
for this day for this feeling of clarity
for this flow for the god self
for the knowing for the feeling of focus
so gratefl to

to feel the ease of focus
the ease of turning my attention
the ease of choosing how i want to feel

i get to choose how i feel and i love that
i know this is my only work
the only thing i can ever do is feel the
feeling of love

feel the feeling of certainty feel the
feeling of knowing

feel the feeling of god that is all i can ever do i

grateful for this day for this feeling
for the switch being flipped to feel on the bus
to know i am on the bus so grateful to enjoy the trip

so grateful to feel the feeling of me
the feeling of god the feeling of certainty
the feeling of yes so grateful i get to feel

here and now

when i am aware of the god self wihtin me
as my total fulfillment

total fulfillment

total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awrae of t

aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously

and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousnes

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i love the feeling of
clarity the feeling of certainty
the feeling of the flow
flowing i feel the
feeling of the

flow flowing i love tha i get t
i get to feel it that
i get to feel it

that i get to feel the god self the
god version of life
that i get to remember that this shit
is really real

i’m creating all of life
from how i feel and i know that this
is universal truth

universal law

so all i can do is be aware of how i feel and now

know that however i feel

that is the version i create
no matter what how i feel is what is being


i know this and i celebrate it because that eans
i am the one and only creator
there’sn othing

outside of me there’s nothing outsideo f me
and i love that i know this i love that
i know this

i love that i

know this i love that
i know thia
i love that
i kno i love that i know

that everyting is perfect
and i get to choose to love it

no matter what i love doing this wrk
i love that i know ths i

is the only work and i love that
i get to do it because it feels good
i love that i get to make the choice
to feel good

to feel good now to feel good now i
that i get to make the choce t
the choice
to be love

i am love i am love and that’s all there is

i love that i know this
and i know that this is my conviction

i stick to it no matter what i am love

i get to choose it i
get to milk the feeling of clarity
i get to milk the feeling of the present

loving the present moment i get to
love and celebrat this
this present momtn
i get

to love and celebrate this present moment

i get o

to feel good now ig et t
get to feel good now i get to love
i feel

i feel the feeling of love right now

i feel the feeling
of the radiation of creative energy pouring through me
i love that i know i’m creating all of life
in every moment i love that i
get to celebrate that and allow life
to fow t

flow through me
to fully trust life
to flow through me

thank you for this here and now

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self wthin
within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i know its up to me to choose the version i prefer
and live it
feel it and live it and know

its true and i love that this
is what i get to do i love that
this is how

i get to live i love

i love that this is how i get to live
i love that i know life

loves me i love that i know

live loves me i love that i get to choose the
feeling of the version ip refer

prefer i love that i get to choose
the feeling of

the version i prefer
and then it is
becauuse i am the one and only
so i am the one and only creator

becuase i always get to choose how i perceive it
and beofre that i choose teh feeling
that creates it i love that i know this
i love the feeling of the clarity
i love that the focus comes

easier and easier i love that its easy

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totlaly fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my toal
total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i know i create all of life
with how i feel about it
and i relax in that knowledge

i relax in the knowing

i celebat t

i celebrat god within me
i celebrate the day!!

i celebrate this day!!

i take the big leap into this day!

i take the big leap into feeling good!!!

just keep doing the feeling work

the focus work the

mindset work the feeling work the
focus work the devotion work
i know the devotion work i know the
devotion work and i know it is the only work
i know the truth to life and i am

aware of how i feel i know that life
reflects how i feel life shows me how
i feel and that is law

