i know the feeling i need to feel

i know the feeling is always the connection with god
the knowing of god not caring about how anything plays out
and just trusting in god and i’m so grateful
to god for showing me this

life is only ever a feeling and it alwaYs reflects the
feeling no matter what it is
and i

own up to how i’ve been feeling

i know i put something there
i put up a wall and i can

just as easily remove it

feel that there never was a wall there

i know that life is just a reflection
and i’ grateful to the contrast for helping
me the crea

create the version i prefer i know that

this is the pattern i’m seeing it play out
and i’m always eeing

seeing myself jump right back into it
and i can also see how easy it is

to feel a different way to choose a

different signal and i love that it’s
that easy i lovee that it’s easy to feel
a different way and it gets wa

easier with practice i love that
ig et to choose nd then life
reflects i love that its that

simple its just that simple

its just atht

that simple and i know that!!

i trust it and and i alow it i l

allow the feeling

i wouldn’t want to be accepted
i look forward to ruining my reputation!!!

i love that i kow the feeling and i choose it for me
and i love that life is helping me i know that i created this
and i

get to feel the feeling of the resolution
the other side of the wave i get to choose the other
side of the wave

which is not caring one little bit or even
thinking about it at all and i love that i have

the pwoer to do that i love that
i have the poewr to do that

to feel the feeling i wnat to feel right now
which i know n

now know

is the feeling of not caring i love that
get to choose the feeling of not caring

i love that i get to do this work
that i get to do this work and this work

is just always remembering that the
feeling is teh sec

the secret i am aware i am
that my feelings create my reality
and so no ma

amount of trying can overcome that
i love that i know thid
i love that i get to choose the
feeling th

that the contrast helps me focus on the
feeling the feeling of knowing the
feeling nof not

caring the feeling of not caring about it
because i’m refusing to suffer!!!

yes i know the feeling and i can choose it i love th
that i dont even have to think about that i ll

love that i get to choose where i place my focus

i love that i kow the feeling
and life helps me do the work i want to do
the real work the feeling work life

helps me do the feeling work i know
i know it’s the feeling creating it
and i know i

iii have the power to feel for
the version i prefer i know that i et
get to choose the feeling t

and that’s all there is

there’s no figuring it out
its all right ther e
i m ean its all so obvious its

all so ovbious

obvioius its the feeling and
i get to create it i know that i get to choose

i am confident
i am knowing i am

i am secure in my life and who i am
i am one who loves i am one

who refuses to suffer

i am one who love

i am one who love

i am one who loves and i can’t let anything
rob me of that i’m acutally

happy because i’m seeing that life
reflects the feeling life reflects the
feeling no matter what it is!!

even if its what you dont want!!

i love that i knwo this and i
get to chooe it that
the only thing that can change is how i feel

i love htat i know this that i get
to choose i love that i get to choose that
i love that

i get to choose teh feeling and
helps me fo it
i love that i get to choose the
feeling and life

helps me do it

its been me this whole time because life only reflects me!!

and just as easily
i can change how i feel about it
its easy to choose how you
look at things how i care

create them and i love that i get to its just
so easy i lvoe that it sjust

so easy to choose how i feel i love that its
easy to choose how if eel becaue

i know that life is always showing me


i love that i knwo that i love that i
get to choose to feel good i love tia t

that i know it only ever reflects me and i love that
i get to choose teh ev

the energy of how i want to feel
that i get to choose

to refuse
to suffer i lovee that i knwo ti love tha t

i get to act out the version i prefer
i know ive just been creating what i didn’t want

but i can let the go

i don thave to create anything

just be and trust

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich onmi present substance of the

this all providings ource
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

it’s all created

with the feeling it’s all created with the feeling
it’s all the feeling it’s all

it’s all the feeling it’s the feeling it’s all created
it’s all
created with the feeling and i love that i know that
and from that standpoint i can agree that life
is reflecting the feeling

i create it with the feeling so
i get to chosoe i get to choose i get to choose
how i want to feel right now i get to choose

how i feel right now i get to choose how
i feel right now i love that
i get to i love that i
get to choose how i feel and that i am aware
i am aware
i am aware i am aware

that life follows the feeling that
life follows the feeling

i know that life can’t choose it can only follow the feeling
and i know i am god so create something new

just use the feeling i had it
and then


where did it go
i’m so perplexed!!


