thank you

thank you thank you

thank you 55 lol

i love that i get to feel good to do t
get to do the work of gee

feeling good get to feel the
flow get to feel the flow

flowing through me i love that i
get to feel good i love that it’s

17 seconds

and it attracts another thought
and i’m so grateful to be in the place the place
where i know that only teh feeling can create

the place where i know that only
the feeling can create

its only thef eeling and i know it
and i love that i keep coming back to it
that i always can that i can always

come back to it i love that i

always comes back tot he feeling
of benter

remembering always that it’s never been outside
of me and it never will be and all of life
reflects the ;fee

the feeling of me and i love that i kow this
for a fact and can trust it completely

i can trust it completely and i love remembering that its me
creating my version i love remembering that it’s
creating the vrsion
creating the version

the i love that i know the feeling and
i can access it i love that i get to practice it i love that i
feel it right now i love that i know the

feeling creates and i get to trust it
fully i love that i know this fully i kno

i love that i know this without a

doubt i love that i get to feel it i love tha ti
get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that i
get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that

the wild horses can do it i love that i gt to feel
good and enjoy life

embarce life love life e

celebrate life
and i love that i have nothing to lose from giving love!!!

i know the feeling i’m here
with the feeling i’m on the bus and i keep my midn
and thoughts off this world

and place my entire focus on the
god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i know this i know this i know thi
i know the

feelis is all there is and i feel totally f


confident in giving life

i feel totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i know the feeling is
everything so ic hoose it right now i choose love right
now i choose life right now i choose

life right now i choose eh
the feeling right now and it feels way better tha
any manifestation ever coudl

17 seconds and it attracts another toughts
thought you

just have to be brave enough to look for
the version that you previously told yourself
wasnt’ true

but i know it is i have space now and i’m recreating

my life and i can do this any tie i love that i
get to li l

il ove that i know life is like play doh
i love that i’ve let it go d

i love that i’ve let it go i love
feelint ii

it lift from my body i love that i get to feel godo now
i love that i
get to feel good now

i love that

i get to feel the feeling no wm

matter what im in tune iwth it and
i feel it and i feel the oweer
power of choosing it
i feel the power of choosing it
and knowing that

life must follow

and i’m amused by that
i’m amused by that

i love that i know this i love that life
doesn’t have a choice life doesn’t have a choice

i love that i know that life doesn’t have a choice
i love that i knw tis all i nthe feeling the
feeling the feeling

i feel the feeling of it i feel the feeling of
it of god

i know the poewr of

to the feeling

and that’s all there is that is the only work
the feeling work and i feel it

i feel the feeling and i trust the flow i feel the
feeling and i turst

trust the flow i feel the feeling
and i trust the flow i lvoe that
i get to i love that
i get to feel it now i love that i know this
is the only work do

it with
the feleing and trust the feeling
and be grateful to the fucos
to the focus
to the focuse

be grateful to the focus
and the god self that i know i know the
feeling i love that i get to choose i lov etha t
i know this is my work the feeling work
an di love that i get to feel it

that i get to feel love

i ilove feeling good i love cracking it open
i love

that i get to choose i love that i love my work
i love that i get to live the way i want to live
i love that i get to love my life

i love that i love my life!!!

i really love my life!!

i love that i get to i love that i
get to

i get to and i get to feel amused at the
version my past self felt

i get to feel good now

i get to feel good now i get to feel
the feeling of life right now i get to

feel the feeling of life right now
i get to feel the
feeling of life right now i

get to feel it i get to

feel it i get to feel it i

get to feel it i get to feel it i get to
feel it i get

to feel it i get to feel it

i am here nwo focused
i am here now focused i feelthe feeling
i feel the feeling i feel

the feeling

i feel the feeling

i feel the feeling

i feel

the feeling

the divine presenc e
i am
is the source and substance of all my good

i feel like i’m getting back to that place

and all it takes is focus
and determination

so grateful i realized
that the feeling i wanted was my certainty of
self of course

not the validation of another
and i’m so grateful to have to the time and space

to do this work so grateful to get to do this work

the feeling the feeling the feeling and all
i can ever do is keep reminding myself

