of all my good