never been more perplexed

i know i know it’s easy to choose it’s easy to create
with the feeling so just choose it just
accept that life can only ever reflect the
feeling so i have to

if i want to see what i want i have
to feel how i want first i lovet hat i know thiss
and tha ti have the kills to

skills to do it i love that i can let it go
i love that i dont have to care that i enver h

never have to try that i never can try
that i enver

never can try?

i’ve let it go forever i’ve let it go forever
and i’m doing me because i don’t have to car ei love that

i love that i don’t havet o c

to i love that i can do the only work
do the owrk of feeling how i want to feel
anc athen

and then allowing life to fill in the rest
and i knwo i know that

i know that i never have to figure it out
i never have to try and i know that when life

life is always on my side and i can just say
thank you to everything that is

i can just say thank you
to everything that is

whatever it is its not my problem
and i refuse to think about it re

i refuse to care if that’s how they weant to be

then ok dodged that bullet lol

which is really true so whatever
i dont have to care i can just
enjoy life right now!!

i know that the feeling creates
so i have to let go of the feeling of what i don’t want and choose the
feeling id o want i liove that i can
choose to lfe tit

let it go i love that i can c

choose to let it go i love that i can choose
to let it go i love that i knwo i love that
i know i’m creating it and i know tha ti am
seeing evidence of my feelings

i know that and i know that i get to choose
how i feel adn that’s

it’s easy to i’ll just create the other version and
allow the atoms to

arrange themselves that’s all i can do

and i’m good at it i know how
to trust the universe

i know how to trust the universe

i love that i have to power to not care
and that is my power

why suffer why suffer why suffer

and i’ve sppent
spent WAY too much time thinking about this way too mch

much energy so i’m
now i’m jsut devoted to me to om
my own life to how i feel and
the conrast

contrast helps me do that hte
contrast heps me do that

helps me do that helps me do that the
contrast helps me

i love that i know tis only me
its a way to us

i ilove that its up to me to care and i dont
have to care i don thave to care
i don thave

have to care i dont have to
care i dont have to care i

why suffer why suffer why suffer i
i now i didn tdo anything worng

i can only be me i can only be me
and i stand by it i stand by hwo i a
who i am
all the faces of me and i don tcare

if they dont like me
or i sdid

did something so hoorible
oh wellw

why suffer why suffer
why suffer why


i love that i feel the feeling comeing back
that i get to choose how i feel ad n

and no matter what
i can refuse to suffer
it snot affec

its not affecting me right now its now
affecting me right now i know that i get to

i get to choose to let it go and just accept it
it just is it just is i know that

i know that all of life is created with the
feeling the feeling life
is created with the feeling the feeling
all of life is created with the feelign

i’ve already spent too much time thinking
about it so i’m over it i’m over it

i’m over it i dont have to care
i dont have to think about it
i can just choose to feel good like who could care

and its a chance to do the work the reall work
and let go and create the

with the feeling cho
to choose me and not care what other peopl ethink
i love that i dont have to care

that i cana lways act with love that i awlways will
i love that i don thave to care i lov etha ti

ii love that i dont have to care
and tha’ts awhst

what the work is helping me do
i love that i know its all me its only
ever me i love that i know tis

only ever me i get to feel good

i get to feel how i want to feel no matter what
and i love that i know that is the truth

that it’s only ever me and it
can only reflect me

i love that i dont have to care

i love that i feel good i love that i feel energized by life i love that i
feel the flow flowing i love that i get to do whatever iw ant that
i get to enjoy this day that i get to feelfl

blissful in this day i get to allow life
to flow through me in this day get to celebrate this day
this moment expanding to fill this moment

this is teho nly w

the only work the only path to true satisfaction
is to now the
know teh t
the truth of life right now to relax into the flow right now
to relax into life right now

i get to have fun i get to celebrate life right now
i get to feel the flow right now i get to

feel good right now i get to geel

feel good right now feel good right now
feel good right i get to feel the god self the love self
i get to feel the love flowing through me knowign that
theo nly

the only work is how i feel focu on feeling good and that
that’s all i can do is feel te w

the wish fulfilled

feel the sih fulfileed
feel the wish fulfilled
i love that i get to i love tha t
i get to feel the

i get to feel god what it feels like to be god and i can
look at all things with love because i know they are all me

and they are all god

this is the only work feeling good and enjoying life is all ther
is it is the only work and i get to

feel it right now i get to feel life
right now get to enjoy this day
right now just like its my virt

birthday i love that i get to feel the
feeling of life and know that

feeling the feeling is all i can

so grateful the rent is paid!
the bills are paid!