reminding myself of the feeling
and just so grateful to the contrast that helps me
focus that helps me

see the version i prefer

grateful to know its the feeling

its the feeling you feel when you do the counting its teh
feeling you feel as you go through life
the feeling you feel when it comes to anything

that is the god self ahw

when you feel the connection when i know i am whole
that is the god self and i love that i know
that my only work is to decide how i feel i know that

my only work is
to decide how i feell

ii love that i get to fee

feel good i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to celebrate this th

day i love the better it gets
i love the better it gets

i loe tra

transcending patterns ilove
i love that i get to love myself and my life i love that
i get to love this moment i love feeling tuned in

turned on i love feeling tuned in tapped in turned on

i love that i get to feel the feeling of love
the feeling of

i lovee that today i truly don’t care i love that
i an still
can still


love who i am love what i am
i love that i get to love waht i

i love that i get to i love that
i get to feel the real feeling of life and that
nothing or no one can stop me i love that

i’ve let that go i love that i get to i

i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel god i love that i get to i love

that i get to i love that i feel the feeling right now i love that i feel the feeling
right now i love that i feel good now i love that i feel good

now i love that i know the secret to life i love that
i get to practice it i love that i get to use the magick i love
that i’m over it i love that i love myself and i dont havet o care

i love that i know i have integrity

i love that i get to feel good
and love myself i love that

and i’m back in the vortex
just like that and i love that
it’s easy i love that i’ts

it’s always so easy to turn the boat

i love that it’s easy and turning the boat
and counting and feeling good
are the only work

i love that i know that how i feel is
the only work and all of life must follow

so i’m easing and flowing i’m easing and flowing

i am ease
i am flow

i am ease
i am flow

and i feel myself releasing resistance
i feel myself enjoying life enjoying this day

i feel good i feel the magick of life
i feel the love of life i feel love i choose love i choose
love i choose teh feeling

i love returning to it remembering it
remembering the truth of life


knowing that all of life follows
the feeling and the only work is the feeling
that’s it

just feel the feeling and that’s it i love that i know
and i love that i get to spend my life feeling good i get to spend my life
enjooying it

i love that i get to spend my life
loving my life

it’s only the feeling

that’s all there is there’s no right
and wrong just the feeling

just the knowing just the knowing that
the universe always does a better job of making it

than you expect there’s only ever the
feeling that’s all there is a

that is the only creative factor

how i feel is all that matters
nothing else does

feel good or keep trying to be right?

i’ll choose feeling good and i love that
i get to i love that i know how to i love that
life has taught me so many times i love that i’m

hanging out in the vortex i love that
awareness that helps me
get right back to the feeling any tie i starte
to think about it


i love that i already had headphones!!

i loe that i remember not to look at it
i love

remembering that even thinking about it
messes it up messes it all up

i love remembering that i love that
the contrast helps me focus
helps me remember who i am

i love knowing the truth
that i choose it and then it is
i choose it and then it is
i feel it and then it is
i feel it and then it iss

all of life
ehlps me align
with those feelings



i love remembering the truth that
it’s not up to me and celebrating the knowledge of that
and i love that i know thi

the work works this work works and its the only work

this is theo nly work that matters
if if

ever you dont know what to do

ask yourslef how you would feel
and either mil

how you feel
and either milk it or change it
depending on whether you want to
feel more of it

and that is life


summed up

summon life through your emotions
and that’s all there is
and i’m so
grateful i know i know how o t

to feel i’m so grateful i know how to feel i love
that i know this and i get to live my life
by this knowledge

i celebrate teh feeling and know that
the feeling is teh one and only


grateful for this day

and for the awareness
that there’s no right or wrong
just the isness of things and i

keep catching myself and i’m proud of that
because that means i’m aware

so gratefl to be aware of how i feel
and the narrative i’m CREATING

in my mind i love that i’m easying and flowing
i love that i get to feel good nwo
i love that i get to feel good nwo i love

that i get to feel the feeling that i get to come here and
focuson the feeling that creates
and i love that i don’t have to trifle with