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filld with
the light of truth

i know there’s nothing outside of me
and i am aligned with that truth

i turn my gaze within
i turn my attention within to the god self
to knowing the god self

knowing that when the focus is outside of me
that’s a good sign that it’s time
to turn it back within
back to the feeling of laign

alignment with god knowing this is the only work
this is the only work and i’m here feelng
it feeling the feeling of the feeling work

i’m here feeling the feeling and
i get to

i love that i get to
i get to do this work that i know this wrok
that i am aware of how i feel and i’m choosing
the version i prefer instead i know that all of life

is a projection

a simulation of me i love that i know this and i know that the
feeling work is all there is so grateful to come
back to center

come bck to

come back to god and feel the feeling of me
feeling the

feel the feeling of
knowing i am complete

that i a already am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in
the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuosly easily
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine conciousness


easily and effortlessly

i know its all the feeling its all the
focus wher ei put the pf

the focus its all about where
i put the attentio
i know

that attenition
creates an di love tha i ge t

there’s no way around these universal laws
so i work with them and

so grateful for the contrast that helps me
remember to turn the foxus
focus within to remember to feel how i want to feel

to remember wo
to feel how iw ant to feel i get to
feel how iw ant to feel i get

get to feel how i want to feel

i know its all a feeling that i
get to choose i know all o flife is

a feeling that i get to choose and i’m grateful
for the time and space to do this work
so grateful to remember who i am

what i am

what i am
who i am where i am

why i am i love that i get to choose how i want to feel
choose whw

where i place my attention i love that
i gteh

get to choose where i place my attention
i love taht ia m aware
of patterns and that i get to transcend them!!

i love that i get to feel secure

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and an re

can relax in the knowledget hat the
activity of divine abundance

the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is
continuosly easily
and effortlyess
lessly pouring fort h

my divine consciousness

i am now waer

i am now int he flow

i am sending the signal of yes
i am sending the sign of yes

not of wondering not

needing something ouside of me
of needing anything

i’m choosing the feelnig

of yes

for me so ghat i can
feel good now not
so i can get something bue

but so i can enjoy this mometn right now
so i can feel love right now so i can
feel god right now
just always return to the feeling of god
and then
i already have it all and i dont

need anything ourside
outside om

of me

the god within knows

the god within knows that i dont need
anything else that god wihtin knows that life

is perfect and i et to
get to celebrate that fact

i get to choose the truth
i get to choose what i now

i get to choose what i know i
get to choose god i get to

choose god i get to
place my entire focs on the
the god within as the only cause of

my prosperity i’m looking for magick
in my life and i trut it

i trust it to show up
so graetfult o do the work to be aware of how i feel

i am aware of how i feel and i am
aware that how i feel creates my life a

i am aware of the god self within

i love that i get to fee the
feeling of knowing

of devotion to the self
to the mantruat
to eh

the feeling to the god self

i get to feel the feeling of the god self

i get to feel the feeling of the god self

i love that i get to feel it
that i feel the feeling of letting it all go
i v

i feel the feeling of god within me
i feel the feeling of celebrate ign life
and i know

i kno wthiss feeling work is all there is know this

is all there is i love that feeling i love
that feeling of tuning i love the

feeling of loving life of celebrating life i love
the feeling of feeling good

of liking myself of feeling good about myself
of knowing that i am
a cool person with so much to offer

i love that i know i love that
i know that

i know t

i love

i love that i get to feel good get to feel the
feeling of feeling good i love that
i get to feel it i love ath
i gthat
i get to choose to know it

to celebrate it
to feel good now

you can’t break the mirror

and expect what you saw
reflected to change

i know that all of life reflects me
and as annoying as this truth can sometimes

it’s ultimately

refreshing to remember that ther’es nothing outside of me
and that all of life can be

addressed from within
its such a huge relief to remember that tod
to dhte work to tune myself to the truth to

itss all me and i celebrate this truth
i celebrate this day i choose how i want to feel
right now i

choose how i want to feel and
and that is what creates all of lfie i love that
i know this is the only truth
and as much as i dont want to

accept it sometimes

it is truth

and this truth is all there is
i love that i know that right now that i get to choose
to feel howi want to
how i want to feel that i can feel life

being created in the image
of my emotions and i have so many tools at my disposal

to address my emotions to become aware of how i feel

why if i need to know
and then how to feel for something new
to feel for the version i prefer and i know that
all of life is created in the feelig

and i keep my conviction to that knowledge
with me always

celebrateing it always
celebrating it in every here and now

i get to choose and then i never have to wonder
becuase i know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowlebe

the a
that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i know i know the truth to life
i kno wthe truth f

of life and i turn all my attention to it
because i want to feeel

good i want to enjoy the day i want to feel
good now i want to feel good

i do the work and i feel the
feeling i feel the feeling i prefer

what would you prefer??