we have more than enough!
it comes from every angle!

its alway flowing!
its always going our way!

so grateful for so much love!!

so grateful for love
for the feeling flowing through me
so grateful for the feeling of life

love to feel the feeling know
now and know that it already is so grateful for the time and space to do this work the only work that matters

gratefl for the time and sapce space to do my work

so grateful i love my work and i get to live
as an artist i love that i know i already am

a working artist!!

i already am!

i love that i know that i love that i know my dream already is
i love that i know this is the only work because its the feeling work
and the feelings are what create

i feel good i feel good i feel at peace in my life
i feel the ease and flow of life i feel the ease and flow of life

i feel at peace in ths moment i feel
at peace in this moment i feel

i am relaxed in this moment
i am totally fulfilled in this moment i am

totally fulfilled in this moment i am
totally fufl


i feel totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled

i am in the vortex of creation
allowing the

radiation of creative energy to
easily and effortlessly pour forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow ia mnow

i am now aware i am now in the flow i am now aware i am now in the f

i am now aware i am now in the flwo
i am now ware
aware i am now in the flow

i love that i get to choose how i feel that i get to choose

to love the day i get to choose to love ths day
to jump into this day this rainbow pool of fun!

i get to choose it i get to jump into it i get to love it i get
to celebrate it for me i love that i still get to choose
ho i feel i love that ig et to celebrate this day fully!!

i love that there’s nothing to dread i love that there’s nothing to dread i love that there’s nothing to dread

i love that i get to celebrate the day
i love that ti’s so early

i love that thtere’s
there’s so much to celebrate li

i love that i know life is celebrating me right now!

i love that i kw life
i know life is celebrating me right now
i know that life is celebrating me right now

i know that life is celebrating me right now
i know that life is celebrating me

right now i love that i know that i love
that i nko life
i nkow life

loves me

i lofe that get i
get to feel this feeling this feeling
of knowing that life is on my side this feeling
of ceartin


certainty that no matter how i feel, tha’ts waht i’m createing

always creating with how i feel and
my only job or my only work is to feel good

is to feel first

feel the feeling i want to feel

feel the feeling of the wish already being fulfilled

and i get to choose it right now
knowing that the wish
is already fulfille

grateful to feel the feeling grateful to catch a wind

grateful to catch a wind

grateful to catch a wind
gratefl to feel good to feel good
to feel good to
feel good to feel good

to know i’m allowed to choose it and then feel it
to know it to know the feeling so grateful to know

the feeling teh feeling
the feeling so grateful
to know the feeling to

to feel focused o choose it and then it is
so grateful to choose it and then it is

so gratefult o see it

knowing there’s only right now and that god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualzed as me
the reality of me

i get to choose the feeling now and
i’m always awarae i’m

always aware of the flow
the feeling i’m alway aware of the feeling the
feeling of the flow

feeling of the flow
the feeling of the flow

the feeling of god right here with me and know
that is all that matters

jusst get right back to the feeling
of the truth and nknow that feeling

create everything
its all so simple
its all so simple

just feel the way you want to feel
and life mut re

must respond

nothing else is real nothing is real
on ly

only how you feel and i love that i know this
i love that i

i love that i am always creating with my thoughsg

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

thi all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent subsstance of the universe

this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me the
reality of me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance the rich omnipresent
substance of teh universe
this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish



the rich omniprsent
substance of the univsersse

thi all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i know i create with the feeling
and its just easy to let go of
everyth;ing and just trust god

to tally g

totally get out of thw ay i love that
i never have

ever have to worry i never
ever have to worry becaue i know that life
always follows the feeling and i
have the tools to always return to the feeling of god

so i never have to live in fear because i know the
secret to life i know the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
mt divine

i am now aware

i am now i the flow

i love that i get to feel it
i love that i have access to it i love that i know tisl


always here i love that i knwo i am the
one making my life i get to act out
the version i prefer and i love that i know this
i i

i love that i know ths that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose teh feeling
of celebrating life i love live i love

that i get to feel this feelign i

love that i get to feel this feeling i love that i
get to feel good get to
celebrate life right now!!!