i love that i;ve moved on i lov that
i get to choose to

transcend the duality
and accept and celebrate everything that is

i accept everything that is
i celebrate everything that is

i celebrate me and know that there isn’t any right or wrong

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me the reality of me

i love that i get to feel good i love that i do feel good

i feel good i love that i feel good in my life i love that i’m
celebrating all of life i love that i get to

i love that i get to i love that i get to that
i get to feel good that i

get to in joy in myself

i love that ig et to feel good i love
that i feel better than ever i love
celebating life
and feeling good i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good

get to feel the flow of life get to feel the flow of life i love that
i get to feel good right now that
the rest

has lifted i love taht i
really dont care and i can just laugh dude

i love that ig et to i love that i get to
feel good get to love me and who i am

no matter what

i ilove that i get to feel good and
i feel better than ever i love that the contrast helps me focus and that
i cana lway

always allow love to flow through me allow
god to flow through me and know that
there isn’t right or wrong

i love that i have the power to let it go
to feel how i want to feel i love that i have the power
to feel how i want to feel

i love that i have the power to feel how i want to feel
i love that i have

the power to feel how

i want to feel i love that i get to feel it
that i get to feel good that i get to choose teh feeling

wishes fulfilled i love that i feel good now
and i dont need a reason

i love having a good day i love waking up feeling good i love mo

milking the feeling for 17 seconds and then 17 more

i love that i get to choose that i love that
i get to feel the feeling now i love that i know the secret to life
and i can trust the rest i love that i can

get out of the way i love that i get to
feel the feeling of love i love that i get to feel the

feeling of love i love that i feel love right now
i love

i love that i feel love right now i love tha t
i feel love right now that
i feel the flow right now i love that
i get to feel good right now i love

that i’m focused on my

on raising my own vibration
i lvoe taht i’m a match to it i love that i now i love that
i love that i know that i get to choose
to feel how i wantt o
to feel i love that i get to choose how i wantnt o
to feel that ig et to feel good

i love that i get to choose to feel good
and not onl t

only that bt ive been practicing and the
feeling is there the

feeling is there naturally and im not chasing it wa

away i love that i’m not
chasing the feeling away
i love that ig et to feel good that
i get to feel good

that i feel good without trying that i know the
feeling is everything and that i see evidence of it

everywhere i love that i know this for a fact

i love that i know this is my life
i love that i’m wasing a

easing and flowing trusting everything that is

celebrating everything that is i love that

today i truly don’t care!!

because i can’t let it make me feel bad

i love that the feeling is here and i feel it
i love that life is singing through me
i love that life is good i love that

life is good and life loves me i love that
life loves me i love that

i get to choose to say thank you to life
that i gt to choose to love life and i

don’t have to let anything get in the way of that

i know all that mmatters is devotion to the
feeling to the way i feel and donig the work

to feel good and i love that today i feel good!!



i’m wasing
easing and flowing i’m allowing life i’m

allowing life to flow through me saying yes to life

i love that if eel good today!!

i love that i feel love today!!

i love that i’m capabale

i’m always capable of feeling love i’m always capable of feeling love

i love that i get to feel it that i
get to love it that i get to feel god

and i get to feel the feeling of god flowing through
me i love that i gt to feel the certainty of life i love that

that i know what it feels like to celebate life
and i get to do it every day

i know the feeling creates

and that’s why i don’t have to take any action i’m
giving it over to life and trusting thef low of lie

i’m giving it over to life ge

because i knwo action isn’t the work

i know action isn’t the work i know the feeling
is the work the feeling is the only work the feeling i feel right now

i get to choose it and i get to create with it
and i get to relax in that knowledge!!

ii kow the feeling creates and that life is helping me

i know i felt this feeling into reality lol
and i know that i can choose to feel the feeling i prefer

the feeling of empowerment
the feeling of knowing that all of life is on my side
the feeling of certainty
and that

contrast is there to help me do
it to help me transcend that patterns

to help me get where iw ant to be
to help me arrive at a place of

not caring what others think and being able
to maintain my deovtio

devotion to center no matter what i know its
all a feeling and it all comes so fast when i focus on the feeling
when i focus on what i know

the feeling can do
what the feeling can provide

what the feeling is and i knwo that the

is the sourcce file

no matter what the feeling is the source file
and i know that i have the toolls to feel how i want to feel
i love that i get to choose how i watn to feel today

i love that i get to choose how i feel right now

i knowt hat the work always works and i g
get to feel the feeling i wnat to feel i love that its
easy and i know that the feeling

creates and i get to choose it and the only reaos

reason i wouldn’t keep choosing it and choosing it
is because i somehow think me

my physical self is going to be
better at creating life than god?!?!

