thank you

for the feeling for the guidance
for the feeling for the feeling right now

for the knowledge for the faith
for the ability
to always turn it around to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling of me
to feel the
feeling of to feel the feeling of the truth
to feel the
feeling of thet ruth the truth right now to have
the ability to focus in my pwerons

personal power to know
my personal power and have the skills and the
guidance to know how to focus there
to know the truth of life to know

it’s not up to me
i love that i know this that i
get to feel good now get to feel the flow right now
feel the flove
the love right now

i feel the feeling of certainty
knowing that ig et to choose how i
feel in my life i get to choose the
feeling i feel
i get to
choose the

i choose teh fee
the feeling the consciousness

the becoming the version i choose
to become the version
i choose to be it

i choose to be it

i choose it and i am it

i choose it and i am it
i love that i am ait i love that
i get to choose ti
i love that i get to
choose i love that i
get to chooseh ow
ho i

how i feel the version i see i know i am

choosing it i love that i can
always return to the feeling
and then life is o good i love that
i get to choose i love

that i get to choose i love
that i get to cho


i feel it then it is i am
it then it is i become it then i see it

i become it then i see it i beomce

theni see it i become it
then i see it

i become it then i see it i love that
i get to i love that
i get to

live this life enjoy this life
tap into this life

i get to choose knowi get to
i get to choose love i am

i already am wher eia m
where i want to be i already am wher ei a
want to be i already
have everything i already have
everything i love that i already am wher ei amwnt

want to feel i love that ig et to feel the
feeling i love that i get to

i feel the feeling of where i want to be i feel the feeling of
where i want to be i feel the
feeling of wher ei a

want to be i feel the feeling i feel it i feel it
i feel it i feel it i feel it

i am here i am here i am here with god
i know the feeling i am tuned into it
and i jump into it knowing
that nothing mattes be

matters besides the feeling work and i
get to celebrating

celebrate knowing this
knowig that the more i rtust
trust in god and let go the better actually

i love that i know i can never take action

i love that i know i am go d

i am god i am god i love that i know i am god
i love
i love that i know i am
god i lov ethat i know

i am god i love that i knkow

i feel good i feel god i feel
god in this here and now i feel god
in this
here and now this

here and now
i feel good in this here and now
i feel god

i feel the feeling of knowing
the feeling of already being it the feeling
of dropping into this moment
and allowing it to fill me up
allowing my heart to sing
allowing my heart to sing

i love knowing that i am
god i love knowing

that i am god i love sinking
into the feeling celebrating the truth

i love that i get to love who i am
where iam i love that i can always
tune to the god self i love that it
already is i love that it
already is

i love that it’s already written i love
that i get ot allow it i love tha it’s
it’s already there

i love that it’s alreayd
ther i love that the god self is
already right here i love that i
this is my work i love that

i know this is my work i’m her ei’m
the god self
the god self
is here and now i am it

i am it

i am it

i am the god self in this herea dn

and here nw

and now i love that i am the god self
in this here and now i love that i know ti’s all in the feeling
i loe

i love that i know ti’s all

in the feeling

i love the feeling of feeling tuend i loe
that i get to feel

it get to feel the heart sing get to feel the enthusiasm
get to feel the enthusiasm

i get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling of loving myself i know that

it’s all in the feeling its all
in how i see myself and its all in how i fele

i love that that’s all
that matters i get to choose how i feel right now

get to enjoy my life right now
get to enjoy my life right now


get to enoy my life right now

my consciousness of the presence of
god within me is mky supply

my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply.

i love that i get t
to feel good i love hta t

i get to love myself i love that i know this is the only work d

thank you for this day

for the feeling of faith for the feeling of knowing
knowing that faith is all there is remembering that
i must know it in every moment
the feeling of knowing the

the feeling of knowing the feeling of knowing the
feeling of loving myself
really loving myself
really seeing all my pros
loving msyelf and my body

my bog

god’s garment
knowing i am just god’s garment

i love that i get to feel the
feeling of being enough of loving myself
right now i get to
feel the feeling of loving myself
right now