what do you want??

then look and listen for evidence
of that and ignore the rest

grateful to be here taking care of me
taking care of the feeling
the feeling taking
care of the feeling within me knowing that is the only

that will change how i feel

to do

work to feel better and that’s all i can ever do

if i ever think anything
is missing,

i know its god and then i return to god and the rest
falls into place

i return to god and i know the
rest falls into place ilove that
i love that i know this
that i

i love tat

i love that i get to choose the feeling i prefer
and i know ti’s only

ever me its me its me

its me

not the mirror

its me

change the way i look at things

i love tha i know the truth to life
and i love that i have the tools

to change the way i look at things
and the knowledge

the life expereince
to know thatis

is all i can ever do

i love that i have so much to cceleb

celebrate and i get to lok at
look at that get to feel grateful for that
get to clee

celebrate this day
so grateful to do the work

tune myself back toward god to take
the time to practice the feeling

i prefer to feel and know that i

is all that creates

and i can get mad at this truth if i want
and fight against it

but that doesn’t change its truth i love that i know this
i love that i know i love that i know this

so grateful to remember the truth and sink back into
it like its teh ea

the easiest thing
becausee it is

and the contrast the

ehlps m e focus

and distance i get from
god is n

so noticeable and it heps

helps bring me back closer i love that
i know this and i get to choose what

where i look and i get to choose
to remember th

what the

the source of all life
if i think something is missing

its god and i can always return to god i can always
go back to god return to god and the way i do that is
i choose to feel how god would feel

i choose to feel how god would feel and
when i do that my heart sings

i know that i am the one and only creator
and how i decide to feel right now is how

i get to feel in life i get to choose to feel good right now

i am aware of how i feel i am aware of
how i feel and i know that it’s up to me

and thre’s nothing outside of me
i know that i can

created them all and i get to love them

get to love this i mead thi
made this i wanted this i created this
and i celebrate it
i love that i get to choose

to love the

day and its as awe

easy as that
i get to choose to love the
day i get to choose to feel the
feeling of god

the love god feels i get to choose to feel the
love god feels

i get to knoww

choose knowing i get to choose the feeling of knowing
and i know that

its’ all in the feeling
life reflects the feeling you feel
and that can change
every instant

i love that i’m here with it
i love that

tha ti’m here with the feeling i’m here with
the feeling i am the feeling i love ding thi

doing this work and the contrast that helps me
become aware of the distance

between me and god
i love that i get to know i get to chooe love

choose love i get to choose love

i get to choose teh feeling of love
and know that all of life follows

i get to feel how i choose to feel!!


knowing that there’s nothing outside of me!!

i am

i already am that which i want to be
because i am god and god is everything all at once so
i am

i already am the version i prefer
and the more i feel for the feeling i prefer

the more that feeling comes naturally

i like feeling go

i feel good about myself i feel good about
who i am i feel good about who i am
i love myself and my body i feel
good in my body

i love the way i look in photos

i love feeling strong in my body i love my
classes i love moving my body and feeling good

i love feeling good in my clothes

i come here to feel the feeling work
to feel the perfection of god in this moment
the feeling of tally
totally letting go andl ettin lett
letting god fill in the blanks i love that
i get to do this i love ht
that i get to
feel the

of knowing the feeling of conviction
the feeling ofcon


i love that i get to enjoy my life
i love my farm stand i love
my neighborhood i love that i get to choose
it i love that i get to choose

to love to look for what i want to see more of

i love biking!!