i know the real truth to life and its
that i

always get to choose how i feel right now
i always get to choose how i

feel right now i always
get to choose how i feel right now
and its that feeling that creates my world

so i choose the version i prefer no
matter how “true” or not it is

i love that ig et to do this and i love that i know t
his is the power of me

just keep feeling the feeling
and trust that life will fall into place

and now i know

that i enver h

never want to feel this way again
i thought i wanted this but this wasn’t the version

the version i wanted
was the knowing

feeling of knowing the
feelig of detachment from outcome because i

don’t care what happens and i love that life

helps me do this life always shows me what i am
life always shows me what iw am

life always shows me waht i and
and i can always feel my way to where i want to be

and i love that i can always remember that
and i can always keep it up just feel the feeling
i want to feel ad then
is my truth

i get to feel how i want to feel
and i never have to wonder that’s

what gets in the way becaues it muddies up the vibration
and i get to be brave enough to know the god self
to know the

god always creating in my favor

to be totally confident in god and myself
and i love that i know this i lov that i

i can just let it go because its only the
feeling s i got momentum behind some other feelings
and now

i can change the momentum

i already have!!

i chang

i love that i know this and i never have to donwer

wonder i never have to wonder

today i stand up to my thoughts
and allow myself to feel how i want to feel


i keep my mind and thoughts

i feel empowered by life i feel excited about my life
and all the blessings flowing my way i feel

the god self wihtin me and i feel the

the feeling i want to feel building up inside me
i feel it risiing i feel myself feeling more and more

for how i want to feel and the false emotions
drifting away

i love that i know i am the one and only creator and i gt
to choose teh narrative i tell

i love that i get to i lov that i
get to decide and more than en

anything i get to feel love no matter what
and i know that is my power

i love that the contrast

helps me fe

focus i love that i know life loves me
i love that i get to do this work and feel good

i love that i get to do this work and feel good
i love that i know life loves me

i keep my mind and thoughts off this

and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge

the inner presence as the only activity in my
financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in action within me

i love athat i
that i get to choose how i feel!!!

i love that i know i have the power i have
the power to choose how i feel right now

i have the power to feel good no matter

and i love that i get to feel it
get to feel how i want to feela nd know
and know that life always follows

that the only solution
the only action is how i feel

so grateful i’m feeling the feeling of god within me
so grateful i can put my total confidence

in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

so grateful i know

to get to feel it to get to feel the feeling to
get to feel the feeling so grateful i know that

the only thing that can change
is how i feel about it and i know i’ve
seen so many times
that when i change how i feel what i see
changes instantly and i love that i know that

i love that i already saw evidence of it i love that i know

i love that i know i love
that i know i love
that i know the feeling is the secre

feeling is the secret

i know that the feeling creates
everything so i just go back to feeling good and

celebrating life!!

i love that i can always go back to feeling good and celeb
i love that i always get to i love that i
always get to i love that i get to feel good i love that
i can do it i love that i can

i love that i can do it i love that i
can do it i love that i can do it i love that
i know

this truth i love that i et to
get to feel good

i love that i know the feelig i know that
the divine presence i am

is the source and substance
of all my good

just feel good about it
and that what else could matter??