get to celebrate life

right now!

god is lavish

unfailing abundance
the rich omniprosent

substancce of the universe

this all providing

all providing
all providing source

of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i know this i knwo this

i feel it i feel the truth of it i feel

teh fee

the fun of life flowing through me
i feel the celebration of life the truth of life
i feel the truth of life

ifeel god flowing through me
so grteful to feel god to
feel the certainty of god so

gratefl to

to feel the certainty of god
so grateful to feel the certainty of god



and i stand behind that knowledge
i know what a

who and what i am i know that
i am god and thre’s not

nothing more valuable than that
so grateflt o finally be learning so
much about myself and os

so grateful life helps me learn

so gratefl to be aware that its my
own insecurities!!!

i love that i know thsi and i get to
choose to learn how to not be insecure

i love that i get to choose this i love tha t
i get to cho

do this work the feeling work aware that it’s only ever the
feeling and i get to make the choice
to feel confident again!!

to love msyelf again to know i am the god self
gain i love that i get to choose to love msyelf

to stand behind it
to love me the way god loves me

grateful to remember life to come
back to life to know the feeling of life

to know for sute that

sure that the feeling always comes fisrt
the feeling always comes firstr
and its so fucn to remember that
to remember that the feeling is hte

the only work ad t

and that i get to choose teh feeling
i get to choose teh feeling right now
and then it already is

becase life

life doesen’t have a choice

i amke the

make the choice and then life
follows but life

doesn’t have a choice

back to fully crushing it
back to remember who i am what i am

not only am i god but also
god loves me
and all of life loves me and
is conspiriting


in my favor
all o flife is in my favor

of life is in my favor i love that
i know that

this that i neve rhave to
have to wonder

i never have to wonder guce

because i know i know the secret to life
so i never have to wonder

sor giht

right now i’m done checking for evidence
and i love that it

always comes i love that it
always comes

i’m back to fully crushing it and
it feels so good i’m back to fully crushing it and i
it feels so good and i know

ti’s just a feeling i knwo its

just a feeling i know that all of life
is the feeling and life only reflects me

how i feel i create everything with how i feel and i am

i know this i know this i know this

i create with how i feel
and the only work

is figuring out how to feel the way tyou

you want to feel right now
the only work is

the only challenge is feeling the way
you want to feel right now
and when your emember that you’re always

creating with how you feel
its’ easy to just feel how you wnat to

to feel the feleing of it already being
that’s all i can ever do
is feel the feeling of it already being so

that’s all i can and i know this is the only work
i love that i have so much to celebrate right now

that i can already feel that is so
and i know that feeling

it’s the releasing of all resistance
of false beliefs of mad up narratives and tak

taking back the narrative
i get to take back the narrative
and when i accept it as something

that i already have it doesn’t seem like
such a big deal

becaues i already have it alreayd
have it and that’s all i can that’s all
i can do is feel the feelin i want to feel

just do the work

and feel the feeling you want to feel
because that is all there is
the work is all there is the feeling
is all there is and right now
is the only time to feel good

right now is the time to feel good
right now is the only time to feel good
right now is the only time

to enjoy life so grateful to enjoy life
in this here and now to feel good in this here and now
to feel the flow to feel love to know the feeling
to return to the feeling
right now is the only time to return to the feeling
and enjoy the energy of the here and now
i can only ever feel it right now i can only ever feel the feeling right now

i can only ever feel the feeling right now i can
only ever feeling the feeling right now i an

i can only ever feel the feeling right now the flow

right now i love that i get to feel it i love

i can only feel good right now i can
only feel the flow right now i can only feel the

magick right now i can only see the miracles right now
i feel the flow i feel the magick of me i celebrate this right now i feel
the flow of this right now

the flow of this right now

the flow of this tim

this right now this right now i feel
good i feel good in this right now i feel the
feel the magick of ths

this right now i know the flow i know the feeling
and i know tis only ever me i know tis only

ever me

so grateful for this day
for this staycation for this beautiful breeze
for the feeling of me so grateful the contrast helps me choose teh
feeling of me
so grateful to

the feeling of me

the feeling of me the feeling of god
choosing teh feeling of god and choosing to

celebrate life!