i love that i get to bee here now i lovethat
i know life is already perfect and i
get to

i love that i get to feel the feeling right
now the feeling of relief the feeling of knowing the truth
i get to feel the truth right now i get to

let the rest go and feel the truth
i get to feel the truth i get to
feel the truth of life right

now i get to feel the
i get o
to feel it i’m here feeling how i want to

i get to choose how i want to feel i love
taht i get to choose it then it

ti’s there and that ;l
life only ever follows feeling

life always

follows the feeling i get to choose the perfection of this knowledge right now

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within me as my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of sprit

i feel the feeling right now i’m with god right now
i do the work right now
the only work the feeling work

get to feel good here to milk the feeling of feeling good
i love that all of life
is working out for me
i love that i am liked i love that
i am loved i love that
i know i am loved

i feel loved i love that i get to choose
to feel loved

kinda never thought about that lol

i get to choose to feel loved
i get to focus only on this work this work
is the only work the feeling work is the only work
and i love that i know this

all of the teachings point back to this same universal truth
i love that i know this

and i get to choose it i get to feel
free i am free
i love that i get to choose
to feel free

i feel the feeling of truth
and i can alwys

always return to it
because it’s always right here a

with me and its the only truth its the only
truth i love that i know it
and i get to choose it i get to

i feel the feeling of perfection
and i’m sograteful
i get to feel it so grateful i know that
life alrady i

already is perfect
i know nothing has to change
i know nothing has to ever change
i love that i kno th

i love that i feel the truth of it
and my proximity to the feeling
of the truth ofit

is my source and my supply
i love that i get to feel good about myself
i get to fell
feel loved
i get to love and feel loved and that’s
all there is in life

that’s all i can ever do is
feel how i want to feel
plant the seed of the feeling
and then
get out of thw ay and know it
s b

already been created and i love that
this is the work i l

i love the fun of this work i love
feeling the power of
this work i love the feleing of
knowing it of believing in ti

doing the work and knowitn

its not work its just feeling
i fe

i get to feel it i decied
how i want tof

to feel to feel the feeling of it
being true and then it always comes

and i know it always will

that’s the best feeling right there
the knowing that once you feel it

it’s already made

it’s already made all of life
is already made and i can just sit
back and enjoy the ride i know this work

i know it so well and i love that

the feeling of devoting my life to how i feel
to doing the feeling work knowing

its’ the only workk i love that i know this fact
and i get to celebrate it i love that i g
et to feel the
feeling of love knowing

that’s the anser for


i feel the magic of life i love my life
i love my life i love every bit of my life
and i feel so lucky that i get to

that i get to choose teh feeing

feeling and see it made and i love that
i know that i love that i know that
and i love that i know is

this is the work i love that

all that matters is how i feel i love that
i know it already is i love that i can

relax into the flow and know that
i already am what i want to be

so grateful to do the feeling work to feel good now

to get to do the feeling work to focus
on how i feeli ‘m her

doing the work taking the time
to feel how i feel feel how i feel

i feel at ease in my life
i love where my life is right now

i love that i’m a successful working artist
i love that i love where i live
i love that

i’m here feeling the feeling the
secret the secret is the feeling the secret

the feeling is all there is what i believe to
be trust is

true is all there is
i love that i know this
i love htat i know the truth of life
i love hta ti et to

get to feel it and know that
all of life comes back to the feeling
all of life comes back to the
feeling the feeling is all there
is and i love that i know this
i love that
i know this

i love tha i know that

i’m here i’m in tune with the god self
saying yes to everything that is
feeling the god self in
the perspective of the god self the
god self the

god self the god self the
feeling self the
feeling self is all there is i love that
i know that i get
that i choose teh

the feeling fisr

first and know that the rest will
follow i feel the feelin g
and that is literally

the only action i can take i lov ehta t
i know this
that it always reflects the feeling i love that
i get to choose

the feeling work the feeling
is all there is and all i can ever do is ask myself

how i would prefer to feel how would i prefer to feel??