i love realizing that i’m the creator and even
if i created what i ddint want

i can now create what i do

the feeling is alll there is
the feeling creates so i choose it
and its’

it’s easy

it’s easy to relax into life
it’s easy to let go

it’s easy to fixate within
it’s easy to choose me

choose the flow choose teh
feeling and i love that i nkow it
i know the feeling i know the
feeling i know the feeling

i feel it i feel it i feel the
feeling of the breeze gracing my skin

the feeling the
feeling t

everything is the feeling i

i’m here i’m relaxed into the moment

i am the moment i am
the truth i’m

grounded right here andnow i nthe moment
i love that i know the truth and

i know that all i can ever do is feel the
feeling ofit first
frel the

feel the feeling of it first
feel the feeling of it first
and it feels so good to feel it
to feel the
feeling now to feel the

feeling now i feel the feeling now

i am the feeling i know the feeling
of the truth i know the feeling of the truth i love

that i know the truth i love that i know the truth
and the feeling creates i love hat

i feel the feeling more and more
i went out of the vortex
but i’m back in besudes

because i’m choosing to be
in i’m choosing to feel goodi’m

choosing to celebrate life
and remember that i don’t have to

i don’t havet o

follow tha path
i don’ have to think those thougths
i dont
have to think about that
and i’m feeling better about it
today than ever and i love that i get to
i love

that i get to i love that i dont have o ca

to care i love that i feel good ith me
i love that god always knwos i love that
god would never care i love that
god never has to i lovee that this

puzzle helps me focus helps m

me know the work even more i love tha i know that i liv
i love tha i nkow the power of me
i love tat

that i get to choose it and i love that

life always helps me learn

i love that i can always break throught
to the

feeling i can always breathe again
and i love that i get to i love that i get to
i love that i get to feel the oneness with god and know

there’s nothing else i love
remembering that its’ t

the feeling and nothing else
that createse life

therefore i am totally confident in letting
go and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i love that i know this!!

i remember this and i know the truth of this

there’s nothing wrong wiht me!!

i love that i know this!!

there’s nothing wrong with me!!

i am liked!!

i am loved i am appreciated i am

a cool person lol

i never have to wonder i neverr
have to wonder just feel as if it already is

and that is the secret i knowt his
i know this i knwot his

the feeling how i feel how i feel how i feel

is all there is and ther’s a

always a way to feel to feel there’s
always a way to feel good to let it go to release
to tre

return to god to return to

lust for life i love that i
get to feel lust for life

i love the better it gets i love tha t
i love lo

that i love my life i love that i love where i am right now i love that
i get to feel good
where i am right now i love that life

loves me where


i am

i am

i release all of it
all the fea

all of the false narratie

i release false narrative
and embrace the truth of life

embrace the truth of life
i feel for how i want to feel and

i’m brave enough to feel it now
to become it then see it and
i’m becomeing it more and more

every moment i love that i get to choose it
and it works i love that i get to choose
it and it works i love that i know this and i’m
brave enough to create it i love that

i’m brave enough to create it


so grateful to feel at ease
so grateful to remember the truth to have the tools
so grateful to feel
good to feel the relief of making the choice

to feel the relief of being able to say
yes i created that
and now i’m going to create something new

so grateful to know my personal power
and to have the tools to tap into it

to take control of how i feel to feel how i want to feel

so gratful to soak up the last

so gratful to be back to choosing how i want to feel
to be back in the vortex choosing to be here and not

looking for reasons to feel bad in fact
refusing to feel bad and i love that i know thi

is the only work how i feel is the only work
and i’m so grateful to get to do the work i’m

so gratful to get to do the work
to feel the heat
so grateufl to get to feel the heat
so grateful to feel the
flow to fee t

the flow of well being

so grateful to feel the flow of bwel

well being to feel the presence of my pwerson al

personal power so

gratefl i get to feel it
so grateful i get to feel it

so gratefult o feel good to feel me
the power of me to know the power of me

to know the power of me i know the power
of me and i


relax into it
and i know that
i know that the mor ei truth

i tr to

i try to think about the action i need t take
the more i indicate to subconscious

that i dont trust life

i know how it work si know it
i knwo ti

i know its only ever me and i know that
the instant i feel the other way
life shows it to me i love that i know this
i love that i know this
i love that i know this
and i love that i know this

is my only work i know that
this is my ow

only work

feeling good right now is
my only work and im so g

grateful i have the tools i love that
i get to t

to feel good i love that i get to feel good!!!!

feels good to remember who i am what i am

why ia m that i am god i love that i know i am god
and that how i feel is whate

creates life

there’s nothing else

thinking about actions
what did i do
what did they do

doesn’t exist
and is not “real”

the only thing that is real is how i feel
and life always responds to that no matter what

i know that now i know that now
what i wish i knew all the other tims!!!