no matter what i get to choose teh
feeling of loving msyelf right now

i get to choose teh feeling
of raising my consciousness

of trusting god of trusting the
feeling of trusting the
feeling i get to

trusst it i get to feel it now i g
get to feel the knwoing i get to feel the
knwoing i get to feel the knowing
i get to choosehow i

how i see myself i get to celebrate it now i
get to celebrate it in this here and now

i get to feel the feeling right now
i get to coe
become it right now
become it then se it i

see it i become it then i seee it
and i know that is all there is
that i cn only see w

what’s insi

i become it and then i see it and
that’s all

thank you

for this perfect day
for this perfect moment

thank you for the sun shining
for thisp erfectu
day thank you for this perfect
beautiful day

so grateful for the flow so grateful for the
feeling so grateful for grocery delivery!

so grateful for the time and space
so gratefult o be
able to get exactly what i need so gratefult o
feel the flow flowing
so grateful to get to feel good to
get to feel the flow to feel the flow
flowing to and through me

thank you for this day for thisf low
for this forever
for this infinite now

for the truth so grateful i get to
create the truth get to allow th
the truth in ever moment so grateful i know that
the feeling re

creates life and everything else follows it
i love that i know that if i can think og if

of it

it already is i love that i know that
that if i cn think of it

it already is i love that i know the power
of me and that i get to choose it i love that
contrast that helps me focus i love that

the god self that helps me focus i love that i
get to know the truth

thank you for this infinite now
for this perfect life im already living i love
that i know that it’s already perfect i love that
i get to feel it right now i love that

i get to love me i love that
i get to love this right now that
i get ot practice the feeling of it

that i get to allow the contrast to
be a reminder of the truth i love that i now
the truth and its that

the feeling creates all of life

i love that i know the
feeling creates all of life and only
i cn feel the
feeling i wnat to feel

only i get to choose teh feeling
the feeling i want to feel and i love

that i get to feel it

i love feeling at ease about life
i love feeling certain about money i love
having more than enough i love

that i deserve it
that it’s ok to spend money i love spending
money for fun i love that i know
there’s always more i love that i know
tehre’s no limit i love that
i know it’s always flowing to me and through me

i love that i am aware of how i feel about it

and i get to choose how i feel about it
i love that we have more than enough i love that
life is goof or me

for me
i ilove
i love that i get to feel it i
that i get to feel good about myself
that i get to love myself and my life
that i get to choose how i feel
i love that
i get to choose how i feel i love that
i get to choose how i feel about myself and my life

i love that life has no choice but to respond i love

feeling the feeling i feel the feeling
here and now and i know it i know it i

i kno wthe feeling of knowign that all of life

in my imagination
its all right here and nlife has
no choice but to

respond in kind i love that i know this
for a fact and that the mor ei choose love

the more i shape my life i knwo i’e
seen it happen and i can always do it

chooseing love right now
always coming back to the feeling
and allowing it
always coming back to the feeling
alloawing i

allowing it allowing the feeling

thank you for grocery delivery
for the headphones i already had

for the best yogurt!!

for constantly brinign me
my [

pinnacle of success

thank you for constantly
bringing me my pinnacle of success

thank you thank you


constantly showing me my pinnacle of success
thank you for showing me thank you

thank you for showing me thank you for the
knowing thank you
for the knowing thank you for the knowing

for the feeling of knowing

so grateful its flowing so grateful for the
feeling of abundance
so grateful there’s always more than enough
and i deserve it!!

i deserve it i love that i know that
i can allow it that i can allow it
i can say yes to it i can say yes to the
infinite abundance of life

i love that i am it i love that
i get to feel it i love that i get to feel
it i love that i get to feel it i love that
it’s all reflecting the feeling

so grateful for the feeling of this
day to know that life is good and
the better it gets the better i allow
myself to feel the better it gets
and i love that i kow this
i know htis i love that
i get to love my life
that i get to feel enthusiastic
about my life that i get to love


aspect i love that i get to feel good get to celebrat this day
get to celebrate this moment
knowing that i get to create it iget to allow
it i get ot be a match to it
i ge to

get to be a match to it i get to allow

i love that i get to feel good get to love myself
get to love this life get to

love this mometn

so grateful to remember the one truth
i get to remember the one truth

that i am creating it every omment
i’m creating that

is that the version i want

is that the version i want

that the version i want???