in love with myself
never doubting myself or my reality
always saying yes

to the flow of life celebrating life flowing
through me feeling

waves of relief i love that i
get to feel waves of relief i love that i
get to choose to feel confident i love that
i know that

all of life is a feeling and i
get to choose what feeling i prectice

practice i get to choose what feelign i lvoe

thank you for this
for this feeling of knowing

for the feeling of knowing taht i am
god fee

for the feeling of celebrating every om
moment so gratefu lto get to

to get to feel life to
get to feel what life is
supposed to feel liek i love

i love that i get to c
to feel it i love that i know i
created it all i love that
i know i am always creating it
and i get to choose it i love that
i get to feel it frist

i love that i know that is the secret to life
and that is the only deciding factor in


how i feel i love that i can always choose
the god feeling i can always choose

i feel the feeling now i
am successful i am friendly

i am confident i am confidnet

kindness through


i love that i get to choose it i love
that i know it’s within me and i ge tto
choose it i et to

get to be one who loves
one who gives love and knowing that its
for me becuse

because when i give love
that’s what i see and
it’s only vev

ever reflecting
me i love that i get to chosoe
i love that i get to
choose how i feel i get to choose
the feeling of love
and know that life
follows i love that i get to choose this

and have this be my conviction

i get to choose it and stand by it no matter what
and i love that more and more i’m learning how to choose love

the focus on the feeling is all there is
and all i can ever do is return to the
feeling i know this is my only job
and its the best feeling there is

returning to t

unison with god
is the best feeling there is
and i’m so lucky i get to feel it
i’m so lucky i get to feel it

i get to feel it i get to feel it i

i get to choose it ow
and then let it go i get to choose it and
let it go and i love t

feeling the freedom of knowig that
i lover emem

remembering the feeling of god and choosing it
knowing that is work
is the only work
the choosing of the feeling is all there is

and it’s all that creates

itas always always always
the feelng its never not and i livoe
i love that i know that tha

means i get to choose whatever i want
right now and then it is i love that i
get to choose whatever iw ant

right now and then it is i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to choose how i feel no matter what

actually it makes the future
so create the furt


create each moment by feeling the perfection of it

i love doing this work the
feeling work the knowing work i love doing the knowing work i love
feeling the feeling of knowing i love tha t
i get ot

let go of the rest and just know
and i love that i know this is

my pwoer t
the feeling of knwoing

is my power and i love at i know this

simple truth

this onlly trusth

this is the only truth i love
taht i know the
only truth of life

the feeling is the only work
and i am one with the feeling so
i can trut th

trust the rest to unfold perfectly
i get to choose teh feeling of love

i can do it

i can celebrate this moment celebrate
this feeling knowing this feeling of knowing i can
celebrate the focus on the version i want
to live i get to live the version i prefer
i get to use my skills i get to celebrate
all that i have to offer to the world i love that
i get

i love my work i love acting as if i love
acting as if

i love living the version i want to live
i love that i get to celebrate my work i love that
this is my work this moment
is my work
i love that

i know this i smy work i love that i get to
celebrate my work stand behind it use my skills and feel
a feeling of accomplishment

i just decide and then it is
and i love that i know my power i love that i know my power
i love that i know my pwoer
i love

i love that i know my pwoer
i love

i love that i know i love that ig et to choose i love that
i get to feel it then i

see it become it then see it i love that
i get to choose the
this work this focus this

i ilove this work i love this
wor i ‘

i love this work the feeling of the
work the feeling of the flow the
feeling of the good life
flowing through me
i love the

feeling of god i’m here with god i’m here with
god i am god i am god i get to have fun
i love that i get to have fun

how would i feel if i knew it would be fun?!?!

i would be excited i love that
i get to choose fun i love that i get to know
that it will be fun i love that i get to
be fun

i love that i get to be fun and then
life is fn i love that i get to choose
to be


and the rest follows

i love that ig et to choose to be it
i love that ig et to jusm

jump into it

i love where i am right now i love that
i get to ccelebrate this day i love that
i get to celebare this day

that i get to love it that i get ot m

jump into it that
i get to tune myself to the god self
that i

i get to remember that
everything is god the feeling of

god dancing over my sking

i love that i get to choose it that i know it
that i get to cj

jump into it that i get to choose teh feeling
of knowing i love that i get to feel the
feeling of knowing