it feels so good to celebrate life
to celebrate the flow to celebrate the magick of this her eand now

thankyou for this moment ahtnk yo
for the feeling and ready to get back to the
feeling ready to get into the
feeling ready to get into the

ready to feel the feeling right now
ready to feel the feeling right now
and don’t need anything

don’t have to allow anyting to get in the way
because id rather

feel the feeling

id rather feel the feeling right now
id rather feel the feelign right now

i get to feel the feeling now i want to
feel the feeling i would rather
feel good than bad so i’m going to make the choice to
feel good
i would rather feeel good than bad!

i would rather feel good than bad
i would rather feel good than gad

so i’m going to feel good i amke the
choice to feel good i make the choice
to feel good

i feel the feeling right now
i’m back to the feeling i know i manifested this
i know i wanted this feeling and i’m

so grateful for how much this feeling helps me
focus helps me
realize what i

really want helps me realize

what i really want and that’s to feel
and ceratin about my life

letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all suffficiency in my

life and affairs

as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i love that i get to i love that
i get to relax into life i love tha t
i get to relax into life i love that
i can always return to the feeling i love

the in and the out i love that i know

we’ll never be poor again

i love that i get to create with how i feel!!

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life
get to celebrate this moment!

saying yes to the flow
feeling the god self and not looking outside
of me for validation
or reasons to feel good

or trying to figure it out or solve it
just feeling good and trusting the flow trut

trusting the flow is all i ccan do

trusting the flow is
all i can do trusting the flow
is all i can

i can feel that feeling now i can feel good now
if eel the god self right now and i know that’s

all ther eis i know i am always creating with ow i
how i feel and when i’m trying to figure stuff out

i feel tight and that
creates more tightness

i love that i know this and i love
seeing the evidence of it in everything i love t
aht i get to choose to feel good
that i get to choose to feel good i love that
life is good and i know

that life love sme i love tha t
i know the secret to life

i know the secret to life
i know tha t

all of life
is created with a feeling
and life can only reflect the feeling
no matter what it is

life reflects it so even if
i dont want to feel this way
if i want to feel different

it doesn’t matter

i have to feel the way i want to feel
and then life will follow and i knwo this

for a fact i know this

is all there is

the feeling is here and now i can only
ever feel the feeling here and now
i can ‘

i can’t need the thing to feel the
feeling i must feel the feeling then i see the
thing and i know this is life i know this

is how its done
i know this is how it works
and no matter what i have to admit
that this

is all there is i know it can only
reflect the feeling of me
the lightness of me

the knowing of me the feeling of me
the letting og
go of me
the god

of me it can only reflect the level of
god within me and when i choose god i dont

need anything else

i am aware

i am aware of the feeling i’m projecting and i know
i never have to do that and actually its only the
feeling of knowing that
can bring to me what i already know i have

it’s only ever me

and i know that i know that
and i’ve seen such obvious
evidence of it everywhere

i love that i know it’s only
ever me and that i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose how i feel i get

it’s my own insecurities!!

that’s all!!