i get to choose
i love that i get to choose i love t
hat i get to choose

i get to feel it
and then life reflects that

god is lavish

unfailing abundance the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

i love that i know that the
feeling of being connected with god
of bringing allowing he god self
to come through that is life and
that is what creates life
the feeling creates life
and i get to choose whateve feeling
i want i lov ethat i know this and i am
the only one creating my reality in this here and now

i’m here doing the focus work
the tuning work the nowing
knowing ork the loving work i love that i get to

i know the feeling
i am aware of my thoughts
and how they make me feel
and i know that how i feel

creates my world i love that i know that
i love that i get to choose it
that i get to come hre

here and tune myself i love seeing
the effects of the practice!!

i love that i know it’s working
so grateful for the abundance all around me

that we get to go camping!
that we get to get tsa pre!!

that we get to get a car!!

that we get to get a coldstone ice cream cake!!!!

that i get to feel good now that i know
that all of life loves me i love that
i don’t have to think about that
i love that i get to chosoe how

how i feel and if i care i love that
i get to choose to feel good and ic an
refuse to feel bad and i know that

is teh secret ot lfie to life i know that the
secret ot life
to life is how i feel how i feel creates it all and i know that

how i feel is the only wrk i
work i lov that i get to choose
how i feel i love that
i know how i feel is the only work

this is the only work the feeling
work is the only work the
feeling work is the only work how i feel right now
is all that matters i love that i know this

that i get to cle

celebrate hit

this moment with the truth and can
refuse to suffer i love that i
get to refuse to suffer i lov that

that the power of me is to alway s
send the signal of love
i love that i know that is the power of me
and i get to always

send the signal

i get to choose love i get to choose teh feeling
of knowign that ia m god i get to

remember the truth in every moment

so grateful for this work to get to
choose teh devotion to this work
every day so

so grateufl i know this is my life’s work and this
work is important

this is the only work
the how i feel work is the only work
and i love that i know this

i get to jump inot the
day that i get to feel enthusiastic
right now that i get to tune myself

i love that i get to feel it now i love
that i get to feel it now that i
get to align with god
that i get to align with

the real version of life
and let the rest go
let the fake version go

and align with the god version
i love that i get to live the
god version i love that i
get to live the god version i love that
i get to live the god version

i get to feel goo dnow and i’m
aware of it i know that all of ife
life is the feeling and i’m in the feeling

i am riding the wings of the feeling
and i love it i love that i
get to ride the wave

ride the wings ride the wings

i get to ride the wings i
get to live the god version the love version
version i want to act out i get to live it
i get to live it right now
i get to allow it

i get to choose to love
every moment
i get to choose teh
feeling of love
no matter what
and that

is my power i know the power of me
and i know its that i get to chosoe love

choose love

that’s how i win lol

i choose love and i keep my mind
and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity
in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
within me

i love the feeling of knowing
i love the
feeling of knowing i love hat
that i know

the feeling

the feeling the

reality always follows the feeling
and my only work is to feel
and allow life to fill in the rest
i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it now and that is the only work
i love that i get to feel it now and
that is the only wor i lov ethat

i get to celebrate knowing that it already is
i love that i get to celebrating knowing that life
already is the way
i want it to be

i love that i get to enjoy life right now
get to enjoy this here and now
this here and now

i feel good now i feel god now i know
god now i know the truth of god rigit hht now

i know it’s me!!

i know it’s me!!

i get to look at it how i want
i get to look at it how i want

i get to choose it i know its up
to me and i create it i get
to create it

i know it’s up to me and i create with
it with

with how i feeel i

with ohw i feel and that’s
all there ever is i can only see what
i am

i can only see what i am

i can only see what i am

grateful to do the feeling work

grateful to do the feeling work to know its

grateful to do the feeling work to know that
feeling is the secret to get to chooseh ow i feel
and know that life

always follows so grateful to do the feeling work
to feel good now work to
feel good now so grateful for thet ime and
and space to feel good now

so grateful to feel good now to feel
the flwo right now to feel tuned in tapped in turned on

right now to feel good now
to feel godo

thank you for the clear inbox
fo the feeling of
camping for good books to read
thank you for