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within
as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

i know this i know this ithe
is the truth i know that the

expreience follows the feeling so i amke the
choice to feel good and i know that life

will follow i lovee that i get to
choose it now i get to choose the

best version of myself of my life
i love that i get to choose it

right now get to choose to love life
right now i love that
ig et to choose

to love life right now that i
et to hcoose how i want to feel

i love that ig et to love where i live
i love tmy neighborhood and i love that we know peopl
i love knwoing people in the neighborhood

i liove that someone wants us to do the fun show!!

i love that we’re successful
i love that we are i love that i know that people
want to listen tot he fun
show i love that i get

can choose to just have fun i love that
i get choose
get to choose to just have tun i love t
aht ig et to

to choose to just have fun i love that
i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it

get to tune myself to it

get to be it then see it
be it then see it
i get to choose it i get to be

the feeling of fun and i love that i

its fun to have fun i love that i get to celebare
the day having fun i love that
this is my work this msy

is my life i love that i this
is my wlife’s work

i love that i know it has value

i love sharing my skills with the world
i lov ehaving fun with the wife
i love that this is our life i love

that i get to focus on the version i pefer

prefer that i get to feel it
and know that
everything else follows i get to

choose the feeliing
first i get to

choose the feeling first
i get ot

choose the feeling first
i get to choose i ti get

to choose it iget

to choose it

become it then
see it and that’s all there is
so grateful to remember to

smell the smell
and then remember the feeling
the focus
the focus

vibrational bookmark

the vibrational bookmar

i love that i get to enjoy life
get to fel the
flow of life
get to turht

trust the flow of life
knowing that the feeling is the
answer to everything and that the

feeling is all there is that the feeling
precedes all creation
i love

seeing the effects of the practice
i love feeling the feelig of

faith of choosing knowing
of choosing conviction
i love the feeling of choosing fun

the only work

the feeling is the only work and
this is the owrk t
work that helps me tune the feeling and
i love that i always can i can

i can always tune intot he feeling i can always
tuen int
tuen into tune into the feeling i love

the feeling is all there is and the
only work is feeling that it already is
and i know this i love that i know this and i love
that i get to see the
effects of the work

in everything i love that i know my
alignment is my supply
my alignment is my source and my supply
i love that i know
this i love that i know this love
i love htat i know
i am god i love that i know

i am god i love that i know i am
god i love that i know that how i feel is
all there is i love that i get to trust the flow
feeling the feeling

thank you for this here and now
for the connection with the god self
to know the god self so
grateful to focus only on the god self
and know that is all there is
so grateful i get to keep feeling
the feeling of god
and god keeps showing it to me i love hta ti
get to keep seeing and
feeling the effects of god i love hta t
i know i am god and

that is everything at
that ll of

all of life reflects that feeling
all of life
reflects that feeling

and i have a conviction
to that feeling i love that i know this

i know that the feeling is all hre
there is i love htat i get to
feel it right now i love that

i get to feel it right now i love tha i
get to choose the
the feeling andk now the
feeling is all there is i love that
i get to know it i love that i get to chosoe i

choose i i love that i get to choose teh feeling

get to choose the feeling

relax into the feeling
into the waves of relief
into the god sel f
feel the god self right now

i am devoted to the god self
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my rpsoerity

thank you

for the feeling for the flow for the knowledge
that it already is thank you for the personal power

thankyou for the feeling
and the feeling of returning to the feeling thankyou
for this flor
glorious perfect day
thank you for this perfect moment

thankyou for the knowledge

for the power to return to the moment

so grateful for the power of the feeling
the easiest place to be, connected with god
and i kno wthat all that
ever matters is my connection with god
and everything else reflects that

so happy in this moment so
grateful in this moment so in the flow
so with god

so grateful to rememberr that
everything is a reflection of my closeness with god

my awareness of being

how aware am i of being
how aware am i of the truth?