and i’m grateful to life
for helping me address that

one of my fatal flaws lol
and it’s so fun to make the choice
to be confident instead

confidence in god and the flow
of life always means confidence in the self
and the unfolding of things
so grateful to feel
confident in life and the unfolding of things

as they will so grateful to feel
good for me to get to feel the feeling for
me so grateful to get to choose

how i want to feel

so grateful for the clarity of knwoing that
that it’s only me and this is a pattern

so grateful to be aware of the pattern
and break it

flip the switch

into the feeling into the feeling
creating with the feeling and i love
that i get to i love that i get to i love that
i get to i love that i
get to i love that
i get to

feel good i get to feel good i get to feel
good flip the switch to feeling good i get to
flip the switch to feeling

good i get to flip the switch
to feeling good i get to flip the swithc
to feleing good

so grateful i know


i found the secret to life and can relax
in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation
of creative energy which is continuously easly
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which
is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth

from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i’m hre i’m here releasing
and tuning to center

i’m releasing the tention
of wondering and

feeling for the center of this moent
expanding into htis
this moment blessing thsi

blessing this moment it feels so good
to feel this moment to bless ths
this moment it feels so good to bless this moemnt

celebrating the work the flow
the feeling of the flow the feeling of knowing
of saying yes

now dont go right back to where you
were before wtf


but its all in a days fun its all in the
fun of the flow its all of the fun
in the fun of the flow
so grateful for the flow

so gratefl for the flow the feeling of the flow

so grateful to feel the flow
to know the flow to know the felow

to celebrate to remember the other side of the
wave that id i

that i did the work and then it came it always
does it always does it always does it always always

always does

thank you thank you for this moment
this here and now this flow this feeling

this feeling this feeling
feeling this feeling

this feeling this flow this
feeling this center this knowing

so grateful for the knowing so grateful
to feel good to feel good now to know

that the feeling creates life and nothing can stop it

the feeling creatrese life

creates life and nothing can stop it i love that i knowt hat
i love that i know that i love

i love that i know i

and that is the only wrk this
is the only work the feeling is the only work
the tuning is the only work the

celebrating life is the only work i love that there
is so much to celebrate

i am tuned in tapped in turned on and i know the secret to life i know
the feeling of me i know the
feeling of me i know the

thank you thank you thank you
thank you

for this feeling for the easee
and flow of life thank you for the

ease and flow of life i know the feeling of yes
i know the feeling of making the choice

i lift up my my mind
and heart

to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence i am
is the source and substnce of

all my bgood

thank you for the knowledge for the feeling thank you
for the feeling thankyou

for the feeling the
feeling thank you for the feeling thank you

for the feeling of the knowledge

when i am aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow.

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am on the bus i loe th
i love that the work always works i love that the
evidence is always there i love that
i let it go and it came to me i love tha t
i get to choose how i feel i get to
choose how i feel i love that
i get to choose

how i feel i love that i get to choose
how i feel

i know that the work always works i love
that i get to tune myself to the vibration of celebration
that i get to tune to it and then
life creates itself around it

i feel the fullness of life i fee

i feel the focus i feel the focus
i am aware of how i feela dn

and aware when the focus is scattered
when i’m thinking about

or thinking feelingingly
about what i don’t want
i am aware and i know my power
is to be aware of what i do wnat

and to feel as if it already is

to know that as soon as the bor
desire is born
the outcome already exists

i love that i know this and
i never have to ret

fret i never have to wonder i never

have to worry

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling of knowing
feel the feeling of celebrating life

and just keep coming back to the feeling
knowing its the
feeling knowing

its the feeling knwoing

knowing its the feeling knowing th

its the feeling its the
feeling knowing

its the feeling knowing
i have the feeling the feeling

of total fulfillment

when i am ware of the god self within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secer to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the activity
of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life.

i’m here toremember
to remember the truth fullyi’m
here to remember to feel
i’m here
to feel the truth

i’m here to remember what i am
that i am the one and only creator

i kno wthat i am the one and only creator
and i create with how i feel i know that

i know that i know that i am

i know that it only reflects me
i know that

life only reflects me

i know that its only ever me and i love that
i know that i love that i know that

i love that i know that

thank you thank you

love that i know myself know this
work now
know the feeling know the only focus is
this work and can
find gratitude
in the time and space to do my work the
time and space

to do my work this work
so grateful to get to d othis work
to kow t
to know my power to take my power back and return it to the
center of me the feeling of me knowing that the
feeling is all there is
i know that
the feeling is
all there is

so i choose the feeling
because that’s all i can ever do that’s all i can
ever do
that’s all i can ever do

the feeling is all there is and i loe ht
that life helps me learn i know that i created thiss
feeling by feeling it and an