i know it noww and i’m putting it inco

into action
today i’m doing what i sih

wish i would have done all the other times
i l

i’m letting it go and get out of thew ay

i feel the feeling i know

i kow i have access to it and
there’s both sides of the wave

i get to choose wher ie focus
and i know its so much b

bigger than actions for

or perceptions
and i love that i get to cchoose
to know what i thought before wasn’t true

i was thinking false things
and i don’t have to any more so now
aligned with the truht

its what i look for

change the way you look at things
change the way you look
at things and the things you look at change

i feel good now and i choose it
i choose it i
practice it and the nit’s t

ther ei always have the power to stand up to my thoughts
and choose how

i feel i get to choose i get to choose and
then life creates that i love that i don’t have to care i love

that i don’t have to care
that i get to be here now i love that i know

i already nowi
i already know the truth i know the truth i know the
feeling and my only work

the only action i can take
is to feel for the feeling b
because life always reflects it

life can’t. not.

reflect it

i love that if eel good now
i love that i’m over it i love that

i’ve moved on because i made the choice
to stand up to my thoughts
i made the choice to stand up
to my thoughts

i love that i get to that
i get to feel good now that
i get to celebrate life


i get to feel good now i love htat
i get to choose and i dont have to believe
my whouths

thoughts i love that i dont have to believe

my thoughts i love that i get to choose

it’s a feeling that i’m brave
enought ot

to hold no matter what
and i’m

i know that’s
i know that’s

i know that’s

i know that’s
i know
tha’ts i know that’s

i know that’s

i know i knwo
that’s my work that’s my pwerons
personal pwer

and i get to break the pattern!!

i love that i nkwo i love
that it’s only ever me creating it
i love tha i nkow

it’s only ever me i love

that i know i love that i
get to stand up to my thougths i love tha t
it’s esay i love that
it’s fun i love

that it’s feels good

i love that i get to feel good i love that
life loves me i love that i know it i love that

when i choose the feeling life chooses
to arra

not chooses

life must arrange the atons in

atoms in that way i love that i know the power of me
and i forgot it for a m oment
but now i remember it gai

again i know the power of me and i knwo it s

its only been me this whole time
creating this version
and now i’m creating the one i prefer and tis’ that
easy to change it!!

it’s the feeling

i created the current situation with my feelings
and i can

create my way out of it??

i know that it’s all a feeling and that
i get to choose it i get to choose how i want to
feel i get to choose how i want to feel

i get to choose how i want to feel
i get to choose how i want to feel i
get to choose the feeling the flow
the god self i get to choose teh

god self i get to choose teh god self

i have to stand up to my thoughts
i have to stand up to my thoughts
the thoughts lead to feelings and the
feelings lead to creations so i simply must

find a way

to stand up to my thoughts i have to find a way
because i keep creating
what i dont want

i can just accept god is
on my side and say thank you f

for everything that is
i can say thank you to

everything that is

i love that i don’t have to care

and life helps me do it i love that
i ccan let it go

and focus on me on how i wnat to feel
on how i would like to feel and i never have to
consider the actions of others when i’m choosing how it ofee

to feel i love that ig et to feel good today
that i get to love myself today and i
the contrast
helps me focus on me on my life on my

experience and i love that i get to choose the focus and i love
i know that i’ve beeen here before

i acn just drop it

i love that i can just drop it i love that
i just did and today i get ot feel good
about me i get to feel good about the flow
flowing i get to feel good about life
i get to feel good

about life i get to feel good about life
i get to feel good about life i get

to feel good about life
i get to

feel good about life
i get to feel

i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to feel the flow
get to feel good get to feel the
flow the flow of life the flow
of well being and kow

that i m i am the one and only creator of my life
experience i love that i am i love that i know i am
i love that i get to feel the feeling of it
that i get ot play

play god not only do i get to play god
but i nowa i am god
and i get to choose wth the feeling

yes its a challenge

to feel the way
you want to feel as if it already is

but its also pretty asy


no action
only feeling no action only
feeling no action

only feeling
and i love that i get to choose it
that i get to feel it now that
i get to choosee lif etha t
i get to choose life