so grateful for this day
for this feeling for this knowing for the
feeling of knwoing
flowing throgh me fo the feeling of yes
for the feeling of knowing
i get to choose it
i get to choose to turn
my focus there and know its

easy its easy to tr
return to source
to god to the god self and i know that the
god self is all there is

turn my attention toward god and the re
st i

is in the air it works itself out
and the more i get tout of the
the way the more i get tout of the way
the mroe it flows

grateful for this day
for the feeling of god to remember the truth
to remember

everything is inside of me
and that my metabolism

is my connection with god so
grateful tor emember this
and get back to the
feeling of center the
feeling of god and know that
the feeling of god is

all there is no matter what i have
to always choose teh feeling
of god right now
no matter what i find a way to feel the
way god would feeli

i find a way to feel the way god
would feel and then life
is donw i know th

i know that life is already done
i know that it’s aready

already done i l

i know that it’s already done

i love that i know that iam
god and god is flawless

i love that i get to love this day
get to jump into this day
and know its perfection
i love that i get to know the
perfection of this
day i love that i get to love it get to fel the

feeling the feleing

the feeling of perfection i love that
i get to feel the

feeling of perfection

so grateful to remember the truth
to know the truth and get to live by it

so graetful to feel good when i take
a bunch of money out of the bank

because i know more is always on the way
i know that the supply
is infinite and its always

a reflection of me and how i feel its’a walys

always always a reflection of me and how i feel

i feel good i feel knowing and i feel
back to my ways i love getting back to my
ways i love that i get to remember the power of e

the power of god the communion with god
the communion with god i love that i get to choose it
and i know that

that is the only action i could ever take
with any “problem”

thank you for this flow
for this feeling fot

for this feeling for thiss feeling
thank you for the

i get to feel my through it i get to

feel my way through life i get to
celebrate thiss here and now i
get to se

celebrate this here and now
i get to feel it i get to eel
feel it i get
to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel good i get to love myself and i get to
feel good i get to feel good i

i get to feel the feeling of
god and that’s all there is

so grateful to remembe that it
all of life

includeing me and my body

reflect the feeling
so i get to choose what it is
i get to choose what it is and then it
is i love that i get to choose what

it is and then it is and a
i get to vibrate at the
i get to vibration a
vibration of source

i get to choose teh vib

the vibration
of source

the vibration of source the vibration
of source the feeling
of god the knowing the
knowing that its all me
and i get to choose teh
feeling rightnow
i get to choose teh feeling
right now

i get to choose teh feeling
right now

i et to ch
get to choose get to choose the
feeling of know the
the feeling

of now the feeling of now

i love that i know i love that i get to ch

hoose i love that i get to choose
i loe that i get to choose

that i get to choose teh feeling right now
that it aalredy is
i love that it alrady is

already is the way i want it
to be i love that life

gets i love that i get to fee the
feeling of life i love that i
get to feel the feelign of life
i love

i love that i am

i feel the feeling of perfection
of the perfection of god and know that
i know that is all i need all i ever need is
to be with god and the rest refelcs

reflects that so gateful to remember that

ALL of life is about the feeling nothing is physical
its allin the

in the subconscious

its ALL created with feeling
every aspect of life is created

with feeling
with emotion and i’m so grateul i know this

thank you for this magnificent day

so grateful for the feeling for the
feeling of enjoying e

life of catching a wind
of wever
everything working out perfectly
of the flow floin

flowing perfectly
of choosing the feeling first
and then seeing it play out
i love that i
get to feel the
feeling first

and then it plays out in life
i love feeling the effects of the practice i love that
life is good right now i love that
i get to enjoy life
right now get to celebrate life
right now
get to feel enthusiastic
right now

i love that i get to feel enthusiastic
right now

thank for
youfor the feeling for the god self
for the knowing

for the knowing for the focus
for the wind
blowing through me for the knowledge
for the focus for the
ability to become it then see it

become it then see it become it then see it

i get to feel good food
i love that i get to celebrate life
and life celebrates me back
i love that i get to choose certainty
get to choose knoing
i love that i
get to chosoe knowing
i love that i
get to feel the feeling
that i

can always come back to the feeling i can
always come back to the feeling
i choose teh
the feeling first and then i become it i love htat
i know this i love that my only
work is to remember i i love that
i get to celebrate this

right now i love that i know the
truth of life i love that i know that
i get to choose to knowi the
that i never have to wonder i love that
i know my pwerson