and i can just as easily create a new feeling

by feeling that one and i know that is the secret to life
i know that people
don’t exist

only feelings

people don’t exists

i love that i know this and i have for a long time
i love that i get to live my life this way i love that
i kno all of life is created with a feeling i love
that i know all of life is created with a feeling

i love that i know what tahat feeling is i love that i know this
is the only work and
everything else comes in the flow
with the horses

i love that i feel the tuned self i love that
i feel the tuned self and remember that
i don’thave

have to give any attention to anything i don’t want
i love that i get to choose the feeling i want to feel i get
to choose the feeling iw ant to feel i get
to choose the feeling i want to feel

i get to choose the feeling i want to
feel i choose it now i love that i
get to let the rest go and know
for certain this is how to create life
i love that i know this
for sure i love that i feel the feeling of it
i love that i can always just create with the
feeling ath

and that is my power

i love

i feel


i feel loved and appreciated

i feel relief
i love

i feel love that’s all it
really comes back to and its the easiest

i feel love i feel ease and flow
i feel ease and flow i feel

ease and flow i act out the version i prefer

i feel certainty

i feel confidence

i feel confidence

i feel knowing i feel the god self i feel as god would
i gitve

give in to life in the same way god would

i feel as god would i feel

i am
i am i am

i am self assured i am confident
i am knowing i am

in my power i am on the bus

i am on the bus i am on he bus
and i know this
is the only work and the better it gets i lov ethat
i know the better it gets and i get to keep allowing it
i love that i know the better it gets

it is itis

i love that our work is wildly popular and ever more so

our work is wildly popular and ever more so

we went to a prestigous university

the feeling i know the truth and i know its jusst

virus haha and i love that i know how to focus
on what i want more of

and then i see that

so grateful the rent is paid!

so grateful the bills are paid!!

for months!!

so grateful we have more than enough we
always have more than enough

so greateful

grateful i am totally fulfilled i know the
feeling i know my job is not to figure it out
its just to find a way to feel good its just

away to feel good that’s it that’s the only work
i can refuse to feel bad and i can refuse to wonder and worry
and i love that the contrast th

helps me do that

i am focused i am the god self

i am totally fulfilled i love that i know ths i love htat
i know this i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulf


i get to choose it first

i am totally fulfilled ans

totally ssat


the contrast helps me focus
helps me realize i dont care

helps me be
grateful for what i do have
grateful for what i do have

so grateful for what i do have

for what i do have so grateful for what i do have
so grateful for what i do have

so grateful for what i do have
for what i do have so grateful for what i do have

so grateful for what i do have
grateful this helps me do the work

of remembering how easy it is to feel good
and the trick is remember

i’m always creativing

i’m always creating now matter how i feel
i’m impressing that feeling
and the subconscious takes as truth however i feel
i love that i know that
and i love that i get to practice feeling good about aht

that is the nly only work
i’m always creating i’m always

creating i’m always creating
no matter how i feel i’m creating more it

no matter how i feel
im creating more of it

no matter how i feel im creating more of it

i’m creating now matter how i feel

i love that i know this
and its so easy to choose how i want to feel

and that’s love and life helps me do that
life helps me do that and

all i can do is say thank you
all i an do

can do is feel for the version i want i know this
i know this andt

this work helps me do it
and i know its not that thing that i think
is missing

i know its god

god is missing and what i think i
can find outside of me i know is
always inside of me i know this for sure

and i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to learn from life i l

i love that i know i lov ethat
i know

how to make certain choices

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i love that i know this i love that
i feel it i say yes to it i feel it i say yes to it

i love that i am totally fulfilled i love tha t
life is so good for me i love that

the better it gets i love that its all
about how i feel right now
i know that its all about how i feel right now

its not about figuring it out


its all about the feeling so find a way
and usually the way is just not

analyzing it and letting god take the wheel

and really is this what i want
to give my energy to?!?!

no it isn’t!!

i want to give my energy to celebrating my life!!

i’m so glad i’m wa

aware so grateful to get to do this work
to get to do this work to get to do

this work the feeling work the feeling the feeling
work the feeling work is all there is

i’m always creating with the feeling
no matter how i feel