the lake thank you for the beach
for the skyline

for the glass like
waveless lake

the salm

thank you for the peace for the
ease and flow of life

thank you for the ease and flow of life
for the flowi

flow flowing through me thank you for feeling
good for the feeling of feeling good
that i get to feel good that ig et to know
that ig et to cho

to rust trust that i get to choose teh
feeling first that i get to c

create who i am

this work and i’m grateful to
get to do it to get to see myself how i want to
and know that life is alawys on the case

life is always on the case
i love that life is already perfect i love
that i knowt hat

all that matters is the feelingo f
of relief and i get to choose to keep
feeling it i get to choose it here and now

here and now

here and now

grateful to get to feel how i want to feel
which is happy satisfied

fulfilled in my life i love that i know that i am
already fulfilled all i need is to remember that
god is always here with me
i know that god is always right here and now

i know that god is always right

hree and now i know that
i kno wthat
god is always right here

now the feeling the full life is right here and now
and i get to choose it i get to choose my own conception of myself

i get to choose how i see myself
i get to choose hwo i see
myself i get to choose its up to me its up to me

i love that i get to choose it
in every moment
and i get to feel it i get to feel it

i get to align with the feeling and know
i know that’s all there is i know i

im a money magnet i now that
it just reflects the inner world and my inner world
is lined up i love that i know

dont even need it becausee my inner world
is lined up i love

that i get to choose it i love that i

get to chooe it

i know that my conception of myself is the

version i see in my life i know how i see
myself is how life sees me and also howi see

how i see myself is how i see life and
i know this i know that i get to choose

how i see myself
i love that i am a working artist
i love that i’m happy in my lifei lo
i love that i already made it that i’m
already there that life is

already perfect

i know this feeling and i kow this
i know this truth first the feeling
first the conception
then the birth.

thank you

for the feeling of feeling good
for the feeling of loving my work!

for the ability to work through it to feel
through life for the ability to feel through life

the feeling is always here and i love that

i know this i love slipping into the feeling i love
feeling good nwo i love that i get to fe

get to feel the focuso n how i want to feel

i love that i get to feel good
get to feel the flow

the flow
flowing the flow flowing

i love that i get to tap into it
tap into the truth feel the truth of life

feel the flow of life
feel the flow of life
feel the flow of life

so grateful to be here now.

so grateful to be here now
to get to sit in the sun
to get to work out to e
get to feel strong and able in my body
to get to sit on my poer

porch and enjoy life
to say yes to life right ow
to get to

eat fresh baked bread
almost every day
so grateful for my office
and my bedroom
and our workout area
and how this is the perfect house

so grateful for this life for this flowing
to want to work so grateful tow ant to

to do my work to love my work
to be a waorking artists
so grateful to get to feel the flow
of life

flowing through me
to get to feel good now feel the flow right now
feel life right now i love that i
get to feel it the

flow of life the

magick of life so greteful
i know it and i get to celebrate it

i love that i get to feel good
that i get to

tap into the truth of life
that i get to feel the truth of life
right now and the only work

the only work is feeling good
i love that i know this i love
that life is flowing through me

to me and through me

so grateful for this day for this focus
to feel good again to feel good again
to not mb

be fighting negative thoughts
so grateful for this day
for where ia m right now

for the ease and flow ofl ife
to feel so at peace in my life
as it is right now

i’m taking my time doing this work
not rushing through it because this work

the feeling work

is the only work i know this work
the feeling work

is the only work i choose to feel i choose to
feel it and then it is i choose to feel
the feeling of total fulfillment and i am
i lo ethat i know that

that i know this that i get to do it i get to do it now i get to

to do it now i love that i
get to that i get to feel good

that i know how to tune myself
that i know the feeling and i get to choose it now that
i know the feeling
that life is


on my side

i’m hre
here making the time to
be the version i want to be
to embody the version

i already am i
in the flow in the flow
feeling good i feel good now i al

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever
expressing its true
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mind