personal powre i love ht at

i love that life is already perfect
i love that i’m perfect where i am
right now i love htat
life is perfect right now i love hta t
life loves me gi

right now i love that

life loves me right now i love that i
get to feel it right now i love that i know the
truth right now i love that i get to trust the
feeling of knowing right nwo

knowing that life is always

leading me aways

and i can just get out of the way i
i love getting out of the way
i love that my power is in not looking
at it i love that tha t
is my power i love that my power
is in not look int
at it

thank you

for the feeling for the guidance
for the feeling for the feeling right now

for the knowledge for the faith
for the ability
to always turn it around to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling of me
to feel the
feeling of to feel the feeling of the truth
to feel the
feeling of thet ruth the truth right now to have
the ability to focus in my pwerons

personal power to know
my personal power and have the skills and the
guidance to know how to focus there
to know the truth of life to know

it’s not up to me
i love that i know this that i
get to feel good now get to feel the flow right now
feel the flove
the love right now

i feel the feeling of certainty
knowing that ig et to choose how i
feel in my life i get to choose the
feeling i feel
i get to
choose the

i choose teh fee
the feeling the consciousness

the becoming the version i choose
to become the version
i choose to be it

i choose to be it

i choose it and i am it

i choose it and i am it
i love that i am ait i love that
i get to choose ti
i love that i get to
choose i love that i
get to chooseh ow
ho i

how i feel the version i see i know i am

choosing it i love that i can
always return to the feeling
and then life is o good i love that
i get to choose i love

that i get to choose i love
that i get to cho


i feel it then it is i am
it then it is i become it then i see it

i become it then i see it i beomce

theni see it i become it
then i see it

i become it then i see it i love that
i get to i love that
i get to

live this life enjoy this life
tap into this life

i get to choose knowi get to
i get to choose love i am

i already am wher eia m
where i want to be i already am wher ei a
want to be i already
have everything i already have
everything i love that i already am wher ei amwnt

want to feel i love that ig et to feel the
feeling i love that i get to

i feel the feeling of where i want to be i feel the feeling of
where i want to be i feel the
feeling of wher ei a

want to be i feel the feeling i feel it i feel it
i feel it i feel it i feel it

i am here i am here i am here with god
i know the feeling i am tuned into it
and i jump into it knowing
that nothing mattes be

matters besides the feeling work and i
get to celebrating

celebrate knowing this
knowig that the more i rtust
trust in god and let go the better actually

i love that i know i can never take action

i love that i know i am go d

i am god i am god i love that i know i am god
i love
i love that i know i am
god i lov ethat i know

i am god i love that i knkow

i feel good i feel god i feel
god in this here and now i feel god
in this
here and now this

here and now
i feel good in this here and now
i feel god

i feel the feeling of knowing
the feeling of already being it the feeling
of dropping into this moment
and allowing it to fill me up
allowing my heart to sing
allowing my heart to sing

i love knowing that i am
god i love knowing

that i am god i love sinking
into the feeling celebrating the truth

i love that i get to love who i am
where iam i love that i can always
tune to the god self i love that it
already is i love that it
already is

i love that it’s already written i love
that i get ot allow it i love tha it’s
it’s already there

i love that it’s alreayd
ther i love that the god self is
already right here i love that i
this is my work i love that

i know this is my work i’m her ei’m
the god self
the god self
is here and now i am it

i am it

i am it

i am the god self in this herea dn

and here nw

and now i love that i am the god self
in this here and now i love that i know ti’s all in the feeling
i loe

i love that i know ti’s all

in the feeling

i love the feeling of feeling tuend i loe
that i get to feel

it get to feel the heart sing get to feel the enthusiasm
get to feel the enthusiasm

i get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling of loving myself i know that

it’s all in the feeling its all
in how i see myself and its all in how i fele

i love that that’s all
that matters i get to choose how i feel right now

get to enjoy my life right now
get to enjoy my life right now


get to enoy my life right now

my consciousness of the presence of
god within me is mky supply

my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply.

i love that i get t
to feel good i love hta t

i get to love myself i love that i know this is the only work d