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

totally confidnet

i love that i know this is my work
and the only work is the feeling and
i get to choose it

i get to feel it right now
i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel
that i think i’ll feel in the tur


i get to feel it right now
i get to feel it right now

i get to bring it into this moment
and feel the truth of if ei love that
i get to i love that i get to
feel good nwo
i feel good now

i get to feel good i geto

i love that i don’t have to care
that i get to make the choicet o feel good about it right now

i get to make the choice to not
care and that is the only work i love that i know

that is the only work and i get to choseo
choose to feel good now for me
i get to choose to feel godo now for me
i get to choose
to feel

how i want to feel and drop the rest and i know this
is the secret to lfie

therefore i am totally confidnet

in letting go and letting god appea
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

the divine consciousness
that i am

is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore ia m totali locly confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundanct

all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i love that i get to choose it i get to choose
how if eel and release the rest

i gt to cho

to enjoy life an
i can always slip right back into enjoyig life
i can

always return to it
i can always let the rest go and jsut enjoy

just feel good i can always just feel
good and if eel good now

i feel good now i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel

the feeling of the resolution

i feel good i

i feel the god self i feel totally
confident in letting go
and letting god
appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

letting go and letting god and
i love that i get to

thank you for this day

for the time and space to feel
to feel what i am to feel the certainty of me
the certainty of life
so grateful to get to feel the
feeling of me to get to love who i am
to get to love where ia m
to get to feel the feeling of me
to get to feel the feeling of me

to get to feel the feeling of me to tune in
tap in turn on

i get to feel it i get to feel the
god self right now the truth right now

grateful to feel good to
get to enjoy my life
get to enjoy this moment

get toen

enjoy my work
so gratefult o be a working artist
to already have everything i need

to feel immensely wealthy to know
i already am wealthy to feel the ree

feeling right now
to fe

so grateful to love my life to love this moment
to love this

here andnow
now so grateful to feel good now
to love myself right now
to love where ia m
right now to feel good

right now to feel god right now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of
the universe
this all providing source
of infinite rps

is individualized as me
the reality of

so grateful to do this wo
work and get to feel the bliss of thos
this day so grateful to ease and flow in this
day to love this day to feel the

energy of this day
so grateful for
to feel the energy of this day
the energy of this day

so grateful to feel this
to geb

be here nwo
to be here now to be

here now so grateful to
be here now to be here nwo so grateful to

be here now feeling the
feeling of me the feeling
of god

knowing god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe

this all providing source
of infinitei rpro
prosperity is individualzied as me

the reality of me

thank you

i love whre i am right now i love
the feeling of this day
of this moemnt

i love dropping into the m
this moment
into this moment

expanding into this moment
feeling all of this moem


loving this moment i love that i get to love
this moment i love that i
get to love this moment
this moment i love

i get to drop into this moment ht

hat i get to feel this moment

i love that i get to feeling
this moment i ilove tha i
that i get to feel this moment

i love that i get to feel this moment
i love that i get to
feel good

release the rest and just fel
feel good i love that i get to feel it
get to celebrate life get to feel the flow
of life get to love the flow ofl i

life get to love ms

my work get to love msye

my work gt to love my work
get to love my work

get to celebrate life get to fee th
the feeling of love
of lust for life and know that its this
feeling that creates all of life
and that i can trs

trust it
i love that ig et to choose how i feel about myself

i love that i get to choose how i feel about myself

i love that i get to choose

how i feel about myself

i get to tune to the vibration a
of me to the vibration of god so gratful
to feel it to feel it here and now
to trust it fully

to trust this here and now
fully this moment fully
so gratefl to trust this moment
fully this

here and now fully this here and now
this here and now

i feel the feeling of me
i celebrate the feelig of em
i celebrate the feeling of me

i celebrate the feeling of me

i celebrate the feeling of me
i expand fully into this moment
feel good feeling

i feel the god self i feel
tuend to the god self
and i feel the

love flowing through m e

i am this moment this
entire oment i love all
of it i love all of it
so deeply and i love htat i know
i never have to try
i love that i get to let go

of trying and just enjoy

the ride i love that ‘m jsut
enjoying the ride and allowing life to flow
through me

i love that i know life
is good i lof

i feel good now feelt

the flow now feeled tuned to the flow right now

so grateful to feel it to knwo it
to t

to know it so deeply so grateful to know the
truth so deeply and to just trut


fully in the feeling

therefore i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

so grateful i know this
and i get to be at peace with everything that is
so grateful to

drop into drop into

drop into this feeling into
this feeling of knowing the god self

of knowing the god eslf
knowing the god self

i know the god self i am the
gods e

self i am the god self i love that i get to feel it i love
that i get to feel the flow get to

feel the feeling get to feel the
feeling get to feel the feelign

get to feel good get to feel good get to love this day
get to love htis

here and now i love this herea dn now
and now and i expand to fill it
i expand to fill it
and i take my time enjoying life

savoring live

i expand to feel this moment
i am this moment ia m everything in this moment

i love that i know the truth of life

and i get to feel it i get to fele it
i get to return to it and find any topic to feel it on
i get to feel the feeling on any topic

i get to feel the feeling i get to feel

i get to feel the feeling now and i dont have
to waset any

time feeling bad i love that i
get to i love that i get to feel good

i get to decide o feel good to feel good i get of

god is lavish
unfailing abundace

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

i i love that i know and i get to keep
creating with the
feeling i get to keep creating with the feeling
i get to

keep creating with the feeling i get t
keep creating with the feeling

i get to choose the feeling here and now
i get to feel the
feeling here and now
i get to
feel the feeling here and now

i g


god is lavish
unfailing abundance the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinie pro


is idividualzied
as me
the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all profici

providing ru

source of infinite prosperity
is individualzied a

individualized as me
the reality of me

the realtiy of me
i love that i get to ghoocj

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsent
substance of the universe

this all proiding
source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

the truth of me the truth of me

god is lavish
unfialin abundance
ther ich

the rich omnipresent substance of the

i love the feeling of choosing not to
think bout it the feling
of choosing now to

not to care the feeling of doing me
of feeling the
god self no matter what and not

about ht

this world

keeping my mind and thoughts off this

and placeing my entire focus
on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i feel the feeling right now
and i feel the feeling of letting that go
of i

not letting it rob me of my job

my joy i dont have to let it rob me o
my vortex and i feel good not letting it i love that
i get to to

i love that i get to
i love that i geto

i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to
feel good i love that i neve rhave to think
about that gain

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsent
of the universe

this all providing source of infintei

prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me

i love that i get to feel good that
i get to feel the feeling of the trut thar

i get to let go and choose eh vv

the version i create aht i get to chooe
to feel good about life that
i get to celebrate life right now that i can always feel love

no matter what


i can alwaysa accept i accept m
what is

i tune myself to the truth to
the god self knowing that the connection to the
god self is all that matters

is all that matters

i love that i really dont even care any more

i love that i’m focused on my on my life
i love that

i am aware that while i was focused on something

other things were coming through

i love that i know this i lov that
i know this
that i get to feel this feeling
of knwoing god
of letting god

fill in the cracks

fill in the cracks

i love

i let god do the work
and i st back relax and enjoy

i love that i dn

never have to care i love

i love that i never have to care i love

that i know my creation is the feeling
and i chooe the feeling i know that life

can’t not

reflect the feeling so i choose the
i choose to focus on the feeling
and i love the
easier it gets i love the

easier it gets i love that
i can always tune myself right now
i can always tune myself

to this here and now

i can always

i know the truth of life

that god is lavish
unfailing abundnance
the rich omniprsent

substance of the universe

this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of

i know this and i ‘

i let the rest go i focus on my feeling on how close ia m
to god and that’s all that mattes

i focus
on my i focus on feeling good feelign
the feeling of live

i feel the feeling of love
of lust for life
i feel the
feeling of love

i feel the
ease and flow i relax into the ase
and flow of life

i relax into the ease and flow
of life choosing the knowing of the god self

i say yes to the god self

i create with the feleing
i crea

i create with the feeling

i love my life i love wher i am
in my life i feel good in my life
i love wher e
i am

in my life i love

where ia m in my life i love htat
i gett

feel good that i get to feel good
that i kow

i know none of it mattes
i love the feeling of being done with it

of letting it go forever

i love being done with it
i love that i get to enjoy my life right now
that i get to enjoy the bliss of the
here and no i love that
i get to enjoy it that i get to feel it
and i that i know

that feeling creates